A few questions to get to know the person. Questions to get to know someone I don't know better. Questions for dating via correspondence on VK

Today I will show you 100 dating questions to get to know someone better. Boyfriend or girlfriend, teenager or adult, boyfriend, fiance, girlfriend, or even any person. I am sure that more than once you wanted to know more about the person in front of you, what is ahead of you, whether you like him, or just to know about a hobby.

There are meetings when sometimes the conversation turns into a boring questionnaire with the answers “yes” and “no”, and the repeated question in response - and you?

This list will serve to end those awkward situations and trivial questions: what is your favorite color? Who's your sign? And it almost always leads to inconvenience. Date questions will also serve to break the ice with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Additionally, these issues will prevent silence when you go out with a group of people who are not long-term acquaintances, rather than following your friend all the time. This way you get the opportunity to make new friends.

Surely, these interesting and original dating questions will help you get to know the person you are seeing better, and if that person doesn't open up to you, at least they will remember you as original and not as a boring person.

Here is a list of 100 dating questions to get someone to open up to you. Of course, keep in mind that similar questions will affect you too.

Watch the video: 36 questions for a first date

100 questions for a date

What's the last book you read?

With this question you will find out how educated or interested the person in front of you is. You can also find out a different type of interest according to the topic of the book; How romantic or pragmatic is this person, does he know foreign languages ​​because he reads in other languages, etc. or loves horror stories, or secrets.

If you could travel back in time, what time would you go to?

This question gives you the opportunity to find out your interlocutor's opinion about history, if interested, and perhaps even his political ideas.

Describe yourself in three words

This formula allows you to find out how this person sees himself, how he has his own, what are your greatest virtues, from their point of view.

What would you like to improve or change about yourself?

This question is related to the question above, it's a good follow up as they are related.

Everyone has flaws, and this question allows you to find out how honest and realistic the person you see in front of you is, and also whether he has self-esteem problems, or whether there is a poor self-image, since there are those who want to change.

On the other hand, depending on this, it gives a physical or mental meaning, and allows you to see this face on the surface or not.

If you had to choose to live without any of your five senses, which would you choose?

If this is a loving and sensitive person, he will not reject the touch. If he chooses appearance, then he is someone who has no prejudices, is not superficial, and has great potential to listen to someone. If it's a taste, then maybe you don't like to eat too much, or you're not a picky eater.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

This question reveals needs and emotions hidden from the other person. For example, if someone tells you that they would like to fly, this means that they like to feel free.

If he prefers to have the ability to see the future, perhaps he is a person who likes to keep everything planned and well connected. Feels comfortable in situations where everything is under control.

What do you value more in friendship?

This is a simple way to know what the other person needs and if you, with your character, you can contribute.

How is your relationship with your parents?

It is important to know that if a person is attached to his relatives, or if he is independent, this does not mean that he does not value his loved ones. Maybe he has a bad relationship with them now and wants to improve it.

Either way, you will see if he fits with your perception of family and place in your life, if he can complement you in any way, or if you have nothing in common with each other.

What would you never joke about?

This way you will know the sense of humor of the person opposite you, and also whether he knows where to stop if he hurts someone with a joke.

You will also know if she loves to laugh, make you laugh and deliver positive side things, or if there is no sense of humor.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you choose?

This is a fun way to get to know his idols. Whether it is most important for maintaining an intelligent conversation or for having a good time.

If you win the lottery, what would be the first thing you would spend the money on?

If you're getting serious with this person, it's important to know how he invests money, whether he's a spender or a thrifter.

You will also know about values, whether the person is caring and will use his money to help others, is realistic and consistent, will use for travel, or is materialistic and will spend in luxury and jewelry.

What character would you be?

This way you can find out whether the person you are talking to has the same tastes as you or not. I like the same movies as you. Additionally, you can type personality aspects of a fictional character with your companion, this will give you additional clues about what that person is like.

What songs will be on the soundtrack of your life?

This way you will get to know your musical tastes, or discover songs that you didn't know and that might interest you.

What was the latest thing you learned?

Every day people learn something new, with this question you will learn about curiosity, how to face your mistakes, whether you gain positive experiences and learn from them, or, on the contrary, drown.

What do you think about sharing social network passwords?

This question is quite compromised. However, it will allow you to know a controlling or jealous person.

If you know you are going to die tomorrow, what is the last thing you would do?

With this question you will know what is most important in life for your new friend. Whether it's family, love for the past, or spending time at parties or sports, adventure.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

With this question you can find out whether a person has some kind of calling. If you answered salary, you will know that it is money. Most importantly, it will help you know what the priorities are in this person's life.

What do you hate most about your job?

This is a way to satisfy your employment situation if you have a good atmosphere with your colleagues and superiors. Additionally, you can get actively involved and, if you have an idea, help change something he hates.

Also, this question is like the previous one, they will serve to get to know a person who is competitive or selfish, or instead helps their teammates and is supportive a good relationship with them.

Which country would you like to travel to?

If you love to travel, you want to find someone who also loves these places. So this question is of fundamental importance to you.

You will know if the world wants to know, in addition, people who travel tend to be more tolerant and open.

Does he sing karaoke?

This way, you will find out whether this person has stage fright, an introvert or, on the contrary, an extrovert. Plus, if you love music, maybe you've met a future star.

If you could order a menu for the rest of your life, where would it be?

This is an interesting way to find out what this person's favorite food is, if you ever want to surprise them with dinner at home using this menu, then success will be guaranteed.

What radio stations do you listen to most in the car?

You will be able to confirm what musical tastes this person has.

You can also tell if a person is a strict technology follower, for example, if he answers about other devices instead of a radio, or is instead a nostalgic person who likes to enjoy things like radios.

Did you miss when you were a child?

In this way, you will be able to find out whether you had a happy childhood and at the same time learn more aspects of your personal life, or if, on the contrary, what was missing in childhood and there are no good memories of it.

In this question, you can look at several personal aspects of the interlocutor, such as their main values ​​in life, their skills or opportunities that they have lost.

How grateful are you in this life?

Although at first glance this seems like a simple question, it will show what is more important to the interlocutor; health, money; family; friendship or love.

If you have 30 min. free time, how will you spend it?

It will be helpful for you to know the other person's priorities, and if they are someone who is active, someone who likes to try new things, or if they have a calmer personality or like to spend time at home, or with family.

Do you have a good relationship with your ex-partners?

This question allows you to find out whether a person is able to forgive, and if he has exceeded his relationships in the past. Yes, you need to be careful because you can fall into a cycle of talking about other relationships and ruin the moment. It may be better to ask this question when you are not meeting for the first time.

What is unforgivable for you in a relationship?

With the answer, you will learn how the other person participates in a relationship or even a friendship. If one is responsive to someone, it gives the meaning of loyalty and fidelity, or how important to him or her the relationship between two people who love each other.

When you're in a bad mood, do you like to be alone?

Communication is the best way to find out The right way how to treat a person, especially with a negative experience like anger, knowing how to deal with this situation is an advantage not to spoil the relationship.

What was the best and worst gift you ever received?

Also, knowing your partner's tastes, this question creates a good atmosphere.

We all remember a gift that is usually associated with someone very close.

The worst gift also creates a funny situation because there are people who receive very absurd things, like gifts that are sometimes even unimaginable.

Where would you like to live?

You will find out if you are entrepreneurial and like change, especially if you name several places. If a person is attached to the place where he lives or is resistant to change.

What would your ideal day be like?

This question gives a clue about a person's personality, whether they are more adventurous or more relaxed, depending on whether they prefer to watch a movie at the cinema, go for a walk or party.

What food from abroad are you ready to try?

It is possible that he does not have the money to travel and try this food. Perhaps you could recommend a place to him, recreate this dinner in your home, or who knows if this connection will move forward, give him the gift of a trip and try this plate with him or her.

What's your favorite drink?

This is a very important question for a date, especially if you are a teetotaler or don't like people who drink alcohol.

Can drink sometimes or someone likes beer with friends.

If both are wine lovers, you have a conversation for a long time.

What song can you not refuse to dance to?

This good question, if you find yourself somewhere where you can dance or have an excuse to dance and see if it's true what he says.

What book do you like to read, e-book or paper?

This way you will find out how this person reacts to technological progress, things of the past, if there are things that he should not miss. This question can lead you to a good and nostalgic conversation.

Where is your ideal vacation spot?

He may prefer to relax on the beach, sightseeing or cultural extreme sports. You can check if your tastes match for the perfect holiday.

Where is your ideal place to live?

You can choose a house on the coast, in the countryside or an apartment in the city center. This will let you know whether you prefer a quiet life, or if you are spiritual, then attach great importance to relaxation, or prefer an active lifestyle in the city, where you can visit the main shows or shops.

What were your favorite TV shows when you were a child?

Also, learning more about this person will give you a reason to talk at length about the childhood series if you are both from the same generation.

If you could choose an animal as a pet, what would it be?

It is important that this question touches all types of animals to learn more about the tastes of humans.

For example, people who have a dog are usually people who enjoy company and social life. Usually cheerful and in many cases athletes. They love to be outdoors with their pet.

Instead, people who have cats tend to be more independent and enjoy spending time alone.

If your partner chooses something more exotic like a panther, ask why he chose it. It can be very funny.

What would you like to achieve in the future?

By answering this question, you'll know more about your partner's aspirations, and if some of them are similar to yours. For example, this could be a person who wants to create good family or more focused on professional success.

Tell me about an episode in your life when you said, “earth, stop!”

What subject or discipline do you want to study next?

We all have a pending question that we would like to delve into. Knowing what a person has ahead of him will help you find out about his interests.

How would you define love?

This question can be formulated with other questions such as freedom, hope. It is important to see how your partner deals with philosophical issues. In addition, these are usually questions that constitute the personal side of a person.

What risky sport would you like to practice?

It will show your partner's more adventurous side, as well as what they fear the most.

If your house is on fire and you can save one thing, what would it be?

This is a sneaky way to find out which object has more meaning to your companion.

What song makes you sad?

This question gives an emotional twist to the conversation. It will show the innermost side of the person you are talking to, hence you must know when to use it properly.

What do you like about your city?

Usually this question often excites the interlocutor when we're talking about about the place where he was born. The question will serve to discover the extent to which one is proud of one's roots, as well as one's critical opinion. If this was not the case, you can move on to the next question.

What don't you like about your city?

There is no perfect place. But for some people there is a certain chauvinism that can be unnerving. With this question you can discover how far you should travel or experience in other places.

Have you ever been afraid of death?

Being afraid of death is neither good nor bad. In fact, this is the rare person who says that he categorically does not care about the inevitable.

However, by taking into account the reaction and the degree of fear, you can find out if the person wants to live real life and enjoy it, or live with the frustrations and fears of certain levels of hypochondria.

A scent that will take you back to your childhood?

For many scientists, the most quick way active memory is smell. Of course, have you ever eaten a stew in a restaurant that smelled like a stew as a child, it will remind you of your mother or father.

If your receiver answers a question with smells associated with food, flowers or clothing, it shows that he had a happy and successful childhood.

If instead it reminds you of unpleasant odors, perhaps there was no complete childhood.

Would you go back to school?

The last stage of school or student and their reintegration into working life is forgotten by most people.

Some simply because they didn't want to study, were poor students or perhaps themselves unable to study.

If the receiver shows you that he would like to study again, try to find out if it is a business necessity by choice, or because he had no chance at the time. This seems to indicate how he wants to develop in this life.

What's your favorite scent?

This question needs to be clarified for the degree of hygiene that a person has. This question will subtly clarify the importance of care and cleanliness.

Do you prefer white, black or gray?

It is now customary in society to declare neutrality and avoid radicalism, which suppresses many people from declaring their ideas out of fear or shame.

This question may not find any clear ideas, but if he is a really decisive person, he will tell you white or black, then this indicates that he is frank and will not hide any compromising situation.

What do you value most in friends?

You will know that he loves the people around him.

Tell me your life story in 5 minutes

Giving little time is a reason to say the most important thing.

What's the best joke you know?

You know the kind of jokes he likes.

When was the last time you cried?

You will know what emotional situations he went through.

What have you always wanted but didn't get?

You will know what kind of dreams he has.

Short questions for a first date

You can keep these next short dating questions as a cheat sheet, but to have a pleasant conversation, try not to ask a reel of questions. Instead, after listening to the answer, share your opinion.

  1. What's your favorite food?
  2. What is your favorite and least favorite word?
  3. What was the best day of your life?
  4. If you could be any age, what age would you choose?
  5. What is preferable, to be ugly (ouch) and live forever, or to be attractive (ouch) / and die at 30?
  6. Which person do you prefer to turn to for advice?
  7. What can happen to you without explanation?
  8. What are you willing to do for a million dollars/euro?
  9. If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of another person, who would you choose?
  10. What did you do on your last birthday?
  11. If you could ask me any question, what would it be?
  12. If you could be an animal, what would it be?
  13. What's your plan in life?
  14. Would you fly into space if you could or would you rather stay on earth?
  15. If you could choose three wishes, what would you choose?
  16. If you could make a film with an unlimited budget, what would it be about?
  17. What do you prefer to spend your money on?
  18. If you have 100 million euros/dollars, what will you spend it on and why?
  19. What do you prefer, mountains, beach or home?
  20. Do you prefer small groups, large ones or being alone?
  21. What's the weirdest thing you've eaten?
  22. Who would you like to be locked in an elevator with?
  23. Which season do you like the most and which season do you like the least?
  24. Describe what the person of your dreams should be like?
  25. What was the last thing you bought?
  26. What was your best holiday?
  27. What is your favorite holiday?
  28. What do you like most in the world?

After reading this list of dating questions, everyone should answer these questions at least for themselves. To give your life a little more clarity, try writing down your answers on a piece of paper.

Colleague, friend, potential partner... You like a person, but you don’t fully understand what kind of person he is, how he will react to your vulnerability, can you trust him with a secret, ask for help? There are articles circulating on psychological “life hacking” sites like “If you want to get to know someone, ask them 38 questions.” Let's imagine what it looks like: you sit a colleague or acquaintance opposite you, ask him questions from the list and carefully document the answers. How many will agree to this?

The other extreme is to believe that you can figure out a person only through several months or years of close communication. Coach John Alex Clark is sure: it’s not about the amount of time, but about observation and the willingness to connect facts into a single chain. There are several simple techniques that can help you discover patterns in behavior and understand your character.

1. Notice the details

Every day we perform thousands of routine actions: talking on the phone, buying food. People's actions can provide insight into their personality and help predict how they will behave in similar situations.

Example A. Someone who chooses the same dish at a restaurant every day may avoid change in life and dislike uncertainty. Such a person may turn out to be a faithful and devoted husband, but it will be difficult to convince him to move to another country or make a risky investment.

Example B. A person who enjoys trading the stock market and other risky ventures is likely to take risks in other areas of life. For example, he may quit his job without finding a new one and without taking care of the financial “safety cushion”.

Example C. A person who never forgets to look both ways before crossing the road can be a cautious person. He will carefully consider every decision before making it and will only take calculated risks.

By analyzing a person’s behavior in one area, you can evaluate how he will manifest himself in other areas of life.

2. Pay attention to communication methods

How does he communicate? Does he build relationships with everyone or single out those who are closest in spirit, and try to stay within the bounds of decency with the rest? Does he act on a whim, without a clear plan, is he guided by impressions or does he try to analyze everything, does he not trust his instincts and strives to be objective? Is he rather a practitioner who lives in a world of facts, tasks, measurable quantities, or a thinker for whom ideas, concepts, diagrams and images are important?

3. Discuss relationships at work, with mutual friends

It seems that “washing the bones” is an empty and meaningless activity. But the main thing is what qualities a person imparts to others, how he interprets their motivations. When talking about others, we most often notice what is in ourselves. Our personal “pantheon” can tell us what we value in people, who we strive to be like, what qualities we try to change in ourselves.

The more often a person evaluates others as kind-hearted, happy, emotionally stable, or polite, the more likely it is that he himself is endowed with these traits. Reasoning like “he’s just pretending, he’s digging a hole for someone” can mean that the interlocutor is calculating and understands only relationships built on benefits.

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All girls want to know more about their lover. And everyone thinks about how to ask a guy the right question in order to get a comprehensive and honest answer.

How to find out what a guy thinks using the right questions

First of all, the girl should ask the guy about his plans for the next 2-3 years. Psychologists say: a man who has a specific plan for the coming years has a chance of achieving success in the future. But if he cannot clearly answer such questions, it means that he is unreliable and lives one day at a time.

Also, a girl should ask a man how serious his intentions are towards her, but she just needs to do it carefully. Thus, you can understand whether he wants to build a family with her and have children. Questions for a guy about what he thinks about his partner play an important role in relationships.

If a guy confidently answers all his lady’s questions and gives examples, this means that he really likes her.

The guy’s answer to the question of how he feels about his chosen one is very important. A guy who finds it difficult to answer the question of what his relationship is with a girl most likely does not want a serious relationship with his companion. He's probably just using the girl for his own selfish purposes.

What should you ask when meeting?

If a girl has met a guy in her life with whom she wants to start a family, she should not ask the man about children and future family life. Psychologists recommend asking questions about his interests, family and friends.

For example:

  • What music can lift you out of a depressed state?
  • Do you often take a day off in the middle of the work week?
  • How often do you visit your parents?
  • How many friends do you have that you trust as much as yourself?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What do you think about people who are constantly on social networks?

Questions on the first date

It is very important to make a good impression on the first date, as this will affect the further development of the relationship. A girl should carefully hint to her partner that she is ready for serious relationship, but at the same time do not demand retaliatory actions from him.


  • Have you dreamed of meeting me?
  • Why did I interest you?
  • How romantic are you?
  • What do you think about guys who are all trying to please their girlfriends?
  • Could you give up a promising career for the girl you love?
  • What do you think a real man should be like?

To know better

List of topics that must be touched upon when talking with a guy:

  • Which your favorite animal?
  • Would you like to get into the Guinness Book of Records?
  • Can you play musical instruments?
  • Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur?
  • Do you like to debate?
  • Which drink do you drink more: tea or coffee?
  • You have good memory?
  • Do you like extreme holidays?
  • What city do you dream of living in for the rest of your life?
  • Would you like to be in the place of Robinson Crusoe?
  • Are you a reliable friend?
  • Can I trust you?
  • What gifts do you like?
  • Do you watch cartoons?
  • What is your life motto?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Do you write poetry?
  • Do you have any ill-wishers?
  • What did you most often give to your loved ones?
  • Can I trust you with a secret?
  • What do you want to achieve in your life?
  • What people make you nervous?
  • What films have you watched lately?
  • Do you despise girls who smoke?
  • Are you able to forgive a friend if he betrayed you?
  • Who do you turn to most often for help?
  • What job bores you the most?

About life and hobbies

Questions for a guy about his life and hobbies will be very appropriate at the first stage of dating. A girl is recommended to ask her lover about his hobbies, family, childhood, etc.

Questions for a guy on first dates should not be too frank

This way you can establish friendly contact:

  • Have you ever flown to European countries?
  • What genres of books do you prefer to read?
  • What movie would you like to watch a second time?
  • Do you go swimming?
  • Do you think that your friends are irreplaceable?
  • Did you want to be like your parents as a child?
  • Do you often go out into nature with your family?
  • Can you prepare a culinary dish yourself?
  • Can you be called a jack of all trades?

Funny, tricky trick questions

Questions for a guy, funny with a trick, will help defuse the situation and give you a reason to laugh. Having answered his companion’s questions with a joke, the guy relaxes and feels relaxed.

  • How do you deal with the alarm clock that wakes you up early in the morning?
  • What color would you use to paint your refrigerator?
  • Do you associate yourself with clouds or the sun?
  • Do you often have to look for your socks throughout the house?
  • Have you ever walked around the city in a robe?
  • Would you like to fly in the clouds?
  • How do you react when you see yourself in the mirror, unkempt and with bags under your eyes?
  • Can you eat a big bowl of borscht on an empty stomach?
  • What do you do while food is heating up in the microwave?
  • What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?

By asking humorous questions, you can at the same time find out how things are going for a guy with such an important sense as humor.

Personal questions to understand whether he loves or not

When a girl has been dating a guy for a long time and hopes for a future together, she wants to be sure that the guy loves her.

There are questions that will help her figure this out, for example:

  1. What are your plans for the future?
  2. What do you mean by the words: love, loyalty, care?
  3. Are you planning to have children?

Based on the man's answers to these questions, it will be clear whether he is in love with his companion.


If a girl wants to impress a guy and intrigue him, then she will be able to do this with the help of provocative questions.

Here are some options:

  • Are you always this sad or are you just so bored with me?
  • Do you doubt my loyalty?
  • I don’t understand: are you interested in me or not?
  • I like you, and you like me?
  • Who's your sign? Perhaps you and I are perfect for each other?
  • I would like to meet myself tomorrow evening, and you with me?
  • Do you think we have a chance to have a close relationship?
  • Will you and I have children?
  • What name will we choose for our first child?
  • Will your family love me?
  • Are you ready to marry me?
  • What will you tell your friends about me?
  • What is my role in your life?


Intimate questions help bring partners closer together and diversify them sex life. A girl shouldn’t be afraid to ask intimate questions for a guy.

  • How good are you in bed?
  • Do you like experimenting in your sex life?
  • What is your experience with sex?
  • Can you describe your first time?
  • Do you watch porn films?
  • Have you ever had a threesome?
  • What types of sex have you already tried?
  • What sexual fantasies would you like to come true?
  • Did you have sex with a girl you barely knew?
  • Have you ever watched someone else have sex?
  • What breast shape do you like best?
  • How much time during sex do you spend on foreplay?
  • Do you like dirty sex?
  • What kind of sex do you consider the most disgusting?

Vulgar questions

Most representatives of the stronger sex have erotic fantasies that they are afraid to tell their lovers about.

But when the girl herself asks the guy vulgar questions, he begins to open up:

  • Are you willing to have sex with me right now?
  • What's your favorite sex position?
  • Have you ever read the Kama Sutra?
  • What poses from the Kama Sutra do you like?
  • You can take it off underwear without hands?
  • Which role-playing games have you tried it yet?
  • Do you like to have sex in silence or to music?
  • Do you usually spend a lot of time on foreplay?
  • Would you like to have hard sex?
  • Let's have sex in a public place, for example, in a cafe?

Questions for dating via correspondence on VK

Video about what questions to ask a guy to get his attention:

Questions for a guy via correspondence on VK should be selected based on the information received about him from his page. If, for example, he has a lot of photos on his page with different countries world, then you can ask him about what places he would like to visit.

Questions that are best asked over the phone

Some questions are more appropriate to ask by phone:

  1. I really like your voice, do you think it’s because I miss you so much?
  2. I really love communicating with you! Let's talk on the phone more often?
  3. Let's arrange a date tomorrow?
  4. Tell me, what's new with you?
  5. Let's agree that you will call me at least once every 3 days?
  6. Do I have a pleasant voice?

Serious and frank about relationships

Psychologists believe that when the relationship between a man and a woman has become close enough, it is time to ask each other frank questions. You can ask your partner about past relationships, his ideas about family life, etc.

This will help partners understand whether they have a future together.

  • What will you do if your parents don’t like your chosen one?
  • Do you like to go on holiday with friends or with your family?
  • How do you think you can pleasantly surprise your loved one?
  • How many times have you fallen in love in your life?
  • Do you remember the girl who is your first love?
  • What was your first romantic relationship?
  • What was the reason for breaking up with your ex-girlfriend?
  • Could you forgive a person who once cheated on you?
  • What sacrifices are you willing to make for the girl you love?
  • Would you agree to have sex with a girl you don't love?
  • Do you believe that a man and a woman can be good friends and their friendship will not develop into something more?
  • Are you in touch with any of your exes?
  • How do you feel about people of non-traditional sexual orientation?
  • What do you expect from a relationship?
  • What kind of family would you like?
  • If you have to divorce your future wife, will you take care of your children who were born during your marriage?
  • How should a girl behave to please you?
  • What is a good reason for you to end your marriage?

A list of 100 questions to help you understand your relationship

  1. What item always makes you smile?
  2. What achievements are you most proud of?
  3. What motivates you to have fun?
  4. What moment in your life do you remember as the scariest?
  5. What is your most vivid memory from childhood?
  6. What brings you the most satisfaction at the moment?
  7. What movie do you like best?
  8. Could you talk to me about something you've never discussed with anyone else?
  9. What would you do in the following situation: you urgently need to fly to a foreign country and you can take no more than 3 items with you?
  10. Do you have a pet?
  11. What type of ice cream do you like best?
  12. Which of your family members do you have the closest relationship with?
  13. Can you tell me a funny joke?
  14. What games do you like to play?
  15. Are you an atheist?
  16. Do you dance often?
  17. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  18. What kind of women do you like?
  19. Do you like to spend your holidays actively or passively?
  20. What helps you get inspired?
  21. Do thoughts about getting old make you fearful?
  22. How do you see yourself at 65?
  23. How old were you when you first really fell in love?
  24. At what age did you confess to a girl your feelings for her?
  25. Is sex one of the main aspects of a relationship for you?
  26. What do you think about open relationships?
  27. What stupid action of yours do you still regret to this day?
  28. What period of your life would you like to change?
  29. Which one is yours? positive trait character?
  30. How do you deal with a bad attitude?
  31. Do you have any hobbies?
  32. Why do you love your job?
  33. What is your main character trait?
  34. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
  35. What countries do you travel to?
  36. What are your talents?
  37. What can you tell us about your best friend?
  38. What do you absolutely have to do before you die?
  39. If you inherited a huge fortune, how would you use it?
  40. What do you usually do on your day off?
  41. How would your friends describe it?
  42. Which one of alcoholic drinks do you prefer most?
  43. How would you arrange a romantic date?
  44. Can you tell me about your 3 deepest desires?
  45. What's the nicest compliment you've ever heard addressed to you?
  46. Who are you according to your zodiac sign? How do you match him?
  47. Is there anything you still regret?
  48. What can help lift your spirits?
  49. Would you like to change anything?
  50. If you could start your life over with a new leaf, would you do it?
  51. What situation can make you shed a tear?
  52. Do you have a desire to have children?
  53. What difficulties might scare you in the future?
  54. What do you think an ideal family should look like?
  55. Do you have a favorite quote?
  56. Have you ever truly loved?
  57. Has your girlfriend ever left you?
  58. What does “love” mean to you?
  59. Do you value the experiences you gained from your past relationships?
  60. What action do you consider to be crazy?
  61. Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
  62. What job have you dreamed of all your life?
  63. What's your favorite phrase?
  64. Which book can you call a true bestseller of all time?
  65. What do you strive for most in your life?
  66. What are yours worst traits character?
  67. What would you like to know about me personally?
  68. Which celebrity do you look up to?
  69. What habits of yours would you like to get rid of?
  70. What was your first kiss like?
  71. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with?
  72. Could you fall in love with a person you see for the first time?
  73. What do you prefer to do: reading books or watching movies?
  74. What's your favorite composition?
  75. What would you do on the last day before you die?
  76. Do you often attend cultural events?
  77. Have you ever wanted to publish your own book?
  78. What is the first thought that appears in the morning after sleep?
  79. Do you have a tatoo?
  80. What would you name your own yacht?
  81. What colors do you like?
  82. What's your favorite time of year?
  83. How do you feel when you visit a cafe or cinema without friends?
  84. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour?
  85. What do you usually carry in the trunk of your car?
  86. What was your nickname as a child?
  87. What sport are you interested in?
  88. If we continue our communication, how will we spend our anniversary?
  89. Have you ever cried while watching a melodrama?
  90. What brand is your car?
  91. What's your favorite dish?
  92. What first of all interests you in a girl you just met?
  93. What restaurant do you visit most often?
  94. How will you spend the day if it's raining outside?
  95. What is more important to you: money or reputation?
  96. How often do you do deep cleaning in your apartment?
  97. What's your favorite month of the year?
  98. Do you prefer to take a bath or shower?
  99. If you were asked to choose a super power, what would it be?
  100. Do you believe that love only lasts 3 years?

What questions should you not ask?

A girl should never ask her boyfriend questions about how she looks. and in the presence of your lover, evaluate your appearance. Men, as a rule, do not notice the shortcomings of their girls, therefore, in this way, girls only make it clear to their loved ones that they are not ideal at all.

Men love women who are confident in their beauty and sexuality.

Quite often, people think about some insignificant nonsense that there is simply no need to discuss with someone. And at that moment, when a man is thinking about something unimportant, a woman begins to persistently ask what he is thinking about now. Most men are infuriated by this. If a woman regularly pesters her man with this question, he will think that his companion wants to own his thoughts.

Representatives of the fairer sex should not ask their loved ones such questions, because they themselves do not tell everything that they think.

When the relationship between a man and a woman has just begun to develop, you should not plan the distant future with him. There is no need to ask him questions about when he will marry her and when they will have children. After such conversations, a male representative will immediately break off relations with his girlfriend. Therefore, it is better to hold off on this.

It is not recommended for a girl to ask her lover about who he loves more - her mother or her. It’s pointless to even find out, because a man’s love for his mother is radically different from the one he feels for his chosen one. A man feels affectionate affection towards his mother, and sexual desire towards his companion.

He loves both his companion and his own mother, but each in different ways.

You should never ask a guy whether he loves her. Real men show their love through good deeds, not empty talk. Also, there is no need to ask a representative of the stronger sex about how much he loves his chosen one. If a man is truly in love, it can be seen.

It is strictly not recommended to rush your partner into marriage. After all, perhaps he still doubts whether it is worth moving to a new level of relations, especially when they are just developing. Most men don't understand anything about fashion and cosmetics, so don't ask them what blouse to wear or what lipstick to put on - it will only irritate them.

Quite often, girls ask their lovers questions about whether they see any changes in their appearance. As a rule, men do not pay attention to such little things as a new skirt, new powder, so you should not ask them about such things.

Experts in the field of psychology categorically do not advise asking a partner about his former companions. Moreover, girls themselves do not like such questions. The most important thing is that out of everyone, he chose her. If a girl doesn’t want to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend, then she shouldn’t ask him which of her friends he considers the sexiest.

If a man tells the truth, then his chosen one will begin to be jealous of his girlfriend. As a result, the relationship with both the boyfriend and the girlfriend will become worse.

Psychologists also do not recommend asking guys questions regarding his phone conversations. If a guy has a desire to tell his chosen one about any event, he will tell it himself. Men really don’t like it when their chosen one tries to keep everything under control.

And questions about their whereabouts also irritate them. The girl still won’t be able to constantly monitor her lover’s geolocation, but when asked this kind men most often answer quite sharply. Reasonably written questions will help you successfully start a dialogue and establish close contact.

Do you want to get to know a person better?! Lead the conversation by asking questions that need to be asked and can be asked.
What questions should you ask people you know or people you don't know but would like to know? What questions should you ask people you like? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Questions to ask people you just met

In this case, you need to start the conversation correctly. Here are questions to people you met for the first time or for the second or third time. And yet, these questions are suitable for any age category. Review these questions and adapt them to your situations.

My name is (...), and yours?
How are you doing?
What do you do?
I like your handbag (suitcase), where did you buy it?
What is your zodiac sign?
What is your nationality?
Who is your favorite tennis player? Rafael Nadal or David Nalbandian?
Do you have a hobby?
What is your favorite book series that you would recommend reading?
Where would you recommend going for the weekend?
Who is your favorite musician?
What do you think about me?
What is usually your first impression of people you meet for the first time?
Do you have a pet?
What's the craziest prank you've done? (This humorous question will help you get to know the person better!)
Do you have a favorite movie?
Are you interested in gardening?
What do you think about the rights of sexual minorities and same-sex marriage?
What are you going to do for the New Year?
Where did you study?
Do you like to travel?
Do you believe that man has karma?
Do you like to dance? What types of dances do you know?
Can you bake pancakes?
Do you believe in fate?
Are you an atheist?
Do you read books about self-motivation?
Have you watched the series "Sex and the City"?
Have you read Sigmund Freud's books?
Have you ever done yoga?
Can you give me some comedy CDs?
Do you believe in unexplained paranormal phenomena?
You are drawing?
Can you draw cartoons?
Do you sing well?
Do you have children?
Are you into photography?
Are you looking for a love relationship?

Questions to ask the person you like

Now comes the fun part. Questions for the person you like or adore. Proper communication will bring you the best results in your relationship. These are the irreplaceable questions.

What color means happiness to you?
Do you believe that your astrological sign determines your love destiny?
Can you tell us about your dates?
What was your favorite subject at school?
Do you like swimming?
Do you have brothers or sister?
Have you ever had a love relationship?
What qualities define the personality of the man of your dreams (for girls)/girl of your dreams (for men)?
What's your favorite restaurant?
Which one is the best best compliment have you ever received?
What nickname would you like to have?
Have you ever had unbridled fantasies in your passions?
What animal do you think you resemble?
Who was the first person you felt passionate about?
Do you believe in ghosts?
What's the weirdest thing you've done in your life?
Do you believe in strong family ties?
Have you ever smoked?
What do you look for in a person, looks or intelligence?
What is your favorite sport?
Have you ever had any failures? Did you manage to cope?
Do you like coffee?
Do you like chocolate?
Have you ever been to a scary place alone?
Can you have dinner with me today?
What does your name mean?
Do you believe in prophetic dreams?
What do you think about marriage?
Do you like to play computer games?
What thing caught your attention when you first felt sexual attraction?
What do you do on the weekend?
Can we go to the cinema tonight?

So there are a lot of conversation questions. Ask these questions in conversation with your boyfriend or girlfriend. All of these questions will help you start an interesting conversation. You can add a comic touch to the conversation to make the conversation lively and exciting.

If on the first date you ask a girl if she has a piercing on her... (well, you understand), most likely she will send you away, and you are unlikely to have the chance. Even an innocent question about what her favorite color is can cost you the coveted second date. Why? You may seem superficial to her. She's got enough life experience, she can tell you a lot, but you can only ask her a meaningless question!

Women have a strange logic. That's why we've come up with 50 questions for you that will help you avoid ruining a date and get to know your friend inside and out. Of course, you shouldn’t ask all these questions at once on one date; choose a few and dilute the conversation with them.

1. What would you never repeat in your life?

2. What would you choose: to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

3. What was the last reason you cried?

4. In what situation were you the most nervous?

5. What fact about you would surprise your parents?

6. What is your worst habit?

7. What superpower would you like to have for one day?

8. Which superhero do you think is the most attractive man?

9. What's the weirdest thing your pet does?

10. Where would you live if you could choose any place on Earth?

11. Who knows you best?

12. What clubs did you go to at school?

13. Finish the phrase: “I’m probably the best…”

14. What was the last book you really liked?

15. Best show of all time?

16. At what age did you enjoy living the most?

17. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

18. Finish the phrase: “I would be most upset at dawn if I had never...”

19. Apologize or ask permission?

20. Endless love or money?

21. If you knew that you would die in a week, what would you do?

22. What song have you listened to the most times?

23. Lie on the beach or wander around Europe on excursions?

24. If you were a child prodigy, what would you do?

25. What is the first thing you will do if you win the lottery?

26. Which celebrity would you trade places with?

27. If you were a musician, what would you call your first album?

28. What life story do your friends remind you of from time to time?

29. If there was only one spice left in the world, what would you choose?

30. What is the ideal number of people for a Friday night party?

31. What is the most unpleasant age for you?

33. Which fictional character reminds you of yourself?

35. What program did you love to watch as a child?

37. In any game where you choose a question category, what would you choose first?

38. What things are you superstitious about?

39. Tell me about the most terrible incident in your life.

40. Which person not involved in politics would you support in the elections? Or whose election race would you be interested in watching?

42. Which dead person would you like to have lunch with if it were possible?

43. Do you think following the news is important?

44. Best gift, which you ever received?

45. Would you be willing to sacrifice one of your fingers if in exchange you could get free Wi-Fi everywhere you went?

46. ​​What would you do first if you turned into a man for one day?

47. If you could give a gift to anyone for any amount, what would you give and to whom?

48. A large comfortable house in a residential area or a tiny house with a beautiful view?

49. What is the nicest thing others can say about you?