Scary riddles. Children's competitions for Halloween. Fun Halloween Riddles

“I am considered a mystery to everyone; no one can solve me completely,” the writer said about himself. Like many of his characters, Gogol himself became a semi-fantastic figure.

Gogol's staircase

As a child, little Gogol listened to his grandmother's stories about the staircase along which people's souls ascend to heaven. This image was deeply imprinted in the boy’s memory; Gogol carried it throughout his entire life. Staircases of various kinds come across us every now and then on the pages of Gogol’s works. And the last words of the writer, according to eyewitnesses, were the cry “Ladder, quickly give me the ladder!”

What else did Gogol burn?

The first work to turn into ashes was a poem in the spirit of the German romantic school “Hans Küchelgarten”. The pseudonym V. Alov saved Gogol’s name from the criticism that fell, but the author himself took the failure very hard: he bought all the unsold copies of the book in stores and burned them. Until the end of his life, the writer never admitted to anyone that Alov was his pseudonym.

On the night of February 12, 1852, an event occurred, the circumstances of which still remain a mystery to biographers. Nikolai Gogol prayed until three o'clock, after which he took his briefcase, took out several papers from it, and ordered the rest to be thrown into the fire. Having crossed himself, he returned to bed and cried uncontrollably. It is believed that that night he burned the second volume of Dead Souls. However, later the manuscript of the second volume was found among his books. It is still unclear what was burned in the fireplace.

Gogol's orientation

The ascetic lifestyle that Gogol led and the writer’s excessive religiosity gave rise to many fables. The writer's contemporaries were surprised and frightened by such behavior. Of his things, he only had a couple of changes of underwear with him and kept it all in one suitcase... Quite unsociable, he rarely allowed himself the company of unfamiliar women, and lived his whole life as a virgin. Such isolation gave rise to the common myth about the writer’s unconventional sexual inclinations. A similar assumption was put forward by the American Slavist, historian of Russian literature, Professor Semyon Karlinsky, who stated in his work “The Sexual Labyrinth of Nikolai Gogol” about the “oppressed homosexuality” of the writer, which involves “suppression of emotional attraction to members of the same sex” and “aversion to physical or emotional contact with women " According to literary critic I.P. Zolotussky, Gogol was not indifferent to women, including A.M. Vielegorskaya, to whom he proposed in 1840, but was refused. Vladimir Nabokov also objected to representatives of the psychoanalytic method. In his essay “Nikolai Gogol” he wrote: “The heightened sense of the nose eventually resulted in the story “The Nose” - truly a hymn to this organ. A Freudian might argue that in Gogol’s inverted world, human beings are placed upside down and therefore the role of the nose is obviously performed by another organ, and vice versa,” but “it is better to completely forget about all Freudian nonsense” and much more.

Was Gogol buried alive?

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol died on March 3, 1852. On March 6, 1852, he was interred in the cemetery at the Danilov Monastery. According to the will, no monument was erected to him - Golgotha ​​rose above the grave. But 79 years later, the writer’s ashes were removed from the grave: by the Soviet government, the Danilov Monastery was transformed into a colony for juvenile delinquents, and the necropolis was subject to liquidation. It was decided to move only a few burials to the old cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent. Among these “lucky ones”, along with Yazykov, Aksakovs and Khomyakovs, was Gogol... The entire color of the Soviet intelligentsia was present at the reburial. Among them was the writer V. Lidin. It is to him that Gogol owes the emergence of numerous legends about himself. One of the myths concerned the lethargic sleep of the writer. According to Lidin, when the coffin was pulled out of the ground and opened, those present were filled with bewilderment. In the coffin lay a skeleton with its skull turned to one side. No one found an explanation for this. I remembered the stories that Gogol was afraid of being buried alive in a state of lethargic sleep and seven years before his death he bequeathed: “My body shall not be buried until the obvious signs decomposition. I mention this because even during the illness itself, moments of vital numbness came over me, my heart and pulse stopped beating.” What they saw shocked those present. Did Gogol really have to endure the horror of such a death? It is worth noting that this story was later subject to criticism. The sculptor N. Ramazanov, who removed Gogol’s death mask, recalled: “I did not suddenly decide to take off the mask, but the prepared coffin... finally, the constantly arriving crowd of those who wanted to say goodbye to the dear deceased forced me and my old man, who pointed out the traces of destruction, to hurry...” explanation for the rotation of the skull: the side boards of the coffin were the first to rot, the lid lowers under the weight of the soil, presses on the dead man’s head, and it turns to one side on the so-called “Atlas” vertebra.

Gogol's head

However, Lidin’s wild imagination was not limited to this episode. A more terrible story followed - it turns out that when the coffin was opened, the skeleton did not have a skull at all. Where could he have gone? This new invention of Lidin gave rise to new hypotheses. They remembered that in 1908, when a heavy stone was installed on the grave, it was necessary to build a brick crypt over the coffin to strengthen the base. It was suggested that it was then that the writer’s skull could have been stolen. It was suggested that he was stolen at the request of a fanatic of the Russian theater, merchant Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. It was rumored that he already had the skull of the great Russian actor Shchepkin...

Gogol's head and ghost train

They say that Gogol's head was decorated with Bakhrushin's silver laurel crown and placed in a glazed rosewood case, lined with black morocco on the inside. According to the same legend, the great-nephew of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Yanovsky, a lieutenant in the Russian Imperial Navy, upon learning about this, threatened Bakhrushin and took his head. Allegedly, the young officer wanted to take the skull to Italy (to the country that Gogol considered his second homeland), but he could not complete this mission himself and entrusted it to an Italian captain. So the writer’s head ended up in Italy. But this is not the end of this incredible story. The captain's younger brother, a student at the University of Rome, went with a group of friends on a pleasure railway trip; deciding to play a prank on his friends by opening a box containing a skull in the Channel Tunnel. They say that the moment the lid was opened, the train disappeared... Legend has it that the ghost train did not disappear forever. Allegedly, he is sometimes seen somewhere in Italy...or in Zaporozhye...

All Saints' Day or Halloween is a holiday that came to us from the West not so long ago. And if it is alien to the older generation, then young people, teenagers and children fell in love with this cheerful holiday of evil spirits. After all, if you are afraid of something or someone, then the easiest way to overcome your fear is to laugh at it. That's why Halloween is becoming more and more popular every year.

For the holiday, people dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts, prepare sweets decorated in the style of All Saints' Day, and Halloween competitions are the most interesting part of the celebration for children. Let's look at them in more detail. A selection of fun themed entertainment especially for you. Here you will find options for different age categories of participants. Most of them do not require any special props, which means they can be performed at home, at a school function or at a party without much preparation.

You will need several rolls of toilet paper for this. This is a well-known game for a long time, but nevertheless it does not lose its popularity. After all, it’s easy to do, and the result is quite fun. And the mummy is an image from the other world, which fits perfectly with the theme of the holiday.

How to hold a competition? Participants are divided into several teams. Each team has two people. One of the participants stands, and the second wraps him in toilet paper, starting from his feet and ending with his head. The mouth and eyes should remain open. This is a game of speed, but do not forget that the team whose paper is torn leaves the game.

pumpkin crab

Prepare two large pumpkins. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants, the start and finish of the distance are indicated. The child lies down on the pumpkin and in this position goes the distance, moving his legs and arms like a crab, then returns to the start in the same way and passes the pumpkin to the next participant. The team whose members complete the journey the fastest wins.

Hungry monster


  • large sheet of thick paper or large cardboard box with a painted monster;
  • balls or balls.

The monster has a hole pre-cut in place of its mouth. The essence of entertainment is to feed the monster. Children must throw as many balls as possible into the hungry monster's mouth. Participants can be divided into teams, or you can make an individual competition, where each participant will play for himself.

Who's worse?


  • inflatable balloons (as many as there are participants);
  • felt-tip pens or markers.

The task of the competition participants is to make a scary face out of the ball. A certain period of time is given during which the players paint the balls. At the end of the allotted time, guests vote for each of the “works”. Whose face gets the most votes is the winner.

Apple bobbin


  • basins of water or ropes;
  • medium-sized apples (donuts, bagels).

The essence of the entertainment is to catch the maximum number of apples from a bowl using your mouth. Your hands remain behind your back.

If this version of the competition does not seem very suitable to you, you can try to change the conditions a little - hang the apples on ropes and invite the participants to eat them at speed. Again, hands-free. Well, a completely modified option is to replace the apples on the strings with bagels or donuts. It won't be quite an apple bobbin, but that won't make it any less fun.

Devil's tail


  • thread or rope;
  • pencil;
  • bottle.

We take all the props in multiples of the number of participants. The rope is attached to the participant's belt so that it hangs from the back to knee level. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope. The contestant's task is to lower the pencil into the bottle without helping himself with his hands. The one who can do it faster than the rest wins. What is interesting here is not so much the result as the process of getting a pencil into a bottle. For the competition, choose a fun musical accompaniment.

Letter from a maniac

You will need:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

This option is more suitable for schoolchildren who can already read well and wield scissors without the help of adults. It can be carried out in home conditions, because it doesn’t require a lot of free space.

Children are divided into two or more teams. Their task is to cut out letters and words from newspapers and magazines and compose a terrible letter from them. Whose letter, based on the voting results, turns out to be scarier, longer and more interesting is declared the winner.

Catch the witch


  • several bells;
  • scarves or scarves for blindfolding.

Two witch hunters are selected from among the competition participants and are blindfolded. Those who get the role of the witch take bells in their hands and mingle with other participants. The hunters' task is to catch the maximum number of witches in a certain period of time. The most dexterous hunter is awarded a prize. The competition is quite active, so it is better to hold it in a spacious room so that the kids have room to run around. While the hunters are catching the witches, turn on a cheerful, rhythmic melody.

Dracula's Meal


  • red juice (cherry, tomato, pomegranate);
  • glasses with straws.

Each participant in the competition is given a glass of “blood” and a straw. Little Dracula's task is to empty the glass as quickly as possible. The fastest participant is awarded the honorary title of the real Dracula. As a prize, you can issue an appropriate medal, badge or certificate.

Collect a Halloween Hero

  • images of ghosts, witches, vampires, pumpkins, cut into pieces. Themed puzzles are also suitable.

Participants are given pictures, and they collect them at speed. The one who collects the fastest is the winner. This kind of entertainment is perfect for preschoolers, because it is quite simple.

Pumpkin Explosion

Required details

  • a large board, a piece of cardboard or just a free wall;
  • green paper;
  • orange balloons;
  • cards with questions;
  • small candies;
  • threads

We throw candy into the balloons, then inflate them and tie them. We attach the balls in such a way that on the wall or board we get a pumpkin made of balls. Cut out a tail for a pumpkin from green paper.

Participants take turns taking cards with questions and answering them. These could be questions from the school curriculum, on a Halloween theme, or based on a book or movie. The one who answered correctly gets the right to burst any balloon and take away the candy. To make it more interesting, you can put candies not in all the balls or replace some of the candies with other small souvenirs. And for entertainment, add confetti or sparkles to each balloon, which will effectively fly away when the balloon bursts.

This children's competition Halloween is not as easy to implement as the previous ones, but the delight of children from popping balloons is worth a little effort.

Guess the ghost

To organize this entertainment, one white sheet is enough. Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms. Then we put a sheet on one participant and let the opposing teams into the room. The child must try to scare his opponents with the terrible sound “Oooh!”, and their task is to guess who it is by the sound. Whichever team guesses the most “ghosts” wins.


Props: several soft toys in the shape of bats. They can be replaced with cardboard figures.

One of the children hides bats in the room, and the other participant must find all the figures using the clues. Hints are formulated in only two words - either warm or cold, or close or far.

Figures for the competition can be not only in the shape of bats, it can be any object associated with Halloween - a pumpkin, a witch, a cross, a monster. Or you can use several holiday characters at once.

Cardboard figures are easier to hide - they are lightweight and can be attached to furniture, curtains, or a chandelier. For fastening, use pins or double-sided tape.

Looking for a couple

You need to prepare several pairs of images drawn or printed on paper. These could be pumpkins, bats, crosses. The competition is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that here children don’t just have to look for figures, but choose a pair for them. One figurine from the pair is given to the child, and he must find the second. Whoever makes the maximum number of pairs is the winner.

This option is well suited for the youngest participants.

Scary monster


  • paper;
  • pencils or markers.

The game can be played with both toddlers and older children.

The essence of the game: each participant is given a sheet of paper and he draws a monster's head on it. Next, the sheet is folded so that what is drawn is not visible, and the participants exchange drawings. The next stage is to draw the torso and arms, and again hide what was drawn. We exchange leaves and finish drawing the monster’s legs. Then the drawings are unfolded and shown to the public. Wild fun guaranteed! Another advantage of this entertainment is that there are no winners and losers - the work on the monsters is carried out jointly. But, as an option, you can vote for the scariest monster.

Color the monster

Prepare printed coloring pages in advance with images of monsters, bats, pumpkins or other holiday attributes.

This type of entertainment is suitable for any age, because coloring books come in varying degrees of complexity. Three-year-olds can be asked to color a simple pumpkin, and a schoolchild will be able to paint an image of a devil with small details. This competition can be held both for speed and for the best drawing.

Creepy makeup

You will need your mother's cosmetics in dark shades: eye shadow, pencils, lipstick.

It’s worth mentioning right away that cosmetics are unlikely to be suitable for use after the holiday, so we choose something that we won’t mind throwing away later)

Participants are divided into teams of two and apply makeup to each other that matches the theme of the holiday. The team with the most original makeup wins.

Third wheel

For this competition you will need a selection of pictures. Two pictures from the set must correspond to the Halloween theme, and the third is chosen arbitrarily. We divide the children into teams and show them the selections in turn. Their task is to quickly shout out the name of what is depicted in a non-thematic picture. This entertainment option is suitable for preschoolers.

How to reward the winners and participants?

For competitions, it is necessary to prepare not only props, but also prizes. Here are a few small and inexpensive gifts winners:

  • small soft toy in the form of a holiday hero: ghost, bat;
  • sweets. These can be regular candies, or you can bake or order cupcakes decorated with an image of a spider web, pumpkin, monster or ghost;
  • carnival masks with scary faces. Such props will certainly come in handy at the party;
  • medals for “Best Monster”, “Best Ghost”, “Coolest Witch”, etc.;
  • diplomas. The meaning is the same as the point above;
  • small souvenirs with the symbols of All Saints' Day.

These are just a few ideas, the list goes on. The main thing is that none of the participants is left without a prize, and that the holiday is fun and unusual!

“Fomuvi, Fomuvi!” - Krol shouted frantically: “I urgently need your help, where are you?” The stunned alien ran into the room, putting on his pajamas as he went. “Well, what is it? I’m already getting ready to go to bed, it’s night outside!” - he was indignant, at the same time as if making excuses.

... Thus begins our little Halloween story in the form of a quiz, where our friends will have to defend their settlement in the game of the same name “The Settlers Online”.

- Fomuvi, this is an ordinary economic game, why is this happening? Everything that I have built so long and hard can be destroyed in an instant! We have to deal with this!

- I do not understand what you mean! How can I help you? You are my friend, of course, I am ready to solve any problem. But let's take things in order.

— In general, I’ve been playing “The Settlers Online” for a long time. In it we fight evil bandits, create a developed economy, communicate and generally have a great time. So, Halloween recently arrived in the game - the time when pumpkins appear in the game, for which you can purchase various unique buildings and items. I’m a member of a guild, and together we go through adventures in which these pumpkins are given as a reward, or we collect them on our island, search scrupulously, in general, trouble! But the work is worth it. More precisely, they were worth it. Everything can now be destroyed! This is what I received in game mail from the head of the guild, when I was playing, as usual, relaxing, not suspecting anything about the trouble:

"Rustle. Silence. There's a rustle again. The ground began to shake. Something sinister and merciless lit up in the darkness. So this is a crazy pumpkin! She destroys everything in her path! We decided to give this big guy a pumpkin explosion. Are you with us? We need volunteers! Only the smartest guild members can stop her. Registration for recruits will take place near the guild head's town hall from October 30 at 20:30 Moscow time until the end of November 1. Bring with you a brain and a desire to receive the same crazy reward as the pumpkin itself. We wait. All details at the designated time in the designated place.”

And such a letter probably came to all players, right? It's a common problem! At first I didn’t attach any importance to it, I thought it was a prank for fun, but at the exact time specified in the first letter, a second message arrived, in which they even announced the prizes for the defeated Pumpkin.

Do you see? It's serious! I must enroll as a recruit and save our settlements from a formidable monster. Those who saw him either did not return from the battle or returned, but with a clouded mind, therefore there is no clear description and portrait of the Mad Pumpkin, only sketches. Here, look.

Is it really creepy? You can’t go after a monster alone, that’s a fact. The time has come; all the bravest guild members have already gathered near the chapter’s town hall. Let's listen to what he has to say.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dear guild members! I have gathered you today because these are difficult times. The fiend of Halloween gave birth to a never-before-seen monster - the Mad Pumpkin.

The threat is so dire that we cannot sit idly by.

You need to fight back the creepy monster by turning him into a pumpkin pie. We know his weak point! Pumpkin is very curious, but at the same time ridiculously stupid. That's why we came up with an evil plan called "Pumpkin Explosion"!

According to those who met the monster and survived, Pumpkin asks treacherous questions. Those who cannot answer any of them perish. The most resourceful ones, not knowing the answer, joked back - it saved their lives. Be on your guard, recruit!


- Fomuvi, although you don’t play this game, I invite you to take part in the Crazy Pumpkin Halloween Quiz! Plunge into the world of an ominous holiday and tricky questions from Pumpkin, victorious laughter and joyful prizes. Prizes? Oh, quiet, the head of the guild is looking at us..shh..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well, of course, what would a fight be without prizes?! The treasury is bursting with their abundance. Believe me, they are truly tastier than the pumpkin itself. So that no one finds out about our wealth, I will send an eagle in pursuit, which will deliver a letter with a complete list of goods that await the victorious one. To dress the Pumpkin, you will have to answer many of its questions, so the one who gives more correct answers has a higher chance of destroying the Pumpkin.

Recruit...what kind of recruit are you already? Warrior, all hope is in you! Only you and your allies can defeat the Mad Pumpkin. Your sword is laughter and intelligence, and therefore the light of the sword will be with you, dispelling the gloomy darkness of the Halloween curse. To arms!


- Rabbit, wow! I will gladly take part in this fierce battle between good and evil, may it be filled with new achievements! What are we going to do next?

- Do not rush. Judging by the vague assurances of eyewitnesses, the pumpkin is located in the northwest, behind the settlement in the forest. Do you see the birds flying up? She is nearby, she is very close! Now you should hurry up.

Without thinking twice, the brave warriors of the guild moved to a new game world: a dark forest, the cawing of ravens and the terrible crack of breaking trees. And so, an orange monster appears in front of the dumbfounded guild members, with a delicious pumpkin smell, but a very angry, crazy look.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Aha-ha-a, who am I seeing? What are the worms in my way? Have you really decided to use your piece of iron to stop me? Aha-ha-ha, how naive you are, half-settlers, half-warriors. I will trample you all in one or two, gather all my stupid brothers, destroy your beauty, which you call the Settlement. Oh, what a pleasure it is to destroy it all, ryyyy-chaff! But it's too easy and the fun will quickly end. And I want, I really want to have fun! Therefore, I will play with you a quiz named after me - “Mad Pumpkin”. Yes, yes, it's me! Now I will ask terrible questions, and you will give me answers...probably... Whoever does not give an answer will be trampled on! Hmm... No, perhaps better eaten! Yes, yes, eaten! Ah ha ha! And by the way, you have no choice! What, are there really any objections? Agggggh, I knew it.

1. So, I, Crazy Pumpkin, ask you: who came up with this? Who decided that we should celebrate some kind of Hello-lo-u-in?!

A) Those who were originally swindlers and robbers, who did not and do not have a clear nationality, but proudly call themselves the American people;

B) Those who in former times frightened the Romans under the name of the Gauls, to whom in ancient times all of Europe belonged, whom descendants, fearing their experience and magical knowledge, call Celts;

C) A nation that is famous for its original history and reverence for traditions, whose representatives are equally well versed in both science and paranormal phenomena, whom the whole world knows as the Japanese.

2. When do you little people celebrate my holiday?

A) on the last day of October;

B) on the first day of November

3. And what did they come up with, what did they call it, huh? Halloween! “Hello, barn,” or what? What else do you call it? Well?

A) Day of Floating Pumpkins;

B) November Christmastide;

B) Samhain.

4. Aha-ah! This will be a difficult question! I'll eat half of it on it, for sure! Well, answer me: what exactly is Halloween?

A) the gates of winter;

B) harvest festival;

C) the triumph of evil spirits.

5. But on this question I will eat the remaining half of you, half-settlers-klutzes! Now, I give my red head to be cut off, no one will say: what else, besides my beloved, is a symbol of Halloween?

A) black cat;

B) colorful candles;

B) a witch on a broom.

6. Now I’ll see if you know what colors I like! Although no... It would be too easy! Better find one that is not at all typical for Halloween!

A) orange;

B) purple;

B) black.

7. But who are you yourself? Russians, you say? Do you know your own, native traditions? Or do you only specialize in Halloween? Tell me now what Russian tradition is akin to my holiday?

A) mummers

B) caroling

B) snowy towns.

8. And now... Now I’ll throw phrases at you! Yes, such that you will simply rock! And try to guess which one is my favorite, which one plays most often at my holiday?

A) to be or not to be;

B) trick or treat;

B) trick or treating.

9. And you, you! You are trying to fight me, you dare to resist me! Yes, for this you need to know much more than you! After all, no one, probably none of you, will be able to answer this question correctly. Come on! Choose from this list something that is not Halloween.

A) restless spirits of the deceased;

B) evil spirits;

B) witchers.

10. Ah ha ha! Are you worth it? Crowded here, staring, guessing! Meanwhile, you should be properly prepared to meet me! Dress up. How. Are you asking? But what is customary to do on this day?

A) make fun of others;

B) scare everyone;

C) ask everyone for forgiveness.

11. Do you know what needs to be done to keep me in a good mood? When you little people do this, my heart rejoices. I become kinder, leaving the souls of the dead alone for a while, when I see what?

A) a treat left in front of the door of the house;

B) masks and lanterns from this very red pumpkin;

B) burning fires

12. And just look: without ceremony, you chop my pumpkin relatives into pieces, and you also light candles inside them! Why? What is all this for, what are you portraying with it?

A) restless souls;

B) Jack-O-Lantern;

C) living fire, frightening evil spirits.

Now, warrior-settlers, give me the answers, and notoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- Let's eat! For correct answers, I will not only let you go alive, but I will also give you 5 fomuviks for each correct answer, which is no match for your ordinary money. But few of you will be able to save your worthless skins. I’m nominating three prizes and will also choose one lucky winner who will answer questions in “Halloween” style—humorous, dark, creative. Why am I delaying, here are my conditions:

— I count only the recruit’s first comment, I cancel subsequent comments, that is, insert all answers into one comment and click the “Is everything written? Then press!”

— If several recruits answer correctly the same number of questions, then the one who answered first has priority (1 fomuvik will be added to him);

— If a recruit does not answer any question, he is subject to a fine of 5 fomuviks. I will not tolerate cowards! Give the wrong answer, but give it in such a way that you get the unique reward I was talking about;

— The unique nomination “Darkest Comment” will be given to someone who not only correctly writes complete and interesting answers, but does it with humor in the “Halloween” style. Don't know the answer? Give comic version, and maybe I’ll turn a blind eye to your lack of education.

You've been thinking for a long time! But I think quickly, decide quickly, and eat quickly! And, unlike you little ones, I’m not kidding!


Mad Pumpkin's kick was so strong that the guild members fell from their horses to the ground. So what? It is much more convenient to write answers on the ground.

“Rabbit, I know the answers to most of the questions, and we’ll make jokes about the ones we don’t know!” In general, there is no need to worry so much, the prizes will be ours!

- Ha, well, it wasn’t in vain that I called you! I think that not only the valiant warriors of the game “The Settlers Online” came to save their settlements, but also our regular readers became interested in the quiz. Friends, also join the great battle and may the strongest win!

The quiz has come to an end, the answers are published!

1) A
2) B
3) All answer options
4) A
5) A
6) A
7) A, B
8) B
9) B
10) A
11) A, B
12) B, V

Halloween is a fun and slightly scary holiday that has been celebrated on October 31, 2019 in Western European countries for many centuries. IN Lately it is becoming popular here too. On children's party In honor of Halloween, you can hold interesting quizzes, games and competitions.

For such a party, a competition of Halloween riddles for children would come in handy, some of which (with answers) we have collected in this article.

You can make riddles based on Russians folk tales– about Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, the witch, mermaids and other folklore characters well known to children.

Halloween riddles for children with answers

Lives in a long-legged hut
A very dangerous old lady.
She has a bone leg
And her name is...
(Baba Yaga).

The old lady has a hut
The hut has legs.
And always to that hut
All roads lead.
That old lady is very angry
And flies in a mortar.
She has a broom in her hand.
“Ugh, I’ll boil you in soup!”
(Baba Yaga).

She prepares potions
It casts spells and harms.
To friends for a housewarming party
Flies on a broom.

Without wings, but flies
And sweeps the ground.

He lives in a witch's house,
He is black in color, but not a cat.
He is not a scientist, but he is smart,
Not a mortar, but it flies.
And he even speaks!
Who is this, who can tell?

When on a desert mountain, on a full moon,
Suddenly witches flock from everywhere,
They laugh, dance, ride on brooms, -
Do you know what it's called?

These children's riddles for Halloween 2019 are the perfect theme for this holiday. They will arouse children’s interest and help them have an interesting time at the holiday.

Maybe these are tall tales:
There are maidens in the forest lake.
They come out of the water
They lead round dances with songs,
And then they play tag.
Who lives in the water?

In rags, overgrown, gray-haired,
With a perpetually scraggly beard.
He lives in the forest,
Gribnikov lures and scares.

On the black-black-black mountain
And in the black, very black, very black palace
A bony old man lives.
Even in a very long time ago
He hid his immortality in a casket,
But keep quiet about this secret!
(Koschei the Deathless).

He looks for a victim at night,
To enjoy the blood.
Can become a bat.
Only he's afraid of garlic!
(A vampire).

He's ugly and huge.
My hands feel like they're gone.
His mind is dark like soot.
This is scary...

It is dressed in white and translucent.
In general, it is a completely nondescript creature.
But when he appears in the cold castle at night,
The person who saw it needs a doctor urgently!

We hope that the children will like the Halloween riddles we have collected here for children with answers, and you will be able to spend the holiday in an interesting and fun way.