Can conception occur after ovulation? Discharge after ovulation, if conception is successful. Very short or long cycles

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from a woman’s ovary. This day occupies the middle position in the body's menstrual cycle. The process takes only 15 minutes.

How long does it take for conception to occur and how many days does it take for pregnancy to occur? Immediately after ovulation, pregnancy is most likely to occur. The egg lives on average 24 hours, and after this time, if it fails to meet an active sperm, it is eliminated.

What are the chances? The chances of getting pregnant are very high within 24 - 36, and in exceptional cases 48 hours after ovulation. Is it possible to conceive a baby if several days have already passed?

Pregnancy AFTER OVULATION (what is the likelihood):

How does the process of fertilization of an egg occur on the first day?

The largest follicle in the ovary breaks its wall and is attracted by the villi of the fallopian tube. It begins to move into the uterine cavity. Here, a meeting between sperm and oocyte may occur in the tube. In this case, they say that fertilization occurs.

This whole process is “sponsored” by special hormones: FGS (follicle-stimulating hormone), progesterone and testosterone.

Each egg creates a cavity with a unique set of chromosomes, which must merge with the paternal ones, then the “project” of the future baby can be considered complete and fully equipped.

When does the process of conceiving a child begin?

The process of conception occurs approximately after the 12th hour of ovulation. Implantation retraction is the settling of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Literally implantation is translated as implantation.

How do you know if conception has occurred? During this phenomenon, the body temperature rises due to a decrease in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood of an already pregnant woman. It occurs approximately 5 days after ovulation or 19 days of the menstrual cycle with its classic duration of 28 days.

With this phenomenon, the body temperature drops sharply, the condition lasts for 24 hours, and then rises again. On this day it is approximately 36.8 g. – 37 gr. Although in the post-ovulation period it is supposed to be 37.2-37.5 g. By measuring her body temperature every day, a woman can find out about pregnancy earlier than the test can recognize it.

After how long or on what day does the embryo attach to the uterus?

Fertilized egg - the embryo is already fixed in the uterine cavity 6-7 days after ovulation within 40 hours. Thanks to the nutrients contained in the uterine mucosa, the embryo can grow and develop. If not, he dies.

How does attachment and formation of the fetus occur?

After the sperm reaches the egg, it penetrates into it. The nuclei of the female cell and the male cell merge together, forming a zygote (one single whole cell). Then every day a hundred cells begin to be added as a result of division. Future baby rapidly growing in size.

During the first 20 weeks, the placenta begins to form inside the uterus, as if enveloping the unborn child with a warm blanket, providing protection and nutrition to the fetus.

The embryo produces enzymes that can dissolve a section of the uterine mucosa and integrate into it. At the same time a woman may notice slight spotting on her underwear. This does not indicate anything terrible. It’s just that the embryo, being embedded in the wall of the uterus, breaks the blood vessels and causes this effect.

This is the most dangerous period during the entire pregnancy, which will decide whether or not the child will be born or not.

How to increase the chances that already exist?

We invite you to watch a video about factors that increase your chances of getting pregnant:

The day of ovulation depends on the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle (28-32 days) and falls in its middle. You can get pregnant only in the first two days after the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, neither a day earlier nor a day later. Although attempts to conceive should not be dated to this day, but 2 to 3 days before. This is due to the fact that sperm can remain viable in a woman’s body for 5 days.

If the sex of the unborn child is unimportant, it is necessary to adhere to this scheme 100%. If conception does not occur during the ovulation period, the egg is removed from the woman’s body along with menstrual blood. Pregnancy does not occur. Any woman should seriously monitor her health and remember to visit the gynecologist’s office at least once every six months.

The menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process in female body, an exciting period from approximately 11-13 years to 45-55 years. It is regulated by the reproductive centers located in the middle part of the hypothalamus. Under the influence of hormones, a follicle matures in the ovary, which contains an egg inside. When the follicle ruptures, the egg enters the fallopian tube.

Ovulation (Latin ovum - egg) is the process of rupture of the follicle and the release of an egg suitable for fertilization.

The rhythm of ovulation in every woman changes within three months after an abortion, within a year after childbirth, and also during the body’s preparation for the premenopausal period (after 40). Ovulation stops with the onset of menopause and when a woman becomes pregnant. To choose the most favorable and effective time for fertilization, it is necessary to establish exact date ovulation.

Signs of ovulation

Each person’s body is individual, and among women there is a noticeable difference in the subjective signs and timing of the onset of ovulation. Even for the same woman, these periods can vary different months. Some people have irregular cycles throughout their lives, while others may have longer (35-45 days) or shorter than average (less than 28 days). But in most cases, ovulation occurs regularly.

During ovulation, the mucous membrane of the uterine body becomes loose, the glands produce a secretion that promotes the attachment of the fertilized egg and the further development of the fetus. Changes also occur in the mammary glands: they are preparing for potential breastfeeding(if pregnancy does occur).

In the case when the unfertilized egg dies, the endometrial layer is rejected - and the next menstruation begins.

Subjective signs of ovulation include pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Objective signs are an increase in the amount of mucous discharge from the vagina, a decrease in rectal temperature on the day of ovulation with its increase the next day, as well as an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood plasma.

Ovulation disorders can be caused by various types of inflammation of the female genital organs, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex, complications after colds, as well as stressful situations.

Failure of the usual cycle, when the duration of menstruation is 1-2 days, uterine bleeding can indicate anovulation (lack of ovulation during childbearing age), which is always the cause of a woman’s infertility. In order to restore ovulation, you need to contact a gynecologist and determine the causes of anovulation.

How to determine ovulation?

The last stage of egg maturation is considered to be the moment the head of the sperm penetrates its body. The fusion of female and male reproductive cells is called conception. There are 23 chromosomes in the nucleus of each sperm and egg. When two nuclei touch, their shells dissolve, divide into pairs and form 46 chromosomes.

Only 22 pairs of paternal and maternal chromosomes fully correspond to each other. They carry information about the physical qualities of the unborn child. The last, 23rd pair, determines the sex of the heir: it always contains one X chromosome, but the second can be either X or Y. Subsequently, if 2 XX chromosomes match in the set, then a girl will be born, but if XY - a boy .

Since the average lifespan of an egg is about 12-24 hours, and the sperm remains viable for 2-3 days (in some cases 5-7 days), the maximum duration of the “dangerous” period is 6-9 days (6-7 days before ovulation and 1-2 after). The highest probability of conception is observed on the day of ovulation (33%). Before her, the risk of pregnancy is also quite high - 31%, 2 days before ovulation the chances are 27%.

Ovulation is calculated using the following formula: the duration of the menstrual cycle is divided by two (plus or minus three days). But even with a regular cycle, it often occurs in different days. A test that shows the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine (LH), which is. An increase in LH concentration signals that ovulation will occur within the next 24-36 hours. Thus, the test helps to find out about the release of an egg from the follicle a day before this event, unlike other research methods. The accuracy of the test is 99%, it can be freely purchased at any pharmacy.

A method for determining ovulation is also monitoring. To do this, a woman must measure her body temperature rectally in the morning, without getting out of bed. The results obtained will help you build a graph from which you will see what happens when the curve on it rises.

Ultrasound diagnostics is another way to calculate ovulation. Ultrasound clearly shows the growth of follicles and the release of the egg. This method is one of the most accurate, but its cost is higher, since several examinations will need to be carried out in a short period of time.

Also, just before ovulation, the amount of vaginal mucus increases, it becomes transparent, thin and viscous (similar to the white of a raw egg).

Probability of conception

Despite the fact that a woman’s body is ready for childbearing from the moment of puberty until the onset of menopause, the most suitable age for conception is considered to be 20-35 years. In men, the number of active sperm decreases around the age of 50, so when thinking about having a child, you should take into account the age of both your partner and your own.

Keep in mind that it will take on average 6-8 months for your desire to have a child to come true. The chance of getting pregnant during these months is only 15-20%. So you shouldn't focus on quick results. Please also take into account the fact that after you stop taking oral contraceptives, at least a month should pass for the body to recover, and after taking some contraception Ovulation normalizes within six months.

Smokers also have problems conceiving. According to statistics, women who smoke are 22% more likely to have difficulty conceiving a child. Among them there is also a higher percentage of miscarriages.

If pregnancy does not occur with regular sexual activity more than a year, we can talk about some problems in the body and even infertility. A gynecologist will help you find out the reasons and resolve this issue. And if there were difficulties conceiving your first child, this does not mean that subsequent attempts to become pregnant will also be problematic.

Especially for Elena Zhirko

The egg matures. If after this it is fertilized and successfully implanted into the endometrium of the uterus, then pregnancy occurs. Otherwise, there will be another menstruation and the maturation of a new egg in another ovary.

However, sometimes ovulation does not occur. If this happens no more than twice a year, then this is the norm. The constant failure to release a mature egg is called anovulation. With such a diagnosis, it is necessary to find out the cause and undergo treatment.

Sometimes two ovulations occur per cycle. This can be triggered by emotional experiences, taking hormones, or violent sexual intercourse. If this happens rarely, then this is also the norm.

For women in whom ovulation and conception immediately become very important. Because the second is impossible without the first.

The egg can remain in the fallopian tube for no more than a day, and sometimes several times less. Therefore, conception after ovulation can occur only during this period of time, and then the probability is very small.

Spermatozoa after ejaculation can wait up to 3-4 days for an egg, but on the way to it they need to overcome a number of obstacles, including cervical mucus. Its consistency changes and becomes similar to egg white during ovulation. During this period, it is easy for sperm to overcome it. Therefore, the highest probability of conception is 33%.

Those who want to get pregnant make a lot of effort to determine this moment. Here everyone chooses for themselves: to trust their feelings or use modern methods, or maybe both.

First you need to determine the length of your cycle. If it is regular, then most likely ovulation and conception occur approximately 14 days before its end. However, the length of the second phase can range from 12 to 16 days. If it is shorter, then one can suspect its insufficiency due to a lack of progesterone. This may lead to unsuccessful attempts conception.

The length of the first phase is more individual. However, if it exceeds 17 days, then this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice. In the first phase, the main hormone is estrogen, and in the second, progesterone, produced by the corpus luteum. It forms at the site of a burst follicle. Progesterone is a hormone that supports pregnancy. Its deficiency can lead to miscarriages early stages.

It moves through the tube, then enters the uterus, and implantation occurs. All this takes 6-7 days. This time is very important, because if the movement occurs too quickly or slowly, then pregnancy may not occur. In this case, implantation can occur directly in them. Then only timely diagnosis and measures will help preserve the health and life of a woman.

In addition, the fertilized egg dies under the influence of unfavorable factors or if there are any defects in it. It can be rejected after implantation, that is, an early miscarriage will occur. In this case, the woman will not even know that she was pregnant.

Ovulation and conception are processes subject to various external factors. Especially those that lead to changes in the level of strong physical activity, smoking, drinking alcohol, sex life.

Thus, ovulation and conception normally occur quite easily in a woman’s body, and sometimes even against her will. However, a hormonal imbalance and a number of other reasons can lead to their absence and call into question the possibility of pregnancy.

Symptoms of ovulation are not difficult to notice. Once you know what to look for, you'll be surprised how easy it can be. Almost everyone who is trying to get pregnant wants to know when is their ovulation day. Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary. When an egg is ovulated, sperm should already be in the fallopian tubes available to fertilize that egg.

In other words, ideally, intercourse should occur before ovulation to increase your chances of conceiving.

You are most fertile in the days leading up to ovulation. If you can have sex during this time, your chances of getting pregnant will increase significantly.

How can you find out what your most fertile days are? Here's how to know when it's approaching, and how to tell if it has happened.

When do most women ovulate?

The average woman with regular cycles tends to ovulate somewhere between days 11 and 21 of her cycle. (Day 1 is the day your period begins.) This means that a woman's most fertile days are somewhere between days 8 and 21.

If your cycles are shorter, you are more likely to ovulate closer to day 11. If you have longer menstrual cycles, ovulation may occur closer to day 21. But "some time" between day 11 and day 21 is quite a long time!

You can aim to have sex every day or every other day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Or you can look for ovulation symptoms and have sex whenever you notice fertile signs. You can also track your cycles each month, so you get an idea of ​​when ovulation occurs for you (your own average).

Some signs of ovulation indicate its approach. This allows you to have sex during pregnancy.

Others tell you that ovulation has passed.

Signs of ovulation

Here are eight signs of ovulation or ovulation.

Positive ovulation test result

This works as a home pregnancy test. You urinate on a stick or into a cup in which you place a stick or test strip. Two lines will appear. When the test line is darker than the reference line, you are about to ovulate. It's time to have sex to get pregnant.

Ovulation tests are a popular way to detect ovulation, but they have their pros and cons.

  • This requires less work than determining your core body temperature. (More on this below.)
  • Hobbyist (digital) ovulation monitors can be relatively easy to use.
  • Simpler tests are more difficult to interpret and it is not always easy to determine when the test line is darker than the control.
  • Can be expensive, especially if your periods are irregular or you've been trying to conceive for a long time.
  • Mistakes happen - you may get a positive result and not ovulate.
  • Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can get multiple positive results even if they don't ovulate, rendering the kits useless.

Quality of cervical secretion

As you approach ovulation, the amount of secretion near the cervix, known as cervical mucus, increases and turns into the consistency of a raw egg and white. This fertile quality of cervical mucus helps sperm pass into the female reproductive system and makes sexual intercourse easier and more enjoyable.

When you are not in the fertile stage of your cycle, cervical mucus is sticky. The stages of cervical mucus go from almost dry to sticky, creamy, watery, white, and then back to sticky or dry. You can learn to track these changes and predict ovulation.

When you have it egg white, it's time to have sex to get pregnant!

Increased sexual desire

Nature knows exactly how to get you to have sex at the ideal time to conceive. A woman's desire for sex immediately before ovulation. Not only is she eager for sex, but she also looks sexier. The actual bone structure of a woman's face shifts slightly, her walk becomes sexier, and if she dances, her hips have a more sensual swing.

Of course, ovulation isn't the only thing that can cause your libido to increase. Additionally, if you are anxious or depressed, you may not notice or increase sexual desire even right before ovulation.

Sustained increase in body temperature

Yours basal temperature body temperature (BBT) is the temperature when you are at rest. While you may think of a normal body temperature as 36.6, the truth is that your body temperature varies somewhat throughout the day and month. It goes up and down based on your activity level, what you eat, hormones, sleep habits and of course if you get sick.

After ovulation, progesterone levels increase in your body. The hormone progesterone causes an increase in temperature. If you track your BBT, you can see when you are ovulating.

Some things to know about tracking your basal temperature:

  • It requires you to take your temperature every morning, at the same time (no sleep!) before you get up.
  • Free apps and websites can be used to create a chart
  • This is a bad method if you work night shifts or sleep at different times.
  • Your BBT chart can be used by your doctor to diagnose irregular cycles or ovulation problems

Cervical position

If you think of your vagina as a tunnel, it ends at the cervix. Your cervix shifts positions and changes during your menstrual cycle. You can track these changes.

Before ovulation, the cervix rises higher (you may find it difficult to reach), becomes softer to the touch, and opens slightly. When you are not in the fertile stage of your cycle, the cervix is ​​lower and more closed.

Breast tenderness

Have you ever noticed that your breasts are sometimes tender to the touch? But not always? This is caused by the hormones that the body produces after ovulation.

You can look out for this change as a way to know that ovulation has occurred. You can't predict ovulation this way, but it can be a sign.

However, breast tenderness can also be a side effect of fertility medications.

Saliva drawing

Another possible sign of ovulation is your saliva. Unique and unusual way ovulation detection, the saliva pattern looks like frost on a window glass. There are specialized microscopes sold for this purpose, or you can technically use any microscope.

Some women find this pattern difficult to detect. Since this is an unusual way to track ovulation, you won't find many people online to consult. (Unlike tracking cervical mucus or basal body temperature, where there are many support forums you can get from feedback and recommendations).

Mittelschmerz or painful ovulation

Do you ever notice a sharp pain in your lower abdomen that seems random? If this pain comes mid-cycle, you may experience ovulation pain.

Research has shown that mid-cycle pain (also known as mittelschmerz) occurs just before ovulation.

For most, ovulation pain is a temporary, sharp pain in the lower abdomen. But others experience pain so severe that it prevents them from having sexual intercourse during their most fertile time. This could be a possible symptom of endometriosis or pelvic spasms. You should tell your doctor.

Exact day of ovulation?

Could any of the above signs of ovulation give you exact date ovulation? It doesn't matter. As long as you have sex every day or every other day for three to four days from your possible ovulation date, you will have sex at the right time to get pregnant. In fact, research has shown that you won't even know what day you ovulated.

Ultrasound can be used to determine when ovulation has occurred. The researchers compared the ultrasound results with commonly used ovulation tracking methods. They found that a basal body temperature chart correctly predicted the exact day of ovulation only 43 percent of the time. Ovulation tests that detect a surge in LH can only be accurate 60% of the time.

This is all good news. This means you don't have to stress that you're having sex on the exact day before ovulation. If you have intercourse when fertile signs are possible, or have sex frequently throughout the month, your chances of conceiving are good.

Signs When You Can't Ovulate

If you don't ovulate, you can't get pregnant. If you don't ovulate regularly, you may have a harder time getting pregnant. Anovulation is the medical term for the absence of ovulation. Oligovulation is the medical term for irregular ovulation.

Here are some possible signs of ovulation problems.

Irregular cycles

If your periods are unpredictable, you may have trouble ovulating. It's normal if your menstrual cycle varies a couple of days every month. It is not normal for changes to fluctuate over several days.

Very short or long cycles

A typical period can be as short as 21 days or up to 35 days. However, if your cycles are usually shorter or longer than this, you may have a problem with ovulation.

No periods or months without menstrual cycles

Assuming you are of childbearing age, if you don't have periods at all or go many months between cycles, this strong sign that you are not ovulating.

No increase in body temperature

As mentioned above, your basal body temperature rises slightly after ovulation. If you schedule your cycles and there is no increase in temperature, you may not be ovulating. However, some women do not have a rise in basal temperature even if they are ovulating. Why this happens is unknown.

Also, if you don't have a sleep routine or don't take your temperature at the same time every morning before you get up, it can throw off your schedule results.

No positive ovulation test result or multiple positive results

Ovulation test kits detect luteinizing hormone, which accumulates just before ovulation. If you never get a positive result, you may not ovulate.

Oddly enough, getting several positive results may also indicate an ovulation problem. This means that your body is trying to trigger ovulation but is not succeeding. Think of it as a misfire. This is common in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Note: Do not assume that you cannot get pregnant if you have symptoms. possible problem ovulation. Even if you don't have your period, you can still get pregnant. This is unlikely. But it's possible.

If you do not want to become pregnant, you must use contraception or birth control. Talk to your doctor about your specific situation.

How does a doctor determine ovulation?

If you suspect that you are not ovulating or are not ovulating regularly, consult your doctor. You may have a fertility problem, and it is important that you find out about it quickly. Some causes of infertility get worse over time.

How will your doctor tell if you are ovulating? The most common method is a progesterone blood test. The hormonal progesterone rises after ovulation. If you don't ovulate, your progesterone results will be abnormally low. This test is usually done on day 21 of your cycle.

You should also donate blood during a fertility test, which can help determine why you are not ovulating. The doctor will also check your follicle-stimulating hormone and anti-Mullerian hormone levels, as well as estrogen, prolactin, androgens, and thyroid hormones.

A transvaginal ultrasound may be prescribed. It will allow you to find out whether follicles are developing in the ovary. After ovulation, ultrasound can detect whether the follicle has opened and released an egg.

What happens if there is no ovulation?

If your doctor has already run tests and determined that you are not ovulating regularly, you are probably wondering what to do next. Usually, but not always, your doctor will suggest treatment with Clomid. It is a popular medicine with few side effects and has a good success rate in pregnancy.

However, make sure your doctor checks your partner's fertility and your fallopian tubes first. This means a semen analysis for him and a hysterosalpingogram (a special type of x-ray) for you.

You might want to just take Clomid. But if there's something else keeping you from getting pregnant—like blocked fallopian tubes or male infertility—then you'll take Clomid for no reason.

Nobody wants this. If your doctor won't check your partner's fallopian tubes and fertility before prescribing Clomid, try someone else. Your partner may need to see a urologist for a semen analysis. Then, after the test, you can return to your gynecologist to try Clomid. It's worth taking the time to take the necessary tests.

You can use what you've learned about ovulation to get pregnant faster. However, even if your fertility is "perfect", don't expect to conceive in your first month of trying. According to studies of couples who knew how to spot ovulation signs for pregnancy, 68% became pregnant within three months. After six months, 81 percent were pregnant.

However, ovulation is not the only key to conception. This is just one piece of the puzzle. The health of the entire reproductive system of both partners is also important.

If you're trying to get pregnant and you're sure you're ovulating, don't assume everything is fine. Contact your doctor and get confirmation. If you are 35 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for six months without success, see your doctor. If you are under 35, as long as you have no other symptoms of infertility, see your doctor after a year of trying to get pregnant without success.

The good news is that most couples with fertility problems will be able to get pregnant with the help of fertility treatment.

Before you start a serious conversation about conception, you need to get acquainted with the processes that precede it in order to understand at least a little about the structure of the female reproductive mechanism. Yes, exactly the mechanism, since the woman’s reproductive system is a cyclical cycle of processes, which ideally repeats every 28 days. However, not everyone can boast of such a clear cycle; for many it can range from 21 to 35 days - and this is the norm.

Each woman has her own individual menstrual cycle, the “activity” of which is aimed at creating favorable and suitable conditions for conception, implantation and gestation. The key link on the path to a long-awaited pregnancy is ovulation. What is it, how great is its significance and what happens after ovulation, let’s figure it out right now.

Ovulation: what, where, when?

Ovulation is the part of a woman’s menstrual cycle during which a mature egg is released from the follicle and moves further through the fallopian tubes for the purpose of fertilization by sperm.

Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation. If your cycle has a periodicity of 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th day, if 32 days, then on the 16th. However, you should know that the timing of ovulation may shift in one direction or another, and exposure is to blame external factors: excessive physical activity, poor nutrition, reception medicines, nervous tension, etc.

There are many ways to determine when the day of ovulation is approaching:

  • calendar method;
  • rapid test;
  • basal temperature;
  • phenomenon of saliva crystallization.

In addition to, so to speak, “material” methods, there are also intangible ones, when signs of ovulation appear through changes in the body. During ovulation, a woman may feel short-term nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increased breast volume, increased libido, fatigue and apathy, and also notice specific discharge characteristic of this period of the cycle.

How does conception occur?

It is already clear that ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception. But what processes precede it remains to be figured out.

So let's start from the beginning when expectant mother was still in her mother's womb. At this time, girls develop 6–7 million eggs, which decrease to 1 million by the time of birth. As the girl grows up, their number constantly decreases and by the time the first menstruation appears, the number of full-fledged eggs is 200–300 thousand. Each menstrual cycle, only one egg matures in a woman’s ovary; in rare cases, two mature at the same time.

Now let's move on to the “sacrament” of the monthly cycle itself. It has long been established that the cycle is divided into four interdependent stages. It all starts with the follicular phase, during which the pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Under its influence, several follicles begin to grow simultaneously in the ovary and only one, which has greatest number receptors for folliculotropin, becomes dominant. It is here that the process of development of the “cherished” egg begins.

The maturation time of the egg lies within the range of 8–30 days, but with a normally current cycle, the ripening time is within 14 days. It all depends on the time it takes for estrogen to reach its maximum. The surge in estrogen provokes several sharp surges of luteinizing hormone. Under its action, the walls of the mature follicle burst, and the already mature egg is released. Thus, ovulation occurs 36–48 hours after the first LH surge.

The next stage of the menstrual cycle begins - the ovulatory phase. The egg was released and continued its “journey” through the fallopian tubes towards the sperm. Each of them carries with it a certain amount of genetic information, which must be combined during fertilization.

Considering that the lifespan of an egg is strictly limited - 12–24 hours, every effort must be made to ensure that the “long-lived” sperm has time to meet with it during this time and for fertilization to occur. The speed of movement of male “livelings” is 3–4 mm per hour. This means that they need several hours to achieve their goal.

Since the lifespan of a sperm is much longer than that of an egg and can reach 6 days, additional sexual contact a day or several days before ovulation will significantly increase the chances of meeting “two halves.”

Now you can safely answer main question the article “when conception occurs after ovulation” - only on the first day.

How to understand that fertilization has occurred after ovulation

There are several factors that confirm or deny pregnancy after ovulation:

When looking for the first signs of successful fertilization, take into account the fact that the signs described above are not characteristic of absolutely all women. Due to the fact that each organism is individual and unique in its own way, one or another sign may either be absent or be a signal of the onset of a disease process. Therefore, if you have any doubts about any symptom, it is better to consult a doctor, he will find out exactly what you are sick with or who is “infested”.