What causes a child's head to sweat? Excessive sweating in children. Why does my baby's head sweat when he sleeps? Severe sweating of the head in a baby, what is the disease?

Sweating is a normal physiological process that helps maintain body temperature within certain limits.

Over the course of several years after birth, this function gradually develops, so it is not surprising that the body of young children does not always adequately respond to changes in environmental conditions.

Increased sweating of the head in a child is noticeable in different ways:

  • the appearance of droplets of sweat and a feeling of moisture in the forehead and scalp during feeding, changing clothes, etc.;
  • on a pillow wet with sweat after a night or day sleep.

Sweating can be observed against the background of complete health, or it can be a nonspecific sign various diseases and pathological conditions.

The most common and common reasons

So, most often sweating of the head occurs:

  • due to overheating - if the baby is dressed too warmly or is in a stuffy room;
  • It could all be due to allergies. Not all mothers know that laundry detergents often cause skin irritation. Sweating in in this case is an allergic reaction;
  • the fabrics used to make the children's bedding may be to blame;
  • The reason is... temperament. This applies to very active children. They will excrete large number energy.

We must not forget about the hereditary factor. If a close relative in the family suffers from hyperhidrosis, the child may become covered in sweat from emotional stress, during sleep, etc.

Why does a baby sweat during feeding?

Breast sucking is a significant physical activity, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Therefore, sweating of the head during feeding is a completely normal phenomenon that should not be surprising.

This is especially pronounced in weakened children who have recently suffered from a cold, viral infection or some other disease.

However, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • does the mother have enough milk?
  • whether the breast application technique is performed correctly.

If there is little milk or feeding is technically performed incorrectly, the child experiences double physical stress. This factor makes him sweat a lot.

The situation is similar with bottle-fed babies.

The hole in the nipple may be too small, causing your baby to have to work too hard to get enough.

Try widening the hole a little and observe the child's reaction. If he stops sweating, then you have found the reason!

Sweating during sleep is important for many people

The problem may be caused by the factors described above, i.e.:

  • hot air in the room;
  • overheating due to too warm clothes;
  • using pillows and blankets with artificial fillings;
  • an allergic reaction to the product used to wash bed linen, etc.

Remember - for a healthy rest, the temperature in the bedroom should be within 18-20ºС. To check if your baby is hot, feel his neck.

If it is damp or wet, change to lighter clothing!!!

Try to buy bed linen, textiles and accessories exclusively from natural composition. Washing powders must be hypoallergenic and not irritate delicate skin.

A good tip is to replace the pillow with a diaper folded several times.

Possible factors for sweating of the head during sleep in 3-5 year old children may be features of vegetative nervous system, as well as insufficient physical activity during the daytime.

If you have provided necessary conditions for sleep and wakefulness, and the problem does not disappear, contact your pediatrician.

Qualified diagnostics will help identify the cause of the disorder and begin treatment on time!

When should you contact a pediatrician?

It happens that the cause of sweating of the head in a child is some kind of disease, for example:

  • rickets - currently it is rare, because Both women during pregnancy and infants receive a certain dose of vitamin D. However, if you have any concerns, consult your doctor. If necessary, he will decide to increase the dosage;
  • cystic fibrosis - a typical sign of this pathology is a salty taste and bad smell, caused by the high content of sodium and chlorine ions in the secretion of the sweat glands. If there is no such symptom, there is no cause for concern;
  • intrauterine infections such as toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, etc.;
  • anemia;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, etc.

Respiratory viral infections and colds, both at the beginning and during the recovery period, may also be accompanied by sweating.

It is worth paying attention to whether your legs (in particular the knee bends), arms or the back of your neck are also sweating.

Symptoms that should alert parents:

  • loss or lack of weight gain;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • excessive urination;
  • constant thirst;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pale skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, lethargy, moodiness, etc.

In such cases, it is extremely important to consult a doctor immediately. Careful medical examination and early treatment significantly improves the prognosis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the main cause of sweating of the head in children is overheating of the body. What advice does he give to parents? Watch the video below:

Want to know why children between 3 and 5 years old sweat in their sleep?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, this problem is easy to solve - just maintain the room temperature no higher than 22ºC, buy a humidifier, remove excess blankets and take care of sufficient physical activity.

When new parents experience their baby's head becoming sweaty and wet, it raises concerns and questions. Is this normal? Why does my head sweat a lot when my baby sleeps? Why do my palms sweat during feeding? Do I need treatment? What to do?

A child sweats is normal, but it is important to understand the reasons.

If the baby is sick (cold, teething, allergies), then sweating is a protective reaction, this is how the body fights. Check to see if your doctor has prescribed medications that may cause excessive sweating. To rule out medical health problems (rickets, pathology of the heart or thyroid gland, disorders of the endocrine system, neurological disorders, etc.), consult your doctor.

However, more often the child sweats a lot in a situation not about a serious illness, but about the improper living conditions in which the baby sleeps.

So what causes a baby's head to sweat?

For now, let’s look at the concept of thermoregulation of a child. Thermoregulation- is the body's response to changes in temperature environment: in other words, our body regulates itself (cools or produces more heat) when changes external conditions. Thermoregulation even depends on changes in human posture. Increased sweating also helps remove excess heat from the body through sweat, further cooling the skin.

The reason why a child's head sweats is that the sweat glands are predominantly located in the scalp and neck. Therefore, when checking whether the child is hot, first of all you need to touch the back of the head and neck.

Thermoregulation in children is not yet formed, it is less developed than in adults, so the baby can easily freeze or overheat. At the same time, the body itself cannot cope with helping itself regulate these processes. Overheating or hypothermia is very mildly manifested in children through sweat or trembling. For example, especially in newborns, the body temperature is unstable and they cannot visibly sweat: we will not see beads of sweat on them. This means that young children can easily become cold or overheat if the temperature in their environment changes slightly. Therefore, it is so important not to overheat the baby and make sure that he does not freeze. Heat transfer processes gradually mature by age 7.

What is important to remember?

  • Watch for the first signs of overheating: increased body temperature, redness, heat rash, breast refusal, anxiety. If adults do not notice this and do not change the conditions, and then the baby goes to sleep (as a defensive reaction), then the body temperature will continue to rise. In case of hypothermia, it is easier to help the baby: wrap it up additionally, bring it into a warm room, attach it to the chest, or give a warm drink.

Overheating is dangerous! Especially for children of the first year of life. Studies have shown that the risk of ADHD is many times higher when overheated.

  • It is necessary to maintain a comfortable room temperature- on the recommendation of pediatricians +18-22° C. This is the optimal temperature for the development of the baby (BUT for premature babies it is slightly higher than +24-25° C). It is especially important to control the temperature during the heating season. To monitor the temperature in the room, it is better to place a thermometer next to the crib. Pay attention to maintaining comfortable temperature especially during sleep. If the baby is too hot and stuffy or very cold, he will sleep poorly, wake up often and be capricious.
  • Remember that babies need more supply fresh air than adults. Therefore, do not rely on your feelings when regulating the temperature, but you can observe at what temperature your baby sleeps better.
  • It is important to maintain humidity in the room where the baby is. And do not place the baby's crib near a window or radiator.
  • Choose sleepwear according to the season. With age, the child becomes more mobile and active, which also requires additional ventilation and proper to avoid overheating.
  • It is better to refuse canopies or curtains, remove the sides from a child's bed: firstly, they are even prohibited for sale in some countries, and secondly, they collect dust and interfere with air circulation in the crib area.
  • Sometimes, when overexcited or overtired, there may be increased sweating, this is how the body reacts. Try to avoid such oversaturated moments. Once your baby calms down, watch him as he becomes calmer. Remember the importance of compliance for the age of your baby.
  • It is important to dress your baby correctly both at home and on the go. Pay special attention to clothing while sleeping. Do not put a hat on your head indoors to prevent your baby from overheating. If this is what you prefer for your baby, then it is important to choose it wisely, and also choose the right material.

What should a mother do if her baby is hot?

  • If the room is hot, be sure to ventilate it before going to bed or cool it with air conditioning.
  • If you leave the air conditioner on during sleep, it is important that the air flow does not go directly to where the baby sleeps.
  • Also, while the child is sleeping, you can, if possible, leave the door to the room open and open the window in the kitchen.
  • Adjust battery temperature. If this is not possible, a thick blanket over it can help.
  • If you don’t have a humidifier, to increase humidity you can put jars of water on the shelves (while maintaining safety) and hang a wet towel on the radiator, for example.
  • If you are in a stuffy room and excessive sweating, frequent fluid intake also helps: breast-feeding or water (if complementary foods have already been introduced).
  • You can bathe your baby more often, for example, in extreme heat.

Ambient temperature, especially for children in the first months of life, plays a huge role, affecting their condition, mood and sleep. You can check the nose and hands, but it is better to touch the back of the baby’s head to understand whether there is overheating or hypothermia. The baby will not sleep well if the head sweats or if the moisture in the head bothers him. In such situations, it is better not to worry, but to consult a doctor and ensure comfortable conditions.

Sometimes parents are faced with such a nuisance as excessive night sweats in their child. The baby gets wet in his sleep as soon as he falls asleep, and sometimes parents need to change the baby into different pajamas several times during the night. Naturally, this cannot but worry caring mothers and dad. With the question of whether the child is sick or if they need to treat him with something, they turn to the famous pediatrician and author of books on children’s health, Evgeniy Komarovsky.

About the problem

Night sweats are more common than you might think at first glance. According to statistics, every tenth patient turns to pediatricians with such complaints. In most cases, Komarovsky says, there is no reason to worry.

Sweat glands begin to actively function when the baby is 1 month old. But they are still imperfect and work “in test mode” for up to 4-6 years. It is at this age (from 1 month to 6 years) that most complaints of sweating. As a rule, Komarovsky says, the problem can be easily “outgrown.”

Another feature of children's thermoregulation is that it occurs not so much through the skin, as in adults, but through the lungs during breathing. If the air is too dry or the baby has a disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract, pulmonary breathing is impaired, it is not surprising that he sweats a lot in his sleep.

Sweating is influenced by a lot - both the child’s build (chubby and big children sweat more than thin ones) and temperament (active and especially impressionable children sweat more than calm ones). But the greatest influence is exerted by the atmosphere and microclimate surrounding the child.

Possible reasons

Most often, night sweats are not a pathology, but a variant of the norm, individual characteristics functioning of his autonomic nervous system. Everything goes away with time, and if it doesn’t go away, then this can also be a variant of the norm (after all, there are sweaty adults!).

Evgeny Komarovsky urges parents to calm down and not be nervous. However, there are 1-3% of children with this problem, in whom sweating may be a symptom of some disease.

Excessive sweating in itself is not a disease and does not require treatment. But if, in addition to the fact that the child’s legs, arms and head sweat during sleep, there are other painful and disturbing symptoms, it is worth visiting pediatrician and undergo the necessary examinations.

An urgent visit to a doctor is required in situations where, in addition to night sweats, the child often wakes up, sleeps restlessly, fidgets a lot in the crib, has a red face when waking up, in his sleep he breathes unevenly, intermittently, snores, and holds his breath. This may indicate apnea - a rather dangerous condition that requires treatment.

If the head sweats heavily during sleep, and during the day the child almost always has wet palms and feet, this may not indicate a deficiency of vitamin D in the body - rickets, which can cause deformation of bone tissue.

Install the real reason the doctor can, they will come to his aid modern methods laboratory diagnostics. With a high degree of probability, the pediatrician will prescribe consultations with related specialists (cardiologist, orthopedist, neurologist), among diagnostic methods - general and extensive blood tests, urinalysis, electrocardiogram.

Before running to the doctors, Dr. Komarovsky asks to make sure that the child has the right and comfortable sleeping conditions:

Air temperature

The children's room should not be hot and stuffy. The optimal air temperature is 18-20 degrees (and not 22-25, as required by sanitary supervisory authorities in children's institutions).

Practice shows that children who sleep in a room where the air temperature does not reach 20 degrees are more active and get sick less often.

It is especially important to monitor the air temperature in winter, at the height of the heating season. It is best to put a special valve on the radiator to regulate the heating intensity, and be sure to hang a thermometer on the wall in the nursery; it is better if it is located closer to the bed.


The nursery should maintain a relative humidity of 50-70%. Now there are special devices on sale - air humidifiers. If the family budget does not allow you to buy such a useful thing, then in winter you can hang wet towels on the radiator and make sure that they do not dry out, and also put an aquarium with fish in your child’s room.

The “correct” level of humidity is important so that the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs do not dry out. If this condition is met, the baby will be less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases, his pulmonary breathing will be full, which means that the process of thermoregulation will be normal, which will reduce or even eliminate sweating during sleep.


When falling asleep, the baby will be calmer if he is placed in a room where there is access to fresh air. Ventilation should be mandatory at any time of the year. Before bed and after sleep is the daily minimum. But it is advisable to open the window more often.


Bed linen should not be made from synthetic or semi-synthetic fabrics. They are "sweatshops". Therefore, for a sweating child (and for everyone else too), only underwear made from natural fabrics, without bright patterns, white or plain, devoid of textile dyes is suitable

Linen should be washed with a special baby powder and rinsed additionally. Pillows and blankets should not be filled with synthetic materials, and children under 2 years old do not need a pillow at all.


Pay attention to what your child sleeps in. If you have created all the microclimatic conditions, but put him to sleep in a ventilated and humidified room in warm pajamas with fleece (and this is in July!), then all efforts will be in vain.

The child should be dressed lightly, in clothes made from natural fabrics that suit the season. It is better if these are summer and winter pajamas (according to the season), you can also sleep in a T-shirt and panties, but the underwear must be loose and not squeeze or rub the child’s skin.

Especially for those who sweat, you can buy several pajamas so that, if necessary, you can replace one with another right in the middle of the night.


Before going to bed at night, Komarovsky advises to give your child a bath.. It will be more beneficial for a sweating baby if mom and dad teach him to take cool baths in the evenings.

You need to start with a water temperature of + 32, and gradually reduce it by 0.5-1 degrees until the water temperature reaches 26-27 degrees. 20-30 minutes of wallowing in such cool water makes the process of falling asleep easier, sleep stronger and healthier.

Often parents of newborn children are faced with the fact that the child’s head sweats during sleep and feeding. This does not prevent him from sucking and falling asleep, but it worries his parents, and for good reason. The room temperature is normal, the child is lightly dressed, and the child has damp hair and beads of sweat running down his temples. This happens not only during daytime sleep, but also at night. In order not to worry in vain, you should understand the reasons.

As is often the case, the causes of newborn sweating are not as dangerous as they seem. The baby's body is just beginning to grow and develop. Sweat glands are formed around 5-6 years of age. The centers of the nervous system that are responsible for sweating and thermoregulation are also not yet formed. Due to its age, a baby’s body cannot yet adapt to rapid temperature changes. Even with the most insignificant things. An adult may not notice such temperature changes, but babies are more sensitive. This can lead to increased sweating.

U infant the body can be sensitive to any changes in emotional and physical development. Increased sweating may just be the body’s reaction to external and internal factors. The main reasons are:

If the factors listed above do not fit your child’s description, then you need to look for the reasons in something else, more serious.

Sweat as a symptom of the disease

Sometimes the cause of a baby's sweating can be a cold. When you have a cold, your temperature rises. It is very important not to miss this moment and contact your pediatrician in time . In addition to fever, a child may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • the baby is shivering;
  • Hands and feet are hot.

Possible heredity factor

Perhaps the external reasons did not suit your description; most likely, you need to look for the reason in the internal ones. The baby's heredity can also cause the problem. It is quite possible that he has a disease such as hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating.

The disease has several varieties:

  • General - when the whole body sweats.
  • Local - this variety has subspecies: inguinal-perineal; palmoplantar; axillary; sweating of the entire face and head.

Only two forms of primary hyperhidrosis are the most common: axillary and palmoplantar. Hyperhidrosis is not a consequence of any disease, it manifests itself. Diseases in which secondary hyperhidrosis may occur:

There is no need to panic right away. Infants most often have primary signs of hyperhidrosis. You can conduct a study, and if the indicators are normal, then just wait until everything goes away on its own.

Rickets as one of the prerequisites

Rickets can also cause a child to sweat. The baby's skeletal system develops incorrectly. With a lack of vitamin D and impaired metabolism, pathology develops.

The most common symptoms of rickets:

  • irritability of the child, fear of sharp sounds;
  • poor sleep, shaking during sleep;
  • urine has a sour smell;
  • bald spots on the back of the head, the edges of the “fontanel” are very soft.

If all of these symptoms are characteristic of your baby, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The pediatrician will prescribe all the necessary tests for the child and help him cope with the problem. Mothers should know that a predisposition to rickets in a child can be acquired even during pregnancy. Poor nutrition, lack of a balanced daily routine, insufficient amounts of vitamins from food, smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy lead to this situation.

Excess body weight

At birth, not all children have normal body weight. Some are born overweight. We all know that if an adult has overweight, then he definitely has problems with sweating. The child is no exception. When breastfeeding, he has to actively work. Even with light exertion, an overweight child begins to sweat actively. This explains why the baby sweats during feeding.

Mothers need to be very careful about their baby's diet. Avoid gaining excess body weight. Children born weighing over 4 kilograms are usually overweight.

Later introduction of complementary foods suggests an increase in body weight. Infants up to 12 months are recommended to include a sufficient amount of vegetables in their diet.

If a baby consumes sufficiently high-calorie food during the day, then it is quite possible to involve him in additional physical activity. For example, you can visit the swimming pool. Swimming will give your baby extra exercise and help him relax.

You monitor your baby’s diet, he is active and mobile, but the problem with excess weight does not go away! In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps the child has increased insulin in the blood, which leads to metabolic disorders and leads to weight gain.

Nervous system dysfunction

If the nervous system is disrupted, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • the baby is capricious when falling asleep;
  • disturbing sleep, screaming and tossing and turning;
  • hyperactivity syndrome;
  • attention deficit;
  • gets tired pretty quickly.

Overstrain of the nervous system is why the child sweats during sleep and during feeding. Excitability of the nervous system can be eliminated medicines, herbal teas and infusions can also help. It is important to follow a baby's daily routine.

Be sure to consult a neurologist. He will prescribe a treatment method and help you deal with this problem in a professional manner. He will give recommendations on your daily routine and prescribe the necessary medications.

Treatment methods and prevention

So how to find a way out if the child sweats during sleep and feeding. If you have ruled out non-medical causes, then you definitely need to contact your pediatrician. You need to tell your doctor what exactly is bothering you and name all the symptoms you notice.

If the baby becomes covered in sweat after active physical activity, then this is absolutely normal for a child. This is how our body works. That's why it's normal for a baby to sweat during feeding.

If a child sweats while sleeping, perhaps the baby’s body is simply protecting itself from overheating. It is very important to monitor the temperature in the room, because overheating the baby is dangerous for his health. Do not allow the baby to overheat, do not wrap it in a blanket or diapers. Maintain the optimal temperature in the room, especially in winter. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Choose only high-quality clothes made from natural fabrics, the same applies to bed linen.

Hygiene is important for babies. Conduct water treatments daily. Wash your hands and feet with soap and dry them thoroughly.

Parents should not treat this problem on their own. Do not neglect the services of specialists to avoid even greater harm to the child. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The opinion of experts is the most correct and most correct. You can also watch a video about the issue of sweating with Dr. Komarovsky. Be vigilant and attentive. After all, literacy and awareness of parents can help prevent the development of diseases and infections in the baby.

When a baby's head sweats, parents should not be afraid. But it’s still worth seeing a doctor. The reasons can be very different, in most cases harmless.

Attentive and overly vigilant mothers immediately go to the doctor for advice when they notice that the child’s head is often sweating. For complete reassurance, the doctor may prescribe tests (for example, a biochemical blood test).

Common reasons why a small child’s head sweats:

In the first months of life, hormonal levels change. The body gets used to new environmental conditions, the skin adapts to the effects of air temperature.

Signal about possible pathological processes

Sweating may indicate illness. Why does my head sweat in this case?

Rickets can occur due to improper, unbalanced nutrition, lack of sun rays, insufficient motor activity of the baby, due to frequent colds. If all these reasons are excluded, then the baby will quickly recover.

If increased sweat production is accompanied by irritability, crying, or the smell of sweat changes (becomes unpleasant), you need to urgently go to a specialist.

Preventive measures

In order for the child to feel comfortable and cozy, you need to try to create all the conditions for this.

  • You should not avoid preventive examinations with a doctor, during which all the necessary measurements will be taken (waist circumference, head circumference), directions for general analysis blood and urine.
  • The temperature and humidity in the room must correspond to the child’s condition: for healthy baby The optimal temperature is considered to be no higher than 22 degrees with a humidity of no more than 70%.

  • Bed linen should be made of natural fabrics: linen, cotton. It should not contain bright drawings. Clothes also need to be chosen from similar materials.
  • To regulate the sweating process, you can add sea salt, oak bark decoction, chamomile or string to the bathtub.
  • Don't wrap your child up too much.
  • During feeding, you need to take a comfortable position. When the baby eats, he should clasp the nipple correctly and be placed comfortably near the breast.
  • There is no need to wear a hat or cap if the room is warm.

You need to urgently consult a doctor when your baby, who is in a calm state, is covered in cold, sticky sweat. However, it has a pungent odor.