A wide range of everything you need is presented. Formation of product range. Objectives and methods of assortment formation

Range- a nomenclature list of types and varieties of goods, distinguished by marketing indicators, a list of types and varieties of goods in a manufacturing or trading enterprise. An assortment is a list of objects offered for sale by a trading enterprise.

In accordance with GOST R 51303-99 “Trade. Terms. Definitions “an assortment of goods is a set of goods combined according to one or a set of characteristics.

Classification of assortment. The range of goods is classified according to the following criteria:

1). Based on location, the product range is divided into groups:

  • industrial range
  • trade assortment
Industrial range- a nomenclature list of goods produced by a particular industry. Production assortment is a list of goods included in the enterprise’s production program.

Trade assortment- a set of goods sold in the trading network, including industrial goods from various local manufacturers and imported goods. The trade assortment presented on the shelves of a trade enterprise determines the type of trade enterprise (universal and special, trade enterprises with a combined and mixed assortment) and the form of trade service. In stores of the same type with different retail areas, the assortment will vary significantly in the number of types of goods and product groups.

2). Depending on the breadth of product coverage, i.e. number of groups, subgroups, types, varieties, brands, types, names, the assortment is divided into the following subgroups:
  • Simple assortment– this is an assortment of goods represented by such types that are classified according to no more than three criteria
  • Complex assortment– this is an assortment of goods represented by types that are classified according to more than three criteria (shoes, clothing).
  • Enlarged assortment– this is an assortment of goods that are combined according to common characteristics into certain groups of goods. Most often, functional or social purpose is used as a common feature.
  • Species assortment is a set of goods of various types and names that satisfy similar needs. It is an integral part of the enlarged assortment. For example, children's shoes are an integral part of an enlarged range of footwear products.
  • Branded assortment– this is a set of goods of the same type, brand names or belonging to a group of brand names. Such products satisfy physiological needs and are largely aimed at satisfying social and psychological needs. For example, prestigious brands of clothing, shoes, perfumes, cars, wines, etc.
  • Expanded assortment- This is an assortment of goods represented by varieties of goods. A variety is a collection of goods of a certain type, distinguished by a number of particular characteristics. Thus, signs of dividing types of clothing into varieties are style and complexity of processing.
3). Depending on the specialization and attention of the seller to certain product groups, the assortment is divided into:
  • Main assortment – a nomenclature list of types and varieties of goods determined by the seller as core for the organization and focused on the target group of buyers chosen by the company, which are profit-generating for the company.
  • Related products– this is a set of goods that perform auxiliary functions and are not core to a given organization. So, for a shoe store, the accompanying assortment is shoe care items, in a grocery store - matches, soap and other household goods.
  • Mixed assortment is a set of goods of different groups, types, names, characterized by a wide variety of functional purposes. A mixed assortment is typical for stores that sell food and non-food products and target a variety of consumer preferences and target groups.
4). According to the degree of satisfaction of needs, the following types of assortment are distinguished:
  • Rational assortment- this is a set of goods that most fully satisfies realistically justified needs that provide maximum quality of life at a certain level of development of science, technology, and technology.
  • Optimal assortment is a set of goods that satisfies real needs with the maximum beneficial effect for consumers with minimal costs for their design, production development and delivery to consumers.

Key assortment indicators:

  • breadth of assortment;
  • assortment structure;
  • assortment list;
  • rationality of assortment;
  • harmony of assortment.

Completeness of assortment
- this is the correspondence of the actual availability of types of goods to existing demand, this is the ability of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy similar needs.

Depth of assortment-– the number of varieties per product article, the number of products in one assortment group.

Assortment stability is an indicator characterizing fluctuations in its completeness and breadth over a certain period of time.

Novelty (updating) of the assortment- this is the ability of the assortment to satisfy changing needs through new products. The novelty of the assortment is characterized by two indicators: actual renewal and degree of renewal.

Breadth of assortment– this is the number of species, varieties and names of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

Assortment structure– this is the ratio of groups, subgroups, types and varieties of goods in the store’s assortment. The assortment structure is characterized by breadth and depth. The structure of the assortment is of decisive importance when organizing its formation in the store.

Assortment list– this is the minimum acceptable number of types of consumer goods that determine the profile of a retail trade organization.

Rationality of assortment is the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the realistic needs of different consumer segments.

Harmony of assortment– this is a property of a set of goods of different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity to ensure rational distribution of goods, sales and (or) use.

Assortment management is an activity aimed at achieving the requirements of assortment rationality. The fundamental controls are:

  • formation of assortment;
  • establishing the level of requirements for indicators that determine the rationality of the assortment.

Formation of assortment– this is the activity of compiling a set of goods that allows you to satisfy real or predicted needs, as well as achieve the goals defined by the management of the organization.

Assortment group- enlarged presentation of the assortment, grouping goods into separate product groups according to a number of characteristics: production method, purpose, design features, etc.

Cost-effective assortment- an assortment product list, which in its entirety ensures that business entities receive the planned amount of profit, i.e. a certain excess of income over costs of selling goods, tax deductions.

Assortment policy- determination of the assortment that is most preferable for successful work in the market and ensuring the economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Number of impressions: 45226

Range- a large collection of goods united by a common characteristic (raw materials, purpose, manufacturer, etc.), within which smaller aggregates are distinguished that differ in other characteristics. Thus, the assortment is a system of individual elements, combined into groups according to one particular characteristic. There are certain connections between the groups. Relationships between two elements are usually identified through some classification system.

There are industrial and commercial, simple and complex, enlarged and expanded, combined and mixed assortments of goods.

Industrial range is a set of goods produced by an industry, an enterprise or other manufacturers (catering enterprises, private entrepreneurs, custom tailoring studios, etc.). As a rule, enterprises produce a small number of items of goods, which allows them to improve the manufacturing technology of these goods, improve their quality, improving consumer properties, i.e., enterprises produce a small range of goods that do not differ in the variety of types and varieties.

Trade assortment represents a set of goods sold in a retail chain. A trading network is a collection of all trading enterprises (wholesale and retail) engaged in the sale of goods.

The trade assortment includes a set of goods produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. It is more diverse than industrial.

The trade assortment can be considered in relation to one or several retail enterprises, or to the entire distribution network. The assortment of a trading enterprise is represented by the range of goods that the enterprise sells.

The assortment of a trade enterprise determines its type (department store, supermarket, grocery store, etc.). In stores of the same type, but with different sales areas, the assortment differs in the number of groups and types of goods. In this case, trading enterprises are divided into universal and specialized, stores with a combined and mixed assortment.

The range of goods presented at a trading enterprise determines the form of trading services.

If the assortment is represented by types of goods that are classified according to no more than three criteria, then such an assortment is called a simple assortment of goods (vegetables, table salt, laundry soap, etc.).

Types of goods that are classified into varieties according to more than three criteria, together make up a complex assortment of goods (shoes, clothing, etc.).

The division of the assortment into enlarged and expanded is based on a scientifically based system of classifying goods into classes, groups, types and varieties.

For example, when studying the assortment of clothing, first all household clothing is classified into groups (outerwear, light dresses, linen items, hats), then into subgroups (for example, in the group of outerwear - coats and suits).

Subgroups are divided into types of products according to the following criteria: type name, gender, age, season of wear, upper material, intended purpose.

According to the style and complexity of processing, the species are divided into varieties. The style is characterized by style, silhouette and cut.

The assessment of an enlarged assortment comes down to establishing the quantitative relationship between individual groups of products and the characteristics of these groups.

A group of goods should be combined according to a number of characteristics: purpose, design features, etc. Thus, clothing is divided into groups according to purpose, and into subgroups according to model and design features.

The expanded assortment is studied according to the types of products presented. Signs of dividing types of clothing into varieties are the style and complexity of processing.

Combined assortment is a set of several groups of goods that are connected by a common demand and satisfy individual needs. For example, the Men's Clothing store sells a combined assortment.

Mixed assortment is a collection of non-food and food products of various groups. The mixed assortment is represented, as a rule, by the largest number of groups and types of goods.

An assortment of goods is a set of their types, varieties and varieties, united or combined according to a certain characteristic. The main grouping characteristics of goods are raw materials, production and consumer goods. There are industrial and commercial assortments of goods.

The production range is the range of goods produced by industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as other manufacturers. As a rule, enterprises producing goods produce a narrow range of goods, which allows them to introduce advanced production technology, improve the range of goods produced, and improve their quality. Therefore, the goods they produce require further sorting, taking into account the requirements of trade, whose enterprises concentrate a wide range of goods, which is a combination of products produced by a wide variety of manufacturers. Such sub-sorting, or transformation of the assortment, is carried out mainly at wholesale trade enterprises, through which the bulk of goods of a complex assortment pass. Some food and non-food products are sorted directly in stores and other retail establishments.

The trade assortment is a range of goods to be sold in a retail chain. It includes a range of goods produced by many enterprises and is divided into two product sectors: food and non-food products. Each industry is divided into product groups, which include goods that are combined according to a number of characteristics (uniformity of raw materials, consumer purpose, degree of complexity of the assortment).

Product range is a certain set of various goods included in trade.

In stores, a relatively narrow product range is transformed into a wide trade range, which includes goods from various specialized production enterprises. The production of products in a market economy, from a marketing point of view, should be aimed at satisfying the diverse needs of the population, taking into account local, national and climatic conditions, therefore, primary attention in stores should be paid to the formation of a product range, as a process of establishing such a range of goods that develops over time , which would satisfy the product structure of the population's demand.

Assortment policy is the art of making decisions on an individual product unit, product group and the entire assortment as a whole in order to achieve the company's goals.

Main goals of assortment policy:

  • · Increasing sales by optimizing the assortment structure;
  • · Increased inventory turnover;
  • · Achieving a competitive advantage through a more attractive assortment;
  • · Entering new markets;
  • · Reducing costs associated with maintaining the assortment;
  • · Formation of the company's image by positioning assortment product units.

Customer needs are changing rapidly, so the company is forced to constantly update its product range, and this requires additional resources.

Fierce competition leads to the fact that a new product launched on the market does not have time to recoup the investment in its production and promotion.

Enterprises do not have an assortment management system in place due to the difficulty of forecasting changes in consumer demand and the lack of assortment optimization techniques.

Rice. 1

An assortment item represents a specific unit of goods - model, brand or size.

The product range consists of:

  • · Product groups;
  • · Product categories;
  • · Product lines;
  • · Product units.

Rice. 2

A product group is a set of goods and their types, grouped according to a certain combination, the most important of which is the similar purpose of the goods.

Product line (line) - a set of goods intended for the same customers or sold through the same sales channels or having the same price range.

The product range (nomenclature) is characterized by:

  • · Length (saturation), showing the total number of product units sold by the company;
  • · Width equal to the number of product groups that make up the assortment;
  • · Depth, showing the number of options for each type of product.

Classification of product range types

By degree of importance for the enterprise:

The main assortment includes products that are in high demand. Selling, first of all, precisely these goods, which bring the greatest profit, is the goal of the enterprise. It is necessary to ensure the constant presence of the main assortment in the warehouse.

Additional assortment - includes products that complete the main assortment. These are complementary products, impulse purchases, and special occasion items that are not available in other retail outlets.

For example, consumables when selling office equipment; lamps, curtains, carpets in a furniture store.

Additional assortment may not always be present in the warehouse, and may vary by name, i.e. belongs to the category of variable assortment.

Depending on the number of product groups in the assortment:

Wide range - consists of many product groups, each of which contains a large number of products. The widest range is presented in hypermarkets (more than 100,000 items), supermarkets (up to 100,000 items), trading houses, and large wholesale companies.

Advantages of a wide range:

  • · attracts various categories of buyers and increases their number;
  • · the number of unplanned purchases increases;
  • · allows you to more effectively manage profits by varying trade margins.
  • · Disadvantages of a wide range:
  • · additional equipment space is required;
  • · overall inventory turnover slows down;
  • · the complexity of accounting increases;
  • · It is difficult to maintain the stability of the assortment.

Narrow assortment - consists of a small number of products from several product groups (3 - 5).

Advantages of a narrow range:

  • · it is easier to maintain the stability of the assortment;
  • · You can concentrate on meeting the specific needs of customers;
  • · easier to carry out accounting and management

Disadvantages of a narrow range:

  • · there is a high risk of not receiving the required profit if the demand for these product groups decreases;
  • · Buyers may prefer sellers with a broad or specialized range.

Specialized assortment - consists of 1 - 2 product groups. The specialized assortment attracts those customers who want a wide selection of goods and receive qualified service and advice.

The advantage of a specialized assortment is the depth of the assortment, which provides a wide choice for the buyer.

Example. The company "ALSEL SPB" works in the field of completing equipment for heating, water supply and sewerage systems, has more than 3,000 items of products in a warehouse in St. Petersburg and more than 20,000 items in a central warehouse in Sweden. The company operates according to the European principle, when the warehouse and office are located in one place. Prices are higher than those of other sellers, but due to the wide range, significant savings are made on transportation, processing and delivery speed.

Depending on the number of similar products

Deep assortment - there are many options for similar or similar products (for example, different packaging of toothpaste, gels, elixirs). Advantages of a deep assortment:

  • · a large selection ensures that the buyer is unlikely to leave without purchasing;
  • · customer loyalty is developed.

Disadvantages of a deep assortment:

  • · too much variety of the same product irritates the buyer;
  • · sellers themselves are poorly versed in the differences between products;
  • · the effect of “cannibalism” appears

Flat assortment - a small number of product varieties are presented. You should carefully select products, focusing only on the most popular ones.

Depending on the degree of product differentiation:

Simple assortment - consists of simple undifferentiated goods (rolled metal, vegetables, sugar, cereals, etc.)

Complex assortment - consists of basic, complementary, interchangeable goods or goods that, within one type, have their own internal classification according to various criteria (footwear: styles, sizes, colors, decorations, etc.)

Mixed assortment - it presents completely different product groups: food, household chemicals, personal hygiene products, newspapers, etc.).

1. Types of assortment

2. Product range

3. Formation of assortment

4. Assortment planning

5. Assortment structure

6. Commodity range

Deciding on the breadth of product range

The decision to increase the product range

The decision to saturate the product range

Product nomenclature decisions

Range This composition of homogeneous products by type, grade and brand.

Range- This a list of types and varieties of products and goods, distinguished by individual indicators (characteristics).

RangeThis composition and ratio of various types of products, goods, services in manufacturing and trading enterprises; a list of types and varieties of products and goods, distinguished by individual indicators (characteristics).

Types aassortmentA

A distinction is made between a range of services, a range of products and a trade range:

range of services - a set of services offered to consumers. Based on the level of detail, the range of services is divided into three main types: group, specific and intraspecific.

Product range - composition, ratio of individual types of trade items in products enterprises, industry, group of goods, taking into account their quality and grade.

In market analysis, the characteristics of the assortment are: width, depth, stability and height of the assortment.

Assortment of goods is a group of goods related to each other either due to the similarity of their scope of functioning (application), or within the same price range.

Assortment of goods - according to GOST R 51303-99 - a set of goods combined according to any one or a set of characteristics.

It is customary to distinguish between group and expanded assortment (nomenclature). A group assortment is a list of various types of products for industrial purposes and consumer goods; Expanded A. refers to the composition of products and goods of the same type, distinguished by individual characteristics - brands, profiles, article numbers, models, styles, heights, sizes, colors, designs, packaging, recipes, packaging, etc.

In modern conditions of a market economy in the Russian Federation, the range of various goods has increased many times, a significant part of which is represented by products of insufficiently high quality and does not meet modern world requirements.

Errors in selection product, ignorance of its properties, characteristics, storage conditions, transportation, incorrect assessment of its quality can result in major losses and damages for a businessman. Therefore, future businessmen basic understanding of commodity science of various groups of goods is necessary.

Market success is now the main criterion for assessing the activities of domestic enterprises, and their market opportunities are determined by a properly developed and consistently implemented product policy. It is on the basis of studying the market and the prospects for its development that it receives initial information to resolve issues related to the formation of the assortment, its management and improvement.

A strategic approach is required to solve the problems of commodity policy at any economic level. This means that any decision in this area must be made not only from the point of view of current interests, but also taking into account how it “works” for the ultimate goals. This approach requires concentrating efforts on the main areas.

Product range

A set of goods offered by the manufacturer on market, called assortment.

The nomenclature, or product range, is the entire set trade items, produced by the enterprise. It includes various types of goods. The type of product is divided into product groups (types) in accordance with functional features, quality, and price. Each group consists of assortment items (varieties or brands), which form the lowest level of classification.

A wide range allows you to diversify products; cater to different requirements consumers and encourage one-stop shopping. At the same time, it requires the investment of resources and knowledge in various product categories. A deep assortment can meet the needs of different customer segments for one product; maximize the use of space in retail outlets; prevent the emergence of competitors; offer range prices and encourage dealer support.

However, it also increases the costs of holding inventory, modifying products, and fulfilling orders. In addition, certain difficulties may arise in differentiating between two similar product lines. Typically, comparable assortments are easier to manage than disparate assortments. It allows the company to specialize in the field market analysis and production, create a strong image and ensure stable relationships in distribution channels. However, excessive concentration can make the enterprise vulnerable to threats from the external environment, fluctuations in sales, and slowing growth potential due to the fact that the entire emphasis is on a limited range of products.

Nomenclature literally means a list of names. Thus, the product range is a list of names of products manufactured by the enterprise. As for the product range, this is a list of groups of goods offered by a specific seller. it can offer customers products from one or many manufacturers, using the product range of each of them in full or in part. Nomenclature as an economic category has an integrated character. We can talk, for example, about men's, women's or children's shoes, bedroom or dining sets, televisions or tape recorders, caramel or chocolate. Essentially, these are assortment groups, and the product range is a list of assortment groups of products or goods.

Product range literally means a selection of items, a set of their names according to some characteristics. From this point of view, the range can be simple or complex, narrow or wide. This classification provides for the identification of groups of homogeneous products or goods based on type, variety, brand, etc. Assortment groups are formed within which items have a certain similarity. And you can also distinguish between the range of products (the UFO is produced by the enterprise) and the range of goods (what is offered consumers by this seller).

The group assortment of goods shows a list of enlarged product groups that make up the product range. So, a grocery store can sell gastronomic and grocery products, and a sporting goods store can sell summer and winter sports equipment.

The product assortment reflects the presence of a number of types in a product group. For example, dairy products may contain kefir, cream, cottage cheese, etc. Men's footwear includes such concepts as boots, boots, shoes, sandals.

The intraspecific assortment of goods represents varieties of products, dividing the species into parts. Thus, cottage cheese can be of different degrees of fat content, samovars can be of different capacities, shoes can be of different styles, fabrics can be of different colors, etc. The intraspecific assortment of goods may have different depths of development and detail. In this sense, we can talk about the degree of complexity of the assortment. For example, medications used for a specific human disease can be presented for external or internal use, in the form of tablets or liquids, have different packaging, packaging, etc.

In relation to industrial enterprises, a production range of products is established, and in relation to trading enterprises - a trade range of goods. The first of them reflects the specialization of the enterprise and serves as the basis for concluding supply contracts. In the second case, there are grounds to judge the extent of the ability of a trading enterprise to satisfy the needs of the population and distinguish between specialized and universal trading enterprises.

With good reason, the stated provisions on the nomenclature and range of products can be attributed to the performance of work and the provision of services, in relation to which groups, types, and subtypes of products are also distinguished.

Planning of nomenclature and product range can and should be based on knowledge businessman needs market and his condition. Such knowledge is achieved as a result of an activity called market analysis. Many definitions are used to analyze market conditions at different times and by different authors. Taken together, all of them, despite the variety of formulations, come down to one judgment - market research, demand analysis, sales, ensuring the most complete satisfaction of social needs. Satisfaction, in turn, is achieved by the development and production of new products that meet current demand, and by establishing communications sales products, creation of service services accompanying the use of the product.

The product range includes certain types of goods.

The type of product is divided into product groups in accordance with functional features, quality and price. For example, book publications can be divided into the following assortment groups: scientific literature, popular science, industrial and instructional, educational, program and methodological, fiction, children's, official documentary, reference, socio-political literature.

Each assortment group consists of assortment items, which are the simplest unit of structure. For example, educational literature is divided into textbooks and teaching aids.

A product range is characterized by breadth (the number of product groups), depth (the number of items in each product group) and comparability (the relationship between the product groups offered in terms of consumer community, end use, distribution channels and prices).

Formation of assortment

Forming an assortment is the problem of selecting specific goods, their individual series, determining the relationships between “old” and “new” goods, single and mass-produced goods, “high-tech” and “ordinary” goods, embodied goods, licenses and “know-how”. When forming an assortment, problems arise in setting prices. politicians, requirements for product quality, definition of guarantees and level of service, etc. It is also important to determine whether the manufacturer is going to play a leadership role in creating fundamentally new types of products or is forced to follow other manufacturers.

The formation of the assortment is preceded by the development of an assortment concept by the enterprise. It represents the targeted construction of an optimal assortment structure and product offering, while, on the one hand, the consumer requirements of certain groups (market segments) are taken as a basis, and on the other hand, the need to ensure the most efficient use of raw materials, technological, financial and other resources by the enterprise in order to produce a trade item at low cost.

Assortment planning

Assortment policy - determining the set of product groups that is most preferable for successful work on the market and ensuring the economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Assortment tasks politicians may be different. This:

satisfying consumer demands is one of the basic principles of market analysis, which corresponds to the task of deep segmentation and differentiation of the market and ensures close communication with consumers;

optimal use of technological knowledge and experience of the enterprise;

optimization of the financial results of the enterprise - the formation of the assortment is based on the expected profitability and profit margin, which is more common in practice work enterprises, however, it can be justified in case of difficult financial situation, lack of alternatives, etc.;

winning new customers by expanding the scope of the existing production program. This approach is quite conservative, since it is designed for short-term results and involves extending the life cycle of obsolete publications by finding new markets;

compliance with the principles of flexibility through diversification of areas of activity of the enterprise industry printing and inclusion of non-traditional industries;

compliance with the principle of synergy, which involves expanding the areas of production and services of the enterprise, interconnected by a certain technology, uniform personnel qualifications and other logical dependencies.

A wide range of products strengthens the company’s market position and expands sales volume.

The assortment policy determines the optimal ratio of a set of publications that are different in life cycle stages, but are simultaneously on the market. Optimization of the range of publications that are simultaneously on the market, but differ in the degree of novelty, allows enterprises in the printing industry to be guaranteed relatively stable general conditions for ensuring sales volumes, coverage costs and achievements arrived.

The assortment strategy can also be built in the following areas.

Range- this is a fairly large collection, united by some common characteristic (raw materials, purpose, manufacturer, etc.), differing from each other in other characteristics. There are industrial and commercial, simple and complex, combined and mixed, expanded and enlarged assortments of goods.

Industrial range is a set of goods produced separately or separately.

Trade assortment— a set of goods sold in a retail chain. - this is the totality of all (and) involved in the sale of goods. The trade assortment includes a set of goods produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. It is more diverse than the industrial range.

The range of goods presented at a trading enterprise determines its type (department store, supermarket) and the form of trade service. In addition, in stores of the same type, but with different sales areas, the assortment will differ in the number of groups and types of goods. In this case, trading enterprises will be divided into universal and specialized, stores with a combined and mixed assortment.

Taking into account complexity, a distinction is made between simple and complex assortments of goods.

Those types of goods that are classified according to no more than three criteria will amount to simple assortment of goods(vegetables, table salt, laundry soap, etc.).

Those types of goods that are classified into varieties according to more than three characteristics will collectively amount to complex range of goods(shoes, clothes, etc.).

Enlarged assortment determined by the ratio of individual groups of products. A group of goods should be combined according to a number of characteristics: production method, purpose, design features, etc. Expanded assortment determined by the types of goods presented.

Combined assortment is a set of several groups of goods for different purposes that are connected by a common demand and satisfy individual needs. For example, the Men's Clothing store sells a combined assortment.

Mixed assortment— a set of non-food and food products of various groups. The mixed assortment is represented, as a rule, by the largest number of groups and types of goods.

Main characteristics of the product range

The main indicators of the assortment are structure, completeness, depth, stability, and novelty.

Assortment structure

Assortment structure- this is the percentage ratio of certain sets of products to their total quantity.

Indicators of assortment structure are often expressed as percentages. For example, the percentage of shirts, suits and other products determines the type structure of the assortment in the Men's Clothing store.

Breadth of assortment

Breadth of assortment is determined by the number of product groups and is estimated by the latitude coefficient:

K w = G f / G n

  • where G f is the number of product groups at the time of determination, units; Gn - total number of product groups, units.

Completeness of assortment

Completeness of assortment- this is the correspondence of the actual availability of types of goods to the developed assortment list and existing demand.

They express the completeness of the assortment through the coefficient of completeness K p of the assortment, which is determined by the formula:

K p = V f / V n

  • where V f is the actual number of types of goods at the time of inspection (inspection), units; In n - the number of types provided for by the assortment list, supply contract, standards, etc., units.

Depth of assortment

Depth of assortment determined by the number of varieties of goods for each item. The assortment depth coefficient is estimated using the formula:

K g = R f / R n

  • where R f is the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of inspection, units; R n - number of varieties provided for by the assortment list, terms of the contract, price lists, etc., units.

Stability of the assortment

Sustainability(stability) characterizes the constant availability of goods of the corresponding type (variety) for sale. The stability coefficient K y is determined by the formula:

K y = 1 - (P" f1 + P" f2 + ... + P" fn / P n× n)

  • where P" f1, P" f2,..., P" fn - the actual number of varieties (types) of goods from those provided for in the assortment list and not on sale at the time of individual checks, units; R n - number of varieties (types) of goods provided by the assortment list, units; n - number of checks.

The assortment stability coefficient is usually determined for a specific period (month, quarter, year). It has been established that the optimal coefficient of stability of the assortment should be expressed by the following values: for department stores - 0.80; for specialized stores - 0.75.

New assortment

Novelty characterizes the emergence of new varieties of goods over a certain period of time and is assessed by the novelty coefficient K o:

K o = R o / R f

  • where P o is the number of new varieties of goods that appeared at the time of inspection, units; R f - average number of varieties, units.

The novelty coefficient characterizes the degree of renewal of the assortment and the emergence of new products.