Main points of the federal law on labor pensions. Who will be affected by raising the retirement age in Russia New provisions in pension legislation

Payment of pensions is additional assistance and a public guarantee of the state for its population. Civil servant pension is accrued using established factors: minimum length of service, as well as reaching retirement age.

Civil servant pension from January 1, 2017 in the Russian Federation has undergone several changes. According to the Law on Pension Guarantee of Russian Citizens, it is planned to increase the pension limit for work activity. Since January 1, 2017, civil servant pensions for length of service are issued to nationals who have worked for the benefit of the state for 15 to 20 years. Another innovation is the increase in the retirement age for men to 65 years and for women upon reaching 63 years.

This innovation will be introduced in stages: every six months The retirement age will increase, and there will be changes in the processes for calculating the length of service of a civil servant for the accumulation of legal payments, and the maximum years of service in the civil service will be 65 years. Also, the pension of a civil servant will affect the country's deputies. They will be entitled to pension benefits, subject to working hours at least five years at his post. Previously, this requirement included 1 year. These amendments to Russian legislation will help save the country's budget up to 620 million rubles annually.

It is worth separating civil servants and public sector specialists. Many people assume that these are the same people. However, it is important to know that medical specialists, teachers and military security forces receive salaries from the state budget, but in the meantime do not undergo national work. Changes will affect only those civil officials who work in accordance with the Law "On the state civil service".

So, civil servant pension from January 1, 2017 will be calculated according to the minimum work experience of 15.5 years; in 2018 it will rise to 16.5 years from 2020 to 20 years. Such changes will help retain professionals in the labor market, which will ultimately increase the efficiency of government officials in leadership positions. The pension of a civil servant is determined by the amount of salary and will range from 45 to 75%. The percentage will be calculated taking into account the length of service of the official.

The following factors served as sources for the adoption of amendments to the Law:

1. Due to the economic crisis, the Russian Pension Fund is forced to look for ways to save the budget;
2. There are much fewer working pensioners in Russia than non-working ones;
3. Duration of payment of taxes to the country's budget.

With the introduction of this forced reform, it is planned to replenish the country’s budget, while providing its citizens with a stable pension. It is important to note that the final intention to introduce new reforms has not yet been made. Initially, an assessment of the consequences of the ongoing government changes will be examined, as a result of which further operations will be determined.

A federal civil servant subject to dismissal may rely on a long-service pension only under certain reduction options. These include:

Removal from office on one’s own initiative or upon reaching retirement age;
layoffs due to health problems;
dismissal due to the closure of a national body or forced staff reduction;
dismissal upon reaching the age limit for civil service.

Calculation of the amount of long-service benefits in 2017

The State Duma of the Russian Federation has developed a formula for the correct calculation of accrued pension payments:

P=(45%NW-SP)+3%NW*St, where

P- the amount of the accrued pension;
NW- average salary;
JV- insurance pension;
ST- free working hours (calculated from the total duration of working activity minus 15 years).

Example: To make the calculation easier, we can give an example. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich has 35 years of work experience. He deserved an old-age pension of 8,000 rubles. Ivan's average earnings were 55,000 rubles. This is how the future pension is calculated: P= (55000*45%) – 8000 + (55000*3%) * 15 = 49500 rubles

The Russian State Duma claims that all the money saved due to the ongoing reforms will be spent on paying pensions to all citizens of the Russian Federation, without exception. It is quite difficult to predict the results of the innovations being carried out, but given that the legislation will be amended every year, we can expect that a civil servant’s pension will be a worthy reward for his working years for the benefit of the country.

What does civil service experience include?

The pension of a civil servant is determined by the duration of the state civil service. Work experience is used to resolve many issues relating to the working professional activity of a specialist in the national sphere. Length of government service- this is the total duration of working time during which the state ruler or federal held a post in the national system of Russia.

In accordance with the Resolution of the State Duma and the Decree of the President of the country on the calculation of pensions for length of service to federal government civil servants, the duration of civil service includes the following aspects of activity:

1. Vacancies in Russian government bodies, municipal and federal services of Russia.
2. Posts in the prosecutor's office;
3. Vacancies for specialists of the Investigative Committee of Russia;
4. Military specialties and being in the military service of the Russian Federation, serving in the structure of the Internal Affairs, the fire department, in the departments for combating narcotic and psychotropic substances, in the structures of executive and criminal punishments;
5. Federal posts;
6. Vacancies of customs and border services;
7. Municipal positions;
8. Administrative professions, including electoral positions;
9. Posts in interstate structures;
10. Specialists in trade union bodies;

Civil servant's long-service pension For federal and municipal civil officials, it is calculated from the average salary for the last 365 days, with the exception of days of resignation or upon receipt of an old-age pension. To correctly calculate the average monthly salary of an official, the following additional payments are taken into account: basic official salary, monthly increase for length of service, additional payment for special awards in the service, monthly allowance for activities with classified materials, monthly salary, various types of bonuses, as well as one-time payments for providing basic annual leave. The pension of a civil servant is calculated without taking into account the stay of a specialist from a government agency on free leave, as well as stay on maternity leave or until the age of 3.

A long-service pension is issued upon provision of the relevant documents:

1. Documents confirming the identity of the future pensioner;
2. Certificate of income for the last calendar year;
3. Certificate from the employer about the position held;
4. Copies of the work book;
5. Duplicates of the reduction order;
6. If we are talking about military service, then a copy of the military ID is provided;
7. Other documents indicating public service.

Since October 2016, you can apply for a pension not only at the temporary temporary residence facility, but also at the Multifunctional Center of the Russian Federation. Previously, this institution operated in 64 MFCs; to date, 2,100 Russians have already used this service. The Multifunctional Center (MFC) is open without breaks and weekends from 08:00 to 20:00. Citizens will not spend a lot of time filling out documents; the average wait in line does not exceed three minutes. Another advantage of the MFC is its location. Every day, about 70 thousand Muscovites use the services of this organization.

Indexation of pensions for civil servants in 2017

An old-age pension or a long-service pension, its recalculation, or a transition from one payment option to another is made at the request of a person, regardless of the time of his appointment. Indexation of pension for length of service carried out in the form of changes in labor payments for disability or age, changes in the duration of the work schedule or a general increase in wages, as well as centralized indexation for federal civil servants.

Compensatory Retirement Process for Government Employees

The pension of a civil servant, like that of ordinary citizens of Russia, is calculated monthly. Only the pensioner chooses how to receive cash payments. It is also possible to pay pensions to a trusted person, if there is an official document certified by a notary. Pension payments can be made using Russian Post. In this option, the date of receipt of the payment is specified and an authorized person will deliver the pension to your home every month. However, the law provides that if a pensioner does not receive a pension for six months, then it is suspended for a certain period. In order to resume regular payments, you need to go to the Pension Fund authorities and write a corresponding application. A civil servant's pension can be paid if he has an open bank account. For this, a bank card is issued or it is possible to withdraw funds at the cash desk if you have a passport.

Since the beginning of 2017, new laws have come into force in Russia that affect the lives of many Russians, so every resident of our country should be aware of the regulations coming into force. We are talking about innovations in pension and health care, social benefits, changes in the education system, taxation, activities, privatization and real estate registration.

FBA "Economy Today" talks about the most significant bills that come into force on January 1, 2017.

About debts, collectors and taxes

Since the beginning of 2017, a law on the protection of the rights of individuals when carrying out activities to repay overdue debts has come into force. In other words, it is better not to lend in order to avoid a large fine. Because if you lent more than 50 thousand rubles to someone, then you can only get your money back by resorting to the help of a collector. According to , the creditor does not have the right to remind the debtor to repay the debt, either orally, or in writing, or by telephone, or by email. All this should be done exclusively by collectors. And if the sponsor decides to remind the borrower about the debt, he may be fined from 50 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

The law on collectors has also changed since the new year. So, for example, after January 1, 2017, collectors do not have the right to collect debts for utility bills and violations of housing legislation. The collector is allowed to personally communicate with the debtor once a day, twice a week, 8 times a month (correspondence is allowed 2 times more often). And after 4 months of such communication, the debtor has the right to communicate with the collector through a lawyer. Also, starting from January 1, 2017, collectors are prohibited from causing moral or physical harm to the debtor, using force, or damaging the debtor’s property.

Another innovation affects tax legislation: from January 1, 2017, insurance premiums are transferred to the Federal Tax Service, now it will be a single social insurance fee - ESSS. Thus, the tax office will check policyholders and distribute the funds received. This will increase tax collection and simplify the procedure for payers.

Real estate 2017: privatization, registration, payment of utilities

After March 1, 2017, free privatization of housing is canceled - the corresponding bill was approved by the State Duma. Its effect applies to those who received an apartment in 2016, but did not manage to privatize it. The right to remain after March 1, 2017 remains for orphans, residents of Crimea and those who applied for privatization before 2005.

From January 1, 2017, an accounting and registration system will begin to operate in Russia, in which almost all information about real estate will be concentrated. The new property registration rules provide certain advantages. Among them are accelerated deadlines for registering rights to a property, filing an application for registration in the branch closest to the place of residence, and not to the location of the property. If the client is willing to pay extra for delivery, then the completed package of documents will be delivered to his home.

Since 2017, the paper certificate of ownership will be replaced by an extract from the unified register.

From January 1, 2017, a line will appear in receipts for the maintenance of residential premises - payment for general house needs in apartment buildings. Initially, it was planned to include it in payments back in April 2016, but then a decision was made to postpone it to the beginning of 2017.

Maternity capital, increase in pensions, increase in retirement age from 2017

The law on the payment of maternity capital, adopted in 2007 and designed for 10 years, will continue to be in effect until the end of December 2018. Let us remind you that it works for families in which a second and subsequent child has appeared. It is important to remember that in 2017 changes will be made to the use of certificates that can be used to purchase goods that make it easier for disabled children to adapt to society. By the way, from 2017 the certificate will be issued both in paper and electronic forms. The payment amount will be 453 thousand rubles. Most often, maternity capital is used to improve housing conditions.

In January 2017, all Russian pensioners will be paid 5 thousand rubles - a one-time compensation for inflation. In the future, throughout the entire calendar year, the amount of pension payments will increase according to the following schedule:

It is possible that indexation of pensions for working citizens will not be carried out; they will receive compensation only after dismissal.

From 2017, a gradual increase in the retirement age of civil servants will begin: every year it will increase by six months. So, for example, in 2017, women in the civil service will be able to retire upon reaching 55.5 years, and men - 60.5 years. It is planned to gradually increase the retirement age to 63 years for women and 65 for men. The length of service for seniority will also increase annually by 6 months and reach a maximum of 20 years in 2026. It is worth especially noting that the receipt of length of service will apply only to those who take a well-deserved retirement from civil service. If a person has not been in the service recently, then he is not entitled to length of service.

About work, study and sick leave in 2017

The Law on Education, which was very difficult to implement in Russian educational institutions, was again subject to adjustment. This time, and these are not the first and, apparently, not the last changes made to this document, the law clearly separated the concepts of “general” and “professional education”. “General” is free and includes preschool, primary, primary, and secondary. “Professional” is bachelor’s (higher), master’s, and postgraduate studies. Every child has the right to continuous education in Russia. And teachers will have to confirm their professionalism once every five years at a qualification commission. The changes come into force on January 1, 2017.

In 2017, Russians will begin to be issued electronic sick leave certificates

Since 2017, widespread issuance of these certificates of incapacity for work will begin. These certificates of incapacity for work will have the same force as paper ones. Electronic sick leave will be filled out using an automated information system and certified with the electronic signature of authorized persons. In any case, it will become unprofitable to get sick, especially for those who have little experience.

Starting from the new year, innovations are also expected in labor legislation: the minimum wage (minimum wage) and its subsistence level in the regions of the country will change, and sanctions for violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will come into force.

Foreigners arriving in the Russian Federation for the purpose of further employment should be aware that starting from January 1, 2017, a state duty of 1000 rubles will be introduced for obtaining a document assessing knowledge of the Russian language and the history of Russia. In this case, 80% of the funds received will be directed to the budget of the subject, 20% to the state budget.

Everything is under public control

On January 1, 2017, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation came into force, which approved the Rules for conducting mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs. The initial (maximum) price of which exceeds 1 billion rubles will be held through public discussion.

The list of exceptions included contracts for state defense orders, repeated auctions and competitions, requests for proposals, as well as requests for quotations for humanitarian assistance or liquidation of the consequences of various types of emergency situations.

The discussion will take place in two stages. To do this, a specialized section is being created in the EIS, in which all participants in the discussions must register. This can be any legal entity, individual and representatives of government agencies. The deadline for responding to all comments and suggestions received is two days.

The result of mandatory public discussion may be cancellation of the procurement or changes in procurement plans, schedules and procurement documentation.

On October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed Law No. 350-FZ on amendments to pension legislation. Initially, it was proposed to establish the old-age insurance pension at 65 years for men and at 63 years for women.

However, on September 6, 2018, the president introduced a number of amendments to the bill, according to which the retirement age will be increased by 5 years for both sexes(up to 65 and 60 years for men and women, respectively). Also for those citizens who, according to the old law, had to reach retirement age in 2019-2020, there will be an opportunity to retire six months earlier new retirement age.

According to the provisions of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ, in 2018 men had the right to apply for an insurance pension from 60 years old, and women - from 55 years old.


The retirement age will be increased only for those whose pension not yet assigned. It should also be noted that the law does not provide for changes regarding persons working - the retirement age for them will remain the same.

Law on raising the retirement age

The law on changes in the procedure for assigning and paying pensions has come into force January 1, 2019. However, the retirement age will not be raised immediately, but gradually - year by year. Thus, men and women will reach a new retirement age in 2023. Despite this, the transition period will only end in 2028. The fact is that during the transition period Russians will retire in a year - in even years, starting in 2022. However, those citizens who, under the old legislation, could apply for a pension in 2019 and 2020, will be able to do so six months earlier than the new retirement age.

  • The first to fall under the pension reform will be men born in the first half of 1959 and women born in the first half of 1964, - they will begin to receive pension payments in the second half of 2019.
  • Men and women born in the second half of the year will be the next to retire 1959 and 1964 respectively,— in the first half of 2020.

The table below indicates which citizens of which years of birth will fall into the transition period:

Men Women Year of retirement
Year of birth Year of birth Retirement age under the new pension reform
1st half of 1959 60.5 1st half of 1964 55.5 2nd half of 2019
2nd half of 1959 60.5 2nd half of 1964 55.5 1st half of 2020
1st half of 1960 61.5 1st half of 1965 56.5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 1960 61.5 2nd half of 1965 56.5 1st half of 2022
1961 63 1966 58 2024
1962 64 1967 59 2026
1963 65 1968 60 2028

Who will be affected by the new pension reform?

The pension reform will affect not only citizens applying for old-age insurance pensions. Duration of appointment social old age pension will also be changed. Disabled persons and those who have not had time to develop the required length of service will be able to receive a social pension not at 60 (women) and 65 years (men) as before, and at 65 and 70 years old, respectively. These changes will also be introduced in stages. Social disability pension, as before, will be assigned regardless of age.

The working age will also be increased for certain categories of workers who retire earlier than generally accepted dates:

  • For workers of the Far North(“northerners”). Previously, for this category of citizens, the retirement age was set at 55 and 50 years for men and women, respectively; after the end of the transition period it will increase up to 60 and 55 years old.
  • For workers in the pedagogical, medical and creative fields. The main condition for retirement remains the same - it is necessary to develop the required professional experience (25-30 years). However, according to the new reform, after achieving the required length of service it will take another 5 years(or less if the citizen falls into the transition period). This condition is the same for both women and men, and in fact also significantly delays the retirement date for these categories of workers.


The law also provides for changes regarding the retirement age of civil servants. From January 1, 2020 its rate of increase will increase up to a year a year, as for other categories of pensioners. Let us remind you that for civil servants the retirement age is already rising since 2017, however at a more gradual pace - for six months every year.

For whom the retirement age will not be raised?

The changes will not apply to those citizens who have already retired; they will continue to receive all required pension and social benefits. They will also retain all existing benefits. In addition, the following categories of workers will continue to retire under the same conditions:

  1. Citizens who worked under difficult and harmful conditions if the employer paid in their favor regular insurance premiums, calculated during a special assessment of working conditions:

    • men and women those who worked in underground work or in hot shops;
    • men and women those who worked in difficult conditions as part of locomotive crews or were involved in organizing transportation and ensuring the safety of movement on railway transport and the subway, as well as former drivers of trucks in mines, mines or ore quarries, etc.;
    • women those employed in the textile industry in work of high intensity and severity;
    • men and women, engaged in field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic-geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work;
    • men and women included in the crew of sea vessels, river fleets, as well as the fishing industry fleet;
    • men and women, engaged in mining operations for the extraction of minerals;
    • men and women from civil aviation who participated in flight control, as well as in aircraft maintenance work;
    • men and women who worked as workers and employees in places of deprivation of liberty;
    • women who worked as tractor drivers or as drivers of construction machines, as well as road and loading and unloading machines;
    • men and women those involved in logging and timber rafting;
    • men and women who worked as drivers of urban transport: trolleybuses, buses and trams;
    • men and women- former rescuers from professional services.
  2. Persons retiring earlier than the generally accepted period for social reasons or due to deteriorating health:

    • mothers who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them until each was 8 years old;
    • men and women(one of the parents) who raised a disabled child until he was 8 years old;
    • men and women who are or were the guardians of a disabled child if they raised him before reaching the age of 8 years;
    • mothers who gave birth to two or more children, if they have completed the required length of service in the regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to such regions;
    • men and women who have become disabled due to military trauma;
    • men and women with visual impairment of group I;
    • men and women diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism (midgets) and disproportionate dwarfism;
    • men and women- permanent residents of the Far North who worked as reindeer herders, fishermen or commercial hunters.
  3. Citizens affected from radiation or man-made disasters.
  4. Men and women who worked in flight test crew, if they were involved in testing flight equipment.
A complete list of relevant categories of workers for whom the new law There are no plans to increase the retirement age from 2019, is given on the official website of the Pension Fund.


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

The generally established retirement age is 55 years for women and 60 years for men. From 2017, the retirement age for civil servants will be gradually increased - by six months annually until it reaches the limit (in 2032, women will be entitled to an insurance pension at 63 years old, and men in 2026 - at 65 years old).

Federal Law No. 143-FZ of May 23, 2016 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding increasing the retirement age for certain categories of citizens”, according to which civil servants increase the age for receiving an old-age insurance pension and the length of service for appointment pensions, comes into force on January 1, 2017.

What federal laws have been changed?

Amendments were made to the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation” in terms of increasing the length of service and to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” in terms of increasing the age of retirement for old-age insurance pensions for civil servants and other laws relating to public service.

Who will be affected by the changes?

The new rules will apply to Russian citizens who are state (municipal) employees holding government positions in the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal positions on a permanent basis.

Example: Male, born March 1, 1957, civil servant. The right to an old-age insurance pension will begin according to the new rules upon reaching the age of 60 years 6 months, i.e. 09/01/2017

IMPORTANT! The rules for increasing the retirement age for assigning an insurance pension apply only to current civil servants. As soon as a citizen is released from the position he is filling, the provisions of this norm cease to apply to him, and he can count on an insurance pension (including early), taking into account the generally established retirement age.

Example: A man born on 05/01/1965 has the right to an early old-age insurance pension upon reaching the age of 55 years, i.e. in 2020. When he reaches the age of 55, he works in a municipal position on a permanent basis, and therefore acquires the right to an old-age insurance pension upon reaching the age of 57 (55 years + 2 years of increase (see table)). If he is released from a municipal position before reaching 57 years of age, for example, he resigned on 07/01/2021, he acquires the right to an old-age insurance pension on 07/02/2021.

Will the differentiation of the increased retirement age depending on the gender of the civil servant continue?

Yes, it will remain. Women civil servants can retire earlier than men. But only for 2 years, and not for 5 years, as provided for in the pension legislation for women who are not civil servants.

Does the increase in the retirement age apply to persons who have the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension?

Yes, raising the retirement age also applies to persons who have the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension under Art. 30-33 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions” (for those who worked in jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions, in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, etc.).

What is the minimum length of service for civil servants?

Federal Law No. 166-FZ, as amended, establishes the minimum length of service for civil servants of all categories, which will be required for retirement based on length of service. It will gradually increase from 15 to 20 years - by 6 months annually. The bar will be raised gradually until 2026, as is the case with the retirement age.

IMPORTANT! The increase in the retirement age by the corresponding number of months depends on the year in which the citizen acquires the right to receive an old-age insurance pension.

Meanwhile, some government employees will be able to apply for a long-service pension, taking into account the previous (currently in force) standards. These include:

    those who have received the right to a pension for length of service and were dismissed from the civil service before January 1, 2017; holding civil service positions on January 1, 2017 and having at least 20 years of service on that date; filling civil service positions on January 1, 2017, having on that date 15 years of service and received the right to an old-age (disability) insurance pension before January 1, 2017.

IMPORTANT! Since 2017, the age limit for civil servants in the civil service has been increased: from January 1, 2017, it will be 65 years old instead of 60.