Exercises during pregnancy to avoid gaining weight. How not to gain weight during pregnancy: useful recommendations, approximate diet

Hello, dear blog readers! Today I want to look at a very important topic - proper nutrition for pregnant women so as not to gain weight. How to get everything you need during such an important period and not get fat. Let's figure it out.

Any doctor will tell you: gradual weight gain in a pregnant woman is normal. The expectant mother should gain an average of 10-13 kg during the entire pregnancy period. This does not take into account the individual physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. After all, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the placenta is formed;
  • amniotic fluid accumulates;
  • the weight of the uterus increases;
  • The breasts and fat layer increase within acceptable limits - this is how the body prepares for breastfeeding;
  • the fetus grows and develops.

But lack of weight or too rapid weight gain indicates the opposite. Here the doctor will advise you to reconsider your diet and calculate the number of calories consumed.

The norm for an adult woman before pregnancy is 2000-2500 kcal.

When carrying a baby, you need to add 500-700 kcal more. That is, 2500-3200 kcal per day is normal

And to control your weight, you need to weigh yourself systematically. The doctor in consultation weighs the expectant mother every time. You can also weigh yourself at home to track your weight gain week by week.

What will help you avoid gaining excess weight?

The most awaited time in a woman’s life has come - you found out that you are going to become a mother. This is a great reason to acquire healthy habits. Keep these habits during, after pregnancy and for the rest of your life.

  • Weight control. On average, you should gain up to 1 kg in one month.
  • Walking and physical activity. Visiting the gym and power training will have to be postponed for these 9 months. But swimming in the pool, exercises on a fitball, walking, gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women are just the thing!
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep threatens weight gain. This is how the body protects itself from negative influences and turns on its protective functions. 7-8 hours is a normal amount of sleep. You shouldn't sleep too long either. The calories eaten throughout the day should be “shaken out.”
  • Balanced diet. A varied diet will help you gain weight within acceptable limits.

How to fight appetite

Increased appetite during pregnancy is due to hormones. In fact, your body begins to produce a huge amount of female hubbub - estrogen. And this hormone stimulates appetite. This begins as early as the 13th week of pregnancy. Plus, the little fetus inside you requires nourishment for growth and development.

The desire to eat something like this is easy to explain. This is how the body tells you what is missing for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal growth. How can you not gain weight if you want chips, ice cream, cake with cream and a bite of pickled cucumber? There are ways to overcome your appetite:

  • Fractional meals;
  • Replacement harmful products to useful;
  • Drink more water;
  • Consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of a lack of any vitamins;
  • Keep a calorie counting diary;
  • Expand your diet;
  • Provide emotional balance.

And remember that dialed excess weight will harm not only you, but also the unborn baby.

What should the diet be like?

The first thing I want to say is that your meals should be 5-6 meals a day. Develop a daily routine.

Portions should not be large - 200-300 g. A light dinner 2 hours before bedtime will be useful. Stick to your diet to avoid gaining weight.

Breakfast should be hot. Don't skip your morning meal.

  • Porridge: any, except semolina
  • You can add bread with cheese or lean cookies to your breakfast. You can drink weak green tea with herbs.
  • Sandwich with boiled meat or cheese
  • Oatmeal pancakes with cottage cheese or fruit additives. Just mash the banana with a fork and the filling is ready.

Lunch. This is a snack. Portions are small.

  • Fruits
  • Cottage cheese with fruits or vegetables
  • You can add shortbread, waffles, natural marmalade or marshmallows.

Dinner You can start with a vegetable salad, then eat the main course. Let it be:

  • Vegetable soup or meat broth made from lean meat
  • Potatoes, buckwheat, rice, small portion of pasta
  • Meat - eat without a side dish;

You can drink dried fruit compote, water, or weak green tea. It is better not to drink tea after lunch. The tannin contained in it increases the heart rate. And in the afternoon, the speed of our metabolic processes slows down and there is no point in increasing the load with tea.

Afternoon snack. A small snack could be:

  • Fresh or baked fruit (1 pear or apple, maybe a peach)
  • Cheese pancakes or vegetable pancakes
  • Omelette with vegetables
  • Vegetable salads seasoned with cold-pressed oil
  • Drink water, compote or juice in equal proportions with water.


  • Sweet pilaf with raisins and apples
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Lazy dumplings
  • Fish with rice, vegetables

If you didn’t have time to eat hot soup at lunch, you can replace your dinner with it.

Second dinner. The stomach should not be loaded at night. The portion should be small, approximately 120 g.

  • Cottage cheese seasoned with herbs and low-fat sour cream
  • A little ryazhenka
  • Oatmeal diluted with warm water
  • If you really want to, drink compote with Lenten cookies or two loaves of bread.
What must be on the menu What to exclude
  • Vegetables, greens
  • Fruits (in season and organic)
  • Lean meat and fish,
  • Liver (occasionally)
  • Cereals
  • Milk
  • Dairy products
  • Dried fruits
  • Compotes
  • Herbal teas
  • Vegetable oil
  • Alcohol
  • Exotic fruits and vegetables
  • Products - allergens: honey, peanuts, chocolate, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, shrimp, crayfish, red fish, caviar
  • Sausages, sausages, ham
  • Everything smoked, salted, pickled, fatty, spicy
  • Fat cheeses
  • Mushrooms
  • Fast food
  • Sweets: pastries, cakes, refined sugar
  • Carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea
  • Hot herbs and spices
  • Canned food
  • Significantly reduce: sugar, salt, baked goods

With more detailed list For foods you can and can't eat, check out the article on proper nutrition while breastfeeding. The menu isn't too different.

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. The modern norm is considered to be a gain of 10-15 kg. Of these, 3-4 kg is the weight of the fetus, 600-700 g is the placenta, about 800 g is water, 900-1000 g is the enlarged uterus, about 2.5 kg is the increased blood volume and (attention!) 2-3 kg - fat deposits. Accumulated fat reserves are necessary as a “safety cushion” in case of hunger, both during pregnancy for the development of the baby, and during breastfeeding, since milk production requires a lot of energy from the body (500-800 kilocalories per day).

During pregnancy, the need for energy from food increases by about 20%. This leads to popular myths - the expectant mother must eat for two and should not deny herself anything. Which is what many of them do, actually starting to eat 2 or even 3 times more than before conception, forgetting that they should lean on healthy foods rather than high-calorie foods.

In addition, after learning about pregnancy, women often begin to avoid all physical activity, which also does not help burn calories.

Excess weight is not always a consequence of overeating. If your weight begins to increase by more than 400 grams per week, you are likely developing internal or external swelling, which may indicate problems with your kidneys or heart. In this case, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Special safe exercises on a fitball. Watch the video!..

Why is excess weight dangerous?

Gaining excess weight may not only be cosmetic problem. If pregnant women are overweight, the risk of complications such as:

Late gestosis,

Metabolic disorders, pregnancy diabetes,


Edema, including internal,


Digestive problems


Pain in the spine and joints, their injuries,

Obesity in a child

Intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus.

Excess body weight can lead to difficulties during childbirth: weakness of labor, ruptures due to loss of tissue elasticity.

A large layer of fat on the abdomen interferes with diagnosis by palpation during examination by a doctor. If necessary caesarean section it makes access to the uterus difficult and, accordingly, lengthens the operation time.

And all this does not take into account the fact that after childbirth one of the main problems of young mothers arises - how to get rid of 5-, 10-, 20-kilogram “baggage” and fit into your old trousers.

How to maintain your figure during pregnancy?

The recipe for keeping your body in shape is essentially always the same: proper nutrition and adequate physical activity. And ladies in position are not made exceptions here.

Here are a few principles of nutrition for a pregnant woman who does not want to gain much weight:

    The first and most important principle is that nutrition should be complete. No strict or mono-diets! Maintain weight (its gradual increase in your case), but do not starve yourself - you can harm the child by depriving him of the necessary energy.

    Minimize the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (primarily fast food and confectionery, sweet carbonated drinks).

    Enter in your daily diet porridge is a healthy and satisfying dish, rich in vitamins and fiber. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, with which pregnant women often have problems.

    Replace sausages and sausages with lean boiled or stewed meat.

    Increase the amount of vegetables you consume, replace pasta and potatoes with them.

    If you find it difficult to withstand breaks between meals, eat as often as you want, but in small portions. This is especially true in the later stages, when the grown uterus supports the stomach. Snack not on sandwiches, but on fruits, vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese.

    With the permission of the doctor observing you, arrange fasting days from time to time.

    If you don’t believe in your willpower, write down everything you eat during the day - it’s easier to keep track of what goes into your stomach and what can be safely excluded from the menu. In addition, the need to record every bite makes you wonder if this is how you want to eat at the moment.

    Of course, follow the general restrictions imposed on the diet of pregnant women: complete abstinence from alcohol, limiting coffee, fatty and spicy foods, avoidance of exotic and/or untested foods.

Ideal exercises for maintaining physical fitness for pregnant women:



    Yoga and physical education for pregnant women.

Focus on the level of your loads before pregnancy, do not increase them so as not to provoke a miscarriage. Avoid abdominal exercises. If you experience discomfort, a feeling of tension and, especially, pain in the uterus, immediately stop exercising and rest.

By controlling your weight and being pregnant, do not panic because of the extra 3-5 kg ​​- this is not a reason for stress. But do not forget to carefully listen to your body and the opinion of your attending physician - after all, every pregnancy is unique and proceeds differently!

The difficulties of pregnancy are not only related to physiology. Expectant mothers and fathers also have difficult moments in their relationships. How to cope? See our story:

Contrary to popular belief, how the expectant mother eats during pregnancy determines not only weight gain during pregnancy, but also conditions such as dizziness, leg cramps, and whether the unborn child will be overweight. So, the second trimester of pregnancy by week - and lists of healthy foods.

14-16 weeks of pregnancy: can pregnant women eat sweets?

Goodbye morning sickness! Finally a state expectant mother is stabilizing. But if you value good health and want it to continue to please you, then it’s time to take full responsibility for the quality of the substances supplied. After all, it’s very easy to gain weight starting from this period! And this is not just an aesthetic problem. Excess weight includes dangerous pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and even preeclampsia, a form of severe pregnancy.

If in the first months of pregnancy, due to frequent nausea, you either did not gain or even lost weight, then the second trimester of pregnancy, along with relief from ailments, will surprise you with a significant increase in appetite. Our body takes a course towards anabolism: this is a type of metabolism in which the body accumulates substances and is actively engaged in the construction of tissues.

Thus, bodybuilders are even ready to take artificial hormones in order to tune the body to anabolism and, as a result, increase muscle mass. And for pregnant women, this mode turns on naturally! So if you do exercises for pregnant women and eat enough protein foods (1.5-2 g of pure protein per 1 kg of body weight), you will be able to strengthen the muscular system more easily than at any other time in your life. thereby making the body strong enough for a successful natural birth. Of course, you won’t look like a bodybuilder, but normal female muscles in good shape will greatly help a young mother cope with a three-kilogram live dumbbell, which will only become heavier over time.

Often pregnant women complain of dizziness. The fact is that in the first months of pregnancy the amount of insulin increases, which allows the body to use all the glucose in the blood. This means that its amount in the bloodstream may periodically drop below normal level. So my head is spinning.

But it is better to respond to this behavior of the body not with fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour, potatoes, polished rice), but with slow carbohydrates - fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grains, etc. Then the amount of glucose in the blood will not jump up and down, every now and then making itself felt with dizziness, but will be stably maintained at the proper level.

Moreover, due to increased sensitivity to glucose, sweets and starchy foods in a pregnant woman’s body turn into fat much faster than in a normal non-pregnant state. So pregnancy is the worst time to indulge in sweets, unless, of course, you want to turn into a bun.

17-20 weeks of pregnancy: best sources of protein during pregnancy

The child's body grows, and he needs more and more building materials - protein. Nitrogen accumulates in the mother's body. Starting from the 17th week, the body retains about 2 g of nitrogen per day. So many legumes, champions in their content, are completely in vain blacklisted for fear of flatulence. If you introduce them into your regular diet, there will be a minimum of gases, but the benefits of lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, and green peas are still enormous!

Some legumes are superior to meat products in protein content. They are best when sprouted. Then the proteins are converted into ready-made amino acids, and the body needs a minimum of time and effort to absorb them. In addition, sprouted legumes become softer and can be cooked for just a couple of minutes, which more effectively preserves their nutritional properties. Just pour the lentils hot water, and green peas are so good!

Protein metabolism during pregnancy requires a supply of sufficient amounts of all amino acids more than ever. So it makes sense to consider how much protein you eat per day and vary your sources. Pay attention to others herbal products, rich in protein: nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pine), seeds (flax, sesame, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin), pseudo-cereals (quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth).

And even in the fifth month of pregnancy, many note that they seem to have a second wind. Let's support this wonderful state! Let's create all the conditions for the body to breathe easily. Oxygen exchange accelerates as the baby grows. Blood volume is increased, which means the overall ability of red blood cells to carry more and more oxygen for both bodies is now even better! Daily walks for at least an hour, or preferably several, and regular ventilation of the premises (several times a day, and especially before bed) - this is what will increase the amount of oxygen that is so necessary for the health of the expectant mother and baby!

21-24 weeks of pregnancy: vitamins from natural products

Progesterone and estrogens continue to take care of the baby’s development and the transformation of our body. Both of these hormones affect mineral metabolism, storing calcium and other minerals for the baby's growing body. Review your diet for micro- and macroelements! Some body signs will help us recognize possible deficiencies.

For example, pigmentation that was previously unusual for a woman during pregnancy can, of course, appear. This is normal and usually goes away after childbirth or breastfeeding. The breast halos darken, a line appears on the abdomen, and sometimes chloasma and freckles appear. But if the pigmentation is quite strong, this may indicate a lack of vitamin B9. Urgently return the yellow pills to your diet and eat more greens.

If your legs cramp during pregnancy, this may indicate an excess of accumulated phosphorus or a lack of calcium. Physical activity helps to utilize phosphorus: walking, swimming, exercises for pregnant women, etc. After all, phosphorus bases are the first to be used for the resynthesis of the universal ATP molecule, which accelerates with regular exercise. Are you moving enough?

Calcium can be quickly replenished in large quantities from foods that are champions in its content. Do you think it's dairy? But no! There are only 150 mg of this element in 100 g of milk. But in sesame and poppy seeds per 100 g there are 1000 and 1500 mg of calcium, respectively. It is recommended to germinate the seeds a little (this is their most bioactive form) and grind them in a coffee grinder for maximum absorption. You can use them to make tahini paste or vegetable milk. It is tasty and will very quickly fill the deficiency of calcium that is so necessary for both you and your baby.

The amount of blood gradually increased over recent months, is already becoming significant in volume. The body produces more and more red blood cells, so it's worth checking if you have enough iron-rich foods in your diet. In addition to animal products, these are: whole grains, legumes, beets, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, pomegranates, apples, plums and prunes, persimmons, dogwoods, raisins, dried apricots, figs and all types of nuts.

In principle, in order to receive all the necessary micro- and macroelements in in kind, it is worth introducing into your diet foods that are natural multivitamin and mineral complexes, and these are seaweed and pollen (if you are not allergic to bee products). They contain almost everything that the female body needs in this regard.

It remains to add a sufficient amount of sour - vitamin C (without it, most other vitamins are not absorbed), orange vegetables - vitamin A, unrefined vegetable oil- vitamin E, and the sun for the natural production of vitamin D. The very minimum is to sit for 10 minutes with an open window, at least partially exposing the body, regularly, 2-3 times a week. It’s better, of course, to catch sunny days, but ultraviolet light also penetrates well through clouds. This way, of course, you won’t tan too much, but you will create conditions for the synthesis of vitamin D in therapeutic doses. If these conditions are met, your mineral and vitamin metabolism will be in perfect order!

25-27 weeks of pregnancy: how not to gain excess weight

This month of pregnancy can be called transitional. The body begins to adjust to the catabolic mode, that is, the breakdown and utilization of stored substances to obtain energy from them. And if you have accumulated a certain amount of fat, it’s time to put it to work! Let's look at our lipid metabolism.

Not all the fats we consume go into the subcutaneous layer. In addition to providing energy, lipids protect organs, they are used to build membranes, that is, cell membranes, and some hormones and vitamins. Just think, 60% of our brain is made up of lipids!

But within us the process of building a completely new central nervous system person! The picture is clear - we really need fats. Moreover, both unsaturated and saturated, that is, those that are in solid and liquid states at a temperature comfortable for humans.

The fact is that different types The body uses fats for different functions. It is recommended to use them in a 50/50 ratio. So butter, and coconut, and avocado, and unrefined olive - yes! And the expectant mother should show special respect to flaxseed. After all, irreplaceable fatty acid Omega-3 and omega-6 can be obtained from it in the right quantity and ideal ratio, which allows us to avoid inflammatory processes in the body and even make us more beautiful, fresh, and attractive!

As for the fat that is stored in reserve, its accumulation occurs in special cells - adipocytes. They can be present in different quantities in different parts of the body and are capable of increasing in size. The total number of adipocytes is increased in those people whose mothers gained overweight during pregnancy. So, by staying in shape while you're expecting your baby, you're not only keeping your own body attractive, but you're also laying the foundation for your unborn baby's natural tendency to be slim.

The hormone leptin regulates the processes of fat deposition, and also participates in energy metabolism and appetite regulation. Due to an imbalance with it, a person may become hungry, and it will be difficult for him to feel full, even if he has already eaten. In naturally thin people, it is present in the blood plasma mainly in bound form (lucky you!).

One of its functions is to transmit a signal to the brain about the size of adipose tissue. Too rapid weight gain may be due to a disruption in the interaction of leptin with its receptors in the hypothalamus. Its concentration increases in the blood at night, and if you do not sleep enough or poorly, your metabolism is disrupted.

But the growth hormone somatotropin (GH) is responsible for lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of fat. Its synthesis occurs in the deep phases of sleep. And this also indicates a direct connection between lipid metabolism and the quality of rest. Therefore, it makes sense to think through and implement measures to improve sleep.

The simplest rule is to accustom yourself to going to bed early, because every hour of sleep before midnight is several times higher in quality than the rest of the hours. In addition, according to research from Harvard University, the more time you spend in the evening under artificial light, the more the production of melatonin is delayed and the synthesis of ghrelin, a hormone that provokes appetite and the desire to snack, increases - even if the body no longer objectively requires food today.

01/22/2018 23:43:47, Marino4ka91

How much you gain during pregnancy largely depends on individual characteristics a woman’s body – her constitution and body weight before pregnancy, metabolic rate, lifestyle, diet. However, there are norms for weight gain that allow doctors to monitor the progress of pregnancy and help prevent possible complications or abnormalities.

It is believed that during pregnancy the body weight of an average healthy woman increases by 10-15 kg. This is at normal weight before pregnancy. Thin women can gain more - by 12-18 kg, and women with a “body” - by 8-12 kg. But if a woman is going to give birth to twins, then the weight gain can be 16-21 kg.

As a rule, a third of the weight is added in the first 20 weeks: 270-330 g each week. The remaining two-thirds of weight is gained during the second half of pregnancy: from 21 to 30 weeks - 290-370 g per week, from 31 weeks before birth - 310-370 g per week.

It should be noted that this is also an average. Often during toxicosis on early stages women lose kilograms, and then, when toxicosis passes, they begin to gain them intensively. So here, too, everything is individual. But with a woman’s initial normal weight in the first three months of pregnancy, the optimal weight gain is about 1.5 kg, with insufficient initial weight - 2 kg, with excess weight - 0.8 kg.

Please note that insufficient weight gain in a pregnant woman has a negative impact on the unborn child and can lead to a delay intrauterine development and low weight (less than 2.5 kg) at birth.

The distribution of those kilograms that women gain during pregnancy is as follows:

  • 30% - fetal weight;
  • 25% - mass increase in blood and tissue fluid volume;
  • 10% - uterine mass;
  • 10% - placenta weight;
  • 10% - mass of amniotic fluid;
  • 15% - fat reserve (maternal reserve to ensure normal childbearing and breastfeeding).

Excess weight during pregnancy: causes and consequences

Both during pregnancy and in the normal state, the reason that a woman gains weight, in 9 cases out of 10, is due to the fact that food consumption exceeds the body’s needs and its energy costs.

A pregnant woman does not need to eat more at all: nutrition should cover the costs of the formation and development of the fetus by increasing its nutritional value - in terms of the content of necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

If a woman follows a diet, does not overeat, does not consume harmful foods, but still gains a lot of weight during pregnancy (exception - multiple pregnancy), then this may be caused by polyhydramnios and edema. Excessive volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) is a signal that some problems have arisen during pregnancy. To clarify the situation and start treatment in a timely manner, be sure to consult your doctor, since polyhydramnios can lead to fetal malformations.

But swelling during pregnancy is a common occurrence. The load on the kidneys increases, the parameters of water-salt metabolism change, so fluid is not only retained in the body, but also accumulates (up to 7 liters by the end of pregnancy) in almost all its tissues (as you remember, the increase in blood volume and tissue fluid is 25% weight gain). Most fluid accumulates in adipose and connective tissues. So when a woman complains that her “legs got better during pregnancy,” most often it’s swelling. In the mornings and in the first half of the day, swelling of the legs is almost invisible, but in the late afternoon significant swelling appears on the feet, ankles and legs.

When women gain excessive weight during pregnancy, the risk of metabolic disorders in the form of gestational diabetes increases manifold. In such cases, children are born with a large weight (4 kg and above), and the birth itself can be difficult. In addition, if a pregnant woman is overweight, her blood pressure may rise, shortness of breath, pain in the sacrum and hemorrhoids may appear, her legs hurt and get tired, and the veins on them begin to expand (varicose veins).

“I’m gaining a lot during pregnancy, what should I do?”

And yet, how not to gain weight during pregnancy? So that later you don’t have to carry around obviously extra 10, 15, or even all 20 kilograms of yourself…

Expectant mothers who complain: “I’m gaining a lot during pregnancy, what should I do…”, you need to follow three main rules: eat right, regularly monitor your weight and move more.

For an expectant mother, in the first three months of pregnancy, the optimal amount of calories is 2000 kcal, and subsequently – 2500-3000 kcal. Although many nutritionists argue that in the second half of pregnancy, the calorie content of food should be reduced - while the proportion of animal protein and the energy value of all other products increases.

A pregnant woman's menu must include meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. At the same time, confectionery products should be completely excluded from the diet, not to mention fast food, chips and sweet soda.

Weekly weighing will allow you to independently monitor your weight gain and control this process on one fasting day a week (after consulting a doctor). And move more, for example, walk. It's not only will prevent you from gaining too much weight during pregnancy, but will also help to give birth easier - thanks to the good tone of the muscular system.

From the moment of pregnancy, a woman pays special attention to the issue of nutrition. The development of the fetus and the preservation of the health of the mother depend on its quality.

The influence of nutrition on fetal development and maternal weight

The health of the mother is the key to the healthy development of the unborn baby. Proper nutrition- the main link between these two organisms. Deviations from this principle contribute to the development of a number of complications:

  • late toxicosis
  • loss of protein in urine
  • high blood pressure
  • premature birth
  • miscarriage
  • premature placental abruption
  • anemia
  • weak labor
  • decreased blood clotting during the postpartum period

For the full functioning of a woman’s body, energy is needed. In normal conditions, the average woman’s body needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day. The expectant mother needs to receive 2500 kcal at the beginning of pregnancy and approximately 2900 kcal per day by the end of the third trimester. At the same time, you should regularly monitor your own weight.

Weight change

While waiting for a baby, weight gain cannot be avoided. This occurs due to an increase in the amount of fluid in the body, preparation of the breast for feeding, growth of the uterus, fetus and placenta, and the deposition of small fat reserves.

Weight gain depends on various reasons. If previously a woman’s weight did not reach the norm, then during this period of life it will rapidly increase. Tall women will gain more kilograms. Those who have previously experienced edema and are unable to cope with increased appetite are at risk. We should not forget about age. The older a woman is, the more likely she is to gain weight after childbirth, during and after pregnancy.

To further maintain her figure, a woman should weigh herself systematically, take control of her diet and consult a doctor for individual advice. An experienced specialist will tell you what your diet should be so as not to gain excess weight during pregnancy.

An expectant mother, like no one else, thinks about what to eat so as not to gain weight when she is pregnant. First of all, you need to monitor the amount of protein food. Daily norm protein is 100 - 120 g. Meat and dairy products, fish, cheese, eggs cannot be excluded.

Food rich in carbohydrates is allowed to be consumed in the amount of 350 - 400 g per day. Do not indulge in sweets, white bread, rolls, pasta. Otherwise, extra pounds will become a headache for the expectant mother. After childbirth, the consumption of carbohydrate foods should be reduced, otherwise the risk of gaining weight increases.

The norm for fat is approximately 80 g per day. Vegetable oils include: corn, olive or sunflower. Among the animals - creamy and baked. Lard, margarine and all kinds of substitutes are excluded. A slight increase in the norm by the 3rd trimester is acceptable.

Vitamins ensure the full development of the fetus. What can you eat to get vitamins through food? Vegetables of bright sunny colors contain vitamin A. Brown rice, peas and flour contain vitamin B. Berries, sea buckthorn, bell peppers and citrus fruits will provide the body with vitamin C. To obtain vitamin D, you need dairy products, fish liver. And eggs, liver, beans, cereals, and nuts contain vitamin E.

Any greens are a source folic acid. Green vegetables and nuts will provide the body with calcium. Unrefined grains, meat products, and fish will replenish the phosphorus balance. Watermelons contain magnesium. Mushrooms, spinach and raisins are needed to enrich the body with potassium. Iron is found in greens, fruits and egg yolk. A salt– source of sodium.

An expectant mother does not always manage to fully balance her diet. From the point of view of doctors, a woman should follow a diet. But this word should mean certain rules for eating:

1.The quality of products must be higher than quantity. The selection of products must be careful. Don't overeat

2. You need to eat 5 – 6 times a day in small portions. Healthy snacks in the form of fruits, vegetables or yogurt are allowed. For convenience, you can create a menu for every day

Sports during pregnancy

Women are interested in the secrets of maintaining their figure both before pregnancy and after childbirth. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, sports exercises will be beneficial. However, physical activity should not create a feeling of discomfort or be a burden.

Shakes, falls, overheating or hypothermia are unacceptable. The following sports are prohibited:

  • jumping
  • aerobics
  • diving
  • water skiing
  • long distance running
  • skiing
  • lifting weights

Any types of stretching, sudden swings, or strong back bending are also prohibited.

If a pregnant woman is not prescribed bed rest and does not undergo special treatment from a gynecologist, and there is no threat of miscarriage, then she is allowed to walk, climb stairs, and swim. If you are interested in yoga, it is better to trust an instructor who professionally does gymnastics for pregnant women. Exercises on fitball and Pilates are useful.

If a woman is tormented by the thought of how not to gain weight during pregnancy, with the permission of the attending physician, it is still worth paying attention to sports. However, you should know that by the 8th month, any loads should be stopped. Among the contraindications to physical activity there are diseases of cardio-vascular system, liver and kidneys, chronic appendicitis, polyhydramnios, placenta previa, purulent processes, toxicosis, uterine bleeding. In these cases it is better to pay attention morning exercises and regular walks.