The most common mistakes of those who are just starting to run. Arthur Shomakhov: For those who are just starting a business. My experience Ignoring my own body

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Arthur Shomakhov: For those who are just starting a business. My experience

Arthur Shomakhov is the creator of the Japanese cosmetics company Shiawasedo, which produces a 3D face mask. He lives in Japan and gives business advice on his Facebook account.

1. The quality of your people's work does not depend on the amount of money they earn. I know this for sure. But you must pay as much as the company can afford. Being greedy is the last thing.

2. If an employee says that he will leave, and you immediately increase his salary in the hope of keeping him, it means that you underpaid him.

3. If an employee wants to leave (for any reason!), never leave don't stop. He'll leave anyway. The maximum that you could give him - you have already given.

4. Our company does not have regular planning meetings. When everyone knows what needs to be done, there is no need for gatherings. Meetings are held only for specific reasons and only in situations where collective participation is necessary. Sometimes we don't have general meetings for months.

5. All you have to do as a business owner is not interfere with people's work, create the rules of the game, make sure that the laws you set are strictly followed, and determine the development strategy. All.

6. Always choose the best people available to you. And don't be afraid that they will be smarter than you - that's normal. After all, they work for you, not the other way around.

7. Two people in a company should always look perfect - the executive director and the president's assistant. Let everyone else go to work as they please.

8. There are three books worth reading on business: a) “Funky Business” by Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstale, b) “Hard Management” by Dan Kennedy, c) “Selling the Invisible” by Harry Beckwith. These books work. Everything else is for general development. Who wants to get smart - I have studied 200 books on business in Japan alone, and I know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry for wasting your time.

9. If you hit one point and don’t go out of your way, you will achieve success in any case. Once again - in any case. You can't make a mistake in the most important thing - the direction, but that's why you're the boss, right?

10. Always be responsible for your words. Or keep your mouth closed if you're not sure.

11. In conversations with partners and clients, always reserve the right to backlash. You cannot be responsible for all the events in this world that affect the final result, but you can make it clear: you will do everything possible that depends on you. This is a Japanese feature. And she works too. If you do your best really.

12. You can and should trust your partners, but never trust your clients. No way. Never. Your client may be a completely sincere person, but tomorrow a tram will run over him, and you will be left with debts on your hands. I have seen dozens of companies (in Japan, Russia and all over the world!) that died only because they believed in customers. I have an opportunity- insure risks. There is no possibility - there are letters of credit, prepayment, bank guarantees and delivery of goods upon delivery.

13. You must have a professional third-party audit. Always. And it is not discussed.

14. Don’t waste time on scum and don’t be petty. Don't prove to anyone that you are the smartest. By the very fact of your existence, you are already disturbing someone. I needed live many years to understand this. “Even if you are an angel, someone doesn’t like the rustle of your wings” © - hang it on your wall.

15. Watch your health. Otherwise you will give everything to other people. And it’s not a fact that your loved ones.

16. Trust yourself. If it seems to you that something is wrong, then something is definitely wrong!

17. Reputation, yours and the company’s, is not what “feels good” to the soul, but what brings orders.

18. Don't sleep with your employees. Even if she is “the most magical in the whole wide world.” It always ends differently than you think. Always! There are 4,000,000,000 women in this world. Sufficient choice, in my opinion, in order not to touch those who work for you. Nothing to do with hypocrisy - just a matter of business efficiency.

19. Don't employ married couples. "Lyuley" gets one, and frowns - two. This has been the law in our company since its founding. People found couples at work (more than once, not twice!), but everyone knew the rules of the game, and someone left. And then they said - thank you.

20. At least two people always work on serious areas. Minimum!

21. All your authority ends exactly at the moment when you have no money to pay wages. I was lucky, I didn’t have this (pah-pah-pah!), but I saw many companies where it was like that. A sad sight.

22. Business is work for capitalization, and not on monthly income. Understand this well. If you cannot sell the company because no one needs it, then you are the same as an employee, only your responsibility is many times greater.

23. Don’t build “brotherhood” and “family” at work. I've been trying to do this for years. Nobody needs this, neither in Russia, nor in Japan, nor in the world. This model doesn't work. Your people come to make money, and you do your job. That's all.

24. There were years when my employees earned more than me. It is not simple. But if you are starting from scratch, unfortunately, this is inevitable.

25. From a certain stage, you are forced to take other people’s money because you no longer have enough of your own. This is a necessary evil. Otherwise there is no development. Be careful in choosing who offers you their finances. Money has very evil energy. Be extremely scrupulous, otherwise one “wrong” dollar today will take everything tomorrow.

26. It’s normal when people don’t believe in your ideas. It is important that you believe in them yourself. Because faith will bring strategy, and strategy will bring achievement of the goal.

27. The most important thing in business is intuition. Marketers, sociologists, consultants and other business specialists only make sense when you have already achieved something. To be honest, I don’t believe in the smart guys listed at all. The right person can tell you the right vector, but if you don’t pass the idea through yourself, don’t feel it, don’t understand it, nothing will work out for you.

28. No matter how tight the market is, there is always room and time for one more business.

29. No money - go to the service sector. If you have money, go into production.

30. Even if nothing works out, you can always start from scratch. Because you followed point 15 strictly, didn’t you?

31. In order to fly from Moscow to Tokyo, you do not need to be a pilot, aircraft designer, aircraft technologist or aircraft builder. It is enough to be a passenger. Your job is to connect the links, not to forge them again. Everything that is possible can be outsourced. We don’t have warehouses, factories, ships, stevedores or retail chains, we just connected everyone in one chain.

32. Happy is he who today can supply goods to the domestic Chinese market. We can do it. Look for clients all over the world, not in your next yard. One company in China handles more volumes than 20 European glorious traditional companies with centuries-old histories. Go to the central fairground, rather than wandering around the back streets.

33. To hold your position, you need to run very fast. To develop, run as hard as you can. It's not a pretty analogy. This is fucking reality.

If you have something to add, add it! May this help someone.

December 29, 2017

There is no need to cite dozens of scientific studies to prove the fact that most gym goers do not achieve the desired results.

Among the main reasons are incorrect construction of the training program, violation of exercise technique and other mistakes.

Basically, they do not allow you to achieve results and training becomes a half-waste of time, although in some cases they can lead to consequences and injuries that will have to be dealt with for the rest of your life.

Do you want your efforts not to be in vain, and stable progress to be observed not only in plans, but also in the mirror?

Then this article is for you. In it we will look at the most important mistakes that up to 80% of all gym goers make.

Wrong priorities

Let's start with the global - goals and motivation that brings you to the gym.

For men This is usually a desire to increase muscle mass, or more precisely, to have sculpted abs with cubes and bulging, voluminous biceps.

For girls– pump up your butt, make your legs more prominent and sexy, and of course narrow your waist.

Typically, inexperienced instructors will give you exactly the exercises you want.

Need biceps? Forward to an A-Z bar, Scott bench, or concussive biceps curl.

Need abs? Crunches, Roman chair crunches, side crunches, jumping crunches, etc.

In general, everything that will not give results to a beginner.

Let's take a quick look.

At first, just like after years of training, the key will be the production of anabolic hormones.

It occurs mainly during strength work.

It is from the hormones that are released into the blood and distributed throughout the body that the main growth will occur.

Moreover, the same applies to burning fat, so these rules are completely relevant for both men and women.


  • Maximum anabolic response occurs during training of large muscle groups (simple formula - the more muscles involved during the load = the better). Therefore, training your legs, back and chest should be a priority for everyone;
  • Beautiful biceps and abs will be achieved faster by those athletes who initially squat, press and pull, preferably with free weights, although for the first months (until the technique is perfect), exercise machines are also suitable;
  • For each large muscle group you need to perform 2-3 basic exercises and 1 isolating exercise;
  • Forget about the number of repetitions per mass.

The last point is especially important.



Of course, it is easier for beginners to navigate when they are given clear boundaries and told how many repetitions to do.

However, such frameworks lead to the fact that either beginner athletes begin to distort the technique in order to complete the last repetitions when the muscles are already tired, or, on the contrary, they do not complete the set when there is still strength left.

Well, one of the most popular wrong priorities is losing weight and mass.

Most girls try to lose weight right away, not knowing that the more muscle they have, the faster the fat will go away.

Men succumb to the same principle; they train their abs, biceps, and do bench presses, trying to remove fat and create relief.

However, after losing weight, they understand that there was no mass under the fat at all and they need to start the whole journey all over again, and with a slow metabolism, which will first have to be brought back to normal.

Therefore, choose the right priorities and listen to experienced trainers who will not give you some exercise, but will load you with the basics of training and help you choose the right direction.




Popular technical errors

So, we’ve sorted out the directions, now it’s time to move on to where both beginners and many experienced athletes make mistakes.
We are talking, of course, about the technique of doing the exercises.

The best example of such an abundant number of errors among 70-80% of people working out in the gym can be called only one term - “damaged phone”. Following the example of the old game, incorrect technique is passed on, inherited and further distorted, moving away from the truth.

As a result, beginners look at oldies who have absorbed the wrong technique for performing movements even when they themselves were beginners.

Breaking out of this “vicious circle” is possible, but difficult.


  • Understand that TECHNOLOGY ALWAYS TAKES THE PRINCIPLE. It is higher than any other conditions, be it weight, number of repetitions, etc.;
  • Incorrect technique leads to injury and makes exercises ineffective;
  • If you do the movements incorrectly, you will get a completely different result than what you need (for example, if you perform squats incorrectly, girls will develop hips and “breeches” instead of butts, which is rarely welcome);

Incorrect technique is a dead end.

In any strength sport, especially weightlifting, where technique determines everything, even experienced athletes return to improving their technique.

There is a proven theory that if an athlete has stalled at a certain weight and is not progressing further, then working without weight will help get the ball rolling.

Slow and meticulous practice of technique and concentration on the muscles will overcome any stagnation.


  1. Squats to parallel or higher (undersquat) - you need to squat as low as possible;
  2. Rounding your back during deadlifts and squats is a recipe for injury;
  3. Lack of concentration on the working muscle (stabilizers and other muscles are turned on, which will take the load, making the movement ineffective);
  4. Work not at full amplitude;
  5. Full straightening of the limbs in exercises and increased load on the joints (in most exercises, the elbows and knees cannot be straightened, this will reduce the tension on the muscles and transfer it to the joints, which is very harmful);
  6. The lack of a quality warm-up is the main disadvantage. Few athletes consistently devote 5-10 minutes to a thorough warm-up (which, by the way, will not only protect against injury, but also improve training results);
  7. The predominance of work in machines - training with free weights is much more effective, so always prioritize dumbbells and barbells rather than machines (the machines themselves originally appeared for the rehabilitation of people with injuries in order to reduce the load and risks);
  8. Try to make slight changes to the program every week and major changes every 2 months. For example, making one cycle for 8 weeks strength training, and the other alternating high-repetition and strength training;
  9. You need to think about relief when you already have impressive muscle mass;
  10. During training, be sure to drink at least half a liter of clean water (in hot weather - up to a liter). It is strictly undesirable to train without water.


1. The quality of your people's work does not depend on the amount of money they earn. I know this for sure. But you must pay as much as the company can afford. Being greedy is the last thing.

2. If an employee says that he will leave, and you immediately increase his salary in the hope of keeping him, it means you did not pay him extra.

3. If an employee wants to leave (for any reason!) never stop him. He'll leave anyway. You have already given the maximum that you could give him.

4. Our company does not have regular planning meetings. When everyone knows what needs to be done, there is no need for gatherings. Meetings are held only for specific reasons and only in situations where collective participation is necessary. Sometimes, for months, we do not have general meetings.

5. All you have to do as a business owner is not to interfere with people’s work, create the rules of the game, make sure that the laws that you have established are strictly observed and determine the development strategy. All.

6. Always choose the best people available to you. And don't be afraid that they will be smarter than you - that's normal. After all, they work for you, and not the other way around.

7. Two people in a company should always look perfect - the executive director and the president's assistant. Let everyone else go to work as they please.

8. There are three books worth reading on business: a) “Funky Business” by Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstale, b) “Hard Management” by Dan Kennedy, c) “Selling the Invisible” by Harry Beckwith. These books work. Everything else is for general development. Who wants to get smart - I have studied 200 books on business in Japan alone and I know what I’m talking about. I'm sorry for wasting your time.

9. If you hit one point and don’t go out of your way, you will achieve success in any case. Once again - in ANY case. You can’t make a mistake in the most important thing, in the direction, but that’s why you’re the boss, right?..

10. Always be responsible for your words. Or keep your mouth closed if you're not sure.

11. In conversations with partners and clients, always reserve the right to backlash. You cannot be responsible for all the events in this world that affect the final result, but you can make it clear that you will do everything possible in your power. This is a Japanese feature. And she works too. If you do your best really.

12. You can and should trust your partners, but never trust your clients. No way. Never. Your client may be a completely sincere person, but tomorrow a tram will run over him, and you will be left with debts on your hands. I have seen dozens of companies (in Japan, Russia and all over the world!) that died only because they believed in customers. There is an opportunity - insure the risks. There is no possibility - there are letters of credit, prepayment, bank guarantees and delivery of goods upon delivery.

13. You must have a professional third-party audit. Always. And it is not discussed.

14. Don’t waste time on scum and don’t be petty. Don't prove to anyone that you are the smartest. By the very fact of your existence, you are already disturbing someone. It took me many years to understand this. “Even if you are an angel, someone doesn’t like the rustle of your wings” (c) - hang it on your wall.

15. Watch your health. Otherwise you will give everything to other people. And it’s not a fact that your loved ones.

16. Trust yourself. If it seems to you that something is wrong, then something is definitely wrong!

17. Reputation, yours and the company’s, is not something that “feels good on the soul”, but something that brings orders.

18. Don't sleep with your employees. Even if she is “the most magical in the whole wide world.” It always ends differently than you think. Always! There are 4,000,000,000 women in this world. Sufficient choice, in my opinion, in order not to touch those who work for you. Nothing to do with hypocrisy, just a matter of business efficiency.

19. Don't employ married couples. “Dyuley” gets one, but two frown. This has been the law in our company since its founding. People found couples at work (more than once, not twice!), but everyone knew the rules of the game, and someone left. And then they said - thank you.

20. At least two people always work on serious areas. Minimum!

22. Business is work for capitalization, not for monthly income. Understand this well. If you cannot sell the company because no one needs it, then you are the same as an employee, only your responsibility is many times greater.

23. Don’t build “brotherhood” and “family” at work. I've been trying to do this for years. Nobody needs this, neither in Russia, nor in Japan, nor in the world. This model doesn't work. Your people come to make money, and you do your job. That's all.

24. There were years when my employees earned more than me. It is not simple. But, if you are starting from scratch, unfortunately, this is inevitable.

25. From a certain stage, you are forced to take other people’s money because you no longer have enough of your own. This is a necessary evil. Otherwise there is no development. Be careful in choosing who offers you their finances. Money has very evil energy. Be extremely scrupulous, otherwise one “wrong” dollar today and tomorrow will take everything away.

26. It’s normal when they don’t believe in your ideas. It is important that you believe in it yourself. Because faith will bring strategy, and strategy will bring achievement of the goal.

27. The most important thing in business is intuition. Marketers, sociologists, consultants and other business specialists only make sense when you have already achieved something. To be honest, I don’t believe in the smart guys listed at all. The right person can tell you the right vector, but if you don’t let the idea pass through you, feel it, don’t understand it, nothing will work out for you.

28. No matter how tight the market is, there is always room and time for one more business.

29. No money - go to the service sector. If you have money, go into production.

30. Even if nothing works out, you can always start from scratch. Because you followed point 15 strictly, didn’t you?

31. In order to fly from Moscow to Tokyo, you do not need to be a pilot, aircraft designer, aircraft technologist or aircraft builder. It is enough to be a passenger. Your job is to connect the links, not to forge them again. Everything that is possible is outsourced. We don’t have warehouses, factories, ships, stevedores or retail chains, we just connected everyone in one chain.

32. Happy is he who today can supply goods to the domestic Chinese market. We can do it. Look for clients all over the world, not in your next yard. One company in China handles the volumes of more than 20 European glorious traditional companies with centuries-old histories. Go to the central fairground, rather than wandering around the back streets.

33. To hold your position you need to run very fast. To develop, run as hard as you can. It's not a pretty analogy. This is fucking reality...

Recently, running has become more and more popular as a sport, in all segments of the population. For many, this attractiveness is justified by the apparent simplicity of the training: you can train anywhere and you can do without exercise equipment at all.
And, nevertheless, like any sport, running requires at least minimal preparation. By neglecting both the practical and theoretical parts of this preparation, you are putting your body at risk, which will not make you wait long for an answer. Running requires attention and accuracy, and is beneficial only when the athlete has developed not only calves, but also brains.

Forget about warming up
This mistake is common not only among runners, but also among newcomers to any gym. According to statistics, warming up is considered unimportant by up to 70% of beginning runners. The injuries that a person who is not warmed up before training can get are very numerous - from broken joints to torn ligaments. Therefore, do not be lazy to do a few simple exercises before jogging, your body will be very grateful to you.

Start with huge loads
Undoubtedly, one of the most common mistakes novice runners make is a lack of understanding of loads. Many people start right off the bat, moving from a long period of doing nothing to sudden morning starts of several kilometers. There is nothing good about this: even if you bought the most expensive sports shoes and are generally in good shape, you still do not give your body enough time to adapt to the new type of load.

Running in a rut
Many runners, having felt a comfortable distance and speed, begin to stick only to it. After some time, they understand that no development is taking place: the body, accustomed to constant and stable loads, ceases to respond to them correctly. More advanced runners are well aware of this trap and include interval training in their process - with sharp accelerations in certain areas.

Shoes within your means
If you are planning to take up running seriously, forget about your old sneakers, which supposedly will also cope well with some kind of running. Your health depends on good shoes: running on asphalt or concrete can very quickly turn your joints into dust.

Ignoring your own body
A new endeavor, especially a sporting one, is always accompanied by an increased release of endorphins into the body. You feel strong and invulnerable and begin to ignore the signals your body is giving you. Any pain you feel while running is a signal to stop and check carefully. There is no need to run, overcoming yourself with all your might: sometimes it will be much more productive to give rest to your tired body.

Have you decided to become healthier and lose weight? Then you need to create a plan to achieve this goal. I will list 9 steps that will help you move in the right direction.

It's time to get used to yourself, healthy eating and exercise. Decide to follow a new routine for 21 days. It is during this period that a habit is formed.

Keep a diary

People overeat by 25% every day and don't even notice it. By keeping a journal, you'll understand where your calories are coming from, notice patterns, and spot holes in your schedule. One study found that journaling can double your weight loss ( 1 ).

Write down what you eat and how long you exercise. Don't forget to review at the end of each week and correct any mistakes. This will point you in the right direction.

Motivate yourself

You will always be pulled back to old habits. Be it some factors or close people. Don't constantly make excuses for going off track. Find your motivation. For example, create a set of emotional quotes or inspirational sayings. They will guide you through the days of laziness and when you don't want to do anything.

Choose your type of workout

Before you immediately buy an annual gym membership, try different types of workouts first. Find out what you like. These could be group fitness classes that will provide additional motivation. Try dance classes or many other interesting activities. If you are still embarrassed to go with a group, hire a personal trainer. It all depends on what suits you.

Hire a personal trainer

My first workouts in the gym were under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Afterwards I could train on the gym on my own. An experienced instructor gives a lot. Let me list some advantages:

  • individual training;
  • protection from injury with new equipment;
  • will give knowledge of the correct technique for performing exercises;
  • will monitor implementation;
  • will be a personal motivator;

Find a personal trainer who will be your motivator, teacher and ensure that your actions are safe.

Clean the refrigerator

Get rid of unhealthy foods: cookies, cakes and sweets. There is plenty of evidence that you will be satisfied and happy if you eat fruit rather than candy. If chips are your passion, throw them away immediately. Replace them with healthy nuts.

Cook it yourself

Start falling in love with cooking, grocery shopping, and recipes. Take a closer look at the dishes you would like to make. Make sure they are healthy: low in calories, low in saturated fat, and high in fiber. Experiment and fall in love with healthy food!

Stock up on scales

Measure your food. There's no better way to make sure you're eating the right portions and not overeating.


Never underestimate the benefits of being active. Any small increase in physical activity will stimulate weight loss and improve your well-being. Every physical movement you make counts towards weight loss.

30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day will have a very positive effect. You will definitely see the benefit.