Learning to sew from scratch by hand. How to learn to cut: general recommendations. The main stages of working with a sewing machine

For many years now I have been teaching classes at my ARMALINI sewing school for those who want to learn how to quickly and beautifully sew clothes.

When beginners come to my classes, I often hear statements that it is unrealistic to quickly learn to sew.

They collect a lot of information all over the world, where they are intimidated by how difficult it is to sew, and many are simply afraid to even take on mastering sewing.

Of course it's not easy, it doesn't snap your fingers! But the one who walks can overcome the mountain!

Templates come into play that it takes a long time to learn (at least five years!), that you need super-duper sewing equipment, that not everyone can do it, that adjusting clothes is long and tedious and there is no guarantee that everything will work out, you will only spend a lot of time and strength and so on.

In fact, almost none of the above is true! These are misconceptions!

To tell the truth, when I was learning to sew, it also seemed like something fantastic to me, but I firmly decided that I needed it!

Therefore, the first condition is your desire and attitude!

If you are taking on the task of mastering the sewing craft, then make a goal for yourself, fix it in your head that you need it!

This can become your favorite hobby, it can become your profession, just your favorite thing, but it is very important to really want it very much!

So much so that everything inside is on fire! When you have drive and courage, then mastering this activity will be pleasant and easy!

Following. Treat your mistakes correctly!

Don't be dramatic if things don't work out! The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Any master who performs his work at a high level has gone through this stage of mistakes. Everyone was wrong! There were also unsuccessful products. Not without it.

The main thing is not to give up. The simplest thing is to say “probably this is not for me”... and in some ways you will be right if you want to quickly give up and throw your paws up....

But I'll say it again, mistakes are normal when you're learning.

What's the problem? Have you suffered losses of several hundred rubles? And what?! Is this a reason to quit? No, of course not.

There is no need to scold yourself for mistakes. On the contrary, analyze your mistake and draw the right conclusions for yourself so that you don’t repeat this mistake in the future...

It also happens that “good” friends and relatives discourage you from continuing a business after failures. Don't listen to anyone! Continue what


As the famous saying goes: it’s better to do something and regret it than to regret not doing it.

It's easiest to criticize. Let them try it themselves and see what happens.

And if we are to accept criticism, then the criticism should be constructive, from a knowledgeable person. Therefore, be firm in your intention and stubborn in a good way.

Now about the sewing technique.

For some reason, some people have the opinion that you need to buy the most expensive sewing machine and only on it can you sew high-quality products.

Misconception again. It’s certainly not the cost of the machine that determines the quality of your product.

Believe me, you can sew a chic product even on your grandmother’s manual machine, if you apply your hands to this machine correctly.

The quality of the work depends primarily on the craftswoman who performs it.

Of course, modern sewing machines now have a bunch of different useful (and not so useful!) functions that can make your work much easier.

As one of my friends, who works as a consultant in a sewing equipment store, says, you can drive in a car with air conditioning, or you can drive with an open window.

Expensive machines with many functions are just “with air conditioning”, a kind of sewing “Mercedes”)).

Old cars - “with an open window”... but they get to the place!)). What I mean is, don’t try to get into debt by choosing the coolest seamstress for your use.

If your old Podolsk machine copes with stitches very well, then maybe you shouldn’t rush into buying a new machine. It's up to you to decide anyway!

You can read here

And I’ll say a few more words about the cut.

My dears, please forget about “cut according to three measurements”.

Having snatched this phrase somewhere, they begin to intensively search for such a cutting technique. This is just a PR stunt. That's all!

By three standards, only a poncho can be tailored well. A product that perfectly fits the figure and follows the contour of the body cannot be built by three standards! Any cutter who is engaged in practice, not theory, will tell you this.

There is another extreme that some people go to.

I quote: “Why reinvent the wheel when everything has already been invented by professional designers and published in magazines.” This is about Burda.

No one is forcing anyone, “Burda” fits - sew, if it doesn’t fit - look for alternative methods.

But in any case, it is not true to say that all the most interesting and thoughtful things are in this magazine.

Few people want to be tied to patterns that offer ready-made pattern magazines.

And in recent years there has been nothing to catch the eye at all.

It’s boring, monotonous, and often even on thin, skinny models you can see that the fit of the product is terrible.

Therefore, search, invent, invent, swim against the tide!

Do everything that will help you improve your skills!

Try to combine incompatible things, do any experiments!

Perhaps this path will be a unique find for you. After all, it was often this bold approach that was applied to the products that we admire.

I wish you courage, a flight of creative thought and successful finds in sewing products!

Discussion: 14 comments

    Thank you! for such encouragement!


    To learn to sew, you have to sew!


    Lina, you are saying absolutely the right things. Thank you for your support. Basically, we think so, and when you read your article, your soul somehow becomes lighter and you want to move on.


    Great advice for beginners! I’ve been sewing myself since I was 8 years old, starting with “CHAIKA” from calico fabrics, overcasting seams on hands or zig-zag, now I have wonderful assistants PFAFF and Singer - yes, the quality of the products is different, but the experience is also richer! Thank you and good luck to the beginners!


    please tell me which sewing machine is better, how to choose a machine for beginners


    Do you have a master class on creating a basic pattern?

    I recently came across your site, it’s very interesting and useful, but for successful modeling you need a good pattern, but where can I get it?


Hello, dear readers of the blog “Shaw with me”. I am glad to welcome you to the pages of this blog! And since you are here, you probably wondered how learn to sew and cut clothes from scratch.

I will try to help you with this. After all, it’s very cool and pleasant to sew for yourself and your loved ones.

Firstly, it is economically profitable (you can get the item several times cheaper than you would have bought it).

Secondly, you will make yourself completely exclusive. And you must agree - it’s very nice!

And thirdly, few people have time to go to special courses, and sewing according to someone’s instructions is very convenient. I personally have been doing this for ten years now.

I really hope that these sewing lessons will be able to revive at least one of the above points for you).

So that learn to sew from scratch, you will need the following:

  • paper scissors
  • fabric scissors
  • graph paper
  • tracing paper
  • remnant
  • tailor's ruler scale 1:4
  • right angle square
  • tailor's pins
  • pattern
  • tape measure
  • thread No. 40

Also during the sewing process you will need:

  1. ironing iron (thin fabric) for ironing;
  2. ironing pad;
  3. press for processing slices (reducing slice thickness).

This is just a list of necessary things, and perhaps it scared you a little. I’ll explain now: many of these things can simply be replaced at the initial stage. For example, instead of an ironing pad, you simply roll up a towel (it’s convenient to iron blouse sleeves, shirt sleeves, or side seams on skirts).

A tailor's ruler is sold in any stationery store and is needed in order to draw a drawing in a size reduced by 4 times. You will understand everything in practice.

A pattern is a slightly curved ruler, needed to make some flexible lines when constructing a drawing. They come in different sizes and shapes.

With other concepts, I think there will be no questions.

If you do not plan to take a sewing course, sew on your own at home you need to start with the simplest.

And here you must choose which category you belong to. If you want to sew from scratch, but have never held a needle in your hands, then you will need to go through the basics. And if you have had at least some experience, then it will be a little easier for you).

And then we will try to start with something relatively simple. Of course, it is advisable that you remember at least something from mathematics at school or drawing, since we will have to do a little calculation and drawing, otherwise there is no other way in our business, except perhaps just tracing patterns of your size. I did this myself for many years.

You can find patterns in magazines Burda, Ottobre, etc. It will be easier, maybe. But I must admit that this will greatly limit your possibilities.

It's better to learn how to do it yourself. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

And we will start with a straight classic skirt - the most ordinary skirt, on the basis of which in the future we will learn how to sew all other models of skirts. And oh, what a variety of them!! My eyes are wide open!! And after the skirts there will be shirts, dresses, trousers and jackets, and a lot of other things!

And I also want to tell you one very important thing: don’t be afraid of anything! Don't be afraid to ruin the fabric, don't be afraid to experiment. This applies to absolutely everything - the choice of fabric, the choice of an unusual model. The worst thing that can happen is that you will simply end up wasting the price of the damaged fabric. But the invaluable experience and skills that you will gain are worth a lot of money. Therefore, take risks! I always do this. And, as a rule, I have success. I wish the same for you!!!

First, you are faced with the task of determining your size and choosing fabric.

How to learn to sew and is it possible to learn to sew from scratch?

Today I decided to devote the conversation to needlework, since I recently received this letter:

Please tell us about your sewing in a separate article. How and where did you study? What are you sewing? Do you sew using ready-made patterns (for example, Burda) or do you model it yourself? I really want to learn how to sew; there was no work at school. My husband supports me in my endeavor and said he will buy a car. I have no idea what to do with her next. I'm sure your story will be useful not only to me. And of course we are waiting for photos of your home clothes. Thank you in advance!

I have been sewing for 20 years now, today I sew my entire wardrobe: dresses, skirts, blouses, coats and even fur coats.

My interest in sewing did not appear during labor lessons, but after I saw Burda Moden magazines for the first time; at that time they had not even been translated into Russian. It was difficult to use the patterns, everything was in German, but I decided, and I sewed my first skirt from this magazine, on an old manual machine. A simple skirt without a zipper with an elastic band, without any knowledge or courses, although my mother prompted me a little.

For a very long time I sewed only simple things. 16 years ago I took a sewing course at Burda Moden. At these courses we were taught only how to sew and process products. We were not taught to cut or model. We sewed all our products from Burda Moden magazines. Since the choice of models is very large and the patterns are very good, I never learned how to cut myself. I always sew everything from a magazine. The sewing instructions are detailed and easy to understand.

And the description in the magazine is very good: there is fabric consumption, what allowances to make, how to cut. There is a plan for laying out the patterns, as well as all the details on how to sew the product. Very convenient and simple.

Today this is the best magazine, which is convenient and pleasant to use, and most importantly, everything in it is clear, and even a beginner can easily cope with it. What is important is that each magazine has illustrated courses on how to sew this or that product, unique master classes for beginners.

Where to begin?

If you want to really learn how to sew, buy Burda Moden magazine. Look through, dream and fantasize about what would suit you, what you like, what fabric you would like to make this or that model, what color. This will begin to form the intention and motivation to start doing something in this direction. For a woman, what is important is to want, to wish, and everything will begin to work out.

As for magazines. My advice to you is to buy every issue. I used to buy selectively, but time goes by and I’m starting to like what I didn’t like six months ago. Or I just didn’t see some model, and then I urgently wanted it. It’s better to buy all the magazines so you don’t have to run around and look for them later.

Then you need to buy a sewing machine. The choice is very large, different manufacturers and different prices. Naturally different functions. If you are just starting out, then you need a machine that makes a regular straight stitch and sews buttonholes, everything else is finishing stitches, rarely used.

You will also need an overlocker. Without an overlocker it is difficult to sew a good thing. Although at first you can still do without it. Now there are special presser feet on sale that process the edge of the product, simulating an overlock stitch. Of course, you can’t compare it with an overlocker, but you can compare it in price - a presser foot costs 200 rubles, and an overlocker costs 10,000 rubles. I've been using this foot for a very long time.

If you don’t want to figure it out on your own, it’s better to sign up for courses. As a rule, first the skirt is sewn separately, then the trousers, the blouse, and then the jacket. Every city has such courses. In St. Petersburg, I can recommend the “Style” sewing school. It is important that if you only want to learn how to sew, then choose only sewing courses, without cutting and modeling.

But you can learn on your own, my friend didn’t study anywhere, but she sews better than me. I studied at the course for three years. Today, with the development of the Internet, you can learn everything at home, find some online course or watch lessons on YouTube. At the end of the article, I will offer you a lesson on how to sew in a hidden zipper; I sew it myself differently, but this method seemed easier to me.

Then you need to go to a fabric store to look and choose what you like. In any store they will tell you and help you: how many meters you need to take for this or that product, and whether it is worth taking this fabric. But it’s better to make a pattern from tracing paper in advance, you need to buy it, lay it out on some piece of fabric - the standard width is 150-140 cm, which means it will be 75-70 cm in half. And decide how much length of fabric you need.

In Burda Moden the consumption is always much higher. As a rule, 15-20 cm is always extra; if the fabric is expensive, then preliminary layout and clarification of the length will give significant savings.

I also recommend the Burda Moden website www.burdastyle.ru to all beginners. Just recently they updated it and it has become very convenient and interesting. Women post on this site already sewn models that are presented in one or another Burda Moden magazine. You can also contact any woman and ask what you need, everyone is very friendly and will always answer you. If I like, for example, the fabric of a dress, I can always go to the user’s page, find out what city she is from and ask where this woman bought this fabric. Even so! If you really liked it!

This site also helps me a lot in finding models. Let me explain: while flipping through a magazine, I don’t even notice some models, and some models I can’t imagine how they will fit on my figure. Or I see a model in a magazine whose color I don't like, and I subconsciously reject it. And then I see the same model on an ordinary non-model figure or in another color that I love, and I understand that I want to sew the same product.

the first photo from the magazine, I didn’t even notice such a jacket...

and I didn’t notice this gray “support”, but I liked the white jacket. Everything is sewn using the same pattern.

But I didn’t pay attention to this model at all. .

first photo from the magazine

And the women who sewed it wrote this review: “We need to come up with a monument to this dress model)). In my opinion, there is no fabric from which it would look bad, there is no figure that it would not fit, there are no accessories that would not suit it)). It takes as little fabric and time as a dress.”

You can also easily understand which fabric should be sewn from, and which one should not be sewn from.

and it turned out to be a dress that no one else has (second photo)

And these models didn’t suit me at all, although I really liked them. It helped to see a sample made from chintz.

These models are suitable for women with small breasts

As for fabrics, I love natural fabrics linen, wool and silk. And I really like thick knitwear, they make very beautiful dresses.

All natural fabrics need to be soaked in water and dried, and then ironed. This applies primarily to linen, viscose and silk. Woolen fabrics should be ironed through damp gauze to avoid shrinkage of the product after washing.

my new linen suit. Very comfortable, especially in hot weather.

Today sewing is a pleasure. Large selection of fabrics and accessories. All modern sewing equipment performs many operations automatically: buttonhole sewing, button sewing, bartacks, thread tension, etc. And even beginners can sew efficiently and quickly.

And if you have small children, I highly recommend learning to sew. Until the age of two, I sewed everything for my child myself, I didn’t buy anything: overalls, jackets, and suits. It is very beautiful and brings a lot of positive emotions. You can put so much love into these things that your baby will be the most beautiful and happiest.

Previously, I approached the sewing process from a purely pragmatic point of view. You can sew the most beautiful thing and save enough money, then it began to bring pleasure from the creative process, from the choice of fabric, from the choice of color and model, from the fact that the thing fits like a glove, which means your skill improves. Today, for me, manual labor is an opportunity to calm down, stop, and return to feminine energies. This is a kind of meditation. An opportunity to get out of the information flow and return to yourself.

Linen too, I really love linen fabrics in the summer.

And of course it’s economical, this dress was made for the home from linen for 200 rubles, there was a piece left over, so there was a discount.

I will be glad if my article is interesting for you and in the end you start sewing. This is a very exciting, creative and feminine activity. Try it!

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Tatyana Dzutseva

Video “How to sew in a hidden zipper.”

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The skill of sewing has been highly valued at all times, and the ability to create a unique item for your wardrobe is still relevant today. There are many benefits to mastering these skills. For example, you don’t need to go to a tailor every time you make a new purchase to have your trousers adjusted to the length, or to sew up the torn seams on your baby’s jacket. The main thing in the question of how to learn to sew from scratch is leisure, since mastery comes with time and experience.

Taking measurements

Before you learn how to sew from scratch, it is useful to learn how to take measurements correctly, since the good fit of the product on your figure depends on this. To do this, you will need (it is better to use a new one, since over time this device tends to stretch, regardless of what material it is made of), a pen and a piece of paper. The following information may be helpful when taking measurements:

  • The person must wear light clothing or underwear.
  • When taking measurements, you need to maintain a free, straight posture without tension. In this case, your legs can be placed together or slightly apart, and your arms can be lowered.
  • The tape should not be stretched or loosened, and there is no need to provide allowances for fit, since they are laid down when constructing the base of the patterns. Measurements should be taken closely to the figure.
  • The waistline is the narrowest point on the torso and should be tied with a cord to make other measurements easier to take.
  • Vertical measurements such as chest height or arm length should be taken on the right side of the body.

Basic measurements

To learn how to sew and cut yourself, as mentioned above, you need to take measurements correctly. The main measurements are:

  • O G - chest circumference, with the tape running horizontally along the most protruding points of the mammary glands in women. And for men, this measurement is carried out by simply clasping the chest.
  • O T - waist circumference, the measuring tape is placed along the already tied lace on the torso.
  • O B - hip circumference, measurement is taken along the most convex area of ​​the buttocks.

Knowing these values, you can successfully select the size of the patterns of the model you like in a fashion magazine. Moreover, the measurements O G and O T are the main values ​​for shoulder products, O B is the main measurement when selecting waist wardrobe items.

Cutting methods

Another important point in the question of how to learn to sew from scratch is determining the cutting method. There are several ways to lay out patterns:

  • Face to face - in this case, the fabric is folded with the right side inward. Using this method, paired symmetrical parts are cut out.
  • Face down (in a spread) - the material is laid with the wrong side up, and the patterns are made in two samples or a mirror layout is performed.
  • Face up - the same thing, only in reverse.

In this case, two spread methods are used when cutting asymmetrical parts or when sewing from fabrics with a directional pattern or pile.

Useful tips

Before learning how to sew from scratch using patterns for products you have made yourself, it is better to sew several models using ready-made patterns offered by fashion magazines. This is explained by the fact that in this way you can gain experience and knowledge about many things, for example, what depth of darts on the chest is needed, or what is the preferred length of a skirt in relation to your figure. Having taken the patterns according to the patterns in the magazine, you can start cutting. Before doing this, it is useful to know a few things:

  • The layout of patterns is carried out, as a rule, in the direction of the warp thread, which can be determined by several signs, for example, by trying to stretch the fabric. In this case, the side that does not change dimensions is the desired value. You can also hold the material up to the light: the warp threads are positioned more directly compared to the weft guides.
  • Fabric consumption increases if the layout is performed at an angle of 45° to the main thread.
  • It happens that it is impossible to distinguish the front side of the fabric from the back surface. This can be done along the edge. So, the smoother edge is on the front surface. Also, if during the production of the material pins are used to secure the edges, then this is done from the wrong side.

In conclusion, we can say that learning to sew from scratch for free is a completely feasible dream. There are many resources where you can learn about this skill. At the same time, it is better to hone this art on inexpensive fabrics. This way, you can gain experience and avoid unwanted waste.

First, let's discuss what opportunities exist for learning to sew in our time, and why the online course "How to Learn to Sewing" will be the best choice for you.

What is the best way to study: choose a book or courses?

When we are faced with the problem of learning something new, we have to make a choice - how will we get the necessary knowledge? Humanity has been living for quite a long time, and all methods of obtaining and transmitting knowledge have already been invented and tried many times. What are these methods? In fact, they all come down to two fundamental options - books or courses.

A huge number of books on sewing have been published. It would seem, read - and do! But reading the text is difficult and boring. Many admit that even at school they were tired of reading endless textbooks with official language. And, frankly speaking, not everyone is able to study from books, painstakingly delving into every diagram, drawing or small photo. In addition, for some unknown reason, most publications and books are written for those who already have several years of sewing experience behind them. It's like everyone is born with the skills of a skilled dressmaker...

These difficulties and the lack of desire and time to understand texts with insufficient illustrations lead us to live courses. Courses are a popular alternative to books. We expect everything to be shown to us and explained clearly. And we are even willing to pay more for this!

Having decided to take a course, many of us are faced with an unexpected problem. Where can I find the necessary sewing courses? The geography of the globe is so vast, and all sewing courses, as a rule, are concentrated in capitals or large cities. But everyone wants to sew, everywhere! And it would be fine if the problem was only the distance to the courses and the time spent on the road, but there is another difficulty. The courses you find may be too long, overly expensive, with a waiting list, a boring academic program and a weak teacher. Is this what we hoped for?

Of course, there are ideal sewing courses. We all want to believe that they exist. These courses are taught by talented, passionate masters who will competently and consistently convey knowledge, share the secrets of their craft, and will closely monitor your progress. To be completely ideal, such courses should cost a budget and be located close to home. I really want to believe that someone has such happiness! However, a fairy tale is called a fairy tale because it is unreal.

What remains for us in such a situation?