What can not be given and why. Is it possible to give gifts in advance Is it possible to return gifts signs

They say that gifts are not given. This superstition has firmly entered the minds of many people. But why is it impossible to give a gift and what will happen if you still give a thing that was once given to you?

Many people are not ashamed of the fact that they often give what they were given. As a rule, such gifts include things that turned out to be unnecessary for a person. For example, for your birthday you were accidentally given two identical vacuum cleaners, and a relative, for example, also has a holiday in a week. So why not save and donate a thing?

Why gifts are not given

It is believed that by giving a thing, a person puts a piece of his soul into it. Giving is a special sacrament when a person gives not the gift itself, but, above all, his good disposition, warmth and love.

What happens when a person redistributes a gift? By donating a thing, you can lose the energy connection with the one who gave it to you. By doing this, you show disrespect for the person and his disposition towards you. According to popular belief, a given gift will not bring anything good either to you or to the one to whom you present it. You cannot put a piece of your soul, your warmth and love into this thing, so the thing will not bring anything good.

If you want to establish contact with a person, an emotional connection, to please him, then choose a gift especially for him. Believe me, it's better to give a trinket chosen especially for a person than the same vacuum cleaner that you didn't need. Such a gift will be filled with goodness and joy and will bring happiness to the birthday man.

There are situations when gifts can be re-gifted. For example, when something is passed down from generation to generation in a family. In this case, the gift will bring good luck and be able to protect from troubles and hardships. By the way, residents of Western countries have long made it a habit to give gifts with checks. Thus, they show that the gift was chosen specifically for the birthday man, and not redistributed as unnecessary.

Whether you believe signs and superstitions or not, you should remember that any gift must be given with a soul. Only then will it bring joy and happiness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.07.2014 09:13

Alexey Pokhabov, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, spoke on his website about gifts that bring evil and...

There are many folk signs associated with important events in our lives. Let's talk about signs...

Probably many remember the children's proverb "Gifts are not gifts." The question - is it possible to re-gift, is really relevant, because they often present what we do not need, but would be useful to other people. It's time to find out when you can and when you can't get rid of unnecessary presents.

Why you can not regift - signs

There are many signs related to gifts. One of the most common - do not give as a gift.

According to one theory, the fact is that earlier almost all gifts were “handmade” and a person invested a piece of his soul, his energy, time in what he created, and therefore getting rid of the gift would be blasphemy.

At a minimum, a person who made such a step would be offended. On the other hand, by giving a gift, a person loses all the good things that they wished him.

People believe that during the transfer of a gift, the giver gives away part of his spiritual energy and an energy field is formed between two people, a strong connection.

While the gift is with the birthday man, the donor is remembered, the connection is preserved. And if the gift is re-gifted, the energy field breaks. Accordingly, the relationship between these two people may also worsen. By giving a gift to a friend, you can lose it.

What gifts can you get rid of

There are exceptions to all rules. Indeed, there are items that can be presented a second time. For example:

  • decorations;
  • antiques;
  • original paintings;
  • any thing that is passed down from generation to generation.

This can only be done after cleaning the item. Otherwise, along with the accumulated energy of others, the donated mirror, dagger, picture (which may turn out to be negative) will pass to another person.

The same applies to precious jewelry. Especially if the ring is not given by a blood relative. In this case, the thing must be consecrated in the church or washed with holy water on its own and the Lord's Prayer read over it.

There are different opinions regarding the tradition of giving nominal knives or daggers. In a similar way, you can perpetuate the memory of the ancestors who passed this weapon in their family (from father to son). However, the knife itself does not carry positive energy and there are many signs confirming that piercing and cutting objects will attract negativity to the new owner.

Psychics insist that if the dagger was not used for self-defense, it does not “know what blood is” and accumulates not negative energy, but wisdom, experience that are passed on to the younger generation, then this is a good gift.

What to do with unwanted gifts?

Perhaps someone gave you a little thing that you don’t need and you don’t mind getting rid of it. You can do it differently. In the first case, if there is a check, change it in the store for a more suitable product or return it.

Take things to a charitable foundation or orphanage. They will bring much more benefits than being in a closet. Give the thing to the person who, in your opinion, will need it more.

Regifting gifts, of course, is not the most good idea. Especially if they were presented from a pure heart and whole soul. However, there are situations in which you can get rid of a gift without attracting negative energy to yourself.

Gifts that cannot be given (folk signs).
There are popular beliefs - "bad gifts": gifts that lead to something bad.
Watches - it is not recommended to give a person with whom you do not want to part.
A comb or brush that you donated will help to find out your secrets.
But if you give a box, then do not expect to be initiated into your secrets.
Glasses. It is believed that after such a gift, a person will look at the world through your eyes.
If you give a carpet - it's good luck. Most likely, you will have an excellent relationship with this person for a very long time.
Knives, forks, spoons. It is not recommended to give these items, as well as any cutting ones. In case you are offered them persistently, it is better to pay off by giving the donor a nominal fee
Alcohol. You can give if you intend to drink this drink together on the same day. In other cases, I strongly do not recommend resorting to such original gift- Take away a person's health.
It is dangerous to give gloves and mittens. The danger lies in the fact that a person can initiate a break in relations with you.
But a pen or pencil handed to a friend may mean that you will be able to lead his hand, guide him.
A wallet is given by putting any banknote into it so that its new owner lives in abundance.
Cosmetics, perfumes, colognes bring the effect of deceit and hypocrisy into your relationship with a person.
Scarves, towels and napkins have been seen to bring the parting. So think carefully about whether to give them as a gift. A handkerchief - to tears, separation.
If you want to become a welcome guest in the house, old people recommend giving the owners a tablecloth.
It is considered a bad sign to give a lighter. As noted, the relationship of such people can end, and contrary to their wishes.
And finally, about flowers. It has been said a lot that if you give roses, you first need to break off all the thorns from them.
Folk signs and objects - "Not Gifts" 2
Giving houseplants in pots should be done with the purest of intentions. If you feel sorry for the flower, it’s better not to give it: the new owner will dry it anyway.
You should also be careful with gifts (pens, souvenirs, etc.) with incomprehensible inscriptions. A superstitious person, seeing unreadable hieroglyphs, may consider them to be a magical inscription.
There is a belief that one should not give unique porcelain Chinese dolls to children. If such a doll is made in one copy and it had a real prototype, the "soul" of the toy can harm the child.
If a person is not a passionate collector of paintings, you should not give him a picture with a sad or gloomy plot. Seeing a landscape with a shipwreck, a superstitious birthday person may be upset.
It is not customary to give portraits and icons - such a gift will lead to a quarrel between the donor and the recipient.
Figures of pigeons, crows, magpies and marsh birds bring sad thoughts and troubles, so giving them is also not recommended.
It is undesirable to give things related to diseases. These are thermometers, tonometers and so on.
How to relate to gifts prohibited by folk signs? Whether to accept them is up to you. If you really want to receive a string of pearls as a gift, forget everything you just read.
If you accidentally brought a gift from the "black list", and the hero of the occasion does not want to accept it, do not insist. Take back your gift and promise to bring a better one. There is another sign: in order for a “dangerous” gift to cease to be such, you need to take a nominal fee for it. The birthday boy will not quarrel with a friend who donated knives if he pays for them. A given indoor flower will not dry out, and a cat will not run away and die if it turns into a purchase. Let the fee be only 1 ruble or even 10 kopecks, the main thing is that the condition is met.

Not all presents presented for any event turn out to be necessary and useful, some of them have neither moral nor practical value, and simply gather dust on shelves or in pantries, while they would be very useful to other people.

That's when there is a desire to give a gift to someone from relatives or friends. However, many folk signs prohibit re-gifting presents.

By giving a present, you can break the energy connection with the one who presented it.

Can gifts be transferred?

To answer this question, you should turn to signs and beliefs:

  • By giving a present, you can break the energy connection with the one who presented it. It is believed that a donated gift will not benefit either the giver or the new owner.
  • In ancient times, it was believed that along with the present, the donor gives away a small part of his luck, to re-gift it - to give his luck to the new owner.

In some Western countries, it is customary to give gifts along with a check so that the new owner can return an unused item to the store.

What gifts can be given away?

  1. First of all, this applies to family heirlooms. From time immemorial, family jewelry has been passed down from the older generation to the younger; they were considered a kind of amulet protecting the peace of the new owner. The only condition is that you need to give the jewelry to a close relative.
  2. You can also donate antiques, original paintings or antiques. Especially if the gifted person is an avid collector or collector. Before presenting a gift to a new owner, an energy cleansing should be carried out so as not to give someone else's negative energy along with the present.
  3. It is also possible to re-gift if such a thing is already available, that is, two irons, or two coffee makers, or two identical sets of towels, etc. were presented for some celebration, then it is appropriate to re-gift one of the gifts, only give the present to the new owner just like that, without any reason. In this case, it will be considered charity, and all signs will become irrelevant.

You can donate antiques, original paintings or antiques

What do you do with gifts you don't like?

Some gifts received from unfamiliar or negative donors can and should be disposed of. They can be sold, exchanged, or simply thrown away so as not to disturb your peace of mind.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the jewelry that was not to your liking. They should not be re-gifted or sold. You need to take them to a jewelry workshop and melt them into the thing you like, after which you go to church and consecrate and wear it without fear.

To avoid misunderstanding or bad influence, you should approach the choice of a gift responsibly and prudently, and certainly not acquire the thing that you yourself would not want to receive.

The question of whether gifts can be re-gifted worries a lot of people. It is believed that when a person makes a gift, he puts a piece of his soul into it. First of all, the giver gives not only a thing, but a piece of his love, warmth and good mood. Therefore, it is generally accepted that after this item is donated, you may lose your energy connection with the person from whom this gift was received.

Folk signs say that a given gift cannot bring anything good either to you or to the one to whom it will be addressed. After all, a piece of another person has already been invested in the gift, because of which you will not be able to put your energy there. In addition, the donor will certainly be upset if he finds out that the item chosen and handed to him with love upset you and was not needed.

If you want to make not only pleasant for a loved one, but also establish an emotional connection, then choose a gift especially for him. It is better to give some not very expensive, but useful trinket, than to re-gift some valuable thing that costs a lot of money. In the first case, the gift may be small, but it will be filled with your love, warmth and energy. In the second, he can bring misfortune to the birthday man.

In any case, you should not re-gift gifts, even if they have become unusable or simply do not like.

In the West, they have long begun to give gifts with checks, thereby showing that he was chosen specifically for the donee. And if the gift is not to your liking, it can be returned to the same store from which it came. But in our realities, such a practice has not yet taken root.

The only time you can re-gift gifts is family heirlooms. For example, rings. In this case, the gift is able to protect the family from various troubles. This list can include chains, crosses and other family values.

What to do with the "objectionable" thing?

If you received a gift that you do not like, you do not need to make a face, showing your disappointment, and refuse it. After all, a person spent not only his money, but also time, effort, emotions during the choice. He probably tried to please you, but the fact that he made a small mistake by not guessing your preferences does not mean anything. Be indulgent, because you yourself could find yourself in the place of the donor.

There are cases when the gift was relevant, but time passed and it became unnecessary. In both cases, you do not need to try to re-gift them to someone. If you don’t know exactly why you can’t give a gift, but hesitate, you can simply give it to one of your relatives for temporary use. As you know, there is nothing more permanent than temporary.

If it does not interfere with you, then it is best to carefully put all unnecessary gifts in a separate box or in a separate room. Surely the time will come when a seemingly useless trinket will find its use. If the gift is clothes, then you can give it to an orphanage. Children will certainly be happy to receive such a gift, and you will not only get rid of unnecessary things, but also help people.

It is bad luck to give away jewelry. In no case do not get rid of gift rings, crosses and other jewelry in this way. If the ring or earrings do not suit your style, give them for remelting, and then order a new jewelry made of the same metal. The cross, if you do not wear a symbol of faith, you can simply leave it in a jewelry box.