The child does not want to do his homework. The child does not want to do homework: force or encourage? To develop children's cognitive interest

The beginning of a new school year often becomes the beginning of endless scandals over unfinished lessons and the child’s reluctance to do homework. While elementary school students are still influenced by their parents’ authority, high school students are no longer affected by requests, threats, or heart-to-heart conversations.

What should I do? To begin with, parents should remember that the best age for developing skills of independence and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions (including for studying) is the age from 4 to 9 years. However, reluctance to do homework at home can overtake your child at any age, even if before that he did an excellent job with homework.

It is important to identify the true reason for the reluctance to do homework.

1. Spoiled. Perhaps your child simply does not have a daily routine. It is difficult to get him to sit down for lessons, because he prefers games, watching TV, the computer and other “joys”.

  • Patiently and persistently teach your child a certain routine. He should always watch TV, do homework, sleep, eat and walk at the same time.
  • Be sure to arrange a separate workplace for your child. It is undesirable for him to perform tasks either on the kitchen table, or on a table in front of the TV, etc. Even in the smallest apartment you can find a corner where you can put a desk or nail a few bookshelves. It’s even better if the child himself takes part in arranging the workplace. This will help him get into a working mood.

2. Laziness and irresponsibility. If your little student effortlessly masters the school curriculum, but does not want to do homework, the reason may be simple laziness. Such children often lack understanding of the importance of homework and responsibility for their actions. It can help to talk about how lessons are work, “work”, the same as the work of mom or dad.

By the way, adults lose their wages for not doing work. Discuss with your child what he may lose by not fulfilling his duties: walks, access to a computer, etc. some blessings in life. Your son/daughter must realize that idleness is ineffective.

3. Fear. Often, refusal to complete homework is associated with the child’s fear of receiving a “new portion” of criticism. If a teenager hears constant reproaches from teachers, these notations are supplemented by parents’ maxims on the topic “How can you not understand this! How sloppy you are! Yes, at your age...” - such a cocktail can completely deprive one of self-confidence. Subconsciously, such children will always expect reproaches. Hence the refusal: “If I can’t do anything, I won’t do anything at all!”

Only parental love and attention can help in such cases. Let your child know that parental love is unconditional love. It doesn’t matter what appears in his diary - “two” or “five”. In the first case, you will definitely explain and help correct it; in the second case, you will praise and sincerely rejoice. But Never scold your child for grades!

4. Conflict with the teacher. Sometimes refusal to do homework is related to the current situation at school. Perhaps your child has a conflict with the teacher, hence the constant “Fs” and uncompleted assignments.

Possible solution: conversation with this teacher. Involve a psychologist, class teacher, administration (if necessary) - it is important to eliminate the conflict and improve the relationship between the student and the teacher.

5. Boredom. This word contains more than half of the cases of reluctance to do homework. Indeed, doing homework is not like going to Disneyland.

Try to build on your child’s extracurricular hobbies. Here it is important to find a link to school subjects.

6. Difficult. A child may refuse to complete tasks if he encounters difficulties over and over again. Find out: perhaps some section was missed, perhaps some topic remained misunderstood, unlearned, and therefore all subsequent tasks turned into torture.

If you yourself are not able to explain and “go through this topic,” it makes sense to hire a tutor or enroll your child in elective classes.

The five main nos, or the main mistakes that parents make

  • Don't label. If you constantly repeat that your child is a lazy person, a slob, a blockhead, a fool, etc. - sooner or later he will come to terms with it. The proverb works here more than ever: “What do you call the ship…”.
  • Don't overpraise. Phrases like: “You're capable, you're just lazy” have the opposite effect. We hope that this will encourage the child to “accomplish great feats” in school. In fact, the child’s subconscious forms the attitude: “I’m already capable, why bother and prove something?”
  • Don't abuse financial incentives. Parents often reward their children for completing homework with gifts, pocket money and other “joys”. The “earned and received” technique works if it is used in reasonable measures. Otherwise, sooner or later the child will begin to bargain, demanding more and more rewards.
  • Don't focus your motivation on yourself. Eliminate from your vocabulary the phrases: “I’ll be happy if you do your homework!”, “I’m just desperate that you refuse to do your homework.” Instead of the expected zeal, you can give your child a feeling of guilt before his parents. It is better to emphasize that completed lessons will help you work better at school, better understand a new topic, etc.
  • Don't overdo it with care. Of course, for a first grader, for example, it is almost impossible to do his homework without the help of his parents. But from the very beginning, strive to teach independence.

And the most important rule is don’t despair. Learn to listen carefully to your child, surround him with attention and care. It is parental love that can instill in a child an interest in learning and, therefore, in doing homework.

Allah, good afternoon! Please help me with advice on how not to snap at a child when he cannot fulfill homework? Every evening I get hysterical. I'm not even talking about the fact that all this is passed on to the son. The boy is 9 years old, helping him with his homework is hell for me, all these nerves are then transferred to my husband as well. Every evening I started drinking cognac. Please advise how to find a way out of this situation?

Julia, housewife.

Julia, all parents want to see their children fulfilled, successful and happy. Schooling is one of the important components of a child’s life. School will be a major part of his reality for 8-10 years. Therefore, the baby needs help adapt, feel comfortable and learn achieve success(but here it is also very important not to catch the excellent student syndrome, read about this in more detail in our new article).

Looking at the material being studied by our children - primary schoolchildren, we are perplexed: “How can a child learn this?” Unfortunately, school curricula are now written in such a way that a child has no chance of completing his homework on his own. Of course, we cannot go against the education system alone, but help to his baby we simply must.

  • Talk to your husband.

Don't try to solve these issues alone. Invite his husband To conversation and discuss together the problems that the child has. Men think completely differently and, I am sure, your husband, as the “real protector” of the family, will take care of this issue, and you will come to new solutions. It is a big mistake when a woman tries to decide everything herself. Questions about how to raise a child should always be discussed together with your husband.

  • Talk to your child.

Ask him what he thinks about this issue: “How can you organize homework time so that you have joy in your family?”

  • Remember how you did your homework.
  • Gather a family council (family meeting).

It is very important that you all take part in solving this situation together. The child will feel like a full-fledged member of the family.

  • Write a plan for the week on how you will act in the direction of: “Doing homework with joy.”

It is advisable that this plan wrote myself child. Appoint him as the “leader of the family council.” Once the plan has been written and approved by all participants, set a date for the next meeting, perhaps in a week. Ask your child to prepare an agenda for him in which he will share his successes and tell him what worked and what needs to be improved.

This will give the child a reason to feel independent and teach him to solve any problems.

And not feel like a loser who constantly brings “bad grades” and refuses to do homework every evening.

The main task of parents is not to help memorize the multiplication table and solve the problem correctly, but to teach baby study, record victories and go towards the goal.

What else is important?

When you sit down to do your homework, your motivation should not be to please the teacher or get a good grade. Teach your child instead independence and show him how you can overcome difficulties even in small matters.

Remember that a child is the closest person to you, and you help him become a mature person. Violence and blackmail are not only inappropriate here, but on the contrary, they cause the opposite of the desired result.

Remember one more very important rule:

When doing homework, any criticism on your part is unacceptable.

On the contrary, praise the child more, and the praise should be fair. Our children are excellent psychologists and sense insincerity very subtly. Give fair praise and notice everything, even the smallest successes.

Do not perceive working with your child as a duty or hard labor. Look at them as a time in your life when you can interact with your baby and open up the world to him. With such motivation, you will see changes in your student’s attitude towards homework, towards you and towards school. V the best side.

The great Franklin Roosevelt, who, despite his disability, was President of America four times and showed himself to be a wise and great ruler, had an instilled sense of success from childhood, which breeds success. Talk to your child, delve into his experiences and problems. No matter how small they may seem to you, embrace them with all seriousness.

You may also be interested in our article: “Child and computer - where is the right balance in their interaction?

With love, Alla Jansons!

All parents of schoolchildren dream of their child returning from school, having lunch and immediately starting to do his homework. Moms and dads want their child to be attentive and smart, to easily cope with all school assignments without outside help, and to never tire of pleasing with his good academic performance. However, such an ideal picture is found only in a few families, and most parents often observe something completely different: the child does not want to do homework and is instead ready to do anything other than homework. Mom and dad get upset and nervous, this tension is transferred to the baby, and as a result the whole family falls under the influence of stress. Why does this happen, and how to avoid it?

The child is lazy

Most parents believe that their child refuses to do homework for one simple reason - he is simply lazy. Indeed, there are children who are very lazy by nature, and it is generally difficult to force them to do anything. However, before diagnosing their baby as a “pathological lazy person,” parents should take a closer look at their child’s behavior and, most likely, they will be surprised to notice that the baby is too lazy to do his homework, but to read an interesting book, watch a cartoon, spend He's doing very well when playing a new computer game. If any other activity, except doing homework, can captivate the baby for a long time, then it’s not a matter of natural laziness, but something else.

If a child does not want to do homework for the first time, parents should never yell at him, threaten him or compare him with one of his classmates. You need to find out the reason for refusing to do homework. It could be fatigue, lack of understanding of the subject, or something else. Child psychologist Ekaterina Tsukanova explains how to behave with a child.

The child is afraid of failure

Many children are terrified of failing at anything they do, and homework is no exception to the rule. The fear of doing something wrong usually affects the behavior of a student: he can be found sitting for a long time over a textbook without performing any other actions. In such cases they usually say “looks at a book and sees nothing.”

If such behavior is noticed in a child, it is best to have a serious conversation with him, ask him what he is afraid of and for what reason. If a student has a fear of a teacher who is very strict about mistakes in homework, tell him that you will talk to the teacher about it, and be sure to actually do it. If the baby is afraid of anger from his parents for a bad grade, convince him that you won’t swear, even if something doesn’t work out for him. Show your baby that you are always with him, understand him and can provide any help as soon as he asks for it. Having a sincere conversation with your child will help him relax and no longer be afraid.

The child does not understand the subject

Some children cannot begin to do homework in a certain subject because they have some difficulties with this lesson. For example, a student may not understand new material in mathematics or physics, and that is why he avoids completing lessons in these subjects in every possible way. Some children have difficulties with logical or figurative thinking, and depending on this, they have difficulties in the exact sciences and humanities, respectively.

Helping the child in this case means jointly overcoming the difficulties that have arisen. Instead of scolding your child for an uncompleted task and reproaching him for laziness, talk to him and find out what is most difficult for him, and then start joint activities, during which you explain in detail the incomprehensible points to the baby. If you yourself are not strong in the desired subject, you can hire a tutor or negotiate with your school teacher for additional individual lessons.

The child lacks love and attention

Some children refuse to do homework for the sole reason that they specifically want to cause concern on the part of mom and dad. They feel, and in this unique way they achieve at least some manifestation of feelings from adults.

In such a situation, the main thing is to let the child feel your love and attention. Analyze your own behavior: how often do you praise your baby, are you interested in how his day was, do you tell him that you love him. Remember that the child needs approval from the parents and participation in solving his problems, so it’s better to hug the baby one more time and tell him how great he is when he sits down to do his homework. And don’t forget to always be interested in how your child’s next school day went.

Child psychologist Ekaterina Tsukanova gives advice on how to form a child’s habit of doing homework, how to organize a daily routine, how to make the parents feel the love so that the child is not afraid of failures and difficulties.

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The child does not want to do homework on his own

Some children, in order to relieve themselves of the responsibility of doing homework, resort to tricks and tricks: they pretend that they do not understand something, complain about being very tired, and ask their parents for help. Most often, mothers and fathers, worried that their child is not overtired, easily do his homework for him, allowing him to rest an extra evening. As a result, the student receives praise from the teacher for the tasks completed by the parents, and gradually understands that mom and dad can be used to their advantage.

If you notice that your child very often asks for your help, and you do homework instead of him several times a week, it’s time to stop, otherwise your child will forget how to do anything.

There have been, are and will be problems with teenage children. Rapid physical growth and puberty cause a crisis, which creates difficulties in teaching and raising a teenager. What should parents do if their child flatly refuses to study? After all, this period falls on an important stage of learning. Teenagers must decide on their future profession and take the first important steps in their future adult life.

Why children in adolescence do not want to study: we understand the reasons

“Until grades 6-7, my son studied well. In the diary - only A's, from teachers - continuous praise. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, the desire to study disappeared, the computer and the street were on my mind. I do not know what to do?"— many parents are concerned about these kinds of problems at some point in their lives.

Before you panic or blame someone for this situation, you need to understand what causes such a persistent reluctance to learn.

Psychologists identify several main reasons why teenagers refuse to study:

  1. Puberty.
  2. Rapid physical growth.
  3. Heart problems as a consequence of physical growth.
  4. Change of emotional background.

How does puberty affect children's learning?

During puberty, the process of excitation is quite rapid, but inhibition, on the contrary, is slow. In this regard, any little thing can turn a young man on, irritate him, and make him nervous. It's not easy to calm down. Naturally, in such a state it is very difficult to master the educational material.

Rapid physical growth of a teenager

Rapid physical development causes the child's bones to grow disproportionately. Result: constant fatigue, rapid fatigue.

The reason for fatigue sometimes lies in the heart

Many people begin to complain of heart pain because the heart does not have time to grow. Heart spasms cause problems with oxygen supply to the brain. Therefore, children begin to think poorly, their attention is scattered, and their memory is weak.

Emotional instability of adolescents

Against the background of hormonal surges, adolescents are often emotionally unstable, that is, they are susceptible to psychosis and loss of mood. These signs are especially pronounced in girls due to.

Ideally, you and your son (daughter) should visit a psychologist . However, we understand that due to various circumstances, not everyone has this opportunity.

How to correctly explain why you need to study? Or, perhaps, it’s correct: “if you don’t want to, don’t study” - what position should parents take?

Here is how psychologist from St. Petersburg Daria Grankina comments on the situation:

You can instill a taste for learning in anyone at any age. A teenager needs to be provided with a range of knowledge about his future life. Explain cause and effect relationships. But it’s not worth saying that if he doesn’t study algebra, he’ll wash the toilets in the reserved seat, although someone should do that too. We must give the child knowledge, resources and alternatives. Knowledge is not dry facts, but as a process of understanding this world. The alternative is that the child can and should try his best in everything, explore. With resources, it’s clear what we’re talking about. Of course, this is not complete freedom, but careful accompaniment.

Can we motivate to study? To motivate = to manipulate, but that’s not what we want. Therefore, money, persuasion and threats are not an effective method.

A teenager at this age has a lot of questions about society and the world. Who am I, why am I, what awaits me, what awaits the country, how to live correctly...? And of course they are not so strange that they do not understand that they still need to learn. But school is a routine job, and inside there are other problems torn apart.

There is another important aspect: does the child not want to study or CAN’T do it? Perhaps we need to lower our expectations and understand that a 5 is not always good, a rating of 3 is also good. We must understand that to study, we must learn. This is both a regime and a system. If this hasn’t happened since elementary school, then perhaps you need to streamline your and your child’s schedule right now.

In general, in everything that concerns children, you need to start therapy with yourself. For example, take any courses yourself, be it computer, knitting or Latin. This will show your ability to adapt to new trends and desire to learn new things, your openness to the world. Remembering yourself at this age is very useful. Start going with your child to a museum, planetarium, zoo, and finally, read a book in the evening. You can start softly and from afar, go with your child to a concert, to the cinema to see a new film, ask him to explain what the essence of his computer game is. This is already communication, this is already an exchange of information, which implies feedback from you and interesting dialogues that stimulate the child for cognitive activity. Under no circumstances should you give up or bury your head in the sand. This is your child and you can help him. You can work with this.

How can parents determine why a teenager does not want to study?

So, parents are faced with the problem: “I don’t want to study.” How to proceed?

First you need to find out what is the main reason:

  • Why do you need to study?

Very often the reason lies on the surface, and sometimes we don’t see it or don’t want to see it. The teenager does not understand why he needs to study. In fact, my mother is so smart, she has two higher educations, but she works for a meager salary at school. But Aunt Masha, an acquaintance from a neighboring cottage, drives a foreign car, flies to Paris every year, and was a poor student at school. A little exaggerated picture, but still.

Parents should systematically, using living examples, explain to their child the benefits of learning, draw future prospects for him: the opportunity to look at the world, study cultures, languages, make great discoveries, and have an interesting profession.

  • Relationships with teachers and peers

Reluctance to learn may be related to relationships with peers or teachers. All children are different in character, temperament, and level of upbringing. At school they will have to not only learn subjects, but also norms of behavior, learn to live in a team, and establish contact with the outside world. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds smoothly. Naturally, if a student feels uncomfortable at school, is offended, laughed at or not noticed, he will not have a desire to learn .

  • Family well-being

Inevitably, a child's performance in school is affected by family well-being, or lack thereof.

Quarrels between parents and immoral behavior of adult family members negatively affect the student’s behavior and his perception of the surrounding reality.

“Bad company” can cause a decrease in a teenager’s academic performance and... This happens because you can become part of a street crowd only if you “study up” (sorry for the slang).

  • Hyperactivity in a teenager

The child shows extreme intolerance to learning and cannot concentrate on lessons due to hyperactivity.

  • Gadget addiction

One of the reasons for the fading interest in school is an excessive passion for modern technology.

The dependence of teenagers (and not only) on all kinds of gadgets, immersion in the virtual world, satiety with unnecessary information from the outside isolates them from the uninteresting process of learning at school.

What to do if a 13-15 year old teenager does not want to study: advice from a psychologist

Sometimes we, our family and friends, out of good intentions, make such serious mistakes in relation to our children that we only worsen the situation. Experienced psychologists, based on a systematic study of adolescent behavior, have come up with several good tips and rules that should be followed when establishing contact with a child 13-15 years old.

Everything is very clear and simple, the main thing is to follow the rules regularly:

  • Provide your child with such a work and rest schedule so that he can spend time outdoors every day. This could be walking, jogging or cycling. At this time, the brain receives oxygen, the child is charged with positive energy, and the body receives the amount of physical activity it needs.
  • Sleep is the main assistant . Make it a rule to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. Nothing restores memory and attention like a good night's sleep.
  • Distribute your school load . The child should not be overtired. If your child has just returned from school, do not burden him with lessons, give him 1-1.5 minutes to rest.
  • Your child has grown up and wants to appear grown up. , often impertinent, shows his tough temper. But he still remains your child and needs simple friendly communication. Contact should not be reduced to routine questions: “How are you?”, “Do you want to eat?” etc. Put things aside and talk. Show that you are interested in the life of your son (daughter) as a full member of the family and do not consider him an unreasonable child. Even in response to his insolence, show tact and restraint. This is precisely what distinguishes us, adults, formed individuals.
  • Children at this age remember interesting material well. . Therefore, advice from psychologists to both parents and teachers: get your child interested in the subject. And then he will happily go to class, and his studies will turn into an exciting journey into the world of science.
  • If the reason is a conflict with classmates, a teacher , and the conflict is not resolved positively, it is better to change teachers or schools if possible, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • In case of problems with mastering a specific subject You can hire a tutor or help your child fill in the gaps yourself.

Don't deny problems by pretending that you don't notice them. In fact, today's reluctance to learn can develop into much more serious problems if left unchecked.

Children feel the attitude of adults very keenly . Just lose your attention for a moment and you will miss the teenager. Every parent knows and feels their child like no one else. It is impossible to fit the behavior of any teenager into general patterns.

Each person, depending on their temperament, social structure, and specific situation, requires an individual approach.

The period when a child begins school is considered one of the most difficult for both the new student and his parents. After all, many organizational issues arise, the solution of which is of key importance for the success of all subsequent educational activities. For example, how to teach your child to do his homework on his own, so as not to spend a lot of time on it.

When should you teach yourself to be independent?

The child should feel independent and not abandoned

Psychologists and teachers have found that a child who is not accustomed to doing homework independently until the 4th grade will subsequently remain dependent on outside help in completing homework. This is due to the fact that in the first years the child shows the greatest interest in learning, and the authority of the teacher and parents is absolute. Therefore, all tasks are completed with pleasure, and misunderstanding causes the need for an explanation.

Over the years, the situation changes, and study ceases to be the leading line of activity, and answers to questions in the school curriculum are no longer so important for the child.

Where to begin

You shouldn’t skimp on the comfort of your baby’s workplace.

Before developing the skill of independently processing the material assigned at home, parents MUST take care of organizing their student’s workplace and time.

  • Work area or room. Even if living conditions do not allow you to allocate a room for the child, it is necessary to separate the space in which school supplies, textbooks, notebooks, and teaching aids will be located.
  • A desk, a comfortable chair or armchair, a table lamp. High-quality furniture is not only a guarantee of health (correct posture, good vision), but also a guarantee that physical discomfort will not distract from lessons.
  • Set time for homework. Doctors are convinced that the most productive time is from 15.00 to 18.00. This is where one of the main difficulties lurks: these are hours of study in various sections and circles. It turns out that in order to do homework on time, you need to sacrifice the all-round development of the child. But no, of course, this should not be done under any circumstances. Just “settle down” your routine and determine when it is more convenient for your child to do his homework. Before or after extracurricular activities, or maybe written assignments - before the circle, oral assignments - after.

How to motivate a child

Be sure to praise your child - this is the only way he will grow up to be a confident person.

There are three effective ways to motivate a child to study:

  • verbal approval;
  • good grades;
  • material benefit.

The main motivation in primary school age, namely during this period that you can and should teach your child to do his homework himself, is praise. Moreover, children should be praised even for the smallest victories and successes. And it is necessary to find them also in negative aspects. As for lessons, the very fact that the child admitted that he doesn’t understand something or doesn’t like some subject deserves verbal encouragement. First, praise for the courage to admit it openly, and only then find out the reasons for the negativity.

As for grades, they are, of course, of significant importance for schoolchildren, but in no case should they be put at the forefront. Otherwise, the child will perceive any bad grade (and in 11 years of school they will definitely happen) as a tragedy, and will become nervous and frayed.

Many parents choose the simplest (but, admittedly, the most effective) way to motivate their child to complete homework - financial incentives. Candy, the opportunity to play computer games or watch TV – there can be many tangible “rewards”. Only now they carry the danger that the child will manipulate you by doing any work for a certain “payment”.

What to consider to learn productively

Explain patiently and guide your child in the right direction.

Before choosing the appropriate method or options for teaching your child to independently process the material assigned at home, pay attention to the fact that there are no successful or unsuccessful methods. There are individual characteristics of your child. Therefore, try and search, only then will it make sense and result.

  • Create an algorithm. “I laid out my school supplies, read what was assigned, and completed the work.” This is what the general homework plan looks like, but for each subject it can be supplemented or changed. For example, for a reading lesson: I read - I identify the characters - I build a sequence of actions - I retell.
  • Check the completed task. Gradually reduce the testing only to difficult subjects, then monitor completion once every two to three days, then once a week. So, after 5-6 years you will be able to limit yourself to the question: “Do you need my help with your homework?”
  • Start with difficult lessons. First you need to do those subjects that require maximum concentration (written), and then move on to simpler tasks (oral or creative).
  • Use a draft. In this case, it is easier to make adjustments and analyze errors.
  • Take breaks. According to sanitary standards, a child must complete homework according to the following scheme: 20X10 (that is, 20 minutes of work, 10 minutes of rest). By high school this ratio should reach 30X15. This way the child will not have time to get tired, but will not relax too much.
  • Know how to explain. If your child does not understand a new topic or has missed class, read a couple of pages of the textbook in advance and outline a plan for explaining the missing information. This will make it easier for you to teach and for your baby to understand.

Practical ways to teach independent work

Give your child the opportunity to find the answer or remember the rule himself.

This is interesting. A couple of years ago, an experiment was conducted in several cities in the Czech Republic: children in schools were not given homework so that they could spend more time with their parents without being distracted by comprehending scientific intricacies. However, after 3-4 months the experiment had to be stopped due to a large number of dissatisfied...students! The children claimed that it became more difficult for them to study without the traditional consolidation of acquired information through homework assignments.

If your baby has just started school, then accept it - for the first half of the year you will have to do lessons together from the first to the last letter. Only in this way will the child become accustomed to the very fact of the need to do homework and responsibility for the results of this process.

  • Expanding the boundaries of independence. Gradually reduce it to the fact that the young schoolchild does the task in a rough draft or reads to himself, and you check the draft version of the work or listen to the retelling.
  • Confession. Show your child that his work is as important as yours. Therefore, give him the opportunity to solve an example or write an exercise himself while you do your own thing. The child must see the work environment around him.
  • Confidence. It has already been said that you need to check homework, but by the end of the primary school period, allow your child not to provide you with some subjects (especially those that fall into the “favorite” category) for checking.

Little tricks

The child will be happy to explain his homework to toys.

Each parent is looking for his own way to help teach his child that he should do his homework himself. Among the proven methods are the following:

  • “I’m moving along the map.” A “map” is hung on the wall, which shows the algorithm for completing homework. The child must follow the paths and, for example, while completing each task, reveal one word at a time, which he then assembles into an interesting statement or riddle.
  • “Teaching a foreigner.” Buy a toy that will play the role of a foreign citizen. The child needs to be explained and shown how to do assignments in school subjects.
  • "Collecting stars." For completing homework quickly and correctly, reward your child with praise and a star, which he will hang above his desk. Such a wall of fame will become a real pride and will motivate the student to become even more successful.

You can come up with your own way to make the process of learning something exciting and interesting for your child. The hobbies and interests of your favorite student will help you with this.

Screaming and negative emotions will not help your child become independent.

If you want to go through the entire school curriculum again, there are several effective ways:

  • Scream. The louder you scream, the less your child understands. This means that the material will not be absorbed and will have to be repeated over and over again. Until you get hoarse.
  • Scold. If your child is unable to solve an example or write sentences, be sure to point out that he is not succeeding in anything in life.
  • Avoid repetitions. Today's task is what's important. And what happened yesterday or a week ago has sunk into eternity and there is no point in repeating it.
  • Do your child's homework yourself. After all, this is the only way to save time.
  • Be spontaneous. Check or help your student only when you are in the mood. So what if your mood coincides with your favorite cartoons? Make your child obey your will!

Video: Teaching your child to do his homework on his own