Facelift (lifting) at home. Homemade face mask with lifting effect

Although lifting procedures are distinguished by their effectiveness in solving the problem of loss of skin elasticity, they are not cheap at all. Homemade tightening face masks are as effective as professional products, and the price is much more reasonable. What folk methods exist for preparing such masks and application techniques are all in our article.

Tightening dry skin

1) A mask made of honey, olive oil and blue clay helps remarkably with loss of elasticity. These components saturate the skin with beneficial minerals and vitamins, giving it elasticity and a beautiful color. Mix all ingredients in 1:1:1 proportions and apply to previously cleansed face. We wait until the mass dries, then we wash it off and wipe the dermis with a hard towel.

2) A similar recipe consists of oatmeal, clay and honey. This mask will not only tighten and moisturize the skin, but also significantly brighten it. The proportions are the same as in the recipe above. The only thing is that the product needs to be rubbed into the skin with massage movements. If desired, you can use rice ingredients, porridge or flour.

3) Effective tightening from natural products vegetable origin: apples, cabbage, cherries. Grate a fresh apple, mix with honey and sour cream, apply the porridge to your face, wait 20 minutes.

Apple is generally very beneficial for dry skin and aging skin; it can be mixed with:

  • any cosmetic clay;
  • dairy products (sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • alcoholic drinks that are good for the dermis (beer, wine);
  • other fruits for rejuvenation and freshness of the skin.

An effective remedy for sagging skin is obtained from raw potatoes, apples, oatmeal and milk. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath. Apply several layers to the face, as soon as one has dried, apply a second one, repeat 3 times. Leave everything for half an hour. The before and after photos of this recipe really inspire action.

Products for oily skin

1) Good tightening and toning face masks at home are made from yeast and milk. You need to mix a little yeast, half a glass of warm milk, add a spoonful of honey and rolled oatmeal to the liquid, apply the resulting mass in a thick layer to the problem areas and wait 40 minutes. This product can be used for the body, neck, and face.

2) Girls with saggy combination skin It is recommended to make a mask from yogurt and oatmeal every other day. At night, pour curdled milk into oatmeal, do not put it in the refrigerator, immediately in the morning we wash ourselves with the remains of the dairy product, and apply the thickened mass to the skin, leave for 30-40 minutes.

3) In order to tighten the skin with enlarged pores, a recipe for a mask with yolk will be useful. It will regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, promote good skin tone and remove fine wrinkles. You need to prepare:

  1. beaten yolk at room temperature;
  2. cosmetic clay (pink or blue);
  3. sea ​​salt;
  4. almond and olive oil.

4) Such skin-tightening face masks are very popular in salons, but they are not at all difficult to prepare at home. Using salt we will cleanse the pores, and the yolk will help close them. Mix everything and rub it into the skin, you need to act carefully, with soft circular movements. Leave until dry. Repeat every other day.

5) Japanese healers advise smearing the skin with green tea every day after 35; in their opinion, such procedures for aging skin are the key to the excellent condition of the dermis and its beautiful color. Russian ethnoscience For the same purpose, he suggests wiping the dermis with fresh milk.

6) To prepare a leave-in mask, you can prepare it using oils. Grape seed, jojoba, avocada and coconut oils have a good reputation. According to the proportion: 1-2 drops per cream, more is possible, but there should be more cream itself.

7) Masks of natural products are just a godsend for oily skin, yeast and flour are especially useful. You can combine the recipes and get an excellent remedy from rye bread, yeast, milk and aloe juice. This porridge will help remove shine from the face, get rid of wrinkles and acne, and model beautiful shape oval Apply to skin for half an hour.

Modeling the oval face

1) In order to get rid of the double chin you need to do folk masks with gelatin, they perfectly tone the skin, smooth it out and form a beautiful face shape. Mix one sachet of the substance with lemon and a decoction of herbs (chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort). Let it swell for 40 minutes, then apply the resulting slurry to the skin with a cotton swab. Keep this mask on for 40 minutes.

2) They model and create quite well - clay and cabbage juice. Mix a spoonful of fresh plant juice with one spoonful of mineral, bring it to homogeneity, our goal is to get a mass without lumps. Then we lie down and apply the mask in a horizontal position. It is very important to remain horizontal throughout the procedure, then the effect of contracting forces is increased due to gravity. Wash off after complete drying, you can do it every day. It is also used to tighten the neckline.

3) We recommend using refreshing masks in addition to tightening agents. For example, alternate compresses made from clay and fresh apples; It will be enough just to wipe your skin with a slice of fruit in the morning. Or replace the apple with lemon, the effect is no worse, plus, the skin is degreased and lightens a little.

Most of all, after 45, the shape of the eyes changes, the eyelids droop, and the shape deteriorates. To avoid this, you need to regularly perform certain exercises and make masks. Olive oil is very useful for the eyelids; it will not only help remove fine wrinkles, but also tidy up the eyelashes. Just lubricate the skin around your eyes with it.

Be sure to use professional products with oils and vitamins. Good feedback about anti-aging cosmetics from Vichi and Avon (can be purchased from an independent agent of these companies on the official website or in stores). If you need to make masks every other day, then apply nourishing ones every time before leaving the house, especially during the cold season. It is especially important to perform this procedure after 50, because after reaching adulthood, the skin begins to age intensively; using an integrated approach, this irreversible process can be significantly slowed down. We suggest visiting the forum to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methods.

As with all similar products, tightening face masks also have contraindications:

  • closely located vessels and capillaries to the skin;
  • open wounds on the face;
  • allergy to certain components.

Firming face masks are necessary in many cases - our homemade recipes will help with age-related changes, sudden weight loss, homemade tightening masks will make the skin smoother, firmer and more elastic. We have selected 7 of the most effective tightening face masks, which have the most positive reviews from readers of our magazine.

Firming face masks - rules of use.

  • Firstly, homemade tightening face masks should be applied strictly to cleansed skin, because pollution retains up to 80 percent of all beneficial substances. You can cleanse your facial skin with tonic, milk or scrub.
  • Secondly, in order for tightening face masks to have a lifting effect, they should be applied to both the face and neck. But do not touch the area around the eyes, the skin there is very thin.
  • Thirdly, after using a homemade tightening mask, a nourishing or anti-wrinkle cream is required to consolidate the result and give the facial skin the necessary hydration.
  • Fourthly, a tightening face mask should be applied in a course. For prevention, once a week. To eliminate problems - 2 times a week, alternating different masks, course 1 month.

Recipes for tightening face masks that are effective at home. Gelatin mask

Gelatin tightening face masks have received the most numerous positive reviews, therefore we present them first. This is because ordinary food gelatin contains collagen, the absence of which leads to age-related skin changes. Plus, gelatin tightening masks create a microfilm on the skin of the face, which tightens the oval of the face, providing a rejuvenating effect. To prepare a gelatin tightening face mask, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. edible gelatin 4 tbsp. l. boiled water, wait until the gelatin swells, then put it in a water bath and, with continuous stirring, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then apply the mask to your face and neck. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you can take the same amount of milk instead of water. Please note that the gelatin tightening mask should be at body temperature to avoid burns. You need to keep the mask until it dries completely, then soak it with warm water so that the gelatin comes off gently. Do not peel off the gelatin under any circumstances; you can seriously damage your facial skin. We talked in more detail about how to work with gelatin in a special materialgelatin face masks , there you will find all the nuances of working with this product.

Firming mask with paraffin

Pharmacies and cosmetics stores sell special solid cosmetic paraffin, which we will need to prepare a tightening and smoothing mask. Judging by the feedback from our readers, the tightening effect of the mask is simply wonderful, but there is a problem- someone should help you apply this mask, so look for a pair))). So, one tablespoon of solid paraffin is melted in a water bath, one teaspoon of honey is added to it. This will be the first layer of the mask. For the second layer, melt another tablespoon of paraffin wax. We lubricate the face nourishing cream, apply cotton pads to the eyes. Apply melted honey with paraffin to the face in an even layer, cover this layer with gauze, onto which we apply four more layers of paraffin. While you hold the mask, which is 15-20 minutes, the paraffin hardens; talking during this time or working with facial muscles is strictly prohibited. But the result will be stunning. Remove the gauze cloth and the remaining paraffin with honey, wash with warm water and apply a layer of moisturizer.

Honey tightening face mask.

Honey masks, judging by reviews, also have a significant tightening effect. Moreover, honey masks additionally nourish the skin, giving it elasticity and smoothness, increasing its tone. To prepare a honey tightening mask, melt 1 tbsp. l. honey in a water bath, then apply the mask to your face and neck. For greater results, you can massage with light patting movements. Leave the honey tightening face mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can enhance the effect of the mask by adding additional components to it - see them in a special reviewhoney face masks , everything for working at home.

Firming face masks made from eggs.

Face masks made from eggs perfectly tighten and give tone and elasticity to flabby, mature skin faces. Protein has a particularly strong tightening effect. Therefore, to prepare a tightening face mask, you first need to separate the white from the yolk, then beat the white with a whisk or fork until foam forms. Then simply apply to the face and neck (it is most convenient to apply the mask with a special brush or an ordinary household brush). When the mask dries, wash it off with warm water. Of course, this is the simplest tightening mask, so we recommend that you pay attention to othersrecipes for face masks with egg .

Clay firming face mask.

Clay is an excellent base for an effective tightening face mask. The fact is that clay contains a huge amount of minerals that help the skin restore natural metabolic processes and, thus, remove wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face. For a clay mask, you can use any clay (green or blue), 2 tbsp. l. you need to dilute with warm water to a thick sour cream, then apply to the face and neck. For dry skin, we recommend using heavy cream or milk instead of water. Leave the mask until completely dry, and then rinse with warm water. We discussed which clay will work better than others in the blockclay face masks and their effectiveness.

Firming express face mask

If you don't have much time, we recommend that you use a recipe for an express mask that will quickly tidy up the skin of your face. It is built on the basis of quail eggs. So, you need: three quail eggs, one teaspoon of finely grated lemon peel, one teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of finely ground almonds. All components must be mixed very thoroughly and applied in a thin layer to the face. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

Oatmeal tightening face masks.

Oatmeal tightening masks complete our review of the most effective tightening face masks. Oatmeal softens the skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness, which will help get rid of wrinkles, sagging and tighten the skin of the face. Homemade oatmeal mask is simple: 2 tbsp. l. pour oatmeal with half a glass of hot milk or water and let the flakes soften. Then apply an oatmeal tightening mask to the face and neck, and after 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. What to apply, milk or water, depends on the oiliness of the skin - all the details are in the chapteroatmeal face masks , recipes and subtleties of homemade masks.

To get a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation, a tightening face mask must be properly prepared, applied, supplemented with massage and rinsed off. I will personally show you all these subtleties in a specially filmed video.

Firming face masks - step-by-step video instructions

Alexandra Ryzhkova All rights reserved

Reviews and comments (18)

In this section, everyone can leave their review and comment on the topic of tightening face masks. Preferably recipes that can be used at home.


If you look at the composition of store-bought tightening face masks, almost everywhere you can now see AHA acids, which are similar to fruit ones. And I thought, are natural fruits worse? I made a clay mask according to the recipe that is in the article, and then I spread a piece of lemon on my skin, it stung right away, which means that the clay opened the pores, the acid immediately penetrated there and is working. I liked the tightening effect of this union, only I change the citrus fruits, take either lemon, orange, or grapefruit.

The best thing among the presented tightening face masks is gelatin, because it contains collagen. I advise everyone to try this mask first; many will not need others. At least that's how it was for me.

Gelatin tightens the skin well, I tried lemon on myself too. Just awesome! Facial gymnastics and massage are also good, they contribute to good results.

I really love masks with clay, gelatin and eggs. They really renew the skin!


I advise anyone who wants to tighten their skin to add a small head of mumiyo to their mask recipes - no matter whether homemade or purchased. It perfectly stimulates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous area and masks work much better.

Do you want to tighten your facial skin? No masks needed. Do this - take two shallow basins, pour water a little warmer than body temperature into one, and a little cool into the other. Cleanse your face with a scrub, rinse it off and put your face in warm water for 10 seconds, then in cool water for 10, and so on three times. All! Now take a slice of lemon and wipe your face with it. The method works great, after 5 days you will see the result, the tightening masks rest.

With age, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, metabolic and regeneration processes slow down, as a result, the covering tissues lose their elasticity, the facial contour becomes less clear, and a “double chin” appears.

These changes appear earlier than deep wrinkles, do not please any lady. Fortunately, the answer to age-related changes can be a lifting face mask, which at home allows you to tighten your skin without surgery.

What is a lifting effect and how does a face lift mask work?

Lifting is a cosmetic surgery to tighten the skin. However, you can achieve increased firmness and elasticity of the skin without salon procedures, using proven folk recipes for face masks for tightening. Their regular use can significantly improve the contour of the face, get rid of sagging and dull skin. These products are said to have a lifting effect.

Let's figure out how the lifting effect is achieved:

  • components that are part of the best lifting masks for tightening the facial contour at home improve blood circulation, tone, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and have a tightening and astringent effect;
  • Thanks to these properties, homemade mask recipes for tightening facial skin allow you to get an instant effect; after 2 months of regular use of these products, the effect is consolidated, and the facial contour becomes noticeably clearer. In addition, the skin acquires a more even tone and the pores become smaller.

Therefore, we can safely say that at home, without spending money on salon treatments, you can rejuvenate your facial skin on your own. Of course, the result will be only if the procedures are carried out correctly.

Rules for using masks for face lifting at home

Masks for face lifting and skin elasticity at home are recommended in cases where the skin on the face has lost its elasticity, has become flabby, dull, has begun to sag, and a “double chin” is forming. However, these procedures are not suitable for everyone.


  • for skin diseases;
  • if there is damage to the skin of the face;
  • for diabetes and obesity;
  • Lifting procedures are not recommended for those who used the services of a plastic surgeon less than six months ago;
  • You should not use face masks for a facelift at home and for those under 30 years of age.

In other cases, you just need to follow the recipe, observing the proportions - there is no need to edit the recipes.

It is necessary to adhere to the instructions regarding the exposure time of the mask for face lifting and skin elasticity (15-20 minutes) and the regularity of the procedures, which is on average once a week (depending on age). Of course, an allergy test is also mandatory.

The best mask recipes for tightening facial skin

Suggests using the best (based on numerous reviews) recipes for tightening facial masks that give a quick effect at home, which nevertheless lasts for a long time.

  1. Masks with protein to tighten facial skin:

    Cucumber. Remove the seeds from the cucumber, peel it and puree it using a blender. Separate the white from the yolk, beat the yolk and combine with cucumber puree. It remains to add a small spoon of olive oil if the skin on your face is dry ( If you have oily skin, you can omit it).

    Lemon. The protein is mixed with a large spoon of lemon juice. The mask, in addition to the lifting effect, has lightening properties, but it not suitable for dry skin.

    Floury. Separate the white from the yolk, beat the white and gradually add flour (wheat) to it until the mass acquires a thick consistency. Suitable for all skin types.

    With persimmon. The pulp of one persimmon is mixed with a spoonful of oatmeal and protein from one chicken egg. It is used for face lifting by those with oily skin.

  2. Mask with honey and oatmeal:

    This mixture is considered one of the most effective tightening masks. A handful of oatmeal should be poured with a tablespoon of honey melted to a liquid state. Wait until they swell and use as a tightening mask for oily skin. For dry skin, the flakes can be replaced with a large spoon of oatmeal. The mask will give an instant effect if you add the white of one chicken egg to it.

  3. Kaolin masks with lifting effect:

    With wheat germ oil. You will need 2 large spoons of cosmetic clay, a tablespoon of grape juice, a teaspoon of oil. All products must be mixed until smooth.

    With honey and lemon. Two large spoons of white clay should be mixed with a teaspoon of warmed honey and add either a spoonful of lemon juice (for oily skin) or lemon zest (for dry skin).

  4. Vegetable masks for tightening the face contour:

    Tomato. The pulp of one tomato should be rubbed through a sieve, a teaspoon of olive oil should be added, thickened with oatmeal - and the mask is ready.

    Potato. Potatoes need to be boiled “in their jackets”, turned into puree, add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and lemon juice.

  5. Gelatin masks for instant skin lifting:

    Classic. Mix gelatin and flour (a teaspoon each), add two tablespoons of water, heat, stirring, until the mass thickens. Dilute with a tablespoon of sour milk. Using a brush, apply the still warm composition to your face, wait until the mask cools and dries, then remove it from bottom to top.
    By the way, it not only tightens the skin well, but also has an exfoliating effect. After its use, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable.

    With glycerin. A small amount of gelatin (five grams is enough) should be poured with a large spoon of water and allowed to swell for an hour. After the required time has passed, other ingredients are added to the gelatin: honey, glycerin, rye flour (half a teaspoon each). While heating, the mass must be stirred until it becomes homogeneous. After it has cooled a little, you need to moisten a cloth in it, put it on your face (pressing it) and remove it after half an hour.

  6. Rice mask for a clear facial contour:

    To prepare another extremely effective mask that allows you to tighten your facial skin at home, you will need: rice flour (2 large spoons), white from one egg, fennel ether (3 drops). All components are mixed. The resulting mixture is evenly applied to the face.

And another video recipe for double lifting - face masks with egg and lemon.

Over the years, the contours of the lower part of the face in women cease to be clearly defined - the skin begins to sag. Wrinkles are also added to changes in the oval of the face. It is possible to remove “signs of age” without the participation of a plastic surgeon - modern cosmetological techniques will help with this.

Oval face - why changes occur

The oval of the face loses its outline for the following reasons:

  • age-related changes. The skin becomes less elastic over time, since starting from the age of 35, the synthesis of elastin and collagen slows down;
  • genetics. If women in a family begin to age early, it is necessary to take preventive measures after 30 years;
  • weight fluctuations. Gaining weight causes the skin to stretch throughout the body, including the face. On the other hand, sudden weight loss will also lead to sagging skin - it will not have time to adapt to the changes, so you need to lose weight gradually;

    If you gain a lot of weight or fast weight loss the fabric does not have time to adapt to changes - the skin sags

  • excess liquid. If you like to eat spicy, salty and sweet foods, fluid is retained in your body - swelling appears, your face becomes rounded, your skin becomes loose;
  • incorrect posture. If you constantly slouch, not only the position of the spine changes, but also the shape of the cheeks, the corners of the lips shift, the position of the neck changes;

    Posture affects the contours of the face - the position of the neck changes, and therefore the chin, mouth and cheeks

  • bad habits. If a person smokes, abuses alcohol and eats unhealthy foods, his body begins to age faster. The skin loses freshness due to lack of moisture (when drinking alcohol), elasticity and shape;
  • frequent exposure to the sun. Ultra-violet rays deplete collagen reserves in the skin.

    If you sunbathe frequently, your skin will lose its collagen reserves.

  • improper care. If a woman uses cosmetic care products that are not suitable for her skin type and other characteristics of the body, for example, age, they begin to work in the opposite direction - the skin becomes loose and sagging. Insufficient hydration and cleansing also play a negative role;
  • habit of sleeping face down on the pillow.

How to prevent loss of facial contour elasticity

In order for the skin to remain elastic and the oval of the face to have beautiful outlines for as long as possible, you need to take good care of your face and body in general:

  • start eating right. Eliminate or at least minimize fried, too salty, sweet and starchy foods. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables - the vitamins in them will stimulate collagen production. Go to complex carbohydrates- buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and other cereals. There should be 5-6 meals a day to speed up metabolism, but the portions should be smaller than usual. Chew thoroughly to use all the facial muscles, and do not overeat. In the evening, only protein (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) and vegetables are allowed if you want to lose weight;

    Harmful fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet - give preference to fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese

  • consume enough fluid. You need to drink about 1.5–2 liters of water per day (depending on your weight). If you comply with this condition, the skin will be regularly renewed and swelling will disappear. It is useful to drink green tea - it tones;

    You should regularly drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day

  • use the right skincare products. Choose products for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. Consider your skin type and active ingredients in the composition. It is recommended to do this with the participation of a specialist cosmetologist. If age allows, be sure to use age-related serums and creams. The kit should include sunscreen, even if you do not sunbathe on the beach and live in a cold region - if possible, use it several times a day;

    Choose cosmetics based on your skin type and age

  • carry out contrast washes. Wash your face alternately with warm and cold water - if swelling appears in the morning, it will go away immediately. After a week you will feel a slight tightening effect. You can also wash your face with ice - cold cubes will increase blood circulation. Use chamomile and mint infusions as a base for ice;

    Contrast washing with ice in the morning will help quickly tone the skin - swelling and bruising under the eyes will go away, the skin will become elastic within a week

  • scrub the skin. You can use ready-made and homemade scrubs, for example, with ground natural coffee. They remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and accelerate the formation of new ones. In winter, it is recommended to have peelings done by a cosmetologist.

How to tighten the oval face at home

Special home gymnastics (“face building”), massage, and masks are suitable as home methods, however, these methods will only work well for minor defects. If the oval of the face has become very swollen, it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist.

If you perform the following exercises regularly every day, you will see the first results within a month:

  1. Chin stretch. Place your hands on the surface of the table where you are sitting and rest your chin on them. For some time, tilt your head towards your palms as much as possible, as if overcoming their resistance. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Puffing out cheeks. Take more air into your mouth and “roll” it from one side to the other. Repeat until you get tired.
  3. Closing of teeth and lips. Close your teeth and lips tightly and push the lower part of your jaw forward. Be careful not to open your mouth. Repeat 10 times, holding for a few seconds in the final position.
  4. Smile with opposition. Pull your cheeks in as much as possible and press on them with your index fingers. Without changing the position of your cheeks, try to smile. Repeat 10 times.

    Regular exercise will increase the tone of the facial muscles - it will acquire aristocratic features

  5. Capture upper lip. Having accepted sitting position, throw your head back and try to capture your upper lip with your lower lip. Perform 15 times in several approaches.
  6. Exercise with a pencil. Place a pencil between your teeth, hold it tightly and try to write a few words in the air. Repeat for as long as you can.
  7. Take a deep breath with your neck stretched. Stand up and straighten up. Wrap your arms around your shoulders. Stretch your neck as far as possible and take a deep breath. Hold this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  8. Lip stretching. Pull out your lips and pronounce all the vowels of the alphabet. Try to do this in such a way that you feel the tension in your facial muscles.
  9. Lifting your head while lying down. Lie down on the floor and stretch out properly. Lift your head off the surface and very slowly lift it towards your chest, and then begin to turn it in different directions. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor. Perform 10 repetitions.
  10. Air in the mouth. Close your mouth tightly and draw air into your cheeks through your nose. Release it slowly through slightly parted lips. Repeat several times.

    Perform facial exercises daily for 20 minutes

  11. The sounds "u" and "i". When you have a free minute, pronounce these two sounds alternately several times a day, tensing your facial muscles.
  12. Pressing on the cheeks. Puff out your cheeks slightly and close your lips. For 10 seconds, press on your cheeks with your fingers, as if trying to release air.
  13. Jaw movements. Extend your lower jaw and start moving it left and right. Do this slowly at first and then speed up the pace.

Video: what exercises to do to tighten the oval face

Massage for facelift

Like gymnastics, facial massage can tone all muscles. Blood will circulate in the tissues faster - skin cells will be renewed in a timely manner, receiving all the necessary substances. There are two types of facial massage: using fingers and using a towel. The latter can be done daily, it is performed as follows:

With regular facial massage, you will see the first results within 1–2 months.

There are many manual techniques for facial massage, but they are always based on movements along certain lines. You can perform the massage yourself at home or attend special procedures from a cosmetologist. The following simple method is suitable as a home option:

Perform this procedure every other day for 5-10 minutes. You will notice a slight improvement within a month.

Video: how to massage with a towel at home

Face masks that tighten the oval

Special masks, which can be quickly prepared at home, can remove pronounced defects in the facial contour, but they will not be able to completely tighten the oval. For greater effect, it is recommended to combine masks with massage and gymnastics. Before using the mask, cleanse your face with your regular daily cleanser. It is also advisable to make a scrub.

You need to choose the ingredients correctly - taking into account your skin type and the presence of allergies to the components. For oily skin, a mask with clay is suitable - it not only has a lifting effect, but also tightens pores and removes excess sebum. For dry skin, use formulations with olive oil, egg or cucumber.

Masks to improve the shape of the face are applied 1-2 times a week and supplemented with moisturizing masks for full effect.

Gelatin mask with cream or eggs

Gelatin mask is a universal remedy for dry and oily skin. When gelatin hardens, it tightens the skin, which helps tighten it.

The gelatin mask has a tightening effect when it hardens - after it you feel that the skin is tightened

To prepare the mask you need:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 100 ml of water. Leave for half an hour or an hour.
  2. Heat the gelatin swollen in water in a water bath until it completely dissolves - the water will be slightly thick.
  3. Add sour cream or cream to the mixture if the skin is dry, or eggs or honey if the skin is oily or normal.
  4. Pour in a small amount of olive or linseed oil. Keep in a water bath for another 2 minutes.
  5. Cool slightly and apply a warm, hardening mask along the massage lines. Keep for 30 minutes.

Remove the mask using steaming: sit over a container with slightly hot water or apply a warm towel to your face.

Clay mask

The clay-based composition also fights wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. A mask with pink clay is especially suitable:

With dill

The dill mask has a pronounced tonic effect. When the skin is saturated with moisture, it tightens and becomes elastic. You can see results in 1-2 months with weekly use.

With cucumber and egg white

This mask is another tonic and at the same time firming product that also brightens dark spots. The result of its use will be visible after 3 months.

Preparation and use of the mask:

Video: mask for facelift

Table: cosmetics to improve skin elasticity

Means Active substances, action, price
Caffeine stimulates receptors in fatty tissues - the face “loses weight”. Gingo biloba extract removes fluid and increases vascular tone. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and causes the skin to produce its own elastin and collagen. The list of active components does not end there. With constant use, the face looks rested, toned and fresh. The cost of the cream is about 300 rubles.
Proxilan renews collagen fibers, lipohydroxy acid provides exfoliation and regeneration of the skin, minimizes hyperpigmentation. The product also contains a complex of sun filters, so it can be actively used in summer period. Price - about 650 rubles.
The lifting effect here is provided by shea butter and the “Plant Cells of Youth” complex. These components also help smooth out wrinkles and restore firmness. Sea buckthorn oil copes with irritation and redness on the face. The cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, protects from the sun and temperature changes. The cost is about 300 rubles.
A formula with adenosine, caffeine and fruit acids helps to tighten the oval of the face. Skin cells “wake up” and begin to produce collagen more actively. It also contains neohesperidin, a powerful antioxidant isolated from red grapefruit, which removes toxins from cells. You will have to pay about 2.5 thousand rubles for the product.
Lifting polymers restore clarity to the facial contour. V-peptides strengthen the skin structure and increase elasticity. LIPO-REDUCER complex fights lipids (fat layer) and creates graceful contours. According to the manufacturer, immediately after application, the contours of the face become as if re-defined. An hour after application, the volume of the lower part of the face decreases. With regular use and minor oval defects, the face will again acquire a V-shape. The serum will cost 6 thousand rubles.

Photo gallery: cosmetics to increase the elasticity of the oval face

Face cream "Turboslim" from Evalar allows you to model the oval of the face Revitalift Day Cream Laser X3 from L'Oréal Paris evens out skin tone and reduces wrinkles Day Cream "Active Lifting 45+" from Garnier actively fights against visible age-related changes
LiftActiv Supreme cream from Vichy resists daily skin aging and fights the signs of age. Anti-aging serum Collagenist V-Lift from Helena Rubinstein has a tightening effect

How to tighten the oval of the face with salon procedures

Beauty salons offer many facial rejuvenation procedures. Most of them are aimed at tightening the skin and creating a clear contour. You will, of course, choose procedures with a cosmetologist, who should provide you with a list of possible treatment options depending on your health condition and individual skin characteristics.


The mesolifting procedure involves introducing into the deep layers of the skin a special composition based on amino acids, vitamins and hyaluronic acid using small needles. The components begin to act on the skin from the inside - the synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated, the skin is moisturized.

To see desired effect, it is necessary to undergo from 5 to 15 sessions depending on the severity of the defects. The result does not begin to appear immediately, but after 1–2 months.

Mesolifting is a popular injection method of rejuvenation that helps remove wrinkles and tighten the shape of the face.

In the first week after the procedure, it is forbidden to steam or simply heat the face, drink alcoholic drinks, as this may cause bleeding. You also cannot use skincare and decorative cosmetics. One procedure will cost 2000–5000 rubles. The effect after the course will last only about six months, then it is necessary to undergo repeated maintenance procedures.

The patient's own blood plasma is injected under the skin to a depth of 3 mm - stem cells are activated, the skin becomes healthy and elastic, the complexion improves, and fine wrinkles are removed. First, from 20 to 100 ml of blood is taken from the person himself, and then plasma is extracted from it in a special centrifuge in the presence of the patient.

During plasma lifting, up to 100 ml of blood is taken from the patient, from which plasma is then extracted

The drug is not stored - fresh blood is used at each session. The course usually includes 4–5 procedures. The break will be about 2 weeks.

The plasma lifting procedure is suitable for those who are afraid to inject any synthetic substances.

The main disadvantage of plasma lifting is that it only helps with minor defects. If the situation is advanced, the method is used only as a preparatory stage before using more effective methods such as laser lifting, SMAS lifting, fractional thermolysis and more. The price of one plasma lifting procedure is about 5 thousand rubles.

During contouring, fillers are injected under the skin - special compounds based on hyaluronic acid, which gives the desired shape to the chin, cheekbones and other parts of the face and body. There are monophasic (hyaluronic acid concentration is 15–20 mg/g) and biphasic gels (20–30 mg/g). The latter are used for highly noticeable defects.

Contour plastic surgery is an injection of a solution based on hyaluronic acid.

There are many advantages to contour plastic surgery:

  • long-term effect - from six months to 18 months;
  • relative painlessness;
  • absence of serious contraindications and side effects;
  • quick result after the session;
  • no recovery period and a small list of restrictions;
  • combination with other rejuvenation procedures.

The procedure is expensive - one session will cost from 10 thousand rubles.

Thread lifting

Various types of threads are inserted under the patient's skin using thin needles, which the specialist tightens, achieving a tightening effect. They create a frame for soft tissues - sagging disappears, facial contours become clear, cheekbones appear. The method has several advantages:

  • high efficiency,
  • long warranty period (correction only after 1.5–3 years),
  • minimal trauma,
  • short rehabilitation period.

Special threads (usually self-dissolving) are inserted under the skin, which create a framework of collagen fibers under the skin.

Threads can be either removable or insoluble (gold, polypropylene). The first ones dissolve on their own within about 10 months, but a framework of soft tissue made of collagen fibers remains. Before the procedure, anesthesia is required.

The obvious disadvantage of threads is the price - the procedure will cost about 25 thousand rubles. You need to choose a specialist carefully, since a poorly performed procedure can lead to asymmetry, unevenness on the face and pain during the rehabilitation period.

Hardware cosmetology

Cosmetologists use not only injections, but also special devices to tighten the oval of the face, which affect blood circulation, lymph flow, oxygen supply to cells, and therefore collagen synthesis. This method has enough advantages:

  • minimal trauma;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • noticeable effect after just one procedure.

Hardware cosmetology gives quick results and is less traumatic

The following hardware techniques are used:

  • photorejuvenation. The skin is exposed to light pulses that penetrate deeply into the epidermis and begin to work at the cellular level. The advantage of the technique is that collagen continues to be actively synthesized even after completing the course. There is also a drawback - a third of patients do not see results after the procedure. For one session you need to pay 1–9 thousand rubles, depending on the area of ​​influence and the number of impulses;
  • laser lifting. Laser beams create holes in the skin and target tissue - cell regeneration occurs. The skin structure is restored. And at the same time, the oval of the face is tightened. The procedure is expensive - you will have to pay about 13 thousand rubles for one session for the cheeks and forehead. Their quantity and frequency will be determined by the cosmetologist based on the condition of the skin;
  • vacuum massage. Depending on the skin type and existing problems, the specialist selects the necessary attachment. Negative air pressure affects areas of the face, leveling the relief. The price of one session is about 1.5 thousand rubles. It will take from 5 to 10 procedures;
  • ultrasound. An ultrasound device not only tightens the skin, but also cleanses it. The vibrations break down fat deposits and remove them. One procedure costs about 2 thousand rubles;
  • Thermage The impulses received as a result of radio wave radiation affect collagen fibers. They shrink and create a tightening effect. This method is considered the most expensive - women pay from 130 to 200 thousand rubles for the entire face.

The procedure combines two methods - traditional massage of all facial muscles from the outside and working them from the inside - through the mouth. This combination provides a quick visible effect after the first procedure. The course consists of 5–10 sessions. Massage triggers muscle self-healing. Afterwards they feel pleasantly sore. The advantage of the method is that it is safe and non-invasive - suitable for those people who are afraid of injections.

With sculptural-buccal massage, the specialist kneads the muscles not only from the outside, but also from the inside

The disadvantage of the method is that it is not performed on very thin faces - it requires at least a small layer of fat. The effect lasts up to a year, since after the procedure the muscles “remember” the shape that the massage therapist gave it. The cost of one session is about 4 thousand rubles.

Salon masks

To return the face to its former clear contour, you need to influence not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous fat. Otherwise, the effect will not last long and will not be as pronounced as with invasive and hardware methods. You will need to visit a cosmetologist at least once every six months. In this regard, masks in the salon for tightening are used either as an additional measure, or in cases where more effective methods not needed - for minor defects. Masks are usually combined with massages.

Lifting masks in the salon are carried out, as a rule, after a massage and in cases where the defects are minor.

A fairly popular procedure is the 30-minute non-surgical Skindulgence lifting system from NHT Global. The second and main stage is the mask. It is used not only in salons, but also at home. When applied, the mask creates pressure on the muscles and forces them to work - their tone increases.. The composition includes natural myostimulants - about 50 plant components. There are no sulfates, parabens, silicone and various allergens.

The Skindulgence lifting system includes a mask, as well as cleansing and restorative products

It is also worth mentioning a mask based on alginate, a plastic substance extracted from brown algae. The cosmetologist selects his own mask composition for each skin type. In the salon, the procedure will cost 1–2 thousand rubles. If you conduct a session at home, you will spend 200–300 rubles. However, in this case, you will need an assistant - he will apply the composition to your face and neck. At this moment you will need to be in a horizontal position.

The alginate mask is carried out both in the salon and at home, but in the latter case you will still need the participation of another person - an assistant

Deep peeling

Deep peeling exfoliates the upper layers of the skin - they dissolve under the action of acids. The cells receive a strong impetus to restore the removed layer of skin - peeling here can be compared to damage that the body must quickly “repair”. During regeneration, the tissues shrink, which explains the tightening effect.

Deep peeling must be carried out under general anesthesia, as the procedure is very painful.

The procedure uses phenolic acids, so peeling is carried out under anesthesia in a hospital setting. The applied acid will cause severe skin burns. The procedure is painful and has many contraindications. This is the main drawback of the method. Another disadvantage is rehabilitation for 7–10 days - you will not be able to lead your usual lifestyle during this period. The price of deep peeling is from 25 thousand rubles. The procedure is carried out no more than once a year.

Contraindications and possible consequences of procedures

Each injection and hardware salon procedure has its own contraindications. However, there is a general list of health conditions when cosmetic procedures cannot be performed:

  • oncology;
  • serious problems with the heart, blood vessels and blood;
  • presence of pacemakers;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • taking medications that are eliminated by the liver and kidneys;
  • exacerbation of acne, rashes of various nature, ulcers;
  • chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.);
  • infectious and bacterial diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, including the common cold, ARVI, influenza;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the compositions;
  • serious mental disorders.

After almost all injection methods, redness, bruising, swelling and even hematomas remain on the face for several days or even weeks. They do not pose a threat to health if you take proper care of your face and follow all the recommendations of a cosmetologist. If you notice that your health has worsened, a temperature has appeared, various rashes similar to allergic ones have appeared, and also if blood has begun to constantly ooze from the wounds, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Devices for increasing facial elasticity for home use

Salon cosmetology procedures have “home” alternatives - devices with the same principles of influence, but perhaps not with such great efficiency:

It works on the principle of mesotherapy. It is inexpensive - from 1 thousand rubles. The device has the shape of a roller with thin short needles made of steel or titanium 0.2–0.5 mm long. They create small punctures - through them, the previously applied product, and therefore nutrients, gets under the skin. The product comes complete with a mesoscooter. The method is quite effective, but painful - drops of blood will appear on the surface. Before the procedure, the roller is treated with chlorhexidine or alcohol, and then washed and placed in a special container.

On the surface of the mesoscooter there are thin small needles that pierce the skin so that the previously applied composition penetrates under it.

RF lifting

The device acts on the skin due to emitted radio frequency waves. The collagen fibers heat up and begin to contract and tighten. Contraindications include the presence of metal threads and implants - they will cause severe burns to the skin and muscles. The device for radio wave lifting can be used both at home and in the salon, but it costs from 5 to 35 thousand rubles.

Popular devices are the following models:

  • Cutey Up RF;
  • AUT-305;

All of them are small in size - easy to store and carry. M1601 Gezatone has 4 programs and 4 intensity levels. Additionally, the device offers vibration mode and exposure to the red light spectrum, which has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration. The downside is that it works from the network.

When choosing a device, pay attention to its power, number of modes, and availability of options (for example, massage). There must be warranty service - well-known companies producing such devices usually provide it.

Photo gallery: devices for RF lifting

M1601 Gezatone allows you to carry out salon procedure at home
The Cutey Up RF device is quite expensive, so only some women use it at home. NV-CR300 is a simple and convenient RF lifting device


The mesoporation device is considered an alternative to mesotherapy. No needles are used here, so the method is painless. It works on the basis of ultrasound, infrared radiation and charged ions. Under their influence, the components of the product, which is pre-applied to the skin (it comes included), penetrate deep into the skin. Well-known manufacturer such a device is from Gezatone. It will cost about 6 thousand rubles.

Mesoporation is a safe alternative to mesotherapy without the use of needles


This device affects the condition of the skin thanks to microcurrents, which cause muscle fibers to contract - they become toned, and the face is immediately tightened, the oval becomes clearer. Home device will cost approximately 2–20 thousand rubles. Its disadvantage is pain in the affected area.

During myostimulation, skin fibers begin to contract due to microcurrents

A well-known myostimulator is the Perfect Face device from the Gezatone company. You simply put it on your face and go about your household chores - your hands are free. The device has a control panel, 6 exposure programs, 10 intensity levels and a built-in timer. It runs on batteries, the price is about 3 thousand rubles.

The Perfect Face myostimulator has a timer, 6 impact programs and 10 modes, which allows you to adjust the intensity of microcurrents

Another device is Slendertone Face S5 from the manufacturer Bio-Medical Research, which promises a rejuvenation effect for several years in 3 months. The procedure with this device is also hands-free. The device has two programs: “Lifting” (strengthening muscles) and “Radiance” (normalizing blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels). To achieve the desired effect, you must use the device at least 5 times a week. There must be a gap of at least 24 hours between sessions.

The Slendertone Face S5 myostimulator is similar to headphones - it is worn on the face

Now we will tell you about the 16 best homemade tightening face masks that you can easily prepare at home. Countless beauty salons offer their services, and not cheap ones, to preserve a youthful face, presenting patented products as the only panacea. Natural ingredients have not lost their effectiveness, and their affordable price and ease of use make them almost the only way for many women to preserve their beauty and youth. It should be borne in mind that self-care involves composure and patience, many, even very effective masks for tightening facial skin do not give instant results and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Below are several recipes for face masks that tighten the skin; their ingredients are easy to find at home. If you start taking care of yourself, then why not now?

Firming mask with protein

Egg white is an indispensable component for anti-aging masks, having a clear tightening effect on the skin. An ordinary chicken egg is part of many anti-aging masks; it gives an instant effect, but it is short-lived, so the protein must be used regularly; it can be used as a means of urgently putting oneself in order. It also noticeably whitens the skin of the face. Using just protein, no additional ingredients.

Separate the white from the yolk, beat it lightly and apply to your face. The mask should be on the face for at least 15 minutes, facial movements should be avoided and it is better to be in a horizontal position. Afterwards, rinse with water and lemon juice.

Mask with protein and lemon juice

Quickly refreshes and tightens facial skin. Can be applied right before going out on a visit.

  • protein (beat well);
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

Lemon juice is added to the pre-whipped protein and mixed carefully, while trying not to create foam. Apply to the face, neck, then, as it dries, apply more layers. In this case, it is better to lie down, relaxing your facial muscles, and after 20 minutes you can get up and wash.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

There is another option - with cucumber juice. Preparation and application are the same, but instead of lemon juice add 40 g (two tablespoons) of cucumber juice.

Firming mask with gelatin

To nourish and tighten facial skin, you can use regular food gelatin. Despite its low cost, this substance is a source of collagen that is perfectly compatible with human skin. The skin, receiving collagen from the outside, very quickly acquires turgor and a radiant appearance. When choosing the right recipe, you should consider your skin type.

  1. For dry skin, milk is added to masks.
  2. For fatty women – juices.
  3. For problem skin - herbal decoctions.

It is also important to prepare gelatin correctly. It must be filled with water, and the amount of water should be 3–6 times more than the gelatin itself. Full swelling will occur within an hour. After this, the remaining ingredients are added, stirred and heated (optimally using a water bath).

Classic recipe with gelatin for face lifting

This mask is especially suitable if the skin is loose; it will tighten the skin very quickly; it can also be used on the neck.

  • gelatin - teaspoon;
  • for dry skin – milk (a tablespoon) and a heaped spoonful of oatmeal (pre-grind);
  • for oily skin – a tablespoon of low-fat kefir and a heaped spoonful of wheat flour.

Clean your face, or better yet, steam it. The applied mask should dry, then you can wash your face. The time spent is no more than 20 minutes. The mask can be enriched by adding a couple of drops of olive oil, grape seed, tocopherol (vitamin E capsules, available in pharmacies), others essential oils and vitamins. This composition will provide the skin with everything it needs, neutralizes free radicals, the flour will help separate dead skin particles, and the main component of the composition will smooth and tighten the skin of the face and neck. Regular use will make your face younger and, of course, happier.

Masks with gelatin are also good because you can prepare the composition in advance and store it in the refrigerator, using it as needed (not indefinitely, but the mask will preserve beneficial features at least a week).

You can apply it not directly to the face, but use an old one or just a thin one. natural fabric. It needs to be moistened generously in a heated solution, applied to the face, pressed tightly and held for the specified time (20 minutes), after which the fabric is simply removed from the skin. This method does not require subsequent washing, but if necessary, you can apply cream.

Firming mask with honey

No collection of recipes is complete without honey. This is a natural, almost miraculous remedy that not only contains all the nutrients and trace elements necessary for the skin, but also helps maintain a long-lasting effect after use.

Mask with honey and protein for facial elasticity

It does not produce an immediate effect, but with regular use it will provide incredible rejuvenation and elasticity of the facial skin.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • chicken egg white (beat well first);
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour.

Mask with honey and lemon for skin tightening

One of the best masks for facial skin elasticity, it has a pronounced anti-wrinkle effect, and is useful for tired, aging skin.

You will need:

  • a teaspoon of honey (warmed);
  • half a tablespoon of kaolin (you can use regular cosmetic clay, purchased at a pharmacy, it is better to take it without aromatic or other additives);
  • 15-20 drops of lemon juice.

The components are mixed, after application you should lie for half an hour, then rinse. To enhance the effect on your face, rub with a slice of lemon and make a cold compress. Lemon can be replaced with lime.

Firming mask with starch

According to those who have used masks with a tightening effect containing starch, their effect can be compared to Botox (though much cheaper and without side effects).

Rejuvenating mask or how to tighten your skin

A lifting mask that has an incredible effect even on very sagging skin. There is no need to remind you that to get a full, lasting result, it must be done regularly.

To prepare the mask you need:

  • starch (tablespoon);
  • half a liter of water;
  • carrots, grated until mushy, 5 tablespoons.

First you need to cook the starch (in approximately the same way as jelly is cooked). Starch is dissolved in 100 ml of water, then the remaining water is added and cooked until it thickens. Then the finished mass is left to cool, after which the carrots are thoroughly rubbed into it. The resulting composition is enough to use for three days, after which even skeptical women will become supporters of homemade face masks.

Firming clay mask

Its second name is “instant lifting”, the result is visible immediately, but without regular repetition the effect does not last long. If you apply the mask once a week, the oval of your face will gradually improve, your skin will become smooth and look youthful. The natural clay included in the composition consists of minerals that are extremely useful and have a positive effect on the skin. The use of clay in homemade tightening masks for facial skin, among other things, increases the regenerative properties of the skin.

  • white of one egg;
  • natural clay 2 tablespoons (the pharmacy always has a large selection of different clays, it is preferable to take it without additional additives);
  • a teaspoon of oil (any oil you like: wheat, apricot, almond, peach, olive).

First, the egg whites are beaten, then clay is added to it, everything is stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The oil is added last. Stirs. Apply to a slightly damp face for 20 minutes.

Firming mask with oatmeal

In order to have both the time and the desire to take care of your face yourself, you need to see an indisputable result once, and a mask with oatmeal is suitable for this. Its composition, which includes natural elastin and vitamin B, sharply and noticeably tones the skin, increases turgor, and the remaining components of the mask provide revitalizing nutrition.

To use a lifting mask with oatmeal you will need:

  • olive oil – teaspoon;
  • a handful of oatmeal;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream.

The ground flakes are poured with boiling water (for oily and normal skin) or hot milk (for dry skin). Cool, mix with the rest of the ingredients, and keep on your face for the usual time (15–25 minutes).

Banana tightening mask

One of the most nutritious fruits is banana, and it also does an excellent job as the main component of a mask for tightened facial skin.

To try this mask of youth, you need:

  • half a banana;
  • egg white;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

The egg white is lightly beaten and mashed with banana and butter. Leave on the face for about a quarter of an hour.

Firming mask with yeast

To prevent your skin from getting used to aging, you can try shock therapy using the “Tightening Effect” mask.

To invigorate and revitalize your facial skin, you will need:

  • a tablespoon of yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons of mineral water;
  • lemon juice - squeeze into a teaspoon;
  • white of one egg.

Crumble the yeast, gradually adding water, stir until a creamy mass is obtained. Add lemon juice to the yeast. Beat the egg white until stiff, then add it little by little to the yeast, stirring constantly, apply the resulting mass to your face and neck, and keep until dry. Rinse off with cool water.

Firming mask for dry skin

Two recipes with a lifting effect visibly smooth the face, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and small ones disappear altogether. In addition, they have a cleansing effect.

Recipe for face lift No. 1

  • protein;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • olive oil (the contents of tocopherol and vitamin A capsules should be added to it) - a teaspoon.

Beat the egg white until foamy, add honey (heat until liquid) to the egg white. Stir while adding oil. Apply to slightly moisturized face. Action time – 10 minutes.

Recipe for skin elasticity No. 2

  • protein;
  • a tablespoon of milk;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Beat the egg whites, add warmed honey and milk. The consistency of the mask is liquid, so it should be applied in several layers as the previous one dries. The whole process will take 25–30 minutes.

Firming mask for oily skin

One of best recipes for oily and problem skin, it not only tightens and refreshes the face, but, with regular use, gets rid of blackheads.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • orange juice - half a glass;
  • white (egg);
  • oatmeal (heaped tablespoon).

The egg whites are whipped and the flakes should be ground. All three components are mixed, infused a little and applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. Although the result will be noticeable after the first use, it is better to complete the full course (15–20), which will rejuvenate the face by at least 10 years.

Firming face mask after 30 years

To prepare the mask, bake an apple in the oven, then mix:

  • applesauce;
  • olive oil;

All ingredients are taken in a tablespoon, the composition remains on the face for no more than half an hour, then it must be washed off.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the number of anti-aging, tightening recipes is almost endless. Swelling of the face, circles under the eyes, wrinkles are indications for starting to use folk recipes for facial skin with a tightening effect immediately.

The only limitation for the use of these masks is young age. After trying out the ready-made formulations, you can start mixing your own, because the natural ingredients combine well, do not cause side effects and do not burden your wallet.

Video recipe: Mask for tightening and moisturizing facial skin at home