How to draw a ballerina template instructions. Ballerina made of paper and tulle: how to make. Paper ballerina - an elegant decoration and an original souvenir

Carrying out creative work to decorate “Snowflake Ballerina” from paper for windows or interiors would most logically be called one of the types of applique. This type of creativity has not lost its popularity for many years, but has only improved and taken on new interesting forms.

What will this work give us? Of course, pleasure, visual satisfaction. For children, it will help improve the ability to wield scissors, develop sensory and fine motor skills, train perseverance, and develop imagination and creativity. A ballerina snowflake will become an original highlight of the interior or help decorate the New Year tree.

Let's start the lesson

We present to your attention a step-by-step master class on how to make a craft that will appeal to both school-age children and adults.

Required materials: white paper, white cardboard, scissors, PVA glue with a brush, thread or fishing line.

Let's get started with the craft. The first necessary element, of course, is the ballerina template. For children, the task can be simplified by bending a sheet of cardboard and drawing a silhouette using a template or by hand.

Adults can take ready-made templates or diagrams for cutting out a ballerina. We will provide examples below.

Having decided on the method of preparing the ballerina, we draw and cut out the silhouettes. The ballerinas are ready.

Now it's the snowflake's turn. It will serve as the dancer's most beautiful tutu. From white paper, cut out a square with sides of ten centimeters.

Fold the square twice as shown in the photo.

From the resulting small square you need to make a triangle - bend it diagonally.

We attach the snowflake diagram to the resulting triangle and trace it. The drawing can be arbitrary.

Below are examples of snowflake patterns for cutting out.

Cut along the contour and unfold. The snowflake is ready.

We make a straight cut on the snowflake to the middle. We put our skirt on the fragile dancer.

Lubricate the edges of the cut with glue and glue it together. Let the craft dry. Snowflake ballerina is ready.

We attach a thread or fishing line to the hands of the snowflakes. The paper snowflake ballerina is ready. It will be beautiful if you mount them at different heights. It is convenient and practical to attach them using transparent tape.

It is very simple to give individuality to such a ballerina. You can combine techniques or simply decorate it with a bow, use colored or corrugated paper. You can enliven the dancer's silhouette by outlining the face or adding pointe shoes. The main thing is not to forget: each work is unique in its own way.

Napkin Dancer

Another option for making a paper dancer can be a ballerina made from napkins. There is hardly a person who can pass by such an original little thing. It’s hard to imagine, but its implementation is very easy and fun.

To make a ballerina from napkins you need: wire, napkins, PVA glue, brush, water, scissors, white thread.

An example of step-by-step work. Twist the silhouette of a person randomly from the wire. Trim off excess metal. The size of the doll may vary. Depends on the desire and size of the napkins.

Separate the layers of napkins. Cut or tear what you get into pancake ribbons. We dilute the glue a little with water and begin to wrap the silhouette, generously lubricating it with adhesive liquid.

This is what should happen at the end of the previous stage.

Take a whole napkin. Fold it as shown in the photo, pressing the bends well.

Open the napkin. And again we disassemble the napkin into layers.

We collect each layer into an arbitrary triangle and twist it. We don’t press the ends, we leave them fluffy.

We repeat the procedure described in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 many times.

Let's start creating the ballerina's outfit. Glue it together at your own discretion. The blanks should be placed tightly to each other and in several balls - this way the dancer will look more airy and beautiful. We begin to shape the outfit from the skirt, and then move on to part of the torso.

When the workpiece has dried a little, take a white thread and tie the dress along the girl’s waistline. The napkin ballerina is ready. You can safely use it in the decor of your home, office, medical or educational premises. Due to the fact that its frame is made of wire, each such doll can take on various dance elements and poses.

This craft can keep both a school-age child and an adult busy. By using imagination, various materials for making: different types of napkins, threads, ribbons, fabric scraps, tulle, paints, beads, pearls, sparkles, paints, you can create a real masterpiece. It will look good in a composition, for example, with beads on a fishing line or balls of thread. Don't be afraid to experiment, everything will definitely work out!

We will show some examples of works, original solutions and decorative design of premises made from paper ballerinas.

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A paper ballerina will be an elegant decoration for a living room or children's room. With the help of additional decorations you can create a thematic focus. Ballerinas with colored tutus will decorate a princess's room or become a highlight at a birthday party, and ballerinas in snowflakes will decorate the New Year's tree and create a magical mood.

How to make a paper snowflake ballerina

To create soaring ballerinas we will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

These snowflake ballerinas can be used to decorate winter windows, a Christmas tree, or decorate a room to create a festive, magical mood. Let's start creating gentle, airy ballerinas:

  • We print any ballerina template you like or draw it by hand.
  • Using scissors, cut out the figure of a dancing ballerina.
  • We fold a blank A4 sheet as shown in the picture below.
  • On the folded blank we draw one of the given patterns.
  • Using scissors, cut along the borders of the pattern.
  • We straighten the resulting snowflake and put it on the ballerina.

The floating snow ballerina is ready; it will perfectly complement your interior and create an extraordinary mood.

How to make a vintage paper ballerina

A vintage paper ballerina can create a charming spirit of antiquity. Such ballerinas look lively and piercing. To create such dolls we will need:

  • printout of ballerinas;
  • paper;
  • glue.

And so, we begin the creation of vintage “live” ballerinas:

  • We print two pictures that are mirror images of each other; to get a mirror ballerina, you need to rotate the picture 180 degrees.
  • Using scissors we cut out the ballerinas.
  • We glue two figures together, and as a result we get a double-sided ballerina.

Let's move on to making a bulk pack.

  • Cut out two rectangles from a newspaper or sheet of paper.
  • We assemble an accordion from a rectangle, bending the leaf one by one.
  • Fold the resulting accordion in half.
  • We glue the edges of the accordion from the inside, as a result we get two fans.
  • Alternately glue the fans with opposite edges to the ballerina on one side and the other.
  • To make the tutu on the ballerina more voluminous, make a second layer of the skirt using the previous method. Then straighten out the folds.
  • In order for the ballerina to be hung, you need to pierce the figure with a needle in the upper part and thread it, then tie it.

Vintage ballerina is ready!

How to make a ballerina from napkins

To create fluttering ballerinas from napkins we will need:

  • napkins;
  • wire;
  • glue.

Let's start creating a ballerina from napkins:

  • We twist a human figurine out of wire.
  • Divide the table napkins into layers.
  • We cut or tear the napkins by hand into strips 1-3 cm wide.
  • We wrap the wire figurine of a man with the prepared strips.
  • While winding the strips, lubricate with glue diluted in water.
  • In the torso area, wrap a little more strips of napkins to create the semblance of a human figure.
  • Give the figures some time to dry. In the meantime, start making the dress.
  • To create a dress, fold the napkin in several layers, as shown in the photo.
  • Cut the required length of the skirt and round its hem.
  • Roll the resulting dress tightly into a tube and unwind it. Then, turn again in the opposite direction. After these manipulations, the dress will be airy. For a fuller look, make a second dress.
  • Cut holes in the dress for the arms and head, then carefully place it on the ballerina.
  • Secure the dress at the waist with a thread.

The napkin ballerina is ready! By making several of these ballerinas, you can create a soaring composition of weightless ballerinas. Also, hanging threads can be decorated with beads. This decor will give the children's room a special, magical mood.

From improvised means, namely paper, you can create charming ballerinas that evoke tenderness. Fantasize, invent and make ballerinas, as well as various outfits, jewelry, etc. for them.

The long-awaited holiday is approaching, which has its own traditions and customs. For example, today not a single house can do without decorating carved snowflakes. On the eve of the New Year, I want to create coziness, warmth, and a good mood. Snowflakes-ballerinas from A4 paper, templates for cutting: print, select the appropriate ones and after that you can already make them.

After all, it is precisely such elements that are the first to create the comfort and coziness of a magical holiday.

Snowflake ballerina templates allow you to add a festive touch to your decorations. Moreover, such elements have quite diverse geometric shapes.

There is an opinion that there is not a single identical pair of snowflakes in the world. Although they are so small that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to visually see it.

In order to make delightful decorations for your home, snowflakes-ballerina stencils will be good helpers in such a difficult task. You can download templates for such snowflakes. If a person draws well, then he can independently create templates of snowflakes-ballerinas. If the opposite is true, then it is better to download the stencils and print them using a printer.

Whirling ballerinas will become an original decoration for any interior, even the most sophisticated one. They can be mounted in any place, even on lighting fixtures, such as chandeliers or lamps. The ballerina will look perfect if you add snowflakes to it. That is, hanging it, alternating one decoration with another, will result in a kind of snow-white dance-ballet.

It is most convenient to print on sheets of paper format, and 4. To avoid any questions, how to make paper snowflakes yourself? Auxiliary tools should be prepared. After all, only with them will it be possible to turn the idea into reality.


- stationery knife;

- simple scissors;

- paper glue;

- a spool of white thread;

- thin needle;

- a piece of plywood or you can use a kitchen cutting board.

A snowflake for cutting has many branches that look beautiful and elegant, so when highlighting them, it is best to use a stationery knife, which will allow you not to disturb the ideal combination of branches. After all, you can cut snow branches with scissors, and the product will be damaged.

The print must have clear contours of the image, only then can the New Year’s element be cut out smoothly and beautifully. The ballerina also has a fluffy dress that resembles a round dance of small snowflakes. This is precisely the highlight of the decoration. In any case, the craft must be carefully cut out, even if it has complex and small branches.

The ballerina template can be large; usually these are a Christmas tree decoration. A paper house is hung next to her, which seems to be her home. Often these products are painted with gouache, given shine and they look simply charming.

Such DIY crafts can be made using the listed auxiliary tool for free. Inventing something new may require additions. But to perform snowflakes and ballerinas, the ones listed are enough.

After the silhouette of the ballerina is printed and cut out, you should start cutting out a lot of snowflakes. This is done in order to make a fluffy skirt for the silhouette. Snowflake elements can be taken with any number of rays. It is often used with less, but more of the skirts themselves are added, thereby giving pomp and originality.

The Christmas tree can be decorated with multi-colored snowflakes. To do this, after cutting them out, you can smear them with glue and sprinkle them with glitter. Sequins are often used in different colors, then on New Year's Eve they sparkle beautifully with multi-colored sparks, adding charm to the holiday.

The silhouettes of ballerinas, as well as their skirts, can be made from any colored cardboard. After this, New Year's tinsel is hung in a circle on the Christmas tree, to which ballerinas are attached, alternating in color from below.

For fastening, you can use either glue or a needle and thread. It's easier to use thread because in the future the ballerinas can take off and use the tinsel themselves. With glued silhouettes this will no longer work. Therefore, here you should approach it individually.

In order to attach ballerinas to tinsel, they can be glued along the entire length from below at the same distance. Then you get a whole round dance of beautiful girls performing a ballet dance. If you attach it to strings, then using a needle, a small hole is made on top of the silhouette, through which the thread is pulled and tied with a ring on tinsel.

In order to decorate a beautiful forest Christmas tree or the interior of a house, there are a lot of wonderful products that can be made with your own hands, you just need to show a little patience and add your own imagination.

When decorating your home, you need to think about other ideas that we suggest you find

How to make a snowflake ballerina out of paper?

First you need to choose the silhouette of a ballerina you like and cut it out of thick paper (or half-cardboard).

Then choose a “tutu” for the ballerina, which will serve as a beautiful openwork snowflake. The snowflake patterns we presented are designed for 6 angles; you can make a blank for such a snowflake using this pattern:

If you fold the diagram in half, you can cut out a snowflake from 12 corners: this makes it easier to cut out the internal elements, but you will have to make an effort when cutting out so many layers of paper. Choose what is more convenient for you.

Redraw the outline of the selected snowflake and carefully cut out the design along the contour. To cut out internal elements, it is preferable to use a special silicone craft mat and a stationery knife. Do not cut out the middle (top) of the snowflake, even if the pattern requires it.

Use a ruler to measure the narrowest point on the ballerina's waist. Draw a line of the same length with a pencil in the center of the snowflake. Make a cut. Carefully insert the ballerina into the hole, folding it slightly in the wider areas (on the hips).

This is the beauty that comes out in the end. You can hang it on a chandelier or on a Christmas tree, or make a ballerina mobile for a crib.

Ballerina snowflake templates

Ballerina stencils (click to enlarge image):

Templates for cutting snowflakes for ballerinas from paper (6-angled snowflake, images enlarge by click):