Fairy tale “At the command of the pike. Ivan Bunin “About the fool Emelya, who was smarter than everyone else Vasilisa the Beautiful - Russian folk tale

Nothing can erase my love for fairy tales, this is my childhood! At first my mother told them to me, and at the age of six I already learned to read myself. A little later, my sister and I bought a record player and a bunch of children’s records. For Soviet times, this was a very cool acquisition! I still remember how, in what voice, with what intonation this or that hero said to whom and what; you could say that I listened to the records until they were full of holes. With some unknown inner feeling, I understood the power of fairy tales and their healing power.

That’s why now it’s so offensive to me to read modern analyzes of the wisest narratives; in these pseudo-analyses, only the external side is demonstrated, and all the hidden meaning is completely lost. Such “analyses” are not just funny, they are done in an amateurish manner! Like, this hero is lazy, and that one is hardworking, this one is greedy, and this one is punished by life... Fairy tales are not about that at all! Such an approach belittles and completely distorts the meaning of the fairy tale, turning important “educational material” into an entertaining and meaningless story. Although in fact a fairy tale is a collection of archetypal wisdom, knowledge about the structure of the world, the structure of life, and each of them is individual.

And today I want to show how amazingly wise and deep an ordinary Russian fairy tale can be, using the example of the well-known and unfairly ridiculed story “At the Command of the Pike.”

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Emelya - who is he?

What did you think about when remembering this character? Only honestly! Most likely, like most - a lazy person, a quitter, not outstanding in any talents, lies on the stove, demonstrates a completely passive lifestyle, and then the guy caught a pike and became the king's son-in-law! Lucky! And also, most likely, you thought that this is a typical plot for a Russian person, to sit exactly in place and wait for “successful circumstances”, or for them to “come and offer everything themselves.” Yes, indeed, most often this interpretation occurs. Moreover, some parents deliberately do not read the fairy tale about Emelya, so that the child does not learn something bad!

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of the inability to explain and interpret a fairy tale that parents deprive their children of the opportunity to touch the most ancient archetypal wisdom. But we will correct this defect, and the “stupid” story about the lazy Emel will turn into a storehouse of human knowledge. Let's take a deeper look at the plot of this amazing fairy tale. How does it start?

“Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, and the third, the fool Emelya. The two older ones work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.”

You just have to ask yourself the question: who agreed to feed the quitter? Work for two and share a piece of bread with a lazy person? Why don't they sweep it off the stove with a broom? It's probably not that simple.

The fact is that the “three brothers”, often mentioned in most Russian fairy tales, and that’s exactly it - the two eldest are reasonable, “normal”, hard-working, and the third - some kind of unfortunate fool - these are not three personalities, but three subpersonalities, three parts of one person. And all events take place... inside the mind.

The older brothers here symbolize our rational part, our manifested mental functions. They live according to a given standard, follow well-trodden paths, fulfill a strictly set task: they have to work - they go to work, they are supposed to get married - they get married, in general, they do everything as society tells them. And, if a person does not develop, if he does not strive for self-knowledge and periodically leave the zone of standard functions “along the beaten path,” he gets stuck in this role. You have observed such people, rational, insensitive to feelings, afraid of looking stupid. They are so squeezed within their own framework, captive of their thoughts and fear of “what people will say about me,” that they have neither energy nor strength for creative outbursts.

What about Emelya? He lies on the stove and sleeps all day long. Who is he in our story, this main character? He is the younger brother, symbolizing our shadow, undeveloped mental function. That is why he is still passive, he “lies on the stove” and does not interfere with his older brothers’ work. So what kind of functions does this couch potato hide?

The famous psychologist Carl Jung identified 4 mental functions in humans: thinking; feelings; intuition; sensation.

Most often, a person relies on one of them; it is the main one, the leading one. Two more play an auxiliary role, and the last fourth function is hidden, it is in the shadow of consciousness. And the stronger the main function, the deeper into the unconscious (into the shadow) the hidden one goes. She seems to be sleeping inside the person, just like Emelya on the stove.

In my experience, in our material age, most often such a shadow side of the personality is feelings, although Emeley can be any of the four listed functions. A person denies everything connected with the hidden part of his personality, suppressing it. It was not for nothing that our loafer and fool lay on the stove, in a dark corner almost under the ceiling, where he did not bother anyone, and he was practically invisible. However, a person can become holistic only when he takes his weak function out of the shadows and begins to use it. A four-wheeled car cannot ride on three wheels. Even if it moves, and even if theoretically it can roll somewhere, there is no question of speed or comfort.

Therefore, the task of man is to reveal the hidden, to get at the secret, to elevate the suppressed. It is this information that is encrypted in the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.” You just need to be able to read the true meaning behind the lines, understand the symbolism, in order to understand the essence of this fairy tale. But since modern generations have lost most of the ancient wisdom, I will have to restore the symbolism of this tale and its true meaning. I will be a guide in this fairy-tale drama.

Emelya on the stove

Please note that Emelya does not sleep easily on a bed, namely on the stove. The stove is a special place in a Russian hut; it is a wet nurse and a heating station. It is a refuge, protection and nourishment at the same time. The stove warms Emelya and takes care of him. The stove is a maternal symbol; very often in Russian fairy tales they talk about the mother stove. In this case, the fairy tale refers us to the archetype of the “mother of mothers” or, to use the term introduced by Carl Jung, then to the Great Mother.

This archetype also consists of 4 parts (components): two of them are the good mother, young and old, the Mother of God and the Young Fairy. The other two are a bad mother, also a young one - Lilith, the Shamakhan Queen, and an elderly one - the Old Witch. This archetype can be seen in various interpretations. For example, in the fairy tales about the wizard of the Emerald City, you can see four sorceresses, the evil Gingema and Bastinda, and the good ones - Villina and Stella.

So, Emelya rests on the stove. He is warmed and fed by the symbol of the good Great Mother. The oven creates an inner paradise to which we strive with all our being at any age. This takes us back to that resourceful time when we were children and did not bear any responsibility, when infantilism was the norm of age. This archetype is embedded in the personality structure and has both positive and negative aspects. It both warms and holds you close.

In addition, the stove has long been a sacred symbol. You may notice that most often in the paintings where people are depicted lying on the stove, you can see old people and children. The fact is that you couldn’t have sex on the stove. That is, adults did not sleep there. The stove in this case implies the underdevelopment of one of the mental functions, the childishness of consciousness, the immaturity of Emelya, which is why he sleeps on the stove.

For the time being, he feeds from this source and constantly strives for it. It is as if he is inextricably linked with the maternal object and does not want to leave it at all. This shows the negative influence of the Great Mother archetype on Emelya:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.
- I’m warm here too...

In real life, this is a dependent relationship with the mother. If life flows along a well-trodden track, then Emelya does not need to get up, she can calmly continue to sleep. And he would have slept like this until a ripe old age, if not for a magical kick. In the fairy tale, this happens when the older brothers went to the market. That is, symbolically, the main function has ceased to command the personality. This is possible during times of stress or, conversely, a relaxed state. The elders were left behind by the women - their wives, Emelina's daughters-in-law. They symbolize one aspect of the anima, the inner female personality. Anima is the female spontaneous irrational sensual part. She feels as she lives. Intuitively, his daughters-in-law encourage him to get off the stove and loosen his dependence on his mother-stove. In the fairy tale it looked like this:

They ask Emelya to come on:
- You should go, Emelyushka, for water!

It is no coincidence that water appears in a fairy tale. It is both an urgent need for all living things, and at the same time a symbol of feelings in a person. As you know, a woman’s world is a world of feelings. Let us recall at least the expression “flood of feelings” or the constant mention of the dependence of the female mind on the emotional state. Thus, the daughters-in-law (one of the aspects of anima) are trying to immerse Emelya in the world of feelings, push him off the ground, and nourish themselves.

And it was winter, the river froze completely. Let's translate from fairy tale language into what happens in real life - this often happens when a person is too material, does not see the benefit of the sensory world, when he is cut off from his inner sensuality.

Emelya stocked up on a crowbar to cut through the ice. Again we see another precise hint. As you know, “life leads the one who walks, but drags the one who resists.” This is how this world works, that whether you want it or not, life will definitely confront an emotional dead person with the need to show feelings. And at the end of the fairy tale we will see it again, but without hints, but in its most naked form. But so far the finale is far away, and we are only watching as Emelya begins to peck through the thickness of the insensitive ice.

This is a very important feeling, when a person begins to show his feelings, the time of magic comes, the world opens up in a completely different light and is literally filled with colors. The sphere of emotions and feelings is of great importance; at all times, even the most ascetic and cruel, there has always been theater, music, and art. The human soul strives for beauty, and when it comes into contact with it, it blossoms. The human soul asks for love and is transformed under its influence. Let us at least remember Lyudmila Prokofyevna from “Office Romance”. How she crossed out everything personal from her life that caused her pain, and became a kind of emotional cracker inside, an old woman on the outside, and how she blossomed at the end of the film, when she allowed herself to fall in love with Novoseltsev.

Emelya and pike

So, Emelya was driven from the furnace and forced to go to the ice hole. And no, in order to get water and go home, Emelya hesitates. Although this is completely irrational: it’s cold, no one seemed to have planned fishing, so why delay? Emelya in this case acts as a counterweight to rational efficiency. Did you get the job done? Run further! You need to plan everything, be on time, run, teleport. Faster, better, more, even to the detriment of relationships. Speed ​​reading, fast movie watching, fast food. Children should rather develop their intellect, at the age of 2 they can read and write with both hands, and don’t care about feelings, they need to be suppressed so that they don’t stick out.

And I am sure that if you develop emotional intelligence from childhood, this will significantly reduce the number of unhappy people. The intuitive spontaneous part knows that without periodic slowing down, nothing great gets done in life. And the young man’s patience is rewarded!

“Emelya saw a pike in the hole.”

Pike, of course, did not appear here by chance either. It is often found in Slavic mythology, in proverbs, riddles, fairy tales and omens. Just remember that it was the pike that helped Ivan Tsarevich capture Koshcheyev’s death; in Krylov’s famous fable, a swan, a crayfish and a pike that pulls into the water are mentioned. And the pike also ate the wise gudgeon. The pike jaw was a talisman; our ancestors hung it on the entrance gate.

Why was such attention shown to this fish? For a variety of reasons. In principle, the fish itself is a multi-valued symbol: on the one hand, it is a helper, and on the other, it is a voracious predator. This is a symbol of fertility; any dream book says that seeing a fish means pregnancy. But not everything is so linear. In this tale, Shchuk embodies the idea of ​​the Self, the central archetype according to Jung. “The Self is the image of God; at least she is indistinguishable from him.” K. G. Jung

This is a very powerful structure within the personality, a core, a kind of system-forming principle. Who among us would not like to communicate with God and ask for the fulfillment of desires? Everyone wants to, but not everyone can. And the point is not at all about being chosen, the point is that only an open, sincere, holistic person is ready to hear the voice of God within himself. He is very quiet, you need to be attentive to yourself and understand yourself. Self-confidence and confidence in the legitimacy of your desires are also important.

And if this is not so, then at least remember the Old Woman from the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, she was so upset that in the end she was left with nothing. The poor inner world of the ambitious old woman did not allow her to use the archetypal energy; she simply crushed it.

So, Emelya, having decided that since they had driven him away from the stove, he should at the same time do something more than just collect water - he caught a pike. And I decided to let her go. But the pike spoke to him, in Russian, read, a language understandable to Emelya! Emelya heard his true inner voice. This is most often possible precisely for such simpleton fools as are often found in fairy tales. Ivanushka spoke with Sivka-Burka, Ivan Tsarevich spoke with the Gray Wolf. And Emelya came to an agreement with the pike. The point is that all these heroes are united by one characteristic: an unclouded consciousness. The pike appeared as an unknown speaking creature, and even promised the fulfillment of all conceivable and inconceivable desires. And Emelya immediately begins to freak out: “I want the buckets to go on their own!” Later, he will again show his irrational side, ordering: “Come on, axe, chop some firewood, yes, drier!”, and then completely swipes at something unexpected: “Let the Tsar’s daughter love me!” A rational person would never do this; he simply would not be able to imagine that he, some baked cricket, could take aim at the princess’s love. But Emelya can and does achieve her goal!

But while Emelya, who has barely received his opportunities, tests himself on unimportant desires, are they fulfilled or not? Did Pike tell the truth? Everything comes true, the buckets flow, and the water does not spill. The ax chops and the wood itself is stacked. What about Emelya? And he jumped onto the stove again! He needs to put everything in his soul that just happened to him.

Initiation of Emelya

After some time, the daughters-in-law again send Emelya to the forest to get firewood. And it's winter outside. The winter forest symbolizes the archetypal energy of the Evil Mother, death, as opposed to the Good Mother - the oven. Therefore, in Russian initiation fairy tales, a trip to the winter forest is often found. For example, everyone remembers well the fairy tale “Morozko” (with my analysis you can) or “Mother Snowstorm” in the German interpretation. The suppressed part is initiated. That is, it’s time for this inner part to say goodbye to dependence on the mother, gain weight within the personality, and go out into people. Of course, Emelya does this with reluctance, and even his daughters-in-law laugh at him: he got ready, but didn’t harness the horse to the sleigh! But Emelya does not need a horse; he controls the sleigh with the power of his intention, suppressing many people. Realizing that this will not work so easily for him, he orders the ax to cut out the club “such that it can be lifted with force.”

The club in the fairy tale symbolizes the masculine (male) principle, a hint of a connection with the inner man - the animus. At Emelya’s request, she treats everyone who dares to take a swing at the hero with blows. Including, it goes to a dignified tsarist officer. It is impossible to achieve success in life without relying on the masculine principle, on aggressive energy, and yes, Emelya does this at first in a barbaric way, as if he got his hands on something free. Handing out blows to all onlookers, he seems to be trying himself in this unexpected role, just as he is playing pranks with buckets. And then, when he manages to curb this power and begin to control it, he uses aggressive masculinity in a positive direction, for example, to get out of the barrel with the princess and build a home.


The Tsar found out about all of Emelya’s tricks, and now his task is to figure out who created the mess here, and who is also using forbidden witchcraft. What kind of troublemaker is here? - the king is indignant. Translated into the language of symbols, this is the Ego (S. Freud, C. G. Jung), this is what we think about ourselves and want others to think about us. These are the external qualities on which we rely. The ego feels that something wrong is happening in his diocese, there is something that he is not aware of, in theory he needs to “cut without trial,” but curiosity takes over, who is this troublemaker Emelyan?

We find out that there are different people in the tsar’s service; for example, there is a rude general and a cunning “great” nobleman. This is our Super-Ego, a function of internal control, hard on the one hand (general), and soft and persistent on the other (great nobleman). Who achieved the result and brought Emelya to the palace? Of course, the Big One. This is very similar to the “Strength” lasso from the Tarot cards: in order to tame the lion, you need to act with gentleness and cunning. But who said that cunning is bad? Sometimes soft power is more important than rough power. For example, to master your aggressive qualities, you also need to act calmly. This is demonstrated to us by the failure of the officer’s actions. Having come and barked and started insulting Emelya, he eventually left with nothing. And as soon as I started, my self-confidence exploded!

Are you a fool Emelya? - the officer insults him from the threshold.
Emelya asks:
- What do you care?
- Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.
- I don’t feel like it...

And that's it, the conversation ends here. It's the same in life. If a person acts like an impudent klutz, he is simply sent to a known, but obscene address. In this case, we laughed at the officer, what a fool he was, he came to someone else’s house and immediately began...

And in life, if you look closely, we make the same mistake. For example, those who are losing weight do nothing but constantly scold themselves for eating a bun, or for not wanting to get up an hour earlier and jog somewhere. How they constantly call themselves fat and disgusting, pigs and rags. And then they go, disappointed in themselves and in despair, to eat away the feeling of their own inferiority - raised and nurtured with their own hands. But as soon as you admit your weakness and stop cursing your own body, it magically becomes easier, attacks of wild hunger pass, because excessive appetite is an unsatisfied emotional hunger that closes a vicious circle. You scold yourself, and with food you calm down the enraged consciousness, which has received a portion of negativity - and now, with the help of a sweet taste and the “heavenly pleasure” promised by advertising, it is unsuccessfully trying to restore mental balance.


The Trickster archetype also manifests itself in Nabolshey, this is especially evident when he drugs Emelya in order to fulfill the king’s order: “Deliver him alive or dead!” And at their first meeting, Nabolshiy seduces Emelya with sweets and a red caftan - the most desirable attribute! In the old days, only kings and jesters could wear red, and no one else had red caftans or shoes of this color. Red was a symbol of an inviolable free person, and who else had freedom except the king and the jester - the only one at court who could tell the truth to the monarch's face.

For Emelya, receiving this red caftan is also a symbol, it is a recognition of liberation from the claims of the courtiers of the Tsar-Ego. A very important point, because it is the Ego that does not recognize the repressed part of the personality: this promises shame, as it believes, because I am not like that (greedy, angry, lazy, sensual or insensitive). Therefore, the Ego is afraid and tries with all its might not to notice its hidden part.

For a meeting with the Ego - a trip to the king - our Emelya is not yet strong enough, this part of his personality has not strengthened, so he decides to go to the stove. This reminds me of the plot of another fairy tale - “Vasilisa the Wise”, and the moment when the stepmother sent Vasilisa to Baba Yaga for fire. Vasilisa then took the doll with her - her mother's blessing. That is, with the blessing of his mother, Emelya goes to the palace for the first audience with his Ego.

Here it is worth paying attention to an interesting point: Emelya already knows how to control his desires and get what he wants, he also has a “magic word”. Nevertheless, he is tempted by the entreaties of the Greatest (although he can “conjure” the same caftan for himself), but he needs gifts from the king. And Emelya goes. Although his pike self may already allow him to be more powerful than the king, since the monarch, although endowed with power, does not ride the stove. Why? It's simple, Emelya still doesn't believe in herself enough.

Emelya and the Tsar

The meeting between Emelya and the Tsar is also indicative. Some simpleton shows no respect for the monarch. In theory, he should obey, but this does not happen. “Do not make yourself an idol,” says one of the commandments. The one who has mastered the power of his intention, desire, does not recognize any authority over himself.

Moreover, at court Emelya met his anima - the inner woman, he really liked her. At the same time, the fool Emelya does not feel somehow unworthy of the royal daughter; he cannot rationally assess the gap between himself and the monarch’s daughter. Therefore, he makes Princess Marya fall in love with him using a spell. Symbolically, Princess Marya sees the wealth of Emelya’s inner world, sees his enormous potential, she herself would not mind having such a groom. But Emelya turns out to be not yet ready for such feelings, so he hastily leaves the palace and lies low in order to assimilate (live) the experience gained from interacting with other people.

Now let's return to the analysis of the meeting between Emelya and the Tsar. The ego considered the troublemaker Emelyan a self-willed fool. This happens when we discover in ourselves the ability to say stupid things, to be funny, to be awkward at the most inappropriate moment. We don’t want to accept ourselves at this moment, and if we come across a person who repeats all our absurdities, mirrors them, we immediately begin to make fun of him. In fact, we laugh at ourselves, but we drive away every thought that we ourselves can be like that.

That is why the Tsar ordered Emelya to be drugged, tarred together with his traitorous daughter in a barrel and thrown into the open sea. Out of sight, out of mind! In other words, the king suppressed all thoughts about his qualities, seen in the image of Emelya. The sea here acts as a symbol of the unconscious. That is, there was a suppression of feelings. But no matter how it is! It is clear that they did not go anywhere, they just floated to the other side with the help of Emelya’s magical power.

Tsar-Ego does not want to leave the throne, the connection between Princess Marya and Emelya is not in his interests, but he already feels that his time has come. It's time to leave the throne and give it to the young. So, after a forty-year crisis, a person “sausages”; in the crisis of the fatal point, complete discord of the individual begins! Questions arise: “Why am I here? Who am I? What is life/death? What is my purpose? No answers...

And then, like a ray of golden sun, the realization comes that not everything is in the power of the Ego, that there is still something above it, some indomitable force. According to Jung, this is the self. And the Ego surrenders to the mercy of the Self. So here, too, feeling his weakness after the threats of the strengthened, healed handsome Emelya: “I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom!”, the king surrenders, approving the marriage of Emelya and his daughter. Thus, he remains alive and serves the new king - Emelya, who at the end of the fairy tale symbolizes a mature, holistic personality.

Personal healing

The word “healing” is the same root as “wholeness.” And the tale of Emelya is an excellent metaphor for the hero’s journey, the healing of his personality. If it annoys you, then we can say with a high degree of probability that the events taking place in the fairy tale reflect the processes that are now happening in your soul. And at the same time, you are reluctant to complete the process, just as Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove, break away from her mother’s umbilical cord, become an adult, call a spade a spade. Then let your anima push you off the beaten path, as it did with Emelya!

I hope that you are convinced of the need for a deeper study of fairy tales created for self-knowledge and studying the centuries-old wisdom of ancestors, understanding the archetypal depth of the unconscious. Develop and mature with fairy tales!

Which fairy tale is your favorite or least favorite? Which one will I write about in my next article?

Illustrations by Vladislav Erko

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.

One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:

Go, Emelya, for water.

And he told them from the stove:


Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.


Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:

This will be a sweet soup!

Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What will I need you for?.. No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook some fish soup. The ear will be sweet.

The pike begged again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.

Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.

Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...

Pike tells him:

Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

"At the behest of the pike, at my will."

Emelya says:

At the behest of the pike, at my will, go home yourself, buckets...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets.

The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:

Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.


If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market and they won’t bring you gifts.

Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

According to the pike's command, according to my desire - go, get an ax, chop some firewood, and for the firewood - go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove.

How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:

Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.

And he told them from the stove:

What are you up to?

What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

I don't feel like...

Well, there won't be any gifts for you.

Nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:

Women, open the gates!

His daughters-in-law tell him:

Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?

I don't need a horse.

The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

At the behest of the pike, at my will, go, sleigh, into the forest...

The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.

But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout: "Hold him! Catch him!" And you know, he’s pushing the sleigh. Arrived in the forest:

At the behest of the pike, at my will - an axe, chop some dry firewood, and you, firewood, fall into the sleigh yourself, tie yourself up...

The ax began to chop, chop dry firewood, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart:

At the behest of the pike, at my will - go, sleigh, home...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.

He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

At the behest of the pike, at my will - come on, club, break off their sides...

The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him to find him and bring him to the palace.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

Are you a fool Emelya?

And he from the stove:

What do you care?

Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.

And I don't feel like...

The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says quietly:

At the behest of the pike, at my will, a club, break off his sides...

The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:

Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.

The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

I'm warm here too...

Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you good food and water, please, let’s go.

And I don't feel like...

Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought and thought:

Well, okay, you go ahead, and I’ll follow behind you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

At the behest of the pike, at my desire - come on, bake, go to the king...

Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window and wonders:

What kind of miracle is this?

The greatest nobleman answers him:

And this is Emelya on the stove coming to you.

The king came out onto the porch:

Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they crawl under the sleigh?

At this time, the Tsar’s daughter, Marya the Princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly:

According to the pike's command, according to my desire - let the king's daughter love me...

And he also said:

Go bake, go home...

The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

And the king in the palace is screaming and crying. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here the king became upset, became upset and said again to the greatest nobleman:

Go, bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to treat Emelya.

Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king.

The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in. They put Emelya and Princess Marya in it, tarred them and threw the barrel into the sea.

Whether for a long time or for a short time, Emelya woke up and saw that it was dark and cramped:

Where am I?

And they answer him:

Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! We were tarred in a barrel and thrown into the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Princess Marya.

Emelya says:

At the command of the pike, at my will - the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand...

The winds blew violently. The sea became agitated and the barrel was thrown onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the Princess came out of it.

Emelyushka, where will we live? Build any kind of hut.

And I don't feel like...

Then she began to ask him even more, and he said:

At the command of the pike, at my will - line up, a stone palace with a golden roof...

As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. There is a green garden all around: flowers are blooming and birds are singing. Princess Marya and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the window.

Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome?

Here Emelya thought for a moment:

At the behest of the pike, at my desire - to become a good fellow, a handsome man...

And Emelya became such that he could neither be told in a fairy tale nor described with a pen.

And at that time the king was going hunting and saw a palace standing where there was nothing before.

What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?

And he sent to find out and ask: “Who are they?” The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

Who are you, good fellow?

Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be tarred in a barrel and thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

The king was very frightened and began to ask for forgiveness:

Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but don’t destroy me!

Here they had a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Emelya the Fool"

Among the great variety of fairy tales, little children like magic stories the most. Miracles and magic fascinate little listeners. Parents who read these stories aloud to their children will also enjoy the process immensely.

One of the fairy tales full of magic and enchantment is the tale of Emel the Fool. This character was simple and unprepossessing in appearance, and was not distinguished by intelligence or hard work. The hero's favorite pastime was lying on the stove. And so they passed with him day after day.

Her parents died and Emelya had no one left except two brothers and two daughters-in-law, to whom the brothers were married. Maybe the fabulous lazy man would have lain on the stove all his life, but his brothers needed to go to the city, to the fair.

And so it happened that the older brothers had to turn to the fool with a request: during their absence, he was supposed to help his daughters-in-law run the household. And in order for Emelya to fulfill their instructions, they promised to bring him rich gifts from the city: a red caftan, trousers and boots.

Emelya promised to promise, yes, apparently, as people say, “laziness was born before he himself.” But then chance helped the fool. The women sent him to the river to collect water and bring it home. If you're lazy, catch a huge pike from the river.

He wanted to bring it home so that his daughters-in-law could make dinner out of it. But the pike begged and began to ask Emelya to let it go into the water. She promised to fulfill all his wishes. Emelya immediately realized his benefit. He released the pike. And miracles began to happen here.

The buckets of water went home on their own. The ax in the yard was chopping wood himself. The sleigh without horses was taken to the forest by Emelya. And the stove took the fool to the city, straight to the king for a reception. People around were surprised. And the lazy man was so lazy that he was too lazy to turn over from side to side.

But, be that as it may, Emelya managed to make the Tsar’s daughter fall in love with him. He did not forget about his appearance - he became handsome and smart. After many misadventures, the hero of the fairy tale finally married the princess and lived richly.

From the point of view of a fairy tale, everything in this story ended well. The village fool Emelya showed skill when he caught a pike. He also figured out how to organize his life. But miracles are miracles, and the Russian folk proverb says: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!” This means that luck is good. But in order to make his life better, a person must overcome his laziness.

Read the Russian folk tale “Emelya the Fool” online for free and without registration.

In a certain village there lived a man, and he had three sons, two were smart, and the third was a fool, whose name was Emelyan. And as their father lived for a long time, he came to a ripe old age, called his sons to him and said to them: “Dear children! I feel that you will not live long with me; I leave you a house and cattle, which you will divide evenly into parts; I also leave you money for each, one hundred rubles.” Soon after that, their father died, and the children, having buried him honestly, lived prosperously. Then Emelyanov’s brothers decided to go to the city to trade for the three hundred rubles that their father had denied them, and they said to the fool Emelyan: “Listen, fool, we’ll go to the city, we’ll take your hundred rubles with us, and when we trade, we’ll make a profit.” in half, and we will buy you a red caftan, a red hat and red boots. And you stay at home; If our wives, or your daughters-in-law (for they were married), force you to do anything, then do it.” The fool, wanting to receive the promised red caftan, red cap and red boots, answered the brothers that he would do whatever they forced him to do. After that, his brothers went to the city, and the fool stayed at home and lived with his daughters-in-law.

Then, some time later, one day, when it was winter time and there was severe frost, then his daughters-in-law told him to go get some water. But the fool, lying on the stove, said: “Yes, but what about you?” His daughters-in-law shouted at him: “What are we, fool? After all, you see how cold it is, and it’s time for a man to go!” But he said: “I’m lazy!” The daughters-in-law shouted at him again: “Are you lazy? After all, you will want to eat, but when there is no water, you can’t cook anything.” Moreover, they said: “Okay, we’ll tell our husbands when they arrive, that although they will buy a red caftan and everything, they won’t give you anything,” which, hearing the fool and wanting to get a red caftan and a hat, was forced to go, tears from the stove and began to put on his shoes and dress. And as soon as he was completely dressed, he took buckets and an ax with him, went to the river, for their village was near the river itself, and when he came to the river, he began to cut an ice hole, and cut an extremely large one. Then he scooped water into buckets and placed them on the ice, while he stood near the ice hole and looked into the water.

At that very time the fool saw that a large pike was swimming in that hole; and Emelya, no matter how stupid he was, nevertheless wanted to catch that pike, and for this he began to approach little by little; he came close to her, grabbed her, suddenly with his hand he pulled her out of the water and, putting her in his bosom, wanted to go home. But the pike told him: “What are you, you fool! What did you catch me with? - “How about what? - he said. “I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook you.” - “No, fool, don’t carry me home; let me go back into the water; I will make you a rich man for that.” But the fool didn’t believe her and wanted to go home. The pike, seeing that the fool would not let her go, said: “Listen, fool, let me into the water; I will do this for you: whatever you wish, everything will come true according to your desire.” The fool, hearing this, was very happy, for he was extremely lazy, and thought to himself: “When the pike makes it so that whatever I want is ready, then I won’t work for anything!” He said to the pike: “I’ll let you go, just do what you promise!” - to which the pike answered: “You first let me into the water, and I will fulfill my promise.” But the fool told her that she must first fulfill her promise, and then he would let her go. The pike, seeing that he did not want to let her into the water, said: “If you want me to tell you how to do whatever you want, then you need to tell me now what you want.” The fool told her: “I want my buckets of water to go up the mountain on their own (for that village was on the mountain) and so that the water does not spill.” The pike immediately told him: “It’s okay, it won’t spill! Just remember the words that I will say; This is what those words consist of: at the command of the pike, and at my request, go, buckets, up the mountain yourself!” The fool said after her: “At the command of the pike, and at my request, go, buckets, up the mountain yourself!” - and immediately the buckets and the yoke went up the mountain on their own. Emelya, seeing this, was very surprised; then he said to the pike: “Will everything be like this?” To which the pike replied that “everything will happen that you wish; Just don’t forget the words that I told you.” After that, he put the pike into the water, and he went to get the buckets. His neighbors, seeing this, were surprised and said to each other: “What is this fool doing? The buckets of water go on their own, and he follows them.” But Emelya, without saying anything to them, came home; the buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and the fool climbed onto the stove.

Then, after a while, his daughters-in-law again said to him: “Emelya, why are you lying there? You should go chop some wood.” But the fool said: “Yes, but what about you?” - “How are we? - his daughters-in-law shouted at him. “After all, it’s winter now, and if you don’t go cut wood, you’ll be cold.” - "I'm lazy!" - said the fool. “How lazy are you? - his daughters-in-law told him. “After all, you’ll get cold.” Moreover, they said: “If you don’t go chop wood, then we will tell our husbands not to give you a red caftan, a red hat, or red boots.” The fool, wanting to get a red caftan, hat and boots, was forced to chop wood; but as he was extremely lazy and did not want to get off the stove, he spoke quietly, lying on the stove, these words: “At the command of the pike, and at my request, come on, axe, go chop the wood, and you, the wood, yourself go to the hut and lie down in the oven.” The ax came out of nowhere - jumped out into the yard and began to chop; and the firewood itself went into the hut and was placed in the stove, which, seeing his daughters-in-law, was very surprised at Emelyan’s cunning. And so every day, when only a fool is told to chop wood, the ax will chop it.

And he lived with his daughters-in-law for some time, then his daughters-in-law said to him: “Emelya, we don’t have any firewood; go to the forest and chop it up.” The fool told them: “Yes, but what about you?” - “How are we? - answered the daughters-in-law. “After all, the forest is far away, and now it’s winter, it’s so cold for us to go into the forest for firewood.” But the fool told them: “I’m lazy!” - “What, are you lazy? - his daughters-in-law told him. - After all, you will be cold; and if you don’t go, then when your brothers and our husbands arrive, we don’t order them to give you anything: not a red caftan, not a red hat, not red boots.” The fool, wanting to get a red caftan, a red hat and red boots, was forced to go to the forest for firewood and, getting up, got off the stove and quickly began to put on his shoes and dress.

And as soon as he was completely dressed, he went out into the yard and pulled out a sleigh from under the canopy, took a rope and an ax with him, sat in the sleigh and told his daughters-in-law to open the gate. The daughters-in-law, seeing that he was riding in a sleigh, but without a horse, for the fool did not harness the horse, said to him: “Why, Emelya, did you get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?” But he said that he did not need a horse, but only so that the gate would be opened for him. The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and the fool, sitting in the sleigh, said: “At the behest of the pike, and at my request, come on, sleigh, go into the forest!” After these words, the sleigh immediately drove out of the yard, and when they saw the men living in that village, they were surprised that Emelya was riding in a sleigh without a horse, and so fast: even if a couple of horses were harnessed, it would be impossible to go faster! And as the fool had to go to the forest through the city, he went through that city; but since he didn’t know that he had to shout in order not to run over the people, he rode and did not shout to move aside, and ran over a lot of people, and although they were chasing him, they could not catch up with him.

Emelya left the city, and when he arrived at the forest, he stopped and got out of his sleigh and said: “At the command of the pike, and at my request, come on, an ax, chop the wood, and you, logs, put yourself in the sleigh and tie yourself up.” ! As soon as the fool said these words, the ax began to chop the wood, and the logs themselves were placed in the sleigh and tied with a rope. After he chopped the wood, he ordered another ax to cut down one club. As soon as he cut out the ax, he sat down on the cart and said: “Come on, at the behest of the pike, and at my request, go, sleigh, home yourself.” Immediately they drove off very quickly, and when he arrived at the city in which he had already killed a lot of people, they were already waiting there to catch him; and as soon as he entered the city, they caught him and began to drag him away from the cart; and they started beating him. The fool, seeing that he was being dragged and beaten, slowly said these words: “At the command of the pike, and at my request, come on, club, break off their arms and legs!” At that moment a baton jumped out and started beating everyone. And as the people started to run, the fool drove home from the city, and when the club killed everyone, it rolled after him. And when Emelya arrived home, he climbed onto the stove.

After he left the city, they began to talk about him everywhere - not so much that he had killed a lot of people, but they were surprised that he rode in a sleigh without a horse. Little by little these speeches reached the king himself. When the king heard, he really wanted to see him and sent one officer and gave him several soldiers to find him. An officer sent by the king immediately left the city and attacked the road along which the fool had traveled to the forest. And when the officer arrived in the village where Emelya lived, he called the headman and told him: “I was sent by the king for your fool, to take him and bring him to the king.” The headman immediately showed the yard where Emelya lived, and the officer went into the hut and asked: “Where is the fool?”, and he, lying on the stove, answered: “What do you need?” - “How about what? Get dressed quickly; I will take you to the king." But Emelya said: “What should I do there?” The officer got angry with him for his uncivil words and hit him on the cheek. The fool, seeing that he was being beaten, said quietly: “At the behest of the pike, and at my request, come on, club, break off their arms and legs!” The baton immediately jumped out and began to beat them and killed everyone - both officer and soldier. The officer was forced to go back; and when he arrived in the city, they reported to the king that the fool had killed everyone. The king was very surprised and did not believe that he could kill everyone; However, the king chose a smart man, whom he sent to bring the fool as soon as possible - even by deception.

The messenger from the king went and when he arrived at the village where Emelya lived, he called the headman and told him: “I was sent by the king for your fool to bring him; and you call me those with whom he lives.” The headman immediately ran and brought his daughters-in-law. A messenger from the king asked them: “What does a fool love?” His daughters-in-law answered him: “Our dear sir, a fool loves - if you persistently ask for something, he will refuse once and twice, and the third time he will not refuse and will do it; He doesn’t like someone who treats him rudely.” The messenger from the king released them and did not order them to tell Emelya that he had called them to him. After that, he bought raisins, prunes and wine berries, went to the fool, and when he arrived at the hut, he went up to the stove and said: “Why are you, Emelya, lying on the stove?” - and gives him raisins, prunes and wine berries and asks: “Let’s go, Emelya, to the king with me, I’ll take you.” But the fool said: “I’m warm here too!” - for he loved nothing but warmth. And the messenger began to ask him: “Please, Emelya, let’s go; You will feel good there!” The fool said: “I’m lazy!” The messenger began to ask him: “Please, let's go; there the king orders you to sew a red caftan, a red hat and red boots.”

The fool, hearing that they were telling him to sew a red caftan if he went, said: “You go ahead, and I will follow you.” The messenger did not bother him any more, walked away from him and quietly asked his daughters-in-law: “Isn’t the fool deceiving me?” But they assured that he would not deceive. The messenger went back, and afterward the fool lay still on the stove and said: “Oh, how I don’t want to go to the king; but so be it!” Then he said: “Come on, at the behest of the pike, and at my request, go and bake straight to the city!” Immediately the hut began to crackle, and the stove went out of the hut, and as soon as it left the yard, the stove moved so fast that it was impossible to catch up with it; and he caught up on the road with the messenger who had followed him and came to the palace with him.

When the king saw that a fool had arrived, he went out with all his ministers to watch him and, seeing that Emelya had arrived on the stove, did not say anything; then the king asked him: “Why did you give so much to the people, like going to the forest for firewood?” But Emelya said: “What is my fault! Why didn’t they step aside?” And at that time the king’s daughter came up to the window and looked at the fool, and Emelya accidentally looked at the window through which she was looking, and seeing her very beautiful, the fool said quietly: “If only by the command of a pike, but at my request, such a beauty fell in love.” into me! As soon as he uttered these words, the royal daughter looked at him and fell in love. And the fool then said: “Come on, at the pike’s command, and at my request, go home, bake!” The stove immediately went home, and when it arrived, it again stood in the same place.

Emelya lived happily for some time after that; but in the king’s city something else happened, for through foolish words the king’s daughter fell in love and began to ask her father to marry her to a fool. The king was very angry with the fool for this and did not know how to take him. At that time, the ministers reported to the king to send the officer who had previously gone for Emelya and did not know how to take him; for his guilt, the king, on their advice, ordered that officer to be presented. As the officer appeared before him, then the king said to him: “Listen, my friend, I sent you before for a fool, but you didn’t bring him; for your guilt I am sending you another time so that you will certainly bring him; if you bring it, you will be rewarded, and if you don’t bring it, you will be punished.” The officer listened to the king and immediately went after the fool, and when he arrived at that village, he called the headman again and told him: “Here’s the money for you: buy everything you need, tomorrow for lunch and call Emelya, and when he will have lunch with you, then sing it while you’re drunk before you go to bed.”

The headman knew that he had come from the king, was forced to listen to him and bought everything and called the fool. As Emelya said that it would happen, the officer waited for him with great joy. The next day the fool came; the elder began to give him something to drink and got him drunk, so Emelya went to bed. The officer, seeing that he was sleeping, immediately tied him up and ordered him to bring the wagon, and when they did, they put the fool in; then the officer got into the wagon and drove him to the city. And when he arrived at the city, he took him straight to the palace. The ministers reported to the king about the arrival of that officer. And as soon as the king heard, he immediately ordered a large barrel to be brought and iron hoops to be filled on it. The barrel was immediately made and brought to the king. The king, seeing that everything was ready, ordered his daughter and the fool to be put in that barrel and ordered them to be tarred; and when they were put in a barrel and tarred, the king ordered that barrel to be thrown into the sea with him. And by his order they immediately let her in, and the king returned to his city.

And the barrel, launched on the sea, floated for several hours; The fool was sleeping all that time, but when he woke up and seeing that it was dark, he asked himself: “Where am I?” - because he thought that he was alone. The princess told him: “You, Emelya, are in a barrel, and I’m planted with you.” - "And who are you?" - asked the fool. “I am the king’s daughter,” she answered and told him why she was put in a barrel with him; then she asked him to free himself and her from the barrel. But he said: “I’m warm here too!” “Do me a favor,” said the princess, “have pity on my tears; deliver me and yourself from this barrel.” “How could it be wrong,” said Emelya, “I’m lazy!” The princess again began to ask him: “Do me a favor, Emelya, deliver me from this barrel and don’t let me die.” The fool, touched by her request and tears, said to her: “Okay, I’ll do this for you.” After that he said quietly: “At the behest of the pike, and at my request, throw this barrel in which we are sitting onto the shore - to a dry place, just so that it is closer to our state; and you, little barrel, if you’re in a dry place, you’ll hurt yourself!”

As soon as the fool had time to utter these words, the sea began to worry and at that hour threw the barrel onto the shore - onto a dry place, and the barrel itself crumbled. Emelya got up and walked with the princess to the place where they had been thrown, and the fool saw that they were on a very beautiful island, on which there were a lot of different trees with all sorts of fruits. The princess, seeing all this, was very happy that they were on such a beautiful island; and after that she said: “Well, Emelya, where will we live? For there is no hut here.” But the fool said: “You’re asking too much!” - “Do me a favor, Emelya, tell me to build some kind of house,” said the princess, “so that we can take shelter somewhere during the rain”; for the princess knew that he could do anything if he wanted. But the fool said: “I’m lazy!” She again began to ask him, and Emelya, being touched by her request, was forced to do it for her; he walked away from her and said: “By the command of the pike, and by my request, there should be a better palace among this island than the royal one, and so that from my palace to the royal one there would be a crystal bridge, and in the palace there should be people of different ranks.” And as soon as he managed to utter these words, at that very moment a huge palace and a crystal bridge appeared. The fool went into the palace with the princess and saw that the chambers were very richly decorated and there were a lot of people, both lackeys and all sorts of peddlers, who were waiting for orders from the fool. The fool, seeing that all people are like people, and he alone was bad and stupid, wanted to become better and for this he said: “By the pike’s command, and by my request, if only I could become such a fine fellow, so that I would not be like this and that I would extremely smart!” And as soon as he had time to speak, at that very moment he became so beautiful, and also smart, that everyone was surprised.

After that, he sent Emelya from his servants to the king to invite him to come to him and with all the ministers. The messenger from Emelya went to the king across that crystal bridge that the fool had made; and when he arrived at the palace, the ministers presented him before the king, and the messenger from Emelya said: “Dear sir! I was sent from my master with humility to ask you to eat with him.” The king asked: “Who is your master?” But the messenger answered him: “I cannot tell you about him (for the fool did not tell him to tell himself who he was); nothing is known about my master; and when you eat with him, at that time he will speak about himself.” Curious to know who sent to call him, the king told the messenger that he would certainly be there. When the messenger left, the king immediately followed him with all the ministers. The messenger, returning back, said that the king would certainly be there, and only said - and the king is going to the fool over that crystal bridge, and with the princes.

And when the king arrived at the palace, Emelya came out to meet him, took him by his white hands, kissed his sugar lips, affectionately led him into his white-stone palace, seated him at oak tables, at broken tablecloths, at sugar dishes, at honey drinks. At the table the king and ministers drank, ate and had fun; and when they got up from the table and sat down, the fool said to the king: “Dear sir, do you recognize me, who I am?” And since Emelya was at that time in a very rich dress, and, moreover, had a very beautiful face, it was impossible to recognize him, which is why the king said that he did not know. But the fool said: “Do you remember, dear sir, how the fool came to your palace on a stove and you and his daughter, tarring him in a barrel, sent him into the sea? So, now recognize me that I am the same Emelya!” The king, seeing him in front of him, was very frightened and did not know what to do; and the fool at that time went for his daughter and brought her before the king. The king, seeing his daughter, was very happy and said to the fool: “I am very guilty before you and for that I am giving my daughter in marriage to you.” The fool, hearing this, humbly thanked the king, and since Emelya had everything ready for the wedding, they celebrated it with splendor that same day. And the next day the fool prepared a magnificent feast for all the ministers, and vats of various drinks were put on display for the common people. And when the fun was over, the king gave him his kingdom; but he didn't want to. After that, the king went to his kingdom, and the fool remained in his palace and lived prosperously.

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There lived three brothers, two were smart, and the third was a fool: the smart brothers went to the lower cities to buy goods and said to the fool:

Well, look, fool, listen to our wives and honor them as you would your own mothers; We will buy you red boots, a red caftan, and a red shirt.

They gave the fool the order, and they themselves went to the lower cities; and the fool lay down on the stove and lies there. The daughters-in-law tell him:

What are you doing, you fool! The brothers told you to honor us and for this they wanted to bring you a gift, but you are lying on the stove, not working; at least go get some water.

The fool took the buckets and went to fetch water; he scooped up some water and a pike fell into his bucket. The fool says:

God bless! Now I’ll cook at least this pike, we’ll eat ourselves, but I won’t give it to my daughters-in-law; I'm angry at them!

Don't eat me, you fool; put it in the water again, you will be happy!

The fool asks:

What kind of happiness are you?

But what happiness: what you say will happen! Just say: at the command of the pike, at my request, go home, buckets, and put yourself in your place.

As soon as the fool said this, the buckets immediately went home on their own and were put in place. The daughters-in-law look and marvel. “What a fool he is! - they say. “Look, how cunning is that his buckets came home and were put in their place.”

The fool came and lay down on the stove; the daughters-in-law began to say to him again:

Why, you fool, lie down on the stove! There is no firewood, go get some firewood.

The fool took two axes, sat in the sleigh, but did not harness the horse.

According to the pike's command, according to my request, roll your sleigh into the forest!

The sleigh rolled quickly and furiously, as if someone was pushing it. The fool had to ride past the city, and without a horse he crushed so many people that it was terrible! Then everyone shouted:

Hold him! Catch him! - but they didn’t catch him. The fool drove into the forest, got out of the sleigh, sat down on a log and said:

One ax, chop from the root, the other - chop wood! So they chopped the wood and put it in the sleigh. Fool

Well, just one axe, now go and cut down the bush for me so that I have something to lift it with.

The ax went and cut off his bush; Kukova came and lay down on the cart. The fool sat down and drove off; drives past the city, and people have gathered in the city and have been guarding him for a long time. Then they caught the fool and began to pin him and pin him; fool and says:

At the behest of the pike, at my request, go, cook, do some work!

Kukova jumped up and went to break, beat and beat a lot of people; people, like sheaves, fall to the ground! The fool got rid of them and came home, stacked the firewood, and sat down on the stove.

So the townspeople began to attack him with their foreheads and reported to the king: “So you can’t take him, you have to get him by deception, and the best thing is to promise him a red shirt, a red caftan and red boots.” The royal messengers followed the fool.

Go, they say, to the king; he will give you red boots, a red caftan and a red shirt.

So the fool said:

At the command of the pike, at my request, stove, go to the king!

He sat down on the stove, and the stove went on. The fool came to the king. The king really wanted to execute him, but that king had a daughter, and she really liked the fool; She began to ask her father to marry her to a fool. The father got angry, married them and ordered them both to be put in a barrel, the barrel to be tarred and put into the water. And so it was done.

The barrel floated on the sea for a long time; the fool's wife began to ask:

Make sure we are washed ashore. The fool said:

At the behest of the pike, at my request, throw this barrel ashore and tear it apart!

They came out of the barrel; the wife again began to ask the fool to build some kind of hut. The fool said:

At the command of the pike, at my request, build a marble palace, and so that this palace is directly opposite the royal palace!

Now everything is fulfilled; The king saw the new palace in the morning and sent to find out who lived in it? As soon as he found out that his daughter lived there, he immediately demanded her and her husband to come to him. They came; the king forgave them, and they began to live together and make good things.