What does a kiss on the upper lip mean? The meaning of kisses according to Bertrand Mayol. A kiss harmonizes the world

What could be better than a surge of endorphins given by a kiss from a loved one. Touching your lips is the sweetest way to express your love.

Try to surprise your soulmate with a new technique, read what kinds of kisses there are.

Names of types of kisses and their descriptions

There are many types of kisses on the lips. They can be passionate, affectionate and friendly. The sensuality of gentle touches of the lips depends on the degree of development of the relationship.

The first touches are awkward, the subsequent ones are filled with more passion. Pamper your partner with passionate kisses.

Advice! Kiss only the person you love. A kiss “of convenience” will not bring pleasure and will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul.

Names of kisses Description
Long This is an alternation of different techniques, from gentle kisses to passionate, erotic touches to a hickey.
French The most fashionable among teenagers. With this method, the tongue is actively involved
Licking Run your tongue over your partner's upper or lower lip
In the neck Intimate and passionate. Lightly touch your lips to your earlobe, slowly moving lower to your neck, barely touching the skin
Sink Sexual earlobe biting
One lip Catch your upper or lower lip, suck and bite it
Playful Alternate between licking and biting lips while playing with your partner's mouth
Pendulum Perform horizontal movements with your tongue in your partner's mouth
Contrasting This is the alternation of a gentle kiss with a passionate one. Start the process with gentle pecks, moving on to playful tongue touches
Rain A way to kiss every cell of your lover's body. Start with the lips, move to the neck and go lower
Avalanche of passion A great way to wake up. Wake up your loved one with a passionate touch
Vertebrate Move the guy to a position lying on his stomach, massage with light kisses along the spine

Advice! Learn to use all the techniques to surprise your loved one with a new kiss every day.

Passionate touches excite. Sometimes the mood is romantic, you want warmth and affection. Gentle touches are light, filled with care for your partner.

Mastering the technique of gentle touching is not difficult, the main thing is love in the eyes and a sincere desire to show your attitude towards your loved one:

  1. Loving view. Look at your lover with tenderness, whisper sincere words of recognition, touch your lips with your fingers and give bliss with a light peck.
  2. Childish look. Lightly peck the mole on your cheek.
  3. Smack in the eyes. An unusual kiss on closed eyelids is filled with reverence for the beloved.
  4. Inato. A method in which only the lips are involved without the tongue.
  5. Touching the corners of the mouth. Teasing movements convey the caring attitude of the beloved.

There are unusual types of kisses like Eskimo or electronic. You can send a kiss to in social networks in the form of a sticker, emoticon or audio message.

Eskimo The principle of kissing the tips of noses also applies to children.

Technique for passionate French kissing with tongue

Exciting, passionate, mysterious - the French kiss. You can learn to kiss in the French style only through practice.

Stock up on theoretical knowledge and surprise the guy in practical classes.

To make your first kiss unforgettable, learn the French love technique:

  1. Language. The main weapon of pleasure. Find a middle ground; he should not be lethargic or too persistent. Engage the entire organ: from the hyoid part to the tip.
  2. Naturalness. Do not make unnatural movements, do not try to get your tongue down your partner’s throat. Research what a guy likes.
  3. Do not be shy. Don't constrain your lips, open your mouth towards pleasure.
  4. Repetition. Try to imitate the movement of your loved one's lips and tongue.
  5. Salivation. Control the moisture in your mouth.
  6. Imagination. Come up with your own movements, do not limit yourself to horizontal and vertical planes.
  7. Teeth. It is better to bite only your lips without injuring your tongue. Control your bite force.
  8. Reciprocity. Respond to the guy's experimental movements, come up with the new kind kiss together.

Touching in French is new stage relationship in a couple, more trusting and personal. Don't forget that a kiss is also a hug, an interaction between hands and body.

Correct“meeting” lips will bring unforgettable pleasure to both partners.

The meaning of kissing different parts of the body

The location of the touch also matters. By the type of lip touches, you can recognize the attitude of a guy towards a girl. When choosing a place on his partner’s body, a young man is guided by subconscious messages.

Guess the attitude of a man to a woman based on the place of the kiss:

  1. Smack in the corner of the mouth means that the guy wants more than friendship.
  2. Eskimo a kiss expresses affection.
  3. Touch lips to eyelids - this is the sincerity and tenderness of the partner towards the girl.
  4. Touch to the neck, perceive it as a desire to have sexual contact with the girl.
  5. Ear kissing- the beginning of an erotic game.
  6. Touch to the cheek means the beginning of a new friendship.
  7. Kiss on the lips- a love affair between kissers.
  8. Kiss your hand conveys respect and respect.

Important! Pay attention to your lover's eyes during the kiss.

Open eyelids indicate that the guy is watching your movements. Closed eyes convey pleasure to the opposite sex.

There are also exceptions to the rule when girls can kiss each other on the lips, showing their close friendships.

A kiss on the hand is a sign of gallantry, accepted when a man meets a charming woman. Children show their love by kissing them on the cheek, nose or lips. Make men fall in love with you by mastering new kissing techniques!

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Some people are interested in knowing where the tradition of kissing came from? It is impossible to find out how kisses appeared; scientists make the assumption that the story began with a kiss from a mother to a child, because when people lived in tribes, adults gave children water from their mouths, since there were no drinking devices.

It is not easy to understand kisses because “kiss” meant only a light touch of the lips, and the connection of tongues and mouths meant the word “kissing”. Russians kissed each other on the eyes when they parted, and the Romans did so when they greeted each other. In the bitter cold, Eskimos rub their noses against each other, afraid of chapped lips.

The French kiss on the cheek when meeting even people they barely know.

Depending on the situation, there are many shades of kisses: on the cheek, forehead, hand, lips, nose and eyes, shoulder, head or neck. In definition, a “kiss” is the touching of the lips to someone or something, an attempt, tenderness, recognition or gratitude. It is very interesting that kisses can be different: passionate, loving, friendly, tender, related, hot, long, caring, farewell, depending on who they are given to (a girl, a guy, a friend, a relative) and under what circumstances.

The meaning of a kiss

The neck is a sensitive and erogenous zone. A man's kiss at this place expresses his desire to possess a woman. A gentle kiss is stimulating.

The lips and tongue have sensory receptors that respond to touch. A kiss on the lips expresses love, light and gentle means caring attitude. Soft, without opening your lips - a kiss from a child or spouses who have lived together for a long time, a “French kiss” - desire, passion and intimacy of a partner.

A kiss on the forehead is a sign of care and parental care and patronage. If a woman kisses a man on the forehead, she supports and protects him.

A kiss on the nose means sympathy and trust, this is how they kiss people for whom they feel love and tenderness.

An air kiss is usually sent by girls; it can be regarded as flirting or a desire to attract the attention of a man.

You were kissed on the eyes - this is a sign of romantic love, sympathy and consolation.

A kiss on the hand speaks of the gallantry of the gentleman, and a kiss on the hair speaks of devotion and affection. If a man kisses your stomach, it means he...

A kiss on the cheek is an expression of friendship and warmth, but it can also be cold and non-committal.

Kisses can be completely different. It’s one thing when a man hugs a woman, gently kisses her on the cheek and looks into her eyes, and quite another thing when he simply “smacks” her.

A kiss is the most common manifestation of human feelings, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The technique of kissing is varied and unusually rich, it depends on the participation of the teeth, tongue and lips, customs that are common among different peoples, and the place.


A kiss can reveal the incompatibility of people, this is its main task. Two people may be interested or attracted to each other. The first kiss will show whether there is passion between them or whether it is better to leave everything as it is. Often the first touch of lips can cause hostility or coldness. Such a reaction will follow if a woman and a man are physiologically incompatible (even if they are suitable for each other in all other respects). After a kiss, a woman can understand whether a given male is suitable for her.

Lip fusion carries a variety of sexual signals. Concentration can communicate to your partner about your sexuality in the moment. If your partner's lips are compressed, it means that he does not want to continue the game he started. If they open up, then all that remains is to accept the invitation and act more boldly. If he immediately moves towards you, this indicates a clear desire. An elusive and soft tongue indicates a preference for loving and slow play.

According to psychologists, a kiss can prevent stress and calm nervous system. Amateurs are confident in their abilities, are optimistic, and achieve personal and professional success. A kiss is a big bouquet of chemical reactions. At this time, partners exchange fats, proteins and salts. In addition, a large number of bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, which are 95% harmless, pass from mouth to mouth. Frequent kissing prevents the formation of wrinkles, because the facial muscles are trained better than any massage.

The touch of your lips can give you so much more than you think. Kissing not only has a positive effect on the body, but also helps to lose weight. excess weight. Caresses with lips - the ability to stroke, touch, apply pressure with them. The intensity and type of kiss should be selected individually, observing the partner’s reaction. Never impose caresses and kisses that cause negative emotions in your partner.

Some men, confident in appearance, are very timid and sometimes hesitate to give a deep kiss. This characterizes a person as indecisive and hiding his complexes behind a mask. Such a man will be uninventive in bed and will give preference to classic poses. An initiative woman will scare him, as he is afraid of losing leadership. Kissing with copious amounts of saliva smeared over the partner’s face indicates inexperience and inexperience in terms of sex. Such a kiss indicates that a person prefers to devote increased attention emotional side of relationships. An aggressive kiss is an indispensable attribute of faulty egoists who only care about their own pleasure in bed. Such people are convinced of their irresistibility.

There are many different traditions and customs that come from ancient times. For example, a man kisses a lady's hand. This seemingly ordinary gesture has its own meaning.

What is the meaning of this gesture

In most countries of the world, it is customary among intellectuals to kiss a woman’s hand. As a rule, men give hands to older women and married ladies. This custom is most common in the West. In Germany and Austria, it is customary to do this only on the most solemn occasions. Among the Poles, this is a generally accepted rule: a man says goodbye to all women. Kissing a hand can only be done in a closed room; you cannot do this during lunch. At a dinner party, it is permissible to kiss only the hostess’s hand, which she should present low so that the man will lean towards her. Previously a kiss female hand was considered a simple greeting. Now this action speaks more about a man’s manners towards a woman. In the time of our great-grandmothers, kissing a hand was unacceptable. Never kissed a hand unless the woman took off her glove. In the old days, when intelligence and good manners reigned in society, this action was so widespread that they did not think much about its performance.

Europeans still kiss the hand of both women and young girls, despite the restrictions. This happens both indoors and outdoors; all greetings of this type are acceptable in European society.

Modern attitudes of women towards kissing hands

Currently, the attitude towards this action has not only changed, but has acquired different attitudes among specific people. Some consider this to be the norm for themselves, for others it is unpleasant, for others it is generally humiliating. Kissing the hand is not humiliating, but it prohibits showing respect to a person towards whom negative feelings are experienced. And that's okay. Most likely none modern woman she won’t like it if all the men take turns kissing her hands. The same is true for men. It is unlikely that today a guy or a young man would even decide to do such an act, and it’s not even a matter of upbringing.

What was once accepted in society is now becoming old-fashioned and even vulgar.

Many people consider it normal to kiss only the hand of the mother or father, or to passionately shower the hands of the beloved girl with kisses. But kiss your hands strangers, even as a sign of decency and education - this is a personal matter for every man. You could say it looks like modern world weird and doesn't fit the style modern society fundamentally. Of course, even now there are receptions, various ceremonies, celebrations, but they are most often of a business nature. Think for yourself: isn’t it funny and absurd to kiss a business partner’s hand? This is an unnecessary detail left in the distant past.

Kisses can have their own special meaning depending on what they are. The place where a person touches his lips is also of particular importance: it allows one to distinguish a loving kiss from a friendly, parental, or brotherly one.

Features of the meaning of kisses

Much depends on how exactly a person gives a kiss. By pressing his lips to his hand and holding it there for a few seconds, the man demonstrates to the woman strong love and passion, which for one reason or another he does not dare to express otherwise. A light touch of the lips on the hand has a different meaning - it is only a sign of politeness.

If you want to show adoration and tenderness, you can give a kiss several times: for example, touch each finger with your lips in turn.

A French kiss on the lips means passion. However, it does not always symbolize love, since it is used not only by people who are sincerely in love with each other, but also by simply lovers. A light sliding kiss on the lips is a symbol of gentle, careful handling. It is given to each other by lovers. Finally, a short kiss with pursed lips is a sign of habit. It is often used by spouses who have lived together for many years.

Kissing places and their meaning

A kiss on the forehead has many meanings. Most often it is called parental: if an adult gives it to a child, young girl or guy, this is how he demonstrates his patronage and care. The man does this, wanting to show that she will be behind him, like behind a stone wall. A woman touches a man's forehead with her lips, trying to support him in difficult situation and demonstrate a willingness to always be there.

This kiss has another, much more difficult and sad meaning. This is what they give to deceased people, seeing them off on their last journey.

A kiss on the neck symbolizes strength sexual desire. This is a very intimate sign, available only to lovers. As a rule, men use it more often than women. Touching your stomach with your lips has a similar meaning.

By kissing eyes or hair, people demonstrate a caring, reverent attitude, tenderness, and sincere affection. It is also a sign of romantic love. By kissing the eyes, you can console a person, dry tears, show sympathy and a desire to help and support.

A kiss on the cheek is classified as friendly. It means sympathy warm feelings, location. Friends can also occasionally use a kiss on the nose: this is a gesture of trust and tenderness, as well as a symbol of friendly feelings. If a guy or girl kisses their significant other on the nose, this can be equated to the phrase “You are a very sweet and funny person.”

Another kiss that can be interpreted in two ways - a kiss on the cheek. It can be a sign of gratitude or sympathy, and sometimes it means that a man is testing the waters and trying to understand whether the girl is ready to get closer. After all, not everyone dares to kiss a friend on the lips right away! By the way, the fashion for kisses on the cheek, which are exchanged when meeting, came from Europe. As a rule, this gesture is carried out by touching the cheeks, in fact, even without the kiss itself. A European kiss on the cheek means nothing more than a simple “hello.”

Shy and tender

The next stage is kissing a little more serious. Sometimes a man lightly pecks his girlfriend on the lips, literally barely touching her. A kiss like this can mean a lot more than it seems. After all, if they kiss you on the lips, the border of a purely friendly relationship has already definitely been passed. In addition, there are people who simply do not know how to talk about their feelings. For them, instead of the phrase “I had a great evening with you” or “I”, it’s easier to innocently peck a girl on the lips - this already says a lot.

But a timid kiss on the lips is very different from a quick and short one. This type of affection indicates that your partner wants to go further in your relationship, but does not dare to take more active actions. And the course of your future meetings will depend on how you react to this timid kiss.

Ardent and passionate

There are kisses that indicate the partner’s desire to continue the evening with something more serious than a romantic walk in the park or a candlelit dinner. A kiss at the base of the neck, for example, can be interpreted as “I want you.” If your partner kisses you persistently, literally filling your entire mouth with his tongue, there is no longer any doubt about his intentions. Moreover, we can conclude that the man is already quite turned on. But if he starts kissing the lips, and then moves on to the cheeks, neck, ears, gradually covering the girl’s entire face with kisses, this technique indicates his intention to convey a passionate mood to his soulmate.

Many people, without noticing it themselves, give their kisses a lot of times a day. For example, we often kiss mom, dad on the cheek, brother, sister, send air kisses to friends, kiss our beloved pet on the nose, or even ourselves through the reflection in the mirror. But, of course, all of these are incomparable with those that we are used to calling “adults” and which are addressed to a loved one. After all, both the guy and the girl expect from each other a gentle, romantic, passionate and at the same time exciting fusion of lips together in a dance called a kiss. But few people know at least something about what they mean from a psychological point of view.

So, we all remember our first kiss. Many of us have pleasant and fond memories of this event. Now let's try to remember exactly how the very guy to whom you gave this kiss kissed. What kind of person was he: passionate, gentle or brutal and very defiant? No one could have thought that the origins of psychology touched even this intimate foreplay. Therefore, according to psychologists, you can determine his inner world by the way a guy kisses.

Psychology of a kiss

Curious facts about kissing

Plato more than once wrote his treatises on the topic of what moves people during a passionate kiss. He was even able to come up with his own personal theory about the origin of the kiss itself. This theory of Plato said that initially a person resembled an ordinary ball, which had two arms, legs and the same number of heads, which were divided into female and male. By its nature, this spherical creature was distinguished by enormous self-esteem and arrogance. It was for this reason that the ball-man greatly angered the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, who at that time owned the whole world and whose name was Zeus. So Zeus decided to punish this creature and divided it into female and male halves. Thus separating them. And, oddly enough, only a kiss could unite these two halves of the male and feminine in one whole. This is how, according to Pluto, this cute activity was born.

Nowadays, according to statistics, most boys and girls kiss for the first time at the age of thirteen or fourteen years. And, oddly enough, the Germans are considered the most loving kissers in the whole world. They are the ones who can kiss two or three times a day, kissing each other on the cheek.

Myths about the kiss

There are a huge number of myths about kissing, some of which we decided to introduce you to. By the way, not all of these myths have been confirmed or refuted. So, for example, scientists from the USA have put forward their theory, which states that those people who kiss very often live five years longer than those who deny themselves this pleasant activity. This is explained by the fact that during the process of kissing, the human body produces a huge amount of so-called neuropeptides that can destroy various bacteria and microbes. So, during a kiss, a person’s immunity is strengthened quite well.

Another myth says that a kiss can burn a significant number of calories in the human body. This is due to the fact that during a passionate kiss, about thirty-four muscles are used, which burns about twelve calories and this is in just three minutes of kissing.

In addition to the advantages of a kiss, opinions also complain about its harm. For example, it is generally accepted that when people kiss, they exchange a huge number of different microbes. But many are silent about the fact that during this process a person receives 0.7 milligrams of protein, 0.7 milligrams of fat, 0.4 milligrams of salts, 0.16 milligrams of secretions and 60 milligrams of water. But there’s nothing to add about infection here. By the way, it is worth noting the fact that human saliva contains special enzymes. They are the ones who are able to fight various microbes. Plus, saliva contains the so-called androsterone, which is responsible for human sexual arousal.

The meaning of kisses

The next time you kiss your loved one, pay attention to how they do it. Here are some examples of kisses, which are described from a psychological point of view.

Intense kiss. The guy is trying to take your lips by storm, digging into them and choking with passion. Such a kiss resembles a passionate attack. Its meaning in psychology, according to doctors, is that you won’t see a bright future with such a man, and your romance with him will be very short.

Dry kiss. The guy kisses very dryly and restrainedly. His lips are in a calm state, and you get the feeling that he wants to kiss you, but does not do it. these men are considered very reliable and good life partners. True, there is one drawback: the concept of romance is absolutely alien to these men.

A kiss called "bracket". During such a kiss, the guy tries to press his whole body against you. He constantly hugs you and tries to show you with his gestures how much he wants to feel you. Such a representative of the stronger sex differs from the rest in that he will be a faithful betrothed and an excellent husband.

A kiss called fireworks. This type of kiss includes a whole rain of small kisses, and during the main kiss on the lips, the man can suck and bite them. Sometimes you may get the feeling that a guy chooses a new technique for a kiss every time. According to psychologists, such men are excellent lovers and very unfaithful husbands.

In the life of each of us, there comes a moment when personal relationships become not just friendship, but relationships between the sexes. The very first note of such a relationship is an ordinary kiss on the cheek, or a smack, whatever they call it. This kiss has a lot of hidden properties and a lot of hidden meanings that not everyone knows, but those who know use them to their advantage.

What is a kiss on the cheek and how should it be done? A kiss on the cheek is something not yet intimate, but already of an exclusively personal nature. In ancient times, only truly close, necessary people were kissed on the cheek. Today, the main meaning of this kiss is the abbreviation TMN, which stands for: I need/need you. Psychologists from all over the world unanimously say that it is the need in a person that this kiss symbolizes, and the need is not physical, but spiritual. There are many interesting legends associated with a kiss on the cheek that are known throughout the world. But how to kiss correctly? There are a few simple rules, the observance of which will impress both the guy and the girl.

The first and simplest rule concerns surprise. A kiss on the cheek should be unnoticeable, slightly unexpected. Do it unexpectedly and with tenderness. You will be surprised by the reaction of your significant other.

The second rule concerns your lips. In case you are a guy. they should be dry, not damp, not cracked, but dry. By touching a woman's delicate skin with such lips, you will make such a pleasant impression on her that she will remember it for more than one day. If you are a girl, then you need to get colorless lipstick. Guys, of course, will put up with everything, but scrubbing lipstick off your skin is not a pleasant thing.

The third rule concerns your breathing. It must be fresh. Never kiss each other if you ate herring or dumplings an hour before. Even the most gentle kiss can easily and permanently spoil bad smell because of the mouth.

The fourth rule is also very easy to follow. Nice smell should come not only from your mouth, but also from your body, things. Don't pour a huge amount on yourself eau de toilette. It will irritate the nose not only of you, but of everyone around you. A few drops, and a light, subtle aroma will spread from you throughout the area.

As for the rules for the perfect cheek kiss, that's it.

Now let's move on to the situation. By kissing each other in a calm atmosphere, you conclude on a psychological level that you need each other. If the kiss turned out to be completely spontaneous, then the person you kissed really needs you. This conclusion was made by your brain on a subconscious level.

If you kissed her on the cheek in public, then you are letting your significant other know that you are not ashamed of her and want to be with her all the time. Your soul mate makes these conclusions without even noticing. Instinct and that says it all. Now about the technique of the kiss itself. You were perfectly prepared and chose the most opportune moment. Now comes the fun part. Wait until your significant other is distracted by something, and then kiss. How? yes quite simple. Close your lips with a tube, touch your cheek and slightly suck it into yourself, just a little, after which, after waiting a second, you can safely break away from each other. Under no circumstances should you bite, lick your cheek, etc. All this can leave a huge negative imprint on the memory of each of you.

That's probably all that needs to be said about a kiss on the cheek. Follow these simple rules, and everyone will dream about your tender kisses.