Nice little gifts for no reason. Aphorisms and quotes about gifts. Perfume or eau de toilette is a nice gift for young ladies

People are divided into those who like to receive gifts and those who prefer to give them. Moreover, the second category of people does not need any special occasion for a gift. What to give a guy for no reason, ask girls who want to please a person just like that, and simply because he exists.

Before introducing you to certain recommendations and successful options, we note that a gift for no reason is always a surprise that no one expects. How pleasant your surprise will be for the guy, what impression it will make on the person, depends on your ability to choose what.

For a lover of unusual gifts

Men are the same children. Therefore, the best option for a gift given for no particular reason may be some cool toy. Give him, for example, Newton's Cradle (large). This gift will look stylish on any desktop, and in moments of stress and fatigue it will work as a unique anti-stress, relieving the tension of its owner.

Another alternative to what to give a guy for no reason, may become unusual Express sculptor (medium). This is a unique product with which you can create all kinds of sculptures, the number of which is limited only by your own imagination.

To your loved one

In order to please your loved ones, a specific reason is not required. Warmth and mutual love encourage us to constantly do something nice for those who are dear to us, and this is right. However, even for no reason, you need to give your loved one something special.

In this case, thinking about what to give a guy for no reason, do not pass by such a series of gifts as gift awards. There are several interesting groups here.

  • Oscars. Today, Oscars are awarded not only to cinematic luminaries! Any person would be pleased and honored to receive such a significant award. But not everyone has this opportunity, unlike your boyfriend. By presenting a young man with an Oscar “For Best Actor” or an Oscar “For the Leading Role in My Life,” you will tell him about your feelings, giving him a lot of pleasant emotions.
  • Orders. Choosing what to give a guy for no reason, pay attention to medals and orders. Such a gift can be given by the 1165th day from the date of acquaintance; your loved one will only be happy about it. For a gift to your beloved other half, an Order with an individual design is suitable, on which you can engrave a variety of wishes and declarations of love.

· Award statuettes. We don't need a reason to express our gratitude to those we love. By deciding to present your guy with the “Hero of My Life” Award figurine, you will achieve two goals at the same time: you will give your beloved guy a cool gift, and at the same time you will confess your love to him again in an original way.

Give each other gifts for no reason, thereby making our lives more fun and interesting.

In the life of each of us, patterned behavior is often present; this is due to certain traditions, habits and conventions that are firmly ingrained in each of us. This also applies to giving gifts: only when another holiday, a significant date or a milestone is approaching, do we become puzzled about looking for gifts. However, sometimes you want to give gifts for no reason, to do something nice for a friend, for help, or just to remind your loved one that you really care about him.

The best gifts for no reason

Many will agree that the best gift is for no reason. It’s not only nice to receive it at the most unexpected moment, but it’s also nice to present it yourself. They are the ones who really leave the most vivid impressions and memories, since they are presented completely unexpectedly. Such gifts help to maximize sincere feelings, attention, care and love.

Important! Spontaneous gifts make people kinder and help improve their mood.

So, how to show attention and how can you please a person without waiting for the right reason?

If you want someone, you don’t need to wait for some reason, do it just like that. Any impression gifts can be a good idea, for example:

  1. Organize a romantic dinner for your wife. If you have been married for a long time and are used to giving flowers only on March 8th and her birthday, arrange a real surprise for her. We are sure that this cannot be compared with even the most expensive material gift, she will appreciate your efforts.
  2. For your beloved parents, buy a ticket to a play or movie. They will appreciate your attention and care, and pleasant time together with their family will not be superfluous.
  3. Give a girl a bouquet of flowers, it’s always nice.
  4. Do you want to do something nice for a friend? Make his dream come true and buy him, for example, a certificate for a parachute jump.

It can be even the smallest little things that can make the life of a person close to you brighter, more enjoyable and richer.

Souvenirs as a gift

Many of us consider souvenirs as a kind of sign of attention, and not a full-fledged present. Therefore, among the souvenir products you can find suitable ones of a practical or symbolic nature.

  • You can bring memorable keychains and magnets from your trip and give them to your work colleagues.
  • You can give your friend a small jewelry box.
  • You can show your respect to a good friend by giving him a notebook.
  • You can give some souvenirs for your home and interior to family members.

As a rule, souvenirs are not expensive gifts that do not burden either the giver or the recipient. Souvenir products remain the most popular among gifts for no occasion.

For hobbies

From the gift itself, not only the person who receives the gift, but also the one who gives it, receives pleasant impressions for no reason. If you also want to please and surprise someone, but don’t know how to do it, choose something for your hobbies. What could it be:

  1. accessories and ;
  2. computer accessories for a guy;
  3. sweets for the sweet tooth;
  4. photo frame for the photography lover.

Choose anything, as long as the item matches the interests and hobbies of the person you want to please.

For memory

For no reason, sometimes you want to give something that will remain as a keepsake. The reasons can be very different: a short separation, a long business trip, or just a sign of attention.

Such gifts can be anything, the main thing is that the gift given can remain a long-lasting memory and remind you of you.

Important! Regardless of the cost, spontaneous gifts, even the most banal things, can lift your spirits and make you smile. Remember this and often please the people around you with any signs of attention without any particular reason.

Sometimes you want to give something to a loved one just to do something nice and lift your spirits. The girl you love deserves the best present, but what to choose? What to give a girl just like that, for no reason, to make her smile? We will suggest the best ideas and help you make the right choice.

No reason needed

Many young people wonder how to give a girl a gift just like that, how to explain why? In fact, you don't need a reason. When presenting a gift, you can simply hint that you have decided to please your loved one; this is unlikely to upset the girl. You can also say a couple of nice words to explain your action, for example, that you really want to see a smile on her beautiful face or simply decided to make her even happier.

If you really want to find some reason, just come up with it, for example:

  • So many days or hours from the moment of your meeting;
  • The onset of the first common winter, spring, autumn, etc.

The main thing is to approach the matter creatively. The girl will surely appreciate your imagination and will be simply glad to receive a pleasant present.

TOP 10 gifts for a girl just like that, for no reason

  1. Flowers
  2. Sweets
  3. A tea set
  4. Balloon composition
  5. Letter of confession
  6. Stone-amulet according to the horoscope
  7. Photo frame with a shared photo
  8. Fortune Cookies
  9. Fireworks under the windows
  10. Box with exotic butterflies

Flowers are the best gift for no reason

If you want to give a girl something just like that, without looking for a reason, flowers will be an ideal option. The easiest way is to buy a bouquet on the street, walking your loved one home or just walking. It will look like a sincere emotional impulse, and the girl will be happy. There are other ideas:

  • Leave the bouquet at the girl’s workplace. If you manage to drop by her work early and put a bouquet on the table, it will be a great surprise.
  • Send flowers by courier to work or home. The first option is better. Most girls are very ambitious, so the recipient will be happy to receive a bouquet in the presence of envious colleagues.
  • Bring the girl home a flowering houseplant. It will decorate her room for a long time and remind her of the donor.

When sending a bouquet to a girl at work, be sure to leave a sweet note in it. It is advisable to sign it yourself, it will be more sincere.

What to give a girl just like that, for no reason, in the first days of dating

If you have recently met and don’t know each other well, gifts are the best way to gain trust and win over a beautiful stranger. But you need to choose a gift very carefully so that it does not seem too personal to the girl. It is also necessary to avoid expensive gifts - the girl may think that you are trying to buy her. The best ideas for pleasant and non-binding gifts that you can give just like that, for no reason:

  • Sweets. Most young ladies love them. Of course, it may turn out that the girl is on a diet or a vegan, so baking with milk and eggs will not suit her. But usually this becomes noticeable already at the first meetings. To protect yourself as much as possible, you can choose natural sweets, for example, beautifully packaged marshmallows.
  • Intangible gifts. Invite the girl to the cinema, theater, exhibition or skating rink. This way you will not only please her, but will also be able to communicate and get to know each other better.
  • A tea set. Since you don’t know the girl’s tastes yet, choose several types of drink in small bags. Pack them beautifully in a basket or in the form of a bouquet and present them to your chosen one, hinting that you hope to have a tea party with her soon.
  • A souvenir brought from a trip. If you have recently been to an interesting place and brought a souvenir from there, you can present it to the girl, hinting that you would like to travel together someday. Only it should be something small, for example, a keychain, magnet, etc.

It is better not to give soft toys or interior decorations, such as pictures or figurines, to girls you don’t know well. You don’t yet know how the girl feels about such tinsel and whether she has a place at home for a gift. It’s better not to take risks so that your gift doesn’t end up in the trash.

What to give for no reason to a girl you've been with for a long time

If your relationship is already established and the romance is slowly starting to wane, you need to urgently revive it. A nice gift given for no reason, just like that and from the heart, will help with this. One of the best ideas is a bouquet, but an unusual one. Surely you gave her flowers more than once, now it’s time for original solutions. Choose any option:

  • From toys. If a girl loves cute teddy bears, bunnies and other animals, put together a bouquet of them.
  • From sweets. A girl’s favorite sweets, chocolates, kinder surprises, marmalade - anything can become the basis for a colorful and tasty composition.
  • From balloons. A huge and bright bouquet will remind your beloved of your feelings and lift her spirits.

Since you now know the girl’s preferences, you can choose sweets to suit her taste. To make your present more original and individual, order a gift box with a photo of a girl - simple and pleasant. Another idea is personalized cupcakes or a cake with a photo. You can complement the sweet surprise with a bottle of the recipient’s favorite drink.

A great gift idea for no reason is shopping. Invite the girl to go shopping together under the pretext of looking for something for the house, for a friend, etc. and unexpectedly buy something she likes. It will be a very pleasant surprise.

For no reason, you can give your beloved girl one of the accessories, for example, buy a warm scarf or beautiful gloves, because winter is coming, or a bright pareo with the onset of summer. Surely she will appreciate such self-care. But it’s better not to buy clothes that require trying on - the probability of error is too high. It’s also better not to buy lingerie - it’s too personal and usually girls don’t bother.

What inexpensive thing can you give a girl for no reason?

If you are an oligarch and can afford to give away diamonds just like that, great, but most people do not have this opportunity. Therefore, gifts, especially without serious reasons, have to be chosen inexpensive. It’s good that the price in this case doesn’t matter much; it’s more important to show your feelings and please your loved one. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • Letter of confession. It must be written by hand, in your own words. Just tell her about your feelings, write how dear she is to you. You can even try to write poetry. Then put the letter in a nice envelope and write the address. It is better to immediately throw the envelope unnoticed into the recipient’s purse. She will probably keep it and re-read it often.
  • Stone-amulet. You can choose it according to the zodiac sign of the recipient. A semi-precious stone on a string will cost very little, but looks interesting. Tell the girl that you want her to always have good luck, and your gift will help with this.
  • Photo frame with a general photo. This is an inexpensive, cute and memorable present that will definitely stand on a girl’s table.
  • Keychain. Choose an inexpensive metal keychain and put a personalized engraving on it - it will turn out interesting.
  • A beautiful case for your gadget. You can order a product with a photo of your loved one or just find something original.
  • Fortune cookies. This is a delicious and very interesting gift that is sure to amuse the recipient. And if you know how to cook even a little, try baking it yourself - the recipe is very simple. Instead of predictions, you can put compliments inside.

The most stunning gifts that you can give a girl just like that, for no reason

If you want to not only please a girl, but surprise and amaze her, choose something unexpected and original. An interesting idea is a romantic dinner in an unusual place. Invite your loved one to dine on the roof of your house, overlooking the city below, or on the banks of the river. You can also organize a date in a spa or limousine, in a greenhouse or in the VIP room of a cinema. There are other mind-blowing ideas:

  • Fireworks under the windows. It is better to organize it with the help of professional pyrotechnicians so that no one gets hurt.
  • Box with exotic butterflies. The girl will be delighted when the colorful creatures fly out of the box and start circling around the room.
  • Dance master class. Learn to dance a waltz, rumba or tango together - it will be interesting and very romantic.
  • Light box with a photo of a girl. Surely none of the recipient’s acquaintances have such decorations in their apartment.
  • Bigboard. Just imagine how surprised and happy your beloved will be when, on her way to work in the morning, she suddenly sees her photo on the big board, and even with a declaration of love.

And remember, no matter what gift you choose, you must do it from the heart, investing a piece of your feelings. Then your gift, no matter how much it costs, will please your beloved and bring you closer. And there is no need for a reason for a gift, the main thing is the desire to please a dear person.

Nothing binds us to a woman more than the expensive gifts we gave her.
Unknown American author

The look is hypocritical and lies, but jewelry never deceives.
Delphine de Girardin

A woman loves with her ears, and her ears love diamonds.
Tamara Kleiman

The most beautiful ones are born after visiting jewelry shops.
Gennady Malkin

Give a woman the whole world, and the first thing she will do is get rid of you.
Arkady Davidovich

Gifts for the day fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we didn't receive.

Why is it so difficult to buy a gift that looks worth what it actually cost?
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Edouard Herriot

Gifts are received by those who have something to give.
Bogdan Brzezinski

It’s nice to be remembered, but it’s often cheaper to be forgotten.
Frank Hubbard

A purchased chicken is cheaper than a donated one.

is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book.
Zhanna Golonogova

Money is the best gift. Everything else costs too much.

Small gifts hold on to love, big ones hold on to love.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

An ideal gift: an item that a woman can exchange in a store even a month later.

Having come to the conviction that “there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of her!”, the man offers himself.
Spencer Tracy

Both people and gods are captivated by a good gift.

How poorly our friends know us can sometimes be judged by the gifts we receive from them.
Sigmund Graff

Gift Shop: A place that sells things you wouldn't want as a gift.
From the “Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions” by L. Levinson

Choosing a gift for your wife's birthday is usually more difficult than choosing the wife herself.

Rarely do they think alike, except when choosing wedding gifts.

For gifts, a combination of great moderation and the smallest expenses is suitable. And who can we tell that gifts should be luxurious? Poor people? But they are not able to receive them. Rich? But they don't need to receive them.

Money is a gift that fits everyone in size.
William Randolph Hearst

A person who does not accept a rich gift is richer than the one who gives it.

They usually steal what is needed and give what is not needed.
Konstantin Melikhan

People rarely read books that are given to them.
Samuel Johnson

Often, the more expensive the gift, the cheaper the intentions.
Gerlind Fischer-Diehl

He would give her a lot so that she would love him not for what he gave her.
Karl Kraus

Nothing binds us to a woman more than the expensive gifts we give her.
Unknown author

The best gift for a person who has everything is a security alarm.

Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver.
Eduard Herriot

We willingly accept everything that is presented out of a feeling of love, because it is the same as receiving a gift from ourselves; but we reject the gift of someone who considers himself entitled to be a benefactor.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be indifferent when accepting anything! Show honor by accepting, that’s what I advise those who have nothing to give.
Friedrich Nietzsche

There are gifts, the receipt of which obliges the recipient to repay the giver a hundredfold: thus, gifting as such does not exist.
Maurice Blanchot

When you receive a gift from life, see if there is a price on it.
Sergey Balashov

In childhood, every new day is a godsend; in old age, every new day is a gift.
Ilya Shevelev

A gift is given to a person in order to bring him closer, and alms are given in order to get rid of him.
Jewish saying

The greatest value is the time given to us.
Valery Mironov

The most modest gift can delight, but provided that the donor’s resources are also small. However, a wealthy person should give a little more than prudence dictates. He who does not give too much gives too little. (A. Maurois)
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Every gift, no matter how small, becomes a great gift if you give it with love. (W. Walcott)
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A gift chosen with love is immediately recognizable by the desire to guess the taste of the recipient, by the originality of the idea, and by the very manner of presenting the gift. (A. Maurois)
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Give generously only when you know what you are giving to someone good. (Cato)

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Accept gifts only from people who have the right to give them. (F. Arno)
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Long hope is sweeter than a quick surprise. (I. Richter)
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He who gives his heart as a gift will never refuse to give money as a gift. (T. Fuller)
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A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable. (T. Fuller)
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He who knows how to give, knows how to live. (French proverb)
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One who has flowers in his hands cannot do anything bad. (V. Soloukhin)
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Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver. (E. Herriot)
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Nothing fuels a wife's suspicions more than an unexpected gift from her husband. (Unknown author)
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A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book. (Zhanna Golonogova)
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Having come to the conviction that “there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of her!”, the man offers himself. (S. Tracy)
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It’s nice to be remembered, but it’s often cheaper to be forgotten. (F. Hubbard)
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Friendship is built on small gifts, love is built on big gifts. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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Why is it so difficult to buy a gift that looks worth what it actually cost? (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't receive. (Unknown author)
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The perfect gift for the man who has everything is a woman who knows what to do with it all. (Unknown author)
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The best gift for a golden wedding is a scene of jealousy. (Unknown author)
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If you liked the gift, it means you gave away part of your soul. (Japanese wisdom)
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A compliment is like a piece of jewelry: it testifies not only to the merits of the recipient, but also to the taste of the giver. (P. Godin)
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A gift shop is a place where there are a lot of gifts and where you are horrified at the thought of being given one of them. (Unknown author)
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Should a gentleman remove the price from a gift if he makes the gift in money? (K. Melikhan)
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Gifts are received by those who have something to give. (B. Brzezinski)
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Buy gifts that are a little more expensive than you can afford. (A. Maurois)
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Every gift from a friend is a wish for happiness. (R. Bach
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When a person retires and can afford not to keep track of time, his colleagues give him a watch. (R. Sherriff)
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Perhaps the cheapest way to cure a man from drunkenness is to give him a car (R. Podlevsky)
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There are three types of gifts: expensive, not so expensive, and a book. (Unknown author)
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Give your girlfriends the same perfume as your wives. Wives have an exceptional sense of smell. (Nadine Rothschild)
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Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, and he gives me a mink coat. (B. Bardo)
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You should not give a woman anything that she cannot wear in the evening. (Unknown author)
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Name days are organized so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days. (Unknown author)