Skeleton tattoo. The meaning of the skull tattoo with a rose Skeleton with a rose

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IN modern world, in times of the developed and continuing development of the cult of tattoos, many would not mind getting something really worthwhile. But, unfortunately, it happens that a large number of people, putting any image on their body, do it purely because of the outwardly pretty picture.

Among the variety of tattoo images today you can find a skull with a rose. This slightly surprising drawing attracts with contrast and mixed feelings. Still, the rose is a universal symbol of beauty, and the image of the skull leads to dangerous and frightening associations.

In modern salons, you can see a variety of photos of a skull tattoo with a rose, various variations and colors of which determine the style of the image.

The attitude in the skull is peculiar - some peoples saw in it only a reflection of death and non-existence, others, on the contrary, used the head of the skeleton as a talisman against evil spirits. Pirates depicted the "Jolly Roger" on their flags to intimidate enemies, their flag symbolized destruction and freedom. And the Celtic tribes carefully kept the skulls of the dead, believing that the souls of their ancestors inhabited them. For many peoples, the skull served as a reminder of death and the transition to the eternal world, which also ensured reverence for this symbol.

Today, a tattoo with a skull does not cause such quivering emotions, and more and more often you can find a skeleton head tattoo not only among fans of dark cults, but also among carefree glamorous girls. The fairer sex often tattoos a skull with a rose on the back, on the back of the arm or on the shoulder. The meaning of the tattoo skull with a rose depends on the overall composition. For example, the head of a skeleton, entwined with a rose or depicted with a nearby flower, symbolizes the loss, death of a loved one. Names are often found in such drawings.

The meaning of the skull tattoo with a rose in the teeth

You can also find another option - a skull with a rose in its teeth. This symbol speaks of the carelessness of the owner, a predisposition to drive and courage. Sometimes such a drawing is surrounded by abstract additions or wings, a halo. This tattoo does not carry a specific meaning, it simply demonstrates the imagination, individuality of the owner and decorates the body with unusual and attention-grabbing images.

Young people also apply a skull with a rose, but tend to choose a more brutal or threatening option. For example, a skull with gloomy empty eye sockets, entwined with a rose bush; an image where a skull and roses are small elements of a complex composition.

Also, sometimes a skull with a rose is found in prison symbols, but prison meaning tattoo skull with rose are defined separately. That is, the skull means aggressiveness, fearlessness before death and cruelty, and the rose in most cases indicates that the owner of the tattoo has come of age in the colony.

Still, there is no single definition of a skull tattoo with a rose, so every fan of this pattern can independently determine the meaning of his tattoo.

Finally, it should be said that there are 2 types of such tattoos, the meaning of which contradicts each other. A plucked rose in the teeth and a rose entwined or a rose bush enveloping the skull, which grow naturally, are completely opposite symbols.

Dark plots have long proved that it is no coincidence that they occupy an important place in the world of tattoos. Indeed, for many people, images reminiscent of deathmake a depressing impression. However, the symbolism of such drawings is much deeper than it seems at first glance.

Skeleton tattoo symbolism

The skeleton should not be taken only as a sign of death. To understand why this is so, it is enough to recall what we know about the beliefs of our ancestors. Ancient people not only revered the dead, but also believed that there was no impassable line between earthly and otherworldly existence, and therefore the souls of the departed were able to protect and help those living on earth.

The following skeleton tattoo meanings are distinguished:

  • belief in eternal life and immortality;
  • understanding of the transience of earthly existence and the hope for the rebirth of the soul in a better world;
  • lack of fear of death, masculinity and courage;
  • belief in fate and omens;
  • understanding that fame, wealth and blessings received on earth cannot be taken with you to another world, that only that which is connected with spiritual work is truly valuable;
  • passion for mysticism and magic.

Did you know? Many people in Bolivia still keep dead relatives at home. It seems almost unrealistic in the 21st century, but for centuries the Catholic Church has not been able to eradicate the ancient notion that each new generation should take care of the bones of their ancestors. The Indians not only did not bury the dead in the ground, but also kept their skulls as a sign of deep respect.

Who suits a skeleton tattoo

The skeleton tattoo, whose meaning is traditionally associated with eternity, the transience of life and the hope of the rebirth of the soul, is suitable for those who:

  • knows what phrase was written on the inside of Solomon's ring;
  • remembers what expression the slaves shouted to the emperors of ancient Rome who returned with victory;
  • hates boredom and monotony;
  • values ​​freedom and courage;
  • strives for self-expression;
  • loves heavy music;
  • believes that a person is born not for pleasure, but for business;
  • reads modern literature;
  • heard the name of Nietzsche (and perhaps even knows what Zarathustra was talking about);
  • understands that pessimism and suicidal tendencies are completely different things;
  • understands that there are dark and light sides in life;
  • loves life in all its manifestations;
  • in spite of everything, still hopes for the resurrection of the soul.

Skeleton tattoo options

The skeleton is an image that allows for many variations. It can be made in any size, color, complemented by symbolic details and unusual elements. Depending on the sketch, the meaning of the tattoo also changes. The most common composition options are:

  1. Dancing skeleton. Oddly enough, such a tattoo symbolizes the joy of life rather than wilting. Remember the Feast during the plague of A. Pushkin: the inhabitants of the plague city not only did not commit suicide, did not fall into despondency and depression, but, on the contrary, decided to arrange a celebration of life in order to forget about the horrors of the world around them for at least an hour. Such a tattoo, as it were, tells us: Rejoice no matter what! Death is inevitable, it will overtake everyone, but life is given to us in order to be strong and value our time!
  2. Two hugging skeletons. The interpretation of such an image is quite transparent: eternal love, love to the grave. Such tattoos are applied by people who are confident in the constancy of their feelings, who value fidelity, family and believe that beyond the limits of life we ​​will be able to meet those who were dear to us on earth.
  3. Jolly Roger. This fairly popular tattoo stands for piracy, living for a happy occasion, faith in luck and the ability to do anything to achieve a goal. The skeleton tattoo, the sketch of which is made in the form of the Jolly Roger emblem, also symbolizes unlimited freedom, a desire to take risks and a penchant for all kinds of adventures.
  4. Skeleton / part of a skeleton in . The tattoo world is developing in accordance with modern technologies. The emergence of computer games and films that immerse the viewer in a 3-dimensional space is reflected in the sketches of tattoos. The image of a part of the skeleton, the bones of which seem to belong to the wearer of the tattoo, is common among fans of alternative music, freaks, punks, fans of psychedelic culture. True, not every master can perform such a tattoo.

In addition to human skeletons, there are often tattoos depicting the skeletons of dinosaurs and fish. Such wearable drawings symbolize the transience of time and speak of a person's love for everything secret, hidden, gone deep into the centuries.

How to choose a skeleton tattoo

Tattoos depicting a skeleton or its parts are performed anywhere on the body. There are no restrictions, traditions and superstitions here. The first question that a person interested in skeletal topics can ask himself is what exactly the tattoo should express, what the person wants to say to her.

Not everyone likes images of skulls, as these symbols look too ominous and scary. Most of the owners of tattoos with such drawings are either rather gloomy people associated in some way with mysticism, or representatives of subcultures - goths, punks, bikers. And yet the question is: “What is the meaning of the skull tattoo?” - is becoming more and more relevant, as such tattoos are becoming more common.

Culture of different countries

For most people, the first associations with the image of a skull are danger, aggression, destruction and death. Let us recall at least the pirate ships that sailed under flags with the image of crossed bones. And yet, this sign is not so unpleasant for all cultures; some peoples consider it an emblem of magical powers. Accordingly, the meaning of the "Skull" tattoo in this case is extremely positive. An alternative interpretation is change, variability. Many peoples believe that a person should stuff a skull in anticipation of some events that can turn his life around. Such a tattoo will help and consolidate the changes - to fix the success or protect from trouble in the future. But in Latin American countries they don’t like skulls, the local culture interprets such a picture unambiguously: “Do not forget, death will come for you.”

The meaning of the tattoo "Skull" - the version of religion

In Christianity, hermits are often depicted with skulls, and sometimes also apostles, saints. This sign is used to emphasize reflections on death and its inevitability. Take a closer look - on many icons you can see skulls and bones located at the foot of the crucifix. Interesting fact - catholic traditions do not pay much attention to death and its graphic representations. The meaning of a skull tattoo in Orthodoxy is interpreted quite differently. Do not forget that this religion involves a serious and gradual preparation for death, in compliance with many rituals and special rules. The skull is also used in some as a magical artifact, a protective item. It is believed that an item prepared in the right way can be used to contact the world of the dead. An interesting fact is that skulls were also used in symbolism. It was believed that this sign would protect the soldiers, and also give them courage in battle.

Modern interpretation

The easiest way to find out what a tattoo means is to ask the owner directly about it. Do not forget that the art of tattooing involves self-expression and individuality. Accordingly, all interpretations of specific figures can be considered subjective. Even a tattoo of a skull on the arm today can be seen not only in brutal men, but also in quite cute young girls. It is unlikely that such persons will get a tattoo, wanting to become braver and more aggressive. The townsfolk definitely should not be afraid of the images of skulls and be biased against those who have chosen this pattern for themselves.

What does the tattoo "Skull with roses" mean?

Often, skulls or skeletons are depicted entirely entwined. Such a symbol may indicate some kind of serious loss. Often this is a sign of the death of someone close to you or parting forever with someone dear. Often such drawings are supplemented with names or initials. A skull with a rose in its teeth can have a completely different meaning. Most often, this is an image of the young, prone to adventure and an easy lifestyle. If such a skull is supplemented with wings, a halo or other decorative elements, they do not need to be interpreted separately. Most likely, we are talking about exclusively artistic images that do not carry much meaning. Prison tattoos depicting a skull and roses deserve special attention. But such drawings can only be interpreted by studying in detail the meanings of tattoo culture in prison.

So, the actress of "Desperate Housewives" Teri Hatcher spoke at the trial against her uncle.

He was accused of sexual harassment by other people. Teri, on the other hand, found the strength to confirm the inclinations of a relative and tell that he encroached on her as a child.

And what about the skeletons? It's about the skeletons in the closet. So figuratively called the secrets hidden from everyone. However, in the case of the image is difficult to convey.

Therefore, standard rather than metaphysical skeletons are drawn on the bodies. Their meaning, again, is not as obvious as it seems. Let's take a closer look at the pins.

The meaning of the skeleton tattoo

The meaning of the skeleton tattoo, first of all, correlates with death and communication with ancestors. Flesh decomposes and can last for millions of years.

This is a woman who lived 4.4 million years ago. Adri is no longer a chimpanzee, belongs to the branch of people. In Science, by the way, there is a photo of her remains.

If you copy them as skeleton tattoo, you can emphasize the theme of connection with past eras and a common ancestor.

Scientists believe that the foremother was alone. This once again confirms that all people are brothers. It turns out that the theme of tolerance, the community of people, is also seen in the tattoo.

Being death, the skeletons at the same time symbolize the opposition to it.

The reason for the latter association is just the stability of the bone tissue. This is the only organic structure that does not disappear soon after death.

That is why, in particular, has become the emblem of bikers. Reflecting their disposition, they chose fearlessness before death, speed, time.

Skeleton - tattoo sketch, also means the rebirth and renewal of matter. The interpretation is connected with Christian dogma.

According to her, humanity is waiting for the Last Judgment. Otherwise, it is called the apocalypse or the end of the world. Hundreds of paintings are dedicated to him.

Most of them depict skeletons rising from graves. The resurrection from the dead is associated with a time when every soul must pay its bills.

The Lord pays. Righteous souls will become the 7th race, part of the new world. The souls of sinners will forever sink into oblivion.

Here is a religious view of the issue, what does a skeleton tattoo mean. The images of bones rising from the graves serve as a symbol of the feeling of the approach of the Last Judgment, faith in it and readiness to answer for what they have done.

If we recall the treatises of the alchemists of the Middle Ages, skeleton tattoo photo can be perceived as a symbol of evil.

Scientists of the era called it the skeleton of matter. Hence the analogy. Ash is a sign of the futility of efforts.

That's why, tattoo girl skeleton may indicate hopeless. The picture also embodies long-faded feelings.

skeleton tattoo on arm, or other areas of the body, are also marks of the military. In Russian history, the exploitation of the image began in 1812.

In the war with Napoleon, the skull became the emblem of the beginnings. Later, the bones were recognized as a sign of one of the regiments of the St. Petersburg militia.

Then it had cavalry units. One of them was called the "Immortal Regiment".

Not surprisingly, the soldiers chose the skull and crossbones as their emblem. Now, the "Immortal Regiment" is associated, rather, with the procession of the descendants of those who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

On this, a series of interpretations, which means “Skeleton”, ends, returning to where we started, namely, memory and respect for ancestors.

Skeleton tattoo for men

Men prefer tattoo man skeleton. This is not a separate picture on the body, but a life-size drawing of bones on top of it.

By duplicating the skeleton on the outside, the artists turn the guys into walking zombies. This is the impression left, for example, by Rick Genest.

He works as a model in Canada, she was even before her passion. I made the first tattoo after an injury to my right.

Left that Rick closed skeleton brush tattoo. I liked the procedure and the result. Genest is now decked out from toe to toe.

In this form, he earns more than before. In particular, Lady Gaga signed a contract with Rick.

Unlike Rick, most men limit themselves to drawing only a part of the skeleton on their bodies, that is, they stop at the initial stage of the Canadian model.

However, this does not beg the value of tattoos. Let's take, for example, a plot with showing through on the torso.

In the gaping holes between them, on the left side stands. She leaned on one of the ribs in the heart area and turned her head, looking at the carrier.

It is not difficult to understand that someone's image lives in the soul of this person. Whether its bearer died or abandoned, the sad direction of the composition is obvious.

Tearing apart a shirt on his body, a man, as if, tears apart his soul, loving and remembering.

In addition to human skeletons, men choose sketches with skeletons, animals,. They are depicted already in the form of separate paintings, not combining with the physiology of the human body.

Most often, skeletons of dinosaurs and underwater inhabitants are requested, for example,.

They have danger, aggression and intimidation inherent in the representatives of the stronger sex.

There is in these images and swiftness, dynamics. nature, as a rule, is closer to static compositions.

Skeleton tattoo for women

With skeletons, they are more often separate paintings on the body, with a reduced scale.

The compositions are usually elegant and stylized. Example: - skeleton tree on . Bones