The influence of alcohol on family relationships. Alcoholism in the family what to do. What's going on? Why alcohol is the attractive force before which a person’s willpower gives in

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Saved the family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha hasn’t drunk for a year now. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a lot of remedies over these long 7 years when he started drinking. But we made it through, and all thanks to...

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The future health of the child is laid down during the formation of the germ cells of his parents. Health is also affected by intrauterine development and childbirth. What habits his parents adhere to, how they behave during pregnancy and childbirth, leaves an imprint on the entire future life of a person.

It's no secret what a negative impact tobacco and alcohol have on a child's health. Wine alcohols affect the reproductive cells of the parents, the condition of the fetus and cause sick and weak offspring. And yet there is a possibility that the child will be born healthy. However, in this case, the environment will leave its mark on its further development. A child who is brought up in an unhealthy and traumatic environment is doomed to many psychological problems in the future, which will prevent him from living a full life. Parental drunkenness never goes away without leaving a trace, it traumatizes either health, or psyche, or both. Thus, the child’s health is affected by two main factors: socio-psychological and biological.

Alcohol can destroy a person’s health and psyche at any stage of development. This toxic substance causes many irreversible disorders in the body and cripples a person. And if adult alcoholics doom themselves to such an existence, then what are their children to blame for? Let's consider such current problems as diseases of the offspring of alcohol-dependent parents and the future life of children of chronic alcoholics.

Even many centuries ago, when medicine had not achieved the same results as it does now, the famous scientist Hippocrates wrote that drunkenness is the cause of sickness and weakness in children. And he was absolutely right. Nowadays, when studied in detail, many negative consequences of alcoholism are revealed that manifest themselves in their children. The harmful effects of alcohol on the body and its toxic effects are difficult to underestimate. In fact, alcohol can ruin a child's entire life.

Many studies show that family alcoholism has the most detrimental effect on a child. Most scientists even consider alcoholism to be a family disease. The famous American researcher Goodwin, who devoted his life to the study of alcoholism, argued that, despite the familial nature of alcoholism, it still cannot be considered a hereditary disease. Most often, alcoholism is not caused by heredity, but by improper upbringing in the family.

The negative impact on the child begins with the connection of a drunken sperm and a drunken egg during the formation of the fetus. And if the father participates only in conception, then the mother carries the child for all 9 months. Therefore, it is bad for the health of the unborn child when his father drinks, but the mother’s drunkenness is a hundred times worse. For example, it has already been proven that every sixth child conceived while drunk is born dead. In Brazil there is even a special definition - “children of the carnival”. This phenomenon is also found in ancient mythology: the only defective and ugly god of Olympus, Hephaestus, was conceived by Zeus in a drunken state.

It has been proven that a drinking mother cannot give birth to a healthy child. In the 20th century, a number of experiments were carried out: more than 3 thousand women who were treated in hospitals for chronic alcoholism were subjected to various health studies. The results were disappointing:

  • 795 women examined were diagnosed with menopause prematurely;
  • 545 of them suffered from menstrual irregularities;
  • approximately 400 patients were diagnosed with various cardiovascular diseases;
  • 319 women had diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • 328 women were diagnosed with liver disease and approximately the same number suffered from diseases of the genitourinary system.

Thus, more than 80 percent of the women studied suffered from various diseases and somatic disorders. It is obvious that such women cannot have full-fledged offspring and become good mothers. And this is taking into account that they studied the health of women of childbearing age. About half of them began drinking regularly at the age of 20, while the rest suffered from alcoholism since childhood and acquired this dependence from their drinking relatives.

Despite the fact that the direct inheritance of alcoholism has not yet been proven, the majority of children in drinking families exhibit various abnormalities and pathologies. These deviations in the development of children are not only dangerous to health, but can also contribute to the emergence of alcohol addiction in the future. This is the result of pathologies of the central nervous system, which manifest themselves in mood instability, increased irritability and short temper, and emotional instability. If a child who was born into a drinking family tries alcohol, it will be difficult for him to give it up, because it improves his constantly bad mood and well-being, and helps him forget about problems.

The situation is no better with mentally handicapped children, who are often born into such families. By nature, they are very susceptible to outside influence, easily obey the opinions of others, and do not have “brakes.” Such children quickly fall under the negative influence of companies in the yard, start drinking and smoking early in order to be like everyone else and not be different, and become real alcoholics.

Mothers who suffer from often give birth to children with more serious disorders of the central nervous system: seizures, epilepsy.

Extensive research was carried out back in the 19th century by the French psychiatrist Morel. He studied 4 generations of hereditary alcoholics and came to the conclusion that alcohol is the cause of the degeneration of the family. Already in the first generation of the drinking family, there was a significant decline in morals, and already in the fourth generation, children suffered from mental retardation and other pathologies.

Effect of alcohol on infants

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about a new natural remedy Alcolock, which turned out to be incredibly effective, and also participates in the federal Healthy Nation program, thanks to which until July 24.(inclusive) the product can be obtained FOR FREE!

The effect of alcohol on a child is many times greater and more dangerous than on an adult. Alcoholism at an early age develops faster and has more severe consequences. And the sooner a child becomes addicted to alcoholic beverages, the worse it will be. Alcoholism can appear even in infancy and is transmitted through the milk of a drinking mother. Moreover, some mothers who do not suffer from alcoholism, due to their ignorance, can give their child alcohol with food to make him calmer. For example, in the past infants were given bread crumbs soaked in beer, as it had a calming and soporific effect on the child.

Very young children are so susceptible to alcohol that it can even enter their bodies through the skin. In medicine, there are cases where a small child was given compresses and rubdowns with alcohol, and as a result he suffered from severe pain.

At school age, children of alcoholics experience increased fatigue, frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, night terrors and nightmares. They are fearful, constantly tense, emotionally unstable, and often in a bad mood. Many children suffer from physical disabilities. Children from drinking families find it difficult to concentrate on one thing; they often suffer from dementia of varying severity. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to study, communicate with peers and live a normal life.

Children of alcoholics are often conflict-ridden, stubborn, uncooperative, and prone to inappropriate behavior. It is not uncommon for them to leave home at an early age, start drinking alcohol early and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

The appearance of early alcoholism is also influenced by the family situation. They are constantly present and see their parents drinking alcohol. Thus, consciously and unconsciously, a child becomes accustomed to alcoholism and perceives it not as a bad habit or disease, but as a normal phenomenon, sometimes even necessary for life. A child, observing the behavior of his parents, who are the most dear people to him, begins to perceive their behavior as a standard, inherits and imitates their way of life. It is not surprising that in such families children often experience early alcoholism, and it is the mother or father who gives them the first drink.

Often in such dysfunctional families, the child is poorly nourished and does not receive enough vitamins that are needed for his full development. As a result, he cannot fully develop, his immunity decreases, and infectious diseases often occur.

Parental alcoholism and its impact on children

Parents are always pleased to notice their own “I” in the behavior of their children: well, the spitting image of dad (or mom, depending on the situation). “Tracing” in the behavior of children of drinking parents is not always a reason for joy.

Parental alcoholism often has a direct impact on children, and they suffer from it more than adults.

The impaired psychological development of children requires the intervention of elders, since psychological “distortions” in childhood can leave serious consequences for the rest of their lives.

A disturbed psyche keeps a child in constant tension and pushes him to actions that are condemned in society, such as constant lying. Over time, the child notices that he was used as a “stabilizer” that could curb the parent’s appetite for alcohol. But something didn’t work and the “contacts” with the glass only intensified, but the attitude towards the child remained at “zero”. Or, on the contrary, he was pestered with excessive attention.

Thus, alcoholism through the eyes of children represents reality with significant refractions. It is not initially perceived as in adults - a way to relax, to “drench” grief in vodka, etc. Moreover, alcohol directly affects the mental development of a child, which actively manifests itself during school years and remains for life.

Mental retardation, inhibited mental development of children and other consequences of family drinking are too expensive a price to pay for parental alcoholism.

Behavior typical of children in drinking families

It is known that children of alcoholics choose one of the following types of behavior in later life:

  1. "Heroic nature." The child takes on the role of the parent and takes on all the troubles that they cannot cope with. By becoming the master of the house at an early age, a child is deprived of his childhood, which negatively affects his psychological development.
  2. "Having his head in the clouds." Such a child runs away from all problems into an imaginary world, because he is uncomfortable in real life. He does not strive to solve his problems, move, develop. The main thing for him is to hide.
  3. "Extreme". The child suffers from the groundless anger of drunken parents and always remains guilty. This can cause an inferiority complex, guilt, low self-esteem, which has a negative impact in later life.
  4. “I can do anything.” Extremely spoiled children, whose parents, in order to make amends for their guilt, allow them to do whatever they want. It is very difficult for such children to live and communicate with others, since he is not educated, is not familiar with interpersonal etiquette and correct behavior in society.

According to statistics, children in drinking families are very prone to celibacy and drug addiction. It is difficult for such children to get married because they are not prepared for social relationships and overly romanticize marriage. As a result of a dysfunctional atmosphere in the family, the child develops numerous complexes and low self-esteem, which prevents them from adapting in later life. The attempts of a child from a dysfunctional family to hide his problems and live a normal life are like a vicious circle. Only an experienced psychotherapist or psychologist can break it and find a way out. A timely visit to a specialist can correct the situation and help the alcoholic and his children live a full life.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from alcoholism in one way or another.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

If all drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the use was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has given significant results is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all eliminates the craving for alcohol without a hangover. Moreover he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, there is a promotion going on now, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get Alcolock - FOR FREE!

Attention! Cases of sales of counterfeit drug Alcolock have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

The phrase “go for a walk” among adults not so long ago meant only a walk in the fresh air with or without friends in a park or some kind of public garden. Now it has a slightly different meaning. So, “to take a walk” means to get drunk to such a state when all moral principles are completely eclipsed by alcohol and nothing else prevents a person from freeing himself from the framework of morality. People are thus trying to throw off the burden of conventions, looking for that notorious freedom that is nowhere to be found.

The only thing that those who like to “go for a walk” do not take into account is the fact that alcohol is just as dangerous as morphine, cocaine and other drugs. It is addictive and addictive, which is a direct path to another and not so coveted word and human condition as alcoholism or drunkenness. Drunkenness in the family becomes a real nightmare for those family members who have to live and share a home with an alcoholic.

So what's the problem?

Many films, both Soviet and Western, openly promote drinking alcohol not only in company, on a birthday, but also as a substitute for regular water. The phrase “get your throat wet” has become famous, heard in Western films, which means not just to quench your thirst, but to drink something strong. No one sees a problem with drinking a glass of whiskey and then going to play baseball or basketball with their son. Between these actions, the directors do not pull the thread of cause and effect, switching the viewer to the next frame, not allowing them to think about the negative consequences of such actions.

But, it would seem, what’s wrong with having a glass or two with your family and going for a walk with your son or going to bed with your wife, because alcoholism and family relationships have a right to life? The whole problem lies in the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body. After all, drinking alcohol affects a person both in the short and long term.

At the moment of alcohol intoxication, all psychomotor reactions in a person weaken, instincts, muscles become relaxed, the person begins to control his movements, actions, words, thoughts less and less.

At a certain point, he stops even remembering what happens to him. Now let’s look at the essence of this problem in the context of each possible member of an average family (let’s take a family in which there live a middle-aged man and woman, as well as one child aged four to seven years).

The impact of drinking in the family on a child

Systematic consumption of alcohol by one of the household members will lead to a negative impact on the child in the following areas of life:

  1. The child will grow up with a clear understanding that alcohol does not harm him, while not connecting it in any way with other consequences due to lack of knowledge and the inability to fully analyze the real state of affairs. This is due to the fact that he is completely dependent on adults and everything that his parents tell him is true from the child’s point of view. Hence early alcoholism in children. After all, parents get drunk, don’t see anything wrong with it, they rejoice at the next binge, but at the same time they forbid their child to have fun in the same way. The child begins to see alcohol as a means of achieving maturity. The sooner the first drinking session occurs in his life, the faster the child will turn into an adult.
  2. Since alcoholism and family cannot exist together, this circumstance often leads to violent quarrels on domestic grounds, which can lead not only to beatings, but also to more serious consequences. A child who sees such a scene may remain psychologically traumatized for life. According to the mildest forecasts, he will be prone to displays of cruelty towards his peers, withdrawn, intimidated.
  3. Frequent drinking creates an image of laxity and disintegration of discipline. Thus, many children slip through their studies without feeling cared for by their father or mother. The result is the inability to even finish school properly, let alone enter university.
  4. Quite often, children fall under the hot hand of drunken parents, receiving not only moral, but also quite tangible physical injuries.
  5. Alcoholism and family require many financial contributions. And when priority is given to the first, the child does not receive the benefits of civilization that his peers from more prosperous families receive. This can cause the child to develop an inferiority complex.
  6. Alcoholism in the family leads to the fact that there is no one or nothing to feed the child. The result is pain and weakness of the child, slow development.

This far from complete list of threats for a child is quite a serious obstacle to his development as a member of society, provides all the prerequisites for the child to sink even lower than his parents and not take the path of a normal human life. It will be difficult for him to communicate with his peers; he will not be able to compete with them on equal terms in terms of physical strength and endurance, and mental development due to his lack of resources.

Differences between men and women in the context of the problem of alcoholism

If one person in the family suffers from alcoholism, the reaction of the second spouse will vary due to their innate psychophysiological and gender differences. So, if a man is a drunkard, then the woman will notice the problem and begin to act earlier. True, the woman will try to solve the problem gradually. At first there will be conversations, hints, jokes about the increasing incidence of indecent behavior of the husband. Later, the woman will start making scandals and quarreling. And only if the problem becomes serious will the woman really act. It may well be that things will end up in hospitalization.

By the way, the standard line of behavior for the average woman, described above, provokes a man to protest behavior. In most cases, the husband will get drunk more often as a reaction to quarrels, injections and unambiguous hints from his wife. And he will do it demonstratively.

A man will notice manifestations of alcoholism in his wife much later, and will begin to act much later. A man will prefer to give time for the situation to resolve itself. But he will fight the problem decisively and try to eliminate it in one fell swoop. What kind of decision this will be - divorce, contacting specialized clinics or asking for the intervention of relatives - depends on the character and temperament of a particular man, as well as his financial capabilities.

It happens that both husband and wife suffer from alcoholism. This is the most dangerous situation. Only the intervention of third parties (parents, friends, caring people, and, in the end, society) can stop such spouses. They themselves will not be able to appreciate the deplorability of the situation. Moreover, in such a family the spouses will encourage each other to fall lower.

What to do in such a situation? There are not many ways to cure a person of alcoholism, but this phenomenon in medical circles has long ago acquired the status of a disease, and not without reason. The main way to combat the problems of alcoholism in the family is the early identification of this very problem. It must be clearly understood that there can be no compromises. First of all, you should set an ultimatum for yourself: alcoholism and family are incompatible.

Dealing with alcoholism problems in the family does not mean that you need to destroy all the alcohol in the house. This definitely won't help. An avid alcoholic will always find a way to get drunk and bring a new batch of booze into the house.

Under no circumstances should you scold your husband or wife every day about her/his current condition. The main task here is to direct the stumbled person to the right path. You cannot turn a serious conversation about the problem of family and alcoholism into playful fun or into a scene of hysteria. Only facts presented soberly, in a calm atmosphere and without unnecessary nerves will help. It is necessary to explain to the person that alcoholism and family are incompatible concepts. One destroys the other.

Psychological side of the issue

Let's try to figure out what drunkenness is from a psychological point of view. A person who indulges in drinking, in addition to creating problems for his family, enjoys it. And not from the effect of alcohol itself. This is a purely chemical component of the issue. When getting drunk, a person often tries to attract attention to himself in this way. A classic situation has become when a woman whose husband is an alcoholic “babysits” him. As soon as her husband gets drunk again, she immediately begins to lament, try to put him to sleep, pick him up from the street, undress him and show him other signs of attention.

When the husband is sober, the wife does not seem to notice him. He begins to think that she has begun to love him less, that he is superfluous in this family. His mind tells him to go get drunk to get away from all his problems. But his subconscious pushes him to another drinking binge precisely because of lack of attention, although alcoholism does not solve family problems. However, one member does this regularly at least initially. It’s then that he can’t live even a day without a bottle.

Therefore, it is precisely at the initial stage, when the matter has not yet become serious, that it is important to give a decisive battle to drunkenness, not by methods of cruel terror, but to try to solve the problem with the help of so-called soft power. It's better to give your significant other more love, help her with everyday tasks, compliment her on her new old hairstyle, ask her husband to fix the outlet, and then praise her for a job well done. And relationships in the family will improve, and the problem of drunkenness will be solved by itself.

Involvement of the other party in the continuation of the problem

Quite often there are cases when one person drinks, and the other seems to be doing everything to stop the first, but all the results are only short-term. What is this connected with?

It's all about our addiction to receiving awards. Human thinking is similar to other animals and is actually not that far removed from them. If a person does something right and others notice it, he gets pleasure, like from soft drugs. Each subsequent time a person wants to get more and more pleasure. Thus, addiction to certain types of pleasure appears. Now let’s look at a specific life situation on a topic such as alcoholism and family.

The person begins to gradually go on a drinking binge. The other half notices this and takes preventive action: condemns the drunkard in every possible way, tries to explain that alcoholism and family are incompatible. And such conversations reach an extreme point, when the victim of an alcoholic decides to temporarily move in with relatives. Naturally, an alcoholic cannot exist on his own. What happens next? And then the alcoholic “gives up” with drinking for a while, becomes exemplary, asks his other half to come back, says compliments, does everything to confirm that his other half is doing everything right, because she is always good, the whole house rests on her. Thus, the victim receives his “reward” in the form of praise, satisfaction and some result. But why is the result short-term?

It's simple. A person who seemed to be suffering from an alcoholic no longer receives those same “rewards” for a long time and begins to desperately need them. As a result, sometimes, without even noticing it, victims of alcoholics stimulate them and incite them to a new binge. After which history repeats itself. Such families are not uncommon. They stick to this aspect, even though it is an unhealthy psychological environment. While solving their immediate problem, they do not notice how what is most precious to them – their children – is suffering. Therefore, alcoholism and family need to be placed on different sides of the barricades.

Strategy of behavior towards an alcoholic after the situation has normalized

Having achieved success, that is, having forced a person to stop drinking even for a short time, having made it clear to him/her that alcoholism and family cannot be combined, and having made one really believe in this at least for a while, one can begin the next stage of the struggle - strengthening success.

First of all, you need to forget about the word alcohol in the house. This problem no longer affects the home. Under no circumstances should parties be held where alcoholic beverages are consumed. It is necessary to protect as best as possible a person who has just set foot on the path of correction. It’s better not to even remember the period when a person drank. Naturally, alcohol should be removed from the home if possible.

You should definitely try to occupy all the free time of the former drunkard. This could be some chores, playing with children, or completing an important assignment. We should not forget to note the correct steps a person takes towards correction. You should not support attempts to talk about any entertainment incidents involving drinking alcohol, you need to stop them in every possible way.

They help very well not only to forget the dark period of a family’s life, but also to give a new goal in life, to interest a partner in joint sports activities. It can be absolutely any of the types. The main thing is that the family spends their free time together, so that it is not aimless, but the activity is exciting.

Hiking over long and medium distances especially brings families together. After all, on a hike you will have to show all your skills and become truly useful. Everyone can find something to do here. A man will have to pitch a tent, chop wood, and carry heavy loads. The woman will cook the food. It seemed that all this was being done at home, on the spot. But at home, the role of each member is not obvious, but on a campaign everything happens in plain sight.

Clinical treatment and its risks

Not everyone benefits from hospitalization. After leaving the clinic, people immediately buy booze at the nearest store. Therefore, hospitalization, and indeed any medications, are best left as a last resort.

Naturally, we are not talking about cases of alcohol poisoning. Here it is better to rely on doctors and their methods, without resorting to traditional medicine or the advice of neighbors, friends and relatives, but to immediately call an ambulance.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

Children receive the basis of their education in the family. The family shapes the personality of the future person. Preschool institutions, the school that the child attends, provide only additional touches to the main thing - family education. Children find their closest role model in the family. This is a mother, father, adult brother, sister. Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko, addressing parents, wrote: “Your own behavior is the most important thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, teach him or order him. You raise him at every moment of his life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you treat friends or enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child... And if you are at home are rude or boastful or you are a drunkard, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you are already causing great harm to your children, you are already raising them badly and your unworthy behavior will have the most dire consequences.”

The moral and material damage caused to a family by a drinking father is irreparable. Indeed, in this case, significant financial resources are spent on alcohol. Family nutrition is deteriorating, which has a very serious impact on the physical development and growth of children. Due to quarrels, scandals, and drunken get-togethers, children often lack sleep and sleep restlessly. Student performance is plummeting. Thus, in one of the schools it was found that the cause of student failure in 36% of cases was parents and in 50% - frequent drinking, gatherings of adults, seemingly innocent at first glance. The constant example of an alcoholic father before the eyes of a child - rude, unrestrained, often unemployed - has a detrimental effect on the formation of the personality of the future person. Children are often ashamed of such fathers, they hide from their peers that the father drinks and is rowdy in the house; for them this is a real grief and every child reacts sharply to it.

Relationships in the family are even more difficult when the mother drinks. A drinking mother very quickly loses her maternal qualities, stops taking care of the house and children, and becomes depressed. The German doctor Kraepelin wrote at the beginning of the 20th century that the consequences of alcoholism are not yet so terrible, since half of humanity - “women are almost not involved in alcoholism.” And if alcoholism spreads among women, then “our descendants will face complete destruction.”

Unfortunately, recently, alcohol abuse has ceased to be the “privilege” of men. According to statistics, at the beginning of the 20th century, on average in economically developed countries, for every 100 male alcoholics, there were 10 women suffering from alcoholism. Currently, in many countries this ratio has changed. For example, according to data published in 1978 in the USA, the ratio of men and women was 1: 1. A similar sad equality between the number of men and women suffering from alcoholism was achieved in England.

Alcoholism in women is more malignant than in men. Children in the families of such women see an example of the mother’s deep moral failure. Such an example can be especially scary for a growing daughter.

Researchers who have studied the causes of female alcoholism indicate that in the first place is mental trauma associated with troubles in personal and family life. Lack of mutual understanding, sexual dissatisfaction, a feeling of loneliness, and in some cases drinking together - these are important prerequisites for a woman to begin her alcoholic journey.

From the observations of medical scientists, it is known that female alcoholics drink significantly more alcohol than men, and chronic alcoholism develops much faster in them.

As noted above, immaturity and instability of nervous processes in children, easy exhaustion of the nervous system when exposed to an unfavorable home environment contribute to the development of nervous system diseases in them. Constant fear of a drunken father, scandals, fights in the house, fear for their mother makes them downtrodden, timid, and unsure of themselves. Often in families of alcoholics, children grow up angry, vindictive, deceitful and hypocritical. In family fights and scandals, they are unfairly offended, and, trying to protect themselves, over time they become embittered and act using the same methods. In such families, children often suffer serious injuries. Children are sometimes delivered to children's departments of hospitals with fractures, burns, concussions and other injuries received due to the inattention of parents who are busy quarreling among themselves. It also happens that children get injured in a fight with drunken parents.

A well-known Russian physiologist proved that the collision of processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex is important in the development of neurotic conditions. The behavior of the father of an alcoholic in the family, due to the peculiarities of the clinical course of this disease, is characterized by extreme inconsistency and instability. Judgments about certain actions of a child may be different depending on his mood. The upbringing and behavior of children in such a family is completely disorganized: the child does not know how to properly respond to this or that phenomenon, the actions of friends, teachers, and caregivers outside the home. As a result, children develop neuroses or develop psychopathic character traits.

The Swiss psychiatrist Bleuler found that among those suffering from alcoholism, more than 40% of people who had psychopathic character traits in the past.

Currently, in the age of scientific and technological progress, high demands are placed on the level of intellectual development of children. They are required to master a stock of complex knowledge, which is beyond the capabilities of mentally retarded children.

It is known that, along with mental retardation associated with brain diseases, there are often cases of so-called “pedagogical neglect” of children. These children cannot be classified as sick, since the low intellectual level of their development is associated with the lack of proper upbringing in early childhood. Defects in early upbringing and insufficient intellectual development are observed, as a rule, in children from dysfunctional families, especially from families where parents abuse alcohol. During that period of development of the central nervous system, namely its highest department - the cerebral cortex, when conscious and purposeful mental activity is formed, children do not receive in the family the stock of knowledge that they need. The disadvantages of raising children in a family of alcoholics are determined by changes characteristic of such parents individuals who sharply limit the range of interests of the family. Such parents are indifferent to the issues of raising their children.

In our country, there is a widely developed network of nurseries and kindergartens, where children are educated taking into account age characteristics, in accordance with pedagogical requirements. But, despite this, children from disadvantaged families may gradually lag behind their peers in development. Such children often try to stand out in a group through mischievous antics and negative behavior. Gradually they become “difficult” children. The problem of “difficult” children becomes especially acute during their school years. These children have great difficulty mastering the school curriculum; low performance often forces them to drop out of school after the 4th or 5th grade, and subsequently they engage in unskilled labor. Trouble in school and family makes them completely downtrodden or “daredevils.”

Neurotic conditions in children from families with alcoholism can also manifest themselves in the form of bedwetting of urine and feces, which develops after a strong fright. Children are ashamed of this disease, try to hide it, their psyche suffers greatly. The disease is very difficult to treat. Neurotic conditions can manifest themselves in the form of disturbances in night sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and night terrors. Sleep disorders usually appear after night scenes in the family, when the father comes in drunk. The duration of sleep required by age in children is disrupted; during the day they are lethargic, apathetic, and indifferent to everything.

One of the forms of childhood neuroses are nervous tics or obsessive movements, stuttering. Nervous tics can manifest themselves in the form of twitching of individual muscles of the mouth, eyelids, cheeks or shoulder girdle. Stuttering in such children can occur against the backdrop of a difficult situation in the family, after scenes occurring between parents. Some children may experience nervous fears.

All these disorders that arise as a result of mental trauma are difficult to treat, especially if the child’s family and living conditions continue to be unsatisfactory.

Drunkenness in the family is a bad and contagious example for children and adolescents. One of the serious consequences of drunkenness in the family is the early addiction of children to alcohol, which contributes to the development of chronic alcoholism in them in subsequent years.

Among the reasons that cause adolescents to become addicted to alcoholic beverages, the vast majority of researchers cite alcoholism in the family and parental drunkenness. Other reasons that contribute to the formation of an attraction to alcohol in a teenager include unfavorable relationships between parents, unfavorable upbringing conditions, early introduction to alcohol, and unhealthy alcoholic traditions in the immediate environment.

A survey of families of alcohol abusers showed that half of them (51.2%) were raised in families where they often consumed alcoholic beverages. In families where conflictual relationships between spouses predominated, the number of people who abused alcohol was 43.8%.

A significant role in the formation of addiction to alcohol is played by the frequency of its use in the family where the teenager is being raised. The influence of this factor on the onset of independent and systematic use of alcohol is currently beyond doubt.

Unfortunately, in many families it is not considered criminal to “treat” a child on holidays, sometimes for the amusement of adults, with alcohol - a glass of sweet wine, beer. Most patients with alcoholism, in their own words, began drinking alcohol at a young age, and some - in childhood, imitating adults or succumbing to their persuasion.

Here is one example

A 4th grade student in one of the Moscow schools does not keep up, is rude to his friends and teachers, spends all his free time on the street, does not participate in social work. As it turned out, two years ago on his birthday, at the insistence of his parents, he drank a glass of wine. Since then, the boy developed a craving for alcohol; in any company of adults and teenagers, under any pretext, he began to get and drink alcoholic beverages. The consequences affected very soon the boy was unable to study at school, he needed special treatment.

I.V. Strelchuk and S. Z. Pashchenkov, describing family forms of alcoholism, emphasize that in families where both parents abuse alcohol, the main factor shaping alcoholism in children is unhealthy alcoholic traditions in the family, an example of parents who constantly drink alcohol and their environment. It is the microsocial, primarily family, conditions in which the child develops that push him to early drinking, form the habits characteristic of an alcoholic, which leads to the rapid development of alcoholism.

The “drunken life” of any family can also have a detrimental effect on adolescents who are not members of this family.

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The disorganizing effect of drunkenness on family life and raising children is one of the most serious problems of modern society.

Typically, a patient suffering from alcoholism lives in a family - either the parent’s or the one created by him, with a wife and children. The illness of one of the family members disrupts family relationships.

There is a pattern in these violations that has already been sufficiently studied and therefore predictable. Since all members of the patient’s family suffer, alcoholism is currently considered a family disease.

Doctors are well aware of how low the intellect of a sick alcoholic falls. From being once capable, attentive and caring, he turns into a burden at work and in the family. Frequent scandals, reproaches, suspicions, threats are combined with sloppiness, dirtiness of soul and body. Where can we talk about the potential capabilities of a drunkard as a man? Potency decreases, erection disappears for a short time, which in the future may be weakly noticeable, and then disappear altogether. Partial or complete impotence occurs in men or frigidity in women. And the psychological mood of such patients decreases sharply.

However, the sexual impotence that appears in such patients is, in the end, their own business. The main thing to focus on is the appearance of the so-called “holiday children”, “carnival children”, children of “one meeting”, “children of ecstasy”, who were conceived during the period of intoxication of their fathers, or mothers, or their future parents together.

Bulgarian doctor Georgiy Efremov in his research showed that 15 stillborns and 8 freaks were born from 23 chronic alcoholics. Meanwhile, most people develop alcoholism in adulthood, many having already started a family. But this circumstance does not change the situation at all. “Pathological information” is transmitted to the fetus not only in cases of chronic alcoholism, but also in completely healthy people if they were intoxicated at the time of conception. French scientists, using extensive statistical material, have proven that the maximum number of stillborns were conceived during the period of carnivals and celebrations of the new wine harvest.

This is where the term "carnival children" came from. Of course, not all of the parents discussed here were chronic alcoholics. It's all about "drunk conception" - there is such a term. And in principle, the amount of alcohol consumed does not matter, because the consequences of conception occurring after drinking alcohol are probabilistic in nature and depend not only on this single factor.

In families of alcoholics, there are often stillbirths, miscarriages occur, and children are born with defective anatomical development. With maternal alcoholism during pregnancy, there are specific manifestations of fetal alcohol syndrome, which is characterized by multiple defects in mental and physical development. The main symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome include:

  • - growth retardation of the fetus and child;
  • - microcephaly (hydrocephalus);
  • - muscle hypotension;
  • - eye, ear anomalies and other abnormalities.

Cases where “completely normal” children are born to severe alcoholics do not prove the harmlessness of parental alcoholism, but only indicate that the drunkenness factor acts in conjunction with a large number of other favorable and unfavorable factors.

Researcher V. Dulnev found that only five percent of mentally retarded children studying in so-called auxiliary schools have parents suffering from chronic alcoholism. The rest, according to his information, are practically healthy, but drinkers.

A number of researchers have shown that chronic alcoholics can give birth to healthy children only 2-3 years after abstaining from drinking alcohol. Otherwise, even with the most “super sober conception”, troubles cannot be avoided.

In fairness, it must be said that sometimes chronic alcoholics give birth to children without any deviations in mental and physical development. But, as studies have shown, 94% of children burdened with alcoholic heredity subsequently become drunkards themselves or acquire mental disorders. The French scientist Morrel conducted a unique experiment. He carefully followed the lives of 4 generations of patients suffering from chronic alcoholism.

In the first generation - moral depravity, alcoholic excesses: in the 2nd - drunkenness in the full sense of the word: representatives of the 3rd generation suffered from melancholy and were prone to murder: in the 4th - stupidity, idiocy, infertility." That is, according to in fact, the race ceased to exist.

Experimental studies have shown that alcohol primarily affects germ cells, which subsequently carry pathological information to the future fetus. Germ cells, when deformed, develop incorrectly, and subsequently they “cannot be corrected by any pharmacological means.

The influence of alcoholism on offspring is associated with two main reasons: biological and social. The unfavorable social impact of parental alcoholism on the development of their children is associated with disturbances in the psychological relationships between them.

Any family member living next to someone with alcoholism is in a state of mental stress. A particularly difficult psychopathic situation arises in a family where the mother is an alcoholic. However, the father’s alcoholism has an extremely adverse effect on the child’s mental development.

In the process of child development, the influence of each parent on him is important.

When the father is an alcoholic, the mother, trying to compensate for his unfavorable influence, often begins to overprotect the child. The child suffers from the lack of a calm and friendly environment in the home.

Adolescents with alcohol syndrome often exhibit antisocial behavior and an individually perverted reaction to drinking alcohol. It happens that at birth a child looks normal outwardly, but soon disturbances in his mental development are revealed. Its form depends on the severity of damage to the central nervous system.

In some cases it is complete idiocy, in others it is mental retardation of varying degrees, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech delay, and neuroses. Sometimes mental development disorders occur later, in middle and high school, when the child cannot cope with his studies. In elementary school, he still somehow manages to do this, but in middle and high school he becomes completely helpless, and he needs medical help and a special institution for further education.

Quite often, fetal alcohol syndrome manifests itself in the form of epilepsy, a disease that is still difficult to treat. Childhood epilepsy is often caused by a disorder of brain development in the prenatal period, and among the causes of this disorder, alcohol ranks high. Chronic alcoholism, as a rule, is combined with systematic smoking, more frequent use of drugs and medications with narcotic effects.

A study of children of parents who abuse alcohol or are already suffering from chronic alcoholism has shown that parental drunkenness, even in the most “harmless” form, has a negative impact on the physical and mental development of the child. Children of alcoholics are characterized by neurotic disorders, psychopathic personality development, and difficulties in social adaptation.

In this regard, the consequences of even a single episode of alcohol consumption by future parents during intimacy or by the mother during pregnancy are unpredictable.

This case may turn out to be the only straw that makes it possible for the burden of unfavorable heredity or other unfavorable prerequisites for development to manifest itself.

With a huge variety of directions and characters of mental and physical development of children in conditions of family alcoholism, its general patterns are also revealed. Children of parents suffering from alcoholism, in most cases, are characterized by disturbances in their psychophysical development. They are weakened, stunted in height and weight compared to their normally developing peers.

These children are characterized by sleep dysfunctions: they have difficulty falling asleep, rock for a long time before going to bed, often wake up, cry out in their sleep, sometimes the sleep formula is distorted, restlessness at night and drowsiness during the day appear.

Such children born in conditions of family alcoholism are characterized by an increased susceptibility to infectious and colds and allergic reactions.

Unfavorable conditions of upbringing in a family of drinking parents cause a slow development of the communicative and cognitive activity of children at an early age. As a rule, parents suffering from alcoholism cannot create a favorable atmosphere in the family, and the child experiences a lack of communication.

A characteristic feature of children with family alcoholism is their poor development of regulation of their own behavior: they cannot independently organize their actions in accordance with the assigned task, experience difficulties in planning activities, and are unable to adequately evaluate the results of work, games, and entertainment that they have begun. Hence, with family alcoholism, children have pronounced difficulties in learning, which are associated, on the one hand, with the pathological state of their nervous system, and on the other hand, with pedagogical neglect.

Behavioral disorders in children with family alcoholism are observed extremely often and are distinguished by their persistence and great diversity. Conflict experiences that arise under the influence of an unfavorable environment at home play a major role in the emergence of personality deviations in such children. Internal conflict is the result of a collision in the child’s mind of opposing relationships towards close people.

With family alcoholism, strong feelings arise very often: this can be an ambivalent attitude towards a drinking father or mother, or, in children raised in orphanages and boarding schools, a combination of resentment and love for their parents.

Conflict experiences lead to various forms of incorrect behavior in children, primarily to reactions of protest. The child strives to do everything out of spite, does not fulfill the demands of adults, becomes aggressive, gloomy, and unfriendly.

Along with active protest reactions, passive ones are also often observed when a child leaves home or school. He tries to avoid meeting his drinking father, hides, is afraid to go home. Against this background, the child easily develops neurotic disorders: sleep disturbances, tearfulness, touchiness, and sometimes tics, stuttering, and urinary incontinence. A more dramatic manifestation of protest is suicide attempts, which are based on an overly expressed feeling of resentment, a desire to take revenge on the offenders, to scare them. It is known that children imitate teachers and parents, and it follows that they easily imitate such forms of antisocial behavior as foul language, hooliganism, petty theft, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

A characteristic feature of children's behavior is motor disinhibition or hyperdynamic syndrome. From an early age, these children are characterized by motor restlessness, restlessness, lack of focus, and impulsiveness. In all cases, disturbances in the concentration of active attention are expressed. These behavioral deviations are usually combined with irritability, a tendency to mood swings, and sometimes with aggressiveness and negativism. The monotony of their behavior and inability to complete any task they start are noteworthy. Therefore, the games of these children are disorganized and impulsive. Children are sociable and strive to be around children, but in general their behavior is chaotic and unpredictable.

If their demands are refused, many children experience primitive hysterical reactions. In children of early and preschool age they manifest themselves in the form of motor and somatovegetative disorders. In these cases, the child falls to the floor with a loud scream and cry, hits his head on the floor, and randomly moves his arms and legs.

All these mental states can become a favorable basis for adolescents to become involved in alcohol and drugs. In the absence of medical, psychological and social correction, pedagogical neglect increases, behavioral disorders intensify, and children lose more and more interest in learning at school. The main task of social workers is to promptly identify an unfavorable family and provide qualified preventive assistance to children, because if adult family members can find help in a number of dispensaries and rehabilitation centers, then organizing assistance to children is a task for the future in social work.

In the development of every child, the main role is played by his parents, namely their psychological and emotional state. Accordingly, the health and psyche of the baby are affected by such factors as alcoholism in the family. Such an illness can cause big problems for a little person. And if such a situation arises in the family, you need to urgently seek psychological help. In practice, various situations occur. A mother or, conversely, a father can abuse alcohol. Which family member is addicted changes the impact on the child.

If the father drinks in the family

A heavy burden falls on the mother's shoulders. Not only does she try to compensate for everything to her blood that he does not receive from dad, but she also tries to smooth out his rude attitude, inattention, and try to protect the child from such reality. As a result, the attitude towards the child may differ. His mother treats him with great love and care, and his father, on the contrary. In such situations, children in an alcoholic family become unstable, their mood is constantly changing. The baby can use the mother's attitude for selfish purposes.

If the mother drinks in the family

The situation is much more complicated when the mother suffers from alcohol addiction. Dependence in mother's families greatly affects the child's psyche and development. This can lead to various mental disorders and nervous disorders. Children often suffer from developmental delays in this situation, and personal development is especially affected.

The impact of parental alcoholism on a child

Alcohol dependence has a tremendous impact, which extends to the following areas of life:

  • Children grow up with the understanding that alcohol is not bad. Parents, as if by clear example, show their child that there is nothing bad in alcohol. Children tend to believe that their parents are always right. This can lead to early alcoholism in the child. He sees his parents having fun while drinking alcohol. And when the baby sees this, but cannot get it, then strive to try alcohol as early as possible. Believing that this way he will reach maturity faster;

  • Naturally, alcoholism in the family leads to quarrels and even assault. Moreover, the consequences of such massacres can be catastrophic. Having seen at least one scene of violence, the child’s psyche is instantly undermined. The baby not only gets very scared in such a situation. He may also receive psychological trauma for the rest of his life;
  • Frequent gatherings at the table can lead to a violation of the little man’s internal discipline. This can lead to poor performance, bad behavior in school or kindergarten;
  • If we talk about assault, situations often arise when one of the parents does not control himself. The little man suffers not only moral harm, but also physical harm;
  • It is worth saying that people who are addicted to alcohol spend all available funds on alcohol. Often, this is the reason for the ruin of families. Children not only do not receive proper attention, but also proper provision. In such a situation, they may develop an inferiority complex. Naturally, without even receiving proper nutrition, the baby’s health suffers.

Attention! To fully understand the situation, it is worth being aware of the stages of alcoholism.

Stages of alcoholism

Let's start with alcoholism in the initial stage. This stage looks like a regular drinking session, except that the amount of alcohol increases with the frequency of consumption. A person no longer controls the dosage of alcohol taken. At this stage, there is a constant increase in the need for alcohol. Dependence is growing. In cases of non-drinking, irritability increases and poor health appears.

In the middle stage of alcoholism, you can observe weakness, hallucinations, and a broken state while not drinking alcohol. An addicted person is constantly trying to get a new dose of alcohol in order to make him feel better. If this stage of alcoholism is observed in a person for several years, then the onset of the last stage of alcoholism is inevitable!

At the last stage, the functions of internal organs begin to decline. Most often these are the liver and pancreas. A person is no longer able to drink alcohol in large quantities. At the last stage of alcoholism, a person can live from two to four years. Having examined the stages of alcoholism, it is now worth talking about its impact on a small family member at different periods of life. So, if the mother drinks during pregnancy:

  • fetal underdevelopment;
  • the birth of a weak or premature baby;
  • death of the fetus inside the womb;
  • birth of children with deformities;
  • the birth of children with poorly developed internal organs.

Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding can lead to:

  • to a disorder of the child’s nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • disease of internal organs;
  • mental retardation.

Important! If a mother drinks alcohol while breastfeeding, the alcohol may enter the baby's body. This situation can lead to many consequences. For example: child anxiety, convulsions, epileptic seizures.

Alcohol consumption by parents when children are raised early also has unpleasant consequences. In such situations, children experience poor intellectual development. Personality changes. Early interest in alcohol. Usually in such cases, parents are indifferent to raising their child.

Alcohol addiction among parents of teenagers causes children to become addicted to alcohol early on. Subsequently, this can develop alcoholism in the child. Genetically, such children have a higher chance of becoming addicted. Such children lose interest in their lives and have problems building their own lives. There is also the problem of making important decisions, including getting rid of alcohol addiction.

Having understood this issue in more detail, we must understand that difficulties from childhood will subsequently manifest themselves in adulthood. Therefore, if you notice such a problem among your friends or relatives, you need to urgently come to their aid. After all, it is very difficult for a person who grows up in a family with alcohol addiction to recover without psychological help. Most likely, he will be doomed to repeat the fate of his parents.