Which hand is better for a girl to wear a watch on and why? On which hand do women wear a bracelet or how to wear a bracelet correctly On which hand do they wear a smart watch

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly towards others, know at least the basic rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. A wristwatch is the perfect complement to any look. But not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashion trends and do not know that, for example, men's skeleton watches look like this. But today we won’t talk about fashion and models.

Clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, anyone who wants to attract the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. This way, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there are no generally accepted rules of etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for either men or women. You can wear them however you like. But everything should be in place. So, for the office or business meetings, you should not buy flashy or too large accessories, because they distract the attention of the interlocutor and prevent the person from concentrating.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past and negativity, while the right side symbolizes, on the contrary, only the future and a positive attitude. The way of wearing can also be classified in this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who goes towards your goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you best.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, in accordance with ancient Chinese philosophy, there are a large number of energy points on the left wrist, including the point that is responsible for the functioning of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by compressing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and give another original example. It turns out that by putting a watch on your right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this method of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets don’t steal from “their own.”

There are many signs associated with wristwatches. For example, they say that you cannot give them as a gift. It is believed that this is a sign of separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If they previously belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

We wear on the left: meanings and etiquette

Historically, it has been common to wear wristwatches on the left side. It is no secret that the majority of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and many of them find it more convenient to wind the mechanism and fasten the strap with their right hand. In addition, wearing it on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since whatever a right-handed person does, he does with his right hand, and a left-handed person does the opposite.

In a business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative and can be almost completely hidden under a shirt cuff. Following these rules will allow you to make a good impression on your business partner and demonstrate to a stranger your restraint and level of upbringing.

So, among the main reasons that encourage people to choose their left hand to wear a wristwatch, it is worth highlighting:

  • This makes it much more convenient to wind both mechanical women’s watches and men’s watches; you don’t even need to remove it to do this;
  • a right-handed person will be able to fasten the strap of the device much faster, helping himself with his “working” hand;
  • this allows you to protect an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism means problems for its owner, so don’t forget to start it);
  • They say that jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of creative nature, which is why even many left-handed people prefer this side.

Which hand should I wear it on?

For those who still haven’t decided how to wear the jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting the wristwatch on one hand or the other. After some time, you will be able to understand which option you like best.

The main thing is not what wrist it will be worn on, but that the jewelry you buy matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, don't forget about size. On a miniature wrist, large accessories will look too harsh and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large hand.

Since ancient times, clock mechanisms have been used to measure and display the time of day. But modern watches have lost this function and expanded the scope of their purpose. They have become a fashion accessory that emphasizes the elegance of a woman and the brutality of a man. But still, some men and women are faced with the question of which hand to wear the watch on? For this, there are traditional rules that have been formed and developed over centuries. Most of the features depended on who needed to wear them - men or women, and also depended on the style and form of clothing, the purpose of the event being attended, or the person's profession.

Etiquette dictates many rules, including rules regarding the use of wrist devices.

Disputes began in 1868. They said that women's and men's “walkers” are worn on different hands. But gradually society decided that decorating watches should be done with an inactive hand, which performs less work.

This is due to three reasons:

  • During operation, blood flow is not disrupted.,
  • the risk of damaging the device: scratching or breaking is reduced.,
  • Convenient to wind the mechanism.

The main functional task of a watch in modern society is to complement the business style of its owner. Practical benefits have become less applicable.

Which hand is the watch worn on?


Men need to wear a wrist accessory on their right hand. This is connected not only with business ethics, but also with the influence of watches on the functioning of the heart. The main point of heart function in men, according to the Chinese teaching “Fikuri”, is on the left wrist.


Women should wear this accessory on their right hand, since the energy point associated with the work of the heart muscle is located on the right wrist.

Wearing a watch correctly will help both men and women maintain health, stimulate and improve their physical condition.


Girls, so that there is never a return to the past and no doubt about anything, should wear a watch accessory on their right hand. If they are worn on the left, they say that their owner prefers to constantly look back.


Guys can use watch instruments, according to psychologists, on any hand. There are no strict stereotypes for this, so any model can be used on any hand.

Psychologists have their own opinion regarding wrist mechanisms

They focus on the person's own view of their life.

How to wear a watch correctly: on your right hand or your left?

A wrist fashion accessory is created to highlight the image of the person wearing it. To wear this stylish jewelry correctly, you need to determine for yourself the practical benefits of wearing it. The ticking of the clock mechanism should not disturb the heart rhythm, and the fashion accessories themselves should not be in danger. You need to wear walkers on the hand that is almost not involved in work. This is necessary both for the safety of the accessory and for the benefit of your own body.

Doctors' opinions

Doctors say that wearing it on the left hand is more beneficial than on the right. Also, a lot depends on the person’s wrist. If its shape is graceful and thin, it is best to buy an elegant, small watch. For a strong man, a wide, massive form of wrist mechanism is suitable, which will be an effective and optimal option.

How do right-handed and left-handed people wear watches?

To determine the correct location for wrist mechanisms, you need to focus on the characteristics of hand activity. To carry it, you should choose an inactive hand, that is, for right-handers - the left, and for left-handers - the right. In order for the hand to be active during work, nothing should interfere with it, so as not to disrupt the blood flow. This is also convenient when you need to wind a device with a mechanical winding. To protect the “chronometer” from damage and scratches, you should not put the fashion accessory on your active hand.

Why wear a watch if everyone has one on their phone?

The use of wrist mechanisms is a sign of good form. They complement the business style, and expensive models emphasize status. An unusual strap or an interesting dial, LED technology, model features and purposes - indirectly determine whether to wear this accessory or not. Everyone has time on their phone, but wrist accessories will never lose their relevance. Spectacular and wide options will be the best choice for a strong man. On a woman’s hand, a watch can fit tightly or loosely, hang down or dangle. Can be worn on the forearm or wrist. If a woman is wearing a formal business suit, then the temporary attribute must be firmly fixed on the wrist.

"Tikalki" as decoration

A watch complements clothing and the overall image of a girl or man. Their use as jewelry is the main purpose of modern wrist mechanisms. In modern times, the passage of time can be checked using mobile phones, which perform many functions. Therefore, you should not think about which hand to put the watch on, the main thing is that this should be personal comfort.

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Few people know how to wear a watch correctly so that it is not just a decoration, but also emphasizes your individuality and also has a positive effect on your energy.

For many people, watches have become a necessary accessory. The use of wristwatches became widespread at the beginning of the 20th century. The military contributed to their everyday use in our lives. Pocket watches were inconvenient, but wristwatches turned out to be more accessible and easier to use.

There are no basic watch etiquette rules. Usually people do not pay attention to the question of which hand should they wear a watch on, and wear it according to their clothes or so that it does not cause inconvenience. However, it is worth knowing that there are certain rules for the “appropriate” hand for wearing a watch for men and women.

In addition to the above, the watch has strong energy. They are a talisman and also have the ability to influence a person’s destiny, attracting good luck.

On which hand do men wear a watch?

The fact that representatives of the stronger sex neglect various accessories, considering it an exclusively female activity, is a stereotype that has long been destroyed. Nowadays, watches can be seen on the wrist of almost every man. They are worn in completely different ways, which may be related to their profession or type of activity.

Men whose work involves physical labor will put a watch on the hand that is less involved. An office worker will try to choose a more serious design for his accessory and will not attach much importance to which hand to put the watch on. Find out how to wear a watch correctly so that it is not just an accessory, but also brings good luck and increases energy.

Energy and hours

Ancient Chinese medicine attached considerable importance to the energy points that are on our hands. From her rules it is known that men have stronger energy points located on the left hand. These points actively influence the functioning of the heart. To maintain internal balance in the body, men should wear a watch on their right hand. By doing this, they will give additional energy to the points on the right hand and ensure stable heart function.

According to one of the Chinese recovery systems, it is believed that there are several more energy points on the hands between the fingers, which affect men’s health, mainly the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines. As you already know, in men these points are stronger on the left hand, and the additional energy impact will harm your health. From this it follows that men should wear a watch on their right hand.

How to wear a watch correctly for men

As you understand, watches not only affect your energy, but also affect your health. But do not forget that there are certain rules of etiquette, according to which men should wear wristwatches.

When leaving home, you should consider in advance which watch will suit your surroundings. If you go to work, a classic watch is the way to go. When going to the gym, wear a sports watch. Don't mix styles - it will look ridiculous.

Don't forget about convenience. If you are right-handed, you will find it more comfortable to wear your watch on your left hand. In the case of left-handed people, it's the other way around.

Following business etiquette, many men wear a watch on their left hand. But those who want to emphasize their status, on the contrary, prefer to wear the accessory on their right hand.

Creative people do not like to wear watches at all or put them on their right hand. This is how they show that they belong to the society of creators.

On which hand do women wear watches?

Women attach no less importance to wearing a watch correctly than men. This accessory not only emphasizes the femininity and elegance of the fair sex, but also highlights her external and personal qualities. It is believed that women prefer to wear watches on their right hand.

Energy and hours in women

According to the advice of ancient Chinese medicine, a woman needs to strengthen her weak energy points located on the right wrist. This means that it is better to wear the watch on the right hand to give strength to the weakest points and provide positive effects on health. This advice should not be neglected, since the energy points located on a woman’s hand are responsible for the functioning of many internal organs. If you want to feel better, wear your watch on your right hand.

How to wear a watch correctly for women

Just like for men, there are certain etiquette rules for women that should be taken into account when wearing a watch. But, unlike men, women attach special importance to wearing a watch and try to combine it with clothing and the environment.

If you have a lot of rings on your right hand, it is better to wear the watch on your left hand to avoid creating a cluttered effect. This also works correctly for bracelets.

From a psychological point of view, if a woman wants to emphasize her independence, she should wear a watch on her active hand. This will emphasize her efficiency and determination.

Many women wear a watch on their right hand to show their desire to move forward and not attach importance to the past.

In accordance with the rules that the site’s experts have prepared for you, you can find out on which hand it is better and more useful for you to wear a watch. Don’t forget to consider which hand you should wear other jewelry on - you can find out about this in the link. Be beautifuland don't forget to press the buttons and

The first wristwatches were made at the beginning of the 19th century, but this idea did not attract much attention. The mass production of watches to be worn on the wrist is associated with military operations during the First World War.

Recently, wristwatches have been used not for their intended purpose - displaying time, but mainly as a stylish and expensive accessory.

Today, when there is a huge variety of watches, some people have a question: on which hand is it preferable to wear a watch? Let's try to figure out this seemingly simple question.

On which hand do real men wear a watch?

Most males wear a watch on their left hand, which is due to the predominance of right-handed people over left-handed people.

Nowadays, when high-quality watches cost a lot of money, they need to be taken care of. If the watch has a mechanical mechanism, it may become unusable due to sudden vibrations, for example, when hitting an object with your hand. Since a right-handed person has a functional right hand, the watch will be safer on the left hand.

  1. The watch is worn on the hand, which is less involved in everyday work, for greater safety. Most watches have the winding crown on the right side, making it much easier to access if the watch is worn on the left hand.
  2. Ease of access to the winding mechanism. When wearing a watch with a right-hand winding mechanism on the left hand, the most leaky part - the hole for the winding crown - faces down. This helps protect the watch from splashes in rainy weather.
  3. Additional splash protection. A banal habit plays an important role. Ever since Soviet times, when there was a certain desire to make everyone equal, it has been ingrained in people to wear a watch on their left hand. In this situation, they tried to retrain even left-handers so that they would not differ from the prevailing right-handers.
  4. The ingrained habit of wearing a watch on the left hand.

For decent people, another additional incentive to wear a watch on the left hand was the custom of people who made a living by stealing watches (at first they were worth very significant money) to wear a watch on the right hand to designate “colleagues.”

On which hand do women usually wear a watch? And why?

When choosing the hand on which to wear a watch, women have slightly different criteria than men.

For women, watches are primarily an adornment that demonstrates their attitude towards style. At the same time, the watch should be harmoniously combined with other jewelry that is located on the hand.

If a woman always wears a wedding ring on her right hand and does not wear rings on her left hand, then it is more logical to decorate her left hand with a watch rather than her right hand.

At the same time, if the watch is quite simple in design, and the left hand is decorated with exquisite and expensive rings, the watch is more suitable for a place on the right hand.

Therefore, the main criterion for choosing a hand for wearing a watch for women is a harmonious combination with other jewelry.

Practical advice:

Practical women, who value not only their attractive appearance in a watch, when choosing a wrist for a watch, basically use the same criteria as given above for men.

On which hand do left-handed people wear a watch?

The most common belief is that left-handers wear their watches on their right hand. The main principle that guides them in this case is functionality and protection of watches from mechanical damage, to which mechanical watches are the most sensitive.

It is for left-handers that production has been mastered with a left-sided arrangement of the mechanism head, which makes it easier for the right hand to access the watch control.

Therefore, when any person makes his choice regarding which hand to wear the watch on, he should only take into account his opinion and his comfortable state when using the watch.

Features of choosing a watch model at hand

  1. Relationship between watch size and wrist width. When choosing a watch, first of all, attention is paid to the harmonious correspondence of the size of the watch to the width of the wrist. If you have a wide wrist, it is better to choose a fairly massive model that will not get lost on your hand. At the same time, if you have a narrow wrist, it is better to choose a small watch that will additionally emphasize the elegance of your hand.
  2. Combination of watch shape and brush shape. In addition to the width of the wrist, the shape of the hand plays a big role when choosing a watch. If you have a small hand with short fingers, it is better to choose an elegant, small watch. If you have a narrow hand with elongated, aristocratic fingers, choose a small, irregularly shaped watch. If the brush is large, a watch of the correct geometric shape will help visually reduce it.
  3. Matching the watch to a specific style. As a rule, when choosing a watch, you need to decide on the style that will be used simultaneously with the watch. It is clear that neat, small watches with a predominance of dark colors will look most organic with a business style. Large watches in a variety of colors are optimal for a club style.
  4. The choice of watch fastening is a bracelet or a belt. When choosing a watch, it is important to decide on the mount. As practice shows, it is better to use a mount that is not integral with the watch. If in this case it breaks down, you can always find an equivalent replacement. Belts are a more classic option compared to bracelets.
  5. Watch mechanism. Based on the type of mechanism, watches are divided into mechanical, quartz and electronic. Mechanical watches require periodic winding of the mechanism, and are also the most vulnerable to various shocks and vibrations. If you often have to deal with these factors, it is better to choose a quartz or electronic watch. These types of watches contain a power supply in the form of a battery, so there is no need to wind them.

    Quartz watches display time using arrows, while electronic watches display time using a digital display.

  6. You personally like the watch, not others. When choosing a watch, first of all, you need to pay attention to what emotions this watch brings to you, and not to the people around you. If you feel comfortable and confident, this is exactly the watch you need.

Let us summarize the rules for using wristwatches:

For men, the choice of the hand on which to wear a watch is determined mainly by functionality, convenience and a certain safety of the watch. When choosing a hand to wear a watch, the main criterion for women is the combination of the appearance of the watch and other jewelry on the hands.

For left-handed people, the most common way to wear a watch is on the right hand. But the main criterion for choosing a watch and the hand on which to wear it is your self-confidence and comfort when wearing the watch.

Find out even more about choosing a watch by watching this video:

Those who do not know which hand a man should wear a watch on can seek help from stylists, psychologists, or make a choice in accordance with personal comfort. A watch is an essential stylish attribute that demonstrates the owner’s impeccable taste to those around him. Wristwatches are used not only as a useful accessory, but also as decoration and successfully complement a man’s image.

According to designers and stylists, every modern man should have about three watches, used for different occasions. The classic model is suitable for everyday wear, the sports model is suitable for active spending time, and the branded model is suitable for social events.

When choosing a watch, you should pay attention to whether its strap fits your wrist relatively tightly. If the accessory dangles on the hand, it will not only create inconvenience for the owner, but also spoil the appearance.

In general, when wearing a watch, a man should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • on a thin hand, a small watch with a thin strap looks better;
  • if a man has a wide wrist, you should choose a larger accessory;
  • The length of the bracelet should be such that it does not fit too tightly to the wrist, but does not dangle on it;
  • The appearance of a men's watch should be in good harmony with cufflinks and other elements.

On a note! There is one important rule that applies to both men and women. During a conversation, there is no need to periodically look at your watch. Such an action is regarded as disrespect for the interlocutor. To see the time discreetly, it is recommended to wear the watch with the dial inside the wrist.

On which hand should a man wear a watch according to etiquette and position?

It is important for entrepreneurs to adhere to the rules of etiquette in order to evoke admiration from partners and emphasize their reliability. Therefore, a man who has his own business must approach the question of which hand to wear a watch with full responsibility.

According to etiquette, men wear a watch on their left hand. A person holding a mid-level position must also adhere to strict dress code rules. It is advisable to opt for a classic watch model that will suit any business suit.

As for creative people who have chosen the profession of an artist, poet or musician, they can take more liberties. The rules of etiquette in this case do not prohibit wearing a men's watch on the right hand. Moreover, representatives of creative professions do not have to choose classic models; accessories with a bright strap, an unusual design, and a non-standard shape are quite suitable for them. The main thing is that the watch fits well into the image.

And in terms of convenience?

Since mechanical watches require periodic winding, which is more convenient to do with the working hand, they are usually worn on the left wrist.

On a note! The exception is left-handed people. Due to the fact that the left hand is the working hand, from the point of view of convenience it is better to wear the watch on the right hand.

What do psychologists say?

Psychologists have their own opinion on which hand men should wear a watch on. They believe that adherents of the classics should wear the accessory on their left hand. In this case, the opinion of psychologists corresponds to the rules of etiquette. As for strong and purposeful individuals who are not afraid of difficulties and changes in life, it is better for them to put a watch on their right hand.

Rules for wearing men's watches according to superstitions

According to superstitions, men should not only wear a watch on their left hand, but also choose the right watch according to the shape of the dial:

  • square– suitable for men who are unable to properly organize themselves and are full of frivolity;
  • diamond-shaped– preferable for people who cannot achieve internal balance, who constantly feel anxiety and restlessness (despite this, when solving important issues, it is better to take off a watch with a diamond-shaped dial);
  • round– suitable for men who are distinguished by conservative thinking and put the prejudices of other people as a priority;
  • oval– recommended for people who are unable to overcome life’s difficulties and achieve their goals;
  • triangular– it is believed that watches with such a dial are chosen by people who have hidden leadership qualities, but a lack of determination and self-confidence prevents them from realizing this potential;
  • hexagonal– essential for men who need to develop creativity and enhance their intuitive qualities.

You can believe superstitions, or you can not believe them, but it’s still worth listening to the above recommendations. Who knows, maybe they will help radically change your destiny.

On a note! Today, many men have switched their watches to their right hands, trying to imitate Russian President Vladimir Putin. In this way they express solidarity and demonstrate patriotism.

Video: on which hand do men wear watches?

The choice of men's watches and the way they are worn depends on the personal preferences of the owner. Some people prefer to wear the accessory on their left hand, while others wear it on their right wrist. If you do not follow the rules of etiquette, there is no significant difference. The main thing you should focus on when wearing a watch is convenience and comfort.

It is quite possible that by choosing the right watch and wearing it on his right or left hand, a man will be able to achieve his goals and implement new ideas.

By watching the following videos, you can better learn about which hand a man should wear a watch on and how to choose the right one.