Finger gymnastics exercise for a deer. The house is large. Musical game - “The deer has a big house. Game with clothespins “Beautiful fence”

There are several game options. In one of them, the driver (usually an adult) shows the movements and sings a song, and all the other children repeat after him.

The deer has a big house
He looks out his window
A hare runs through the forest
There's a knock on his door:

“Knock, knock, open the door
There’s an evil hunter in the forest!”
“Hare, hare, run!
Give me your paw"

For each phrase of the verse, a different movement is performed:

At the deer(hands up to head like deer antlers)
The house is big(hands above head “house”)
He looks(right hand above eyes)
To your window(with both hands, first vertically, then horizontally, a window is depicted)
Hare(palms to the head, like a hare's ears)
running through the forest(clench your hands into fists, bend your elbows, pretend to run)
There is a knock on his door:(with a fist “to hang out”)
"Knock, knock
Open the door(image the door opening)
There in the forest(point thumb back over shoulder)
The hunter is evil!(angry face)
"Hare, hare, run(draw a hare again)
Give me your paw!”(give hand)

After the movements have been learned, you can arrange a competition, gradually speeding up the tempo of the song. The one who stays the longest without losing his way wins.

For the guys older You can offer an option when all the players, standing in a circle, sing a song, the driver (Deer), when he “looks out of his window,” selects the “Hare” and pulls him into the circle. Then “Deer” and “Hare” depict all the actions. At the end, the “Deer” goes into a circle, and the “Hare” becomes the new leading “Deer”. By gradually accelerating the pace, you can determine which of the players was the best driver who never lost his way.

At the end, here is a version of the game melody:


Teach children to clearly understand and distinguish between the concepts of “high” and “low”.
Strengthen the ability to count to two, compare “one-many” aggregates.
Form spatial imaginative thinking.
Introduce the geometric figure “square”.
Practice onomatopoeia.
To develop children's understanding and use of the prepositions on, under.
Continue learning to draw with your fingers, leaving a print in a tender place; sculpt from plasticine using the “direct rolling” technique; stick the image details in the right place.
Develop speech attention, fine movements of fine motor skills.


Background picture “sky and earth”, figures of the sun, clouds, houses, flowers.
Background picture with houses, paper square windows, glue sticks.
Toy hammers.
One- and two-story houses built from a designer. Handkerchiefs.
Wooden spatulas. Multi-colored clothespins.
Large building material, various attributes for the obstacle course.
Picture-diagram of a house, details of these houses are made of colored cardboard.
Drawing of a house with empty windows, yellow finger paint, yellow plasticine.
Educational game “Pick up the key to the lock.”
Audio recordings: “There is a house made of logs in the forest,” “I want to build a house.”

Progress of the lesson:


We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
Shaking our heads
We shake our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
One-two, one-two.
It's time for us to get busy!

Finger game “Building a house”

All day - here and there,
A loud knock is heard.
The hammers are knocking.
We are building a house for baby squirrels.
This house is for squirrels.
This house is for bunnies.
This house is for girls.
This house is for boys.
This is such a nice house.
We will live happily in it.
Let's sing songs
Have fun and dance.

Children bang toy hammers on the floor.

Didactic game "House on the Mountain"

The picture shows the sky and the earth. Show me the sky. Show me the land. Pick up the house and attach it to the picture. In which part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why?
Now put the sun and clouds on the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky.
And flowers grew around the house. Where will you place the flowers? On the ground around the house.
How many houses do you have? One house. How many flowers? Many colors. How many suns? One sunshine. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Application "Windows"

Here are the new beautiful houses. But how to move residents into them? There are no windows! Let's make windows for these houses. Here are the windows - squares. Glue them in the right place.

Didactic exercise “High-low house”

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. How many houses? Three houses. Which house is the tallest? Which is the lowest? Count how many floors are there in the tallest house? How many floors are there in the lowest house?

Now I will cover the houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. Under which scarf is the lowest house hidden? Highest?

Game with clothespins “Beautiful fence”

Here are the planks, and here are our clothespins. Now we will make a beautiful fence out of them for our houses.

Dynamic pause “At a construction site”

We need to transport building material to the construction site. Can you help? (Children carry large building materials from one place to another, overcoming obstacles. Stumps, “puddles”, etc. are used as obstacles).

Construction "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of a house that you will lay out and build yourself. Take the parts and place them in the right place on the diagram. Where a triangular roof is drawn, add a colored triangle there; where there is a square window, add a square.

Exercise “What sounds do you hear at home?”

How does the kettle whistle? Sssss.
How does water drip from a tap? Drip-drip-drip.
How does dad work with a drill? F-f-f.
How does the vacuum cleaner hum? Oooh.
How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting “Light the lights in the windows of the houses”

So evening came, it became dark. Let's turn on the lights, let the windows in the houses light up with bright light. Dip your finger in yellow paint and paint over the windows on the house.

Modeling “The moon has risen”

And now the moon has risen in the sky. (On the same sheet where they painted lights in the windows of houses). Let's make it out of yellow plasticine. First, roll out a thin sausage. Then we bend it and apply it to the night sky. Press down the plasticine. The moon is ready!

Dynamic pause “The bear has a big house”

The bear has a big house,
(Raise your arms up, stand on your toes)

And the hare's is small.
(Squat down, lower your arms down)

Our bear went home
(Stepping from foot to foot)

And behind him comes the bunny.

We are seeing off the animals
(Farewell waves)

We continue to study.

Didactic game “Pick up the key to the lock”

Children match keys to locks of the same color and open them.

House on the meadow
All doors are locked.
We'll pick up all the keys
And we’ll unlock the hut.

If you like to play Homa-Homa-Hamster, then this game is for you. It is similar in that you need to repeat the movements of the driver to the music. You can play both standing and sitting.

Rules of the game “The deer has a big house”

There are several game options.

In one of them, the driver (usually an adult) shows the movements and sings a song, and all the other children repeat after him.

The deer has a big house
He looks out his window
A hare runs through the forest
There's a knock on his door:
“Knock, knock, open the door
There’s an evil hunter in the forest!”
“Hare, hare, run!
Give me your paw"

For each phrase of the verse, a different movement is performed:

At the deer ( hands up to the head like deer antlers )
The house is big ( hands above head "house" )
He looks ( right hand over eyes )
In your window ( with both hands, first vertically, then horizontally, a window is depicted )
Hare ( palms to the head, like a hare's ears )
runs through the forest ( clench your hands into fists, bend your elbows, pretend to run )
There's a knock on his door :("knock" with your fist)
"Knock, knock
Open the door ( depict how the door opens )
There in the forest ( point your thumb back over your shoulder )
The hunter is evil! ( angry face )
"Hare, hare, run ( pretend to be a hare again )
Give me your paw!” ( give a hand )

After the movements have been learned, you can arrange a competition, gradually speeding up the tempo of the song. The one who stays the longest without losing his way wins.

For older children, you can offer an option when all the players, standing in a circle, sing a song, the driver (Deer), when he “looks out of his window,” chooses the “Hare” and pulls him into the circle. Then “Deer” and “Hare” depict all the actions. At the end, the “Deer” goes into a circle, and the “Hare” becomes the new leading “Deer”. By gradually accelerating the pace, you can determine which of the players was the best driver who never lost his way.

Bolshenko Ekaterina

“My electronic physical education minute”

“The deer has a big house!”

Dushina Larisa Dmitrievna music teacher

Bolshenko Ekaterina, student of 6 “A” class

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 12 in Balashov, Saratov region"

Physical education minute

(performed standing, with movements)

“The deer has a big house!”

(French folk song - I. Maznin, A. Fomin)

The deer has a big house!

He looks out his window,

A hare runs across the field,

There's a knock on his door:

Knock Knock!

Open the door! -

There's an evil hunter in the forest!

Hare! Hare, run

“The deer has a big house!” (with text).

“The deer has a big house!” - backing track (without text).

¢In the role of the performer (in the photo) is a student of 6 “A” class of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12 of Balashov, Saratov Region” Ekaterina Bolshenko.



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Slide captions:

“The deer has a big house!” Dushina Larisa Dmitrievna music teacher Ekaterina Bolshenko, student of 6 “A” class, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12 of Balashov, Saratov Region” 2013 “My electronic physical education lesson”

Physical education lesson (performed standing, with movements) “The deer has a big house!” (French folk song - I. Maznin, A. Fomin) The deer has a big house! He looks out his window, a hare runs across the field, knocks on his door: - Knock - Knock! - Open the door! - - There's an evil hunter in the forest! - Hare! Hare, run in, - Give me your paw.

Links to download the song “The deer has a big house!” - song “The deer has a big house!” (with text). - song “The deer has a big house!” - backing track (without text). In the role of the performer (in the photo) is a student of 6 “A” class of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12 of Balashov, Saratov Region” Ekaterina Bolshenko.

The development of fine motor skills is an important area in preschool pedagogy. You can work with your kids for a few minutes every day. There is no need to exaggerate the importance of finger exercises, but it brings some benefits. Intense, rhythmic exercises are aimed at achieving a specific result - the development of fine motor skills, memory, and language in children of preschool and primary school age.

Features of the exercise

The game “The Deer Has a Big House” is aimed at developing fine motor skills, helping to increase children’s vocabulary, improving coordination of movements, and developing reactions.

Benefits of finger exercises “The deer has a big house”:

  • promotes the development of memory and attentiveness;
  • is a kind of massage (warm-up);
  • prepares the child's hand for writing;
  • improves speech skills.

Execution option

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills for preschoolers are recommended to be carried out accompanied by rhythmic music. Gymnastics can be used as a physical activity for activities that require a certain concentration of attention from the child. For a child to like the game, it is advisable that he knows the rhyme by heart.

As the rhymed lines are pronounced, certain movements are performed:

  • 1) for a deer - hands with spread fingers are placed at the temples;
  • 2) the house is large - a roof is made with closed fingers over the head;
  • 3) he looks - one hand is put to his forehead;
  • 4) out your window - use your index fingers to draw a rectangle in the air;
  • 5) a bunny ran past - hands are put to the head, depicting the ears of the animal;
  • 6) at his door - the fourth movement is repeated;
  • 7) knocked - moving back and forth with a hand clenched into a fist;
  • 8) knock-knock - the movement is repeated with the other hand;
  • 9) open the door - the fourth movement is repeated;
  • 10) there in the forest - the hand is removed behind the head, showing the direction;
  • 11) angry hunter - index fingers point forward, imitating a gun shot;
  • 12) bunny, bunny - repetition of the movement showing the ears;
  • 13) run - the fourth movement is repeated;
  • 14) give the paw - the hand bends down.

Having studied all the movements, finger gymnastics can be performed with acceleration. Initially, the movements may not have a certain sequence. As you learn, the chaos will disappear. All movements must be spoken out together with the child.

Carrying out finger gymnastics “The deer has a big house” does not require special preparation. Easy to use, can be used in children's institutions or at home.