Body massage oils. Oils for massage and their properties. Basic and essential for erotic, anti-cellulite, healing, rejuvenating What can be used for massage

Many people know about the positive effects of massage. However, not everyone realizes how beneficial it is to use massage oils and oil mixtures.

What is massage oil for?

According to statistics, 5% of massage therapists do not use products to improve the glide of their hands over the client’s skin or use talc. The remaining 95% use massage oils and oil mixtures. And they are right in their choice.

Massage oils are used for:

  • improving the gliding of the massage therapist's hands
  • providing additional effect. During the massage process they can be used to combat cellulite and stretch marks, excess weight, have a warming, nourishing, cooling, moisturizing, relaxing, toning, anti-stress effect on the skin and the body, ideal for increasing body elasticity.

The use of oils makes it possible to protect the skin from stretching, irritation, and damage to the upper layer of the epidermis due to active and prolonged mechanical action.

But the main thing is that the natural products used saturate the skin with valuable components that help maintain its youth and elasticity.

Basic and essential oils: the difference

Based on such a wide functional spectrum, natural cosmetic oils are divided into:

  1. Basic (bold). Their main function is to ensure the sliding of the massage therapist’s hands.
  2. Active (essential). Used to enhance or direct the effect of massage.

In order for the use of such products to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to understand the capabilities of each type and the textural characteristics.

Basic ones are obtained from seeds, nuts and grains of various plants. They do not have pronounced aroma characteristics. They are used as a basis for products that are applied to the skin during massage.

Essential oils are volatile compounds without glycerin. They have a pronounced aroma and high concentration, so they cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form. The exception is tea tree oil, patchouli and lavender, but they are also not recommended for massage without impurities.

Essential oils are differentiated by the method of production, by the part of the plant, by the degree of naturalness, by the notes, and by the effect on the body. It is the latter characteristic that is of particular importance when used for massage. It is necessary to clearly understand which product is suitable for dry skin, which one is suitable for oily skin, and so on.

How to choose the right base oil

  • Base oils are sold in liquid and solid form. The batters are used for massage tiles, and when melted, for manual body massage. Liquid substances can be unrefined or refined. The former are more valued in cosmetology. The most beneficial substances are those extracted using cold-pressed technology.
  • Basic massage products contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They affect metabolic processes at the cellular level, the intensity of cell regeneration, have an antioxidant effect, and stimulate metabolism.
  • The choice of the base product plays a lesser role than the essential one, but not the least. Such a product should not only provide excellent glide over the skin, but also spread well, be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy residue.
  • It should not be too dense in structure. For different types of dermis, you need to use different basic massage oil products. An important characteristic is the degree of blockage of the sebaceous ducts (comedogenicity).
  • When purchasing, be guided by the label “unrefined, first cold pressed.”

Main types of base oils

We have compiled for you a list of basic oils for body massage, taking into account their main characteristics.

According to their ability to clog pores, they are:

  1. Camedogenic: cocoa, peach, almond, flaxseed, corn, coconut, castor, peanut, sunflower, shea, safflower, cottonseed, jojoba. They are best used for mixtures.
  2. Do not clog pores: wheat sprouts, hazelnuts, apricot and grape seeds, kukui, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, rice.

By impact on different types and species:

  1. Moisturizing for dry skin: evening primrose, olive, almond, sesame, wheat germ, avocado, apricot kernels.
  2. For oily skin: jojoba and grape seeds.
  3. For all skin types (dry, oily and combination): you can add safflower and sunflower oils to those listed above.
  4. For dry, sunburned skin: St. John's wort, coconut and avocado.
  5. For sensitive and very thin body skin, for its elasticity: apricot kernels and almonds.
  6. For itchy body skin: wheat germ, calendula, coconut, almond, olive.
  7. For a fading body, increasing its elasticity: evening primrose, apricot kernels, avocado, almonds, wheat germ.

The most common base oils


Coconut – odorless, easily absorbed, hypoallergenic. Creates a protective barrier on the surface of the dermis and on the hair shaft from the negative effects of environmental factors. Often used to moisturize chapped and dry skin on the body. It should be used in refined form, avoiding the neck and face area.


Jojoba – does not leave an oily sheen, is odorless, suitable for all skin types, and for strengthening hair. It cannot be used in its pure form.

Apricot kernel

Apricot kernels – has a pleasant light aroma and perfectly tones. Suitable for combating cellulite, wrinkles, and for baby massage. Can be used in any mixture.


Almond – can be used to massage the body and face, not excluding the area around the eyes. Used to treat cellulite, has a warming effect.


Macadami - hypoallergenic (except for nut allergies), used for the cold season. An excellent smoothing and moisturizing product for dry skin.

Shea butter

Shea butter (shea) - used for mature skin and in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks. Has a warming and protective effect. It cannot be used in its pure form; its maximum part in the mixture is 10%.


Olive – helps with joint pain, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves tanning. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form.

Essential oils for massage

When compiling a set of essential oils, rely on the following characteristics:

  1. Naturalness.
  2. The presence of aromatherapy effect.
  3. Strong psychological and energetic effects.
  4. Healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and stimulating properties.
  5. The ability to have different types of effects on the body.

Essential oils have a more specific purpose in the process of body massage. Correct use and dosage of active oils can improve the effect of the procedure several times, and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Due to their molecular structure, the substances penetrate the skin and have a therapeutic effect within 20 minutes after application and for a long time.

Essential oil should be added to the base oil immediately before the massage. To activate it, the mixture must be stirred well and heated to a temperature of 40 degrees.

The ratio of oils in the massage mixture should be no more than 12 drops of essential oil per 8 teaspoons of the base composition.

List of essential oils for massage

Essential oils affect our body in different ways.

  1. For relaxation, use the following plant oils: mint, lavender, sage.
  2. For pain relief: mint, lemon balm, pine, fir.
  3. To increase libido: rose, ylang-ylang, ginger, sandalwood, neroli.
  4. To stimulate brain activity: black pepper, bay, fennel, cinnamon, basil, geranium, bergamot.
  5. For sports massage: sage, mint.
  6. Against cellulite: citrus fruits, bergamot, rosemary, juniper, geranium, cypress, patchouli, fennel.
  7. For dry skin of the body and face: orange, ylang-ylang, chamomile, neroli, sandalwood.
  8. For oily and problematic skin: grapefruit, juniper, tea tree.
  9. Against stretch marks: lavender, rosemary, mint, cloves.
  10. For problematic skin: thyme, lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, patchouli.
  11. For dry scalp and hair: sandalwood, ylang-ylang, rosemary, orange.
  12. For oily hair: cedar, lemon, cypress.
  13. To slow down the aging process of the body: chamomile, cajuput, patchouli.

In order to unlock the full potential of oils, we recommend that you listen to the general recommendations for carrying out this procedure:

  1. The same product, for example for dry skin, can have different effects on people. Therefore, in the process it is necessary to monitor the psycho-emotional state of a person.
  2. For body massage, it is better to use homemade mixtures, since ready-made products most often contain artificial flavors and oils of inorganic origin.
  3. When performing self-massage, use your acquired knowledge, you can take a training course. Using a randomly composed oil mixture can be harmful to health.
  4. Don't use too much product. It should not spread in drops. The amount should be sufficient to cover the surface to be massaged.
  5. For aroma massage, you need to use oils, relying not only on their effect, but also on the client’s personal preferences. If the smell is unpleasant, no matter how healing the remedy is, it will have a negative effect.
  6. Massage should be given at least 30 minutes a day. Sessions should be carried out at least once a week, and preferably daily.

Body massage should be used in the cold season to protect and moisturize dry skin, in hot weather - to protect against UV radiation and nourishment, in adulthood - to maintain youth, in youth - to improve health and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.

Massage can become a pleasant and useful habit at any age; it can act as a type of aromatherapy and even meditation.

A massage using various oil mixtures will help you lift your mood, improve your health, strengthen your immune system, get rid of cellulite and age spots, and maintain the elasticity and youth of your body.

Spa centers always use wonderfully smelling aromatic massage oils to provide relaxing body treatments. A wide range of cosmetics for relaxation makes it possible to carry out massage at home. Cosmetic massage products can be bought in pharmacies or prepared yourself.

How to properly perform a relaxing massage?

Massage is one of the methods used in natural medicine to restore psychological balance and physical activity. The massage technique is not difficult to master. You can massage your legs and arms yourself, and your back can be treated by a loved one. The procedure calms, promotes muscle relaxation and restores vitality. To ensure good gliding of the hands, the skin should be lubricated with massage oil or other cosmetic product intended for this purpose.

Using essential oils will help your hands move faster over your skin. They also smell nice, which provides much deeper relaxation. Massage cosmetics also have a caring effect. The procedure should be performed with it, gently stroking it, all movements are always carried out in the direction of the heart.

Benefits of massage cosmetics

Benefits of body massage cosmetics:

  1. Massage relaxes and restores peace of mind. Essential oil for body massage is an ideal product at times of increased stress - its delicate aroma will calm your nerves and help you sleep.
  2. Essential oils give the skin smoothness and improve its elasticity. Pleasant to use as they have a wonderful aroma. After using them, the skin becomes shiny and almost velvety to the touch. They protect the skin from harmful external factors and restore the balance of the lipid layer.
  3. Massage relieves muscle pain and saturates the body with oxygen. Improves the condition of the immune system, increases vitality.

Ideal for massage

To understand which massage oil is best, you need to choose it in accordance with your own preferences, referring to the condition of your skin. The product should contain as many natural extracts and components as possible. Thanks to this, you get confidence that substances that adversely affect the body and do not lead to skin irritation will not penetrate into the epidermis. Body massage oil is prepared from pure products such as argan, almond, and coconut oils. They are used alone, or they can form a base that is combined with essential oils.

The popular argan oil is called the gold of Morocco. There it is extracted from argan fruits. It is valued due to the content of a complex of nutrients that have a wonderful effect on the skin and the entire human body. In combination with natural plant extracts, it creates a unique body cream that is easily absorbed into the skin, promotes its regeneration and protects against premature aging. Restores her healthy and well-groomed appearance. This is an excellent solution if you need a massage with simultaneous body care.

Basic cosmetic oils

Base oils are odorless mixtures of esters of fatty acids of plant origin and obtained by pressing, primarily from oilseeds. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, phospholipids, and phytosterols.

To answer the question: “Which oil is suitable for massage?” - Let's look at the more popular ones:

  1. Almond oil is easily absorbed, but remains on the skin for quite a long time, so it is good for massage. As a rule, it does not irritate the skin, provided that the person is not allergic to nuts.
  2. Apricot kernel oil is more expensive than almond oil. It has similar properties: it is absorbed quite easily and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. Rich in vitamin E, has a rejuvenating effect. Can be used for people with nut allergies.
  3. Jojoba oil - used in cosmetics, has antibacterial properties, therefore it is recommended for people prone to acne on the back. It is absorbed very quickly, so some experts recommend combining it with other base oils. This product can be stored for a long time, so it is a good choice for people who use it quite rarely.
  4. Avocado oil is a highly moisturizing agent, suitable for very dry and aging skin.
  5. Grapeseed oil - easily absorbed, good for oily skin.
  6. Olive - Rarely used in aromatherapy due to its characteristic aroma.
  7. Peach seed oil - easily absorbed, contains vitamins A and E. Good for facial massage.
  8. Soy - easily absorbed into the skin, rich in vitamin E.
  9. Sunflower oil is light and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. It is worth buying in small quantities, as it spoils quite quickly. You can slightly extend its shelf life by adding the contents of two vitamin E capsules to it.
  10. Wheat germ oil - contains vitamins A, B, C and E. Its very intense smell is not suitable for aromatherapy, but it is effective for regular massage.

Natural refined oils are the main component of high-quality skin care cosmetics. They have soothing properties, increase elasticity, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. They are an excellent base for essential essences.

Essential oils

In order to prepare a professional massage product, you need to add essential massage oil from a pharmacy to the base oil. Fragrance oils are divided into three notes: top, middle and bottom. Each of them has different properties.

The top note is aromas with a strong stimulating effect, their scent lasts for 3-24 hours. Examples of top notes are essential oils:

  • bergamot;
  • basilica;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • coriander;
  • lemongrass;
  • peppermint;
  • orange

The central note is less intense aromas, with a calming effect. They last for 2-3 days. This is, for example, essential lavender, rosemary, fennel.

The bottom note is the heaviest oils (lasts up to a week). These include ginger, rose, cedar wood, sandalwood.

How to choose massage cosmetics?

Which massage oil is best? When choosing massage cosmetics, take into account what kind of skin you have and what goal you want to achieve, for example, eliminate cellulite or improve skin tone.

  1. Oily/problematic. Experts recommend jojoba or tamanu oil. These are excellent oils for massaging backs that are prone to acne. They have antibacterial, antifungal, antirheumatic effects.
  2. Tanning, peeling. The famous argan oil will do. Eliminates the problem of dry, rough skin. Also lubricate your elbows and knees with it to make them soft and velvety. The substances contained in the product restore the skin, strengthen cells and protect the skin before and after tanning.
  3. Scars, stretch marks, defects. Wheat germ oil should be used. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, tones the skin and improves the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
  4. Mature/dry skin. Avocado or peach seed oil is suitable here. They contain vitamin A and youth vitamin E. They are good for massaging the skin of the body and face; they lubricate and moisturize dry skin.
  5. Headache. Try a massage with lavender, mint or geranium essential oil.
  6. Stress. For those who are active and prone to stress, it is recommended to use rose oil or lemon balm.
  7. Cold. A light massage using eucalyptus, tea and lemon oils will help with a runny nose and cough.

Keep in mind that it is better to buy massage oil from a pharmacy or online organic food store. This way you can be sure that you are buying a high-quality original product.

Homemade massage cosmetics

If commercially available cosmetics do not meet your expectations, create your own at home. To do this, just take a bottle, for example, 50 ml, pour one of the previously listed base oils into it, so that it fills the container halfway, and then add 10-15 drops of the essential oil you have chosen. You can create your own scent composition from several oils. Close the bottle and shake until all the substances in it are thoroughly combined. This product should not be stored for a long time, so it is better to prepare a portion for only one massage.

How to massage babies?

For babies, natural and unrefined vegetable oils are used. Only such products are rich in fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), vitamins, phytosterols and phospholipids. These substances nourish the skin, ensure its proper hydration, have an anti-inflammatory effect, have protective and restorative functions, and have a beneficial effect on its natural microflora.

You can add calendula, aloe or lavender extract to them. These herbs have a soothing, regenerating, bactericidal and protective effect. Extracts of these plants are often found in well-known cosmetics for children and infants, for example, in Johnson Baby oil for massage.

The best products for massaging babies and young children:

  • sweet almond oil;
  • apricot kernels;
  • sesame;
  • olive;
  • rice;
  • coconut

All of them nourish and moisturize the skin well, soothe irritations. Can be used from the first days of a child's life.

Massage oil: reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists recommend using natural vegetable oils for skin care. They believe that such products are an excellent replacement for regular nourishing cream for the skin of the face and the whole body.

Most massage therapists prefer to use oil over other massage products.

The advantage of oil mixtures is that:

  • oils promote good gliding of hands over the surface of the body, which is important for the procedure. This protects the epidermis from damage during very intense therapeutic or anti-cellulite massages;
  • the correctly selected composition of the oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, introduces microelements and vitamins into the tissues and benefits the entire body;
  • oils make the body toned and elastic. Using them during the procedure will relieve cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight and sagging skin;
  • help cope with stress and bad mood. The use of oils during massage provides not only physical relaxation, but also emotional;
  • oils are beneficial for all skin types, especially for dry and aging skin.

Massage oil consists mainly of 2 parts: the base and the active part (essential oil). The active part can enhance the effect of the massage, but in some cases it is not used, carrying out the procedure only with the help of the first component.

Base oil or carrier oil helps your hands glide better over the surface of the body, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. All natural base oils are created from plants: fruits, seeds, seeds and other plant materials.

It is better to choose unrefined, cold-pressed carrier oil: it retains more nutrients. These include fatty acids, antioxidants, phospholipids, wax, pigments, and vitamins.

When choosing a base oil, what matters is the type of skin, the area of ​​the body part on which the massage will be performed, and what result needs to be achieved.

Based on consistency, the base comes in three types: liquid, viscous or solid. Solid, batters hold their shape when heated to +35°. These include palm, coconut, and shea butter. Almond, grape, and apricot oils have a viscous texture. Liquid base oils include olive and corn oils, sesame oils, sea buckthorn oils, soybean oils and others.

Essential oil is a special concentrated substance with a bright aroma, which is an extract from plants using high technology. Esters are very volatile, quickly dissolving in the air, leaving no greasy residue. In cosmetology, flavored oils need a fatty carrier: base vegetable oils, creams or lotions.

Due to their plant origin, esters contain vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and other beneficial substances. The effects of essential oils are varied and extensive: they warm, relax, soften, smooth, tone, relieve inflammation.

The use of ethers enhances the benefits of massage. A pleasant aroma allows you to create an atmosphere of relaxation and peace. Used for massage of the whole body and face.

Esters are not used in their pure form; they can cause burns. They must be dissolved in a small amount of base, which retains volatile essential oils.

Features of face and body oils

When choosing oil for massage, you should consider what part of the body it is used for.

Facial massage oil should consist only of natural and natural elements. Facial skin is delicate, so any chemicals are excluded. These oils often contain various vitamin and mineral components.

This is especially important when massaging dry or aging skin. Skin type determines which essential oil will be used as an additive to the base. For body massage, you can use the same oils as for the face.

In addition to them, the following oils are often used as a base:

The choice of essential oil as an additional remedy depends on the goals and type of massage. The skin of the body is not the same everywhere; it has its own differences and characteristics in different areas. For example, when massaging the back, any mixture of base and essential oils is used.

To massage the décolleté and chest area, it is recommended to use oils that have a rejuvenating and firming effect.

If this is a massage of the lower body, including the buttocks, thighs and legs, then the ideal choice would be a complex of base and essential oils with a tightening and firming effect. Such compositions will help restore elasticity to the skin, smooth out stretch marks and give it a healthy appearance.

Oils for relaxing massage

Massage oil for relaxation will not only help relieve muscle tension, but will relax the mind and senses, relieve tension and stress.

For a relaxing massage, the best base will be neutral oils that do not have a strong odor. These are apricot, peach or grape seed oils. The effect depends on the essential oil chosen for them.

For example, a massage will calm and lift your spirits if you choose a mixture with the addition of mint and lavender oils. With the use of aromatic citrus oils, the result will be a general tone of the body and a surge of strength. To relieve pain and signs of fatigue in the legs, you should choose mint, pine oil or jasmine essential oil.

The most common relaxant oils are

A large selection of essential oils for relaxation in pharmacies will allow you to do a gentle manual massage at home yourself.

Oils for anti-cellulite massage

During anti-cellulite procedures, the skin is heated, problem areas are rubbed and massaged, and blood circulation and metabolism are improved. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, elasticity and tone return. Anti-cellulite essential oils enhance these processes.

Basically, it is recommended to take as a basis:

Other vegetable oils are also suitable as a base: peach, olive, apricot, grape.

After determining the base oil, add 3 to 5 drops of the selected aroma oil to it. One teaspoon of base oil per one essential oil taken.

Citrus fruit oils, especially orange, grapefruit and lemon, have a strong anti-cellulite effect. Oils of fennel, bergamot, rosemary and juniper will help remove excess water and toxins from the body, normalize metabolism, and fight obesity and swelling.

Limetta, anise, jasmine, patchouli aroma oils will increase skin elasticity, restore elasticity and eliminate sagging and lethargy. Cinnamon oil improves blood flow, relieves swelling, stimulates metabolism, accelerating the process of fat burning in the body.

If you add a few drops to a regular anti-cellulite cream and do a regular manual massage at home systematically, the result will be noticeable after two weeks.

At home, anti-cellulite massage is recommended to be done every day. The finished oil is applied to the problem area of ​​the body and rubbed into the skin with circular massage movements for about 10-15 minutes. Excess product is removed from the skin with a napkin. It is very good to do this massage at night.

It is not recommended to do anti-cellulite massage using oils during pregnancy.

There are a large number of recipes for oil mixtures. To prepare a universal remedy for combating cellulite, take 2 tbsp as a base. l. honey with the addition of any 4 essential oils, 3 drops each.

And the most effective composition is considered to be an oil composition of 8 drops of geranium, 10 drops each of grapefruit and bergamot, 3 drops of cinnamon, 4 drops of nutmeg per 5 tsp. base oil.

Oils for rejuvenating facial massage

Facial skin is more sensitive, delicate and more susceptible to aging than skin on other parts of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to its care. Facial skin massage using oils helps improve blood circulation, soothe skin tired during the day, slow down its aging and remove wrinkles.

Basically, massage procedures are carried out only with the use of base oil; essential oils are added if desired. According to the rules, the prepared oil is kept in a cool place, but before the procedure the mixture is warmed to room temperature. Before the massage, you should prepare your facial skin: steam it and clean it with a gel or scrub to remove impurities.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! For the best effect, it is recommended to do a course of massage, then give the skin a little rest. To maintain elasticity, carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

The simplest recipe for wrinkles is almond oil with honey. The composition is used to nourish the skin and reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! When adding oil to your foundation, you should keep your skin type in mind. To do this, it is better to consult with an experienced cosmetologist.

The following are considered universal oils:

  • flaxseed Cleanses, restores the lipid barrier, eliminates peeling, accelerates healing, reduces swelling and redness;
  • almond. Moisturizes, gives elasticity, removes wrinkles;
  • hazelnut oil: for everyday use, tightens pores and nourishes;
  • shea butter or shea butter. Solid in consistency, cleanses, softens and nourishes. Synthesizes collagen and restores skin tone, removes wrinkles;
  • olive for its high content of vitamins A and E.

For dry types, nourishing and moisturizing the skin is important. You should pay attention to cranberry ester, which contains a lot of fatty acids, wheat germ oil, which smoothes wrinkles, and macadamia oil, which relieves flaking.

For oily types, it is recommended to choose grape seed and sesame oils, which contain many antioxidants. They cleanse toxins and have a healing effect.

Sensitive and mature skin will be saved by avocado esters (for delicate skin around the eyes) and jojoba (restoring and healing effects). If the skin is dehydrated, aromatic oils from apricot kernels and coconut will help: moisturize and restore water balance. Sea buckthorn, palm, and castor oils are good for wrinkles.

Aroma oils that are often used in the fight against age-related skin changes include extracts from sandalwood, rose, sage, rosewood, and lavender.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, essential oils are added to improve the general condition of the facial skin: from puffiness (cinnamon), to tighten pores (lemon, lemon balm, mint, rose), to increase tone (myrtle), to add freshness (eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, grapefruit), to cleanse oilier skin (bergamot).

Oils with whitening effect

Essential oils are good for treating age spots on the skin. . Unlike many commercial beauty products that contain mercury or hydroquinone, oils are natural and environmentally friendly.

Essential oil is used in two ways:

  • mix it with a base foundation that suits your skin type;
  • add the product to water or skin care cream used for massage.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! When whitening your skin, you should not forget about the basic rules and contraindications for using essential oils. The best option is to consult a doctor who specializes in this field.

Whitening with essential oils is contraindicated in the following cases:

The esters of lemon, tea tree, sandalwood, rose oil and eucalyptus are especially popular for skin whitening.

Lemon oil. The very first remedy in the fight for fair skin. It contains two intense natural remedies to lighten the appearance of pigmentation. These are limonene and citric acid. Limonene helps even out skin tone and brighten skin. The second component is used as a natural peeling: exfoliates dead cells. Lemon oil-based whitening product is recommended to be used at night. You should not use it during the day or stay under the sun with it. To prepare it, you should take the base in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons and add 3 drops of lemon oil to them.
Sandalwood oil. It has moisturizing and softening properties and is used in cosmetology to remove age spots. Brightens and protects it from aging. It is best to use at night: add 2-3 drops of sandalwood and almond oils and do a light massage. You don’t have to wash it off, the results of the procedure will appear faster and better.
Eucalyptus oil It has healing qualities: it treats sunburn, various inflammatory processes and other injuries. To whiten and get rid of stains, you need to mix it with jojoba oil in a ratio of 1:4 and apply to problem areas.

Therapeutic massage oils

Massage oil has healing properties, enhancing the effect of the procedure.

Having studied the medicinal characteristics of oils, choosing a suitable ester or composition from them will not be difficult:

Oils for erotic massage (stimulating)

Erotic massage can increase excitement or, on the contrary, relax and set the mood for romance. Like any other type of massage, this procedure involves rubbing and stroking parts of the body. To prepare a universal massage mixture, add 2 to 4 types of ether drop by drop to 10 ml of base with a neutral odor.

When choosing an aroma oil, it is important to take into account individual preferences in fragrances.

For the base, an oil with a softening effect is selected, making the touch pleasant during the massage. Olive, grape, apricot, and almond are suitable.

The second important ingredient is ether. During an erotic massage, they are used to create an intimate and sensual atmosphere and enhance tactile sensations. Essentials that increase sensuality and self-confidence, sexual desire and emotional openness include ginger, geranium, cinnamon, jasmine, patchouli, and bergamot.

Rose, jasmine and geranium are considered more feminine scents; for men, it is better to choose vetiver and ginger. In addition, cinnamon, ginger and cloves enhance massage sensations and blood circulation through a warming effect.

The most popular erotic oil is considered to be ylang-ylang: increases sexual desire and self-confidence, helps to reveal sensuality, better understand and feel your partner.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! It is necessary to remember safety precautions when working with essential oils. In no case should intimate parts be touched: it is dangerous to health due to the content of saturated aromatic oils in them.

Top 7 oils from cosmetic brands

Cosmetic oils can also be a good tool for massage. Having studied a large number of reviews from customers and the compositions of oils offered on the market, we identified 7 oils from cosmetic brands in different categories.

The best oil for facial massage


French product, has a restorative effect, costs from 489 rubles.

The oil is made by extraction from eight essential oils with the addition of rosehip and shea plant extracts. The product tones, restores water balance, and also has protective properties.

Massage oil is a necessary component of any massage procedure. When there is a strong mechanical impact on the surface of the skin, the oil facilitates the movements of the massage therapist’s hands, minimizes the unpleasant sensations from friction and protects the dermis from irritation and stretching. In addition, body massage oils have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishing it, toning it, cooling or warming it, moisturizing it, etc. The vitamins and minerals they contain nourish the skin, maintaining its youth and elasticity.

A properly selected product enhances the effect of massage and even affects your mood, not to mention the physical condition of the body.

Types and characteristics of body massage oils

Oils for body massage can be:

  • liquid and solid. Solid ones - batters - melt in the hands of a massage therapist and when applied to the skin they already acquire a liquid consistency. Butters are better suited for dry skin, while liquid products are designed for different skin types.
  • light and heavy. Light (almond, grape seed, macadamia, peach) - fine texture, fast absorption, good distribution on the skin. Heavy ones (cocoa, jojoba, sesame, flaxseed) - thicker, mix with light ones, natural antioxidants and preservatives.
  • comedogenic and non-comedogenic. Comedogenicity is the ability of a substance to clog pores and, therefore, only worsen the condition of the skin. The most dangerous ones in this regard are cocoa butter, wheat germ, coconut and flaxseed oil. These products simply should not be used in their pure form, but they will perform best when used in mixtures.
  • purchased and self-prepared. The advantages of homemade oils are the ability to choose the ideal individual composition. But you need to be able to mix ingredients in the correct proportions and combinations. We offer ready-made formulations assembled by specialists in the most optimal combinations. AromaJazz massage oils are always effective!

Composition of massage oils

Basic body massage oils

Base oils are fatty, neutral in smell, thick. They are extracted from nuts, seeds and grains of various plants, best by cold pressing: almond, olive, grape seeds, apricot seeds, coconut, sunflower, avocado, jojoba, wheat germ. Their main task is to ensure the sliding of the massage therapist’s hands. They should be absorbed quickly, spread well, and leave no traces. They are the basis for massage products, although they can be used independently.

Essential oils

The active components of oil mixtures for massage are volatile essential oils: citrus, coniferous, floral, woody. They allow you to enhance or direct the effect of a massage, providing a relaxing, analgesic, anti-cellulite, moisturizing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect, as well as acting as a means of aromatherapy. They have a high concentration and a pronounced aroma, so it is not recommended to apply them to the skin in their pure form. The oil should be selected depending on the skin type and the desired effect.

What does it offer? AromaJazz

AromaJazz body massage oils are balanced compositions of base and essential oils, selected for different skin types and types of massage. These are over 40 types of liquid and solid oils, combined into 5 series: anti-cellulite, nutrition, restorative, rejuvenating

What is remarkable about AromaJazz products? Here are just some of the benefits:

  • completely natural ingredients (and this applies not only to oils, but also to other cosmetics: peelings, gels, masks, etc.)
  • massage products contain extracts of plants, fruits and berries, which impart additional properties and allow you to achieve even greater effect
  • all types of oils - both solid and liquid - are presented in different volumes: from a small 25 ml bottle for home care to five-liter canisters for actively working professionals
  • in the AromaJazz assortment you will find both base oils (almond, apricot, grape seed), and compositions of base and essential oils, as well as a special product - baby oil Chamomile and karite, which can be used from the first days of life.

AromaJazz body massage oil is ideal for professional use, for classical, medical and sports massage. This is a universal product, unchanged in its quality and naturalness.