This is a very powerful self-purification practice. Yogic cleansing - the most useful and safe cleansing of the body Yoga cleansing 11 minutes

“This is the most powerful meditation for self-purification that has ever been given to you. You have 10 phones. The first body is the Soul, it is initially shining. But the remaining 9 bodies will begin to shine with the practice of this meditation. You will become so pure that all 9 bodies will be white. Your Halo, Aura, Subtle Body - they will all begin to emit white light. There will be a radiance emanating from you that you can project outward. This meditation heals on all levels - spiritual, mental, physical. It will make you healthy and strong."
Yogi Bhajan

Effect: already within the first 3 minutes the body begins to heal from diseases and get rid of accumulated internal fatigue. Therefore this practice is painful. The level of pain is directly proportional to the effect - healing - how much your organs are renewed, rebuilt, and receive new energy. If the pain is unbearable, then the organ imbalance is already 30%. The central nervous system begins to work differently and this causes pain. The liver, endocrine glands, and adrenal glands are restored, and detoxification occurs. Toxins are everywhere on our planet - in food, in water, in forests, in rivers. All this is deposited in the body. With this practice we can get rid of poisons.

The white color of your radiance is an indicator that the neurons of the brain are working efficiently, that their energy potential is very high (approximately 3.5 units). And also that all organs are renewed and absolutely healthy.

Posture: Sit in a position that is comfortable for you - either on your knees-heels or in a simple cross-legged pose. Hold the Throat Lock. Straight back.

Mudra: on both hands - connect the little finger and ring finger, index and middle among themselves. Thumb protruded to the side. The right arm, straight at the elbow, is raised up at 90 degrees to the floor, and the left arm, also straight at the elbow, is located at the side of the body, parallel to the floor. The palm of the right hand is turned forward, the palm of the left hand is turned down. Change hands every day, i.e. on the first day - the left hand to the side, then on the second day - the right hand will be to the side. Write it down in your diary so you don't forget.

Breathing: slow, deep.

Mantra: Repeat “Har” to yourself. Forget yourself, get lost in this meditation.

Eyes: closed.

Time: no more than 11 minutes a day! Continue for 120 days, then there will be the greatest effect, meditation will penetrate into the aura and the effect will remain forever. Only after the fortieth day will complete cleansing begin, during which all bodies will become radiant.

At the end: take a deep breath, hold your breath for 10 seconds and stretch as far as possible stronger with your hands- up and to the side. Exhalation. Repeat 3 times.

Meditation “Healing the physical, mental and spiritual bodies” is a powerful self-purification, as it allows us to get rid of physical, mental and spiritual garbage.

It gives us control over existence, heals us, makes us stronger and develops intuition.

Kundalini yoga teacher Yogi Bhajan wrote the following words about this meditation:

“This is the most powerful meditation for self-purification that has ever been given to you. You have 10 phones. The first body is the Soul, it is initially shining. But the remaining 9 bodies will begin to shine with the practice of this meditation. You will become so pure that all nine bodies will be white. Your Halo, Aura, Subtle Body - they will all begin to emit white light. There will be a radiance emanating from you that you can project outward. This meditation heals on all levels - spiritual, mental, physical. It will make you healthy and strong."

After the first two minutes of practice, the body begins to heal itself, so you may feel pain. It gets rid of illnesses, fatigue and all kinds of garbage. The functioning of internal organs is restored and strong detoxification occurs. As long as the body is filled with toxins, you will experience pain during practice. During meditation, the work of the central nervous system and our radiance increases.

How to do it:

Sit in easy pose with your back straight. Make a throat lock. Extend your right arm up above your head, palm forward, and your left arm out to the side, palm down. Both arms are straight at the elbows. On both hands, connect the index finger with the middle finger and the ring finger with the little finger. Hold this position with slow, deep breathing. Eyes closed.

If you choose this meditation to practice daily and do it for 40, 90 or 120 days, then change the position of your hands every day. You can keep a diary and record the position of your hands and how you feel.

Execution time – 11 minutes.

In this meditation you can use the mantra “Har Harey Hari Vahe Guru”. You can sing it, say it to yourself, or just listen to it. From my own experience, I can say that this mantra really helps me hold out for all 11 minutes. As an accompaniment, you can take this mantra sung by Gurudass Kaur, Bachan Kaur, Gurunam Joseph Michael Levry and any other that you like.

At the end of the practice, take a deep breath and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Tighten your entire body and continue to reach with your arms. Then exhale. Repeat the breath-holding sequence two more times. Then relax and become aware of your condition.

This is a very powerful self-purification practice. The most powerful in yoga.

Yes, it is not as easy as, for example, energy gymnastics. But at the same time, this exercise is very powerful - I tell you from my own experience.

For independent energy cleansing, you are unlikely to find something more effective.

Yes, it requires 11 minutes a day and some effort. But what it can give you is incomparable to your costs. In any case, whether to do it or not is up to you, because this is your life. Opportunities and tools are provided to you.

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle. This pose will be painful for you as long as toxins remain in your body. In exactly 11 minutes, the entire cellular system will begin to change.

This is the most powerful self-cleansing you can do. It can give you complete control over your life. It makes you strong and healthy. You will be free from your garbage: physical, mental and spiritual.

Sit in Easy Pose with your back straight. Tuck your chin in and straighten your chest. Raise your right hand up, palm facing forward. extend your left arm parallel to the floor, palm down. The fingers of the Sun and Mercury (ring and little fingers) are together, and the Fingers of Jupiter and Saturn (index and middle) are also pressed together. Close your eyes and meditate. Maximum 11 minutes.

If you want to use a mantra with this meditation, it could be the mantra “Har, Harey, Hari, Vahe Guru.” You can sing it out loud, silently, or listen to a recording of it. This is your choice.

To finish: take a deep breath, hold your breath for 10 seconds, extend your arms and tense your entire body. Exhale and repeat this sequence 2 more times.

After practicing this meditation for 40 days, change the position of your hands every day. The first day you practice with your right arm up and your left arm extended to the side. the next day, extend your left arm up, and your right arm out to the side, etc. (Always keep your arms straight at the elbows

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle. This pose will be painful for you as long as toxins remain in your body. It is a central nervous system control therapy. In exactly 11 minutes, the entire cellular system will begin to change.

After 40 days this meditation will begin to work with your subtle bodies. Keep within yourself what will begin to happen to you in 40 days. Don't tell anyone about this.

This is the most powerful self-cleansing you can do. It can give you complete control over your existence. It improves your intuition and makes you strong and healthy. You will be free from your garbage: physical, mental and spiritual.

A very powerful self-cleaning practice

This is a very powerful self-purification practice. The most powerful in yoga.

Yes, it is not as easy as, for example, energy gymnastics. But at the same time, this exercise is very powerful - I tell you from my own experience.
For independent energy cleansing, you are unlikely to find something more effective.

Yes, it requires 11 minutes a day and some effort. But what it can give you is incomparable to your costs. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not, because it’s your life. Opportunities and tools are provided to you.

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle. This pose will be painful for you as long as toxins remain in your body. In exactly 11 minutes, the entire cellular system will begin to change.
This is the most powerful self-cleansing you can do. It can give you complete control over your life. It makes you strong and healthy. You will be free from your garbage: physical, mental and spiritual.

Sit in Easy Pose with your back straight. Tuck your chin in and straighten your chest. Raise your right hand up, palm facing forward. extend your left arm parallel to the floor, palm down. The fingers of the Sun and Mercury (ring and little fingers) are together, and the Fingers of Jupiter and Saturn (index and middle) are also pressed together. Close your eyes and meditate. Maximum 11 minutes.

If you want to use a mantra with this meditation, it could be the mantra “Har, Harey, Hari, Vahe Guru.” You can sing it out loud, silently, or listen to a recording of it. This is your choice.

To finish: take a deep breath, hold your breath for 10 seconds, extend your arms and tense your entire body. Exhale and repeat this sequence 2 more times.

After practicing this meditation for 40 days, change the position of your hands every day. The first day you practice with your right arm up and your left arm extended to the side. the next day, stretch your left arm up, and your right arm to the side, etc. (Always keep your arms straight at the elbows)

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle. This pose will be painful for you as long as toxins remain in your body. It is a central nervous system control therapy. In exactly 11 minutes, the entire cellular system will begin to change.
After 40 days, this meditation will begin to work with your subtle bodies. Keep within yourself what will begin to happen to you in 40 days. Don't tell anyone about this.
This is the most powerful self-cleansing you can do. It can give you complete control over your existence. It improves your intuition and makes you strong and healthy. You will be free from your garbage: physical, mental and spiritual.

Simple pose

It is the most common pose for meditation and the starting position for many Kundalini yoga asanas.
Sit on the floor with your back straight. Cross your legs in front of you. Place your hands either in the groin, in Buddha mudra, or place your hands on your knees in Gyan mudra.

In this self-cleaning practice, raise your right hand up, palm facing forward. extend your left arm parallel to the floor, palm down. The fingers of the Sun and Mercury (ring and little fingers) are together, and the Fingers of Jupiter and Saturn (index and middle) are also pressed together.

Anyone who cares about their health, tries to eat right and lead an active lifestyle knows: it’s not enough just to eat right, you also need to cleanse your body sometimes. Even the most healthy and light food still clogs the body a little, and this is normal - this is what nature itself came up with. If you pour clean water into a clean glass, let it sit for a day, and then pour it out, a film, a “dirty” sediment, will form on the walls. The same thing happens in the intestines. Simply giving up meat does not 100% solve the problem of getting rid of toxins, which in Ayurveda are called “Ama”. Of course, the order of slag formation is completely different, the “dirt” accumulates noticeably more slowly, but it still accumulates. This is facilitated by the less than ideal condition of the soils on which fruits and vegetables are grown, and small chemical contamination of the products themselves: pesticides present in the soil in small quantities, as well as preservatives that are used to treat products at the fruit and vegetable market and warehouses, etc., and etc.

If you have not just switched to a kill-free diet, but can afford to buy “organic” or farm products, body pollution can be reduced even more. But even completely healthy foods They leave a small “sediment” in the body, like clean water in a clean glass. Sugar, white flour, incompatible foods (quite healthy and even sattvic individually!), lack of knowledge, inability to follow the rules for taking different fruits and vegetables by the hour, non-compliance with the daily routine - all this contributes to the formation of Ama, or, more simply, to clogging of the digestive system. Yes, it's true that vegetarians get sick less - but not all of them, and only if they make an extra effort and don't just give up meat.

The usual “dirt” that settles in the digestive system is quite easy to get rid of if you do it – again, very simple ones! – cleansing the body, and then you will simply glow with health. This is not an unfounded statement, but a fact verified by the experience of many people (and by me personally). I have more than 8 years of experience as a vegetarian, but after practicing seasonal yoga cleanses, the sensations still change, the body becomes even “lighter”, the quality of sleep improves, digestion is even better, even more strength and the head seems to work at 200% ! In general, you simply cannot notice the difference between Just proper nutrition, and proper nutrition + body cleansing.

There are different types of cleanings. I am sure that everyone who is interested in this topic will easily find books, TV programs, and information on the Internet on the topic, including in the public domain - free of charge. Now this knowledge is available to everyone.

· in the Shankha-Prakshalana cleansing, which our compatriots know well, there are nuances - what to eat before and after cleansing, what kind of salt is better to take (“pink Himalayan”, also known as “black Himalayan”, sold in stores healthy eating), how to behave during the procedure. I even saw the poses themselves (which open the intestinal sphincters) with errors on the Internet. This is not “deadly”, of course - but water can get stuck somewhere, and the sensations will be unpleasant (heaviness in the stomach, headache, nausea, lethargy all day, etc.).

· There are even more serious nuances in urine therapy - if you drink urine (it’s safe to use on the skin - I have no comments here), then it’s good to know that urine carries very strong hormones that can reduce potency in men, and in general even prevent childbearing ( one cannot fail to note the connection with soy milk when consumed in large quantities). In addition, drinking urine is recommended only for vegetarians, vegans, and raw foodists - but not for people who include meat and other slaughter products in their diet: the urine of such people, even at night, contains a lot of potentially dangerous substances. And it will last for some time after giving up meat - so you shouldn’t drink your urine immediately after switching to vegetarianism, you need to wait a few months. Urine therapy for a meat eater (as well as a pescatarian, etc.) is generally unclear whether it is useful or harmful - here you need to look at it individually, it is best to consult a doctor. But I voiced the general rules.

· Liver cleanses, which are very popular, are almost always too harsh and should not be done healthy people"just".

I would not like to contrast “ordinary” cleansings, which are offered by popular literature and TV, and yogic ones. Also because often popular books and promoters of cleansing simply take and copy yogic texts and practices. And it's not a shame, but Fine, because innovation and “gag” are not appropriate here at all! The human body, as far as I know, is not fundamentally different either among Indians/Russians, or over the course of eras - the digestive system and the logic of accumulation of toxins are the same. Correct me if you are a doctor and you have radically different information.

But still, there are a number of differences between “ordinary” and yogic cleansings:

· First, yogic cleanses - as they are described in traditional sources and taught by yoga therapists and yoga instructors - are often more complete and accurate than popular non-yoga cleanses.

· Secondly, yogic detox frees not only the intestines from (sorry) feces, but also the consciousness from revived, fossilized masses of unnecessary information.

· Thirdly, yoga cleansing is often noticeably gentler. For example, Basti (a yogic air enema) does not have the serious side effects of a regular one, to which, if done often, it becomes addictive.

In general, “regular” cleansing is good, but “yogic” cleansing is better.

How and what can you clean “yoga-style”? In Hatha Yoga - the science of cleansing and strengthening the physical body, created - like Ayurveda - in Ancient India, back in the Vedic era - there is a whole body of practices called Shatkarmas - “six cleansing actions”. I’ll say right away that not all of these cleanses need to be done by an ordinary person who, in general, is not going to train as hard as yogis do. There are limited demands placed on the body, so the list of necessary cleansings can be shortened. In addition, these cleanses are not done at random - but usually for health reasons. In addition, a number of practices are aimed at suppressing basic instincts, aggression and reproduction. Therefore, I suggest only a few, the easiest cleanses that are useful to everyone.

Before starting the practice, it is better to consult a yoga therapist, because... in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and others - it will not do much harm. The techniques are simple, but their effect is powerful. And if you get kidney stones unexpectedly, it will be too late to think about it. So my heartfelt advice: first read the attached material, then read something on the Internet or thematic books, then, if possible, consult a doctor (I know that in some Ayurvedic medical centers The first consultation, including via Skype, is completely free). The practices suggested below are a starting point for your search for ideal health, not a panacea and a recommendation for every day. Taking this into account, we will not harm ourselves or our loved ones, but will only help.

Enough words, let's get to the point.


EFFECTIVE AND RADICAL: Lagu Shankha Prakshalana. This is the “half conch gesture” as opposed to the “full” “conch shell gesture” - Shankha Prakshalana. The half, as well as the full version, is the best cleansing of the body that I know of.

1. It can be done frequently, for example, in a course of 4-7 days once every 3 months (regular SPS is done 1-2 times a year, usually in spring and autumn on the verge of the cold/warm season and then it goes more smoothly);

2. It is done without much discomfort, even for the first time;

3. If you do something wrong somewhere, there will be no consequences. Even if the water does not pass all the way, the stool will be liquid and the cleansing process will gradually begin.

1. Less efficiency. It will not be possible to achieve a “baby-like” state of the digestive system.

2. To get a noticeable effect, you need to do it not just once, but several times.

The Lagu Shankha Prakshalana technique is described in many sources. The difference with Shankha Prakshalana is only in the amount of water: here you need 1-6 glasses, and not 12 or more, as in full version(reliably described, in particular, in the books of G. Malakhov, to which some have logical complaints).

SOFTLY, EVERY DAY: Agnisara-Dhauti. The name of this yogic cleansing is translated as “Cleansing by fanning the fire,” or simply “breath of fire.” The technique is simple to the point of impossibility - we stand on bent legs, rest our palms on our knees, take a deep breath, then immediately exhale completely through our mouth (“hha”), hold our breath. Then we retract the abdominal muscles, tensing them (the stomach is “deflated”, retracted towards the spine). And we relax. We draw in and relax. We do this several times until holding the breath is comfortable. It's best to do 30 times per set, if you have enough breath. It has to be done quickly, it just doesn’t make sense to do it smoothly and slowly. Then we straighten up, allow our breathing to recover, and rest. Repeat several times (usually do 3 approaches with rest between them). Avoid dizziness and discomfort. This should be done every morning before breakfast (strictly on an empty stomach!).


(Apana in yoga theory is the energy of the body, which is also responsible for the high-quality removal of digestive waste):

- Ashwini mudra(“horse gesture”). The simplest, but very efficient technique, heals not only the excretory system, but the whole body. Execution: in any comfortable position (preferably sitting), consciously retract (strain) the muscles of the perineum (including the anus and genitals). Then we relax. You can synchronize it with breathing, it’s more convenient: while inhaling, we tense the lower pelvis, while exhaling, we relax. It is better to do this not abruptly, but gradually, controlling the tension. You can do this 30-50 times a day, you can do it in sets with a break, if it’s hard. After a month or two, you can increase it to 100 times a day or even more. There is no need to overuse it at first, otherwise there may be unpleasant sensations (because the muscles in the pelvic area are not ready).



- Vrajana pranayama(cleansing breathing while walking). This yoga cleansing should be done while walking on fresh air, you can just on the go, even on the way to work, etc. The technique is very simple: inhale for 4 counts (all breathing is through the nose), and exhale for 6 counts. You can try to synchronize the count with steps, but this is not for everyone and is not always convenient (if you are tall, the step is long, but for 6 steps the exhalation will be too long). There should be no discomfort! Under no circumstances should you “choke” on air! We avoid the strong desire to inhale or exhale by adjusting the length of the count to suit ourselves. Gradually, the breathing will lengthen in comfort, so that you can even do 1 count of 2 steps, but this will happen over time, not immediately. “Vrajana Pranayama” is a very powerful cleansing technique, despite the simplicity of its implementation.


(in the cold season - as needed or with a runny nose, and in the summer - daily):

- Jala-neti(rinsing the nose with water). Another good technique. It not only removes urban and household dust from the nasal passages, and stagnant masses from the sinuses, but also strengthens vision and improves the quality of sleep. Even after 1 procedure, breathing becomes much easier: even if it seems to you that your nose is already breathing perfectly, just try it.

Execution: prepare 1 liter of water at room temperature (or slightly warmer), mix 1 tsp. salt (preferably “Himalayan”, just filter through a cloth to remove fine sand if any). Using a special teapot “for rinsing the nose” (sold in yoga centers, stores vegetarian food, and even sometimes in pharmacies) pour the first portion of water through the left nostril into the right: while doing this, you need to lean over the sink - the body is horizontal so that it does not flow onto your clothes. You don’t need to inhale the water through your nose (!), just insert the spout of the kettle into your left nostril, and wait until everything there “swells” and the water begins to drip - and then flow in a thin stream! -through the right one, into the sink. At the same time, we breathe through the mouth, “with the stomach” and remain calm (at first the sensations are unusual, it seems - now I’m going to choke! - but if you don’t inhale through your nose, nothing like that will happen). Once we catch our breath, we repeat the procedure, pouring water into the right nostril. Then another circle - and another until the water runs out. Please note that there may be undissolved salt at the bottom of the water container; you do not need to pour it into your nose J After finishing, breathe actively 30-50 times through each nostril (in winter it makes sense to do more, about 100 times through each nostril, and more actively!) with taking breaks so your head doesn't get dizzy. This is important, otherwise sinusitis may develop, and cleaning will do harm, not good. If done correctly, cleaning is very good!

There are a lot of yogic cleansings of the body, different techniques– dozens, but the ones above are quite simple and very useful.

Alexey Sokolovsky