Openwork crochet patterns drawing and diagram. Crochet patterns for beginners. Crochet. Openwork patterns: patterns and application

Using a crochet hook you can create a wide variety of openwork patterns. The complexity of their implementation may vary. Simple crochet patterns of openwork flowers, diamonds and pineapple are perfect for beginner knitters. Moreover, with their help, stunning dresses, skirts, sweaters and other items and interior decorations are created. Pictures and diagrams will help you visually see the result and study the order of execution.

Pineapple pattern

The pineapple pattern is very common in crochet. It is used in a variety of products, such as dresses, skirts, blouses, napkins and even umbrellas. Things with a pineapple pattern look elegant and romantic. They are suitable for a date with your loved one, adding a gentle touch to your look.

Mastering pineapple for beginners will not be a problem. Knitting it is not difficult, moreover, it is interesting. To perform it, only air loops, half-columns and columns with one, two with and without yarn overs.

The knitting pattern and description for it are shown in the picture below.

Openwork rhombuses

Openwork diamonds are another interesting crochet pattern. Products made with their help look more formal and business-like. Original sweaters and vests are suitable for the office and will slightly dilute the business style of clothing.

Knitting diamonds is even easier than pineapples. For beginners, you only need to master air loops and stitches with yarn over

There are quite a few options for tying rhombuses. One of them is presented below. The diagram clearly shows the knitting sequence.

Floral patterns

There are a huge number of options for making openwork flowers. These will be easier to make for beginner knitters than the previous two options. Dresses with openwork flowers will make the image of their owners light and floating, and will give them a summer mood.

Knitting flowers is possible in separate motifs or in one fabric. If you have no experience with crochet, it is better to choose the second knitting method.

The floral pattern, detailed description and diagram are given below.

Every fashionista dreams of beautiful things in her wardrobe. Having mastered simple patterns, you will be able to crochet openwork dresses, skirts, blouses and other wardrobe items and home decorations.

Openwork patterns

In ancient times, people, trying to decorate their homes and somehow diversify their lives, tried to use the simplest materials for this. They made objects of simple shapes with simple patterns and gradually reached heights of mastery in this area. Having arisen as a simple necessity, hand knitting over time has turned into a real art. And this is not an exaggeration!

Nowadays, many are fascinated by this interesting and useful activity, so newcomers to this business are interested in how to crochet. For beginners, a large number of master classes have been created on the Internet, as well as printed publications with lessons devoted to this type of needlework.

A little history

It is not known for certain who, where and when invented and made the first loop, but scientists claim that knitted items appeared long before our era. A child's knitted slipper was discovered in one of the ancient Egyptian tombs. Archaeologists were very surprised when it was found that this thing was more than 4 thousand years old.

For many, it will come as a surprise to learn that initially only men were involved in knitting. They even tried to fight female competition and entered into agreements with each other. Thus, in 1612, the hosiery workers of Prague swore that they would not hire a single female representative.

How to choose a tool

The first crochet lesson for beginners usually focuses on choosing the right tools. You should not immediately delve into their wide variety. Over time, everyone will learn to understand this. Now the main thing is to choose a convenient tool to begin to comprehend the basics of this type of needlework.

For training, you need to take a hook that is not too thick, but not too thin. In this case, the ideal numbers are: 3, 3.5 and 4. The numbers indicate the thickness of the head in millimeters.

A rod length of 12-15 cm will be enough to comfortably hold the hook. Once the tool has been chosen, you can begin to learn the very basics of crochet for beginners. Longer hooks (30-45 cm) are used in Tunisian weaving. To comfortably hold the hook shaft in your hand, it should be slightly flattened and widened in the middle.

It is best if it is made of stainless steel or aluminum with a special Teflon coating, silver plating, etc. Simple aluminum hooks will not work, as they stain not only your hands, but also the yarn. In addition, the head of the tool should be slightly rounded and not sharp. This is very important, as it can hurt your fingers.

The thickness of the yarn should also correspond to the hook number. Typically, the threads chosen are 1.5-2 times thinner than the tool itself. To make simple crochet comfortable for beginners, it is recommended to take yarn of light colors, smooth texture and medium thickness. It can be acrylic or wool thread mixed with it.

Air chain

The first lesson on "How to Crochet for Beginners" always includes learning how to crochet chain stitch. Work on any product begins with it. The only difference is how many loops are needed for each product.

To knit an air chain, you need to throw the thread over the index finger of your left hand, and lightly grasp its free end in the palm of your hand. Then with the right hand they take the hook and put it under the thread, then turn and twist it so that a loop is formed. A thread is pulled into it. The last action is repeated until a whole chain of the required length is formed.

Single crochet

Step-by-step crochet for beginners is to clearly show how to weave the simplest fabric. After the air chain is ready, it’s time to proceed directly to knitting the pattern. It can be either solid or openwork. The knitting density depends on the type of stitches and the combinations in which they will be used. There are only a few types of columns, but together with air loops they can form a huge number of different patterns.

First you should learn how to make a single crochet. It is performed in two steps. First of all, the hook is inserted into the loop of the base. This can be either an air chain or a loop from the previous row. Then they grab the working thread and pull it through it. There are now two loops on the hook. Next, the working thread is again hooked and pulled through them.

It should be noted that to form a neat edge of the future product, the column at the beginning of the first row is knitted into the fourth loop from the hook. For the second row, such an indentation will no longer be needed. For it, it is enough to knit just one loop for lifting, and then follow the description.

Double crochet chain stitches

Their knitting is very similar to the stitches, but before pulling the working thread from the base, a thread is thrown onto the hook itself. This can be done once or several times, depending on how many yarn overs you need to make.

Next, you need to knit the first pair of loops on the hook with a working thread, i.e. a working one and one yarn over, and then two more - the resulting one and the next one. If it is a single crochet stitch, then we can say that the work with it is completed. With two or more loops thrown over, you will have to knit two loops until there is only one left on the hook.

The edge of the canvas should not be pulled together under any circumstances. To do this, knit lifting loops for each new row. Their number directly depends on the number of yarn overs.

Knitting in the round

In addition to the fact that there are things that are woven in straight rows, there are also products that are made in the circle. To fasten their rows together, connecting posts are used. They are knitted in the same way as single crochets, but only in one step. This means that the loop on the hook is knitted with a thread pulled through the base.

Expansion and contraction of the canvas

It is very important to know how to increase and decrease the size of products by adding or subtracting loops. This is especially true for those who want to become an expert on how to crochet. For beginners, such decreases and additions will not present any difficulty.

To expand the part, columns, with or without double crochets, are knitted from a common base loop. This principle is used to make, for example, patterns such as “fan” or “shell”. In this case, the hook is inserted into the same loop of the base and a stitch is knitted. This action is repeated as many times as necessary according to the pattern.

If the part of the product needs to be narrowed, then the columns are knitted, making them have a common top. To do this, leave not one, but two loops on the hook. Next, make the next stitch in the adjacent base loop. At the very end, knit all the loops together and perform one more additional chain stitch.

Diagrams: how to read them

There are special symbols to indicate different types of loops for those who love crocheting. For beginners, diagrams simply need to learn to read. What are they?

For better clarity of sequential knitting loops, rapport is usually depicted in the form of a diagram. It is a constantly repeating part of the pattern. Usually rapport is highlighted either in a different color or with various brackets and asterisks. In addition, knitting patterns contain edge or outer loops, which will subsequently go into the seam. They often contain other information as well. For example, where to start knitting a pattern or fasten stitches is also usually indicated in the direction of work. Anyone interested in crocheting knows this. It is best to take simpler patterns for beginners until you have some experience in this matter. Over time, you will be able to take on more complex knitting.


In order to make a product of the required size, it is necessary to make some measurements and calculations. Despite the fact that a knitted model always comes with a description with a ready-made number of loops, you still need to do the calculations yourself.

Experienced craftsmen know that everyone has their own so-called knitting style. This means that one person can tighten the loops tightly, while another person can tighten them loosely. Therefore, experts in the field of how to crochet advise beginners not to do it too weakly, since the hand is not yet accustomed to this type of needlework, and the patterns, even the simplest ones, will look a little sloppy due to the different size of the loops.

To calculate the knitting density, you need to make a pattern repeat pattern. If the intended product is large in size, for example, a jacket or dress, then the knitting fragment should be no less than 10 x 10 cm. For small things, such as socks or mittens, it is enough to cast on 12-16 chain stitches in width and knit about 6 -8 rows high.

The next step is washing the sample. If the yarn is cotton, linen or wool, the knitted sample can be steamed or lightly ironed. If the yarn contains acrylic or other synthetic fibers, then the iron should not be used. After the sample has completely dried, you can safely begin the calculations.

For example, you need to knit a fabric 30 cm wide. Take a ruler and mark a whole number of columns in just a few centimeters. Let's say we get 19 pieces per 10 cm. Then the number of columns per 1 cm is calculated: 19: 10 = 1.9. It should be noted that the numbers after the decimal point are very important to take into account, otherwise we risk getting a canvas larger than necessary. And the final calculation: 1.9 x 30 cm = 57 columns. The height of the canvas is calculated in the same way.

Despite the fact that the industrial production of knitted clothing has reached unprecedented rates, hand knitting remains a very original and attractive type of needlework. It allows you to create truly unique and unique models. In addition to clothes, you can also crochet many different decorative items, such as toys, bags, napkins, lace, and bedspreads. This is real creativity in which everyone can express their vision of beauty through color, texture, weave and pattern.

Crochet patterns, knitting patterns with descriptions of knitting. Samples crochet patterns.

Pattern No. 1

Knitting pattern

For the sample, dial a chain of 30 v. sts plus 2 sts for symmetry, plus 3 sts. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. If a new row starts from 3rd century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n, then the row should also be completed with st. s/n. If a new row starts from 1 st. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., then the row should also be completed with st. b/n. Repeat in height from row 3 to row 6.

Pattern No. 2

Pattern diagram

For a sample, dial a chain of 22 v. p. plus 2 v. n. for symmetry, plus 1 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting a row with loops before the repeat, finish knitting a row with loops after the repeat. If a new row starts from 3rd century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., then the row should also be completed with st. s/n. If a new row starts from 1 st. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., then the row should also be completed with st. b/n. Repeat rows 1 and 2 in height.

Pattern No. 3


For a sample, dial a chain of 24 v. p. plus 1 p. for symmetry, plus 1 st. lifting point. Follow the diagram. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. If a new row starts from the 5th century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. 3/n., then the row should also be completed with st. 3/n. If a new row starts from 3rd century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., then the row should also be completed with st. s/n. If a new row starts from 1 st. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., then the row should also be completed with st. b/n. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 6th row.

Pattern No. 4

Knitting pattern

For the sample, dial a chain of 42 v. p. plus 2 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting the row also st. s/n. Repeat in height from the 2nd to the 4th row.

Pattern No. 5

Pattern diagram

For a sample, dial a chain of 20 v. p. plus 1 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. If a new row starts from 3rd century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., then finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. If a new row starts from 1 st. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., then the row should also be completed with st. b/n. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row.

Pattern No. 6


For a sample, dial a chain of 24 v. p. plus 1 v. n. for symmetry, plus 1 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting a row with loops before the repeat, finish knitting a row with loops after the repeat. If a new row starts from the 5th century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. 3/n., then you should also finish knitting the row with st. 3/n. If a new row starts from 1 st. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., then the row should also be completed with st. b/n. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 8th row.

Pattern No. 7

Knitting pattern

For the sample, dial a chain of 36 v. p. plus 7 c. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 5th row.

Pattern No. 8

Pattern diagram

For a sample, dial a chain of 24 v. p. plus 6 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting a row with loops before the repeat, finish knitting a row with loops after the repeat. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat rows 3 and 4 in height.

Pattern No. 9

Knitting pattern

For a sample, dial a chain of 22 v. p. plus 2 v. n. for symmetry, plus 1 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat in height from the 2nd to the 7th row.

Pattern No. 10


For the sample, dial a chain of 32 v. n. plus 3 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat rows 1 and 2 in height.

Pattern No. 11

Knitting pattern

For a sample, dial a chain of 24 v. p. plus 1 p. for symmetry, plus 1 st. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. If a new row starts from the 5th century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. 3/n., then the row should also be completed with st. 3/n. If a new row starts from 3rd century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., then the row should also be completed with st. s/n. If a new row starts from 1 st. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., then the row should also be completed with st. b/n. Repeat in height from rows 1 to 6. Change the yarn color every three rows.

Pattern No. 12

Pattern diagram

For the sample, dial a chain of 30 v. p. plus 1 v. n. for symmetry, plus 1 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting odd rows from 1st century. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. b/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. b/n. Start knitting even rows with a set of chains from the 9th century. p. Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows in height.

Pattern No. 13


For the sample, dial a chain of 36 v. n. plus 3 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat in height from rows 1 to 6.

Pattern No. 14

Knitting pattern

For a sample, dial a chain from the 18th century. p. plus 4 v. n. for symmetry, plus 1 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Each new row, starting from the 2nd, knit from 3 in. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat rows 3 and 4 in height.

Pattern No. 15

Pattern diagram

For a sample, dial a chain of 20 v. p. plus 1 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 3 ins. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. s/n., finish knitting row 1 tbsp. s/n. Repeat in height from the 2nd to the 9th row.

Pattern No. 16

Knitting pattern

For the sample, dial a chain of 30 v. p. plus 1 v. p. for symmetry, plus 3 in. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows forward and reverse rows. Start knitting each new row from 4th inch. p. lifting, which corresponds to 1 tbsp. 2/n„ finish knitting row 1 tbsp. 2/n. Repeat in height from row 3 to row 6.

pattern for canvas. I really liked this pattern because it looks great on thick threads and doesn’t lose its appeal. Looks good in chunky knit.
The pattern is suitable for finishing the bottom and sleeves of a dress, pullover, skirt, and can also be the basis for a stole, jacket, or shawl.
Walnut path

Patterns by craftswoman Pani Anya from
I really love this pattern. It doesn't knit very quickly, but it always looks impressive. Plastic like a mesh, you can take liberties in the calculations - it will still stretch or fit as it should. To prevent the openwork from spreading, you need to knit the double column not under the arch, but in a loop - because of this, the speed drops.
The sample shows chamomile yarn (PNK), 320m/75g (that is, about 430m/100g), hook 1.9

Another favorite pattern is technical, as I call it. If you need to get a non-transparent, but openwork crochet fabric, this is it. Not very stretchy, elongation coefficient is about 20%, moderately dense. It is very convenient if you need to “cover” strategically important places from prying eyes in a summer openwork item. If you knit from thin wool, the item turns out to be very warm.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find a single-color sample, only a striped one. Maxi yarn 565m/100g, hook 1.5. If you crochet 1.75-2 it will be more openwork, while maintaining opacity and density.

Another “technical” pattern, probably the one I use most often. Good for everyone - knits quickly, flexible, laconic. An important quality - it makes you look slim. It is easy to fit and expand the fabric by adding or subtracting columns. Pairs perfectly with any motif. The sample shows Semenovsky cotton Cable, 430m/100g, hook 2.1

Granny square, also known as "grandmother's square". A classic motif, usually multi-colored. It’s very simple, you can recycle leftover yarn and knit anything for your home - small (seat covers, pincushions, coasters for hot dishes) and large (it looks great in blankets - just wow!). Often used in clothing decoration - scarves, stoles, shawls-ponchos, bags.
Sample: Jeans YarnArt, cotton-acrylic 50%, 176m/50g, hook 3

Fans and mesh. Plastic, easy to knit, because of the vertical stripes of the fans it will fold, because of the stripes of the mesh it stretches where it needs to be. You can knit in the round or in reverse rows - the look is the same, because the stripes of the fans always end up on the “face”. The mesh looks “clearer” if you knit a single crochet not under the arch, but in a loop, but it takes longer, so I usually don’t bother.
The sample shows yarn Garus "Turn", viscose, 500m/100g, hook size 1.9. The thread is shiny, the hook here is a little larger than needed for this thread and the sample is so small, because knitting with Garus is not an easy task.

But the motive is light and beautiful.
I often see it in different models. It is good in all incarnations - both things composed entirely of motifs, and decoration-decoration with a stripe of motifs. Pairs best with simple patterns (stripes, mesh stripes, loin mesh).
The sample shows yarn Romashka (PNK), hook 2

A simple but effective pattern - polka dots. With external “holes” it is quite dense and has little stretch; in order to maintain the delicacy, it is better to crochet a slightly larger number than is usually accepted for this yarn. Very capricious towards companions, goes well only with something geometrically simple - just columns, stripes of fillet knitting. It will be very good in a combination of fabric and crochet fabric.
The sample shows Ivushka yarn (Semyonovskaya factory), cotton/viscose, 430m/100g, hook 2.1

We modify the previous pattern and get openwork polka dots
It is knitted faster because the groups of stitches are knitted under the arch, which is why the pattern is more voluminous and flexible than on the previous sample. It stretches weakly. But it’s easy to vary the size of the holes - if you knit not two air loops, but 3 (4, 5) holes will be larger.
When I took the photo, I forgot to attach a ruler, but take my word for it - the width of the sample is the same as the previous one, the yarn-hook is the same (Ivushka Semenovskaya, cotton/viscose, 430m/100g, hook 2.1).
Application examples are from online store catalogs.

Another frequently used pattern. It knits very quickly, is flexible, and can be easily expanded by adding air loops and/or stitches, immediately across the entire row or in groups. It stretches in all directions, so it is absolutely indispensable when knitting something fitted, such as skirts (10-12 centimeters from the waist down). It combines well with some geometric openwork and motifs, if you want to combine it with something romantic and delicate (for example , "pineapple" pattern), I would advise visually separating one pattern from another with something neutral - a strip of stitches (single crochet or double crochet) or one or two rows of fillet mesh
The sample shows yarn Begonia YarnArt, cotton 169m/50g, hook 2.5
On the sample, by the way, there is a piece of the skirt yoke, you can see the expansion - where the ruler is, there is a belt, where the top of the sample is, there are hips, in the groups the number of columns has been increased.

A simple, but very elegant pattern - also groups of columns under an arch, but not in a checkerboard pattern, but in a checkered pattern. The pattern stretches weakly in width, but in height it can be knitted in the round or in reverse rows - the stitches are always “on the face”.
The sample shows Begonia YarnArt yarn, cotton 169m/50g, hook 2.1

Words cannot express how much I love these cells. By varying the height of the columns and the number of air loops between the columns, you can make the cells larger or smaller, square or rectangular. It stretches very weakly, does not knit quickly (rows with single crochets slow down the growth of the fabric), but it always looks beautiful.

This pattern with vertical stripes of fans is so common that I even hesitated whether to include it in the samples or not.
The pattern is very simple, it is knitted quickly, all the stitches are knitted “under the arch”, because of this the speed is good, it stretches well in width, in height - a little less, it is easy to “fit” it on the figure by changing the number of loops and/or stitches, in to the whole row at once or in groups.
There is one note - when choosing a hook, take a number slightly larger than you usually knit this yarn. Because of the fans, the fabric drapes weakly, and by decreasing the number of the hook you will make it completely “standing up”
The sample shows Jasmine yarn from the Kirov plant, cotton, 220m/75g, hook 3
And examples of the pattern - photos taken from catalogs (and at the same time an illustration of how to put the pattern on a model - with adding loops or adding fans)

When you can’t come up with anything, but you need it quickly, and even so that it expands and contracts easily
Plastic, knits quickly. Disadvantages - it looks a bit boring and while you knit it you fall asleep from the monotony.
The sample shows Summer YarnArt, 70% cotton 30% viscose, 100g/350m, hook 3.
In the sample above there is already an extension - the tracks are 4 columns, not 3, first every other time, then all together.

Again a pattern based on those already shown. And it retains all the qualities of the previous one - it knits quickly, is simple, drapes weakly (you need to take a little more hook).
Sample: Begonia YarnArt, cotton 169m/50g, hook 2.1
Although the pattern is very simple, I often see it in all sorts of catalog pictures. For example, a Missoni dress, all the patterns are recognizable

Very common, beautiful pattern. Easily modified by increasing the number of air loops between groups of columns. Doesn't stretch much, doesn't drape well. But it knits up quickly
The sample shows a bobbin Liliya Semenovskaya in 4 threads, that is, about 400m/100g, cotton, hook 2.1
And an example from some online store

Another frequently encountered pattern, very beautiful and I really like it. Plastic, knits quickly, fits well, especially with various meshes and fan patterns.
The sample shows a bobbin Liliya Semenovskaya with 4 threads, that is, about 400m/100g, cotton, hook 2.1. And this sample clearly shows the importance of yarn for the appearance of the pattern. I knitted it from cotton folded into 4 threads, it turns out to be an untwisted flat thread - and in a mesh it is absolutely no good, in the sample the mesh is somehow clumsy and lumpy. Here you need twisted yarn, then the mesh will be beautiful, in this pattern all the attention is on it.
Example of using a pattern

This pattern has a very nice design, but in real life it leaves a lot to be desired. A row with stylized flowers - no matter how hard you try, you can’t make a masterpiece out of it. I stretched it very much when steaming, so the flowers became flowers, if you don’t stretch, or if the yarn is twisted mercerized cotton, then instead of flowers there will be some strange mishmash of threads.
The sample shows poppy yarn (PNK cotton), hook 2. I didn’t measure it because I stretched it just brutally

Double mesh, which does not knit like a mesh
A very interesting pattern - it stretches much less than mesh, but retains its inherent airiness. It is not knitted quickly; the rhythm of the pattern, although not difficult to remember, requires attention. Overall, I really liked it, I’ll have to put it somewhere urgently
Yarn Vita Coco, cotton 240m/50g, hook 1.5

Crochet is considered one of the most popular and sought-after types of needlework in our time. Nowadays, every needlewoman is offered such a variety of knitting options that it’s hard to imagine. These are the most exclusive and modern crochet patterns that you can consider now.

An activity like knitting is an incredibly exciting activity. If you at least once try to knit something beautiful, and you succeed, then it will be difficult to give up such a hobby. Using a crochet hook you can not only create exclusive masterpieces, but also knitted clothes, the most unusual and original napkins, bedspreads, collars and even trim. The main thing is the desire to learn something new.

Features of crochet and variety of patterns

The selection of crochet patterns offered to needlewomen provides ample opportunities to directly express creative imagination, as well as to reveal your personal potential. Because such patterns can be used in combination with each other, as well as separately, creating truly bold and most luxurious masterpieces.

Types of patterns for crochet embroidery

We will name the most common patterns so that you can choose all the options you like and then use them in practice. These are: dense patterns, fillet patterns, openwork patterns, patterns from individual motifs (for example, Irish patterns), knitted border and others.

It is difficult to say which of the proposed options are better and which are worse. Because each individual pattern, each sample is unusual and chic in its own way. For example, now patterns from individual motifs are in demand among needlewomen. The practice of creating crocheted fabric directly from individual motifs is also called Irish knitting. Many needlewomen would like to master this method.

This type of knitting, in which the entire fabric is assembled from separately knitted elements, usually of a non-standard geometric shape. For example, these can be triangles, also circles, squares, parts of a circle and even polygons. The most difficult design option is polygons.

The elements are knitted from the middle and they must have a flat shape. Often, individual elements of such lace are used as applied decorations or as appliqué on fabric or knitwear. All crochet patterns that are offered to you for consideration are exclusive.

Choose any sample you like and start creating your own work of art, which you will then admire all the time. Good luck in your endeavors.