How to identify natural cheese. Experts have rendered a verdict on the quality of cheese in Russia. - cheese should not contain palm oil or other vegetable fats

How to choose real fresh cheese rather than a cheese product? This question is asked by every buyer when approaching store shelves. To choose a quality product, it is not at all necessary to be an expert on varieties and types of cheese; it is enough to remember the useful tips given in this article.

Cheese varieties

According to the technology for making cheeses, they are divided into hard, semi-hard, soft and fermented milk. Each type of cheese has its own characteristic features: shape, consistency, taste, color and smell.

For example, hard cheeses have a low fat content. Semi-hard ones, on the contrary, stand out for their fat content and softness, as well as their creamy taste. Soft cheeses have a different consistency and delicate taste, while fermented milk cheeses are the softest of the entire range of cheese products.

Durum varieties The cheeses have a delicate aroma and a spicy, slightly sweet taste. All hard cheeses contain about 50 percent milk fat and less than 40 percent moisture. Hard cheeses dry out quickly, so they should be cut immediately before serving.

Brine cheeses , known as feta cheese, are a distinct group of rindless cheeses that are made and stored in varying concentrations of brine. Thanks to this manufacturing method, pickled cheeses such as Chanakh, Ossetian and Tushino have a sharply salty taste.

Semi-hard varieties cheeses are distinguished by a high milk fat content of about 50 percent, and also contain about 50 percent moisture. Thanks to this consistency, semi-hard cheeses are distinguished by their elasticity and moderate fat content.

Soft varieties cheeses are characterized by a delicate buttery consistency, a piquant pungent taste and a bright cheesy aroma. This occurs due to the fact that soft varieties of cheese ripen without the participation of mold, resulting in the formation of a crust on its surface, dried with cheese mucus.

Fermented milk varieties cheeses do not require ripening and are characterized by a creamy consistency, milky taste without any aftertaste. Due to the increased moisture content, about 55-60 percent, the cheese mass has a delicate curdled consistency that is easy to spread on bread.

It is believed that semi-hard and fermented milk cheeses are considered more useful, since they have a higher content of substances beneficial to our body. Each type of cheese has an internal classification.

Thus, hard varieties include Dutch, Swiss, Russian, pickled cheeses and cheddar. Semi-hard varieties include Latvian types of cheese. Soft varieties include Dorogobuzh and Smolensk cheeses, as well as Roquefort and Camembert. Fermented milk varieties include sausage, tea, cream cheese and processed cheese.

Types of cheese

There are different types of cheese, which differ in their fat content, origin, hardness and other characteristics. The most popular are Dutch, Swiss and Italian cheeses.

Dutch cheeses There are hard, semi-hard and soft varieties. They are sold, most often, in flat briquettes or rectangular blocks weighing 0.3-5 kg. Dutch cheeses have soft, elastic pulp, a clean aroma and rare medium-sized eyes.

Swiss cheeses , most often, there are hard varieties. They are made in the form of flat circles weighing 30 kg or more. Swiss cheeses have firm, homogeneous pulp, a delicate sweetish-nutty smell and taste, and large round or oval eyes.

Swiss-Dutch cheeses There are hard and semi-hard varieties. They are produced in the form of rectangular briquettes and blocks, as well as spherical circles weighing 0.5-5 kg. Swiss-Dutch cheeses have soft elastic flesh, a slightly pungent piquant smell and taste, and small eyes.

Italian cheeses There are hard varieties, they are characterized by a reduced content, less than 30 percent, of water and a high salt content. Italian cheeses are made in the form of large blocks weighing from 25 kg. They have dense white flesh without eyes and a piquant smell and taste.

Hard cheeses Cheddar obtained from the crumbled mass. Such cheeses are formed into large briquettes and blocks weighing from 18 kg. Hard cheeses such as cheddar have a clean smell and taste with a slight sourness, and a uniform consistency without eyes.

Smoked or sausage cheeses They are semi-hard or semi-soft. These cheeses are made from sheep's or cow's milk and are ultimately smoked. Smoked or sausage cheeses are produced in the form of small cylinders weighing 0.3-5 kg.

Cheeses with surface mold They are a soft cheese mass that is molded into flat briquettes with a diameter of 10-40 cm. Most often, such cheeses are sold sliced. Cheeses with surface mold have uniform, soft, creamy pulp without eyes and a slight smell and taste of champignons.

Cheeses with layers of mold They are semi-hard cheeses formed into a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 20 cm. They have soft, brittle flesh and a sharp, piquant smell and taste.

Brine cheeses are a semi-soft cheese mass made from sheep or cow's milk, formed in the form of a bar. Brine cheeses have dense, tender pulp with secreted whey, a clear smell of milk and a salty taste.


Cheese is produced in briquettes of various shapes. Most often on store shelves you can find round, rectangular or square cheese. Cheeses are also produced in cylindrical, spherical shapes or as a solid block. In any case, the shape of the cheese must be correct, without swelling, depressions or other defects that indicate an incorrect fermentation process.


Cheese has healing nutritional properties due to its rich content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. So, cheese contains 20-25 percent protein, 530 g of calcium, the energy value of cheese is 350-400 Kcal.

Cheeses are easily and quickly digested. At the same time, people who are prone to being overweight or suffering from excess weight are recommended to consume low-fat varieties of cheese that have a dull color. And, conversely, people trying to get rid of thinness are recommended to eat fatty varieties of cheese with increased energy value.


When choosing cheese, pay attention to its appearance, especially in cross-section. Fresh, high-quality cheese should not have small cracks on its packaging and cheese crust. When cut, the cheese should be homogeneous, whole, with a uniform yellowish color and pattern without eye defects.

If the cheese has any defects on the packaging and cheese crust, and its color is uneven and whitish, then you have unripe cheese that will be tasteless and squeaky on the teeth.

If a small pattern of eyes is observed on the cut of the cheese, it means that defects have formed during the ripening of the cheese. If the cut reveals a chaotic pattern of large and small cheese eyes, it means that low-quality cheese was used in the production.

If there are many cracks on the cheese rind, they create a favorable environment for the development of mold. When choosing cheese, pay attention to the fact that the surface of the cheese should not be wet. But it should also not be dry and cracked. Fresh, high-quality cheese should be slightly springy when palpated and soft in the center.


Almost all stores let you taste the cheese. Don’t give up on this, because tasting cheese before buying is an important point. If the store does not provide cheese tasting, you have the right to ask the seller about it, otherwise you may purchase a stale or low-quality product.

Before you taste the cheese, smell it. A fresh, high-quality product has a pleasant smell of the milk from which it is made. If the cheese smells of ammonia, it means it was stored in improper conditions. You should avoid purchasing such cheese.

Fresh cheese should taste slightly sour. If the cheese tastes sour, it means that the product has already begun to deteriorate or its expiration date has passed. You shouldn't buy this kind of cheese. A sharp piquant taste or slight bitterness is also allowed. If the cheese has a pronounced bitter taste, it means it is spoiled.

Hard cheese must be dry and free of any traces of white residue. If the cheese is too oily or, on the contrary, crumbles in your hands, it means that it is stored in the store in improper conditions. Pay attention to the edges of the cut; they should be uniform, not crumble, but also not release moisture.


Fresh, high-quality cheese has a uniform light yellow color. If the cheese is white or pale in color, it is made from low-quality skim milk. The intense white color of the cheese indicates its high salt content. The rich yellow, orange, or close to brown color of the cheese indicates the addition of dye to its composition.

Natural cheese is white or creamy, while colored cheese is light or dark yellow. If the color or color of the cheese is uneven, bi-colored, with questionable white and gray spots in various places, then the cheese is unfit for consumption.


Fresh, high-quality cheese should be clean and aromatic without any foreign odors of lactic acid or yeast. Under no circumstances should cheese smell like ammonia. You should refuse to purchase such cheese, as it may be spoiled. If the cheese gives off a sour or rotten smell, do not take it, the product is spoiled.


The taste of the cheese must correspond to its type. A natural, fresh, high-quality product has a pleasant taste without any foreign flavors. Depending on the type of cheese, a slight bitter, salty, sour, spicy, curd or creamy taste is allowed.

If the cheese has a bitter, salty, greasy, sour, curd-like, burning, musty or ammonia-like taste, then it is a spoiled product that cannot be sold. The smell or taste of ammonia is only permissible for gourmet blue cheeses such as Camembert, Brie and Roquefort.

Cheese eyes

Cheese eyes can be round or oval. In any case, they should be the same and uniform over the entire surface of the cheese. If the pattern of the cheese eyes is uneven and irregular, it means that the cheese making process was carried out incorrectly and the product is of poor quality. The absence of cheese eyes indicates the dubious origin of the cheese.


It is recommended to buy cheese in original vacuum packaging, as the tightness guarantees the safety and freshness of the product. Before purchasing, carefully study the packaging; it must indicate the composition of the cheese, as well as the manufacturer, its address, date and time of packaging, expiration date and storage conditions.

The composition of high-quality cheese includes pasteurized milk, salt, a starter based on lactic bacteria, rennet enzymes, calcium chloride and beta-carotene as a dye. All these substances must be indicated on the packaging. If the packaging indicates various additives such as sodium nitrate, palm oil, vegetable fat or oil, then such cheese should not be taken.

There should be no white spots on the packaging and rind of the cheese, which indicate that the product is stale. The cheese crust or packaging must be intact without any roughness or cracks. The presence of mold with an unpleasant odor on the packaging or rind of cheese is unacceptable.

Cheese slices

Most stores sell cheese either in slices of varying weights or as sliced ​​cheese. Purchasing such cheese is not recommended, since mold and other harmful bacteria very quickly grow under the film with which it is wrapped.

If you decide to purchase cheese in this form, then pay attention to the fact that the edges of the cut should be even, uniform and smooth. Also, the edges should not crumble or be sticky or wet. The surface of the cheese should not be sticky or oily. Also, there should be no stains or discharge on the surface of the cheese.

If you find any of these signs, you should not buy sliced ​​cheese, as it is stale, spoiled or of poor quality. Fresh natural sliced ​​cheese should have a smooth smooth surface and edges without stains or discharge and a uniform pattern of cheese eyes.

How to store cheese

As you know, cheese is a perishable product, so it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Cheese is also an absorbent, so it should not be placed open next to strong-smelling foods.

It is recommended to store cheese on the top or middle shelf of the refrigerator. To protect the cheese from absorbing foreign odors, as well as from losing moisture, you need to wrap it in paper or tracing paper. To keep the cheese longer, it is recommended to put it in a plastic bag or plastic food container afterwards.

The shelf life of soft cheese in the refrigerator is no more than 2-3 days, and hard cheese - 7-10 days. To extend the shelf life of hard and semi-hard cheeses, it is recommended to place them in enamel or glass containers.

If you store cheese in the freezer, it is not recommended to use it for food, but it is suitable for use in dishes that require baking in the oven. When cheese is stored for a long time, a mold crust may form on its surface. It must be carefully cut off, and the cheese itself must be used in salads or for preparing other dishes.

We wish you a good choice!

Can real cheese contain artificial additives? How to distinguish a cheese product from cheese? These questions interest the modern buyer. Cheese is one of the main sources of calcium, protein,...

Can real cheese contain artificial additives? How to distinguish a cheese product from cheese? These questions interest the modern buyer.

Cheese is one of the main sources of calcium, protein, fat, and a number of essential minerals and vitamins for the body, but sad as it is to realize, there are much more counterfeit cheeses on our store shelves than real hard cheese.

The thing is that manufacturers massively reduce the cost of this product by adding a huge number of milk substitutes, including palm oil. The latter contains a shocking amount of vegetable fats for the body: even a small piece can exceed the daily requirement!

The consequences of such consumption are very disappointing: excess fat clogs blood vessels and causes a strong blow to the liver and pancreas. Just imagine what irreparable damage a cheese product can cause to a child’s body! Therefore, we decided to find out which cheese is not a fake.

How to distinguish cheese from a cheese product

Some manufacturers write about this directly on the packaging. We thank them for the truth, but we believe that such food products should not be present in stores at all. Often the cheese product is much cheaper than real cheese. Be careful, don't fall for the cheap price.

It is better to eat less real cheese than a decent piece of cheese product, otherwise you will have health problems.

It is better to avoid vacuum-packed cheese. Choose a piece cut from the whole head, so you will be less likely to get a fake. Pay attention to the crust of the cheese wheel. There should be no cracks or plaque on it, otherwise there is a risk of buying harmful bacteria along with the cheese or buying expensive but completely tasteless cheese.

High-quality cheese is characterized by a uniform pattern, uniform structure, and even symmetrical holes. If you are a lover of Parmesan and other similar varieties, you should pay attention to the price and reputation of the manufacturer. In other cases, our test will help you.

Cheese quality test

Take a slice of purchased cheese at room temperature and carefully bend it at a right angle. The cheese should not crack at the bend! It would be right to refuse loose cheese, which easily crumbles and wrinkles. Most likely, what you see is palm oil mixed with milk powder and dyes.

Be vigilant and eat only healthy foods!

There are more than 500 types and 2000 varieties of cheese in the world. But, despite the diversity, the list of raw materials for the manufacture of this product is limited.

Despite the huge number of variations, cheese in its composition is a simple product.

Cheese quality requirements

The main component is milk, and pasteurized milk, since in Russia it is prohibited to produce dairy products from raw milk. In addition to cow, goat, sheep, and buffalo are used.

Naturally, the organoleptic properties of cheese are influenced by the food that animals eat and the climate; even with the same recipes, products with different tastes are obtained.

When producing mass-market cheeses, Russian producers rely on GOST standards. Thus, GOST 32260-2013 is the main guideline when creating semi-hard cheeses, such as “Russian”, “Gollandsky”, “Kostromskoy”.

As for small farms, they make original cheeses here, and not according to GOST standards, but according to specifications and their own recipes. But it’s almost impossible to understand whether farmers pasteurize milk for cheese.

In addition to milk, the composition contains salt, bacterial starter and rennet (listed on the package as an “enzyme preparation of animal origin”). It is produced in the stomach of calves or adult animals - bulls, pigs, and is used for curdling milk. This component is also obtained from genetically modified microorganisms that produce enzymes that are almost identical in composition and properties to veal enzymes. Animal enzymes are more expensive.

A separate variety is fermented milk cheeses, similar to cottage cheese. They do not ripen; lactic acid bacteria are used for their preparation, usually without the use of milk-clotting enzymes.

There should be no vegetable fats in the composition, otherwise it is already a cheese product - and vegetable substitutes for milk fat are allowed in it.

In the list of ingredients you can find potassium chloride - it is used as a sealant, and it does not raise any doubts among technologists.

The same cannot be said about potassium nitrate (E252), sodium nitrate (E251) and lysozyme (E1105). These are preservatives, of course, permitted by GOST. But you can usually find them in inexpensive cheese. They protect it from spoilage, but, according to experts, a product made from high-quality raw materials does not need such additives.

The use of dyes is allowed, but GOST allows only natural beta-carotene or annatto. However, high-quality cheese can easily do without coloring.

Cheese is a derivative of mother's milk. That is, a product for which all people have an innate genetic instinct. Dairy, and therefore animal, proteins are a necessary building material for our body, because they contain a complete set of amino acids.

It is difficult to talk about the big difference between hard and soft cheeses. The benefits from them are approximately the same. But, if a person is on a diet, then hard cheese is recommended. It has a richer taste. Therefore, it is easier for them to get enough to eat or satisfy their passion for cheese. And passion can be strong. This food dependence is explained by the optimal combination of fat and salt in its composition. That's why it's very tasty.

There are also contraindications.

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Overweight people.
  3. Limit in case of cardiovascular diseases, for example, atherosclerosis.

The harm of cheese is due to animal fats and its calorie content. This is a heavy dish. That is, you can afford a sandwich with cheese every morning, but the benefits of this sandwich will depend on the thickness of the cheese, the thinner the better.

Quality of Russian cheese

The most popular domestic cheese is the inexpensive and tasty “Russian”. But not every Russian has the right to be called that.

How to check the quality of Russian cheese?

  1. It should have an openwork pattern of irregularly shaped eyes, they should be small in size - no more than 2 mm, located at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other and extend across the entire head of cheese. If the holes are large or stuck together, the cheese may be sour.
  2. The crust is thin and smooth. And the consistency is elastic, but GOST allows for a slightly dense one.
  3. The color should be from white to light yellow, always uniform. If the color is uneven, it means it is not ripe. If it is bright yellow and produced in winter, it most likely contains dyes.
  4. The composition should not contain preservatives
  5. Among cheeses made in accordance with GOST, choose a premium product.

The inscription 50% does not mean that exactly half of the product consists of fats. The figure accounts for the share of dry matter, that is, cheese without water. Therefore, in 100 g there is only 29 g of fat. However, according to the official classification, cheese with a fat content of 45% to 59.9% is already fatty.

During ripening, the semi-finished cheese mass turns into real cheese. Under the influence of enzymes, protein breaks down into simple compounds - primarily into useful amino acids. The cheese becomes darker, a characteristic pattern appears, a crust and a sour-creamy taste, beloved by many (according to technology, this is a cheese with high acidity).

If the product is not allowed to sit longer or the manufacturing process is accelerated, it will taste bitter, crumble or taste “rubbery”, and the eyes will become sparse and very small.

Depending on the quality, GOST divides semi-hard cheeses into premium and first grade. This means that the appearance, taste, smell, consistency, color, packaging and labeling scored the maximum number of points on a special scale. The grade is determined in production and controlled by the quality department. If a cheese does not get the highest score, it is assigned first grade.

The manufacturer himself decides to indicate the variety on the packaging or not. If you buy a product according to GOST, then choose the one where the grade is indicated.

Quality of Kostroma cheese

“Kostromskoy” is the closest relative of the Dutch “Gouda” cheese. Nevertheless, it is considered ours, native, because it appeared in Russia. Now it is on the list of the most popular domestic cheeses.

This is a semi-hard cheese with a fat content of 45%.

A high-quality “Kostromskaya” should contain:

  • milk;
  • bacterial starter;
  • milk-clotting enzyme preparation of animal origin;
  • calcium chloride sealant;
  • salt;
  • natural dyes - beta-carotene, annatto.

Pay attention to the color, it should be from white to light yellow. Uneven color, “marbling”, gives rise to manufacturing errors.

This product ripens quickly, only 45 days. During one and a half months of ripening, a chemical composition is formed that is characteristic of this species. Every detail is important here - the size of the cheese grain, the duration of processing, time, and heating procedure. Even a precise number of turns during ripening. “Kostromskaya” is turned over 2-3 times.

Only by following all the rules according to GOST will the cheese turn out correct, and any violations can ruin it.

But, unfortunately, standing at the store counter, we cannot determine whether there were violations.

How to determine the quality of Kostromskoye cheese?

  1. There must be oval or round eyes on the surface. Holes in such a product are formed when the microorganisms of the starter cultures “breathe,” releasing carbon dioxide and forming voids in the cheese layer. Therefore, ideal eyes should be of the correct shape. But in practice this is not always possible, due to poor-quality raw materials or unsuccessful fermentation.
  2. If there are few holes, the cheese is not ripened correctly and the taste will be dull. Or it contains a lot of vegetable fats.
  3. It’s bad if there are cracks on the surface instead of oval eyes. The taste will be sour. If the eyes are too large, then the maturation process may have been accelerated.
  4. It should have a firm yet elastic consistency and not break when bent. Good cheese does not “spread”, losing its shape, and does not crack.
  5. The cheese crust is smooth, thin, without a thick subcortical layer. If the protective layer is damaged, it means that the damaged areas were cut off in the store.

If you buy slices, it is better to choose one that is made not in a store, but in production, using an industrial method. Only then will it be absolutely safe, and you will be sure that you are buying Kostromskaya.

Cheese absorbs foreign odors well. If you choose a loose product, be sure to look at the location of the counter. There should be no strong-smelling goods nearby.

Quality of Dutch cheese

By and large, many semi-hard cheeses can be called Dutch. After all, the Dutch group includes, for example, “Kostomskoy”, “Poshekhonsky”, “Uglichsky”. They are all similar in technology - semi-solid rennet, with a low second heating temperature.

And they don’t even taste much different. But only one is called “Dutch”.

“Dutch” cheese is amazing - its name is foreign, but its origin is ours, Russian. Its recipe was developed by our cheese makers 150 years ago, although this cheese still has a close connection with Holland. It is a descendant of the classic Edamer cheese.

"Dutch" is a semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. GOST for it has existed since Soviet times. The standard is updated periodically, but the list of ingredients is still the same:

  • milk;
  • leaven;
  • rennet extract;
  • salt;
  • dyes.

This product comes in different fat contents - 45% and 50%. Cheese with a fat content of 45% is produced in the form of a bar; it matures for at least 60 days. But the fatter ones have a spherical shape and ripen for at least 75 days.

GOST allows a product to be released for sale at the age of 45 days if it is highly rated in taste, smell, appearance, and consistency.

How to determine the quality of Dutch cheese?

  1. There should always be a pattern: the eyes should be clearly visible on the cut. They can be of completely different shapes - round, oval, angular with uneven edges.
  2. The crust is smooth and thin.
  3. Consistency - elastic. If, when slicing, you notice that the cheese is soft and sticks to the knife, then you have a stale or overripe product.
  4. Shouldn't fall apart. But the state standard allows it to break slightly at a bend. So, if you made a sandwich in the morning, a broken piece of cheese should not ruin your mood.
  5. Technologists explain that if “Dutch” seems to be “crying,” that is, when droplets of moisture are visible on the cut, this is good. Cheese “tears” indicate full ripening and its good, rich taste.
  6. The most important word on the package should be “cheese”. If it is not there (for example, just “Dutch” - without specifying cheese or a cheese product), then most likely the manufacturer was embarrassed to tell customers that the package contains a cheese product.

Quality of Poshekhonsky cheese

Imported hard and semi-hard cheeses are expensive, of course, not only because of sanctions, but also because they sometimes ripen for years and under special conditions.

The result was a light product (45% fat) and fast maturing (up to 45 days).

“Peshekhonsky” is a semi-hard rennet cheese, but it is not included in GOST for semi-hard cheeses.

However, its composition is no different from other semi-solids and is simple:

  • pasteurized cow's milk;
  • rennet extract;
  • bacterial starter;
  • salt.

“Poshekhonsky” is very similar to “Kostromskaya”. The color can be white and light yellow. The taste is moderately cheesy and sour.

Light spice and bitterness are allowed. If the cheese has a milky smell but no sour smell, this means that the ripening process has not gone through the full cycle.

When the expiration date expires, strong bitterness may appear, so on the label, in addition to the packaging date and expiration date, look for the third number - the production date.

It’s better not to guess and ask the seller to cut a piece of cheese from the head in front of you. This way you will be sure that it has not been repackaged several times.

The cheese eyes should be round or oval, but evenly distributed over the surface.

If the product is made from low-quality milk, then the holes at the edges will be small, and towards the middle they will be large and torn, with cracks.

Processed cheese quality

It appeared in the last century, and has changed significantly since then. The composition has become more complicated, the price has increased, the range has expanded, but the reputation among nutritionists, on the contrary, has fallen.

But the people's love remains the same.

Processed cheeses are:

  • slice;
  • pasty;
  • sweet and special for soup;
  • smoked, with fillers, with or without flavorings;
  • different fat content;
  • pasteurized, sterilized and untreated.

With classical pasteurization (heating to 83 degrees), harmful microbes are killed, but some useful ones are retained.

With hard processing (up to +140) everything dies.

You won't see the production method on the label. But the expiration date will help you. Pasteurized is stored for no longer than 6 months, sterilized for more than a year.

  1. The first place in the list of ingredients should be cheese, or cheese and cottage cheese. For production they use: “Russian, Kostroma, Shauda, ​​Emmental. If the raw materials are not mature enough, then the taste will be weak and dull. If overripe, it’s loose.
  2. The composition may contain cream, milk powder, water, salt. Even the highest quality product contains additives. Without them, processed cheese simply won’t work.
  3. Melting salts are emulsifiers that, during the melting process, interact with the protein, transferring it from an insoluble to a soluble state.

GOST lists 17 additives with the letter E.

Often used:

  • Sodium triphosphate (E 451);
  • Sodium pyrophosphate (E 450);
  • Sodium orthophosphate (E339).

Technologists are convinced that there is no need to fear them; they are of natural origin. Phosphates are a natural component, citrates are salts of citric acid.

Preservatives are often found in the composition. Gosstandart allows natural ones, for example, sorbic acid (E 200), which is found in cranberries.

Dyes, thickeners, and acidity regulators are also allowed.

But what definitely should not be in the composition are vegetable fats - only milk.

The main principle when studying ingredients is that the shorter it is, the better.

Due to the large amount of E in the composition, nutritionists consider this product to be heavy and allergic. Compared to hard cheeses, processed cheese contains a lot of sodium and is not recommended for those who suffer from hypertension.

Phosphates can leach calcium from bones.

Processed cheese is a universal product. It can replace meat in soup, add flavor to sauce, make a light salad hearty, or turn a hearty salad into a full-fledged second course. Therefore, it can be very different - with mushrooms, herbs, ham.

The main thing is that what is stated on the label is inside. If the name has the word “ham” in it, then, of course, we expect it to be inside the jar too. You can tell whether the ham is real or a substitute by examining the packaging. Ham must be included in the ingredients. And the product should be called “with ham”. If it says: owl with a bite of ham, then the manufacturer replaced the meat with artificial additives and flavors.

Real ham will never stain, the color should remain the correct light cream shade.

Production without flavorings is impossible. After all, any filler during heat treatment loses its taste properties and without food additives simply will not be felt in the cheese. Therefore, as a rule, the composition contains both the fillers themselves and their flavorings at the same time.

How to determine the quality of processed cheese?

  1. It should spread smoothly and be uniform, with a glossy surface. According to GOST, there should be no pattern on the surface. Pictures are not allowed. If they are, most likely, this product was stored incorrectly, perhaps it “survived” temperature changes.
  2. Color ranges from white to intense yellow. If the cheese is bitter or has a soda taste, it means that the proportion of melting salts has been violated.
  3. Before purchasing, look at the bottom of the plastic packaging. If you see the letters PS, it is made of polystyrene. When interacting with hot or acidic foods, it can release toxins. It is better if you see the letters PP - a container made of polypropylene.

Quality of sausage cheese

They say about such a product that there is no sausage and not enough cheese. But the demand for it in stores does not disappear. How to choose the best?

Sausage cheese is a processed cheese. Substandard cheeses or a special cheese mass for melting are often used as a base. Moreover, the manufacturer is not required to indicate the variety.

Ideal composition on the label:

  • semi-hard cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • butter;
  • powdered milk;
  • water;
  • melting salts.

The resulting mass is formed into loaves.

The distinctive feature of this product is not only its shape, but also its aroma. There are different ways to obtain it.

High-quality smoked on natural sawdust of non-resinous trees, for example, alder or oak. But they can also save money by adding smoke flavors. To buy a naturally smoked product, see the name.

It should say “smoked,” not “smoky flavor.” Look at the shell - paraffin or film coating. It is paraffin that allows you to smoke the cheese better and extend its shelf life.

Uneven color also indicates artificial smoking. A good product has a uniform shade - from light beige to brown. The structure is not brittle, not viscous. It is dense and dry.

When cut, the cheese mass is without yellow streaks or cracks. Voids and holes indicate microbiological damage - it is better not to buy such a product.

If the manufacturer has gone too far with melting salts. The crust will turn out spotty, and the taste will suffer. The surface is not damaged. Paraffin does not crumble, the shell is dry.

Sausage cheese or cheese product?

You will find vegetable fats in the cheese product. After all, in the production of processed cheese there should be only milk fats.

In most cases, in appearance and taste, natural sausage cheese can hardly be distinguished from its plant clone. But their biological value is different.

Do not forget that it is impossible to make such a product without dyes and emulsifiers - vegetable fats require improved consistency and a pleasant aroma.

Several rules for choosing a product with a high milk fat content.

  1. The mass fraction of milk fat is more than 50%.
  2. The shorter the shelf life, the more dairy ingredients it contains and, naturally, it is more natural. Shelf life: no more than 3 months.
  3. The name “Processed cheese product” means the cheese content is much less than what is called: “Processed cheese product”.
  4. If cheese is in the first place in the list of ingredients, it means there is more of it in the product.
  5. A quality product that is not hard and not too soft, elastic. Its color is uniform, it is easy to cut, does not break or crumble. The smoked aroma is not strong.

Conclusion: the quality of cheese will help us determine its color, appearance, and composition. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the composition, packaging, and expiration date.

Cheese is a tasty and popular product in our country. It is ideal in many dishes and on its own. But there is one serious problem - the quality of the cheese.

We, of course, are already accustomed to various types of counterfeit food: there is sour cream, and there is a sour cream product, there are cakes with vegetable cream and “lean butter”. In the same way, cheese and cheese product are distinguished.

“Does it matter?” - you ask. After all, these two types of products are almost indistinguishable in taste (there are even very high-quality fakes), and the cost of the latter is much lower.

And I will answer: “It has.” Believe me!” The main argument in favor of cheese is its naturalness. We eat to live, not live to eat. Food should be a source of useful and important elements and compounds. The cheese product is made from harmful palm oil, which provokes the appearance of cholesterol plaques, excess weight and increases the risk of diabetes.

Ways to identify low-quality cheese:

  • Bend a slice of cheese (at room temperature) at a 90-degree angle. If it is cracked at the fold, then this is a fake.
  • Normal cheese should not crumble. Otherwise it is a mixture of palm oil, milk powder and dyes.
  • Presence of holes. This may seem funny, but it is the “holeiness” of the cheese that determines its quality. Among cheesemakers, a perfectly smooth texture is considered a kind of vice.
  • Low price. It’s sad, but high-quality hard cheese cannot be cheap.

Cheese composition. Read the label. The composition of real cheese is limited to milk, fermentation of lactic acid microorganisms, rennet enzymes or other milk-clotting preparations of animal origin. Allowed to contain salt and calcium chloride. If any of the following is present on the product label, you have a cheese product:

  • Powdered milk
  • Palm, coconut or other vegetable oil
  • Preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and other food additives
  • Flavor Substitutes

The presence of vegetable fats in the product is indicated by oily drops on pieces of cheese. If, when cutting a product, a smearing consistency remains on the knife, this is a sign that the cheese is made from milk powder.

Cheese is a fermented milk product obtained by coagulating milk protein with rennet or lactic acid bacteria, followed by processing. The high content of protein (25%), milk fat (60%), minerals with vitamins, as well as the good digestibility of these components have made it popular in a healthy diet. The taste qualities of this product played a role - in many countries (France, Italy, Holland) it is a key component of the national cuisine. Obviously, the high demand and very expensive production of cheese contributes to the spread of counterfeit cheese with the addition of foreign impurities. To obtain benefits and pleasure from consuming a product, you need to know how to determine its naturalness and quality at home or at the counter.

The dangers of eating low-quality cheese

The technology for making cheese provides it with an interesting taste and benefits, but it can also cause serious health problems. Even a real product sometimes causes disorders such as migraines, allergies, and the formation of stones in the kidneys and bile ducts, especially with constant use. Cheese made in violation of technology or improperly stored is often infected with harmful microorganisms and can cause acute food poisoning:

  • salmonellosis - infection by the Salmonella bacterium, accompanied by fever, headache, vomiting, indigestion, dehydration, and kidney failure;
  • coli infections - acute gastrointestinal disorders, meningitis in newborns caused by Escherichia coli with a high probability of irreversible damage, as well as death if left untreated;
  • brucellosis is an acute lesion of all body systems caused by the bacterium Brucella, manifested by pain in the joints, weakness, confusion, inflammation of brain tissue, etc.;
  • listeriosis is infection with the microbe Listeria, especially dangerous for pregnant women due to the increased risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, and fetal pathologies.

These diseases are most often caused by cheese made from insufficiently pasteurized milk or stored unhygienically. An uncontaminated cheese product that contains impurities can cause food allergies to preservatives and dyes, migraines, increased anxiety, and insomnia. With the introduction of retaliatory sanctions against European countries, the amount of illegally imported or counterfeit Parmesan, mozzarella, Roquefort, Maasdam and other expensive varieties has increased sharply. In such conditions, control of their quality by supervisory authorities is very difficult, which increases risks for Russian buyers.

Definition of naturalness

A wide variety of varieties and brands of cheese makes it necessary to carefully choose between real ones, prepared according to traditional recipes. Visually distinguishing a natural product from a fake one is often very difficult; an inexperienced buyer is unlikely to cope with this task. Counterfeit manufacturers have learned to give their product the external characteristics of real cheese and even imitate its taste with the help of additives - flavorings, thickeners, stabilizers, etc. If such a product is prepared in compliance with sanitary standards and is not contaminated with bacteria, it will not cause harm, but in any case In this case, this will be deceiving the buyer. Today, milk producers produce cheese products completely legally and openly. It imitates a natural product, but is not a counterfeit, but a cheaper imitation. This rule only works if the label indicates the name “cheese product” and compliance with GOST 53512-200. At the same time, some manufacturers engage in deliberate fraud, labeling products with extraneous additives as natural. In addition, natural dairy products usually cost more than their imitations (even high-quality ones) - in the case of cheese, the difference is 100-150 rubles per kg.

To recognize the presence of impurities in a purchase, it is enough to subject it to a little research, which can be done at home:

  • the release of a large amount of oily liquid when pressing the test product with your fingers indicates the presence of vegetable fats, for example, palm oil;
  • uneven and too bright color (with the exception of certain varieties) is a sure sign of excess dyes;
  • the concentration of large holes with uneven edges in the central part of the cut is characteristic of counterfeit goods;
  • the appearance of cracks where a thin slice is bent at a right angle indicates the presence of milk powder or excess vegetable fats;
  • when stored in air for a long time, the counterfeit product cracks, and noticeable drops of oil appear on its darkened surface.

Detection of a counterfeit does not automatically mean that it is harmful - it only deceives the buyer regarding its composition and price. If the product was manufactured in a modern factory in compliance with hygienic and technological standards, its use will not cause any harm to the body (in the absence of allergies to foreign components). However, you can at any time demand compensation from the seller or manufacturer for violation of your consumer rights.

Quality and safety testing

Even natural cheese can be dangerous if it does not meet quality and sanitary standards. Solid and melted varieties of this product have a certain difference in shelf life (usually 3-4 months), but in any case can spoil if improperly stored or processed. The following signs may indicate this:

  • The appearance of a white coating on the surface of hard varieties indicates the active activity of microorganisms or a violation of storage conditions;
  • The formation of clearly defined greenish, gray or black spots and stains means the development of mold in the cheese, which, with the exception of some varieties (for example, Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Dorblu) is a sign of spoilage;
  • A sharp unpleasant smell of ammonia or sour milk indicates expired milk; normally, the aroma and taste of cheese should not cause rejection (with the exception of exotic blue varieties);
  • The viscous, spreading consistency of the declared hard variety indicates that it is better not to eat it, although this is the norm for melted or soft varieties.

No one is completely immune from purchasing counterfeit or expired cheese, especially in food markets, where quality control of goods is noticeably lower. However, the buyer can significantly reduce this risk by paying close attention to what he is purchasing. Knowing the signs of counterfeiting is our main and most effective weapon against the dishonesty of individual manufacturers and sellers.

Roskontrol and Roskachestvo

The Russian quality system tested Rossiysky cheese from 30 producers using 77 quality and safety indicators. The results of the study dated January 12, 2018 can be found on the official website:

Roskontrol has also repeatedly checked this fermented milk product. One of the latest studies (dated 10/30/17), in which 6 samples were tested, can be found on the official website:

And here is a fresh New Year's study