Congratulations to a Christian woman. Rubric: Christian congratulations on your birthday in verse. Orthodox birthday greetings in verse to a woman

Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous waver. Psalm 54:22

Commit your way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will perfect and bring forth, as a light, your righteousness, and your justice, like noon. Psalm 36:5-6

Commit your deeds to the Lord, and your undertakings will be accomplished. Proverbs 16:3

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the waters and taking root by the stream; it does not know when the heat comes; its leaf is green, and in times of drought it is not afraid and does not cease to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Look at the birds of the air: they don't sow, they don't reap, they don't gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you much better than them? Matthew 6:26

Do not worry about anything, but always in prayer and petition with thanksgiving, open your desires to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

For He Himself said: "I will not leave you, nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

And about clothes, what do you care about? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like any of them; But if the grass of the field, which is today, and tomorrow will be thrown into the oven, God so clothes, how much more you, of little faith! Gospel of Matthew 6:28-30

And he said to his disciples: therefore I say to you: do not worry about your soul, what you eat, nor about the body, what to wear: the soul is more than food, and the body is clothes. Gospel Luke 12:22-23

The Lord said: I myself will go and bring you to rest. Exodus 33:14

Fear not, little flock! for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom. Gospel of Luke 12:32

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and it will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Doing good, let us not lose heart; for in due time we shall reap, if we do not faint. Galatians 6:9

The Lord Himself will go before you, He Himself will be with you, He will not depart from you and will not leave you, do not be afraid and do not be horrified. 5 Book of Moses Deuteronomy 31:8

No one can stand before you all the days of your life; and as I was with Moses, so will I be with you; I will not leave you and I will not leave you. Joshua 1:5

Behold, I command you: be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not be horrified; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest; take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Gospel of Matthew 11:28-29

Watch, stand in the faith, be courageous, strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and chastity. 2 Timothy 1:7

In the fear of the Lord is firm hope, and He is a refuge for His sons. Proverbs 14:26

Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

So we boldly say: The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid: what will a man do to me? Hebrews 13:6

The Lord is with you when you are with Him; and if you seek Him, He will be found by you; if you leave Him, He will leave you. 2 Chronicles 15:2

The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 28:11

My flesh and my heart fails: God is the rock of my heart and my part forever. Psalm 72:26

Great is the peace of those who love Your law, and there is no stumbling block for them. Psalm 119:165

He who trusts in the Lord, like Mount Zion, will not be moved, but abides forever. Psalm 124:1

In the day of my sorrow, I call on You, because You will hear me. Psalm 85:7

Fear not, for there are more of those who are with us than of those who are with them. 2 Kings 6:16

On this day, God gave you life, and I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you peace of mind and harmony, bright hopes and unquenchable faith. May true love give you strength and inspiration to do good deeds. May all your prayers be heard, every day happiness knocks on your door, and your nature always remains merciful.

May the Lord bless and send you strong strength and good health, joy of the soul and pure love of the heart, true happiness and bright hope on your birthday. May the angel keep you and help you overcome all life's obstacles.

May everything in your life be good with God's blessing. May there be light and goodness in it. Happiness to you, faith and love! Happy birthday!

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to always be a person loved by the Lord, a kind and open nature, a talented and versatile person. Make this world more beautiful, give others the light of smiles and joy, never lose your faith and always fight for peace, goodness and love! I wish you good health, spiritual wealth and strong strength to walk the righteous and bright path to happiness.

I wish you on this birthday harmony and happiness in your soul, good health and the fulfillment of all the kindest cherished desires! Let faith in God only become stronger every day, and the Almighty in return sends you his blessing!

On your clean and bright day, on the holiday of the unity of your soul and body, on your birthday, I wish the Lord always heard your prayers and extended a helping hand to you in difficult times, so that your life path does not lose the direction of righteousness and honor, so that good your heart radiated love and gave hope to others so that your soul remained open and sincere.

Birthday is yours and only yours! You are a special person in this world, completely different from others, you are a person! I congratulate you on your birth, on your arrival in this world! And I wish the world to be kind to you, and you be kind to everyone who is close to you! I wish that your heart is always filled with love and gratitude, patience and humility, as well as great faith in the Creator! Happiness to you from the consciousness of your mission on earth, from involvement in the great cause of life - to bring goodness and love! Joy for every day from the joy of loved ones and relatives, as well as strangers and distant ones! Peace in the heart and prosperity in the soul!

I wish God to bless you and mark you with his great mercy. May there always be light, goodness and sincere faith in your life. Show humility and the Almighty will never leave you, even in the most difficult situations. Believe in a miracle, and then the reward for you will be the fulfillment of all your charitable desires. I wish you great human happiness and bright joy in your heart. Happy birthday!

On this day you were lucky to be born, on this day your mother cried with joy, because her child began her life. And I sincerely wish you that this life is long, that there are no insults and disappointments, sins and sorrows in it. May your heart today believe in a miracle with renewed vigor, may the Lord send you good health, prosperity and good thoughts today. I wish you peace and pure love, true friendship and bright hope.

May God bless you on this birthday! I wish you excellent health, sincere love in your heart and unshakable faith in your soul! May all your good wishes come true so that the world becomes kinder, brighter and more beautiful!

Choosing a birthday greeting for a Christian or a Christian who sacredly honors Orthodox traditions is not always easy. Here you need to be very careful when choosing christian birthday greetings in verse or prose, to delve into the essence of each phrase and select a text that in no way offends or offends a believer.
Someone manages to create congratulatory texts on their own, while someone resorts to the help of specialists in this field. If you have difficulty choosing warm words for your dear person who professes Orthodoxy, then this page of this site is designed specifically for you.
Here are collected the brightest, warmest and most sincere wishes that come from a kind heart and carry a deep meaning. At the same time, every word, every phrase of these congratulations is chosen taking into account Christian traditions and is designed to bring the birthday person as close as possible to God and his commandments.
True Christians celebrate the holidays in the sincere company of their closest ones, their celebration is always filled with peace and joy. There is no place for fuss and indecency in their life, their thoughts are pure, and their hearts are filled with love for their neighbor. It is this deep meaning of being that these congratulations carry.

Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.

God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.

He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.

Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.

May God protect you from evil
And from people with a callous soul,
In whose eyes there is a veil,
They just don't see someone else's pain...
Let there be harmony in your life
Hearts soften with kindness
And everyone will be very happy
Walking with God for a dream ...

Faith makes you stronger. Birthday makes you older. Therefore, I wish you to have a lot of faith every day, and our birthday is once a year! Happy birthday!

I wanted to wish so much
But sometimes words are so small...
How you burned - burn for God's deeds!
Spare not your praise to Him.

With all my heart, with great excitement,
In which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Have a wonderful holiday!

We wish you a lot, a lot of happiness,
Good and big love
Let bad weather bypass you
On a long journey.

Let your life flow like a river
Among the high shores
And let them always be a support
Hope, Faith and Love.

You were made in the image of God, so make sure you look good in your birthday photos! Happy birthday!

Live like a Christian in everything
Keep peace in your soul
And never agree
At least change something.
Appreciate your every birthday
As the most precious gift of God.
And all the good times
Accept with reverence!

christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God?

Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by holy blood
And by faith - truly healthy!

Good luck, change is a bird...
Wanting her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Beautiful verse-congratulations on the Christian birthday

I wish you the best with all my heart, love without measure,
May life, lasting, leave a glorious mark in years,
And let God's faith not weaken in life,
And may the Lord keep you from storms and troubles.

Christian congratulations-poem on your birthday

May God protect you from evil
And from people with a callous soul,
In whose eyes there is a veil,
They just don't see someone else's pain...
Let there be harmony in your life
Hearts soften with kindness
And everyone will be very happy
Walking with God for a dream ...

A short Christian birthday greeting

May God bless you
May joy give your soul
Rain pours abundance
In His great generosity.

Birthday greetings Christian

The candle does not go out, hope is strengthened,
May joy be in the heart and a blissful world,
Always let there be snow-white clothes,
So that at the trumpet hour the Lord called to the wedding feast.

Christian Happy Birthday

Live like a Christian in everything
Keep peace in your soul
And never agree
At least change something.
Appreciate your every birthday
As the most valuable gift of God.
And all the good times
Accept with reverence!

Short Christian birthday greetings

May God bless you in everything
You strive to be like Him
And may He guide your path
Among the thorns of the earth to the holy heights.

Best congratulations for a Christian birthday

Happy birthday, live with God.
Let's have a little bit of everything.
And there will be no refusal
And prosperity will come to your house.
Don't lose your faith in yourself
And luck will find you!

Happy birthday christian greeting in verse

I really want that on this day
Your eyes shone with happiness.
Let the shadow not slip into them,
Let all bad weather be forgotten.
I want to wish you
An abundance of warmth and light,
So that your soul is good
Was warmed up
May it always be over you
God's blessing hand.
Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Christian in verse

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here is my wish!

Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!

Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What more could you wish for!

Christian heartfelt congratulations on your birthday

Happy birthday!
May God be with you...
I bless you
For success and love...
Faith does not leave
And it sustains the soul.
And drives out of the heart
Distrust and cold.

Orthodox Happy Birthday Christian

Let the brook that runs from the mountains
Will please with its flow,
Hurries to meet you again
Your bright holiday - Birthday!

beautiful sunny friends
I wish you a lot on this day!
Be happy and don't be sick
Live in the world for a long, long time!

May the Eternal God bless
Your home, family and everyone around you!
Problems will be all - away,
And close to just what you need!

I give you a bouquet of flowers
Smiles of a thousand hearts,
And “Happy Birthday!” I say
My dear, this evening!

Our ... (name) ... dear!
Happy Birthday to You
Now congratulations
The whole Christian family!
Again the year flapped its wings
And sped away in a flock of days
To Heaven, where I became strings
In your Book of Remembrance.
Again, dear sister,
Angel is your faithful companion
Life a new page
Unfolded in front of you.
Let her not be stained
new coming year,
But love whitens
And brings good to her!
And let it be pure - white
Every new day of the year;
Day after day, let the bold step
Bringing you closer to Christ!
There will be ups and downs
In battle with a fierce enemy,
But let all aspirations be
Closely connected with Christ!
Stand straight, head up!
Be firm in trials!
Let the enemy breathe fire, -
You have chosen the right path!
Let it frame with beauty
Truth is your forehead
And let the mouth decorate
Healing warm words!
Let in your radiant eyes
The same light shines;
On the cheeks - a blush clean,
Like a rose petal!
You are always fresh and clear
Like lilies of the valley in bloom!
Always be so beautiful
In God's virgin garden!
Happy new birthday soon
We all congratulate you
At the Source of Salvation
In the glory of our King!

Let the brook that runs from the mountains
Will please with its flow,
Hurries to meet you again
beautiful sunny friends
I wish you a lot on this day!
Be happy and don't be sick
Live in the world for a long, long time!

Problems will be all - away,
I give you a bouquet of flowers
Smiles of a thousand hearts,
And “Happy Birthday!” I say
My dear, this evening! Spring has entered its circle
bring awakening to nature.

Though the number of losses is multiplying,
and it's hard at heart.
This is very comforting for us!

Find rest at His feet

waiting for the cherished meeting! I wish you wealth in knowledge
And gain wisdom from God
In the years of youth you could reach. Be brave like Christ always
May they praise God for you!
lead to salvation quickly! Happy Birthday
The life you have lived
It's a long paved path.
There were not always roses on the road,
But there is no turning back from her.
It was difficult, but you didn't give up.
It hurt, you didn't cry.
And then you were yourself.
And God heard your prayers.
We wish you to be the same
Many years many happy days
Happy Anniversary, we congratulate you!
And we wish you good from the Lord.
Never grow old in spirit. May every new day bring joy

He will be your Helper Himself. happy birthday congratulations
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Do not get sick and do not grow old
Get younger year by year
To love the Lord
And you always walked with Him,
So that friends are not forgotten
We were visited more often
Not to cough, not to sneeze
Do not get sick and do not be bored.
To live long, long
And always be healthy. You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will reproach!
Give me the pie!
Straw beard!
You are the owner man
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!
I am a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Congratulations on the holiday
I wish you health! Let the brook that runs from the mountains
Will please with its flow,
Hurries to meet you again
Your bright holiday - Birthday!
beautiful sunny friends
I wish you a lot on this day!
Be happy and don't be sick
Live in the world for a long, long time!
May the Eternal God bless
Your home, family and everyone around you!
Problems will be all - away,
And close to just what you need!
I give you a bouquet of flowers
Smiles of a thousand hearts,
And "Happy Birthday!" I say
My dear, this evening! We wish you from the heart for your birthday

Only the Heavenly Father can give. May God for all your patience
You will be fully rewarded!
And on your wonderful birthday
Protect from evil and pain!
With your generous hand
Give earthly joys,
Give faith and love
And happiness to gray hair. I so want to congratulate you on your birthday,

Was humble. Not looking for ranks. May the Lord's hand protect you
Where it seems - you are alone.
Just remember always: you are not alone then,
When God is near you! We are all God's children
Same as you…
May your birthday
Dreams come alive!
Trust in God
Don't anger Him.
Wait a bit -
Give it all!
Health and happiness
And you and loved ones
We just have to pray
Warm and sincere! What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Neither faith nor your love!
which God gives
Here is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
What more could you wish for! It's your birthday today

Today they will come into your life!
Let the wind freshness of the field
Breathe into the days to come
Heaven's native melody
Sing to flow more joyfully.
Blooming roses let life beautify
By your fragrance;
Let the sky be blue!
Let tears of bitterness not flow
Only tears of joy shine
And glorious songs are sung
And let the stars shine at night!
We congratulate you on your birthday
Keep the Lord from troubles
We wish you all the best
Beautiful, good, long years!!! May God hear my prayers
And give you full health!
You are dearer to me and closer,
I fell in love with you!
May all the saints help
You are on the right path.
I wish on my birthday
You have a worthy path to go! Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Let tears of bitterness not flow
Only tears of joy shine
And glorious songs are sung
And let the stars shine at night! I really want that on this day
Your eyes shone with happiness.
Let the shadow not slip into them,
Let all bad weather be forgotten.
I want to wish you
An abundance of warmth and light,
So that your soul is good
Was warmed up
God's blessing hand.
Happy birthday! I wish you the best with all my heart, love without measure,
May life, lasting, leave a glorious mark in years,
And let God's faith not weaken in life,
And may the Lord keep you from storms and troubles.
The candle does not go out, hope is strengthened,
May joy be in the heart and a blissful world,
Always let there be snow-white clothes,
So that at the trumpet hour the Lord called to the wedding feast. May God bless you in everything

Among the thorns of the earth to the holy heights. Blooming roses let life beautify
By your fragrance;
Let the clouds not hide happiness
Let the sky be blue! Health and joy
Faith and humility
And love until old age
I wish you a birthday!
All God's Laws
Honor and observe.
On earth we are guests
Don't you forget...
kindness, participation
Have no pity on the neighbors.
And great happiness
Waiting in your destiny!

Christian birthday greetings - woman, man, mother

This life is given to you by God
Everything is done with his permission.
Take it in full today
Birthday Wishes!
And may the Lord grant warmth,
Wisdom - thoughts, and the body - health.
So that you live with God in your soul,
Well, in the heart - with one love!
Let the angel guide you
Doesn't let you fall or stumble.
To be faithful friends
To have someone to smile at.

Happy birthday, I heartily congratulate you
And I wish God's help in everything.
May an angel in heaven protect you
And let the house be a full bowl.
Let love fill everything in life
Faith will always help her.
Let health not leave you.
Happiness to you for many years!

Congratulations on a joyful and bright day - on the day when in heaven
your star lit up when a good man was born. This
the person is you. Happy birthday. May God bless and illuminate
your life path. May the soul strive for happiness and good
deeds. May there be health, prosperity and harmony in your home.

Let the soul be filled with bright faith,
And God will always be in your heart.
Let him guard your every step
And gives strength if you fall off your feet!
May the Lord bless you with health
Because you follow the commandments of God.
And let love reign in your soul
After all, there is nothing more precious in the world!

I wish you the main values ​​in life.
Peace, goodness and health, love!
To warm with the warmth of my words.
In a difficult moment, let God help
Let anyone help in the problem,
Let the angel protect you.
If sometimes it's sad -
Just remember something bright
Grace resurrecting in the soul.
Let every day be friendly.
Have fun, don't get sick, good!

May the Lord be with you always,
May he keep you from all troubles.
Let there be people on your way
What do good, you do not know the troubles!
Earthly blessings to you and a lot of happiness.
May the Almighty keep from bad weather!
On your birthday - health forever.
Let the darkness recede, let there be light!

I will not wish on your birthday
No wealth, no fame, no big house.
May the Lord grant you blessed peace
And do not judge you for the fall strictly.
I wish you happiness in life for many years.
Let your prayers be heard
To bright your look, no hardships
And the storms of life could not overshadow.

Happy birthday!
Happiness, peace I wish.
May the Lord keep you
A miracle will reign in life.
Let him send you health
For good deeds expanse.
Life to be glorious
I congratulate you!

Happy Birthday.
Remember the God of instruction
Do not sin, live by honor.
May the good news come!
Keep purity in your heart
Don't skimp on kindness
Don't hold grudges in your heart.
May the Lord keep you.

Happy Birthday
And I want to wish you
Chastity, humility,
To acquire meekness and love.
May the Almighty help
In good undertakings
The angel of light protects
The heart of the dearest.
Wisdom, patience,
Peace, joy and light,
Strongholds of Spiritual Forces
For many, good summers.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
May the angel of heaven keep you
And may the mercy of the Lord be with you
It will be everywhere in your life.
May love be by your side
Let hope lead you to your goal
An angel will always be behind you
I wish you to believe in happiness.

Christian birthday greetings

Don't let the day come when you lose faith
And you will quietly hate this world
For lies and emptiness, unbridledness beyond measure,
Cruelty and depravity, for a satanic feast.

And from now on, my friend, wherever you are in the world,
In memory let them be forever:
White clothes, blue sky
Clean, clear water! Be like a rose - modest, sweet,
Be pure and gentle in your soul,
Let your life on earth flow
Like a snow-white flower of Christ! I really want that on this day
Your eyes shone with happiness!
Let the sadness shadow not slip into them,
Let all bad weather be forgotten!
I want to wish you
An abundance of warmth and light!
So that your soul is good
Was warmed up
May it always be over you
God's blessing hand! Spring has entered its circle
bring awakening to nature.
And we hurry you, dear friend,
congratulations on this birthday!
Though the number of losses is multiplying,
and it's hard at heart.
We know the Lord is coming
This is very comforting for us!
And let God make his way,
without deviating to the left - to the right,
Find rest at His feet
and there to give Him all the Glory!
Well, now - to live with Jesus,
every day, blessing them,
Call on Him, serve Him,
waiting for the cherished meeting! I want to wish you LOVE
which is given by the Lord.
Her example, in His holy blood,
What about others, not about himself, bakes. I wanted to wish so much
But sometimes words are so small...
How you burned - burn for God's deeds!
Spare not your praise to Him. Congratulations from us - this is the time
We send kind words - these are two,
Being ahead all the time is three,
To live with everyone in peace, the streams ring with a bell,
They sing something spring ...
Dear our brother,
Happy Birthday. I want to wish you an abundance of warmth and light,
So that your soul is warmed with goodness.
May it always be over you
God's blessing hand! What can a Christian wish for a Christian? -
To walk in holiness and purity,
To direct your gaze to God - not to the world,
Keep what God has given you to keep. We wish you from the heart for your birthday
We wish you so much happiness
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give. christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
Who can give more than God? happy birthday congratulations
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Do not get sick and do not grow old
Get younger year by year
To love the Lord
And you always walked with Him,
So that friends are not forgotten
We were visited more often
Not to cough, not to sneeze
Do not get sick and do not be bored.
To live long, long
And always be healthy. May the Lord keep you in life

We wish you all the best! May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.
Let the love for the Creator not go out,
But it gets stronger. In thanksgiving prayer
Open to Christ your dreams, desires -
He will be your Helper Himself. I wish you wealth in knowledge
And gain wisdom from God
So that at the age of Christ perfect
In the years of youth you could reach. You're over... but you're so energetic.
And I wish you good health
And strength on your birthday!

And He will bless you in everything! I want you from the heart for your birthday
I wish you so much happiness
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore my prayer to God
So that henceforth, by His grace,
The sun shone on your way
And in the light of God, everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glass of which you live ... May God bless you in everything,
You strive to be like Him
And may He guide your path
Among the thorns of the earth to the holy heights. Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! With all my heart, with great excitement,
In which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
Have a wonderful holiday!
We wish you a lot, a lot of happiness,
Good and big love
Let bad weather bypass you
On a long journey.
Let your life flow like a river
Among the high shores
And let them always be a support
Hope, Faith and Love.

Happy birthday to a believer

I congratulate you
Happy birthday to this
I wish you well and love
The best in the whole world
Get inspired and create
I know you can
May in all your affairs
God help you!

I congratulate you on your birthday
Happiness, good luck, good luck.
I pray to God to send you
There are more bright, joyful days in fate.
With faith in your heart, you go through life,
May this path be flawless.
Let your thoughts be pure
Well, deeds will fulfill dreams.

Never be discouraged
Keep the faith in your heart
Be joyful, be happy
And live beautifully.
May the Lord help you
Sends more power.
There will be inspiration in the heart.
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday,
I wish you inspiration
Happiness let you open the door
Live with Jesus so that in the heart.
I wish good deeds
And health for relatives,
So that your life is in abundance,
May the Lord keep you.

We want to wish you a happy birthday
Wishing you love and inspiration.
In the soul so that you live with faith,
Family, he loved his family.
So that with God in my heart the whole day lasts,
And if hardships - reconciled.
So that all troubles go away,
And at home there was peace and quiet.

Happy Birthday! Angel of the Lord
Let me protect you today
And let him keep you for a whole year
From adversity, problems and adversity.
And may the Lord send you health,
Between loved ones with love
You lived, let there be no despondency,
And there are good people.

Happy birthday to you
I want everything from my heart!
May God not leave offended
Will be with you forever.
I want pure thoughts.
And at the most tempted hour
Let the healing take over
Spiritual light, fear of God.
I wish you, not knowing grief,
Find the wisdom of the world.
I wish you always good health
And pure, fiery love.

May your guardian angel always be with you
I wish you health and peace.
And peaceful sky, blessings,
And only good things on your birthday.

The Lord brought you into this world
And he became a little lighter
Your soul is full of kindness
It is the most valuable.
Let the birthday now
Unite us today.
Gathered here to congratulate
Wish you health, happiness.
May a strong angel wing
Your glorious home has been protected.

May God's blessing
Leads and protects you.
And on a bright birthday
All the best will happen.
Let the years strengthen
But they won't break the spirit.
And the machinations of all the demons.
They will be smashed to pieces.
Keeping goodness in my heart
And pure love
Dear faithful to happiness
You will come again and again.

Orthodox birthday greetings

Congratulations : Christian

Happy birthday verse orthodox

Years go by
You're standing on the edge again
And God is and was with you
And He helped you in everything.
God Himself kept you by hand
He showed you many blessings,
And in grief was always with you
He has not forgotten you anywhere.
He carried you, and together the burden
He helped carry you
And with a strong hand all the time
He delivered you more than once.
Go to the glorious, wonderful goal,
But not alone, but with Him in everything
And it will never be hard
Nowhere on your earthly path.

Original Orthodox congratulations on your birthday

You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will reproach!
Give me the pie!

Straw beard!
You are the owner man
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!

I am a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Congratulations on the holiday
I wish you health!

Happy Birthday Orthodox in verse

Soul bells are ringing
And grace in the heart.
Your birthday is already
It's time to meet.
May you have in life
Only happiness and goodness.
And fate will take forever
Any grief, evil ...
Let not only in trifles,
Big luck!
Be with your head on your shoulders
Then success will come!

Orthodox best birthday greetings

May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.

Let the love for the Creator not go out,
But it gets stronger. In thanksgiving prayer
Open to Christ your dreams, desires -
He will be your Helper Himself.

Birthday congratulations Orthodox

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What more could you wish for!

Short Orthodox birthday greetings

May the Lord keep you in life
Sends happiness, joy, peace.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best!

Orthodox funny birthday greetings

May the Lord bless
For worthy deeds!
And directs the hand
On the path of the righteous you!

You believe him for this
And serve well.
Happy Birthday,
Live without sin!

Happy Birthday Orthodox in verse

christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God?
Empty stamps about health ...
Why are they, if you are Christ's;
You are healed by holy blood
And by faith - truly healthy!
Good luck, change is a bird...
Wanting her is a waste of time!
Accept whatever happens!
Good luck does not give happiness!

Short birthday greetings orthodox

Be brave like Christ always
May they praise God for you!
Warm up everyone. comfort, warm
lead to salvation quickly!

Orthodox congratulation-rhyme for your birthday

I so want to congratulate you on your birthday,
And wish so many kind words.
So that you are sensitive to God's commands,
Was humble. Not looking for ranks.
It's your birthday today
Happy, the best day of the year.
So may all the blessings
Today they will come into your life!

Orthodox congratulations on your birthday

You're over... but you're so energetic.
You, as always, are on the front lines.
And I wish you good health
And strength on your birthday!

Let for someone the cottage is a hobby,
And let the other one lie on the sofa,
Do you fulfill Christ's order,
And He will bless you in everything!

Beautiful Orthodox birthday greetings

We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!

Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here's everything you could wish for!

Christian Happy New Year

New Year brings fun again
And the warmth in the soul ignites.
I really wish you
Amazingly lucky!
May the Lord help in life
Protecting from all sorts of troubles,
Giving you only bright thoughts,
Faith wonderful shining light!

May the Lord give good
And let everything be fine
Your fate will be easy
Happy New Year to you!

May goodness and love enter the house together with the New Year, may
the heart will become softer and kinder, may the soul become cleaner and brighter,
let hands do great and good deeds, let there be health in life
and full of joy.

You love and understanding
I wish for the New Year.
Every day let only joy
And brings humility.
Keep faith in your heart
It's impossible without her
'Cause while she's warm,
Our earth is spinning.

May there be a lot of light and goodness in the heart,
The Lord will give you happiness in the New Year!
Let your soul become purer than yesterday,
After all, this night humility will come to you!
May all cherished dreams come true
Give joy in life every moment!
May God protect you from above,
Sending blessings from heaven!

Joy, peace and understanding
Let them enter the house soon.
May the New Year give the world
Happiness, meekness and comfort.
Let no doubts torment
And the pain of resentment does not gnaw
The Path to Great Healing
Let it be open to you.

In the New Year, may the Guardian Angel,
Down to earth to you
He will cover you with his wings,
Let the dream come true.
And on this night, let there be a miracle,
The one you're looking forward to so much
I wish you joy and happiness
May you be lucky in everything!

Time goes by the intended course
Sending us either happiness or sadness.
But at this hour, Happy New Year
With joy in my heart, I boldly undertake!
May this holiday bring joy
Meeting with relatives, warm comfort.
I wish you to live in peace, faith,
So that the soul was very light!

God bless you on New Year's Eve
For your good and bright deeds,
May He fulfill his cherished dream
And all good dreams and desires!
May God take away evil and all bad weather,
Will give the heart joy and humility,
So that you know what the word "happiness" means,
And he received only pleasure from life!

Let faith become stronger
In the coming year.
May the Lord take you away
Sadness, resentment and trouble.
May the children be healthy
Old people don't get sick
Let the hearts be hot
Thoughts are just high.