Transformation. How to start a new life? Practice that will change your life Practice for life changes

Sometimes you want to change something in your life, to find the treasured key to the door that will open the way to true happiness. But in reality, implementing this plan is not so easy - a lot of different excuses and difficulties that arise on our way force us to abandon our dream once again. We bring to your attention a monthly plan with which you will be able to change your life through daily efforts.

How to change your life in 4 weeks: a detailed guide

For each week of the plan, three tasks are given that you must implement in your life. You need to adhere to these rules throughout the month, but it is better to follow them constantly.

Week 1. Cleansing the mind and body

Early rise (around 6 am). By getting up early, you will be able to take time for yourself, because often during the day there is a catastrophic lack of it. It is in the morning that no one will distract you and you can go about your business in a calm atmosphere. Laziness and reluctance to get up so early are not at all indicators of fatigue. In fact, such a reaction is a sign that you don’t want to live your life.

Why get out of bed if the sky is overcast, then ride in a crowded subway, sit in traffic jams, and do boring work. If you think “it’s soon morning, a new day,” getting up early is unlikely to continue to be such a problem. The interesting thing is that this pattern can work both ways. Life is busy - getting up in the morning will be easy. If you get up easily in the morning, your life will become richer.

Lighter nutrition. To change your life you need to stock up on a lot of energy. Therefore, you have to choose the type of nutrition that seems most correct to you. Please note that you need to completely eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, junk food and processed foods from your new life. Also try to reduce your portions and not overeat before bed.

Sport. Spiritual health cannot be formed in the absence of tone and health of the physical body. To “get moving” it is best to use dancing, running and yoga. Try to move as much as possible - when getting ready for work, dance in front of the mirror, walk more often, etc.

Week 2. Cleansing space, affairs and environment

Cleansing space. To change your life you need to throw away all unnecessary things and throw them away, not hide them. Don’t neglect a single cabinet, because each item takes up not only part of the space, but also part of your energy. Leave only what inspires and pleases you. Try to get rid of everything unnecessary - it will immediately become much easier for you.

Clearing affairs and obligations. Surely everyone has some intention, or even several, that they have not been able to fulfill for a long time. For example, you are planning to learn a foreign language, but still don’t get around to it. Or visit relatives living in a neighboring state. Now your goal is to remember all the promises that you made both to yourself and to other people and decide what to do with them. There are only 2 here possible options- the first is to bring every task to the end, the second is to abandon this idea forever. The point is that you need to get things done as quickly as possible, instead of carrying around the burden of responsibility and dissatisfaction with yourself.

Cleaning the environment. Try to break off all relationships that pull you back and plunge you into depression. What does communicating with people who are always dissatisfied and criticize everything and everyone give you? To change your life, clear your environment of people with whom you have nothing left in common and from whom you have nothing to learn.

Week 3. Dreams, plans and goals

List of unrealistic dreams. To complete this exercise, you need to make a wish list, collect all the dreams that are not destined to come true. They are so extreme and cool that it is very difficult to believe in their reality. The main thing here is to turn off the inner critic that all the possibilities of the world are at your feet.

Daily plan. Every evening you need to make a plan for the next day. It can be short, its volume does not play a special role. The main condition is to write this plan in the evening, even if you don’t remember about it in the morning - your productivity will increase in any case.

Fulfillment of assigned tasks. Take a look at the list of goals and objectives that you made, say, a week ago. If he doesn't make you feel positive emotions and the desire to immediately begin implementing each item - perhaps it’s time to cross out some things, and instead add something that makes everything inside tremble with anticipation. The ideal list of tasks includes not only planning work and distributing finances, but also relaxing with friends, and most importantly, time devoted to yourself. Your goal is to create a plan that will make your hands itch and knees shake.

Week 4: Expanding Boundaries

  1. Live differently. Any little things will do - you can take a new route to work, go to a very expensive store or an unfamiliar cafe and sign up for some section. In general, to change your life you need to start doing something you have never done before. When doing your usual things, always try to do it a little differently. It is important to develop the habit of constantly trying something new.
  2. Say goodbye to your comfort zone. If you were able to complete all the previous points, you have already done a good job on yourself, but now is the time to face your fears. For example, if you are afraid of heights, dare to skydive, you are afraid of society strangers- attend a large party (without girlfriends and boyfriends).
  3. Give yourself a break. Leave your cozy home, turn off your phone and go somewhere nice. Be alone with yourself and your thoughts - evaluate the situation and the changes that have happened to you, have you managed to change your life?

It is not difficult to follow all the rules described in the article, but by integrating them into your life, you will be able to find true harmony and be able to find the right path.

How to formulate entries in a diary? I use the following wording: “Thank you for…” and then you can add whatever you want.

Gratitude journal

This same practice helped me find a job that determined the entire future direction of my life.. Thanks to her, I personally met a man who inspired me to travel long before we met. I owe this technique for making my dream come true.

I got all this when I started keeping a gratitude journal. Accidents are not accidental, or How I decided to experiment

It was a difficult period in my life. I then moved to another city, with practically no money. Miraculously, I literally immediately found a job with a good salary. But I had no time left for anything other than her. I left home at 9 am and returned around 10 pm. I had just enough strength to take a shower, have dinner and fall into bed (well, fall).

Days gave way to weeks and months. There was no light at the end of this tunnel.

At that moment, within a few days of each other, I came across two videos where two different people were talking about how the power of gratitude influenced their lives. Their stories inspired me, and I decided to check if it really works that cool.

The essence of the experiment that I came up with was to write 1000 thanks and see what happens.

The first results appeared three days later.

My mood has improved significantly. I felt content for no apparent reason and just enjoyed life. And before, I walked around gloomy all the time.

There were also side effects: The owner of the apartment said that she was raising the cost of housing. Later she increased the rent twice more. But more on that a little later.

Rapid changes. New job

I diligently continued to keep a diary and one of the most frequent entries there was:“I am grateful that I earn money through the Internet and at the same time do what I like.”

In fact, there was no sign of making money on the Internet back then: I worked as a sales consultant in a household appliances store, but I only dreamed about Internet work. But I didn’t have to wait long for my dreams to come true.

I wrote to him and after a short conversation on Skype, I decided to sign up for the training. I paid for the training, wrote a letter of resignation and began to wait for the start of the training.

On July 1, I quit my job at the store, started taking training on finding a job on the Internet, and within three weeks I found one (now I realize that I was very lucky).

I started working with a man whose blog I had been reading for several years. His travel reports different countries inspired me so much that I set myself the goal of going to Asia.

And now he has become my employer! Before that, I took one of his trainings and had his contacts. I wrote to him and offered my help. My proposal was right on target. It turned out that the person who held the position for which I applied had just left the project and they urgently needed a new employee to fill the vacant position.

It `s Magic!

When I was fully mastering a new profession, the owner of the apartment again raised the rental price, and my neighbors decided that it was time to look for new housing. Regular entries appeared in my gratitude diary: “Thank you for the wonderful apartment in which I live.”

We soon found our new home.

Before this, we lived in an apartment where the last renovation was done immediately after the house was built, and the furniture was falling apart from age. And we moved into a new, large two-room apartment in a new building, with furniture and household appliances. Moreover, its cost was the same as the cost of our previous apartment before all the increases!

It was hard to believe. Our friends said that this was unrealistic, that there were no such prices in the city even for a one-room apartment.

This was my first experience using a gratitude journal.

Later I used this practice several more times. So, for example, I went to Thailand and lived on the island of Koh Samui for nine months. There I met many interesting people, including with the person for whom I worked, and thanks to whom I had the dream of traveling.

Now I have resumed journaling and there is a lot of magic in my life again.

It is difficult to explain in words the feeling that arises when you write in your diary regularly. There is a concept of “reaching a goal,” but here it’s the other way around—the goal reaches you on its own.

How to Write a Gratitude Journal

There really aren't any strict rules. In any case, I have not met them. The recommendations I give are based on my personal experience. They will help you understand how you can use a gratitude journal and perhaps inspire you with ideas of your own.

What can you be grateful for?

You can thank for anything and anyone, for example:

    remember all the pleasant moments of the day and thank you for them;

    remember all the pleasant moments in life and also thank them for them;

    thank the people you communicate with;

    thank the universe (God, life, world, etc.) for what you want to have, as if you already have it;

    be sure to thank yourself.

In what form should you keep a diary: electronic or paper?

At first I kept a diary electronically. Later I switched to the paper version - I prefer to write down my thanks with a pen. You can choose the method that you prefer. I don't think it matters much.

How to get what you want with the help of a diary?

My position is this: our world is abundant, and if we can imagine something, then it is real. And the practice of gratitude only helps to manifest this in reality.

Is it effective to achieve goals using this technique?

My experience shows that yes. In fact, there are many techniques for achieving goals and you can use any one. In order to use any technique, you need to understand what end result you want and go towards it.

Recording a goal in a daily diary in the form of gratitude helps keep the goal in focus, and the power of gratitude speeds up its implementation. Therefore, you can combine this technology with any other that you already use.

How do you know if the diary is working?

You will notice this yourself. New acquaintances and people will begin to appear in your life who will help you realize your goal. Pleasant events and surprises will also occur. The main thing is to keep track of all this and feel real gratitude for every bonus from the universe - then there will be even more of them.

It's like magic - you don't need to know and write out all the steps in advance to achieve your goal, everything happens by itself.

In the example with the apartment, we did not search for it. We simply told our friends about the situation and said that we wanted to find new housing. And it was found almost immediately.

How to formulate entries in a diary?

I use the following wording: “Thank you for…” and then you can add whatever you want.

You can take this one or come up with your own.

How many entries should I make per day?

I usually make 20 entries. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But mostly I focus on this figure.

What if I'm very depressed right now, I don't feel any gratitude and I can't bring myself to write anything?

I recommend writing 100 thanks in one sitting through an effort of will. Remember everything pleasant that happened in your life, thank all your loved ones, friends and acquaintances, and also thank yourself for everything you can remember. This will help relieve depression and move on.. published

Why are spiritual practices needed? What are their benefits for life?

If you are just starting to use spiritual instruments, but while you find it difficult to determine whether there are changes or results, read stories from the lives of our readers and clients.

They will definitely inspire you.

You will learn how spiritual practices can radically change your life: improve relationships with loved ones, improve health, fulfill old dreams, reveal your talents and much, much more.

Broadcast cycle on the Keys of Mastery

Cosmic Laws

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Changes in life after using spiritual practices. Stories of transformation of project participants

Read the best stories of project participants whose lives have changed thanks to spiritual practices.

You will find more stories in the comments under this video.

Find out which practices project participants consider the best

I understood myself, forgave people, freed myself from fear

Experience of spiritual transformation of Victoria Geider:

“I want to start my story with Alena’s words: “Who knows how my life would have turned out if it weren’t for the Keys of Mastery project.”

Now I understand that there are no coincidences, everything is natural, the universe hears me!

On November 25, 2016, I received unexpected news that I was being laid off from my job and I had to leave in 3 days. It was a shock.

All plans, goals collapsed in an instant. I fell into the abyss, emptiness, hopelessness.

I wrote a question in a search engine: How to move on if everything is against me?

The universe gave the answer right away, but then I didn’t understand it. I just read the phrase: “Desires that come from the mind do not come true.”

Through this phrase I found myself on the Keys of Mastery.

What are the dangers and rewards of spiritual practice?

Alena, you and mine practices work wonders. I rejoice, observe the gifts of the universe, gradually move towards my goal and work on myself.

Every day is a holiday of light, sun, joy for me.

I am glad that I have support and obvious support - these are my guardian angels. They guide me, give answers to all my questions.

It's interesting, messages come through signs on the street, car numbers, in dreams and pictures on the clouds)))).

Learn how to appeal to higher powers to be heard.

In meditations, I feel like I am being lifted up in a spiral at such a speed that sometimes it seems that I do not want to return from this state.

After a week I am in a state of bliss, confidence, security.

My environment has completely changed. There are me and my parents who support me greatly, I am grateful to them.

The fact that I am alone now, I have designated this period for myself as cleansing, liberation and fulfillment.

I understood myself, forgave people, freed myself from fear.

Now I'm looking for my creative direction. I have already tried my hand at writing articles.

I don’t want to go back to work for work’s sake. I’m also looking for my place here.

There are changes for my parents too. Their health improved, their father abruptly stopped drinking, and their material lives changed for the better.

I am in the flow and grateful with all my heart to you, Alena, and the KM team!)))) And to your kicks, they help me when I get into a stupor and am overcome by doubts.

And I learned to cope with this!

Life is beautiful in all its manifestations and I accept it!”

I accepted myself as I am and accept others without expectations.

The story of Yulia Zavadskaya:

“I’m 48 years old, I’m an IT specialist. At the moment I am a happy person.

I have a beloved husband, a wonderful son, a wonderful daughter, a wonderful self-sufficient mother, a cozy home, a comfortable and interesting job, and I have time for myself.

And there are also friends who are on the same wavelength as me.

In order to write an answer, you need to understand it, feel it and draw an intermediate conclusion. And this in itself is very useful.

Thanks to spiritual practices, I myself and my attitude towards everything that happens to me and around me have changed. This change took life with it.

As a result I have:

  • Life has become joyful. The habit of noticing the smiles of reality filled life with small miracles, and the reciprocal joy increased the overall tone of life.
  • The acquired ability to control my reaction protected me from actions that I would regret: the magic rule from the training is to react in a tense situation after 6 inhalations/exhalations.
  • I accepted myself as I am and accept others without expectations. Eventually no disappointment in people. It became easier to communicate.

  • I fell in love with myself and I put it first and keep my boundaries (somewhere rigid, somewhere flexible), the main thing is consciously!
  • The attitude towards money has changed. There are fewer problems, less stress, more gifts from reality.
  • The quality of communication has changed dramatically. I haven’t watched TV for 5 years now, I communicate in virtual communities of interests, and live with people on my wavelength. The whining people, the discussing people, the condemning people have disappeared. Empty painful conversations and chatter are a thing of the distant past.
  • Relatives support (mother, daughter) or do not interfere, sometimes they even play my games - conducting rituals (husband, son).

Study the list of spiritual abilities and gifts and rejoice at how far you have come.

Life is beautiful and is slowly getting better day by day. Thank you Alena, you are my guiding star.

I thank the girls from the team and ordinary Klyuchikov, we are POWER, and I clearly feel it. Hurray for all of us!”

Fate gave me a meeting with my loved one

Tatyana Voldina, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, specialist in the traditional culture of the Ob-Ugric peoples, shared her achievements:

“I began to engage in spiritual development more thoroughly in 2010, although I had read the relevant literature before that.

She underwent initiations into cosmoenergetics, Tibetan initiations, and accumulated relevant experience.

Regular yoga classes, seminars, initiations, a trip to India, and shamanic practices changed not only me and my perception of the world, but also contributed to major dramatic changes in life.

  • I was able to dissolve a marriage that was burdening me with a good but inert person.
  • Fate gave me meeting with your loved one, with whom we united our destinies.
  • I wrote a book dedicated to reincarnation in the culture of the Ob Ugrians, which I hardly dared to do before.
  • I began to understand life situations better.
  • Relationships with others have become harmonious. Communication with daughters also moved to another higher level of love and mutual understanding.

In a word, I moved to a new octave in my life. I recently became acquainted with the Institute of Reincarnation and the Keys of Mastery website and am very pleased with the new discoveries!”

Working on self-acceptance made it possible to discover talents in myself that I didn’t even suspect.

How spiritual practices changed the life of Zhanna Sukhova:

“I watched the video and at first decided that I didn’t have much to write about my 2 years of spiritual practices.

But gradually one thing after another began to emerge. And the following happened:

    • Over these 2 years, I worked through huge layers of negative energy of the Family, which made it possible to get out of many intertwinings with the destinies of my ancestors and repetitions of their plots.
    • Relationships with parents have changed dramatically - from civil war with hatred and wishes for a speedy departure to mutual understanding, respect, forgiveness and acceptance.
  • During this time, I left an unnecessary job and became a Master - an energy practitioner in a wide range of energies (starting with Reiki and Kundalini Reiki and much more).
  • I suddenly started writing poetry, and in a special style (rubai), and within a year I was published in 3 international almanacs.
  • Much improved health.

  • I built the kind of relationship with a man that I always wanted.
  • Working on self-acceptance and self-love made it possible to discover talents in myself that I never knew I had. I started drawing mandalas (even though I was always told at school that drawing and I were incompatible), and then I started weaving mandalas. I started creating energy paintings.
  • I created and run the VKontakte group myself, which gives me great pleasure. I help people who come to me with requests.
Over these 2 years, I have come to a level of awareness that I could not even imagine at the beginning of my journey.
  • My clairvoyance has increased. A peace and joy settled inside.
  • From a woman who “should, must, do everything to the maximum,” I became a natural woman.
  • Over these 2 years, completely my social circle has changed.
  • Unique Guides have come into my life to help me solve my problems.

I am eternally grateful to the Universe for the chance to begin my transformation. I am eternally grateful to myself for accepting this chance.”

Do you still doubt whether spiritual practices will help transform your life? It seems to me that the answer is obvious.

For the desired changes to occur, all you need is the willingness and courage to act.

And spiritual practices will help you see the right path that your soul has paved and speed up the results.

Our life sometimes seems strange and unpredictable to us.

“Apparently, it’s not fate...”, we sometimes say, complaining about this or that episode.

But if you think about it, what is fate? Why does everything happen this way in our lives and not differently?

What scenario do we live by and who wrote it?

Our life scenario - the key to understanding what, how, when and why happens to us. Accidents are not accidental. And indeed it is. And having realized why it happens this way and not otherwise, seeing the cause-and-effect relationships, we can change our scenario.

And, therefore, change your Life...

I suggest you do the practical work of identifying your script and changing it.

Scenario Tree of Your Life.

Prepare a large sheet of paper (at least A4) and draw a silhouette of a tree on it.

This is your Life.

And right on this sheet you make your notes.

Roots- These are attitudes received from parents in childhood. We absorb them at the very beginning of our life journey. They begin to be recognized by the child in the womb and form the basis for the formation of his existential scenario.

It could be installation type: Don't, Don't be, Don't get close, Don't be significant, Don't be healthy, Don't be yourself, Don't grow up. May relate to thoughts: Don’t think like that, Don’t think differently than me; about feelings: Don’t feel, Don’t feel otherwise, etc.

Are there any positive attitudes? Yes, sure. One of the most important: Just live and be happy. More options (reverse from negative): You are important, Love, Be loved, Achieve success, Be independent, etc.

For example.

As a child, people only paid attention to you when you misbehaved. Then everyone began to take an active interest in your affairs, needs, and actively help. And when everything stabilized, it was as if they forgot about you... It is very possible that one of the attitudes is: “Don’t be good.” Those. when I'm bad, I'm needed, when I'm good, no one cares about me.

There may be several such settings.

Think about what message your parents gave you during your upbringing? It is perceived by the child both from the words of the parents and from his actions in relation to him, another person, and the outside world.

It could be some strong family phrases like “Money comes only through hard work.”

Find 5-6 such messages and write them on the roots of your Scenario tree.

The soil– psychological environment.

Remember when you were growing up (and the life script is formed before the age of 7 and is “edited” again in adolescence) what kind of environment surrounded you? What was the most important thing about it? You can take both childhood and teenage periods.

Perhaps you were the “ugly duckling” in class and the environment around you was overwhelming, you were scared and a feeling of self-doubt was a constant companion? Or maybe on the contrary, parents always said: “You should be...”, “Have you already done your homework?” etc. And have you always felt like someone was watching you, controlling your every move? Or maybe your parents tried to make your world as interesting as possible, allowing you to be yourself. Or all the time they convinced you that you are much better than others, and the rest are so... misunderstandings, and only you are the center of the Universe.

Think and write it down where the soil of your scenario tree is. The environment could be different, because the soil is heterogeneous in its composition.

Now pay attention to trunk is your main script process.

There are four main existential scenarios.

“I am good - the world is good”- well-being scenario. IN real life, unfortunately, is very rare.

“I am good - the world is bad”- I am the best, the rest are not smart enough, beautiful, rich, educated, etc. True, sometimes they themselves do not notice it. But what will you take from them?

"I'm bad - the world is good"- I'm not worthy of anything good. In no case can I just be lucky in life; everything must be achieved through hard work. Others may have happiness, luck, money, family, etc. But my destiny is to suffer. Or punish yourself by feeling guilty.

"I'm bad - the world is bad"- here I think comments are unnecessary...

Please take a detached look at which one is yours. Of course, everyone wants to say: “Oh! I have the first one! But... be honest with yourself. The main thing is to see. Do not forget that this “grows” from children’s attitudes (horses) and the psychological environment (soil).

We write the script on the trunk of your tree.

More information about life scenarios can be found here (one of the open webinars) .

Branches- these are smaller scenarios, something that concerns some processes in your life. Regarding work, relationships, money, health, etc.

For example, the main Life Scenario “I’m bad - the world is good.” And from it can grow:

In the sphere of relationships: “Everyone good men already sorted out... so a happy marriage is not for me"

In the area of ​​money: “A high-paying job is not for me. I don’t have enough experience/education/savvy/etc.”

Kidneys(from which new branches will grow) – these are your scenarios that can be. They are still in their infancy. Look into perspective what exactly can grow from these buds if you don’t change your life.

Leaves, flowers and fruits – realized goals, your achievements.

You can conditionally “divide” - leaves are your emotional states, flowers are your projects and plans for the future, fruits are direct achievements, what has been realized.

This work is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Of course, it’s better to do it with a specialist, because there is a lot in our lives that we don’t see or don’t want to see. It all depends on what we want to be true.

If you do the work yourself, then it is very important to do it as if for another person, not for yourself. Emotionally you need to detach. Then you will be able to see the situation impartially, as if from the outside. And that means it’s more realistic.

It seems to me that you have already understood that the most important element is a tree trunk - your existential scenario.

Is it possible to change it?

Of course you can. This is best done in individual work, but we would also work with him in training.

The schedule of open meetings is available.

I will be glad to see everyone there.

Recording of the first meeting:

But, if you decide not to go to the training, is it possible to do something about it yourself? Yes.

For example, you can draw a basket next to a tree with fruits collected from another scenario tree. These fruits will represent what you would like to receive in this life, the results of your activities. Label each fruit with what it means. What is your desire, your goal, your dream.

Now take a close look at your tree. What belief or script process prevents this fruit from growing in your life, on your tree?

Have you determined? If not, then think about what belief will help you. Draw a bud on the branch that relates to the area in which you want your goal to be fulfilled and write down this belief next to it.

Now think about how you can integrate this belief into your life? What will change? What will go differently? How important is it to you that this happens? How much does this agree/disagree with the main scenario (tree trunk). What can help you? What situations from the past tell you that this is possible?

Successful practice to you!!!

With love and gratitude

Many people dream of changing their destiny, rewriting their life history, changing the circumstances that happen to them. The practices described in this article will help you come to terms with your destiny, but you will have to start with transforming yourself.

How often can you meet people who hate their life, but do not try to change it, improve it, make it better. To avoid becoming one of these people, we recommend that you use a simple technique that will help you understand yourself, your desires, understand what you need to strive for, and change your destiny. Absolutely everyone has their own purpose, there are no exceptions. Also, each person has his own unique ones, thanks to which he can show himself at his best. The problem is that it is not so easy to understand your true task. We present you with a three-step methodology to help you get started. new life.

Step One: Awareness

There will be no positive changes in your life until you decide to change it. It’s enough to wake up with the thought that it’s time to change something. In order not to wait for such thoughts for a long time, we recommend that you ask yourself three questions that will help you understand yourself. Try to answer as honestly as possible:

  1. What is wrong in life, fate and you (in your opinion)?
  2. What specifically don't suit you?
  3. What would you like to change right now?

And here is the first practice. Take a piece of paper and write three to five points about each area of ​​your life. If you find it difficult to gather your thoughts right away, think about each question for as long as you need: a day, a week, a month.

What don't you like about own life and what would you like to change?

  • In a relationship with a loved one;
  • In relationships with loved ones, friends, relatives;
  • In relationships with children, brothers or sisters;
  • In relationships with parents and grandparents;
  • At work;
  • In your material wealth;
  • In itself;
  • In his appearance;
  • In good health.

This list is yours a starting point on the way to finding yourself. We recommend that you refer to it from time to time, track your progress, notice changes, remind yourself which areas of your life continue to slow down your success.

Step two: choosing a direction

Just realizing that there are things in your destiny that are holding you back is not enough. It is important to understand what to do next with this indisputable fact, how to change the state of your life. While at this stage, you need to choose the right direction so as not to completely lose your way. The easiest way to find your purpose is through action. If you don’t know what you want from life, try everything: someday luck will certainly smile on you. True, this method requires enormous amounts of energy, time and resources. There is a better way - connect your life experience. The following practice will help you with this. After completing the exercises, you will be able to find the right course, which is currently hidden from you.

1. What would you do if you were rich?

Try to imagine that you were incredibly rich: what would you do? For efficiency, you can write down the very amount that can make you happy and make you feel completely secure. Let's say you've already become fabulously rich, what now? Write down five things you would tackle first. Attention: this should be a matter for the benefit of society, and not an idle activity like “traveling the world.” Now your goal is to come up with a job for yourself that will make you a happy person.

2. What would you do if you were poor?

Now let's go in reverse. Imagine being fired from your job, going bankrupt and losing all your savings, leaving you without the money you need to live normally. Think about the kind of work you could do for a living. Remember: this is your way to start a new life, so choose a job you like. Make a list of five items.

3. Which job would make you a rich person if it paid you with happiness?

This is the last task you need to complete. Here you need to write down your five favorite things that you are ready to do to earn yourself real happiness. You can list your hobbies. Please note that inaction does not count as the correct answer.

Step Three: Action

This is the most important stage, the culmination. Without this two previous paragraphs, as well as the desire to change your destiny, will remain only pipe dreams. Awareness will help you understand yourself, choosing a direction will help you determine your purpose in life, and action will help you change your life. Break your main goal into several small but realistic steps in the chosen direction. And remember: only you are the creator of your happiness, your destiny is in your hands!

Finding your purpose is the beginning of the path leading to happy life. Through the troubles you have had to endure, try to appreciate your past - without belittling or idealizing it. Start tracking your progress, analyzing your past mistakes, rewarding yourself even for tiny successes. Happiness always starts small. We wish you success. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and