What to talk about with a girl in the evening. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, what to talk to her about? List of questions for communication. How to build communication with a girl on a social network

On a first date with a girl, it is extremely important not to touch upon topics that may seem uninteresting to her. Often, guys make the same mistakes when they start talking about work or study, some purely masculine topics, or boasting about their own achievements. Such a date is doomed to failure. But there are topics of conversation that will be supported with pleasure.

Hobbies, walks and travel

About food, holidays and pets

A young lady can talk for a long time about what she cooks best or about how best to celebrate some holiday. It is worth trying to awaken pleasant memories of the past event in the girl. This will help you make the atmosphere more relaxed. Also, representatives of the fair sex are emotional about the topic of pets. Funny stories from the life of pets will cheer you both up.

Clothes, friends and children

Naturally, girls are very interested in stylish clothes. Every day they think about shopping. So give her the opportunity to tell you what she wants to buy today. You can also ask what she thinks about men's clothing. At the same time, you will know what to wear on your next date. Be sure to ask who she is friends with and communicates with. The girl should see that her social circle interests you. The topic of children should also be touched upon. Surely your chosen one has younger brothers or sisters, nephews. Let him tell you something about them.

About relationships and favorite places

Find out from the girl what kind of relationship she considers ideal for herself and draw the appropriate conclusions. And of course, her favorite places will be an interesting topic for conversation. Let the girl tell you about where she likes to go in her city. You can also talk about some sights that she especially remembers in other cities and countries.

All the topics described above will help young people relax and have a relaxed conversation on the first date.

When meeting a girl, on a first date with her, and in any other situation, when there is a situation of one-on-one communication with a representative of the fair half of humanity, many guys experience some fear. What to talk about with a girl? This question, no, no, will flash through the thoughts of every guy who feels especially vulnerable in this particular place - after all, conversations have always been the prerogative of girls. However, establishing yourself as a silent person or hoping that your chatty companion won’t let you insert a word into your monologue is not a solution. So, what should you tell a girl to make her fascinated by you and want to continue communicating?

How to talk to a girl?

First of all, an important role is played by how do you say. Agree, the same joke performed by two different people will sound differently - and if in one case it causes the desired reaction (laughter), then in the other it can provoke irritation or bewilderment. The volume of the voice, its tone and timbre, intonation - this is what plays an important role in a conversation with a girl. And since girls are different, you should have different options in your arsenal.

As a rule, the intonation of the voice depends on what words to say to the girl. If it is something funny or amusing, then the voice should be loud, the story may be accompanied by active gestures and facial expressions. If this is something intimate (a compliment or words of love), then the voice should be quiet, aspirated. In any case, you need to speak clearly, without stuttering or swallowing the ending. There is no need to talk about the fact that the speech should be at least moderately literate and not contain obscene phrases.

If you know you have speech problems, you can practice at home. There are special audio, video and offline courses that can help you deliver your speech correctly. Tongue twisters and other exercises that train the articulatory apparatus will help.

Topics of conversation with a girl

What to talk about with a girl? As a rule, many guys give the leadership in the conversation to the girl, limiting themselves to nodding their heads, assenting and brief remarks at the right places in her monologue. However, even the most talkative lady will sooner or later run out of words, and she will utter this terrible phrase: “Well, tell me something!”

Don’t get carried away – there are more than enough ideas of what to say to a girl. Among them:
- stories about your childhood – where you studied, how you studied, what achievements you had during your school/student years;
- stories about your family - it will be very nice if you have something to tell about family traditions, about the history of the relationship between your father and mother, about brothers and sisters, about the friendly atmosphere that reigns in your home - of course, if all this is really true;
- about your aspirations, plans, dreams. Here you should know when to stop, because girls don’t like empty talk, your dreams should be realistic;
- about what you have already achieved - in any spheres of life. The girl evaluates each guy as a potential groom, future husband, so this information is very important for her;
- about your hobbies, hobbies - perhaps it turns out that you are interested in something in common, or maybe you will be able to captivate her with your hobby. In any case, a person who is passionate about something is always an interesting conversationalist. Talk about music, movies, books;

About mutual friends - great if you have them.

A conversation with a girl should certainly include:
- compliments - unexpected, sudden, non-standard, original and certainly sincere (homemade preparations will come in handy if you are not able to produce fresh compliments on the go);
- interest in her opinion on the topic you are talking about - be sure to ask: “What do you think about this?”, “What do you think?”;
- various questions for the girl - in turn, show your interest in her, her life, hobbies, aspirations, achievements.

What not to do when talking to a girl

Talk for a long time on one topic
. Even the most exciting topic of conversation will sooner or later exhaust itself. If you see that the girl is bored, or you have run out of information on a particular issue, smoothly move on to another topic.

Getting hung up on platitudes
. Of course, you can “dilute” the conversation with an anecdote or discussion of the weather - but there should not be many such digressions. If you think that all you need to tell a girl are jokes (usually “with a beard”), lavished in countless quantities, then the girl will soon prefer to avoid communicating with you.

Get too carried away with the story. Remember that, firstly, this is a conversation, and secondly, most girls do not like guys who are too talkative. And even if she asks: “Tell me something,” this does not mean that she is ready to listen to a lecture on cactus breeding or the complete genealogy of your family. Don't go overboard with details and don't try to tell her everything on the first evening.

Complain about life. Few girls would like a whiner, a loser and a bore. And this is exactly how you will appear in the eyes of a girl if you start complaining about life’s problems. So, what words to say to a girl? Definitely cheerful, cheerful and optimistic!

Brag and exaggerate your achievements. Of course, there is a category of not particularly smart girls who don’t feed bread - let them hang noodles on their ears. If your goal is to communicate with just such a girl, and you have found a suitable object for your lies, then we can only wish you good luck. If you are committed to a more serious relationship, we do not recommend starting it with a lie.

Discuss others. Poaching the bones of mutual friends is the prerogative of gossip girls. If you are not going to turn into “just a friend” with whom it is interesting to discuss mutual acquaintances, be restrained in this matter.

Argue. Of course, truth is born in dispute. If your relationship eventually reaches a new level, you will be happy to argue on different topics more than once. However, during the first meetings, an argument is not the best option in answering the question of what to talk about with a girl - it may offend her. And one more thing - if you constantly catch yourself thinking that your views on different things differ radically, then perhaps you should think about the advisability of your future relationship.

What to tell a girl: “gentleman’s set”

You should always have in your arsenal:
- several original compliments;
- a couple of the freshest and funniest jokes;
- several interesting stories on different topics (not necessarily from your life);
- a dozen non-standard questions for the girl (“What is the history of the ring on your hand?”, “You have such a beautiful name - why did your parents decide to name you that?”).

And most importantly, while talking with a girl, forget all the instructions about what words to say to a girl (including this one) - remain yourself, smile, be sincere and act at ease. You will definitely succeed!

Everyone has experienced that awkward feeling when, while in a relationship with a girl, there are no more topics to talk about and there is complete silence. For couples who have just entered into a relationship and are beginning to develop it, this is a blow below the belt. Below you will find out what to talk about with a girl when you run out of topics to talk about?

You began to notice that conversations on the phone or in a meeting are becoming shorter and shorter every day. Instead of pleasure and pleasant communication, conversations turn into short battles and arguments. It's time to do something, or such communication promises you failure and a break in the relationship.

Then, what to talk about with a girl when you run out of topics to talk about? Let's figure it out.

Option #1. This method, when used correctly, can help you have endless conversations not only with your friend on VK, but with almost anyone on a dating site.


The girl says: “I’m looking forward to the new movie “Superman” to go to the cinema. I’ve watched the trailer for it 10 times already. The music is so beautiful and the actors are very cool!”If you want to make this conversation boring and quick, then simply answering: “I think the movie should be good.”

  • how cool it would be to go and watch this movie on the big screen in a theater, and if it was also in 3D, it would be more exciting;
  • remember the last time you were at the cinema and what you watched there, maybe funny stories happened to you at that time;
  • share with her other interesting movie trailers;
  • ask what genres of films she likes most (horror films, comedies, melodramas, thrillers, etc.);
  • ask which famous actors play in the film she told you about, and also what she knows about them... and so on.

Every new word in your conversation can be used for a new topic. Now you know what you need to talk aboutgirl when all the topics are over.


Option #2. The second method can be used when asking the girl what she did today and how her day was. Listen carefully and ask additional and clarifying questions for each of her lessons. This will start a long conversation and the girl will be glad that you are interested in her life. Can be used on a walk or in VK if there is nothing else to ask.


The girl says: “I read an interesting book today. I also listened to cool music, did fitness exercises and prepared a delicious salad.”

Take each of her activities individually and start asking questions: “What book exactly did she read?” or “What did she find so interesting about her?” When you've exhausted the topic of reading, you can safely move on to music, and then to fitness and salad. The greater your curiosity and desire to find out more details, the more interesting and long your conversation will be.

Option #3. The third method is to write down on a piece of paper a few things you want to tell her or talk about before calling her on Skype or the phone.

Trust me, after this you will never worry about what to say next. In some cases, you may even forget about the things you wrote on paper. Because you will have many spontaneous topics that need to be discussed. But having a little cheat sheet like this gives you a lot of relief and helps you focus on the conversation itself (instead of thinking about what to say next) and make it more natural.

Option number 4. Don't forget that relationships are a team game, so both partners must keep the conversation going.

Encourage your partner to communicate; you should not be the only one in the conversation. Moreover, not all women like talkers. There are times when a girl is in a bad mood or has other problems, so she is closed to communication. Try to find out what's going on or just end the conversation for a while.

Option #5. The next method is to use fantasy in your conversation. Can be used on a first date (examples).

For example, in We saw a couple walking with their dog. A wonderful topic for conversation! Ask if she has a pet, if she has dreamed of having someone, or fantasize together about the topic, if you had the opportunity, who exactly would you like to have.

Option number 6. When you're leading a routine day-to-day life, it's no surprise that you don't have much to talk about with your girlfriend. You urgently need to diversify your own life.

This way you will have new stories and topics to discuss. To do this you need to do something new. For example, go to the cinema with a girl and discuss the film, read the news, books every day, go on a trip somewhere, discover some new sport, meet new people, and so on.

Option No. 7. And of course, the easiest and sometimes most effective way to avoid silence and find topics for conversation is to take a little break from each other.

Take a break in the relationship and some new conversational topics will begin to emerge on their own. Every new thing you do in the few hours or days you're not talking can be a great subject for further conversation together. Well, now you know exactly what you can talk about with a girl when all the topics are over.

The most common topics of conversation with a girl:

  • Pets.
  • Trips.
  • Movie.
  • Food.
  • Passion (Hobby).
  • Dreams.
  • The craziest thing she's ever done.
  • Family.
  • Music.
  • Her favorite celebrity.
  • Childhood memories.

You can talk about these topics even at 14 years old.

Topics you should not talk about with a girl:

  • Religion.
  • Your car, your home, your boat.
  • Policy.
  • Ex-Girlfriends.

Talking to someone you like can be very difficult, especially if you don't know what to do. If you're having trouble communicating with the girl you like, read on to find out how to find your voice.


Feel comfortable

  1. Develop your interests. You don't have to be a genius to find topics you can talk about, but you do need to have passions and interests. A person who can maintain a natural conversation on a topic that interests him is much more interesting than someone who is armed with pre-written tips and the fragile hope of a date.

    • Make a list. Write down everything you are interested in. Pay more attention to detail. For example, instead of “music,” write “playing classical guitar, going to concerts, collecting old funk albums.”
    • Expand the list of topics. Using the example above, you can think about what brand of guitar you have and what kind of guitar you'd like to have, what concerts you've attended, and what funk bands you like.
    • Make a mental note of your opinion on each topic. This will help you get to know yourself better. When you talk about any topic that interests you, you will be able to speak confidently and explain why you are interested, which is how a good conversation is built.
  2. Practice the conversation out loud. Get used to talking or you will never be able to speak well. The simplest thing you can do to improve your comfort level is to simply say it out loud. This will help you get used to the sound of your voice and what you speak, and not just responding to others.

    • Choose a time and place. It's best if you're home alone. It's not worth planning, but take advantage of the opportunity as soon as it arises.
    • Say something. Try to talk about something instead of muttering a few words. Tell yourself about the plot of the latest TV show or movie you saw. If you can't think of anything to talk about, find a book and read it out loud.
      • When reading aloud, try to make your words sound natural rather than a stilted drone. First, read one or two sentences to yourself, then say them out loud as if you were just thinking about them.
      • A collection of poetry is ideal for this purpose. Poetry is almost always meant to be read aloud, and the concentration required when reading a poem will help you not feel stupid.
    • Talk for a while. Try speaking out loud for at least a minute. Over time, this will help you get used to talking and expressing yourself, these are important skills for making a good impression on the girl you like.
  3. Talk to girls. Whether you communicate with girls all the time - at work, school, clubs or anywhere else - try to talk to them. This will teach you that there is nothing wrong with talking to a girl, even if you are in love with her.

    • Start with people you've already interacted with, such as co-workers. Ask them about their best idea and use short questions to keep the conversation going. Many girls will be happy to chat with you.
      • If a girl asks you how your week was after she told you about hers, be polite and tell her in the same amount of detail that she used in her answer. (Forget about trying to improve your skills with girls.)
    • Be friendly with project partners. When studying or during a social assignment, you will often have a partner. If your partner is a girl you don't know very well, a little sincerity will help you create a comfortable atmosphere.
      • Try talking about the project rather than asking her personal questions. If she responds well, continue and alternate the chatter with simple questions as you work.
        • Don't ask her about her or her life. Instead, ask her what she thinks about another person, such as a teacher or an event that is coming up.
      • Don't talk too often. Show that you are primarily interested in helping her and completing the task together. Talk as you come up with new ideas, rather than keeping the conversation going all the time.

    Talk to her

    1. Be ready. If you want to make a good impression on a girl, you at least need to control your behavior and hygiene.

      • Maintain a routine by taking a bath, cleansing your face, and remembering to brush your teeth and take care of your hair. Use deodorant. Trim your nails regularly.
        • If you use cologne, remember: everything needs to be done in moderation. Apply cologne to your wrists and the base of your neck so that the smell can be heard a maximum of 30-60 cm from you, but no more. A good cologne will dry down and last for several hours; there is no need to apply too much.
      • Always dress your best. Use clean clothes and plan your outfits every night so you don't have to find last-minute replacements.
      • Conduct yourself properly. You shouldn't stop being the fun guy in class if that's your role, but you shouldn't say or do anything that you wouldn't want the girl you like to know. You never know what she'll find out. Be kind, don't hold grudges against others, and avoid problems with your superiors.
    2. Come up with your approach. Whenever you see a good opportunity to talk to a girl you like for even a minute, even if there are other people around, go and do it.

      • Get her attention. Call her name and wave to her while smiling. You are happy to see her.
      • Meet her. Start walking towards her as soon as she notices you. Don't wait for her to come to you. Show that you are active and confident by closing the distance yourself.
        • If she seems upset or flustered by your greeting or tries to pretend she doesn't hear you, she will never be interested in you. Admit defeat and move on. You deserve someone who is happy to see you.
    3. Talk. At this stage, you should already be comfortable communicating with girls and be confident that you are an interesting conversationalist and have something to say on many topics. This is your chance to make an impression with the skills you've developed.

      • If you don't know her, introduce yourself and tell her where you met before. Once she gets to know you, she will likely ask you a polite question such as “what's wrong?” “ or “how are you? “. Don't respond dismissively; instead, think and say something that will allow you to continue the conversation.
        • If all else fails, tell her that you saw her and thought you should come over and chat for a while. This will allow you to start and continue the conversation.

In this article we will not talk about how to properly communicate with a girl. Why? Yes, because I already wrote about it. If anyone is interested, read it.

Today’s topic is what you can and shouldn’t talk about with a girl. What words to say to a girl and what not to? In the process of dating, on a date, in the process of seduction. I don’t take the situation when you already live together, have three children and have a cat.

So, the task has been formulated, the goal has been set, now we can reveal the topic (boobs). If you want to meet and seduce a girl, then you need to communicate with her in such a way that:

  • she was interested in communicating;
  • you could speak easily enough, filling awkward pauses;
  • It would also be cool for her to become interested in you during the conversation, that is, for the conversation to show you in a favorable light.

Therefore, topics on which you can enter into a sacred argument are not very good (to put it mildly) for communication in the context of seduction. These are topics such as politics, religion, racism, nationalism. A topic where you may find yourself in a state of holy war with diametrically opposed opinions. I understand that we all love to argue and prove to the enemy the correctness of our point of view. This is all great, of course, but it has nothing to do with seduction.

Most likely, the girl will not be interested in discussing the latest exploits of your favorite football team (there are, however, exceptions, but they always exist, we are trying to highlight the rules), or your exploits in computer games. Of course, you can be an amazing storyteller and captivate a girl with any topic, but if you choose the wrong topic, it will be a little more difficult to captivate a girl.

What can you talk about with a girl? Oh, there really are a lot of such topics. Let's list them.

About leisure. About how you spend your free time, about how she spends her free time. What has been interesting lately, where would you like to go, what to see. This could be trips to the theater, cinema, exhibitions, travel, trips out of town. If, while reading this, you suddenly realized that your whole life boils down to the offer of home-work-home-getting drunk on_Fridays_with_friends, then you should think about planning your leisure time. Appropriate resources to help you.

About art. About music, classical and modern films, photography, painting, architecture. If you are well versed in classical music, can tell a lot of interesting things about the Impressionists and the late Renaissance, regularly visit theaters and can talk about the current repertoire - feel free to bring up the topic of art. Girls are really interested in her.

About sport. If you are involved in some kind of sport and lead a sporty lifestyle, talk to your girl about it. If this is an unusual, or even better, extreme sport, this will add points to you. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, kitesurfing, classic surfing, parachuting, paragliding. Sea sports. Choose any one you like. By the way, it is also useful to play sports, and not just talk about it.

About friends and relationships. Girls are terrible gossips. Tell them a couple of interesting incidents from your life and the lives of your friends. Watch how she listens to it, how she comments. Most likely, she will tell you something in response about her friends. Friends give us positive emotions; by talking about them, we remember them. It lifts your spirits.

About deep, emotional topics. About childhood, about your dreams. But there is an important point here: before moving on to such topics, the girl must trust you enough. These are quite personal topics and not everyone will discuss them. To begin with, you can talk about general topics, and then move on to personal ones. And one more trick: before asking a girl about her dreams, tell her about yours. If you do everything correctly, with a high probability you won’t even need to ask her, she herself will tell you in response about her dreams.