Compliments to a man in your own words are cool. We reveal the secret of how to give good compliments to a guy in your own words. A compliment in the hands of a woman is a double-edged sword

The man you love needs to be pampered. Or that guy who you really like and is currently your favorite. An unusual solution that we women sometimes forget is compliments. Everyone loves them. But what compliments can you give a guy?

What if a compliment said in your own words seems inappropriate? Is it possible to pick funny phrases for this purpose, will the recipient be offended?

No, he won’t be offended, but will be amazed, flattered and surprised! And once again he will be convinced of your affection and love. Try to speak kind and affectionate words, and then... Well, you'll see for yourself.

Important rules, or Don't forget about submission

So, the task is clear. You need to learn how to correctly give original compliments to a guy. Either funny or pleasant - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that he is touched, hooked, in some cases even excited, and compliments become part of your relationship.

You probably need to imagine yourself in his place, that is, imagine that you are a little bit of a man. Yes, unfamiliar situation. But this is the only way to rehearse the tone, facial expressions, gestures and even touches at the moment when kind words are spoken. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, don’t forget that a guy won’t appreciate a compliment on his “new pants”; he’s not a girl. You should forget about the wardrobe, at least in this form.

What then? You need to learn the rules that will help you not only pronounce a compliment correctly, say pleasant words, but also assure (once again!) of the softness, tenderness and depth of your feelings!

Men like unobtrusive compliments, short, succinct and meaningful. To do this, you need:

  • Remember that the left – “feminine” side – is responsible for emotions and expression of feelings in men. At a congress on psychology, recently held in Berlin and bringing together world luminaries, it was proven that gentle words should pronounced in the left ear, but tasks that require execution are on the right.

    A man will quickly forget how sexy and kind he is if you tell him about it in his right ear. But to the left is what you need! All that remains is to sneak up behind you, hug you by the shoulders and whisper exactly those words, slightly touching your ear with your lips. The answer won't take long to arrive!

  • Emphasize with words truly masculine, “tribal” qualities: sexuality, endurance, willpower, etc. You can also add personality traits that you adore about him. You love him for something special, something that caught your eye on the first date. Remind him of this more often, especially if the relationship begins at a distance. You can even write a poem or delight in prose.
  • Do not pay attention to appearance: this is secondary for a guy - he is taught such a thought from childhood. But emphasizing in a compliment those parts of the body that excite is a non-trivial decision. It can be Strong arms, wide chest and even elastic buttocks, why hide it!
  • Don't babysit - guys don't like that. Choose an intimately exciting whisper and give a compliment with your whole body: with your eyes, smile, hands, slightly touching. Light flirting, a special mood, a few grams of excitement will not be superfluous!
  • Remove the irony and sarcasm that run through each of us when communicating with our loved ones. “Darling, I didn’t know that you could use a hammer so well: the wall is intact and your fingers are in place.” . What is this anyway? Your own bitter experience, dragged from past relationships? But they are no longer there, and your man, good, affectionate and extraordinary, is with you!
Giving compliments, as it turns out, is as easy as shelling pears. Pronounce your words with feeling, love and never forget that there are never too many beautiful words!

TOP 100 list of compliments for a guy

You don’t know how to write beautifully (and you’re not used to it, initially there were only SMS messages), you’re not accustomed to offline correspondence, but you want to conquer and surprise him. Remember that the moment is important for a compliment, and it doesn’t have to be an evening together. Imagine that you just made eye contact while wallpapering a wall, pushing a car, or something else. And you understand: you need to speak right now.

The following list of phrases (as an example) can be bold, creative and unobtrusive:

  1. “You are kindness itself, and it’s in every part of you!”
  2. “You are the reason for my happiness!”
  3. “I adore you for your determination. You won’t go anywhere with you!”
  4. “You excite me!” (Probably no one can resist such a compliment. An important nuance is to be prepared for the continuation. You can practice your pronunciation by going up to a photo or mirror.)
  5. "You a real man
  6. “I feel warm with you!”
  7. “I love your golden hands. You are the true master of the house!”
  8. “You are my wings! I can’t fly without you.”
  9. “I love your confidence. She makes it so easy to look into the future!”
  10. “You are my pink dream!”
  11. “Your hands attract me like a magnet!”
  12. “You are very sexy without a top!” (I mean - without a T-shirt or shirt.)
  13. “Creativity is part of you, so we never get bored!”
  14. “You are my angel, so take care of us both!”
  15. “You are my world, filled to the brim!”
  16. “I love you for your lightness. Always remain like this!”
  17. “You are the most reliable, so I’m with you like behind a stone wall!”
  18. "I'm proud of you!"
  19. “With you, even to the ends of the earth, and right now!”
  20. “I’m nowhere without you!” (In the sense of life path.)
  21. “You are my Al Pacino!”
  22. “Wow, this jacket/jeans/blazer suits you!”
  23. “I love it when you smile!”
  24. “You are my hope and support!”
  25. “You are a long-awaited miracle!”
  26. “That’s how I imagined you!”
  27. “I love your reaction! And how can you keep all this in your head?!”
  28. "You are my God!"
  29. “If you didn’t fall in love with me at first sight, I’ll have to pass you by one more time!”
  30. “I wanted to have a kitten as a child, but my parents forbade it. But now I have the best kitten - it’s you!”
  31. “I want to be in your arms and lose something... For example, peace of mind.”
  32. “When you kiss me, I lose my head!”
  33. “I found the best man of my life - it turned out to be you!”
  34. “Do you know what electricity is? It's when you touch my neck with your fingertips."
  35. “You are the only person in the world on whose shoulder you can comfortably fall asleep.”
  36. “When you do housework, I want to look at you forever!”
  37. “You have a great eye for great films!”
  38. “I can talk to you endlessly - you always have a great story in stock!”
  39. “I love it when you hug me with your eyes...”
  40. “I just melt in your arms like chocolate ice cream...”
  41. “You are so reliable - I feel very good with you.”
  42. “You are so brave, courageous - and at the same time caring. I love it."
  43. “You look amazing in this suit.”
  44. “You are the cup of my favorite coffee that I’m dying to drink!”
  45. “You read my thoughts better than a cool psychologist!”
  46. “Your smile is simply crazy!”
  47. “I'm proud of your persistence. Only real men do this!”
  48. “I adore you for your romance!”
  49. “I'm so lucky to have you. It’s great that I can always rely on you!”
  50. “It makes me so happy to see how much you care about me. This is very valuable to me!”
  51. “I really like the way you communicate with your parents, it’s immediately clear that they raised a real man!”
  52. “You are incredibly charming!”
  53. “Next to you, my life has taken on a new meaning!”
  54. “You are incredibly talented. I'm your fan!"
  55. “Before I met you, I only read about alpha males in books!”
  56. “I adore your look, it really attracts me!”
  57. “How do you manage to be both cheeky and affectionate at the same time? It drives me crazy!"
  58. "You are the best!" (This phrase works for almost all types of men of any age.)
  59. "You turn Me On!"
  60. “You are the only one for me!”
  61. “Behind you I’m like behind a stone wall!”
  62. “I’m so calm next to you!” (Same effect as in the phrase “stone wall.”)
  63. “I breathe you!” (You can change the ending to “alive.”)
  64. "I miss your hugs."
  65. “You are so insatiable!”
  66. “I trust you with everything!”
  67. “I want to wake up next to you every morning!”
  68. “You can be so gentle!”
  69. “Your kisses drive me crazy!” (Let him try more often.)
  70. "You are the man of my dreams!"
  71. “You are unsurpassed!” (In a specific case).
  72. “You know me inside and out” (A wonderful phrase that creates trust.)
  73. “I love your touch!”
  74. Next, in alphabetical order for each letter:
    A - Ambitious, authoritative.
  75. B - Fearless, incomparable.
  76. B - Attentive.
  77. G - Gallant.
  78. D - Good, dear.
  79. E - The only one.
  80. F - Desired.
  81. Z - Wonderful, caring.
  82. I - Sincere.
  83. K - Cool.
  84. L - Best.
  85. M - Courageous.
  86. N - Reliable, irreplaceable.
  87. O - Brave, charming.
  88. P - Enterprising, understanding.
  89. R - Romantic, respectable.
  90. S - Strong, brave, passionate.
  91. T - Hardworking, temperamental, talented.
  92. U - Smart.
  93. F - Fartovy.
  94. X - Brave.
  95. C - Purposeful.
  96. H - Honest, sensitive.
  97. Sh - Chic.
  98. Sh - Generous.
  99. E - Energetic, elegant.
  100. Me - I never cease to admire you!
Do you understand that 100 compliments for your beloved guy is not so much?

On a note

Making your boyfriend happy is easy for any girl; it’s enough to surround him with care, attention and don’t forget about praise. Do you want to talk about the main thing? Send him a funny text message, write a note and leave it on the refrigerator when you leave. In a word, let them feel your love and desire to be together.

An important point in such a delicate matter is your own heart. Listen to him - and speak, speak, say gentle, kind words to your boyfriend! A compliment is a powerful signal, a kind of amulet and a magical symbol that will tell you that everything is fine with your relationship: you are a support for him, a friend, a partner, and a lover all rolled into one. Knowing that you are loved is one thing, but hearing is a very special pleasure...

We are all accustomed to the fact that compliments are the prerogative of men and it is customary to give them to ladies, and how mistaken we are... Just think how much a girl loses by not giving her lover compliments!

A woman can never be disarmed by a compliment, a man can always be.
Oscar Wilde

Complimenting a man is a boost to his self-esteem

A man even with the most high self-esteem needs compliments. This is nothing more than feeding this very self-esteem.

For a man, a compliment is a kind of... energy drink. After saying a kind word at the right time, a man can turn into a knight, and you can feel like a princess. If during your relationship you correctly “give a man this energy cocktail,” then you will receive, in addition to the above-described prince who can move mountains for you, also a devoted male who will no longer be able to live without you. See how simple it is! And someone, in order to win a man, rushes to different extremes, wasting time.

Someone might think, “Yeah, I’ll shower my loved one with compliments and everything will be fine.” If everything were exactly like this, there would not be this article, which will tell you how to give compliments correctly and not run into the opposite result from what was expected.

Compliments cost nothing, but many people pay dearly for them.
Thomas Fuller

What are the best compliments to give a man?

We will give compliments to men. Therefore, girls should take into account that a compliment should be given exclusively in masculine areas. Those compliments that are pleasant to women can even offend a man. Therefore, the main rule is to emphasize masculinity.

It is worth noting that representatives of the stronger sex are great psychologists. They feel false about themselves, so they need to give a compliment not out of nowhere, but really for an action that deserves appreciation. There is no need for banal admiration for an insignificant reason, this humiliates a man. Some girls and women go too far in this matter.

For example, a husband or boyfriend replaced a burnt-out light bulb in the apartment, and a lot of compliments pour in - we assure you, in this case they are inappropriate. A word of gratitude is enough.

It is important to emphasize the significant merit. Even if your lover is not very strong in this matter, if he tried and achieved results, you need to evaluate these actions with a compliment.

Intonation with which to give a compliment

The important thing is not what to say, but how. There should not be even a grain of irony in a compliment; a compliment to a man should not look like “dope.” It is important to monitor the intonation in your voice. There is no need for too high notes of surprise, no need for long lectures. Men will more appreciate a compliment in a “low register” - short and to the point.

As they say, “with his mouth a child speaks the truth.” It is difficult for a child to pretend; he never hides his sincere emotions. What is this for? And besides, a little childishness and childish naivety will not hurt - it will convince the man of the “purity” of your words, and he will appreciate them.

My dear, you are so cool!

It will be very good if you rush to your loved one, hug him like a child and say something like “darling, how cool you are!” If a man "demands clarification", generously express your words of admiration, but do not overdo it.

How does a man react to a compliment?

You called him cool, he will try to be perfect in everything.

Try an experiment. A compliment is also a way to test your sense of humor. Give a compliment with some teasing and a bit of irony and look at your loved one’s reaction. If in response you heard the same irony and laughter, congratulations, your man has no problems with a sense of humor, he is savvy and kind.

If a man gets angry and perceives your words as mockery, most likely he has low self-esteem, and you should be more careful in your words and expressions.

Well, if your man, like a small child, was completely sincerely happy with such a compliment, then the conclusion suggests itself. Say kind words to him from time to time and he will love you like a faithful dog!

Complimenting a man as a method of re-education

In addition to testing the character of a loved one, a compliment can be used as a method of re-education. For example, if something doesn’t work out for your significant other, or he simply doesn’t want to do something, then most women start making trouble. Try to reason on the topic “I’m lucky.” Instead of unnecessary words and ineffective moralizing, it is better to sincerely say:

  • Darling, you are so smart to me,
  • I'm sure you will succeed,
  • I don't insist, you just do it better than anyone else.

Just one sentence and the result is guaranteed!

In conclusion, no matter how hard you try, a compliment should come from the heart. You must truly love and appreciate the person, otherwise the lie will be exposed. Soon you won't be able to pretend.

charming gentle Cute smart
Beautiful caring attractive responsive
sexual charming Kind ardent
unforgettable irresistible mysterious affectionate
chic dazzling desired unpredictable
passionate divine the only one versatile
fascinating sexy cute mind-blowing
radiant slim stylish Honey
fluffy stunning creative romantic
awesome funny vigorous loving
sincere exciting courageous amazing
charming smiling purposeful unmatched
sparkling direct cheerful charming
dreamy alluring seductive incendiary
flowering irreproachable perfect best
awesome playful understanding playful


















the best










the best







Men love compliments just as much as women. In Slavic society it is not customary to speak compliments to your beloved man . It is believed that they should do them to women.

On a psychological level, men need praise and affirmation positive traits and actions. But women forget to talk about them, because they can spoil the guy. Boys and young men during puberty are often left without proper attention. At this moment they need verbal support.

In marriage, wives rarely praise men, but often grumble and express dissatisfaction. Even if the husband tried to help, he will definitely do something wrong.

Any man is pleased to hear compliments, praise and kindness s words. They add confidence and inspiration. We'll tell youhow to compliment a man Right.

Talk about real benefits
Don't talk about a guy's masculinity if he doesn't show it. This is as stupid as calling skinny arms pumped up. Praise specific ones external features, career achievements, worries y, housekeeping, humor . That is, the most striking feature of a man. Otherwiseyoung manwill understand that you are flattering him or lying.Stick to it sincere words in compliments.

Control your facial expressions
If a compliment needs to be given forcedly, for example to a manager or an important boss y, keep an appropriate facial expression. A callous or rude look, a smirk will be considered director as a comic gesture. note to the timbre of the voice. He must be confident, low and in an affirmative manner. The note of laughter will look like joke and threatens to offend the interlocutor.

One meaning.
Choose phrases , which will not lead to incorrect conclusions. A man must understand the compliment correctly the first time. For example: “You lost so much weight after the trip.” This expression is perceived as negative, like you look bad. Even if a person has really changed, it is better to say that he looks good. Otherwise, it is better to remain silent.

Actions have time, but compliments have a moment!

Don't waste your words! A man must earn your praise or tender words. You can compliment your appearance 1-2 times, the rest is praise for your actions:

  • opened doors for you
  • helped around the house
  • showed concern for
  • did a manly thing
  • fixed the phone
  • made repairs
  • bought you a gift

There may be 1000 reasons. But to earn a pleasant word from a lady you need to work hard. Empty compliments will make a man relax or consider them as licking.

Compliment a man on his appearance

Men react doubtfully to comments about their appearance. Qualities that a woman will important They don’t make any sense for a man. Talk to him about slender legs, inflated ass and plump lips are not worth it.

Emphasize masculine characteristics in your appearance, such as force , endurance, physical fitness, appearance features. Use these compliments:

  • What strong hands!
  • You are so resilient! How do you do it?
  • Your pumped up body it's inviting you to touch it
  • You are courageous
  • You are invincible in your strength!
  • Unsurpassed
  • Your smile is crazy!
  • It's nice to have a well-groomed man nearby.
  • You have a stylish appearance.
  • What sculpted body? Do you often work out in the gym?
  • You have good physical fitness
  • You probably work hard on yourself
  • Athletes will envy your figure
  • I can drown in your eyes.
  • You look like you're self-sufficient mature man
  • You are so strong !
  • Bearded the man always looks seductive.
  • You're exciting voice .
  • I would wear this too shirt if I were a man.
  • You are my stone wall

Compliments to a man in bed

Cleveland State University has proven that talking in bed is beneficial. Sociable lovers experience greater intimate pleasure. Experience scientific research for yourself!

During and after intimacy, it is important how and what you say. Speak no need for crime news, politics or gossip. Compliments will come to the rescue. A man will appreciate it nice conversation.

  • You're so affectionate in foreplay
  • I've never felt so good in my life
  • Night was unforgettable
  • I like the scent of your body
  • You have a gorgeous body
  • I adore I just lie next to you
  • You gave me an incredible orgasm
  • Your brutal the sight excites me
  • I like yours bold ideas
  • You are caring
  • You give me a feeling intimate pleasure
  • It's so cozy in bed with you
  • Next to you I always sleep sweetly
  • When you sleep, I don't want to get out of bed
  • You are so passionate
  • With you I feel like a woman
  • Your caresses drive me crazy
  • You are creative in their techniques
  • Every time you give unforgettable pleasure
  • Closeness with you is always wonderful

Unusual compliments to a man

In addition to the usual compliments, a man wants to receive an ocean of emotions from you. Show attention to your chosen one using this list .

  • When you are near, the world becomes brighter for me
  • You're like the prince from the fairy tale about Cinderella
  • You are like a magician - you make all my wishes come true
  • I'm proud of your wisdom. I have a lot to learn
  • You are my God and I am your Goddess
  • Your masculine seductiveness turns me on
  • You attract me like a magnet with your gaze
  • You know how to catch the rhythm. You move well to the music.
  • If there is no ideal man, then you will be the first
  • Every day next to you is a holiday
  • Everyone is discussing your appearance we know each other
  • Your actions are so gallant that I can’t even believe that such men exist.
  • You are my painkiller
  • Enchanting success always follows you
  • All my girlfriends want children from you
  • You exude confidence that captivates women
  • You feel the core
  • Your kiss inspired me today
  • I have not yet managed to catch you “out of shape”
  • You have charisma

Funny compliments for a guy

The ability to give compliments is an art. Saying them in your own words you can hit the nail on the head. But if you doubt your abilities, then it’s better to practice. Otherwise, your words will fall into the category of “funny compliments”, which are more like funny . They happen when a person inappropriately compares dignity another person, and the phrase received a negative or even funny connotation.

  • You have such huge eyelashes, like a cow's
  • You have a beautiful mane, like a thoroughbred horse
  • You are so cool (association with a fool, a buffoon, frivolous)
  • With such long arms you can reach anyone
  • You're so fast like spiderman
  • I'm drowning in your brown eyes
  • You are so economical like my dad (uncle, brother)
  • You have such a beautiful hump on your nose
  • You're so chubby lips like Angelina Jolie
  • Your legs are very long
  • You're cute like a girl
  • Fatness suits you
  • To this handsome man I'm scared to approach
  • Are these your real muscles? So natural!
  • You have so much hair on your chest
  • Your mind is sharper than a knife
  • You have beautiful lingerie
  • Your teeth blind my eyes
  • to his appearance you are dangerous to others
  • You're like a prince without a white horse

Compliments to a guy via SMS

When a guy is not around, you want to please him with a warm word, cheer him up or cheer him up. Technology has come to the ladies' aid.Beautiful compliments for a guy You can not only speak, but also write.

Before a university exam, interview, competition or business When we meet, the inspiring words of a woman act magically.

Compliments to my husband by correspondence give him more advantages. No wonder they say that a successful man or businessman stands wise woman. Be like that today. Emphasize mind , the husband’s logical abilities, his prudence. This will help you feel supported.

  • I believe in you
  • You are the best
  • You can do this
  • When meeting with you I realized that you are special
  • I'm proud your successes
  • Discretion is yours main plus
  • You are a role model
  • The last word behind you (used in context)
  • Only you know the only right decision
  • I don't doubt your abilities

Second list compliments aimed at stirring up interest.Spicy and intriguing SMS will make a man finish his business work as fast as possible.

  • For a special man I I'm cooking special surprise
  • It is impossible to refuse dinner to such a nice man (answer to an invitation)
  • I took into account your wishes I decided to diversify our intimate scenario
  • Today's meeting with you asks the meaning of this day
  • My original gift you will remember for a long time
  • I'm waiting for six o'clock for my prince to save me from works
  • Yours is unobtrusive those words excite my imagination
  • your good feeling humor is noticeable even in correspondence
  • I want to quickly kiss your sweet lips
  • I want to be in your warm arms

We proved to you that compliments are an indicator good x relationship paired with. Don't skimp on nice words. They should be expressed not only in adjectives, but in whole phrases,

Which make sense. Compliments for menmust be justified by specific actions. Otherwise, the man will not pay attention to your words or will lose control of his self-esteem. Use them correctly thanks to our list of100 compliments for a guy, husband, friend.

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It's so easy to please someone. Compliment your man every day, he deserves your attention and beautiful words.

Thank you for adding to:

By your example, you encourage everyone to improve themselves. You prove to others that an ideal can become even more ideal.

People love holidays and wait for them to receive gifts. Every day is a holiday for me, because the best man is nearby.

When you leave, I feel very bad. It’s as if they tore off a piece of my soul, the most valuable and important part that protects me from any adversity.

Do you know how to find mutual language with all people. They like you because you have rare qualities: kindness and honesty.

I don't need the sun in the sky or a rainbow after the rain to see this world as beautiful. It's enough for me to have a man like you next to me.

You are so principled, honest and fair at work. It deserves respect.

I used to think that only films show the best men. Now I know you and I understand how much I was wrong. The best live next to us.

Short compliments to a man.

As usual, you outshone everyone else.

You are a wonderful professional true friend and a prominent man.

The best is not about you. Ideal! That's the right word.

Nice compliments for a man.

When it rains or snows outside, when the cold envelops everything around me, I am not afraid. Next to you I always feel warm and good.

Do you know that with just your little smile you make my day successful? You are so cheerful!

You have an infinite amount of masculine charm! If we were on the battlefield, the opponents would have surrendered after the first negotiations.

Compliments for a strong man.

A brave, courageous, strong, persistent and strong-willed man is not a fairy tale. Such a man exists. And it's you.

Next to such a strong man like you, you can allow yourself to be a little kitten. It will easily protect you from any troubles.

For me, being next to you means being in a warm and cozy home, guarded by hundreds of the best warriors.

Cool compliments for a man.

You are like a cartoon lion cub, just as cute and charming on the outside, but a real lion on the inside! You will easily please my friends and intimidate old enemies. The perfect combination.

You are a terrible person! At work you shine with your intelligence, at a party you win over everyone around you, you are the life of the party among friends and the most attractive man among others for women. It's simply impossible to compete with you!

I thought that in the museum everyone would look at ancient sculptures of beautiful men, but I was wrong. There is only one beautiful man here who attracts everyone's attention. Even the statues are looking at you.

It is generally accepted that giving compliments is exclusively men's work. And a woman will certainly drop her crown if she decides to sing the praises of the gentleman she likes. Undoubtedly, all these are stupid prejudices. Psychologists have long proven that ninety-nine men out of a hundred subconsciously crave approval and admiration. So why not play on this cute weakness of the stronger sex? Just to get started, it doesn’t hurt to take an initial course in subtle flattery to improve your skills.

The art of an exquisite compliment was born during the times of the Egyptian pharaohs, flourished magnificently in the shadow of royal palaces and most likely gave up the ghost at the end of the cynical twentieth century. This decadent thought was inspired by the brochure “How to Give Compliments,” which accidentally fell into my hands. This masterpiece, it must be said, came from the pen of a psychologist who, in all seriousness, believes that a woman - without the slightest damage to her reputation - can please a man with the following pearls: “There is an aura of wisdom and understanding around you,” “Eagle gaze and takeoff.” falcony”, “No one has such a majestic appearance as you.” However, for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I decided to try one of these monstrous compliments on a colleague. “You are full of energy, like a split atom,” I said insinuatingly. A painful pause. The special correspondent, who did not expect such a vile attack on my part, choked and weakly retorted: “It seems that they are insulting me...” And the whole day they looked sideways in my direction with suspicion. To derive the “formula for the correct compliment,” I had to consult with practicing psychologists.

School of Seduction

Artists, teachers, doctors, athletes, bankers - in general, all men, regardless of life experience, position in society and level of intelligence - have one common feature: from time to time they need confirmation of their own importance. This is where a beautiful lady comes on stage with a bouquet of pleasant words. It is typical that men perceive compliments differently than women. If for us beautiful words are a “vitamin of happiness”, a non-binding doping, then for them praise is a guide to action. Stop! Why do we even need to compliment men? Yes, everything is very simple - to flirt, do something nice, fill awkward pauses, soften reproaches and even turn off annoying fans. In short, compliments give us freedom and unlimited power. Just remember the recipe of the legendary Lily Brik - and she knew how to break hearts. “We need to convince a man that he is wonderful and even brilliant, it’s just that others don’t understand this. And allow what is forbidden to him at home,” Mayakovsky’s muse liked to repeat. Here are five practical advice for those who want to use compliments “for peaceful purposes.”

1. Valuable personnel

Men like it when their, so to speak, “tribal” qualities are noted - such as willpower and sexuality, as well as professional success and favorite hobbies (for example, car, repair, sports). But compliments regarding their appearance do not touch them at all. After all, from childhood, boys have a stereotype hammered into their heads that beauty is not the main thing for a real man. That’s why phrases like “How beautiful you are today! He's fallen in love, or what?" usually don't work.

2. The truth and only the truth

Praise only those virtues that are actually present. Saying to a slender programmer who recently bought a gym membership: “Well, soon you’ll be just like Schwartz!” - at least mercilessly. Try to understand what quality a person is proud of and give it credit. However, there are harsh macho men in the world who cannot stand compliments. In response to your sincere praise, they may react quite harshly: “I hate it when people flatter me.” However, most likely you simply missed and behaved like a bull in a china shop. After all, every man has a cherished string in his soul, only some hide it. If you manage to find it and play it delicately, consider that his heart has already melted in your pocket.

3. Lost in translation

If something forces you to give an insincere compliment, watch your facial expressions. Let’s say you can say: “You are so witty, I haven’t laughed so much for a long time” - and forget to “erase” the melancholy from your eyes. Naturally, the interlocutor will not believe your praises - the look will give you away. Tone matters too. The man does not like sugary lisp (“Daddy hung the picture! Our daddy has golden hands!”). An intimately lowered voice is much more valued.

4. Double bottom

Formulate the phrase clearly: there should be no ambiguity in the compliment. For example, if you say: “What an unusual profile you have!”, then your interlocutor may think that you are making fun of him. Or you hint at his long nose - and goodbye, good relations.

5. Secret weapon

Men should not be over-praised, otherwise they will develop delusions of grandeur. Therefore, give compliments rarely, but accurately. Let’s say if you occasionally, but with feeling, tell your husband: “You are my best. It’s great that we are together,” he will try to be both a stone wall for you and Swiss bank. Another option is also possible. Sometimes an excess of kind words causes dependence on the person who says them. If you suddenly interrupt the flow of compliments, become strict and serious, then a man may especially acutely feel your irreplaceability.

Question from men: “What should you do if you try hard, but you don’t get any compliments from your wife?”

Waiting is useless; nothing will happen on its own. Think about the reasons: the wife either can’t do it or doesn’t want to. It’s more realistic that he simply can’t, doesn’t really know how, and your relationships are probably different, but you don’t really want to. Hence, your task is to make the relationship warmer, and then discuss the Family Agreement Questionnaire and tell them in plain text that you also need compliments, are useful and pleasant. And teach your wife to do this, give her compliments for being attentive to you and it’s so nice to hear such things from her nice words. Everything will work out.

Oscar Wilde claimed that the right compliment can disarm any man, even the strongest! In the article: compliment technique, examples of compliments for men for all occasions. Disarm men correctly!

If a compliment for a woman is just a delicious candy that she “ate and forgot,” with men everything is a little different. A compliment acts on a man like an energy drink, invigorating and pushing him to action.

Why is this happening? Yes, because men are rarely praised at all!

The average man lives in a complimentary vacuum:

  • in a male company of brutal guys it is not customary to give compliments to each other
  • compliments from mom in the “mi-mi-mi” style are annoying (this is if mom still gives compliments), and compliments from dad are almost like compliments from brutal guys
  • compliments from bosses make you think of bad news
  • compliments from male colleagues (see the point about brutal guys)

Who will pamper a man with a compliment? Woman!

What kind of compliments do men like? A few important rules

  1. Sincere and deserved. There is a huge gap between a subtle compliment and crude flattery. Crude flattery can cause a completely unpredictable reaction: from joy to disdain. Undeserved praise deprives a man of guidelines and incentives, turning him into a modern Oblomov
  2. There can't be too many compliments. Even the Sun has spots and your man is not always worthy of sincere praise. There are no feelings in an insincere compliment
  3. Never give your boyfriend a compliment based on his comparison with your ex.
  4. In order to say something nice to a man, it is not at all necessary to wait for a holiday and voice compliments during congratulations. This won't be a compliment at all.
  5. A compliment is valuable if it is presented personally and targeted. After all, it is not the praise itself that is important, but the intonation and feeling with which it is said.
  6. Talk only about what you are sure of. The compliment “You play football like Schumacher” sounds
  • like a mockery
  • like outright stupidity
  1. Avoid verbosity and pretentiousness. Of course, Roksolana’s letters to Suleiman are very romantic, but having received such a message, modern man, most likely, will experience confusion: “...Your letter dried the bloody tears from my tear-stained eyes, filling them with light, and poured joy into my yearning heart. May your, day of my happiness, all the desires and joys of your soul be fulfilled, may the gardens of your well-being be overflowing with the beautiful jasmine flowers of my love, enchanting as your bright face, oh my ruler, my sultan, my padishah!”
  2. A man is impressed when he deserves high praise
  • act
  • the result of some action
  • choice

A man likes to make an impression - it's part of male nature. This is what compliments should be about: the impressions that He and His actions make on you

How to compliment a man?

Every man has secret buttons. By gently pressing them, you

  • will remain in his memory for a long time (if we're talking about about flirting)
  • you will be able to achieve the actions you need without resorting to open confrontation (if we are talking about family relationships)
    1. The phrase “I need your advice!” has a magical effect on a man! Be sure to consult with a man and appreciate the beauty of his proposed solution with the phrase: “I can always count on your help: your advice is very useful and effective! Thanks a lot!"
    2. A man loves to shine, especially in company. Appreciate his charm and ability to communicate. Make a casual note: “You feel great in any company. All my friends celebrate this! It’s a real talent to find the keys to such different people.”
    3. Be sure to compliment the man's driving skills. The incomparable Mata Hari stated: “To understand men, you need to understand one simple thing: they are all children!” All boys love to ride cars, scooters, bicycles, etc. Children grow up, but habits remain
    4. “Chocolate” on the stomach, the size of the biceps and triceps are another topic for compliments. But here you need to be extremely careful. It is important for a man to hear what impression his physical form made on you, i.e. the praise should sound something like this: “Your physical form left a lasting impression on me. Where/what method do you train?” And if you take the advice and visit the same gym / trainer / master a set of exercises, you will have a new interesting topic for communication
    5. Is your boyfriend popular with the opposite sex? And does this annoy you? Phrase: “How lucky I am that you are with me!” will attract His attention to you for a long time, because it is rare that a woman will deny herself the pleasure of playing out a scene of jealousy

  1. Let the man
  • make an order at a restaurant for you
  • buy groceries in the store
  • choose meat, vegetables or fruits at the market
  • choose household appliances

Be sure to ask why he chose this particular dish, beer, wine, gadget, etc. Praise his legibility, appreciate his resourcefulness, note his level of knowledge of information

    1. Men's dreams sometimes resemble sand castles. But it is dreamers who change this world for the better. In addition, common dreams bind a couple stronger than the stamp in the passport. Therefore, be sure to appreciate a man’s dreams and support ambitious projects
    2. Does a man make you laugh? Does he have a great sense of humor? Men consider humor one of the components of the image of a “real man.” Don't forget to thank your chosen one for filling your life with laughter, and therefore happiness.
    3. Compliments to a man in bed are a guarantee of good and varied sex. And this is useful not only for men's health! Regardless of social status, age, education and other characteristics, it is important for a man to be sure that he is “the best” in intimate games. Talk about the pleasure his touches, kisses, etc. give you. Notice how much pleasure his skill gives you, how well you fit together, how his voice excites you
    4. Be sure to appreciate a man's good manners if you want to have a real Knight next to you. “You are so gallant! Next to you, I feel surrounded by attention and care!” - simple words which will force a man to repeat gallant feats again and again

  1. From childhood, the boy is prepared for the role of defender. “The feeling of security that I experience only next to you is very important to me!” - a man needs to hear this and be sure that he is doing everything right
  2. Don't ignore the man's friends, but don't overdo it with praise. Just note that you are very pleased with the fact that next to the person you care about there are people you can rely on
  3. Everything a man does should be appreciated. An incentive to achieve new professional heights can be the remark: “I know how important what you do!”
  4. Don't ignore a man's hobbies. As a rule, men know a lot about the subject of their hobby and are happy to talk about it. If any information makes an impression on you, tell your partner about it
  5. Masculine principles are the holy of holies. They need to be understood, accepted and appreciated: “In the modern world, people with principles are so rare! It’s so good that you are one of these people!”
  6. Be sure to note him in the presence of a man strengths in communication with friends or family. Your partner will appreciate it

Compliment a man in SMS

You have been together for quite a long time and the wonderful candy-bouquet period is in the past. Your SMS correspondence has changed a lot

Bring romance back into life with SMS compliments to your man!

A man will be pleased to receive a few tender words from the woman he loves:

  • “And yet, there are men who evoke a very strong desire to have a hot dinner waiting for them at home in the evening!”
  • "All the gold of the earth and all the wealth of the world
    I would give anything to be next to you.
    Only from your love can I be happy,
    And this will stay with me forever."
  • Dreams! Joy! Love! World! Life! Fate! What do all these words have in common? There is only one person - You! And my heart is much more sensitive than myself, as soon as it hears Your knock, it immediately begins to knock louder, more often, as if saying: we are one whole
  • Thank you, my dear, for making me fall in love with you again every day and feel like the happiest girl in the world
  • When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from the monitor screen and phone are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks are more sincere than words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!
  • I miss your hands that caress me. I miss your eyes that adore me. I miss your body, from which the warmth emanates. I miss your heart that loves me. I miss you!
  • Before meeting you, it seemed to me that there were no real, strong, self-confident men left, but you completely convinced me of this and showed me that a woman should be weak and defenseless. You taught me to trust you, your choices and decisions and I am very grateful for that.
  • It seems to me that not all girls can say that they are as happy as I am. The reason for this happiness is the most beautiful, smartest and most talented man with whom I am simply madly in love

Compliments to your beloved man in prose

  • Life used to be interesting, but somehow gray. After you entered it, I realized that I was deprived of real happiness, what you gave me and continue to give me every day. Now I am absolutely sure that only you are the person with whom I want to spend my whole life and never part.
  • I am absolutely sure that with you I will simply not be afraid of any problems or troubles. Only next to you my heart begins to beat much faster, and sometimes it even seems that everything around ceases to exist, except for such an attractive pool of your most beautiful eyes
  • The time spent with you is always not enough for me, because no matter how much time we are together, it seems to me that only one minute has passed. Thank you very much for the fact that even among gray everyday life, rainy weather and winter cold, you give me the feeling of a blooming and very warm spring that wakes up in my soul. Only your arms can hug so tenderly and tightly at the same time, only in your arms do I want to be around the clock, thank you for this, my love
  • There are people you don’t want to part with even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you recognize them, the less chance you have of forgetting about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate the heart and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me you are such a person

Compliments to your beloved man in verse. Gentle compliments for men

  • My dear, dear man!
    I've been wanting to say for so long
    What is not in any huge book
    My love cannot be described.
    You appeared so unexpectedly
    And mixed up all the paths
    My unknown secrets
    I don't need - I need YOU!
    You're the best, you know?
    Of those who love and are loved,
    You don't even know it yourself
    What have you discovered in my soul!
  • You are a ray of sunshine sneaking through the window,
    Fell quietly on my eyelashes.
    There is tart wine in my glass,
    My dream that I dream about so often.
  • You are the joy of a smile on my lips,
    A sad, random tear.
    You are crazy devils in your eyes,
    There is a narrow path from the thicket of the forest.
  • You are the thin string of my soul,
    A sip of water that saves you from thirst,
    Lamps sparkle in the silence of the night,
    The drug that will kill me one day...
  • You are the first sound of rain on my window
    And the breeze caressing my shoulders.
    You are the one with whom I have been sick for a long time...
    And you are the medicine that will heal me...
  • You have become so important to me...
    So strange, but more necessary than many...
    And the sparks of your fire
    Part of the road was illuminated for me...
    The warmth of short strange phrases
    Warmed my soul with revelation...
    And there’s a wild contrast with the past,
    Suddenly it turned into healing...
    You have become so... necessary for me...
    Although I wasn’t looking for a miracle...
    And the pain of the past is bitter smoke
    Left in crumpled patterns...
    I didn't pray for you...
    Will you close yourself? Will you hide? Will you judge?
    But I live like in a wonderful dream,
    While you exist... As long as you will...
  • A strong man is not a pretentious macho outwardly...
    This is a shoulder and support in everything, if necessary...
    Sober mind, few words, kind heart...
    WITH strong man It's very easy to warm your soul
  • A strong man will not say anything bad about a woman...
    He won’t push others in the back, won’t punish them with counter-evil...
    Will withstand the pain and find the reason for bad luck...
    All because he is a strong man

Original compliments to a man

  • If you get compliments, I'm ready
    I will compose for you like a poetess,
    Take it and print it stupidly,
    The country will be left without forests.
  • Even 99 failures will not stop you: you are sure that you will succeed!
  • Next to you, it feels like life tastes like mint and chocolate!
  • You're a strange person - you never worry about the weather forecast. The main thing for you is that it is always sunny in your soul!
  • Usually girls are called angels. But you are a male angel, under whose wing you want to hide from everyone!
  • I want to savor communication with you, like expensive cognac aged for many years!
  • You are shamelessly attractive!
  • You're good without chocolate
  • No one is perfect, but you are unique!
  • A real man is not one who picks up a new girl every night. And the one who starts the same thing every evening
  • You are ideal! Well, I'll have to teach you bad things!
  • If the woman doesn't know. what is a hammer and a screwdriver, she has never moved furniture or fixed plumbing, which means she knows a real man... Thank you for being one of these women

Smart compliments to a man

Each of the quotes below can be a graceful compliment for your favorite intellectual.

  • We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious (S. Freud)
  • Real men are distinguished by the ability to keep their promises
  • I love you not for who you are, but for who I am next to you.
  • Some men, including you, are like fine wine: they only get better with age.
  • There are men with whom we live. There are men for whom we live. And there are those men, when we find ourselves next to whom, we understand that we are beginning to truly live...
  • Good men make a woman happy, and bad men make a woman strong. It’s so good that I’m a HAPPY woman!
  • I am convinced that in order for a woman to look brilliant throughout her life, she needs a good, reliable husband whom she can be proud of and walk with her head held high (Galina Vishnevskaya)
  • Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows (Marlene Dietrich)
  • No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself... And not so that he limits her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak (Angelina Jolie)
  • In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves (Yves Saint Laurent)
  • Honestly, I don't need someone who sees only the good in me, I need someone who sees the bad in me, but still wants to be with me (Marilyn Monroe)
  • Words of love are always the same - it all depends on whose lips they come from (Guy de Maupassant)

Compliments to your beloved man should come from the heart, and it doesn’t matter whether they are said in prose in your own words or in Akhmatova’s poetry

To keep a man near you, you need to support him in difficult times, understand, love, and also express your love and admiration to him. Is this really necessary and how to do it?

Everyone already knows this phrase - men love with their eyes. And no one will argue with this. But it is impossible to live on such love for more than a week. It's like looking at a candy wrapper, but realizing that it's empty inside. Sooner or later you will get tired of such a wrapper, and you will want to find a wrapper that is both beautiful and with chocolate inside. A man wants his girlfriend or wife to be not only beautiful, but also able to find Right words. It’s no secret that guys also like to hear compliments. Therefore, it is important to learn the art of how to give a compliment, because this will help keep the relationship warm and attract a man to you forever.

What kind of compliments do men like?

Any girl has at least once asked herself the question what kind of compliments men like. Understanding what a man wants to hear from you is not that difficult. They, like girls, quietly reveal their thoughts and desires. When, after a successful evening dinner, he looks into your eyes for a long time with a small smile on his face, it means that his beloved is waiting for him to express his emotions, praising him: “That was the best dinner, I’m so glad that you are so caring and understanding.” The key words in the compliment are “caring and understanding.” Every compliment should contain some kind of epithet, preferably several. Try to remove this insert and it will turn out to be “this was the best dinner.” It’s difficult to call it a compliment, because there is no specific way to address a person. These words seem to express that the food was delicious and that’s all. Compliments to your beloved man should belong entirely to him. You should look directly into the eyes, you can touch with your hand and say the cherished words.

It is equally important to understand what type of man you got. A guy with a sense of humor will accept almost every compliment, but he will like funny compliments most of all. If a man takes everything seriously enough, then it is better to put jokes aside and say directly: “you have beautiful eyes" or "your body is in great shape." But there are compliments that will please literally everyone:

“When you laugh, I would give anything in the world to make sure you don’t stop.”

“The time we spend together is full of great emotions, and it’s all thanks to you.”

"I'm crazy about your muscular body."

“You are number one on my list of most valuable people.”

“I have never met a man with such a wonderful character as yours.”

Giving compliments is not difficult. In such a matter, it is important to listen to the heart and understand what it wants to say. After all, the most important thing is to be sincere.

What is an original way to compliment a man?

There are two types of compliments:

  • Prose. Ordinary sentences are used, the way we speak in everyday life, only using beautiful words. Compliments to a man in prose will give freedom of thoughts and feelings.
  • In poetry. A unique option, you need to prepare for it, but it will definitely create a sensation. Compliments to a man in verse will create a romantic atmosphere.

You don't have to be a poet to express your feelings in poetry. You can take excerpts from famous poets: Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Gorbovskaya. The main thing is to find the passage that will characterize your man. Compliments in verse can be given in such a way that a man will be amazed. It is important to find the right moment and take advantage of it, and not start from the very beginning.

What are they, beautiful compliments to a man?

What should they be? To begin with, it is worth understanding that it is important not to overdo it. In this case, compliments will turn into flattery. How to distinguish it? When people flatter, they use many epithets that seem to idealize the person, although in reality this is not the case. Men immediately recognize flattery, since they tend to evaluate themselves objectively. It is advisable to find beautiful compliments for a man so that they are not too poor, but also do not exaggerate him. Let it be a short “today you are more gorgeous than ever” rather than “you are so gorgeous that such beauty takes my breath away. This suit makes you younger, your figure is amazing in it.” The second option is more like the girl is trying to suck up to the man in order to lure something out of him. Nothing is more appreciated than complimenting a man in your own words. When you sincerely look into the eyes and do not invent beautiful phrases for a long time. It’s not difficult to please your loved one - just say a simple phrase, something that comes from the heart. Your loved one will immediately feel that this is sincere and true. Examples of good compliments that a young man will definitely like:

“You make me happier every day, I’m glad that fate gave me such a caring man.”

“This suit fits your beautiful figure perfectly.”

“Your eyes are very beautiful, I’m ready to lose myself in them for eternity.”

Compliment a man about his appearance

Men, just like women, love to wear beautiful things, trying to highlight all their advantages. But girls often don’t pay attention to how stylishly their lover is dressed, which really hurts him. Before making a compliment about his appearance, it is important to take a closer look at the man. It would be very inappropriate to compliment him by saying how this pullover suits him if he is wearing it for the second or even third time. This will only hurt the guy, because such a compliment will mean that the girl previously did not notice what her boyfriend was wearing. Complimenting a man about his appearance should be well thought out, as no detail should be missed. Compliments about appearance should not be at the end of the evening, but at the moment when you meet a man. First you need to pay attention to whether there are any changes: hairstyle, wrist watch, new tie. Examples:

“This tie goes well with your shirt, you have good taste.”

“Your new hairstyle has changed you so much! You've become even sexier."

“I admire your look, it’s as if you were dressed by the best designers!”

“You look very stylish, I’m delighted to have such a man next to me!”

Cool and perky compliments to a real man

You need to bring something original into this life, changing the patterns. A man will probably like funny compliments, because they contain humor, fantasy, and truth.

“I think we need to call an astronaut. You’re just space with that hairstyle!”

“There is a starburst of feelings in my soul when I see your smile.”

“Heaven itself gave you to me.”

“Your sea scent makes me feel like a mermaid.”

“You’re too cruel, you can’t confuse people with your irresistibility!”

“I think I’m dying, I see an angel! No, it’s you.”

“I will insure my life, because when you hug me, I die several times from happiness.”

Compliments to a stranger

It’s very difficult to give compliments to a stranger, because you don’t yet know his preferences, attitude towards compliments, whether he takes jokes, etc. Therefore, you need to be very careful or use neutral expressions:

“I feel very comfortable in your company.”

“Even though I don’t know your name, I’m sure it’s as beautiful as you.”

“I’m not sure I can say anything coherent, because your eyes fascinate me.”

“Man, wait! I think I saw you on the cover of a magazine.”

“As a child, I always dreamed of a handsome prince. Looks like I just met him."

With the help of a compliment, you can even get acquainted, because men are attracted to confident girls who attract attention in an original way. You need to be careful with strangers, because they might just be busy. It’s better to start by at least learning a little about him and seeing if he wants to communicate further, so as not to waste your energy in vain.

Compliments are as necessary for men as they are for us. After all, they also have some kind of complexes, but they want the girl who is nearby to show that he is the best and most beautiful for her. It is worth paying special attention to compliments to a man in poetry. Before presenting them, it is advisable to find out from afar how your loved one feels about poetry and whether he perceives them at all. After all, many men take everything simply, so they may not understand beautiful and veiled epithets.

Do you compliment your man? What words do you choose for this? Tell us about it in

Here you can find cool compliments for a man or guy, written in your own words. If you are married, then a section with compliments intended for your husband from your wife will help “cheer up” your relationship.

And don't forget! Send such SMS no more than once throughout the day.

  • You are like a cruise ship - so powerful, bright and beautiful! I want to be your haven!
  • Darling, turn off your magnetic field for a while, otherwise I can’t take my eyes off you!
  • My joy! You relieve my fatigue and headache better than any medicine!
  • You are warmer than a battery and softer than an orchid!
  • Everyone should look up to you, my love! What could I do with you like this?)
  • You are my honey gingerbread, which I adore and cannot get enough of)
  • If I am a flower, then you are my most beloved and caring gardener.
  • Still, have a conscience! You can't be so damn attractive!

Your courage and strength

My legs gave way)

So it’s tempting to sin,

There's one thing on everyone's mind)

You are my smart boy

Merry fellow and playful!

You are always a reliable shield,

What will protect everyone from harm!

You are the eighth wonder of the world!

You are like sweet candy!

I'm warmed by your warmth

From dusk to dawn!

Find other cool compliments for your man below in the text.

But you can watch SMS with humor.

  • For me, your voice is more beautiful than the most beautiful melody and more pleasant than the murmur of a spring!
  • You are the reason for my insomnia, rapid heartbeat and tears in my eyes!
  • You are as beautiful as a spring flower, and I want to inhale your blissful scent all my life!
  • You are my CAT: Beautiful, Dazzling, Intelligent, Interesting, Cool!
  • I know who you look like! For coffee - it’s just as strong, smelling and doesn’t let me sleep for a long time)
  • You are a mixture of an Angel and a Demon - this combination in you is simply perfect!
  • Your crazy sparkles in your eyes are more beautiful to me than any diamonds!
  • You are a real magician because you can give happiness to others.
  • I have never met anyone better than you before and I declare this openly!
  • You may not be a climber, but you have already conquered my peaks with ease!
  • My seducer! I can't resist your charm)
  • Let no one see your wings, but I know that you are a real Angel!
  • Your smile is so attractive that it doesn’t let me sleep.
  • You are the best in everything and this has captivated my mind and heart.
  • It is impossible to forget you, because you are brighter than the month!

There is no price for you in the market, -

The girls are all doomed!

Just look with a passionate gaze -

Three are already spinning side by side!

You are absolutely ideal!

All expectations met!

And you are beautiful in soul,

I love you honey!

You alone are perfect!

You walk with importance, like a peacock,

He spread his feathers,

As if illuminated by the sun!

You are my dear redhead

Like a gold bar!

I lost my peace

After the fatal meeting!

And your lips are not more tender, -

You are the most amazing brunette!

There is only one like you in the world!

You are the most beautiful blonde!

I'm drowning in your eyes

And I suffer from love for you!

There is nothing hotter for me in the world than your love,

I just want to meet every sunrise with you!

You are the kindest person!

And there is goodness in you forever!

You give everyone light in their souls, -

Now wear such a cliché!)

  • You deserve the best friend for life, and I am ready to accept your offer)
  • Your soul is purer than water in a spring, and your smile is more beautiful than a rainbow after the rain!
  • Your perfection scares me) Admit it, do you have at least one flaw?
  • You are my hidalgo from the ancient era, through whom the ladies swooned, but I’m holding on for now)

  • You are a real man and my heart told me this, but it won’t lie.
  • You are a champion and a gentleman, and even more - a superman!
  • Before I met you, I had no ideals among men, but now the only one has appeared)
  • You steal the day in my eyes with your beautiful image!
  • Your name is like a prayer to me, which I say a certain number of times a day.
  • When I look into your eyes, I see wonderful colors in them!
  • You are not only faithful husband, but also my devoted friend. Thank you for every minute of family happiness!
  • Your eyes shine like morning dew in the sun.
  • My irresistible dear Man! Not even the night can outshine you!
  • The magical spell of your beautiful eyes has taken possession of my thoughts and heart, which is filled with love.
  • When we are together, there are only funny things in my soul, but when we are apart they immediately turn into sad ones ((
  • Eat smart men, but this is not about you. You are a genius!
  • This SMS firmly shakes the paw of the bravest Leo!)
  • Your responsiveness breaks all records, and I admire you excessively!
  • Always yours stylish look I could argue with John Galliano himself!

Featured below beautiful compliments It is best to send via SMS or social networks.

And I’ll repeat again: don’t bother a guy too often. You'll scare me away! Guys love mysterious girls. And this is written about here.

  • There is nowhere to hide from your charm, and I don’t really try)
  • Your embrace is the most desirable captivity in which I would remain for eternity!
  • Your mind knows no competition, and your kindness has no boundaries!
  • Feeling your gaze on me is like swimming in a cloud.
  • Together with your smile, my love, joy awakens in my soul.
  • Being next to you, I dream of eternity!
  • You are one hundred percent positive and it’s so easy for me to be with you!
  • I am very happy that I know such a cheerful person like you!
  • You are so romantic, like a burning candle to a slow melody.

I always admire you

As soon as I see it, I’m so excited!

That the chest rises up,

And my heart breaks into pieces!

Nice guy for sure!

I met successfully)

I want to be friends with you

And surround with love!

Phew, it's over, I'm tired of reading. This is what I mean - don’t write such compliments too often, as there won’t be that “WOW” effect that excites men’s feelings.

Personally, I think that your man will like compliments that are written in simple words more. After reading such SMS or messages, he will have the feeling that these words were written from himself (that is, from you, from the heart).

Good luck choosing cool and simple compliments to everyone!


Oscar Wilde claimed that the right compliment can disarm any man, even the strongest! In the article: compliment technique, examples of compliments for men for all occasions. Disarm men correctly!

If a compliment for a woman is just a delicious candy that she “ate and forgot,” with men everything is a little different. A compliment acts on a man like an energy drink, invigorating and pushing him to action.

Why is this happening? Yes, because men are rarely praised at all!

The average man lives in a complimentary vacuum:

  • in a male company of brutal guys it is not customary to give compliments to each other
  • compliments from mom in the “mi-mi-mi” style are annoying (this is if mom still gives compliments), and compliments from dad are almost like compliments from brutal guys
  • compliments from bosses make you think of bad news
  • compliments from male colleagues (see the point about brutal guys)

Who will pamper a man with a compliment? Woman!

What kind of compliments do men like? A few important rules

  1. Sincere and deserved. There is a huge gap between a subtle compliment and crude flattery. Crude flattery can cause a completely unpredictable reaction: from joy to disdain. Undeserved praise deprives a man of guidelines and incentives, turning him into a modern Oblomov
  2. There can't be too many compliments. Even the Sun has spots and your man is not always worthy of sincere praise. There are no feelings in an insincere compliment
  3. Never give your boyfriend a compliment based on his comparison with your ex.
  4. In order to say something nice to a man, it is not at all necessary to wait for a holiday and voice compliments during congratulations. This won't be a compliment at all.
  5. A compliment is valuable if it is presented personally and targeted. After all, it is not the praise itself that is important, but the intonation and feeling with which it is said.
  6. Talk only about what you are sure of. The compliment “You play football like Schumacher” sounds
  • like a mockery
  • like outright stupidity
  1. Avoid verbosity and pretentiousness. Of course, Roksolana’s letters to Suleiman are very romantic, but having received such a message, a modern man will most likely experience confusion: “...Your letter dried the bloody tears from my tear-stained eyes, filling them with light, and poured joy into my yearning heart. May your, day of my happiness, all the desires and joys of your soul be fulfilled, may the gardens of your well-being be overflowing with the beautiful jasmine flowers of my love, enchanting as your bright face, oh my ruler, my sultan, my padishah!”
  2. A man is impressed when he deserves high praise
  • act
  • the result of some action
  • choice

A man likes to make an impression - it's part of male nature. This is what compliments should be about: the impressions that He and His actions make on you

How to compliment a man?

Every man has secret buttons. By gently pressing them, you

  • you will remain in his memory for a long time (if we are talking about flirting)
  • you will be able to achieve the actions you need without resorting to open confrontation (if we are talking about family relationships)
    1. The phrase “I need your advice!” has a magical effect on a man! Be sure to consult with a man and appreciate the beauty of his proposed solution with the phrase: “I can always count on your help: your advice is very useful and effective! Thanks a lot!"
    2. A man loves to shine, especially in company. Appreciate his charm and ability to communicate. Make a casual note: “You feel great in any company. All my friends celebrate this! It’s a real talent to find the keys to such different people.”
    3. Be sure to compliment the man's driving skills. The incomparable Mata Hari stated: “To understand men, you need to understand one simple thing: they are all children!” All boys love to ride cars, scooters, bicycles, etc. Children grow up, but habits remain
    4. “Chocolate” on the stomach, the size of the biceps and triceps are another topic for compliments. But here you need to be extremely careful. It is important for a man to hear what impression his physical form made on you, i.e. the praise should sound something like this: “Your physical form left a lasting impression on me. Where/what method do you train?” And if you take the advice and visit the same gym / trainer / master a set of exercises, you will have a new interesting topic for communication
    5. Is your boyfriend popular with the opposite sex? And does this annoy you? Phrase: “How lucky I am that you are with me!” will attract His attention to you for a long time, because it is rare that a woman will deny herself the pleasure of playing out a scene of jealousy

  1. Let the man
  • make an order at a restaurant for you
  • buy groceries in the store
  • choose meat, vegetables or fruits at the market
  • choose household appliances

Be sure to ask why he chose this particular dish, beer, wine, gadget, etc. Praise his legibility, appreciate his resourcefulness, note his level of knowledge of information

    1. Men's dreams sometimes resemble sand castles. But it is dreamers who change this world for the better. In addition, common dreams bind a couple stronger than the stamp in the passport. Therefore, be sure to appreciate a man’s dreams and support ambitious projects
    2. Does a man make you laugh? Does he have a great sense of humor? Men consider humor one of the components of the image of a “real man.” Don't forget to thank your chosen one for filling your life with laughter, and therefore happiness.
    3. Compliments to a man in bed are a guarantee of good and varied sex. And this is useful not only for men's health! Regardless of social status, age, education and other characteristics, it is important for a man to be sure that he is “the best” in intimate games. Talk about the pleasure his touches, kisses, etc. give you. Notice how much pleasure his skill gives you, how well you fit together, how his voice excites you
    4. Be sure to appreciate a man's good manners if you want to have a real Knight next to you. “You are so gallant! Next to you, I feel surrounded by attention and care!” - simple words that will make a man repeat gallant feats again and again

  1. From childhood, the boy is prepared for the role of defender. “The feeling of security that I experience only next to you is very important to me!” - a man needs to hear this and be sure that he is doing everything right
  2. Don't ignore the man's friends, but don't overdo it with praise. Just note that you are very pleased with the fact that next to the person you care about there are people you can rely on
  3. Everything a man does should be appreciated. An incentive to achieve new professional heights can be the remark: “I know how important what you do!”
  4. Don't ignore a man's hobbies. As a rule, men know a lot about the subject of their hobby and are happy to talk about it. If any information makes an impression on you, tell your partner about it
  5. Masculine principles are the holy of holies. They need to be understood, accepted and appreciated: “In the modern world, people with principles are so rare! It’s so good that you are one of these people!”
  6. Be sure to note in the presence of a man his strengths in communicating with friends or family. Your partner will appreciate it

Compliment a man in SMS

You have been together for quite a long time and the wonderful candy-bouquet period is in the past. Your SMS correspondence has changed a lot

Bring romance back into life with SMS compliments to your man!

A man will be pleased to receive a few tender words from the woman he loves:

  • “And yet, there are men who evoke a very strong desire to have a hot dinner waiting for them at home in the evening!”
  • "All the gold of the earth and all the wealth of the world
    I would give anything to be next to you.
    Only from your love can I be happy,
    And this will stay with me forever."
  • Dreams! Joy! Love! World! Life! Fate! What do all these words have in common? There is only one person - You! And my heart is much more sensitive than myself, as soon as it hears Your knock, it immediately begins to knock louder, more often, as if saying: we are one whole
  • Thank you, my dear, for making me fall in love with you again every day and feel like the happiest girl in the world
  • When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from the monitor screen and phone are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks are more sincere than words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!
  • I miss your hands that caress me. I miss your eyes that adore me. I miss your body, from which the warmth emanates. I miss your heart that loves me. I miss you!
  • Before meeting you, it seemed to me that there were no real, strong, self-confident men left, but you completely convinced me of this and showed me that a woman should be weak and defenseless. You taught me to trust you, your choices and decisions and I am very grateful for that.
  • It seems to me that not all girls can say that they are as happy as I am. The reason for this happiness is the most beautiful, smartest and most talented man with whom I am simply madly in love

Compliments to your beloved man in prose

  • Life used to be interesting, but somehow gray. After you entered it, I realized that I was deprived of real happiness, what you gave me and continue to give me every day. Now I am absolutely sure that only you are the person with whom I want to spend my whole life and never part.
  • I am absolutely sure that with you I will simply not be afraid of any problems or troubles. Only next to you my heart begins to beat much faster, and sometimes it even seems that everything around ceases to exist, except for such an attractive pool of your most beautiful eyes
  • The time spent with you is always not enough for me, because no matter how much time we are together, it seems to me that only one minute has passed. Thank you very much for the fact that even among gray everyday life, rainy weather and winter cold, you give me the feeling of a blooming and very warm spring that wakes up in my soul. Only your arms can hug so tenderly and tightly at the same time, only in your arms do I want to be around the clock, thank you for this, my love
  • There are people you don’t want to part with even for a moment. They are like a drug: the more you recognize them, the less chance you have of forgetting about them. You want to comprehend such people, you want to dissolve in them. They captivate the heart and delight the mind. There are few such people, but they still exist. For me you are such a person

Compliments to your beloved man in verse. Gentle compliments for men

  • My dear, dear man!
    I've been wanting to say for so long
    What is not in any huge book
    My love cannot be described.
    You appeared so unexpectedly
    And mixed up all the paths
    My unknown secrets
    I don't need - I need YOU!
    You're the best, you know?
    Of those who love and are loved,
    You don't even know it yourself
    What have you discovered in my soul!
  • You are a ray of sunshine sneaking through the window,
    Fell quietly on my eyelashes.
    There is tart wine in my glass,
    My dream that I dream about so often.
  • You are the joy of a smile on my lips,
    A sad, random tear.
    You are crazy devils in your eyes,
    There is a narrow path from the thicket of the forest.
  • You are the thin string of my soul,
    A sip of water that saves you from thirst,
    Lamps sparkle in the silence of the night,
    The drug that will kill me one day...
  • You are the first sound of rain on my window
    And the breeze caressing my shoulders.
    You are the one with whom I have been sick for a long time...
    And you are the medicine that will heal me...
  • You have become so important to me...
    So strange, but more necessary than many...
    And the sparks of your fire
    Part of the road was illuminated for me...
    The warmth of short strange phrases
    Warmed my soul with revelation...
    And there’s a wild contrast with the past,
    Suddenly it turned into healing...
    You have become so... necessary for me...
    Although I wasn’t looking for a miracle...
    And the pain of the past is bitter smoke
    Left in crumpled patterns...
    I didn't pray for you...
    Will you close yourself? Will you hide? Will you judge?
    But I live like in a wonderful dream,
    While you exist... As long as you will...
  • A strong man is not a pretentious macho outwardly...
    This is a shoulder and support in everything, if necessary...
    Sober mind, few words, kind heart...
    It's very easy to warm up with a strong soul
  • A strong man will not say anything bad about a woman...
    He won’t push others in the back, won’t punish them with counter-evil...
    Will withstand the pain and find the reason for bad luck...
    All because he is a strong man

Original compliments to a man

  • If you get compliments, I'm ready
    I will compose for you like a poetess,
    Take it and print it stupidly,
    The country will be left without forests.
  • Even 99 failures will not stop you: you are sure that you will succeed!
  • Next to you, it feels like life tastes like mint and chocolate!
  • You're a strange person - you never worry about the weather forecast. The main thing for you is that it is always sunny in your soul!
  • Usually girls are called angels. But you are a male angel, under whose wing you want to hide from everyone!
  • I want to savor communication with you, like expensive cognac aged for many years!
  • You are shamelessly attractive!
  • You're good without chocolate
  • No one is perfect, but you are unique!
  • A real man is not the one who turns you on new girl every evening. And the one who starts the same thing every evening
  • You are ideal! Well, I'll have to teach you bad things!
  • If the woman doesn't know. what is a hammer and a screwdriver, she has never moved furniture or fixed plumbing, which means she knows a real man... Thank you for being one of these women

Smart compliments to a man

Each of the quotes below can be a graceful compliment for your favorite intellectual.

  • We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious (S. Freud)
  • Real men are distinguished by the ability to keep their promises
  • I love you not for who you are, but for who I am next to you.
  • Some men, including you, are like fine wine: they only get better with age.
  • There are men with whom we live. There are men for whom we live. And there are those men, when we find ourselves next to whom, we understand that we are beginning to truly live...
  • Good men make a woman happy, and bad men make a woman strong. It’s so good that I’m a HAPPY woman!
  • I am convinced that in order for a woman to look brilliant throughout her life, she needs a good, reliable husband whom she can be proud of and walk with her head held high (Galina Vishnevskaya)
  • Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows (Marlene Dietrich)
  • No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself... And not so that he limits her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak (Angelina Jolie)
  • In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves (Yves Saint Laurent)
  • Honestly, I don't need someone who sees only the good in me, I need someone who sees the bad in me, but still wants to be with me (Marilyn Monroe)
  • Words of love are always the same - it all depends on whose lips they come from (Guy de Maupassant)

Video: How to give an extraordinary compliment to a man|Psychologist Golikov?