Oatmeal for the face - proven recipes for the most effective masks. Oatmeal face mask - recipes for masks, oatmeal for face washing and peeling Why is an oatmeal face mask useful?

Oatmeal will help maintain youth and natural beauty of the face. Oatmeal and flour will perfectly cope with inflammation, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and increase tissue elasticity. Oatmeal face mask– a natural cosmetic product with a rejuvenating, healing and soothing effect.

Oatmeal is useful not only in food, but also as part of face masks

Benefits of oatmeal for skin

Oatmeal is incredibly beneficial for the face thanks to the various healing components included in the cereal. The product is relevant for any skin type and is used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the epidermis.

Table “Composition and beneficial properties”

Useful materialHealing effect
B vitaminsThe concentration of ceramides and fatty acids increases, due to which skin pigmentation decreases and it lightens. Epidermal cells are moisturized and excessive dryness is eliminated
Vitamin EProtects the face from the harmful effects of the external environment, reduces the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet radiation
Sulfur, magnesium, silicon, beta-glucanSlow down age-related changes, smooth out facial and age wrinkles, increase skin firmness and elasticity
IronMoisturizes the skin, saturates it with oxygen and nutrients
ZincCleanses facial pores, removes toxic substances from tissues, increases skin regenerating abilities
ManganeseIt has a healing effect, helps epidermal cells quickly recover after burns and injuries. Fights inflammation, reduces tissue swelling, redness and irritation

Oatmeal masks are a universal cosmetic product that does not cause allergic reactions and has no side effects.

How to choose the right oatmeal?

For masks, it is best to buy ordinary inexpensive oatmeal - they have retained all their healing properties. The disadvantage of using them is the cooking time, which takes up to an hour. Although instant oatmeal softens in a few minutes under the influence of hot water and has a mild scrubbing effect, it has lost many of its medicinal properties after undergoing processing.

Results before and after using a mask with soda

Lemon mask with anti-inflammatory effect

Add 5 ml of lemon juice and tea tree extract to the finished oatmeal. Apply the product with massaging movements, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Gentle cleansing mask

In a mortar, lightly crush 2 tbsp. l. flakes until you get medium-sized grains. Pour ¼ cup of kefir and 10 ml of liquid honey into the raw materials, mix. The beauty session begins with cleansing the skin - rub the healing mixture into problem areas with your fingertips. After massaging your face for 3 minutes, evenly distribute the remaining mask and leave for a quarter of an hour, taking a lying position. Washing with cold water at the end of the session will help enhance the effect of the cosmetic product.

Moisturizing mask

Pour 1 tbsp into the oatmeal base. l. soft cottage cheese and 1 tsp. fresh apple puree. Lubricate your face with the mixture, and after 30 minutes wash with warm water. To tighten the face, add orange juice (1 tbsp) to the recipe, and to soften the epidermis - 1 tsp. sour cream (milk).

Firming mask for aging skin

Whisk 1 yolk and 10 drops of vegetable oil (peach or olive). Pour the mixture into the oatmeal base and bring to a homogeneous consistency. Take a comfortable position and smoothly distribute the beneficial mixture evenly on your face. Close your eyes and lie down for 25 minutes. The procedure is completed by washing with mineral water and applying anti-aging cream.

Kefir mask for oily skin

Pour kefir over the flakes and leave for 30 minutes. Apply the resulting oatmeal in a thick layer to the skin and leave for at least half an hour. Remove the mask using a cotton pad and water, then wash, pat your face with a towel and apply lotion.

Before and after using kefir mask with oatmeal

Oatmeal with protein to tighten pores

Mix the white of 1 egg with 1 tbsp. l. steamed flakes, 10 ml lemon juice and puree half an apple. Place the paste on a paper towel and place it on your face. Within 20 minutes, the components of the mask gradually and evenly penetrate the pores, saturating the dermis with beneficial vitamins and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Sessions should be carried out for 2 days in a row with a similar break.

Softening mask with oatmeal and honey

Mix honey, oatmeal base, olive oil and sour cream in equal proportions (1 tsp each). Lubricate the forehead, temple area, chin and nose with the prepared mixture. Do not touch the skin near the eyes, but massage the areas near the lips a little while applying the mask. It is better to rinse off the product with circular movements - this will help improve blood microcirculation. Do not overuse the scrub, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the epidermis.

An oatmeal mask with honey will make your skin much softer

Whitening mask

Add pink clay to the steamed oatmeal in a ratio of 1:1 (1 tablespoon each), squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the mixture. Combine the thick mass with water to achieve a liquid consistency. Apply the mask with massage movements, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water. Number of whitening sessions per week – 2.

Oatmeal and milk mask with exfoliating effect

Pour oatmeal (1 tbsp) with ¼ cup of hot milk. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to apply the mask warm. This will help to gently remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis and increase blood circulation in the tissues. Repeat the procedure every 3 days.

Night mask for face lifting and discoloration of age spots

Brew oatmeal (1 tbsp) with linden decoction (1 tsp of inflorescences per glass of boiling water), let it swell. Pour 7 drops of olive oil into a paste of homogeneous consistency and stir. Apply with quick movements with moderate pressure on the skin in order to better absorb nutrients into soft tissues.

A night mask will get rid of age spots in a few sessions

Universal nourishing mask

Oatmeal base in the amount of 1 tsp. Mix with 2 tsp. banana pulp and peach pulp, pour in 10 ml of honey. Massaging your face in a circular motion, apply the mask, avoiding the eyelid area. After 15 minutes, wash with chamomile decoction at room temperature.

It is better to prepare the base for any mask immediately before the procedure. This will allow you to get the maximum effect from the product. Do not overuse the procedures: scrub masks every 4 days, nourishing and moisturizing masks every other day, rejuvenating and whitening masks at intervals of 2-3 days.

Today we are talking about the benefits of an oatmeal face mask. We will discuss the frequency of use, as well as recommendations for selection and use. And a variety of effective homemade oatmeal recipes with the addition of various ingredients will help get rid of acne, blackheads and wrinkles.


Benefits of oatmeal face masks

The benefits of this cereal are invaluable both as food and as a body and face care product.

What is the essence of the healing effect? In fact, it simply contains a storehouse of nutrients and valuable microelements. As a food, it is useful because it contains fiber and “long-lasting” carbohydrates, which fill you up for a long time. It also cleanses the body of toxins.

Since, first of all, beauty depends on what we take in food, but also for the manufacture of cosmetics.

Hercules cleanses not only from the outside, but also from the inside, this has been known since ancient times. Also, oatmeal porridge restores water balance and relieves irritation in the form of peeling and rashes.

The crushed and steamed mixture of rolled oats serves well as a scrub, erasing the stratum corneum of the dermis. A mask made from this cereal is also valuable because it is suitable for both sebaceous and sebum.

Selection and rules for using oatmeal

First of all, no instant cereals! Due to strong processing, it loses many of its natural valuable qualities, such as exfoliating properties. This instant porridge should not be used either for food or for making masks. Only unpolished whole grains without any additives are suitable.

How to make a face mask from oatmeal

Almost all recipes are based on whole, unprocessed cereal, as well as flour ground in a blender. When mixing it with other components, it should be remembered that excessive heat treatment has a bad effect on the quality of nutrients.

How often to make an oatmeal mask

Frequent use of a mask from this mixture may not have a bad effect on the dermis, but it will not increase effectiveness. However, if you use Hercules products in courses, that is, several times a week for a certain time, the effectiveness will increase.

Recipes for homemade oatmeal masks

Rolled oatmeal fights well against problems such as acne, dull skin, enlarged and stretched pores, swelling, as well as dryness and.

Oatmeal and honey mask


  1. Oatmeal – 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  4. Jojoba oil – 1 tsp.
  5. Almond oil – 1 tsp.

Preparation: You need to make flour from rolled oats. To do this, you will need to grind it in a blender. Afterwards, you can add lemon juice and oils to the oatmeal and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Application: Apply the mixture layer by layer, then leave for a quarter of an hour to absorb. Afterwards, rinse off the product with green tea, then with plain water.

Result: This mixture has a wonderful rejuvenating effect. It refreshes the dermis and regulates water balance.

Oatmeal is an effective facial skin care product.

Oatmeal mask for wrinkles after 30 years


  1. Milk - a third of a glass.
  2. Oatmeal – 5 tbsp. l.
  3. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Grind the oatmeal in a blender, then pour it with milk and leave to swell. Once the mixture has risen, add lemon juice.

Application: This product is designed to last for a long time, so wait about half an hour after application.

Result: Even after a single use, the effect is obvious, and if you use the mixture in courses, the rejuvenating effect is obvious. Lemon juice tones and energizes, and milk softens the harsh effect of citrus.

For wrinkles after 40 years


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Natural sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Water - about half a glass.

Preparation: Pour boiled water over the oatmeal, then add sour cream.

Application: Apply the sour cream and oatmeal onto the dermis and hold it, after a third of an hour you can wash it off with green tea.

Result: This mixture fantastically tones the dermis and gives it elasticity.

For wrinkles after 50 years


  1. Oatmeal – 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Avocado is a quarter of the fruit.
  3. Beer - about 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Hercules needs to be ground into flour, then poured with beer. Mash the avocado into a pulp with a spoon, then add it to the flour and beer mixture.

Application: Apply the composition to cleansed and steamed skin before bed, leave for a quarter of an hour to absorb. The mixture should then be removed with green tea.

Result: The product perfectly moisturizes, so it is ideal for aging dermis that needs additional nourishment. Since the mixture is rich in natural lipids, it nourishes and fills the dermis with strength from the inside.

Oatmeal mask


  1. Oatmeal – 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Orange – ½ pc.
  3. Liquid honey – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Mix the oatmeal already ground into flour with orange juice squeezed from half the fruit. Then add honey to the mixture, mix thoroughly until smooth.

Application: A quarter of an hour is enough for the desired effect. Apply a thick layer, then rinse with green tea.

Result: This mask is an extra remedy in cases where the dermis needs to be put in order very quickly. It will allow you to look your best if you are sorely short of time to get ready.

Oatmeal for acne


  1. Oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Baking soda – ¾ tsp.
  3. Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
  4. Kefir – 1 tsp.

Preparation: You need to mix the juice with kefir. Mix oatmeal and baking soda separately. Then combine the two compositions and mix until the consistency becomes homogeneous.

Application: The product is potent, so a quarter of an hour is enough for global cleansing and disinfection of pores and inflammation.

Result: Soda, coupled with the acidic environment of lemon juice, forms a powerful cleansing composition, the aggression of which is softened by kefir and oatmeal. It’s as if it cleans the pores from the inside with a brush and disinfects all layers of the dermis.

Oatmeal for blackheads


  1. Oatmeal – 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Water - half a glass.
  3. Blue clay – 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Pour boiled water over oatmeal, then add clay and juice to it, stir.

Application: The product should be applied to problem areas where the dermis is the most greasy and where the pores are stretched and contaminated the most.

Result: Lemon juice is an excellent remedy against problematic and sebaceous dermis, and together with clay the effect will be the most complete.

Oatmeal for face lift


  1. Oatmeal – 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Salt – ¼ tsp.
  3. Kefir – 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: All components must be combined and mixed until smooth, that is, until lumps and unevenness are eliminated.

Application: Apply to previously cleansed dermis and leave for about half an hour. Remove with gentle massage movements.

Result: Elasticity and softness of the face are ensured due to the gentle and nutritious effect of honey.

Oatmeal Purifying Mask

This mask tightens pores and cleanses the skin.


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  3. Milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Grind the oatmeal into flour, then mix with milk until smooth, squeeze lemon juice into the mixture.

Application: Apply a thick layer and keep on your face for about half an hour. Stay still and rest during this time to prevent the mixture from spreading.

Result: The mixture helps improve skin tone, better metabolism in the dermis, cleanses pores and improves complexion. Milk softens the harsh cleansing effect of lemon.

Rejuvenating oatmeal mask


  1. Orange – 1 pc.
  2. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Peach – 1 pc.
  4. Milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Grind the oatmeal into flour, then squeeze out the juices of both fruits and mix everything until smooth.

Application: Apply and keep the healing mixture for about half an hour on the cleansed and steamed dermis.

Result: The mask fights against sagging and aging of the skin. Peach and orange juice will nourish you with vitamins and microelements from the inside and have a mild tonic effect.

Moisturizing oatmeal mask


  1. Chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.
  2. Chopped oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l.
  3. Honey – 1 tsp.
  4. Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Beat the egg yolk, add butter and honey to it, beat until smooth. Slowly add oatmeal and stir until the mixture has a consistency similar to sour cream.

Application: Apply to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off as usual. Procedures should be done twice a week for greater effect.

Result: This mask smoothes, gives hydration and tone. It helps especially well with fading and looseness of the dermis.

For aging skin


  1. Hercules flakes – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Milk – 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Carrot juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Coconut oil – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Grind the flakes into flour. Separately, heat the coconut oil a little in a water bath, mix it with flour, then pour in the milk and stir. Then pour carrot juice into the mixture.

Application: Apply the mixture onto a clean face layer by layer until it thickly covers the entire face except the area around the eyes. Remove the mask from your face when it dries.

Result: The product will have the best effect on the complexion, make the dermis smooth, and fill it with vitamins. You can forget about looking tired!

For dry skin from oatmeal


  1. Rolled oats – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.
  3. Grapeseed oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Beat the yolk separately, then mix it with the whole flakes. Then add oil to the rolled-egg mixture and stir until it becomes homogeneous and suitable for application.

Application: Apply a thick layer with massage movements and leave to soak for a third of an hour, after which the healing mixture can be washed off.

Result: The mask carefully removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis, promotes cell regeneration and restoration.

Do you use face masks?

Oh yeahNo

For oily skin


  1. Rolled oats – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Chicken egg white – 1 pc.
  3. Lemon juice – 2 tsp.

Preparation: Beat the egg whites until foamy in a separate bowl. Grind the cereal in a blender and add to the egg, then add a drop of juice. Mix until smooth.

Application: Apply in stages, in layers: when the first one dries, apply the second one and so on. Afterwards, keep it for about a quarter of an hour.

Result: The protein will vacuum out all the impurities from the pores, the lemon will slightly cauterize emerging inflammations, and the oatmeal will soften the harsh effect and give it a velvety feel.

For combination skin


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Honey – 1 tsp.
  3. Natural low-fat yogurt – 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Preparation: Mix whole flakes with yogurt, let absorb and swell, then stir until smooth. Add oil and honey there and stir again.

Application: Apply in layers, then leave to soak for a quarter of an hour, this time will be enough.

Result: This mask will do an excellent job with both the sebaceous area of ​​the face and the normal one, since thanks to yogurt the cleansing effect will not be aggressive for the dermis, and it will not dry out, while the pores will be cleared of impurities.

Oatmeal and kefir mask


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Liquid honey – 1 tsp.
  3. A pinch of salt.
  4. Kefir – 3 tbsp. l.

Preparation: All components must be combined and mixed thoroughly. There is no need to grind the oatmeal, as the whole flakes will serve as a sort of solid component for the scrub.

Application: Apply to face with light massaging movements. One minute is enough to exfoliate, after which you can leave the mixture for five minutes and rinse.

Result: The mixture will renew the dermis, remove dead cells, give a second wind and normalize sebum production.

Oatmeal and banana mask

The effect of the oatmeal-banana mask is felt immediately


  1. Banana - half of the fruit.
  2. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Grind the cereal into flour, mash the banana into porridge and mix with oatmeal. Then pour in the milk and mix everything together.

Application: You can also apply the mask to the neck, having previously cleansed and steamed the dermis. Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour and rinse off.

Result: Banana is valuable because it contains potassium, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, effective against acne and its marks. It is also rich in vitamin C, which promotes enhanced hydration, and milk helps block aging.

Oatmeal and baking soda mask


  1. Baking soda – 1 tsp.
  2. Oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Water - depending on consistency.

Preparation: You need to mix whole grains and soda, then add water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Application: Apply in gentle circular movements to previously cleansed dermis, then leave for ten minutes.

Result: Baking soda literally, like a brush, washes dirt out of pores and gets rid of ulcers and rashes. Oatmeal will soften the aggressive “cauterization” effect, so the result will be both obvious and soft.

Oatmeal and milk mask


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Ground rosemary – 1 tsp.
  3. Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  4. – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Pour milk over the cereal and let it brew for a while. Then add cinnamon and rosemary, and mix everything thoroughly.

Application: Apply with massage circular movements, then leave to dry and absorb for a third of an hour.

Result: This mixture is excellent for caring for normal epidermis and maintaining water balance.

Oatmeal and sour cream mask


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
  3. Sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Grind the oatmeal in a blender, then mix it with juice and sour cream.

Application: You need to massage with this mixture, then rinse everything off with cool green tea.

Result: Perfect for sebaceous dermis, as the mask cleanses and tones the balance of water and sebum.

Oatmeal and egg mask


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Egg white – 1 pc.
  3. Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation: The protein must be well and thoroughly beaten until foamy, then pour the oil into it. Grind the flakes in a blender, then mix the flour with the egg and butter.

Application: Apply the mask to a clean face and leave for about a quarter of an hour, preferably lying in a horizontal, motionless position.

Result: Protein is valuable because it is a storehouse of vitamins and proteins, and also tightens and tightens pores, washing out all impurities from them, and olive oil is a powerful antioxidant and vitamin cocktail.

Oatmeal mask


  1. Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Watermelon pulp – 100 g.
  3. Honey – 1 tsp.
  4. Homemade cream – 1 tsp.

Preparation: You can make oatmeal yourself.

  • to do this, you first need to soak the cereal for a day in water, which needs to be changed regularly in periods of six hours;
  • then you need to dry the flakes in the oven at about one hundred degrees;
  • You can grind the grains in a blender.

Oatmeal must be mixed with all other ingredients until smooth.

Application: It is enough to spread the mixture onto the dermis layer by layer and leave for a third of an hour.

Result: Oatmeal is simply a salvation against pigmentation after acne, and also fights pigment spots and freckles. The mask also eliminates oily shine, so it is suitable for teenagers, and at the same time smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Oatmeal without a doubt can be considered one of the most useful products given by nature. However, its benefits are not limited to nutrition - it is also an excellent cosmetic product. Oatmeal has been used for centuries to improve the condition of hair, cleanse and nourish the entire body, and soften rough skin on the heels. But it was most widely used in facial care.

You can make a variety of products from oatmeal, suitable for everyone and age. An oatmeal face mask prepared with additional ingredients will help solve skin problems - get rid of acne, smooth out wrinkles, moisturize or, conversely, dry the dermis, and eliminate oily shine. The scrub will gently cleanse the skin, and the decoction for washing will make it smooth and velvety.

How does oatmeal affect the skin?

The secret of the beneficial effect of oatmeal on the skin lies in its unique composition. This wonderful product is rich in vitamins, microelements, amino acids, minerals, starch and other beneficial substances. Therefore, products containing oatmeal moisturize and nourish the skin well. In addition, they have the following effects on the skin:

  • rejuvenate;
  • get rid of small wrinkles;
  • restore elasticity and tone;
  • relieve inflammation, eliminate acne and small pimples;
  • accelerate regeneration;
  • contribute to the disappearance of acne marks;
  • improve color and slightly whiten;
  • slows down sebum production and eliminates oily shine

Let's take a closer look at how you can use oatmeal at home.

Oatmeal face wash

The easiest way to use oatmeal for facial care is to wash your face. Despite its simplicity, this procedure has many advantages. Washing with oatmeal cleanses pores, relieves inflammation and irritation, and makes the skin smooth and pleasant to the touch. This cleansing method is ideal for skin that is sensitive to cosmetics. It will also be useful for combination and oily dermis. Washing will solve the problem of enlarged pores and get rid of acne and blackheads.

Prepare oatmeal for washing your face as follows:

  1. Grind the oatmeal, this can be done using a coffee grinder or meat grinder.
  2. Place the resulting mass in an airtight container, such as a jar, plastic container or tin box.
  3. Every time you are going to wash your face, take a handful of crushed flakes, moisten them in your hand with water and gently massage the mixture over your face.
  4. After this, massage your skin very lightly and rinse it with clean water.

Oatmeal for washing can be used in other ways. For example, like this: pour boiling water over the flakes, wait until they swell, then place the mass in gauze and squeeze out the slimy liquid. Apply the resulting liquid to your face, rub and rinse with water. This method of washing is suitable for very sensitive and damaged skin.

Oatmeal scrubs

Oatmeal is great for exfoliating the skin. It gently, without damaging or irritating the skin, deeply cleanses pores, eliminates dead cells and peeling. Oatmeal scrub without additives can be used for all skin types. All that is needed to prepare it is to take a handful of flakes and lightly moisten them in water. To enhance the effect, you can add additional ingredients to oatmeal:

  • Scrub with rice and oatmeal for oily skin. Mix equal amounts of rice and oatmeal flakes and then grind them using a coffee grinder. Dilute two tablespoons of the resulting mixture with a small amount of yogurt or kefir. Apply the mixture to a moistened face and lightly massage the skin.
  • Almond scrub for deep cleansing. Grind a spoonful of almonds in a mortar or blender. Then combine with the same amount of oatmeal flakes, a teaspoon of honey and aloe juice.
  • Salt scrub for all skin types. Mix a spoonful of oatmeal with a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil (for dry skin), kefir or yogurt (for oily skin).
  • Scrub for delicate skin. Beat the egg white, then combine it with a spoonful of honey and chopped oatmeal. If the mixture is not thick enough, add more oatmeal.

Whitening mask

Combine chopped oatmeal, pink clay and lemon juice in equal proportions. Then add a little water to the mixture. After all the manipulations, you should end up with a mass whose consistency resembles gruel or thick sour cream. Apply it to the skin and keep it until dry.

Mask for mixed skin types

This product cleanses pores well, tones the skin and makes it matte. To prepare it, combine half a spoon of apple cider vinegar, a spoon of low-fat sour cream and two spoons of oatmeal.

Nourishing oatmeal mask

This product not only nourishes the skin well, but also has a slight whitening effect and smoothes out wrinkles. To prepare it, mix equal amounts of wheat germ oil, honey, natural yogurt and oatmeal.

Mask for sensitive and dry skin

Place a spoonful of ground oatmeal in a bowl or cup and pour hot milk over it. When the flakes swell, add a spoonful of carrot juice and a couple of drops of vitamin A. Stir the mixture until smooth and apply to your face.

Oatmeal mask for acne

In addition, this mask works well against blackheads and acne. To prepare it, combine a spoonful of oatmeal flakes with the same amount of soda, mix, and then pour a spoonful of peroxide over it. If the mixture comes out too thick, add water to it. Apply the mixture and leave it on for ten minutes, then lightly massage the skin and remove it with clean water.

In addition to its nutritional benefits, oatmeal has proven effective in combating signs of skin aging. An oatmeal face mask is good for its versatility; it is suitable for literally all skin types.

The nutritional benefits of oatmeal have been discussed many times, but recently cosmetic products and masks with oatmeal have become increasingly popular, because now the topic of natural cosmetics is more relevant than ever.

Hercules products usually come in several types:

  • Masks using oatmeal;
  • Products where oatmeal acts as cleansing particles (in home scrubs);
  • Masks with cooked oatmeal.

Oatmeal mask - what are the benefits for facial skin?

It is difficult to find a more economical and so versatile and effective mask. Oatmeal is available to everyone these days and, moreover, the results of its use both internally and externally are said to be noticeable. Inside, it cleanses the body of impurities and toxins, fills us with energy, and outside it nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses again.

  1. Zinc tightens pores and eliminates wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and silky.

  2. Selenium has an antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process, and helps maintain skin elasticity.

  3. Manganese promotes the healing of small cracks and eliminates inflammation on the skin.

Effect of masks with flakes:

  • Nourish the skin
  • Tone
  • Revitalize and give natural radiance
  • Cleanses pores
  • Fight acne
  • Stimulate cell regeneration
  • Gently exfoliates the skin, ridding it of the burden of dead cells

Due to its unique properties, oatmeal masks combined with additional ingredients can solve many skin problems and are suitable for any type.

Oatmeal face mask - how to prepare and apply correctly

So, cereal masks are made from both flour and cooked oatmeal. The flakes are simply doused with boiling water or boiled milk, left until the porridge has cooled, then the necessary ingredients are added depending on the type and needs of the skin.

Using an oatmeal mask - practical tips

  • It is important not to let the mask cool completely - when warm, it will open and cleanse the pores, and the effect will be much better than using a cold mask.
  • The mask should always be applied to a cleansed face, but for a better effect, it is recommended to pre-steam the face. This way, the pores will open and the skin will more easily absorb all the nutrients.
  • Oatmeal masks are left for 15-20 minutes.

Before preparing an oatmeal face mask, you need to determine what kind of skin you have and the purpose of the mask. What results are you expecting? The choice of the right additional ingredients for the mask depends on this:

  • For dry skin Caring oils, honey or sour cream, and also avocado are suitable.
  • For oily skin- lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, soda.
  • To nourish the skin- yolk, vitamins A and E in oil, milk or yogurt.
  • For acne-prone skin– decoctions of herbs, proteins,,, nettle.

Indications for use:

An oatmeal mask, depending on additional ingredients, is recommended if:

  • The skin is dry - especially if you add yolk, cream or sour cream, butter and olive oil to the oatmeal.
  • Sensitive skin - oatmeal gently cleanses and nourishes without causing irritation, it acts more gently than any other product.
  • Oily facial skin - a base of oatmeal in water with lemon, baking soda, green tea or herbal decoction will remove oily shine and inflammation.
  • Aging skin – oatmeal has long been known for its rejuvenating properties. A rolled oats mask will make your skin firmer and more elastic.


In its pure form, an oatmeal mask has no contraindications. It acts carefully and very gently while remaining one of the most effective facial skin care products.

However, you should always be careful when choosing additional ingredients for a mask. Firstly, you should always check the finished mask for possible allergic reactions. Secondly, always consider your skin before adding any ingredient. For example, lemon juice is contraindicated for sensitive skin. No matter how many pseudo-experts wrote, sour cream is not recommended for oily faces, low-fat yogurt is better, etc.

Oatmeal face mask - the best mask recipes

Some store-bought masks are really good and do the job, but you usually have to try hundreds of different ones to find the one that works for you. At the same time, natural masks prepared at home are affordable, pleasant and also very effective.

While searching for the best recipes for face masks made from oatmeal, I found some of the simplest and most effective:

Basic mask for all skin types

  • A few spoons of oatmeal are poured with boiling water and left to cool naturally. The mask should be of medium thickness, so that it does not drip, but is also convenient to apply.

Milk for normal and sensitive skin

  • Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk to 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly, preferably with a mixer. The mask is ready, but you can add some ingredients depending on your skin type. For dry, for example, a teaspoon of olive or pumpkin seed oil , liquid honey For fatty women - kefir or grapefruit juice.

With cocoa rejuvenating

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal or oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Pour the mixture with warm milk, stirring constantly until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mask to a cleansed face, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Video recipe for a mask with oatmeal for oily skin:

With green tea for aging skin

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with the same amount of matcha green tea powder. Add warm milk and mix thoroughly. Leave the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The antioxidant and rejuvenating properties of green tea and the nutrition that oatmeal gives to the skin will increase skin elasticity and eliminate fine wrinkles.

With clay for different skin types

  • Add 2 tablespoons of ground flakes to warm milk and mix thoroughly. Add 1 heaping spoonful of clay depending on skin type and needs. For oily skin - green, for dry skin - red, for cleansing - blue, for all skin types - white. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Mask for oily skin with calendula decoction

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of ground flakes with warm calendula decoction until the desired consistency is obtained. This mask will gently cleanse the skin and get rid of acne.

Vitamin with honey

  • Mix ground oatmeal, honey, yogurt and olive oil in equal proportions. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A and E in the oil. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, remove any remaining oil with a napkin. This procedure will make the complexion even, the skin will become velvety and elastic.

Masks for dry skin

  • With yolk. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and make a soft paste, add egg yolk, stir.
  • With and honey. Add a teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of liquid honey to the basic mask (2 tablespoons of flakes + boiling water).
  • With caring oils. Add 1 spoon of your favorite oil to the basic oatmeal mask; it can be olive, grape, peach, or avocado oil.

Masks for oily skin

  • With kefir and lemon. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of kefir, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask removes oily shine, cleanses and whitens.
  • With protein and lemon. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with the beaten white of one chicken egg, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask is applied to a cleansed face and left for 15 minutes. You need to wash it off with cool water.

As you've probably seen, an oatmeal face mask has every chance of becoming your favorite, you just have to find some free time and try it.

Video: how to use oatmeal for beauty

This is interesting:

If the skin is far from perfect, and there is no desire or opportunity to use modern cosmetics, then the well-known oatmeal can become a faithful assistant. Women of ancient times created homemade masks based on this product. In this way they coped with many skin defects, which helped them remain beautiful and young for many years. Masks made from oatmeal are still popular among followers of natural cosmetics. After all, this is an inexpensive but very effective facial skin care product.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oatmeal is an absolutely natural product that is a source of vitamins and microelements. Thanks to their complex effects, they have an amazing effect on the skin. What active substances are oatmeal so rich in?

  • They contain beta-glucan, a powerful stimulator of skin self-healing. It saturates the skin with moisture, protects it from ultraviolet radiation, and promotes the production of glycoproteins and collagen. All this has a positive effect on the condition of the skin - protective mechanisms are improved, firmness and elasticity increases by an order of magnitude, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Due to the described properties, beta-glucan is widely used in the cosmetic industry.
  • Vitamins have an equally important effect on skin health. “Hercules” contains vitamin A, E and B vitamins. Retinol quickly heals microtraumas of the skin; tocopherol neutralizes the destructive effects of free radicals and relieves inflammation from the skin; B vitamins help prevent age spots, maintain skin's natural moisture and boost immunity.
  • Oatmeal also contains a high content of microelements such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, chromium, silicon, and zinc. They are incredibly beneficial for the skin because they support its structure and tone, eliminate acne, and improve complexion.

Indications and contraindications for oatmeal face masks

Knowing how oatmeal acts on the skin of the face, it becomes easy to determine in which cases it will be most useful. This natural miracle product is a must-have in the arsenal of those with skin:

  • prone to acne;
  • needs additional hydration and nutrition;
  • suffers from oily shine;
  • lost firmness and elasticity.

In other words, “Hercules” is a universal product and is suitable for caring for all skin types.

As for contraindications, we can say that if you use oatmeal in its pure form, it will not cause any harm. You only need to be careful when the mask contains auxiliary ingredients. Therefore, before you start using this or that mask, you should definitely do an allergy test. It is very simple to do: apply a small amount of the substance to the area of ​​the wrist or elbow and watch how the skin reacts to it. If after 2 hours there is no itching or redness, you can safely begin health procedures.

Features of using oat masks

Festive video recipe:

In order to get maximum results from masks, you need to know and follow a few simple but quite important rules:

  • The first thing you need to do is cleanse your facial skin of dirt and makeup residues.
  • Then place a hot compress on the cleansed skin and leave it for 2-3 minutes. To make a compress you will need a flannel or terry cloth. It needs to be moistened in hot water or chamomile decoction. This procedure increases the absorption capacity of the skin. It is contraindicated for people with increased facial hair growth, as well as those with dilated blood vessels.
  • Infuse the mixture obtained from the mixed ingredients for 3 to 5 minutes. This time is enough for the oatmeal flakes to swell and absorb the liquid of other components of the homemade cosmetic product.
  • For those with dry skin, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a small layer of nourishing cream before applying the product. But the skin around the eyes must be protected in any case. Apply nourishing cream to the eyelid area and avoid getting the mask on this area.
  • The mask is applied to the prepared skin with light massaging movements in the direction of the massage lines. Hands must be thoroughly washed.

Oatmeal face mask recipes

Oatmeal and aspirin mask

What you will need:

  • vitamin E – 1 capsule;
  • aspirin – 4 tablets;
  • Hercules flakes – 1 tablespoon;
  • hot water - ? glasses.


  • Grind the flakes to flour using a blender or coffee grinder. Then fill them with water and wait 15 minutes.
  • Add vitamin E to the resulting porridge. To do this, carefully pierce the capsule and squeeze out its contents.
  • Combine the resulting mixture with pre-crushed aspirin tablets. Mix everything well.

Spread the mixture over your face in a thin layer. When it is completely dry, rinse it off with plenty of warm, clean water. This mask is great for fighting acne and blackheads. It also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin becomes healthy and acquires an even and matte color.

Oatmeal mask with sour cream and lemon

What you will need:

  • oatmeal – 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream – 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.


  • Combine oatmeal and sour cream in one container. For the mask, it is best to use low-fat sour cream.
  • Next, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture. Mix everything until you obtain a homogeneous paste.

After applying the resulting substance to your facial skin, massage it with your fingertips for 10 minutes. After the specified time, remove any remaining product with cool water. Carrying out this procedure helps remove dead skin cells, saturate it with moisture and nutrients.

Mask with oatmeal and egg white

What you will need:

  • “Hercules” – 1 tablespoon;
  • egg white – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.


  • First, turn your oatmeal into flour.
  • Then add pre-beaten egg white, milk, honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. After thorough mixing, you should get a mass that has a thick and viscous consistency.

Leave the mask on your face for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse it off with slightly warm water. With this product you can significantly reduce existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Also, under its influence, the skin becomes fresher and brighter.

Banana-oat mask

What you will need:

  • oatmeal – 1 tablespoon;
  • banana pulp - 1 tablespoon;
  • hot milk - small amount.


  • Place the main ingredient, that is, oatmeal, in a bowl and pour in milk so that it is completely covered with it. Do not touch the mass for 10 minutes.
  • After the specified time, add fruit pulp to the porridge. Stir the mixture until it is completely smooth.

Leave the product spread over your face for one third of an hour. When its exposure time comes to an end, wash with warm water. The mask gently cleanses the skin and enriches it with nutrients. Particularly relevant for dry skin types.

Mask of oatmeal and calendula infusion

What you will need:

  • dried calendula flowers - 1 tablespoon;
  • Hercules flakes – 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water – 1 cup.


  • First make an herbal infusion. Place the herb in a bowl and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After letting it sit for 30 minutes, strain through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of prepared herbal infusion to the ground flakes. The result should be a mass with a thick consistency that will not spread over your face.

Place the product on your face for 20 minutes. Then use a cotton pad to remove the mixture applied to the skin and wash with cold water. This mask is used to eliminate oily shine caused by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

Oatmeal scrub mask

What you will need:

  • curdled milk – 3 tablespoons;
  • oatmeal – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.


  • Mix the following ingredients together: oatmeal, honey and curdled milk. The last component can be replaced with kefir. Choose kefir based on your skin type. A low-fat product is suitable for oily skin, 3.2% for dry skin, and 2.5% for normal skin.
  • Then add salt to the mixture. For the mask, it is best to use sea salt, which does not contain various additives and impurities. Mix everything well.

Rub the prepared substance into the skin of the face with smooth massaging movements for 1 minute. Pay special attention to problem areas. Once you have finished rubbing in the product, leave it on for another 5-10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash your face with cool water. Using this recipe, you can cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum and get rid of blackheads.

When using homemade cosmetics based on a natural product such as oatmeal, do not forget about regularity. Oatmeal masks will have the greatest effect if you do them 1-2 times a week. Taking this into account, you will quickly get rid of troubling problems and give your skin unprecedented beauty.