Basta tattoos. Basta tattoo What is tattooed on Basta’s hands

Basta or the same NoGGano is not just a famous Russian rapper, but also the host of NEXT FM radio, a talented director of several films on the website It all started back in 2000, when an ordinary guy Vasya Vakulenko came up with the nickname “Basta” and began recording his first (but already terribly popular) solo album. As a result, Vasya’s (Basta) first hits were released into the world, such as: “Finally and irrevocably”, “In the bustle of the city”, “So spring cries”, “Cash”, and, of course, the song “Later”.

Gradually, Basta was already at the peak of his popularity. And in the spring of 2006, a studio album called “Basta 1” was released, which took part in the PKK. This became quite a sensational album, after which everyone started talking about Vasya Vakulenka, already better known as Basta. And his video for the song “Autumn” was included in the hit parade of MUZTV, where it stayed in first place for about 3.5 months! And, as you know, even today the “Autumn” video in the “Da Chart” parade still takes prizes (for more than six months now). But he became famous not only for his musical and directorial talent. Just look at these amazing Vasya tattoos.

Now I would like to take a closer look Basta tattoos(NoGGano) and talk about their meaning from the photo. So, let’s start, perhaps, with Nogano’s left shoulder, on which two revolvers are tattooed (well, like 2 letters “G”, symbolizing his name).

Vasya also did not leave his two hands unattended. On one there is an inscription in the form of “Quien si no mi”, meaning translated from Spanish: “Who else, if not I.” NoGGano's left arm is tattooed with the words "Vaya con Dios", also meaning "I walk with God" in Spanish. As we see in the photo, Basta's tattoo is quite symbolic and makes you think about Vasya’s philosophy of thought.

Further, after a certain period of time, Basta (NoGGano) completed the tattoos on his hands, making tattoos in the form of shields. And looking at the photo, you can see that it was executed in a rather original, unusual and beautiful way.

Another example of Basta’s (NoGGano) original tattoo on his leg is a monkey with a microphone. This tattoo represents the year of his birth. And the microphone symbolizes his immense and eternal love for music. No matter how pretentious it may sound, Basta (Nogano), or the simple guy Vasya Vakulenko, is truly a very talented person and devoted to the music world.

The bodies of popular artists of the Russian stage are often decorated with numerous tattoos. For your attention - a stellar dozen musicians, known for their great love of emphasizing individuality with drawings, phrases and symbols on the skin. Enjoy watching!

Perhaps the record holder for the number of tattoos is rapper Timati. The artist admits that every image and inscription on his body carries a certain meaning.

Tattoos occupy more than 70% of Timati's body. Even the phalanges of the fingers have signs and symbols engraved on them.

Looks like tattoos are becoming business card rappers!
In the photo - Timur Yunusov and Vasily Vakulenko ( Timati and Basta).

Photo: Instagram Timati @timatiofficial

The Russian rap artist, composer and producer has tattoos on both forearms.

Photo: Basta's Instagram @bastaakanoggano

Yegor Creed admits that he got his first tattoo at the age of 14! Today, the favorite of the female audience is 22 years old, and the number of tattoos on his body has increased significantly.

Photo: Instagram Egor Creed @egorkreed

Dzhigan, a famous hip-hop artist and professional athlete, is seriously interested in tattooing.

In the summer, Dzhigan became a guest on Strana FM, where he talked about music, sports and tattoos.

Photo: Dzhigan’s Instagram @iamgeegun

Photo: Instagram Nargiz @rocknnargiz

Group soloist Roman Pashkov – winner large quantity tattoos and, it seems, has no plans to stop there!

Photo: Instagram of Roman Pashkov @pashock_official

Tattoos on the hands of the queen of Russian R’n’B are not just decoration; she treats them as symbols that can influence life and bring good luck.

Photo: Instagram Bianca @biankarnb

Former members of the Quest Pistols reunited and began developing. The soloists of the shocking group - Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky - are passionate about tattooing.

Photo: Instagram of the group “Agon” @yo_agon

Musician of the band “Band’Eros” Igor Burnyshev is actively involved in . The artist admits that with the appearance of special images on the body, the internal state changed. Garik Burito intends to develop a whole range of tattoos for himself.

It's no secret that tattoos are a weakness for representatives of rap culture. Rapper Basta also shares this passion. Actually, looking at him, no doubt about this fact can arise - the body of Vasily Vakulenko, hiding under a sonorous pseudonym, is covered with intricate patterns.
All the musician’s tattoos do not carry any pathos and were not made to better suit rap culture. The drawings decorating Vasily’s body were carefully selected by him and have personal significance and meaning, motivation and reminder.
On the performer’s right hand there are two inscriptions on Spanish: "Quien si no mi" and "Vaya con Dios". They can be translated as “Who else if not me” and “I’m going with God.”
From wrists to elbows, Basta's hands are covered with intricate patterns depicting ancient military shields, which is a symbol of the musician's strong and unshakable character.
The left shoulder is decorated with two revolvers, reminiscent of two letters “G” in their shape, as an allusion to the musician’s second stage name - NoGGano.
On Basta’s leg you can see a monkey with a microphone. The meaning is transparent: the musician was born in the year of the monkey, and the microphone is a symbol of his activity and love for music.

Basta's tattoos are quite modest compared to other representatives of rap. Vasily Vakulenko rarely bares his torso during performances to show off his tattoos. However, his tattoos are no less interesting and meaningful. In our review, we will figure out what the inscriptions on Basta’s hands mean and what other tattoos the musician got for himself.

Basta Tattoo on Hands

On the hands, or rather on the forearms, they were originally filled with:

  • “Vaya con Dios”, which in Spanish means “to walk with God.”
  • "Queen si no mi", which translates as “who else if not me.”

These inscriptions indicate that their owner values ​​\u200b\u200bhighly and wants to go through his life's path doing everything possible, but not to step over other people.

Later, around these inscriptions, drawings of armor appeared, similar to those worn by gladiators and other warriors in the old days. A tattoo of armor is always interpreted as belligerence, the ability to defend oneself, to stand up for oneself, one’s principles and interests. Ability to defend one's position in modern world no less important than the ability to wield weapons in ancient times.

Basta Tattoo on Shoulder

Basta has two Nagant system revolvers on his shoulder. This drawing is the logo and business card of Basta's alter ego, his stage hero NoGGano. Revolvers are considered a classic gangster tattoo; they symbolize honor, the ability to stand up for oneself, and courage. Such tattoos can be seen on many people, especially on representatives of the American rap scene.

Basta Tattoo on Leg

Basta is filled with his most ironic tattoo - monkey with microphone. Vasily Vakulenko was born in the year of the monkey, this is the first symbolic meaning of the tattoo. And the second is a dedication to creativity, a reminder that no matter what heights you reach in show business, you shouldn’t lose your head. Humor and self-irony, the ability to laugh at any topic, even the most serious ones, always help you remain adequate and sane in life, even if success makes you dizzy.

Vasily Vakulenko, which is Basta’s name in real life, is a famous Russian rapper, famous for his unusual and meaningful lyrics. He also performs under the pseudonym Noggano. In addition to his main creative path, the rapper also has experience in radio broadcasting. Vasya Vakulenko also had a hand in creating several videos. The celebrity is known as extraordinary personality. Therefore, it does not surprise anyone that the tattoos on Basta are also striking in their originality. Even an ordinary inscription is designed by him as an interesting tattoo.

Tattoos in the form of inscriptions

Noggano has two inscriptions in Italian. The very fact that the tattoo uses a language that is not native to the celebrity speaks of her desire to hide her thoughts from others. The letters are executed clearly, without unnecessary curls. One of the inscriptions translates as the phrase “who, if not me.” According to the rapper, this is his motto in life. In some of her compositions, Vakulenko uses the message conveyed by this tattoo. On the other hand is the inscription “I walk with God!” There are no comments from the celebrity about the meaning of this kind of tattoo. However, there are suggestions that this is another philosophy of the musician, which he transfers into his lyrics.

Basta with tattoos on his arm

Later the tattoo was supplemented with original shields covering Basta’s hands. Plate, armor and their components, chosen as the basis for the tattoo, talk about a person's sentimental character. Only a strong personality paints such an image. Shields are quite a powerful tattoo. A celebrity could also choose it as a talisman, which is important for public people.

Basta's tattoos: another perspective

Monkey is a musician

There is a very funny image on Basta’s leg. The tattoo depicts a monkey holding a microphone tightly in its paw. This sketch is quite symbolic. Noggano himself was born in the year of the monkey, so the choice of animal is predictable. Since he spends his entire life with music, he provided the main character of the tattoo with a microphone.

However, in addition to this subtext, there are other interpretations of a tattoo with the image of a monkey. For example this the animal is associated with lightness and cunning. However, people who choose this creature as a talisman are not capable of evil. They often have many friends in their circle. They often worry about trifles. They are also very intelligent animals, which are considered the ancestors of humans.

Basta tattoos on arm and leg

The microphone, of course, is directly related to music. This type of tattoo is chosen by people closely associated with this area. The microphone itself can also speak of openness, the desire to speak out, to prove that one is right. This type of tattoo is not used by secretive people who prefer to remain silent.

Basta has tattoos on his hands in the form of numbers

Two pistols

On the rapper's shoulder there is a weapon, namely two revolvers. This is a direct reference to the stage name Vakulenko. The number of weapons indicates the double letter "G" used in the nickname.

Weapons made on the body of a man, may indicate aggression. However, such people are not prone to betrayal. For them, it is easier to resolve a matter with a fight than to plot intrigues and take revenge.

Also a tattoo with the image of pistols says about the desire to prove one's masculinity. By putting this attribute of a warlike person on public display, Basta most likely wanted to emphasize his determination. Such a gesture common to many young people.