What does phlegmatic temperament mean? Strengths and weaknesses of phlegmatic people. Phlegmatic in psychology

A phlegmatic person is a peaceful person who is distinguished by his special ability to work, perseverance and taciturnity. This type of temperament acts as a kind of middle ground between an eccentric choleric person, an energetic sanguine person and a consistent melancholic person.

If they are genuinely interested in something, then they will forget about everything else and focus on the object. Phlegmatic people are distinguished by their peacefulness and good nature. It is these people who, in difficult times, advise us not to take the problem too seriously.

It's always easy and simple with them. They are always satisfied with the place where they are, the people with whom they communicate. They know how to be good friends, but they also don’t feel very sad when they are alone.

Phlegmatic people are endowed with a balanced psyche, and no matter how you try to anger him, it will be almost impossible. His strength is the ability to think and draw conclusions based on facts, not emotions.

Phlegmatic people always perceive the world in real time. They don't have their head in the clouds and don't look at life through dark glasses. He, like everyone else, achieves his goals, but without unnecessary pomposity and striving for everything ideal.

Children love phlegmatic people very much, so they will be good parents. True, sometimes they lack severity towards others. But there are also positive aspects to this, because in any situation they will not show their excessive emotionality. Phlegmatic people have enormous self-control. If you have any problems, you can always turn to him for help, and without further ado he will help you develop a detailed action plan to get out of the current situation.

They do not enter into conflict and try not to get involved in a showdown. In order to achieve his favor, it is not necessary to constantly prove to him your strengths. They have developed adequate self-esteem. Perhaps they sometimes

Features of communication and behavior at work

Phlegmatic people love to talk about philosophy and events that are long in the past. Therefore, in order to win over representatives of this temperament, you need to talk about his memories from childhood, youth, and also be able to analyze situations that affected his memory. They understand humor, but they should not even speak out in a joking manner towards phlegmatic people. Sometimes they take the joke personally.

They love it when people are interested in their problems and appreciate care and kindness in people. In everyday life, you will need to make joint decisions, since phlegmatic people rarely take the initiative in matters of managing household affairs. But it’s also not worth demanding that they make a quick decision; this can cause a storm of negative emotions in him.

There is no need to make phlegmatic people feel guilty for any actions. The right way out would be a sincere conversation about what doesn’t suit you about his behavior.

Phlegmatic people often occupy managerial positions due to their ability to negotiate and find the right solutions in difficult situations. But often they themselves can refuse this position due to the fact that they do not know how to show their good side in time and do something to advance their career.

They easily cope with work that requires increased attention and perseverance. In addition, they can agree on anything and with any person. Phlegmatic people are valued in any team precisely because of their flexible nature.


Phlegmatic people are very attentive people, which means that they will always listen to what is being said to them. Thanks to their stable nervous system, they are in a good mood and rarely get stressed. Owners of this type of temperament easily cope with the most complex tasks and quickly remember a large amount of necessary information.

In relationships with people, phlegmatic people are calm and measured. But if a situation arises where he needs to prove that he is right, he will definitely be able to withstand the pressure and defend his point of view.

They have the following strengths:

  1. Organization;
  2. The ability to listen and listen;
  3. They very rarely get offended by people.

Weak sides

Phlegmatic people love stability very much and they cannot stand it when changes occur in their measured life. That is why they cannot occupy leading positions, since they cannot show their initiative and dynamism in time.

They are often afraid to make decisions because they may make a mistake in some situations.

They rarely show their emotions, and this negatively affects their communication with loved ones. Phlegmatic people will never shout about their feelings, and to others it seems that they are completely indifferent people. In those moments when people with a different type of temperament will show their emotions in every possible way, the phlegmatic person will simply stand aside and smile.

They have the following weaknesses:

  1. Distrust of people;
  2. Poor adaptability to changing conditions;
  3. Laziness;
  4. Rudeness and taciturnity.

Sometimes a person’s behavior, his reaction to certain events and situations cause bewilderment to others, who, under the same conditions, behave completely differently, and react in other ways. The reason for such behavioral differences is easy to find if we turn to the theory of temperament types.

Congenital personality trait

A baby comes into this world with a certain temperament. Experts note four main types: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. Characteristics of typological characteristics, developed by physiologists and psychologists, help to understand what types of reactions can be expected from a child of a certain type of temperament.

The most calm, but at the same time weak and unbalanced, since the processes of inhibition prevail over the processes of excitation, is the melancholic person. In contrast, the choleric person is strong, but also unbalanced, since the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition.

Experts note two types of temperament as balanced types: sanguine and phlegmatic. These are strong types in which the processes of inhibition are balanced with the processes of excitation. The only difference is that a phlegmatic person by nature is a more inert type.

Individual typological features of a strong but inert type

Choleric and melancholic people are easy to isolate from the general mass, since their type of reaction is difficult to confuse with any other. Of the two remaining types, the phlegmatic temperament is difficult to define due to its not so pronounced characterological characteristics. A phlegmatic person gives the impression of a slow and silent person who is quite scrupulous in the tasks entrusted to him, very selective in contacts, and picky in his preferences. However, a slight disruption of plans and the measured flow of events can lead this silent person to sudden active actions, characteristic only of choleric people. This shows the strength of a phlegmatic person who does not tolerate infringement of his interests. With the externally created impression of a phlegmatic person’s susceptibility to other people’s opinions and outside influence, this type of temperament gives its owner independence in judgment, the ability to silently remain in his position, without engaging in unnecessary polemics and disputes.

The inner world of a calm and phlegmatic baby

As a rule, a child who came into this world with a phlegmatic temperament is very comfortable with adults. A calm, balanced child, obedient and punctual from an early age. Such a baby will not cause any trouble: he has a good appetite, and is unpretentious in his taste preferences, healthy and sound sleep, and at the same time quite long. Prefers calm and balanced games, avoids active and noisy play activities. He is careful with toys, thrifty, loves order. Phlegmatic traits at times give the child the appearance of apathetic and inert, obedient and submissive. But this is only an appearance; in fact, the dormant inner strength wakes up at a certain moment and gives the child the opportunity to defend his position and his interests.

The other side of the "good" type

Phlegmatic people, as a rule, in addition to slow behavior, are also distinguished by a slow speed of mental reactions and processes. New information, new rules and new instructions are perceived by phlegmatic children much more slowly than by peers with choleric or sanguine temperament types. The material studied in kindergarten and school lessons is perceived slowly, the memorization processes are difficult, but the learned material is consolidated for a long time, since long-term memory in phlegmatic children is, as a rule, quite well developed. In this regard, such children do not like and do not accept novelty and have a fairly high level of rigidity. They are not known for their initiative, and these children do not have leadership qualities. The “phlegmatic” temperament type will never make a child a nonconformist; he will go against the rules of the team only if his interests are infringed.

The inner world of an adult phlegmatic person

An adult is slightly hampered by characterological manifestations of the “phlegmatic” type of temperament. The characteristic of a mature phlegmatic personality is distinguished by inertia: often such people prefer to act according to the situation, without defending their own opinion, without initiative. But apparent external calm is often ostentatious; phlegmatic people can experience an emotional storm deep in their souls, which subsequently leads to psychosomatic manifestations of a delayed reaction.

Some experts believe that a phlegmatic person is a “time bomb”, the mechanism of which can be directed both outward - towards society, and inward - towards himself. However, the undoubted advantage of this type of temperament is that just like that, without weighing all the pros and cons, a phlegmatic person will not enter into disputes and polemics. A phlegmatic person is a fairly balanced person who makes decisions and announces them only when he has internally considered all possible options for solving the problem.

A phlegmatic employee - a plus or a minus for the team?

Since phlegmatic people, by their nature, are quite easy-going and absolutely non-conflict people, they, as a rule, do not have problems with co-workers. Phlegmatic people do not tolerate quarrels and misunderstandings; they strive to resolve all disagreements through peaceful negotiations, accepting and trying to understand the point of view of all conflicting parties.

Phlegmatic employees also have virtually no problems from their superiors. Phlegmatic people are good and dutiful subordinates who respect the opinion of management, while also having their own vision of solving production problems. Most often, a phlegmatic person is also able to reconcile conflicting bosses and the work collective.

The choleric or melancholic temperament types can impede the speed of critical thinking due to the imbalance of nervous processes. Therefore, such employees initially perceive criticism from their superiors and comments on the work performed not entirely rationally, unlike a phlegmatic person.

Phlegmatic boss

A good boss, as statistics show, is a phlegmatic person. This is a peace-loving and patient type of leader who will not put too much strain on his subordinates, except in cases of public speaking. A phlegmatic person does not like to work in public; he prefers solitary, diligent and painstaking work. “The retinue makes the king” - this statement can be attributed to the greatest extent to the phlegmatic boss, who, if he wants to stay in his place, must correctly prioritize the selection of personnel.

In the theory of the basics of temperament, there is a traditional division into four types:
1) choleric;
2) sanguine;
3) phlegmatic;
4) melancholic.

Each of the presented types of temperament in itself is neither good nor bad (if you do not connect temperament and character). All types of temperament are equivalent, since, firstly, they were all preserved in the process of evolution, and secondly, each of the types of temperament has a property that compensates for its negative qualities, while other types of temperament do not have this property at all.

Each type of temperament can have its own advantages and disadvantages. People of sanguine temperament have a quick reaction, have increased performance, but quickly. On the contrary, melancholic people are slow to get to work, but they have great endurance. Their performance is usually higher in the middle or towards the end of work, rather than at the beginning. People with a choleric temperament can concentrate significant efforts in a short period of time. But when working for a long time, they do not always have enough endurance. Phlegmatic people, on the contrary, cannot quickly get together and concentrate their efforts, but they know how to work long and hard to achieve their goal.

The type of person’s temperament must be taken into account where the work makes special demands on the specified dynamic features of the activity.

Now let's look at it in detail 4 types of temperament.

Sanguine(strong, balanced, agile) - has a quick reaction speed, his actions are thoughtful, cheerful, due to which he is characterized by high resistance to the difficulties of life.

The mobility of his nervous system determines the variability of feelings, attachments, interests, views, and high adaptability to new conditions. This is a sociable person. He easily meets new people and therefore has a wide circle of acquaintances, although he is not distinguished by constancy in communication and affection. For the people around him, a sanguine person seems to be an eternal optimist, a never-failing joker. He shows kindness and willingness to help.

His speech is fast, loud, clear and accompanied by expressive gestures and facial expressions.

He is a productive worker, but only when there are a lot of interesting things to do, i.e. with constant excitement, otherwise he becomes boring, lethargic, and distracted.

A sanguine person easily makes promises, but at the same time does not always know how to keep them.

For a sanguine person, emotions arise easily and are easily replaced. The manifestations of his feelings are unstable, do not differ in duration and depth.

In a stressful situation, it exhibits a “lion reaction”, i.e. actively, thoughtfully defends himself, fights for normalization of the situation.

Sanguine children They are very interesting and difficult: they have many desires, they take on a lot, but often do not finish what they start. It costs them nothing to ask for forgiveness and immediately break the promise. They can be easily offended, but quickly forget the grievances. They cry often, but tears are easily replaced by a smile. Not vindictive.

Famous sanguine people: V.A. Mozart, Vivaldi, Mark Twain, Honore de Balzac, Francois Rabelais, Maria Sklodowska-Curie, V.I. Lenin, A.I. Herzen, M.Yu. Lermontov, Marcus Aurelius, Louis Pasteur.

Choleric(strong, unbalanced, agile) is a person whose nervous system is determined by the predominance of excitation over inhibition, as a result of which he reacts very quickly, often thoughtlessly, does not have time to slow down, restrain himself, shows impatience, impetuosity, abruptness of movements, hot temper, unbridledness, lack of restraint.

Choleric people have expressive facial expressions, hasty speech, sharp gestures, and unrestrained movements.

In communicating with people, a choleric person admits harshness, irritability, emotional incontinence, excessive straightforwardness, and hot temper. Often because of this, he cannot objectively evaluate people’s actions, and therefore creates conflict situations.

The imbalance of his nervous system predetermines the cyclical change in his activity and vigor: having become carried away by some task, he works passionately, with full dedication, but he does not have enough strength for long, and as soon as they are depleted, he works himself to the point that everything is unbearable for him. An irritated state appears, a bad mood, loss of strength and lethargy (“everything falls out of hand”).

Children with this temperament very active. They are characterized by cyclical work patterns. They love the company of peers and mass games. They are characterized by resentment and anger. The state of resentment and anger can be persistent and long-lasting. Noisy, violent, restless. They are vindictive.

Famous choleric people: Ludwig van Beethoven, F. Liszt, A.S. Pushkin, A.V. Suvorov, Salvador Dali, Peter I, V. Chapaev, V.V. Zhirinovsky.

Phlegmatic person(strong, balanced, inert) – reacts slowly, is taciturn, emotions appear slowly (it is difficult to anger or cheer).

In his activities he demonstrates thoroughness, thoughtfulness, and perseverance. Brings the job he started to completion. He has a high performance capacity, resists strong and prolonged stimuli and difficulties well, but is not able to react quickly in unexpected new situations.

He firmly remembers everything he has learned, is unable to give up acquired skills and stereotypes, does not like to change habits, routines, work, new friends, and adapts to new conditions with difficulty and slowly. The mood is stable and even. And in the event of serious troubles, the phlegmatic remains outwardly calm.

All mental processes in a phlegmatic person seem to proceed slowly. Feelings are poorly expressed outwardly. The reason for this is the balance and weak mobility of nervous processes.

In relationships with people, a phlegmatic person is always even, calm, and moderately sociable. A phlegmatic person is not easily angered or touched emotionally.

Sometimes a person of this temperament may develop an indifferent attitude towards work, towards people, towards life, even towards himself.

Phlegmatic children they look like little old men. They are calm, respectable, uncommunicative, do not offend anyone, do not offend them, and do not start a quarrel. Resentments last a long time. Vengeful. Therefore, a phlegmatic person should develop mobility and activity, and should not allow him to show indifference to activity or inertia.

Famous phlegmatic people: Galileo Galilei, M.I. Kutuzov, A.P. Borodin, I. Glazunov, A.K. Lyadov, Emmanuel Kant, Gennady Zyuganov.

Melancholic(weak, unbalanced, nervous processes are inactive) - a person has increased sensitivity even to weak stimuli, and a strong stimulus can already cause a “breakdown”, “stopper”, confusion, therefore in stressful situations (exam, competition, danger, etc.) ) the results of a melancholic person’s activity may worsen compared to a calm, familiar situation.

Increased sensitivity leads to rapid fatigue and decreased performance (longer rest is required).

Melancholic people are usually passive in their work, often with little interest (after all, interest is always associated with strong nervous tension).

Inside, a melancholic person constantly has a tense life, i.e. he attaches great importance to everything that concerns him personally. A melancholic person has a very vulnerable soul, and he is often in a heightened state of anxiety. A minor reason can cause resentment and tears.

Feelings and emotional states in these people arise slowly, but are distinguished by depth, great strength and duration. Melancholic people are easily vulnerable, have a hard time withstanding insults and grief, although outwardly all these experiences are weakly expressed in them.

Melancholic people are prone to isolation and loneliness, avoid communicating with unfamiliar people, are often embarrassed, and show great awkwardness in a new environment. Everything new and unusual causes inhibition in melancholic people. But in a familiar environment, they feel calm and work very productively.

Possessing a highly sensitive nervous system, melancholic people often have pronounced artistic and intellectual abilities.

A melancholic person never promises something that he cannot fulfill, and at the same time, when he refuses, he is very worried.

Children with a melancholic temperament They are quiet, shy, and avoid communication. They are touchy and hold grudges for a long time. Easily vulnerable, prone to strong feelings even with minor external influences.

Famous melancholics: P.I. Tchaikovsky, F. Chopin, I. Severyanin, S. Yesenin, A.P. Chekhov, N. Gumilyov, R. Descartes, Ch Darwin, Nicholas I, Elvis Presley, Grigory Yavlinsky.

Thus, each temperament has its own correlation of mental properties, primarily different degrees of activity and emotionality, as well as motor skills. All basic properties of nervous activity are innate and therefore types of temperament can manifest themselves already in childhood.

There are transitional, mixed, intermediate types of temperament. Often, a person’s temperament combines traits from different temperaments. Some people may have “pure” temperaments, but this is relatively rare.

Phlegmatic as a type of temperament.

The main characteristic of this type of phlegmatic

This type of temperament is distinguished by high mental balance, since a phlegmatic person belongs to the inert type of temperament, therefore it is very difficult to get them. However, if a phlegmatic person is taken out of balance, it will take a very long time for him to return to his normal state. Phlegmatic people with pronounced characteristics of this psychological type are not very common.

These are very calm and balanced people, excellent performers, but without much initiative. Possessing imperturbable calm, phlegmatic people, at the same time, are not able to rejoice from the heart; in general, they have difficulty with emotions, and this, as strange as it may seem, is their strongest side. The fact is that emotions often let a person down; they prevent him from thinking rationally, or even from thinking at all. Sometimes emotions become a person's enemy when behavior, desires and reactions become too obvious to others. A person who is on a wave of emotions often makes mistakes, or, not wanting to switch from one emotional wave to another, is charged with a certain mood for a long time.

Characteristics of a phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is endowed by nature with a kind of immunity from emotions. Yes, a phlegmatic person does not experience intense joyful emotions, but he is not under their power, being able to clearly follow his plan without being distracted by external factors. But phlegmatic people are somewhat inhibited, it is often difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, they are used to doing everything consistently, efficiently, and thoroughly. So these people do not take on ten things at once, and it is highly undesirable to entrust them with dynamic work that requires constant switching of attention. Speed ​​and quick changes in reactions, constant communication - all this is not suitable for pronounced phlegmatic people. The strength of phlegmatic people is their adequate self-esteem. It is well known that the more realistically a person looks at the world and himself, the fewer unnecessary actions and mistakes he makes. Moreover, phlegmatic people often tend to underestimate their capabilities, despite the fact that they are confident in their abilities, therefore they are not inclined to brag about their successes, demonstrating their genius.

Work and a phlegmatic person, work as a phlegmatic person

For a phlegmatic person, any type of activity that he approaches with all responsibility and care, sooner or later, will bring positive results. A phlegmatic person understands that by assessing himself adequately and working with great effort, a positive result will certainly come, and for a phlegmatic person this result is a pattern. Phlegmatic people are very patient, and although the dynamics of the modern world require somewhat greater flexibility and speed of reactions, people with the type of character that is inherent in phlegmatic people often rise up the career ladder. Phlegmatic people do not like to conflict in a team and are calm about the manifestation of negativity and dislike towards them, which is why they often get along with any type of character. Even if a phlegmatic person seems to be a very flexible person, efficient and not at all ambitious, this does not mean that he does not have long-term plans for his life, which in his understanding is far from being so helpful, and he sees himself much higher than one can imagine. ÷
In this, phlegmatic people are similar to melancholic people, but unlike melancholic people, they have enough self-confidence, and they perceive failures much better, so it is much more difficult to break their spirit.

Friendship and relationship with a phlegmatic person

Another similarity between a melancholic person and a phlegmatic person is their seriousness and long-term relationships with other people; phlegmatic people are also quite amorous and are not inclined to change partners often. Smooth, calm relationships completely suit them, but phlegmatic people often hide their feelings and emotions, and if they don’t hide it, then in any case you won’t expect a bright and extravagant display of emotions from a phlegmatic person. And there is no need to demand this from them. As a rule, a phlegmatic person does not have very many friends; people with this type of temperament keep a limited circle of friends around them, but this circle of friends can be called selective. Phlegmatic people are very attentive and selective. they will not be friends with everyone, if we are talking about real friendship, and not just casual friendship. And one more feature of a phlegmatic person, which predisposes to friendship with him - a phlegmatic person has an almost unique ability to listen to his interlocutor. This behavior evokes in response a desire to be in the company of such a person as often as possible and to make friends with him.
There is another pronounced feature of phlegmatic people - they know how to truly enjoy the process, which allows them to be quite patient, consistent and achieve the task. Without losing sight of the goal, they achieve it by contemplating it, understanding and appreciating every moment of micro success, which then grows into one big success and leads to the achievement of their goal.

Love in a relationship with a phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic love is the most sensual among all types of temperament. When a phlegmatic person is looking for a partner, he first pays attention to the common intellectual and emotional side, which will then serve as a bridge from heart to heart.

Since phlegmatic people show their feelings at the very beginning of a relationship, they can be deeply hurt by rejection or misunderstanding. That is why phlegmatic people do not see anything funny in dating, like, for example, sanguine people.

Dating for phlegmatic people is always aimed at finding a spouse or at least a long-term relationship. In fact, during dating, they give themselves completely and this often leaves them emotionally tired, so they need a break from time to time.
After a phlegmatic person finds the one (the one), he tries to maintain intimacy with his partner. He will avoid conflicts, make serious concessions and sacrifices - all for the sake of a cherished connection. And everything that happens in this relationship, be it a simple phone call or SMS, is considered by him as serious steps towards rapprochement.

Among all four temperament types, this is the most romantic type. He falls in love more often and romance is crucial to him. The phlegmatic person plans romantic evenings and weekends in advance.

A phlegmatic person will give you romantic cards, hug you and confess their love in the hope that you will respond in kind.

For a phlegmatic person, sex does not exist without romance. For him, sex and love are closely interconnected, which is the opposite of the sanguine character.

Since phlegmatic people are endowed with a rich imagination, they tend to idealize their partners. And it happens when two people delve further into their relationship and find out that their other half is not as ideal as they previously thought, the relationship can deteriorate or “poison” to the point of separation.

It is important to note that although phlegmatic people strive for harmony and spend a lot of energy building a connection with their partner, they do not like overly demanding people.

Once again, we need to pay attention to the fact that each of us combines several types of temperament; the basic one can be seen immediately if we show attentiveness to ourselves or others in order to identify this most basic type. Phlegmatic people certainly have more advantages than disadvantages, and although, of course, a certain inhibition, as well as a lack of predisposition to communicate, somewhat limits their capabilities, compared to other types of temperament, phlegmatic people need to work on themselves much less.

How do psychologists define phlegmatic people? Will an ordinary person be able to identify a phlegmatic person after a little communication with the latter?

It’s hard not to recognize a phlegmatic person, if you know the typical traits characteristic of this type of temperament. We will consider the characteristics of phlegmatic people: men and women in the article.

Scientific definition of the term

Psychologists, physiologists and other representatives of the scientific world classify subjects with inert type of nervous system, providing a person with a balanced, slow reaction to irritating factors and a calm mood under any circumstances.

In short, such a person has a low level of mental activity, so he is not prone to external expression of emotions and active facial expressions, even in emergency situations.

What is phlegmatism?

Equanimity seeming callousness and indifference to others with a more dynamic mentality.

The definition of phlegmatism also includes weakly active behavior, combined with drowsiness and general lethargy, which engulfs a person for most of the period of his wakefulness.

The concept of phlegmatization

The term is associated with the chemical and other industries where processes require the use of substances that can minimize the risk of activating explosive substances. Thus, phlegmatization should be understood influence techniques to suppress a violent reaction.

Who are phlegmatic people? Find out from the video:

Psychological picture

Calm facial expressions and restraint of a phlegmatic person, almost never shows aggression, often irritates others, who mistake such behavior for arrogance, callousness and even lack of development.

But the latter is true only in cases where a person actually has deviations in intellectual development.

Phlegmatic person interested in achieving the goal can be compared to the fate of fate- Getting the desired result is only a matter of time.

Because such a person will fully concentrate on the object and will move in the intended direction for as long as desired, with no less interest and enthusiasm.

The truth is that no one will see from the side of emotional “burning”: before the eyes of others there will be the same subject, “greedy” for emotions and an abundance of unnecessary body movements.

The characteristic features of phlegmatic people are:

Features of temperament:

  1. In conversations, inexpressive intonation prevails, facial accompaniment is minimal.
  2. The mood is stable.
  3. There is some inhibition in actions, especially those related to new activities.
  4. Decisions are always well-founded; spontaneous actions are alien.
  5. Inert behavior in relationships and work. Memorized instructions are followed flawlessly. It takes more time to learn the new regulations than other employees.


Phlegmatic is easy to identify even for a non-psychologist.

People with this temperament are different:

  • harmoniousness (a favorable prognosis in friendship, cooperation or marriage with a person of any temperament, if the partner is a socially adequate and law-abiding person);
  • loyalty;
  • lack of desire to take initiative in any matter;
  • the ability to listen;
  • love of order;
  • sacrifice.

Typical traits of a phlegmatic man:

  • silent;
  • balanced;
  • calm;
  • concentrated;
  • stingy in showing emotions when communicating with any people;
  • hardworking;
  • preferring quiet work, where the result depends on determination and perseverance.

Typical traits of a phlegmatic woman:

  • not prone to frivolous actions;
  • rarely or never hysterical;
  • hardworking;
  • speaks slowly, in a quiet voice;
  • in her wardrobe she prefers things in pastel colors, a strict or even undefined style.

For young parents who do not have teaching experience, a phlegmatic firstborn is a gift of fate in all respects, if they do not abuse the behavioral characteristics of their baby.

He is not demanding of a lot of attention from adults, and can enthusiastically study a subject he likes for a long time. Grown-up child He has his own opinion about everything, which he will share only with those who have earned trust.

Slowness in doing any work can be cause of displeasure on the part of adults, obvious choleric people or.

But if they realize how thoughtful their child is about every activity - from tying shoelaces to solving complex problems - then they will be able to raise a person who is able to achieve any goals.

Tips for raising a phlegmatic child:

Description of qualities

What does a phlegmatic person mean? Restraint and slowness- innate characteristics of a person with a phlegmatic temperament.

Constant attempts to force such a person to move in an uncharacteristic rhythm of life become the cause of development.

He is not lazy, as it may seem from the outside, he just has a special structure of his nervous system.

What kind of work is suitable?

Best dealt with with the responsibilities of a doctor (the most suitable specialties are therapist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, psychologist/psychotherapist), accountant, HR employee, and researcher.

Phlegmatic temperament and choice of profession:

Features, pros and cons

Features include:


  • reliability;
  • realism in judgments and perceptions;
  • no conflict;
  • patience;
  • composure.


  • lack of initiative;
  • slowness;
  • excessive harshness in statements due to a lack of understanding that directness can hurt;
  • isolation;
  • slow-wittedness.

Definition and characteristics

Choleric and phlegmatic in one person. If a person sometimes manifests himself as a choleric person, and sometimes as a phlegmatic person, then this may indicate some mental disorders, and perhaps simply fatigue.

Phlegmatic-choleric. These are two antipodes, capable of stably conflicting with each other or forming an ideal union in which the shortcomings of one will be compensated by the advantages of the other.

The main thing in such relationships is the desire to listen and the understanding that the partner is not doing something out of spite, but is simply structured differently and has his own, justified, view of things.

Phlegmatic introvert. Most phlegmatic people are introverts.

But if a phlegmatic extrovert appears on the horizon, then you will not find a better friend and a more reliable executive assistant in any undertaking.

How to communicate correctly?

Just like with any other person. Basic principles:

  1. Respect.
  2. Listen.
  3. Let's understand that you value his skills, abilities, and abilities.

How to become phlegmatic?

Having achieved Zen.

Seriously, it would be nice for choleric or sanguine people to learn from phlegmatic people a thoughtful attitude to solving problems, and melancholic people would benefit from a less painful reaction to imaginary or real sidelong glances from strangers.

Famous and famous phlegmatic people:

Pure phlegmatic people, as well as sanguine people, choleric people, melancholic people, occur in exceptional cases.

But knowledge of the characteristics of each temperament facilitates communication between cultured people looking for common ground and the opportunity to build a constructive dialogue in any situation.

Strengths and weaknesses of a phlegmatic person, and how to communicate with him: