Glamorous clothing style. How to create a glamorous look Glamorous clothing style - the history of its appearance

one of the most fashionable and popular modern clothing styles. It is characterized by femininity and brightness of the image, its goal is to attract the maximum attention of others to a person’s appearance. The word itself is translated from English as “brilliance”, “charm”, “charm”, “luxury”. Often, with the wrong approach, a glamorous style borders on vulgarity.

History of origin and development

In fact, “glamour” is not such a modern concept; its history goes back a long way. If we look in more detail at the origin of the word, then There is a whole story to be found here too.

The original source was the Latin concept of grammatica - grammar, i.e. the doctrine of language. Then it passed into the French language, but with a slightly different meaning, or rather, meanings. It formed two new words at once. The first is grammaire - grammar, learning, and the second is grimoire, which meant witchcraft knowledge or a book of spells. It is precisely in this second meaning that the word passed to England and Scotland. Its modern form has already appeared here - glamor. The English used this word to describe magic spells and witchcraft.

However, the processes described above took place quite a long time ago, during the Middle Ages, and had little to do with the style of the same name. Real glamor came much later.

Glamor has always been not just a style of clothing, first of all, it is a special lifestyle, a special attitude.

The first example of the emerging glamorous lifestyle can be considered the Baroque era in France in the 17th century.. The existence of this style begins with the accession to the throne of the young Louis XIV, who was nicknamed the “Sun King”. He not only turned France into a strong state, but also made it the center of social life throughout Europe. This ruler loved entertainment, noisy holidays, balls, masquerades and dancing more than anything in the world. The costumes of the courtiers changed beyond recognition. Previously, they were hard, dark, had strict geometric shapes, dense heavy velvet was used as material, and silver was used as finishing. With the advent of the Baroque style, smooth lines, multi-layered designs, flowing silk and satin decorated with gold appeared in dresses. This style was the epitome of luxury, an analogue of modern glamour.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the heyday of luxurious social life began again in France, and the active publication of literary works dedicated to it began. At that time, a person was judged primarily by his appearance and manners. An excellent evidence of this is the phrase of that era: “A man’s intelligence is shown in the way he holds a cane.”

Hollywood glamor

Then, in the twentieth century, the influence of glamor on people intensified. This was facilitated by the development of mass communications. True, the word “glamor” itself was not yet used. But his meaning reflected everything that was happening one hundred percent. All women aspired to be like the brilliant silent film stars; black and white pictures of them were sold everywhere. Jazz culture was glamorous in its own way. The real idols of style, brilliance and beauty were actresses and, who conquered the world not only with their very attractive appearance, but also with their intelligence and ability to perfectly present themselves to the public in the most advantageous light. Thanks to these actresses, the image of an unapproachable beauty in a long silk dress with an open back and a fur cape was born. Spectators were delighted with such women, many even dyed their hair blond, in imitation of celebrities. It was then, in the 30s, that the ordinary life of movie stars became public knowledge. Hollywood began to dictate beauty standards to the whole world. Famous actors and their lifestyle have become a standard, a role model.

Then, in the 40s, doll beauty came into fashion. It was born from pictures called “Pin-Up”. These are the same ones that American soldiers pasted on the walls in their barracks. Their peculiarity was that the girls in the pictures were not real at first, it was just an image. However, this image soon became a reality. American women began to strive to be like Pin-Ups. This was the beginning of the era of “puppetry” in world fashion.

In the 50s, the main stronghold of glamor appeared - glossy magazines. They showed people not just new styles of clothing, but also promoted a special way of life, incredibly beautiful and, at the same time, far from everyday life. Thanks to them, the word “glamor” in its modern meaning came into use. At the same time, a new icon of style and glamor appeared on the Hollywood firmament - Marilyn Monroe. She became a recognized sex symbol and introduced new standards of beauty. Already at that time, the first controversy arose around glamor and a glamorous lifestyle. Some considered it the highest happiness, others openly accused it of emptiness and lack of spirituality.

In 1961, the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s was released. The main role in the film was played by a young actress, for which she was awarded a golden Oscar statuette and was recognized as the most “glamorous” actress. Thanks to Hepburn's character, Halle, elegant cocktail dresses and unusual hats became incredibly popular.

Two years later, the world saw the painting “Cleopatra” and the brilliant Elizabeth Taylor starring. After this, the Egyptian style of clothing and hairstyle became glamorous. Now everyone began to wear deep tunic dresses that perfectly emphasized the waist. Jewelry in the form of Egyptian hieroglyphs and ornaments, huge gold ones and unique makeup that creates a cat-like eye shape have come into fashion.

New beauty standards

The 70s brought new images and new names. This time was the heyday of glam rock. Glamor has captured not only women, but also men. Bright, provocative makeup came into fashion, which young rockers used no less than girls. This is how “metrosexuality” appeared, which plays an important role in glamorous life to this day. The idol of that decade was the image David Bowie, ethereal and vibrant.

It was a time of genderless beauty, symbolized by the model. The curvaceous shape of Marilyn Monroe is a thing of the past, replaced by a teenage boy.

Then, in the 90s, the era has come. Everything that was well promoted was glamorous; the world of gloss was the standard.

Glamorous style today

Modern glamor style is created from a wide variety of elements. Any clothing is suitable for this. , for example, can be narrow or wide; a – short or long. Jackets, T-shirts, leggings - everything is suitable for creating a glamorous look. Fur plays an important role in this style; it is worn both in winter and summer; the most popular is fur with long pile. It is used to decorate a variety of wardrobe items, such as stoles, jackets, or boas.
Glamorous style is characterized by an incredible variety of colors and shades. They don't have to be bright and flashy colors like purple, orange, pink or fuchsia. Glamorous people often use restrained tones; the main thing here is a sense of style.

Back in the mid-twentieth century, long gloves appeared, which remain incredibly popular today. They are worn with great pleasure by modern lovers of glamorous style both outdoors and indoors.
Among the glamorous celebrities include Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson, Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Scherzinger ), Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie, Jessica Alba, Marion Cotillard, Emma Stone, Diane Kruger, Nicole Kidman and many others.

Today, glamor has become an integral part of society. You can treat it differently, but you cannot help but recognize its importance in the fashion world. However concepts such as “glamour” and “gloss” should not be mixed" Despite the absolute similarity in appearance, the difference between them is that glamor presupposes individuality, originality and originality of the individual. Gloss is just a blank copy. At all times, fashion has been dictated by strong, smart and special women, unlike others: Angelique de Fontanges - the favorite of Louis XIV, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe and, of course, Audrey Hepburn. Therefore, glamor, first of all, is a unique style.

How to create a glamorous look?

  • Study the glamor era in Hollywood, because glamorous style is not a new thing. Black and white movie stars were the first to take care of their appearance and style. Watch films of that time and pay attention to how and what clothes they wore.
  • Buy extravagant and elegant things. Glamorous clothing should correctly place accents and draw attention to detail. The materials usually chosen are expensive ones, such as fur and silk. Don't be afraid to mix styles, use modern clothes that match the latest in your outfit, and classic things that will never go out of style.
  • Don't forget the details! No glamorous look can be considered complete without the right ones. Diamonds and high-quality jewelry will perfectly complement the outfit. Choose accessories in accordance with the main style, avoid vulgarity.
  • Treat the concept of glamor correctly. Many people mistakenly believe that being glamorous means being a diva. To become glamorous, you need to be absolutely confident in yourself. Glamorous people do not need to specifically attract attention to themselves; their very presence at the event does it for them.
  • Be eloquent. Glamorous people speak with a touch of refinement and sophistication.

No matter how we feel about the information pouring on us from TV, no matter how much we deny the influence of opinions propagated by the media on us, it is impossible to deny the influence of the world of fashion and style on us. And rightly so, each of the fashionistas is unable to avoid this. Another thing is to what extent we are ready to dissolve in our style, who will dictate terms to whom, the style we have chosen or we to it.

Unfortunately, many modern Things who call themselves Stylish have completely surrendered to the power of their image, which is often the glamor style in clothing.

But it would be necessary, on the contrary, to subordinate the style to yourself, so that it works for you, and not you work hard without days off to buy the next stylish and insanely expensive thing, best suited for a girl for whom modern style dictates conditions.

But what does modern glamor mean? Is there another kind of classic? After all, glamor is rhinestones and pink seduction, luxury and posing, a love of parties and an easy life, that is, everything that we see among the rich and famous, young and frivolous playmakers.

Approximately so, all of the above refers to the current style of glamor, which is more a style of glamor in behavior and clothing than true glamor, the way it first appeared in the bohemian environment of the early twentieth century in the guise of beautiful divas, seducing with their dignity and mystery.

But first things first 😉

True origin and history of appearance

Unfortunately, not every fashionista is an excellent history expert, but we are called upon to correct this, filling the gaps of every stylish mind suitable information for him. After all, you remember that to be stylish means to be individual, unique and original, and what can contribute more to this than erudition in various fields of knowledge and science?

No no! Don’t even think about closing our site, we won’t immerse you in the jungle of analytical philosophy or methods for solving Fermat’s theorem, although sometimes we want to, to be honest 😛

We simply strive to expand your horizons so that you can understand better and subjugate it to the fullest extent, and this can be done simply by showing the basics of its rules. So the glamor style has such basics, although they have an interesting and beautiful history, which is very interesting to know.

Glamor as a social phenomenon began at the beginning of the 19th century with the advent of Honore de Balzac's novels about the lives of society ladies and gentlemen, and later with the development and popularity of cinema. Black and white photographs of truly luxurious women with bright eyes and lips, languid manners and chic clothes, entwined with kilometer-long threads of pearls and wrapped in furs, all this amazed the minds of modest and pretty home girls, raised in the spirit of high morality and piety.

What morality, what piety"- they exclaimed when they saw that at the feet of these pale and mysterious film stars, throughout the entire film, admiring handsome men lay in the skyscrapers, the dream of a young girl of puberty! And at their modest shoes lies, perhaps, their favorite lap dog!

But not all young ladies were allowed into the cinema, you say, my erudite Stylish Things, and you will be right, the glamor style began to penetrate into girls' minds with ladies' novels describing love-carrots, tragic, of course, and not as everyday and decent as daddies and mommies.

And so, the well-read young ladies, on the threshold of marriage and far beyond it, sensed a catch. How is it, they decided, that they can do it, but we can’t? They get the realization of our dreams and fantasies, and we only have the opportunity to sigh languidly in the night so that no one hears? Not fair! And if it’s unfair, then away with piety and mother’s notations and forward to the world of glamor and luxury, passions and adoration!

However, not everyone was accepted there; they still needed talent and the ability to fit the image, well, just like we have now. After all, not everyone was able to find the line that separates true luxurious style from the vulgar and pretentious bad taste that know who.

ABOUT! Only a few could do this! And their names are etched in the annals of glamor history! Everyone else just blindly imitated it, but this was enough for those who made the glamor style in clothing and in life their meaning!

This is how the 19th century ended and the 20th century began, with its truly luxurious glamor, standing out as a brilliant spot against the backdrop of universal progress, science and madness! The glamor style became part of the world of bohemia, art, artistry and aristocracy. And of course, many dreamed of becoming part of it.

The whole world went into glamor; luxury became the meaning of life and an indicator of social status. Even if you don’t have a penny to your name, but there’s a pimple on your nose, a precious sable coat and luxurious pearls or a stylish cane and an expensive watch can smooth out the impression.

The ability to hold oneself in public, combine stylish accessories and clothes, present oneself in the right light and create the impression of oneself, this is what became basic and valuable in that world and at that time.

Does this remind you of anything?

You are what you wear and how much it costs. This is how it was and how it will always be. The glamor style in clothing replaced the glamor style in life, thereby making ostentation more and more obvious and fundamental in this style of artists and talented people from the art world. After all easier to appear and copy what to be and try to improve.

The glamor style has turned into glamor, that is, into the ability to imitate, to flaunt not so much oneself as the labels on one’s clothes, one’s glamorous behavior and equally glamorous friends.

What does glamor style represent today?

Today's glamor style is nothing less than a beautiful and sparkling package of the previous glamor style. The entire contents of this brilliant box were carefully taken out, so as not to damage the shape of the box and not to tear off all the sparkles and frills from it, and were thrown with a clang under the wheels of the luxurious Bentley.

The proud expression of the face, full of understanding of the importance of oneself in this world, is forgotten, the creative basis of the glamor style and the belonging of its adherents to the world of culture, art and literature are destroyed.

Today's glamorous adherents and adherents have left for themselves only a small fraction of the former luxury and harmony, having mastered with the diligence of a nerd-cram only a list of expensive brands, their cost and place in the hierarchy of prestige for a certain crowd. After all, if you don’t have the required number of logos on you, you’re nothing.

The glamor style is gone, leaving in its place its version, simplified to the point of impossibility, called “glamor” and “gloss”. Well, we will meet the winner, cherishing the hope of the return of the true glamor style to our world.

However, the glamorous style also left several iconic things on its list, giving us an idea of ​​what was once associated with true glamor.

Here they are, these iconic elements of glamor style at all times:

1. Fur– a mandatory item in the wardrobe of a glamorous diva of the last century was fur. Stoles, boas, capes and fur coats, these luxurious splendors of artistic natures remain with us today. A luxurious fur cape was designed to cover the bare back of a long and silk dress. Only now, expensive and beautiful natural fur has been replaced by artificial fur, and there are plenty of bare backs and more, because everyone wants to be glamorous, but only a few have enough money for glamor.

Often, only the pocket dogs and cats of today's glamorous divas who claim this title remain natural fur.

2. Elegant and stylish clothes, emphasizing the slim figure and belonging to the glamor style, the shades of the preferred outfits are always in white and pink tones. The previous glamor style also did not shy away from these colors, but did not promote them in such deadly brightness and saturation.

But everything changes over time, let's say thank you that, even in such a modified state, the glamor style has remained with us and we remember its existence.

3. Glamor style shoes– it’s always and everywhere a high heel or a breathtaking stiletto! These important elements make their owner slimmer and lighter, the look bohemian and elegant, and the gait flying and light.

However, not all. Sometimes I want to offer a sufferer wearing fifteen-centimeter stilettos, walking along the broken asphalt with the air of a martyr, ballet flats or sneakers, so that her eyes would light up with happiness and joy!

4. Gloves- this is a mandatory element of the glamor style, bohemian divas preferred long, almost shoulder-length, satin gloves, which lengthened and slimmed their arms, making them seductive, desirable and inaccessible. How many handsome men were ready to throw everything at the feet of the diva, just to get the opportunity to pull off this cruel glove with their teeth and see the tender and pale aristocratic hand! was time!

5.Glamor style makeup– this is an emphasis on the eyes and lips. Remember the vamp style that came out of black and white cinema! Only today natural tones in makeup, light shadows and not very thickly lined eyes are in fashion, only the lips should sparkle with glitter, tons of glitter, the brighter and more noticeable the glitter on the lips, the more glamorous the girl!

6. Jewelry and accessories in glamor style– this is a complete flight and explosion of imagination! Artificial and real diamonds, pearls, white gold, Swarovski crystals and from the nearest market, rhinestones and sequins on clothes, shoes, glasses, hats and hair. Everywhere!

Underwear also did not escape this sparkling fate.

These are mandatory, priority and recognizable things, but every glamor girl can complement, combine or transform them at her own discretion, and we see this every day and everywhere. But not everyone manages to achieve that harmony, which is the feature that separates the glamor style and the vulgarity of glamor, beautifully packaged chic and seductive content and empty nothing sparkling with artificial gloss. Let's restrain ourselves in the desire to be the very best, my dear Stylish Things, let's be simply chic, and not tastelessly expensive! Love you!

You will be surprised, but the word glamor appeared in the Middle Ages. It meant enchantment, a witchcraft ritual, thanks to which both a person and his home are perceived with special admiration, seeming better than they are.

The meaning has, of course, changed over the years. But if you think about it, the deeper meaning remains: glamor is the art of blinding and bewitching, throwing diamond dust into the eyes.

By the way, about diamonds: at the end of the century before last, jewelers began to use the word “glamor” when describing exclusive products. Later, in the 30s and 40s, the term moved to the film industry and Hollywood. But he came to Russia only in the 90s. In the 2000s, the word became iconic and epoch-making, a symbol of a special, unattainable for many style of clothing, leisure and life.

Conceptual features of glamor fashion

Glamor does not share the commandment “do not make an idol”; on the contrary, it is focused on numerous idols, the gloss of magazines, and examples of celebrities.

Accessories for a glamorous look

Undoubtedly, “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”; Diamond earrings, rings, pendants have every right to be called classics of the glamor genre.
However, semi-precious minerals - garnet, black opal, citrine, yellow or blue topaz - can also look luxurious, for example, as part of a large cocktail ring or in the form of an intricate pendant.

Glamor generally loves crystals, radiance, sparkle of stones. The glamorous girl even has a jeans belt decorated with plates of turquoise, rock crystal or coral.

The second accessory that is most characteristic of glamor is fur. We're not just talking about capes, stoles, boas, removable sleeves... Fur can be pom-pom earmuffs, cuffs, or even boot tops, a bag or a cute pendant for it.

Despite the fact that high cost is one of the obvious criteria for style, faux fur is becoming increasingly widespread. It captivates “glamourists” with its abundance of colors, iridescent play of texture – in fact, what glamor “worships”.

About handbags and clutches. A glamorous bag has a distinct shape and, most often, catchy, colorful colors. Inexpensive materials are out of the question: only leather, varnish, only high-quality fabrics. Such a handbag is often complemented by silver or gold fittings, rhinestones, interlacing cords, tassels... Bags with embossing that imitate the skin of a crocodile or python are welcome.
Gloves that make your hand graceful will never be superfluous.

Sunglasses are a must-have touch for a glamorous look. To work for the image, they must be large, noticeable, decorated with rhinestones or logos... And most importantly, there is no doubt that they were not bought in a supermarket.

The role of hair and makeup

A haircut at the first hairdresser you come across and make-up “in a hurry” are completely unacceptable. Glamor is the choice of pretentious, self-confident and well-groomed fashionistas. Therefore, a woman's glamorous hairstyle is an artistic, professional styling and a rich, even slightly provocative color: golden, platinum, smoky purple, tea rose, strawberry, lavender or amber.
Individual colored strands also have a right to exist, but must be done very scrupulously, as carefully as possible.

Women's hairstyles can be complemented with headbands with flowers and stones, large inlaid hairpins or velvet bows.

Highlighting, lightening, coloring are techniques that are also used by men who want to look glamorous, to match celebrities. These guys choose “cascade” and “brit” haircuts, hairstyles with “torn” bangs, short or shaved temples, and artistically styled “waves.”

Glamorous makeup relies on deep, but not too flashy colors, pearlescent, satin textures. Its basis is flawless skin (often tanned), evidence that a girl can afford the best cosmetic procedures and products. Concealer, highlighter, and bronzer are mandatory items for her, because makeup in a glamorous style is painstaking work, including the technique of sculpting the face and its visual correction.

Languid and lush eyelashes (no matter thanks to dyeing or extensions), skillfully shaded eyebrows, lips skillfully contoured and covered with tint - this is the portrait of a glamorous nymph.

What do examples of glamorous style teach?

A person who loves glamor can be said to walk on a blade. A style that preaches brilliance and luxury always runs the risk of being too much, of making the appearance comical and vulgar.
Perhaps, adherents of glamor are more likely than others to make mistakes and excesses. Neither Paris Hilton, nor Dita Von Teese, nor Kim Kardashian, nor other living models of glamorous taste escaped them at different times.

The same can be said about domestic glossy “icons”. For example, Anastasia Volochkova is often reproached for being overly enthusiastic about professional makeup, frilly dresses, vulgarly transparent bustiers, furs and acid-colored feathers...

Why are we talking about this? Because, when embarking on the path of glamor, it is useful to study not only successful, but also failed images of those who live a fashionable life. This is the only way to comprehend the delicate, sophisticated art of blinding and bewitching.

Lately we very often come across such a style as glamor. Almost all fashionistas and fashionistas know what it is, but because of misinformation they dress not glamorously, but stupidly, without even knowing it. Until a certain point, I also thought that glamor meant - the more sparkles, the brighter the clothes, the more glamorous, but, unfortunately, this is not so. Recently I saw a blonde girl on the street wearing a bright pink T-shirt with a black lettering, high heels, light blue pants and cheap jewelry. The most ridiculous thing about this image is that she considers herself a glamorous chick. But that's not true.

To understand what it means to be glamorous, you first need to find out the etymology of the term "glamor". If this word is translated from English, it literally means “luxury”, “chic”, “charm”, “charm”, in general there are quite a lot of translations of this word, but one thing is clear - glamor is not rich bad taste, but real romantic and expensive style. Glamor is not just a style of clothing, but a way of life. It is often illustrated on the covers of fashion glossy magazines, showing all the beauty of this style. The great thing about this style is that glamor has no time frame - fashion changes, but glamor is eternal!

Where did glamor come from?

First of all, this style is associated with Hollywood of the 40s and 50s. It was during this period of time that deep necklines, expensive stones and fabrics, long gloves, and stilettos came into fashion. This style of clothing was preferred by Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, and Hedy Lamarr.

You need to understand one detail - glamor does not like cheapness in clothes, fabrics, shoes, accessories, and jewelry. Jewelry must be made of precious metals with natural stones - diamonds, emeralds, turquoise, sapphires, pearls.

In a glamorous style, everything should be on display and expensive - pens, cigarettes, shoes, notebooks, key chains, phones, cars, animals.

In Europe, the glamor style is much different from our domestic glamor. This is very noticeable, for example, in the fact that Western fashionistas understand that luxury is not always appropriate. But ours don’t distinguish this, so they go to fashionable get-togethers, parties, to the countryside, to nature and to the market to buy food in the same glamorous way. This is very ridiculous and stupid, which is why most Western stylists and couturiers say that we look like clowns.

Tips for girls.

1. Follow fashion trends. This is a must for those who want to look glamorous. If you don’t like fashionable new items, then you can come up with something of your own. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, otherwise you will look like a Christmas tree or, even worse, like a smart scarecrow.

2. You should not wear jackets. An alternative to them can be light cardigans, shawls, and fur boas. The right cape will allow you to look glamorous in any outfit.

3.Hairstyle. I think none of the truly glamorous ladies would make strange buns on the back of their heads or walk around with their hair unwashed for weeks. The hair on the head should be well-groomed, not burnt from constant use of dye, and neatly folded into a hairstyle. Hairstyle can tell a lot about a person. Ideal for a glamorous style - light curls or good styling.

4. Every glamorous girl should have at least one evening dress. Only it should look not just beautiful on you, but chic. The ideal option would be “Little black dress” or in Russian “little black dress”. It should be slightly above the knee and be sure to fit your figure. The best option would be a dress from Coco Chanel. There is no need to save money on a dress.

5.Bags and accessories must be branded. Don’t believe the myths that it doesn’t have to be branded, but it’s high quality – that’s not true. As I already said: “Glamour does not tolerate fakes.” If you do not have at least one branded bag, then you cannot claim the title of “Glamour Girl”. Buy at least one branded bag to qualify for this title without looking stupid.

6. Manicure – nails must be neat, and the color of nail polish must match the color of your lip gloss or lipstick. On your feet, the color of the polish should match your mood.

7. Makeup – should not be flashy or bright. It will be quite enough to tone your complexion, add a little eyeliner, a little mascara and lip gloss. That's it - the makeup is ready!

8.Jewelry should only be made of precious metals with natural stones, but I already wrote about this above, so I will not dwell on this point in detail.

9.Shoes should be high heels - this is the most important detail of a glamorous look. If you don’t have experience walking in high heels, then practice at home in advance so that you don’t “fall face down in the mud” in public - this, by the way, is not a metaphor! Shoes should also be expensive and branded.

10. Clothes should be made of shiny fabrics: sequins, rhinestones, satin, etc. But you can’t just go outside like this – it’s more suitable for clubs and parties.

11.If you are going to the countryside, then you cannot do without a headdress.

12.Colors in glamor do not have to be pink - this comes from the image of Barbie and many blondes match this. In glamor, any colors are allowed, but preferably warm and pastel colors; do not overdo it with brightness and play of colors.

These were some tips for a glamorous look.

Remember that you should not confuse glamor with pathos, which young boys and girls sparkle with, without imagining real glamor at all, they grab market jeans with the Armani or Gucci label and think that they are cool and glamorous. It looks funny, especially to those who understand the real glamor style.

In general, you don’t need to adapt to a certain brand and look like everyone else - be yourself and everything will be fine!

Many people want to one day become bright and loudly declare themselves, especially women who have experienced enormous stress are prone to this. After all, for lovely ladies, appearance always remains a means of self-expression, and clothes become a simple way to show their originality. One of the most unusual today is the glamorous style - it is this that allows you to completely change your image and add brightness with the help of even a couple of new things.

Glamorous clothing ideas

The main highlight of this style is the illusion of superiority. However, glamor offers the attainment of high self-esteem not only by rising above the crowd, but also by demonstrating one's individuality. This is an opportunity to create unique images filled with self-confidence and brightness, but at the same time remain true to your tastes in clothing. For example, if you have a dress that doesn’t quite fit this style, you can maintain the glamorous direction of the image through accessories. The glamor style requires attention to detail, their precise selection and combination with each other.

Color and fabrics

The aristocracy of the glamorous style calls for noble shades, but this is mainly relevant for retro and classic images of this trend. The modern interpretation involves exceptionally bright, saturated colors that literally shock you - fuchsia, acid pink, green, dazzling white and others. Shiny elements are also actively used - jewelry, makeup, fabric inserts. Preference is given to natural materials: cotton, silk, linen, and fur. But glamor also uses a lot of synthetics, which have unique properties, for example, shiny or iridescent surfaces. But color harmony is important. The main mistake here is excessiveness.

Where does glamor fit in?

The originality of this style is determined by certain subtleties of application. Given some pretentiousness, it is inappropriate in the business sphere. Office style implies restraint, which is the opposite of glamor. Therefore, at official and special events, the glamorous style should be used with caution, giving preference to elegance and severity.

This style is relevant for creative individuals - people in art or show business, journalists, freelancers and other “free artists”. Publicity and outrageousness are constant companions of a glamorous clothing style. However, there are a number of nuances that are important to consider.

Useful tips

1. Fashion should not only be followed, but also created.

2. The use of jeans in glamor style is still questionable.

3. You shouldn’t be like a magpie – there should be enough shine.

4. It is better not to combine more than two or three colors. Moreover, if one of the prints is multi-colored, the rest of the materials used should be plain.

5. Glamor is a bright personality. It is important to remember your own tastes and preferences. The image must remain “our own”.

It is better to choose any style of clothing taking into account your needs, not fashion. It is necessary to give preference to a direction that will not only plunge others into culture shock, but also maintain everyday comfort.